Rome v. Reyes , 401 P.3d 75 ( 2017 )

  • COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS                                         2017COA84
    Court of Appeals No. 16CA0126
    City and County of Denver District Court No. 15CV32760
    Honorable Karen L. Brody, Judge
    Gerald Rome, Securities Commissioner for the State of Colorado,
    Antonio Reyes, Craig Kahler, and Betty Schnorenberg,
    Division I
    Opinion by JUDGE NAVARRO
    Taubman and Graham, JJ., concur
    Prior Opinion Announced May 11, 2017, WITHDRAWN
    Announced June 15, 2017
    Cynthia H. Coffman, Attorney General, Sueanna P. Johnson, Assistant
    Attorney General, Charles J. Kooyman, Assistant Attorney General, Denver,
    Colorado, for Plaintiff-Appellant
    Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher, LLP, Chip G. Schoneberger, Denver,
    Colorado, for Defendants-Appellees
    ¶1    In this civil enforcement action, plaintiff, Gerald Rome,
    Securities Commissioner for the State of Colorado (the
    Commissioner), appeals the district court’s judgment dismissing the
    claims against defendants Antonio Reyes, Craig Kahler, and Betty
    Schnorenberg. We reverse and remand with directions.
    I.     Factual and Procedural History
    ¶2    Because the court granted defendants’ motions to dismiss, we
    accept as true the following facts alleged in the Commissioner’s
    complaint. This case arises out of a Ponzi scheme that defrauded at
    least 255 investors out of $15.25 million dollars. To implement the
    scheme, defendant Kelly Schnorenberg formed defendant KJS
    Marketing, Inc., in Colorado to obtain funds for investment in
    insurance and financial-products sales companies. (Neither Kelly
    Schnorenberg nor KJS is a party to this appeal.) Kelly
    Schnorenberg hired Reyes, a California resident, and Kahler, a
    Wyoming resident, to solicit investor funds on behalf of KJS and its
    successor company, James Marketing.
    ¶3    Reyes and Kahler represented to potential investors that KJS
    would direct investment funds to particular companies for the
    purpose of recruiting and training agents to sell insurance and
    financial products, and that the investors would receive ten to
    twelve percent returns from the ensuing commissions. Reyes and
    Kahler further represented that the investments were risk free and
    that prominent individuals in the insurance industry were involved.
    Reyes and Kahler directed out-of-state investors to Kelly
    Schnorenberg or KJS in Colorado to complete the transactions. The
    investors, in exchange for their investments, received promissory
    notes executed by Kelly Schnorenberg and/or KJS in Colorado and
    governed by Colorado law.
    ¶4      The investment scheme was a fraud, according to the
    Commissioner. Instead of directing most funds to the insurance
    and financial-products sales companies as promised, Kelly
    Schnorenberg allegedly converted the investments to personal use,
    or otherwise distributed the funds to his mother, his girlfriend, or
    prior investors in the attempt to mollify them while bringing in new
    investors to continue the scheme.1 Meanwhile, Reyes and Kahler
    1   The Commissioner explains the scheme as follows:
    Within approximately one year of starting
    investments of each of the insurance
    companies, [Kelly] Schnorenberg, Kahler
    and/or Reyes would tell investors that the
    received transaction-based commissions (from Kelly Schnorenberg,
    KJS, or other Colorado entities) on the sale of the investments.
    ¶5    Seeking to enjoin the scheme, the Commissioner brought
    claims against Kelly Schnorenberg, Reyes, and Kahler for securities
    fraud, offer and sale of unregistered securities, and unlicensed sales
    representative activity. The Commissioner also sought a
    constructive trust or equitable lien against three “relief defendants”
    who allegedly received some of the improperly obtained investment
    funds. Betty Schnorenberg, Kelly’s mother, is one such relief
    defendant. She resides in Wyoming.
    ¶6    Reyes, Kahler, and Betty Schnorenberg moved to dismiss all
    claims against them under C.R.C.P. 12(b)(2) for lack of personal
    jurisdiction. Reyes and Kahler also sought dismissal of the
    company had failed. Schnorenberg, Kahler
    and/or Reyes would then tell investors about
    the opportunity to invest in a new insurance
    sales company, using the same or similar
    business models. Investors who had invested
    in the prior insurance sales company and who
    had not been paid were encouraged to roll
    their investments into the new company on the
    same terms. Other investors were rolled into
    the new insurance sales companies without
    their knowledge or consent.
    securities fraud claim on the ground that it failed to meet the
    particularity requirements of C.R.C.P. 9(b).2 The district court
    granted all of these motions without conducting an evidentiary
    hearing. In written orders, the court concluded that it lacked
    personal jurisdiction over each of the nonresident defendants, and
    that the Commissioner’s securities fraud claim failed to “link any
    particular factual allegations to actual false representations” made
    by Reyes or Kahler. The court certified these rulings as final under
    C.R.C.P. 54(b).
    II.     Personal Jurisdiction
    ¶7    The Commissioner contends that the district court erred in
    dismissing the claims against Reyes, Kahler, and Betty
    Schnorenberg for lack of personal jurisdiction. We agree.
    A.    Rule 12(b)(2) Procedure
    ¶8    In its discretion, a district court may address a Rule 12(b)(2)
    motion before trial based solely on the documentary evidence or by
    holding an evidentiary hearing. Archangel Diamond Corp. v. Lukoil,
    2Additionally, Reyes and Kahler sought dismissal under C.R.C.P.
    12(b)(5) for failure to state a claim on which relief could be granted.
    The district court declined to address these requests given its
    disposition of the other motions.
    123 P.3d 1187
    , 1192 (Colo. 2005). Where, as here, the court
    decides the motion on the documentary evidence alone, the plaintiff
    need only demonstrate a prima facie showing of personal
    jurisdiction to defeat the motion. 
    Id. ¶9 Documentary
    evidence consists of the complaint’s allegations
    as well as affidavits and any other written material submitted by
    the parties. 
    Id. The court
    must accept the complaint’s allegations
    as true to the extent they are not contradicted by the defendant’s
    competent evidence. If the parties’ competent evidence presents
    conflicting facts, the court must resolve such discrepancies in the
    plaintiff’s favor. 
    Id. ¶ 10
      A prima facie showing exists when the plaintiff raises a
    reasonable inference that the court has jurisdiction over the
    defendant. Id.; see also Keefe v. Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum,
    40 P.3d 1267
    , 1272 (Colo. 2002). “This is a light burden
    intended only to ‘screen out “cases in which personal jurisdiction is
    obviously lacking, and those in which the jurisdictional challenge is
    patently bogus.”’” Found. for Knowledge in Dev. v. Interactive Design
    Consultants, LLC, 
    234 P.3d 673
    , 677 (Colo. 2010) (citations
    ¶ 11   We review de novo whether the plaintiff established a prima
    facie case of personal jurisdiction. 
    Id. B. Legal
    ¶ 12   To exercise jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant, a
    Colorado court must comply with Colorado’s long-arm statute and
    constitutional due process. § 13-1-124, C.R.S. 2016; Magill v. Ford
    Motor Co., 
    2016 CO 57
    , ¶ 14. Because the long-arm statute extends
    jurisdiction to the maximum extent allowed by the Due Process
    Clause, the due process inquiry is controlling. New Frontier Media,
    Inc. v. Freeman, 
    85 P.3d 611
    , 613 (Colo. App. 2003).
    ¶ 13   To permit jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant, due
    process requires that the defendant have certain minimum contacts
    with the forum. Int’l Shoe Co. v. Washington, 
    326 U.S. 310
    , 316
    (1945). The quantity and nature of the minimum contacts required
    depends on whether the plaintiff alleges specific or general
    Archangel, 123 P.3d at 1194
    . Here, the Commissioner
    relies on specific jurisdiction.
    ¶ 14   Specific jurisdiction is properly exercised over a defendant
    where the injuries triggering litigation arise out of and are related to
    significant activities directed by the defendant toward the forum
    state. Id.; see Day v. Snowmass Stables, Inc., 
    810 F. Supp. 289
    292 (D. Colo. 1993). “As such, the minimum contacts inquiry in
    regard to specific jurisdiction is essentially a two[-]part test
    assessing, (1) whether the defendant purposefully availed himself of
    the privilege of conducting business in the forum state, and
    (2), whether the litigation ‘arises out of’ the defendant’s forum-
    related contacts.” 
    Archangel, 123 P.3d at 1194
    . The contacts must
    be established by the defendant himself. 
    Day, 810 F. Supp. at 292
    “The unilateral activity of those who claim some relationship with a
    nonresident defendant cannot satisfy the requirement of contact
    with the forum state.” 
    Id. (quoting Hanson
    v. Denckla, 
    357 U.S. 235
    , 253 (1958)).
    ¶ 15   Once it is established that a defendant has the requisite
    minimum contacts, those contacts must be considered in light of
    other factors to determine whether the assertion of personal
    jurisdiction would comport with notions of fair play and substantial
    justice (i.e., whether jurisdiction over the defendant would be
    reasonable). Youngquist Bros. Oil & Gas, Inc. v. Miner, 
    2017 CO 11
    ¶ 13. These factors may include the burden on the defendant, the
    forum state’s interest in resolving the controversy, and the
    plaintiff’s interest in attaining effective and convenient relief.
    Archangel, 123 P.3d at 1195
    . “[A]n especially strong showing of
    reasonableness may serve to fortify a borderline showing of
    minimum contacts.” 
    Id. (citations omitted);
    Keefe, 40 P.3d at 1271-72
    . Conversely, when a defendant who purposefully directed
    his activities at a forum seeks to defeat jurisdiction, he must
    present a compelling case that the presence of some other
    considerations would render jurisdiction unreasonable. 
    Keefe, 40 P.3d at 1272
    C.     Reyes and Kahler
    1.    The Affidavits
    ¶ 16   The Commissioner alleged in his complaint that Reyes and
    Kahler directly solicited investors in Colorado, among other states.
    Reyes and Kahler submitted affidavits in support of their motions to
    dismiss in which they denied soliciting investors in Colorado.3
    Though the Commissioner submitted affidavits from his investigator
    in response, we will accept as true Reyes’s and Kahler’s assertions
    on this point. See 
    Archangel, 123 P.3d at 1192
    (“[T]he allegations in
    3As we will discuss, however, Kahler admitted that he had
    contacted one Colorado investor via e-mail. Kahler asserted that he
    made this contact at Kelly Schnorenberg’s request.
    the complaint must be accepted as true to the extent they are not
    contradicted by the defendant’s competent evidence[.]”).4
    ¶ 17   For its part, the district court seemed to disregard entirely the
    investigator’s affidavits addressing Reyes and Kahler. The court
    found that the investigator’s statements were not based on personal
    knowledge of the facts alleged and, therefore, they did not qualify as
    “competent evidence.” The Commissioner contends that the court
    erred in that ruling. We need not resolve this dispute, however,
    because the Commissioner made a prima facie showing of personal
    jurisdiction over Reyes and Kahler even without considering the
    investigator’s affidavits concerning them. We now turn to that
    jurisdictional analysis.
    2.   Jurisdiction Under A Statute
    ¶ 18   The Commissioner first argues that the Colorado Securities
    Act (CSA), §§ 11-51-101 to -908, C.R.S. 2016, contemplates
    personal jurisdiction over Reyes and Kahler. To the extent the
    4We also accept as true the other specific facts asserted in the
    affidavits of Reyes and Kahler. We do not accept at face value any
    party’s conclusory allegation that defendants did or did not conduct
    business in Colorado. See Gognat v. Ellsworth, 
    224 P.3d 1039
    1052 (Colo. App. 2009), aff’d, 
    259 P.3d 497
    (Colo. 2011); see also
    Warne v. Hall, 
    2016 CO 50
    , ¶¶ 9, 27 (recognizing that a court need
    not accept as true legal conclusions or conclusory allegations).
    Commissioner contends that, if he sufficiently alleged that Reyes
    and Kahler violated the CSA, his allegations against them also
    satisfied Colorado’s long-arm statute, we agree.
    ¶ 19   According to the long-arm statute, the transaction of business
    within the state may submit a person to the jurisdiction of the
    courts of this state. § 13-1-124(1)(a). According to the CSA, “[a]ny
    violation of this article shall be deemed to constitute the transaction
    of business within this state for the purpose of section 13-1-124,
    C.R.S.” § 11-51-706(4), C.R.S. 2016.
    ¶ 20   The Commissioner alleged that Reyes and Kahler violated the
    CSA, whether or not they were physically present in Colorado,
    because the transactions at issue pertained to securities that
    originated in Colorado. § 11-51-102(1), C.R.S. 2016 (providing that
    the relevant CSA provisions “apply to persons who sell or offer to
    sell when an offer to sell is made in this state or when an offer to
    purchase is made and accepted in this state”); § 11-51-102(3)
    (confirming that “an offer to sell or to purchase is made in this
    state, whether or not either party is then present in this state, when
    the offer originates from this state”). In support, the Commissioner
    asserted that the securities at issue — the promissory notes — were
    executed in Colorado by a Colorado issuer (Kelly Schnorenberg
    and/or KJS) for whom Reyes and Kahler were acting as agents.
    ¶ 21   We assume without deciding that the above allegations create
    a reasonable inference that Reyes and Kahler violated the CSA. Cf.
    In re Trade Partners, Inc., 
    627 F. Supp. 2d 772
    (W.D. Mich. 2008)
    (stating that allegations that issuer was from Michigan and out-of-
    state defendants acted as its agents satisfied “originating in”
    requirement of Michigan Securities Act); Rosenthal v. Dean Witter
    Reynolds, Inc., 
    908 P.2d 1095
    , 1105 (Colo. 1995) (applying an
    earlier, though substantially similar, version of the CSA to a suit
    brought by a Pennsylvania resident against an out-of-state broker
    because the issuer was in Colorado and the offer originated here).
    Even so, we must still consider whether exercising jurisdiction over
    Reyes and Kahler satisfies due process.
    ¶ 22   “The Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause governs the
    outer boundaries of a state’s authority to proceed against
    nonresident defendants.” Magill, ¶ 15. In fact, “the personal
    jurisdiction inquiry under Colorado law collapses into the
    traditional due process inquiry.” Grynberg Petroleum Co. v.
    Evergreen Energy Partners, LLC, 
    485 F. Supp. 2d 1217
    , 1222-23 (D.
    11 Colo. 2007
    ). So, the question remains: Did the Commissioner make
    a prima facie showing of the nonresident defendants’ minimum
    contacts with Colorado such that exercising jurisdiction over them
    comports with due process?
    3.   Minimum Contacts with Colorado
    ¶ 23   The documentary evidence shows the following facts
    pertaining to both Reyes and Kahler:
     They solicited investments on behalf of KJS, a Colorado
    company. That is, Reyes and Kahler repeatedly
    encouraged investors to send money to Colorado in
    furtherance of the alleged Ponzi scheme.
     They directed investors to contact Kelly Schnorenberg or
    KJS in Colorado, where the transactions were finalized.
     They received transaction-based commissions from
    Colorado accounts pertaining to the investments.
    ¶ 24   In addition, with respect to Reyes and Kahler individually, the
    documentary evidence shows:
     Reyes serves as Executive Field Chairman for
    WealthSmart America (WSA), a Colorado-based company
    affiliated with the alleged Ponzi scheme. In 2014, he
    attended a presentation in Colorado directing investors
    towards the company.
     Reyes is licensed to sell insurance in Colorado.
     Kahler e-mailed a Colorado-based investor at Kelly
    Schnorenberg’s behest. The purpose of the e-mail (which
    included an exchange note and financial information on
    one of the scheme’s underlying companies) was to enable
    the investor to roll over his investment from one failed
    company into another — in this case, WSA.
    ¶ 25   Considered in isolation, these contacts with Colorado might
    not be sufficient to establish specific jurisdiction. For instance, a
    person is not necessarily subject to Colorado’s jurisdiction simply
    because he entered into a solicitation agreement with a Colorado
    company. See Burger King Corp. v. Rudzewicz, 
    471 U.S. 462
    , 478
    (1985); Gognat v. Ellsworth, 
    224 P.3d 1039
    , 1052 (Colo. App. 2009),
    259 P.3d 497
    . Nor is jurisdiction sufficiently established by a
    defendant’s simply receiving payment from the forum for work
    conducted outside of the forum. Touchtone Grp., LLC v. Rink, 
    913 F. Supp. 2d 1063
    , 1075 (D. Colo. 2012). Similarly, Reyes’s serving
    as an officer for a Colorado company, or Kahler’s sending a single e-
    mail into Colorado, might not be sufficient to satisfy the minimum
    contacts inquiry if considered alone. See In re Terrorist Attacks on
    Sept. 11, 2001, 
    740 F. Supp. 2d 494
    , 506 (S.D.N.Y. 2010) (officer),
    714 F.3d 118
    (2d Cir. 2013); 
    Keefe, 40 P.3d at 1271
    ¶ 26   But we cannot divide and conquer. We cannot isolate each
    individual contact when assessing whether the Commissioner has
    raised a reasonable inference of jurisdiction over these defendants.
    Instead, we consider the contacts in their totality. See Calder v.
    465 U.S. 783
    , 789 (1984).
    ¶ 27   For example, in Foundation for Knowledge, our supreme court
    acknowledged that the nonresident defendant’s contractual
    relationship with a Colorado company, standing alone, was
    insufficient to establish personal 
    jurisdiction. 234 P.3d at 680
    Still, the court decided that the defendant’s additional contacts with
    Colorado established jurisdiction, including the facts that the
    agreement required others (not the defendant) to perform significant
    work in Colorado, the defendant extensively communicated with the
    Colorado company’s representatives while they were in Colorado,
    and the defendant was required to send parts of the project to
    Colorado for approval. See 
    id. Rejecting “the
    notion that an
    absence of physical contacts can defeat personal jurisdiction,” the
    supreme court concluded that the nonresident defendant’s contacts
    with Colorado were not “‘random, fortuitous, or attenuated’ in
    nature” but instead sufficiently established that he purposely
    availed himself of the privilege of conducting business in Colorado.
    Id. at 680-81
    (citations omitted).
    ¶ 28   Likewise, in Greenway Nutrients, Inc. v. Blackburn, 
    33 F. Supp. 3d
    1224, 1238 (D. Colo. 2014), the court found personal
    jurisdiction over a foreign defendant where an agreement created a
    relationship between the defendant and the Colorado plaintiff, and
    the defendant purchased “product” outside of Colorado for the
    plaintiff in furtherance of their relationship. The court explained
    that the defendant’s purchase of product for the plaintiff’s benefit
    was “an activity directed at a resident of Colorado.” 
    Id. ¶ 29
      Likewise, the documentary evidence here shows that Reyes
    and Kahler each entered into an ongoing relationship with a
    Colorado-based company on whose behalf they solicited out-of-state
    investors through alleged misrepresentations. Reyes and Kahler
    each furthered the relationship by actively directing the unwitting
    investors to Colorado, whereupon Reyes and Kahler received
    commissions from Colorado accounts based on the ensuing
    transactions. Furthermore, Reyes acted as an officer for a Colorado
    company associated with the scheme (WSA), and Kahler admitted
    contacting at least one Colorado investor with information to
    further the alleged scheme.
    ¶ 30   The above contacts were among those that triggered the
    Commissioner’s litigation under the CSA; the contacts supported
    the alleged Ponzi scheme that purportedly harmed the Colorado
    securities market. Thus, when viewing defendants’ contacts as a
    whole, we discern a prima facie showing that Reyes and Kahler
    purposefully availed themselves of the privilege of conducting
    business in Colorado with Colorado residents (Kelly Schnorenberg
    and the Colorado companies associated with the alleged scheme).
    See Found. for 
    Knowledge, 234 P.3d at 680-81
    ¶ 31   Indeed, the prima facie showing is particularly strong with
    respect to Reyes, given his involvement with WSA, a Colorado
    company.5 To reiterate, the scheme at issue rested on the
    acquisition of investors’ funds solicited through misrepresentations.
    The thrust of the misrepresentations was that the investments
    would be directed to particular companies to generate profit,
    including WSA. These companies, however, never received
    sufficient funds to generate the promised return. Hence, Reyes
    allegedly solicited investments for the scheme while acting as an
    officer for one of the Colorado companies involved in the scheme.
    ¶ 32   These allegations against Reyes raise a reasonable inference
    that he may have been a primary participant in the scheme
    involving WSA. “[W]here individual officers and directors are
    primary participants in the wrongdoing giving rise to the court’s
    jurisdiction over the corporation, they are subject to jurisdiction in
    the forum state.” Scott v. Gurusamy, No. 16-CV-02961-RM-MEH,
    2017 WL 590291
    , at *4 (D. Colo. Feb. 14, 2017); see also
    Application to Enforce Admin. Subpoenas Duces Tecum of Sec. Exch.
    Comm’n v. Knowles, 
    87 F.3d 413
    , 418 (10th Cir. 1996)
    (“[E]mployees of a corporation that is subject to the personal
    5The Commissioner alleged that Reyes acted as an officer for
    several of the companies involved in the scheme. In his affidavit,
    Reyes concedes that he is an officer of WSA.
    jurisdiction of the courts of the forum may themselves be subject to
    jurisdiction if those employees were primary participants in the
    activities forming the basis of jurisdiction over the corporation.”).
    ¶ 33   In sum, taking the allegations together, the activities of both
    Reyes and Kahler rendered it reasonably foreseeable that they could
    be haled into a Colorado court to answer the allegations of fraud,
    sale of unregistered securities, and unlicensed sales representative
    activity affecting the Colorado investment market. After all, the
    Commissioner’s burden to show a prima facie case of jurisdiction is
    “light” because the prima facie showing is merely intended to screen
    out cases in which personal jurisdiction is obviously lacking.
    Found. for 
    Knowledge, 234 P.3d at 677
    . And, even if the showing of
    minimum contacts here were considered “borderline,” the strong
    showing of reasonableness discussed below “serve[s] to fortify” the
    Archangel, 123 P.3d at 1195
    (citation omitted).
    4.   Reasonableness
    ¶ 34   Colorado’s exercise of personal jurisdiction over Reyes and
    Kahler comports with notions of fair play and substantial justice.
    “This determination is essentially one of reasonableness.” Found.
    Knowledge, 234 P.3d at 682
    ¶ 35   First, Colorado has a compelling interest in resolving the
    harms caused by the alleged Colorado-based Ponzi scheme,
    including those caused by Reyes’s and Kahler’s solicitations of
    investments to further the scheme. See § 11-51-101(2) (“The
    purposes of [the CSA] are to protect investors and maintain public
    confidence in securities markets[.]”). Second, the Commissioner
    can file suit only in Denver District Court. § 11-51-602, C.R.S.
    2016. Therefore, jurisdiction over Reyes and Kahler in Colorado is
    necessary if the Commissioner is to address and to obtain a remedy
    for the harms that Reyes and Kahler allegedly caused Colorado
    markets through their active and repeated participation in the
    scheme. Third, defendants do not argue that exercising jurisdiction
    over them in Colorado would create an unreasonable burden, and
    we discern no basis for such a conclusion.
    ¶ 36   As a result, the exercise of jurisdiction over Reyes and Kahler
    in Colorado does not offend due process principles.6
    6 Of course, a finding that a plaintiff has made a prima facie
    showing of personal jurisdiction does not preclude the district court
    from subsequently requiring the plaintiff to establish personal
    jurisdiction by a preponderance of the evidence, either at an
    evidentiary hearing before trial or by the close of trial. Archangel
    Diamond Corp. v. Lukoil, 
    123 P.3d 1187
    , 1192 n.3 (Colo. 2005).
    D.   Betty Schnorenberg
    1.   Minimum Contacts with Colorado
    ¶ 37   According to the complaint, Betty Schnorenberg is a resident
    of Wyoming; she received funds from her son (Kelly), transferred
    from Colorado accounts; and she knew or should have known that
    the money came from investors in her son’s “Colorado-based
    investment scheme.” As a “relief defendant,” she is not accused of
    violating any substantive law but is part of this case only as an
    alleged holder of assets that must be recovered in order to afford
    complete relief. See Fed. Trade Comm’n v. Johnson, No. 2:10-cv-
    2013 WL 2460359
    , at *6 (D. Nev. June 6, 2013)
    (citing Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n v. Kimberlynn Creek
    Ranch, Inc., 
    276 F.3d 187
    , 192 (4th Cir. 2002)).
    ¶ 38   Betty Schnorenberg, in her affidavit, admitted receiving
    $604,924.21 from her son. She claimed that she had used this
    money to pay down $634,077.86 in credit-card debt incurred by her
    son on her cards from January 2014 through May 2015. She
    asserted that she had allowed him to use her credit cards to incur
    charges for what she understood to be “his business activities.” The
    affidavit of the Commissioner’s investigator identified an additional
    $578,006 that Betty Schnorenberg had allegedly received from her
    son between January 2009 and December 2013. The investigator
    asserted that this money came from accounts controlled by her son
    “that were funded 99.99% by investors” in the underlying scheme.
    ¶ 39   Betty Schnorenberg’s contacts with Colorado were arguably
    fewer than those of Reyes and Kahler. However, “[i]n some
    circumstances, even a single act may subject a defendant to
    jurisdiction, where that act creates a substantial connection
    between the defendant and the forum state.” In re Marriage of
    99 P.3d 56
    , 61 (Colo. 2004).
    ¶ 40   Where a defendant’s contacts are few, a three-part test
    applies. First, the defendant must purposefully avail herself of the
    privilege of acting in the forum state or of causing important
    consequences in that state. 
    Id. Second, the
    cause of action must
    arise from the consequences in the forum state of the defendant’s
    Id. Finally, the
    defendant’s activities or the
    consequences of those activities must have a substantial enough
    connection with the forum state to make the exercise of jurisdiction
    over the defendant reasonable. 
    Id. 21 ¶
    41   For instance, our supreme court held that a defendant had
    established minimum contacts with Colorado because his abuse
    and harassment had caused his wife to move here, where she and
    her daughter received public assistance from the state (an
    “important consequence”). 
    Id. at 62-64.
    Because the defendant
    should have expected his wife to flee to Colorado to join her family
    and he caused important consequences here, he created a
    substantial connection between himself and Colorado. 
    Id. at 63-64.
    ¶ 42   Also illustrative is First Horizon Merchant Services, Inc. v.
    Wellspring Capital Management, LLC, 
    166 P.3d 166
    (Colo. App.
    2007). There, a division of this court considered a defendant who
    had participated in three or four phone calls with people in
    Colorado, including a conference call where he apparently said
    nothing significant. 
    Id. at 176.
    The plaintiff asserted that the
    defendant had engaged in fraudulent concealment because he had
    a duty to speak up during the conference call to correct another
    person’s material omissions. 
    Id. The division
    concluded that the
    defendant’s activity, “although limited, was sufficient to create a
    reasonable inference that he purposefully availed himself of the
    privilege of acting in Colorado or of causing important consequences
    in Colorado.” 
    Id. (emphasis added).
    ¶ 43   Here, Betty Schnorenberg allegedly engaged in multiple
    financial transactions with her Colorado son that were substantial
    in amount and that extended over a relatively significant period.
    According to the documentary evidence, she may have provided
    considerable money to finance — and she may have received
    considerable money from — the Colorado-based Ponzi scheme at
    issue. See § 13-1-124(1)(a) (transacting business in Colorado may
    submit a person to Colorado’s jurisdiction). The complaint alleges
    that this scheme, including Betty Schnorenberg’s taking money
    from it, caused important consequences in Colorado (e.g., the
    victims’ losses). Cf. 
    Malwitz, 99 P.3d at 63
    ; First Horizon Merchant
    Servs., 166 P.3d at 176
    ¶ 44   Therefore, the Commissioner’s action against Betty
    Schnorenberg arises from her activities’ consequences in Colorado.
    Malwitz, 99 P.3d at 62
    . Finally, as with Reyes and Kahler, the
    strong showing that Colorado’s exercise of jurisdiction over Betty
    7At this point in the proceedings, we must accept as true the
    Commissioner’s allegation that she might still possess some of the
    allegedly ill-gotten funds.
    Schnorenberg would be reasonable (discussed below) fortifies her
    fairly limited contacts with Colorado. See 
    Archangel, 123 P.3d at 1195
    2.   Reasonableness
    ¶ 45   As discussed, Colorado has a compelling interest in resolving
    the harms caused by the alleged Ponzi scheme, including those
    caused by Betty Schnorenberg’s possible financing of and receipt of
    proceeds from the scheme. Because the Commissioner can file suit
    only in Denver District Court, Colorado’s jurisdiction over her is
    necessary if the Commissioner is to address and to obtain a full
    remedy for the Ponzi scheme’s harms.
    ¶ 46   Furthermore, Betty Schnorenberg does not contend that
    exercising jurisdiction over her in Colorado would unreasonably
    burden her. And we do not perceive such a burden. The
    Commissioner does not assert a cause of action against her that
    she would have to defend on the merits. See Kimberlynn Creek
    Ranch, 276 F.3d at 192
    . Instead, the equitable relief sought against
    her depends entirely on the Commissioner’s first proving his claims
    against the merits defendants. See 
    id. (recognizing that
    a relief, or
    nominal, defendant is joined purely as a means to facilitate
    ¶ 47   The above considerations, “taken together, amply demonstrate
    the reasonableness of exercising jurisdiction over [Betty
    Schnorenberg], despite the somewhat limited nature of [her] direct
    contacts with Colorado.” 
    Malwitz, 99 P.3d at 63
    . We therefore
    reverse the dismissal of Betty Schnorenberg from this case.
    III.     Heightened Pleading under Rule 9(b)
    ¶ 48   The district court dismissed the claims against Reyes and
    Kahler “under section 501 of the Colorado Securities Act” on the
    ground that the Commissioner had “not met [his] pleading burden
    under Rule 9(b).” The Commissioner says this ruling was
    erroneous, and we agree.
    A.   Standard of Review and Relevant Law
    ¶ 49   The parties agree that Rule 9(b)’s heightened pleading
    standard applies to the Commissioner’s claim for securities fraud
    asserted under section 11-51-501(1)(a)-(c), C.R.S. 2016. We review
    de novo the dismissal of a fraud action for failing to satisfy this
    standard. Scott Sys., Inc. v. Scott, 
    996 P.2d 775
    , 780 (Colo. App.
    2000); see also Grossman v. Novell, Inc., 
    120 F.3d 1112
    , 1118 n.5
    (10th Cir. 1997); State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Parrish, 
    899 P.2d 285
    , 288 (Colo. App. 1994) (case law interpreting an analogous
    federal rule may be persuasive in analyzing the Colorado rule).
    ¶ 50   Rule 9(b) requires that, in all averments of fraud, the
    circumstances constituting fraud shall be stated with particularity.
    While a plaintiff need not plead all of the
    evidence that may be presented to prove the
    claim of fraud, the complaint must at least
    state the main facts or incidents which
    constitute the fraud so that the defendant is
    provided with sufficient information to frame a
    responsive pleading and defend against the
    Parrish, 899 P.2d at 289
    (citation omitted).
    B.    Application
    ¶ 51   In support of the claim for securities fraud, the Commissioner
    alleged that Reyes and Kahler — along with Kelly Schnorenberg —
    solicited investors on behalf of KJS to invest between $10,000 and
    $50,000 each for investments in a series of companies: Salus
    Marketing Enterprises, LLC; Premier Advantage Insurance Agency,
    LLC; Hegemon Holdings, LLC; Quantum Success Strategies, LLC;
    and WSA. During their respective solicitations, all of these
    defendants represented that
     the investment funds would be used exclusively to invest
    in insurance sales companies;
     returns of ten to twelve percent would be paid to
    investors from commissions on the sales of insurance
    and financial products;
     investors would be provided with quarterly and annual
    financial statements of KJS; and
     the investments were risk free.
    According to the Commissioner, however, the majority of the
    investment funds were instead converted to Kelly Schnorenberg’s
    personal use or directed to his family and friends, leaving investors
    with no principal, much less profit.
    ¶ 52   The Commissioner further alleged that all of the defendants
    failed to disclose certain risks associated with the investments. For
     Kelly Schnorenberg was subject to two prior permanent
    injunctions under the CSA relevant to the investment
     new investment money was being used to make interest
    payments to existing investors;
     prior insurance companies involved in the scheme had
    failed without paying any returns to investors; and
     Kelly Schnorenberg and KJS owed prior investors
    millions of dollars relating to investments in similar
    insurance sales companies.
    ¶ 53   Reyes and Kahler argue that these allegations fail to meet the
    pleading standards under Rule 9(b) because they are broadly
    directed at “the Defendants” and do not allege specific conduct by
    each individual. On the contrary, the alleged misrepresentations
    and omissions are not based merely on collective action committed
    by an undifferentiated group. Rather, we construe the
    Commissioner’s complaint as alleging that each merits defendant
    (including Reyes and Kahler) made the aforementioned
    misstatements or omissions while soliciting his potential investors
    under the scheme. Bolstering this reading of the complaint is the
    Commissioner’s identification of a particular solicitation that each
    defendant made individually, which was “typical of the conduct
    engaged in by the Defendants with other investors.”
    ¶ 54   For example, Reyes recruited A.T., a California resident, in
    2012 and directed him to Kelly Schnorenberg. As for Kahler, he
    approached M.S., an Illinois resident, and told him that the
    insurance company was going to be a “big hit” and “claimed that
    investment was growing quickly.” Kahler did not, however, provide
    M.S. with relevant written materials, disclose the risks, or disclose
    the other material information about regulatory and legal actions
    involving Kelly Schnorenberg.
    ¶ 55   Because the allegations are directed toward each individual
    defendant (rather than only toward defendants as a group), the
    cases cited by defendants and the district court are not particularly
    useful, in our view.8 More on point is State ex rel. Suthers v.
    Mandatory Poster Agency, Inc., 
    260 P.3d 9
    (Colo. App. 2009).
    8 Koch v. Koch Indus., Inc., 
    203 F.3d 1202
    (10th Cir. 2000) (finding a
    claim insufficient because the complaint failed to identify any
    specific defendant who made the fraudulent misrepresentations or
    omissions where a number of individual defendants were involved);
    Zerman v. Ball, 
    735 F.2d 15
    (2d Cir. 1984) (dismissing the claims as
    to individual defendants where the complaint did not assert that
    either made any statement to the plaintiff or had contact with her);
    Amerson v. Chase Home Fin. LLC, No. 11-CV-01041-WJM-MEH,
    2012 WL 1686168
    (D. Colo. May 7, 2012) (dismissing claim where
    plaintiff failed to identify who mailed the fraudulent letter at issue);
    Fisher v. APP Pharm., LLC, 
    783 F. Supp. 2d 424
    (S.D.N.Y. 2011)
    (plaintiff failed to differentiate among the named defendants in each
    allegation and thus failed to inform each defendant of the
    circumstances surrounding the fraudulent contact with which he
    individually stood charged).
    ¶ 56   In that case, the State asserted a Colorado Consumer
    Protection Act (CCPA) claim for deceptive trade practices against
    multiple defendants. The complaint identified each defendant
    individually and then alleged that the “defendants” violated the
    CCPA because the defendants’ solicitations deceived “consumers” in
    particular ways regarding the geographic origin of the defendants’
    goods. See 
    id. at 13.
    In other words, the complaint did not
    separately allege that each defendant had committed a particular
    deceptive act or had deceived a particular consumer. Yet, a division
    of this court held that the allegations were sufficiently particular to
    satisfy Rule 9(b). 
    Id. Mandatory Poster
    Agency is particularly
    relevant because, like the Commissioner’s claims here, it addressed
    the State’s law enforcement action against multiple defendants
    involving multiple victims — unlike the cases cited by defendants
    and the district court involving disputes between private parties.
    ¶ 57   Reyes and Kahler also claim that the Commissioner’s
    allegations failed to identify any specific, fraudulent behavior they
    committed against any investor individually. Again, we disagree.
    The Commissioner set forth specific statements made to investors,
    as well as failures to disclose, that are relevant to a claim for relief
    under section 11-51-501 of the CSA. According to the complaint,
    the statements were unlawful because they reflected a device,
    scheme, or artifice to defraud, while the alleged omissions
    constituted material facts necessary to make the statements not
    misleading. As noted, the Commissioner identified particular
    investors solicited by Reyes and by Kahler personally. And, as
    Mandatory Poster Agency illustrates, the complaint need not
    identify every victim of a defendant’s fraudulent activities in order to
    survive a motion to dismiss for failure to comply with Rule 9(b). See
    Parrish, 899 P.2d at 289
    (“[A] plaintiff need not plead all of the
    evidence that may be presented to prove the claim of fraud[.]”).9
    ¶ 58   Consequently, the Commissioner’s complaint provides
    sufficient particularity to afford Reyes and Kahler fair notice of the
    claim for securities fraud and the main facts or incidents upon
    which it is based. We reverse the dismissal of the fraud claim
    against Reyes and Kahler.
    9A motion to dismiss for failure to comply with C.R.C.P. 9(b) is
    generally treated as a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim
    on which relief can be granted. Cf. Seattle-First Nat’l Bank v.
    800 F.2d 1008
    , 1011 (10th Cir. 1986).
    IV.      Conclusion
    ¶ 59   The judgment is reversed. The matter is remanded to the
    district court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16CA0126

Citation Numbers: 2017 COA 84, 401 P.3d 75

Filed Date: 6/15/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (26)

Koch v. Koch Industries, Inc. , 203 F.3d 1202 ( 2000 )

Grossman v. Novell, Inc. , 120 F.3d 1112 ( 1997 )

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View All Authorities »