People v. Garrison , 411 P.3d 270 ( 2017 )

  • COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS                                       2017COA107
    Court of Appeals No. 15CA0699
    El Paso County District Court No. 13CR3832
    Honorable Thomas K. Kane, Judge
    The People of the State of Colorado,
    Lawson P. Garrison,
    Division III
    Opinion by JUDGE WEBB
    Booras and Freyre, JJ., concur
    Announced August 10, 2017
    Cynthia H. Coffman, Attorney General, Ellen M. Neel, Assistant Attorney
    General, Denver, Colorado, for Plaintiff-Appellee
    Cynthia A. Harvey, Alternate Defense Counsel, Castle Rock, Colorado, for
    ¶1     The common knowledge and experience of an ordinary person
    have become one marker of the boundary separating lay from
    expert testimony. This case involves lay witness testimony about
    e-mail. So, one might wonder whether this ubiquitous person
    would be aware that
     the record of each e-mail transmission includes an Internet
    Protocol (IP) address from which the transmission initiated;
     the IP address can be linked to an Internet service provider
    (ISP); and
     in turn, the ISP can often trace the IP address to the physical
    address of a particular ISP customer?
    ¶2     Despite the dramatic increase in use of e-mail, we join the few
    jurisdictions to have addressed this question and conclude that
    such a person would not be aware of these facts, at least in the
    combination used by the prosecution to explain how the
    investigation began with charges against the victim, but led to
    evidence of criminal acts by defendant, Lawson P. Garrison. And
    because this information was the glue that held much of the
    prosecution’s case against Garrison together, he is entitled to a new
    trial on the charges of first degree perjury, attempt to influence a
    public servant (three counts), and conspiracy to attempt to
    influence a public servant.
    ¶3    Turning to Garrison’s second issue, the trial court did not
    abuse its considerable discretion in denying him a continuance of
    the trial. And because the charges of possessing a defaced firearm
    and felony menacing were unrelated to IP addresses, his conviction
    by a jury on those charges stands affirmed.
    I. Facts and Procedural Background
    ¶4    According to the prosecution’s evidence bearing on the two
    issues raised on appeal,1 Garrison had an affair with the victim’s
    wife. After the affair ended, Garrison and his wife set up through
    Google a Gmail account in the victim’s name. Using that account,
    they began sending themselves derogatory and threatening e-mails.
    ¶5    Based on these e-mails, Garrison and his wife made several
    police reports against the victim and provided related documents to
    the police. They sought a protection order against the victim and
    testified about the e-mails at the hearing. The police filed charges
    against the victim.
    1 The Attorney General concedes that both the improper expert
    testimony and continuance issues were preserved.
    ¶6     Seeking evidence to support these charges, the police obtained
    a subpoena concerning the Gmail account. In response, Google
    identified two IP addresses. The police associated these addresses
    with two ISPs. After being subpoenaed, the ISPs identified one IP
    address as the home of Garrison’s wife, where Garrison lived at the
    time, and the other as her employer. When interviewed by police,
    both Garrison and his wife denied having set up the account.
    ¶7     Even so, all charges against the victim were dropped, the
    investigation focused on the Garrisons, and they were charged.
    Garrison’s wife pleaded guilty to several charges. Garrison elected
    to go to trial but he did not testify. His theory of defense was that
    the victim had hacked into his home computer and the server at his
    wife’s workplace, changing the IP addresses used to access the
    Gmail account. This process is called “spoofing.”
    II. The Trial Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion in Refusing to
    Grant Garrison a Continuance
    ¶8     If the trial court erred in denying Garrison a continuance and
    he could show prejudice, he would be entitled to a new trial on all
    charges. So, we begin with this contention.
    ¶9     On the first day of trial — March 3, 2015 — defense counsel
    renewed her motion for a continuance that she had made at the
    trial readiness conference four weeks earlier. She conceded that
    Garrison “d[id] not want a continuance,” but argued that she was
    not prepared for trial because the case required “specialized
    computer knowledge,” she did not “get approval for [an] expert until
    January 30th,” and she had “only met with [the expert] one time.”
    ¶ 10   The prosecutor opposed the continuance for the following
    This is one more delay causing one more
    frustration and anxiety from the victims, from
    the police officers that I have spent the last,
    you know, two weeks scheduling and going
    though all the reports. Again over a thousand
    pages of reports and discovery. This is the
    second time, well, that I prepped for this trial
    in its entirety.
    As to Garrison’s expert witness, the prosecutor argued that he had
    “in my receipt what the expert is going to testify to so apparently
    he’s prepared to testify.”
    ¶ 11   The trial court denied the motion. The court explained that
    “[t]he procedural history of this case includes a lot of motions to
    continue” and the “risk of prejudice that has been argued by
    [defense counsel] can be managed by the court.” Specifically, the
    court said that Garrison’s expert would be allowed to testify even
    though he had not been timely endorsed.
    A. Standard of Review and Law
    ¶ 12   A trial court’s denial of a motion for a continuance is reviewed
    for an abuse of discretion. People v. Faussett, 
    2016 COA 94M
    , ¶ 12.
    “A trial court abuses its discretion in denying a motion to continue
    if, under the totality of the circumstances, its ruling is manifestly
    arbitrary, unreasonable, or unfair.” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    ¶ 13   “No mechanical test exists for determining whether the denial
    of a request for a continuance constitutes an abuse of discretion.”
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Rather, “the answer must be found within the
    circumstances of each case, particularly in the reasons presented to
    the trial judge at the time of the request.” People v. Roybal, 
    55 P.3d 144
    , 150 (Colo. App. 2001).
    B. Analysis
    ¶ 14   Garrison first argues that the trial court should have granted a
    continuance because his new trial counsel “inherited the case just
    two months prior and was running an entirely different defense
    than the prior public defender.” But Garrison fails to explain why
    the “different defense” could not have been developed earlier, such
    as if it had arisen from newly discovered evidence.
    ¶ 15   In any event, the record shows that prior defense counsel was
    well aware of the technical aspects of this case. When that counsel
    first requested and received a continuance on February 3, 2014, he
    argued that there was “[p]retty complex internet legal service that
    needs be done before I can even subpoena the materials that I’m
    going to need to prepare for trial.” Later, on May 5, 2014, defense
    counsel requested and received another continuance because he
    had “received 10 disks . . . which includes Google search warrant
    executions, videos, computer forensic information. And that’s all
    information that is beyond the scope of my expertise.”
    ¶ 16   At that time, defense counsel also advised the court, “I have a
    request in for approval for an expert to help me review all of the
    computer forensics in this case.” True, successor counsel later told
    the court that the expert had not been approved until January. But
    this delay of over seven months must be attributed to the defense.
    ¶ 17   As well, the record supports the trial court’s finding that since
    the original trial date of April 1, 2014, numerous continuances had
    already been granted — three of which were at Garrison’s request.
    See People v. Casias, 
    2012 COA 117
    , ¶ 21 n.3 (There was no abuse
    of discretion where “the case had been pending for over two and a
    half years,” and “the court had already granted defendant two
    ¶ 18   Still, Garrison argues that a continuance should have been
    granted because this was his new counsel’s first request. But
    Garrison cites no authority, nor have we found any in Colorado,
    that prior continuances are disregarded once new counsel has been
    appointed. To the contrary, in People in Interest of J.T., 
    13 P.3d 321
    , 322 (Colo. App. 2000), the division upheld denial of a
    continuance, even though new counsel had been appointed “three
    weeks before,” because “the case had been pending for over six
    months and had been previously continued twice at [defendant’s]
    ¶ 19   Undaunted, Garrison argues that a continuance was needed
    because his new counsel was not prepared for trial. And during the
    trial, his counsel repeatedly sought a continuance on this basis.
    But the record belies this argument. It shows that Garrison’s
    counsel “gave an opening statement; examined and cross-examined
    witnesses” extensively, including the police officers who testified
    about IP addresses, as discussed below; “preserved objections to
    evidence; gave significant input on jury instructions; and presented
    a lengthy closing argument.” People v. Alley, 
    232 P.3d 272
    , 274
    (Colo. App. 2010) (upholding denial of a continuance).
    ¶ 20   For these reasons, we discern no abuse of the court’s
    ¶ 21   Further, even if the trial court abused its discretion, to obtain
    a reversal, Garrison must also “demonstrate actual prejudice
    arising from denial of the continuance.” People v. Denton, 
    757 P.2d 637
    , 638 (Colo. App. 1988). But the prejudice argued by Garrison
    involves only charges related to the IP testimony:
    After the motion to continue was initially
    denied, the only option left was to present a
    significantly hampered defense with a blind
    expert and without the ability to understand
    the technological intricacies of computer
    hacking, spoofing and how to find evidence of
    hacking or spoofing.
    He does not even suggest that the continuance denial caused
    prejudice related to his convictions for possessing a defaced firearm
    and felony menacing. Thus, because we have given Garrison a new
    trial on his convictions related to the IP testimony, as discussed in
    the next section, no prejudice has occurred.
    ¶ 22      In sum, we discern no basis for reversal in denying Garrison’s
    motion for a continuance.
    III. The Trial Court Abused Its Discretion by Allowing Police
    Officers, Testifying as Lay Witnesses, to Testify About Tracing IP
    ¶ 23      Before trial, defense counsel noted her “concern about the . . .
    type of evidence that the [prosecution] is going to attempt to
    introduce via lay witnesses, being police officers.” She asked that
    “police officers not be able to give expert testimony” on computer
    evidence. The prosecutor responded that the police officers’
    testimony did not require any specialized knowledge because it
    involved “get[ting] a warrant and compar[ing] two sets of data . . .
    which they do all the time.” The trial court declined to rule,
    explaining that it would “listen to the evidence” and “handle it as it
    ¶ 24      Mark Garcia, one of the investigating detectives, was the first
    officer to take the witness stand. Testifying as a lay witness, he
    2Despite this forewarning, the prosecutor did not seek leave to
    endorse as an expert an officer whose report of a forensic
    examination of Garrison’s computer had been produced to the
    explained that during the investigation, warrants were issued for
    “emails, facebook messages, and stuff like that.” He added,
    You can get the actual emails, text messages if
    they are still there and have not been
    destroyed, as well as you can get the internet
    protocol address on where the messages are
    coming from or who set up the account. When
    you go online, you set up an account, you fill
    out all the documents.3
    The trial court overruled defense counsel’s objection that Garcia
    was giving expert testimony.
    ¶ 25   Next, Garcia testified:
    We sent Google a production of records for the
    internet protocol address. We provided
    Go[o]gle with the email address of [the Gmail
    account] and email addresses that basically
    were being used. Go[o]gle then provided the
    internet protocol addresses. They provided
    3 As one court explained, “[a]n IP number, also known as an
    Internet Protocol (‘IP’) address, ‘is the unique address assigned to a
    particular computer connected to the Internet. All computers
    connected to the Internet have an IP address.’ Daniel J. Solove,
    Digital Dossiers and the Dissipation of Fourth Amendment Privacy,
    75 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1083, 1145 (2002). ‘IP addresses are either static
    — associated with one computer — or dynamically assigned. The
    latter is usually the case for patrons of dial-up Internet Service
    Providers (ISP) . . . . Static addresses are undoubtedly easier to
    trace, but ISPs generally log the assignments of their dynamic
    addresses.’ Elbert Lin, Prioritizing Privacy: A Constitutional
    Response to the Internet, 17 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1085, 1104 n.101
    (2002).” United States v. Steiger, 
    318 F.3d 1039
    , 1042 (11th Cir.
    two. And what we get is just numbers. And
    with the numbers that [sic] we did the
    research . . . .
    Again, the trial court overruled defense counsel’s objection.
    ¶ 26   Then, Garcia took the investigation to its culmination:
    Q. And you have said there was two numbers.
    So they were associated with that [Gmail]
    A. Yes.
    Q. And in your investigation, did you
    determine where those two IP addresses
    A. Yes.
    Q. Who belonged to those IP addresses?
    A. Yes.
    Q. What did you determine in your
    A. One belonged to Century Link and another
    belonged to Comcast.
    Q. And did you review the investigation as it
    pertains to the IP addresses for those two?
    A. Along with Officer Calloway.
    Q. And what did that investigation reveal?
    Were you able to determine based on your
    investigation with Comcast and Century Link
    who owned those IP addresses?
    Defense counsel: Objection. I renew my
    The Court: Overruled. There’s been an
    adequate foundation in the context of the
    investigation for this officer to testify. It
    doesn’t step over into expert testimony in my
    view. Overruled. You may answer that
    A. Yes, we completed a production of records
    search warrant and sent them to the
    companies requested on who owns the IP
    Q. And what was the result of that
    A. One address returned back to [Garrison’s
    wife’s home] . . . . And the other one returned
    back to her employer . . . .
    ¶ 27   Officer Charles Calloway testified next, also as a lay witness.
    By now, the trial court had given defense counsel a standing
    objection. According to Calloway:
    Q. You got an IP address, a couple of IP
    addresses that you said were associated with
    the [Gmail account]. You said that you sent
    those to your computer guys, investigation
    A. Yes.
    Q. And then what is the next step in the
    A. . . . those IP addresses came to Century
    Link and Comcast which I sent search
    warrants to both Century Link and Comcast.
    Q. What were the results of those search
    A. One came back to the address [of Garrison’s
    wife and the other to her employer] . . . .
    ¶ 28   At the end of Calloway’s testimony, the trial court asked him a
    juror’s question: “Regarding the warrant to Google, what specific
    information was requested? Was there just a date range only
    requested or specific account names only?” Calloway answered:
    The warrant to Google what I was requesting is
    all pretty much everything I can get from
    Google: The names, log in times, log out times.
    Anything dealing with that account. And what
    they produced back is to gave [sic] me a disk
    which had a lot of information on there. And
    one of the sheets on the paper were IP
    addresses. And those had — there were two
    distinct IP addresses . . . . [B]ut those two IP
    addresses it was determined came from
    singularly from Century Link and Comcast.
    And the thing with Google when people create
    a[n] account with Google like any [of] us can go
    on Google and create an account, that’s like a
    public account type. So what they give you is
    an IP addresses back. And then from there
    you see who is the provider. Century Link and
    Comcast. And so another warrant had to be
    done that way to find out where those
    locations are coming from. Because the IP
    address is as it says like an address of that
    computer specific on there. So that’s the
    information I got back.
    ¶ 29     The “sheets of paper” to which Calloway referred included the
    following undifferentiated character string:
    Google Confidential and Proprietary *
    ############### GOOGLE SUBSCRIBER
    INFORMATION Name: [victim] e-Mail:
    [victim] Status: Deleted End of
    Service Date: 2013/06/05-20:52:19-UTC4
    Services: Doritos, Gmail, Google Talk, Google+,
    Has Google Profile, Has Plusone, Picasa Web
    Albums, Web History Created on:
    2012/09/12-19:33:40-UTC IP:, on 2012/09/12-19:33:40-
    UTC Language Code: en +-------------------------
    | Time                  | IP Address       | Type |
    | 2013/05/19-13:18:51-UTC |
    | Login || 2013/05/04-16:21:52-UTC | | Login || 2013/04/19-
    15:52:58-UTC | | Logout |
    2013/04/19-15:49:12-UTC | |
    Login || 2013/04/19-15:44:56-UTC | | Logout || 2013/04/19-
    15:36:15-UTC | | Login |
    2013/04/19-15:20:12-UTC | |
    Logout || 2013/04/19-15:09:08-UTC | | Login |+------------------------
    ############## * Google Confidential and
    Proprietary * ###############
    4   UTC is a worldwide time standard, not a time zone.
    A. Standard of Review
    ¶ 30   As always, a trial court’s evidentiary rulings — including those
    involving expert testimony — are reviewed for an abuse of
    discretion. People v. Howard-Walker, 
    2017 COA 81
    , ¶ 44. The trial
    court abuses its discretion if, among other things, its decision “is
    based on a misunderstanding or misapplication of the law.” People
    v. Thompson, 
    2017 COA 56
    , ¶ 91.
    ¶ 31   When an abuse of discretion occurs, “[w]e review
    nonconstitutional trial errors that were preserved by objection for
    harmless error.” Howard-Walker, ¶ 44 (citation omitted).
    Evidentiary rulings involving experts are reviewed as such errors.
    Under this standard, reversal results only if the error “substantially
    influenced the verdict or affected the fairness of the trial
    Id. (citation omitted).
    B. Law
    ¶ 32   CRE 701 governs admission of lay testimony:
    [i]f the witness is not testifying as an expert,
    the witness’ testimony in the form of opinions
    or inferences is limited to those opinions or
    inferences which are (a) rationally based on the
    perception of the witness, (b) helpful to a clear
    understanding of the witness’ testimony or the
    determination of a fact in issue, and (c) not
    based on scientific, technical, or other
    specialized knowledge within the scope of Rule
    ¶ 33      After Garrison’s trial, our supreme court “clarified the
    standard that distinguishes lay testimony from expert testimony,”
    Howard-Walker, ¶ 50, in three opinions: Marsh v. People, 
    2017 CO 10M
    ; Venalonzo v. People, 
    2017 CO 9
    , ¶¶ 17-25; and People v.
    2017 CO 6
    ¶ 34      Take the standard first. To determine “whether testimony is
    lay testimony under CRE 701 or expert testimony under CRE 702,
    the trial court must look to the basis for the opinion.” Venalonzo,
    ¶ 23.
    ¶ 35      Then consider its reasoning. To distinguish between lay and
    expert testimony, “the proper inquiry is not whether a witness
    draws on her personal experiences to inform her testimony; all
    witnesses rely on their personal experience when testifying.” 
    Id. at ¶
    22. Rather, “the nature of the experiences that could form the
    opinion’s basis . . . determines whether the testimony is lay or
    expert opinion.” So, expert testimony “is that which goes beyond
    the realm of common experience and requires experience, skills, or
    knowledge that the ordinary person would not have.” 
    Id. 16 ¶
    36   The supreme court recognized that this “distinction can be a
    difficult one.” 
    Id. at ¶
    24. To be sure, “[t]his is particularly the case
    when the witness is a police officer.” Howard-Walker, ¶ 51.
    C. Application
    1. Trial Error
    ¶ 37   The controlling question is would “ordinary citizens . . . be
    expected to know certain information or to have had certain
    experiences.” Venalonzo, ¶ 24 (citation omitted). Summarizing
    several cases in which the distinction between lay and expert police
    officer testimony has been addressed provides context for answering
    this question.
    ¶ 38   The saga begins with People v. Stewart, 
    55 P.3d 107
    , 122
    (Colo. 2002), where a police officer testified about a crime scene
    investigation and accident reconstruction without being qualified as
    an expert. In finding an abuse of discretion, the supreme court
    held that the officer’s testimony about his observations of the crime
    scene and investigation were admissible as lay opinion testimony.
    But his “deductions about . . . the vehicle’s direction, position, and
    speed” during the accident required specialized training and
    knowledge and were therefore admissible only as expert testimony.
    Id. at 124.
    ¶ 39   In People v. Veren, 
    140 P.3d 131
    , 138-39 (Colo. App. 2005),
    cited with approval in Venalonzo, the division considered a police
    officer’s testimony “that possession of a large amount of
    nonprescription pseudoephedrine is indicative of a person’s intent
    to use such a product as a precursor in the manufacture of
    methamphetamine.” The division recognized that “certain basic
    information about drugs may properly fall within the scope of lay
    opinion testimony.” 
    Id. at 139.
    Even so, it held that “the amount of
    pseudoephedrine required to manufacture methamphetamine is not
    within the common knowledge of ordinary citizens, but rather
    requires specialized knowledge.” 
    Id. The division
    did not explain
    the basis on which it drew this line.
    ¶ 40   In Romero v. People, 
    2017 CO 37
    , ¶ 10, a sexual assault on a
    child case, the supreme court considered a police officer’s testimony
    as a lay witness about the concept of “grooming” a victim.5 The
    5“‘Grooming’ is a process sexual predators use to shape a child’s
    perspective and lower the child’s inhibitions with respect to later
    criminal sexual acts. See Daniel Pollack & Andrea MacIver,
    Understanding Sexual Grooming in Child Abuse Cases, 34 Child L.
    court held that “an ordinary citizen could not be expected to
    possess the experience, skills, or knowledge required to understand
    the concept of ‘grooming’ as it relates to sexual predation.” 
    Id. at ¶
    15. This is so because “[t]he methods sex offenders use are not
    necessarily common knowledge.” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    The court
    based this conclusion on out-of-state authority.
    ¶ 41   In Ramos, ¶ 9, the supreme court held that an ordinary citizen
    could not be expected to differentiate between “blood cast-off” and
    “blood transfer.” The court noted that the testifying officer had
    referred to his nineteen years of experience investigating crime
    ¶ 42   Finally, only one division of this court has applied Venalonzo
    in a published criminal case. Howard-Walker, ¶¶ 52-53. The
    division found an abuse of discretion in admitting lay testimony
    because “we strongly doubt that ordinary citizens can determine
    whether a gun depicted in a video was real or fake.” 
    Id. at ¶
    Similar to Veren, however, the division did not explain how it came
    to this conclusion.
    Prac. 161, 161 (2015).” State v. Muccio, 
    890 N.W.2d 914
    , 924
    (Minn. 2017).
    ¶ 43   Of course, “[w]hether a witness’s testimony is lay or expert
    depends on the facts and surrounding circumstances of the case
    and ‘requires a case-by-case analysis of both the witness and the
    witness’s opinion.’ United States v. Smith, 
    591 F.3d 974
    , 982-83
    (8th Cir. 2010).” Venalonzo, ¶ 17. Two tools have been identified
    for chopping through the thicket of case-by-case analysis:
    precedent (Romero) and the testifying officer’s reliance on lengthy
    experience (Ramos). But Veren and Howard-Walker emerged
    without having relied on either tool.
    ¶ 44   A closer look at Venalonzo shows that the reviewing court’s
    own experience and common sense inform the decisional process,
    even without an evidentiary basis.
    The ordinary person has spent time with
    children and could reasonably be expected to
    know that they are not as accurate or
    perceptive as adults. Similarly, an ordinary
    person could be expected to know that
    children are more apt to share information
    with their peers than with adults, especially if
    they are unsure whether they may have done
    something wrong and fear being punished.
    Because an ordinary person who interacts with
    children can recognize these behaviors without
    additional training or specialized experience,
    this information is lay opinion testimony.
    Venalonzo, ¶ 28.
    ¶ 45     With only this much for guidance, we turn to the arcane
    intricacies of IP addresses. The trial court did not make findings on
    what — if anything — an ordinary person would be expected to
    know about this subject.6 Instead, the court admitted the
    testimony as being part of “the context of the investigation.”
    ¶ 46     Yet, the prosecution’s attempt to present testimony about the
    course of an investigation does not open the floodgates to improper
    lay testimony by the investigating officers. Recall, where an officer’s
    testimony is “based not only on her perceptions and observations of
    the crime scene,” but also on specialized knowledge or experience,
    the officer “must be properly qualified as an expert.” 
    Stewart, 55 P.3d at 124
    ¶ 47     Instead, the question remains: What would “ordinary
    citizens . . . be expected to know” about IP addresses? Venalonzo,
    ¶ 22 (citation omitted). The record does not provide an answer. Nor
    would that question likely be the subject of evidence, unless the
    trial court held a People v. Shreck, 
    22 P.3d 68
    (Colo. 2001), hearing.
    No such hearing was held.
    6   The trial court did not have the benefit of Venalonzo when it ruled.
    ¶ 48   Everyone would agree that e-mail has become “a significant
    form of communications.” 1 Raymond T. Nimmer, Information Law
    § 8:53, Westlaw (database updated May 2017). At least 250
    reported Colorado cases refer to “e-mail.” For this reason, an
    ordinary person may have some idea of what role an IP address
    plays in e-mail. Likewise in 
    Veren, 140 P.3d at 139
    , the
    methamphetamine epidemic may have explained the division’s
    willingness to conclude — without record support — that ordinary
    people probably know Sudafed contains an ingredient that can be
    used to manufacture methamphetamine.
    ¶ 49   But the testimony by Detective Garcia and Officer Calloway
    went much farther.
    ¶ 50   Would the character string produced by Google be more than a
    maze to the ordinary person? Probably not. See Ali v. State, No.
    1252 Sept. Term 2014, 
    2017 WL 128636
    , at *5 (Md. Ct. Spec. App.
    Jan. 13, 2017) (unpublished opinion) (“[T]he detective based his
    conclusions on subpoenaed documents that were not themselves
    self-explanatory, but required some degree of specialized training
    and erudition to interpret.”). But the officers picked out the IP
    ¶ 51   Yet, even if an ordinary person could also pick out the IP
    addresses, why would such a person know more than Officer
    Calloway? After all, he acknowledged that after having received
    these addresses from Google, he sent them to the department’s
    computer investigators to identify the associated ISPs.
    ¶ 52   And what reason would an ordinary person have to
    understand the final step in the investigation — an ISP’s ability to
    trace an IP address to a particular customer’s physical location?
    The Attorney General does not suggest such a reason, nor can we
    discern one.
    ¶ 53   Still, because Colorado courts have not yet “addressed the line
    between lay and expert testimony in the context of” IP addresses,
    “case law from other jurisdictions is informative.” Venalonzo, ¶ 21.
    In Ali, 
    2017 WL 128636
    , at *5, the court said, “the nature of an IP
    address, and particularly the arcane question of whether each IP
    address is ‘unique’ to a particular device or network, is a question
    of computer science that is beyond the ken of ordinary laypersons
    and, hence, ‘ordinarily should be the subject of expert testimony.’”
    (Citation omitted.) See also Hydentra HLP Int’l Ltd. v. Luchian, No.
    2016 WL 5951808
    , at *11 (S.D. Fla. June 2,
    2016) (unpublished opinion) (“In this case, the testimony of Jason
    Tucker is plainly offered to support the broad claim that Defendants
    themselves uploaded some of the copyright videos onto their
    websites based upon his review of the 111 IP addresses. This
    proposition is an inference well beyond what witnesses perceive in
    their day-to-day lives.”); cf. NTP Marble, Inc. v. AAA Hellenic Marble,
    Inc., No. 09-CV-05783, 
    2012 WL 607975
    , at *6 (E.D. Pa. Feb. 27,
    2012) (unpublished opinion) (“The dispute implicates the
    significance of unique IP addresses and web-based email accounts.
    How these tools are obtained, maintained, monitored, controlled,
    and accessed are not matters of ‘common knowledge.’”) (decided
    based on judicial notice).
    ¶ 54   The relative paucity of precedent addressing common
    knowledge of IP addresses may be explained because in the vast
    majority of reported cases, testimony on IP addresses has been
    presented through expert witnesses.7 In any event, the Attorney
    General does not cite authority contrary to Ali and Hydentra.8
    7See, e.g., United States v. Wyss, 542 F. App’x 401, 404-06 (5th Cir.
    2013) (unpublished opinion) (expert testified on the examination
    and comparisons of the defendant’s IP addresses); United States v.
    Weste, 419 F. App’x 507, 509 (5th Cir. 2011) (unpublished opinion)
    ¶ 55   These two cases further persuade us that the concept of an
    e-mail transmission including an IP address, which can be linked to
    an ISP, and in turn traced to the physical location of a particular
    ISP customer, is not within the knowledge or experience of ordinary
    people. Thus, because some of the police testimony on direct
    examination was based on particular experience and specialized
    knowledge within the scope of Rule 702, we conclude that the trial
    (Expert testified “that the IP addresses from which several of the
    threatening emails were sent could be traced to [the defendant].”);
    United States v. Kassir, No. S204CR356(JFK), 
    2009 WL 910767
    , at
    *2 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 2, 2009) (unpublished opinion) (“Testimony linking
    [an organization] to various email addresses and websites allegedly
    operated by [the] [d]efendant” was admissible, however a “hearing is
    necessary to determine whether [the witness] is qualified to testify
    as an expert on this subject.”); Leser v. Penido, 
    947 N.Y.S.2d 441
    442 (N.Y. App. Div. 2012) (expert linked the defendant’s IP
    addresses and a telephone number to the subject website and to his
    own business website).
    8 But see United States v. Walpole, 543 F. App’x 224, 228 (3d Cir.
    2013) (unpublished opinion) (“That she was permitted to describe
    what an IP address is . . . does not amount to plain error. While
    [that] term[] may not be common in everyday conversation, the
    prevalence of online photo-sharing — where IP addresses . . . are
    constantly used — indicates that it was not plainly erroneous to
    allow the agent to name these commonly used features of computer
    communication without being qualified as an expert . . . .”).
    court abused its discretion in admitting this portion of the
    testimony as lay testimony.9 See CRE 701(c).
    2. Harmless Error
    ¶ 56   “The inquiry is not at an end, however, because we review a
    trial court’s abuse of discretion on a preserved, nonconstitutional
    issue for harmless error.” Romero, ¶ 16. For the following three
    reasons, we further conclude that because the error was not
    harmless, reversal is required.
    ¶ 57   First, one need look no further than the opening statement to
    see the importance of the IP address testimony. As the prosecutor
    explained, based on the threatening e-mails being sent to Garrison
    and his wife, the police officers “first cited [the victim] for
    harassment,” and then “put together a stalking case against [the
    victim], arrested him, [and] put him in jail.” Not until investigators
    traced the IP addresses did they determine that the e-mails had not
    been sent by the victim. According to the prosecutor, “we were
    9 Given this conclusion, we need not address the Attorney General’s
    argument that because testimony on spoofing first arose during
    defense counsel’s cross-examination of Officer Calloway, redirect on
    this subject was not improper expert testimony from a lay witness.
    Nor need we address Garrison’s argument about improper expert
    testimony from the prosecution’s rebuttal witness, which is unlikely
    to arise on retrial.
    close to prosecuting a case against [the victim] until this relaventory
    [sic] information” surfaced.
    ¶ 58   Second, while no direct evidence showed that Garrison had
    used the Gmail account — which he denied — the investigators’
    ability to trace many of those e-mails to an IP address linked to his
    home must have loomed large over the jury’s deliberations. But
    apart from this linkage, and with his wife also having been
    implicated in both IP addresses, the evidence that Garrison knew
    the Gmail account did not belong to the victim was far from
    overwhelming. See 
    id. (“We cannot
    hold, with a lack of
    overwhelming evidence, that the trial court’s abuse of discretion
    was harmless error.”).
    ¶ 59   Third, unlike in Marsh, ¶ 42, the IP address testimony was
    neither brief nor merely “general background information.”
    ¶ 60   In the end, we conclude that Garrison is entitled to a new trial
    on his convictions for first degree perjury, attempt to influence a
    public servant (three counts), and conspiracy to attempt to
    influence a public servant, all of which turned on the e-mails which
    the Garrisons presented as having come from the victim.
    IV. Conclusion
    ¶ 61   The judgment is affirmed in part and reversed in part. The
    case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this