Intercontinental Great Brands v. Kellogg North America Company , 869 F.3d 1336 ( 2017 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    2015-2082, 2015-2084
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois in No. 1:13-cv-00321, Judge
    Matthew F. Kennelly.
    Decided: September 7, 2017
    KATIE CROSBY LEHMANN, Ciresi Conlin LLP, Minne-
    apolis, MN, argued for plaintiff-appellant. Also represent-
    ed by MICHAEL V. CIRESI.
    RICHARD DANIEL HARRIS, Greenberg Traurig LLP,
    Chicago, IL, argued for defendants-cross-appellants. Also
    Before PROST, Chief Judge, REYNA and TARANTO, Cir-
    cuit Judges.
    Opinion for the court filed by Circuit Judge TARANTO.
    Opinion dissenting in part filed by Circuit Judge
    TARANTO, Circuit Judge.
    Kraft Foods Global Brands LLC (now called Intercon-
    tinental Great Brands) owns U.S. Patent No. 6,918,532,
    which issued in 2005 and was supplemented with addi-
    tional claims on reexamination in 2011. The ’532 patent
    describes and claims a food package that, after opening,
    can be resealed to maintain the freshness of the food
    items inside. Kraft brought this patent-infringement suit
    against Kellogg North America Co., Keebler Foods Co.,
    and affiliates (collectively, Kellogg) in the Northern
    District of Illinois. The district court held that Kellogg
    was entitled to summary judgment of invalidity for obvi-
    ousness of the asserted claims of the ’532 patent. Inter-
    continental Great Brands LLC v. Kellogg N. Am. Co., 
    118 F. Supp. 3d 1022
    , 1027–42 (N.D. Ill. 2015). The court also
    held that Kraft was entitled to summary judgment reject-
    ing Kellogg’s counterclaim of unenforceability of the
    patent due to alleged inequitable conduct by Kraft, chiefly
    in an ex parte reexamination proceeding. 
    Id. at 1044–45.
    We affirm.
    The ’532 patent describes a combination of two known
    kinds of packaging. One, common for cookies, uses a
    frame surrounded by a wrapper. The other, common for
    wet wipes, uses a package on which the label may be
    pulled back to access the contents, then put back in place
    to reseal the package to preserve the items remaining
    Thus, the background section of the patent begins:
    “Containers for food products such as cookies and other
    snacks typically include a frame surrounded by an outer
    wrapper. The frame acts as a tray to hold the food prod-
    uct and to protect the food product from damage.” ’532
    patent, col. 1, lines 12–15. A person wanting to consume
    some but not all of the items in the package “normally”
    does so “by opening one end of the wrapper, withdrawing
    the tray from the inside thereof, and then removing the
    food product from the tray.” 
    Id., col. 1,
    lines 15–18.
    “[T]hese containers,” however, “generally do not provide a
    convenient opening and reclosing arrangement.            For
    example, reclosing of the wrapper, once opened, generally
    includes simply folding or rolling the end down and clip-
    ping the end to keep the wrapper closed.” 
    Id., col. 1,
    At the same time, “[r]eclosable seals have been used
    for dispensing bags for wet tissue or disposable cleaning
    Id., col. 1,
    lines 24–25. “The label on these bags
    can be pulled back thereby exposing an opening, allowing
    access to the wet tissues or wipes inside.” 
    Id., col. 1,
    25–27. “Typically,” however, “these dispensing bags” lack
    a rigid internal structure, i.e., “are completely flexible,
    formed exclusively of a plastic or other suitable flexible
    material which closely surrounds the pack of wet tissues
    or wipes.” 
    Id., col. 1,
    lines 27–30. Lacking an internal
    rigid structure, “such known dispensing bags are not well
    suited for containing food products as these containers fail
    to provide adequate protection for storing food products.”
    Id., col. 1,
    lines 34–36.
    The patent then introduces the invention:
    The purpose of the present invention is to provide
    a new and improved container for food products
    such as rigid food articles, for example cookies and
    the like, which container provides adequate pro-
    tection for the contents thereof, while concurrent-
    ly facilitating opening of the container wrapper
    and resealing the seal to protect the contents
    thereof until the contents are fully consumed.
    Id., col. 1,
    lines 39–46.
    Claim 1, which is largely representative for purposes
    of this appeal, recites as follows:
    1. A polygonal shaped food container comprising:
    a frame defining the polygonal shape of the con-
    tainer, said container having a top, a bottom[,]
    and sides connecting the top and bottom, the
    frame containing a food product comprised of dis-
    crete food articles;
    a wrapper surrounding said frame, said wrapper
    forming the top[,] sides[,] and bottom of the con-
    said top having an access opening sufficiently
    large to provide hand access to substantially all of
    the discrete food articles contained within the
    frame, such that substantially any one of the dis-
    crete food articles can be accessed and removed
    individually through said access opening; and
    a sealing layer, adhesively sealed to said top
    around said opening, said sealing layer including
    a starter portion located near a side of the top
    which can be grasped by a user, said sealing layer
    being releasable when said starter portion is
    pulled in a direction away from said side to in
    turn pull and thereby release at least a portion of
    said sealing layer to provide the hand access to
    said top access opening and reclosable against
    said top to seal said opening when said sealing
    layer is moved back against the said top.
    Id., col. 5,
    lines 29–51.
    In October 2007, about two years after the ’532 patent
    issued, a Swedish company that produces resealable
    packages sought an ex parte reexamination of that patent
    from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Interconti-
    nental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1026
    . The Office initiated the
    reexamination, and in April 2010, the examiner (in the
    central reexamination unit) rejected all claims except two
    of the claims that Kraft added (to which the examiner
    objected), relying centrally on a short 2001 article in
    Packaging News that displayed and described Re-Seal It
    packaging made by a Swedish firm and marketed by
    Paramount Packaging. In August 2011, however, the
    Patent Trial and Appeal Board reversed all of the rejec-
    tions. It relied critically on a particular phrase in the
    Packaging News article asserting the conventionality of
    the wrapping film to distinguish the Kraft patent
    claims—a phrase that does not appear in the descriptions
    of Paramount Re-Seal It packaging in the distinct prior-
    art articles that became central in the present litigation.
    Ex Parte Kraft Foods Global Brands LLC., No. 2011-
    2011 WL 3754634
    (P.T.A.B. Aug. 19, 2011). The
    resulting reexamination certificate contained the original
    claims 1–25 and new claims 26–67.
    In 2013, Kraft sued Kellogg for infringement of a
    number of claims of the ’532 patent. In particular, Kraft
    alleged that Kellogg infringed by making, using, selling,
    and offering certain cookies in resealable packages that a
    Kellogg document suggested were designed to “‘circum-
    vent[] the Kraft patent while maintaining similar proper-
    ties.’”   Interconti
    nental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1026
    (alteration in original). Kellogg responded by, among
    other things, alleging that the asserted claims of the ’532
    patent were invalid for obviousness and that the patent
    was unenforceable due to inequitable conduct by Kraft
    before the Board in securing reversal of the examiner’s
    rejections during reexamination.       Kellogg eventually
    moved for summary judgment of invalidity, and Kraft
    moved for summary judgment on Kellogg’s counterclaim
    of unenforceability due to inequitable conduct. 1
    The district court granted Kellogg’s motion for sum-
    mary judgment of invalidity of all of the asserted claims
    (1, 3, 4, 6, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, and 42) under 35
    U.S.C. § 103 (2006). 2 As the patent itself makes clear, the
    “frame” element is shown by prior art, such as U.S. Pa-
    tent No. 3,740,238 issued to Graham, which discloses a
    traditional cookie package with a frame to hold the cook-
    ies, described as prior art in the ’532 patent. And while
    the patent makes clear that non-food prior art showed a
    peel-back resealable package without a rigid structure
    (packaging for wet wipes), what the patent does not show,
    but the record in this litigation reveals, is prior art show-
    ing a peel-back resealable package with a rigid tray for
    food items (“such as” discrete items like sushi and cana-
    pés)—namely, two related articles in the Machinery
    Update publication describing and showing a Re-Seal It
    package marketed in Britain by Paramount Packaging as
    an agent for Real-Seal It Sweden. See Machinery Update,
    Kellogg also sought summary judgment of non-
    infringement, but the district court agreed only as to
    literal infringement, concluding that the record presented
    a triable issue as to infringement by equivalence. Inter-
    continental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1042
    –44. We need not
    discuss either half of that ruling, or any issue except the
    invalidity and unenforceability issues, as to which we
    affirm the district court’s summary judgment rulings.
    2   The ’532 patent, which issued from a 2003 appli-
    cation, is governed by the version of § 103 that was in
    effect before its amendment by the Leahy-Smith America
    Invents Act, Pub. L. No. 112-29, § 3(n)(1), 125 Stat. 284,
    293 (2011). See 
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1027
    March/April 2002 at 59–60 (J.A. 4423–24); Machinery
    Update, September/October 2001 at 46–47 (J.A. 4708–09).
    First, considering independent claims 1 and 34, the
    district court concluded that the record put beyond rea-
    sonable dispute that all claim elements except the “frame”
    element were shown in the Machinery Update articles and
    the “frame” element was shown in the prior art of cookie
    packaging, such as the Graham patent. 
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1030
    –34. The court then determined
    that the only reasonable inference on the record was that
    a relevant skilled artisan would have been motivated to
    combine those prior-art references. The court specifically
    stressed that the absence of a “convenient opening and
    reclosing arrangement” was a “known problem” for cookie
    packaging and that the Machinery Update resealable,
    tray-included packaging for foods offered a skilled artisan
    a solution to the problem simply by replacing the Machin-
    ery Update “tray” with a frame, i.e., a tray with higher
    sides. More generally, the court considered the simple
    and clear teachings of the art, the importance of common
    sense and ordinary creativity, and the conclusory charac-
    ter of Kraft’s expert’s assertions of nonobviousness. 
    Id. at 1034–38.
    The court next analyzed the various dependent
    claims, finding no basis for a different conclusion about
    the art-based portion of the obviousness analysis. 
    Id. at 1038–41.
        Finally, the court concluded that Kraft’s evidence of
    certain objective indicia, though substantial, was simply
    not entitled to such weight in the ultimate legal assess-
    ment of obviousness as to produce a bottom-line conclu-
    sion of anything but invalidity. 
    Id. at 1041–42.
    particular, the court determined that Kraft had strong
    evidence of commercial success tied to the patent-claimed
    packaging, industry praise, and copying by Kellogg. 
    Id. at 1041.
    Nevertheless, the court concluded, “this is a case in
    which the secondary considerations do not overcome
    Kellogg’s extremely strong prima facie showing that the
    invention was obvious in light of Machinery Update.” 
    Id. The court
    In this case, the prior art references teach all of
    the claim limitations—all of the elements could be
    found in existing food packaging technology. In
    fact, nearly all of the elements were found in one
    Machinery Update article, and the rest already ex-
    isted in cookie packages. Additionally, the tech-
    nology is relatively simple.      Based on these
    considerations, a person skilled in the art would
    have a reason to combine the elements to create
    the invention. In sum, the primary considerations
    lead to a conclusion that the invention was obvi-
    ous in light of the prior art, and [Intercontinen-
    tal’s] strong showing of secondary considerations
    does not outweigh this determination.
    In sum, based on the undisputed facts, all of
    the asserted claims are invalid as obvious in light
    of Machinery Update when combined with exist-
    ing cookie packages.
    Id. at 1042.
        With regard to Kellogg’s unenforceability challenge to
    the ’532 patent, based chiefly on alleged inequitable
    conduct by Kraft in the reexamination proceeding, the
    court granted Kraft’s motion for summary judgment
    rejecting the challenge. 
    Id. at 1044–45.
    The court ex-
    plained that the charge of inequitable conduct during
    reexamination did not and could not rest on withholding
    by Kraft of material prior art; in particular, “[i]t is undis-
    puted that [the 2002] Machinery Update [article] . . . [was]
    presented during reexamination.” 
    Id. at 1044.
    The court
    then addressed Kellogg’s key charge—that Kraft’s counsel
    did not tell the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) that
    the phrase in the Packaging News article about the con-
    ventionality of the wrapping film, on which the Board
    came to rely in upholding Kraft’s claims, was actually a
    misprint, as allegedly made evident by the opposite
    characterization of the film used in Re-Seal It packaging
    in the 2002 Machinery Update article. The district court,
    while agreeing that the phrase in Packaging News likely
    was a misprint, concluded that Kraft’s counsel “merely
    restated the contents of the misprinted article” and
    “[t]here is no evidence that the attorney knowingly failed
    to identify the inconsistency between the two articles.”
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1045
    . Kellogg thus
    had not presented evidence that could meet the standard
    for intent to deceive established in Therasense, Inc. v.
    Becton, Dickinson & Co., 
    649 F.3d 1276
    , 1290–91 (Fed.
    Cir. 2011) (en banc). 
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1045
    . 3
    Kraft appeals regarding invalidity. Kellogg cross-
    appeals regarding unenforceability. We have jurisdiction
    under 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(1).
    3    Kellogg also alleged that Kraft withheld prior art
    (the “Fuji Package”) in the original prosecution, but the
    district court concluded, for several reasons, that the
    evidence offered to support that assertion failed to meet
    Therasense’s inequitable-conduct standard. Interconti-
    nental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1045
    . In this court, Kellogg
    makes only what amounts to a bare assertion of error on
    this point, not a meaningful argument for why the district
    court erred. Kellogg’s Opening Corrected Br. 56–57. For
    record evidence on the point, Kellogg cites only “Sec. V(C),
    supra,” which does not exist, and J.A. 4924–26, which
    does not address inequitable non-disclosure during prose-
    cution. Kellogg has forfeited the point and certainly has
    not shown error. We do not further address this aspect of
    the inequitable-conduct issue.
    We review the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment de novo. See Blow v. Bijora, Inc., 
    855 F.3d 793
    797 (7th Cir. 2017); Innovention Toys, LLC v. MGA
    Entm’t, Inc., 
    637 F.3d 1314
    , 1318 (Fed. Cir. 2011). “The
    court shall grant summary judgment if the movant shows
    that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact
    and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of
    law.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a). A “material fact” is one that
    “might affect the outcome” of the case. Anderson v. Liber-
    ty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248 (1986); Williams v.
    809 F.3d 936
    , 941–42 (7th Cir. 2016); Crown
    Operations Int’l, Ltd. v. Solutia Inc., 
    289 F.3d 1367
    , 1375
    (Fed. Cir. 2002). A “genuine” dispute over a material fact
    exists only if it is “reasonable” on the summary-judgment
    record to find that fact, and therefore to reach a verdict,
    against the movant, taking into account the governing
    burden of persuasion. 
    Anderson, 477 U.S. at 248
    material fact is ‘genuine’ . . . if the evidence is such that a
    reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving
    id. at 250–57
    (reiterating reasonableness inquiry
    and role of who has burden of persuasion and whether
    “clear and convincing evidence” or other standard ap-
    plies); see Scott v. Harris, 
    550 U.S. 372
    , 378 (2007) (On
    summary judgment, “courts are required to view the facts
    and draw reasonable inferences in the light most favora-
    ble to the party opposing” the motion. (emphasis added)
    (internal quotation marks omitted)); Reeves v. Sanderson
    Plumbing Prods., Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 150 (2000) (“[T]he
    court must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the
    nonmoving party.”); U.S. Water Servs., Inc. v. Novozymes
    843 F.3d 1345
    , 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2016); Laskin v.
    728 F.3d 731
    , 734 (7th Cir. 2013).
    A claimed invention is unpatentable “if the differences
    between the claimed invention and the prior art are such
    that the claimed invention as a whole would have been
    obvious” to one of ordinary skill in the relevant art. 35
    U.S.C. § 103. Obviousness is a legal question based on
    underlying factual determinations. KSR Int’l Co. v.
    Teleflex Inc., 
    550 U.S. 398
    , 406 (2007); Graham v. John
    Deere Co. of Kan. City, 
    383 U.S. 1
    , 17–18 (1966); Randall
    Mfg. v. Rea, 
    733 F.3d 1355
    , 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2013). Among
    the factual determinations are “the scope and content of
    the prior art, differences between the prior art and the
    claims at issue, the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent
    art, and any objective indicia of non-obviousness.” Ran-
    dall, 733 F.3d at 1362
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 406
    Graham, 383 U.S. at 17
    –18). Also a fact question, of
    significance here, is whether the relevant skilled artisan
    had a motivation to combine pieces of prior art in the way
    eventually claimed in the patent at issue. Apple Inc. v.
    Samsung Elecs. Co., 
    839 F.3d 1034
    , 1047–48, 1051 (Fed.
    Cir. 2016) (en banc); PAR Pharm., Inc. v. TWI Pharm.,
    773 F.3d 1186
    , 1196 (Fed. Cir. 2014); Wyers v. Master
    Lock Co., 
    616 F.3d 1231
    , 1237–39 (Fed. Cir. 2010); see
    also, e.g., Skky, Inc. v. MindGeek, s.a.r.l., 
    859 F.3d 1014
    1021 (Fed. Cir. 2017) (applying the same standards to the
    Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s determination of obvi-
    ousness in an inter partes review). 4 Once the relevant
    fact issues are resolved, “[t]he ultimate judgment of
    obviousness is a legal determination” for the court. 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 427
    “In KSR, the Supreme Court criticized a rigid ap-
    proach to determining obviousness based on the disclo-
    sures of individual prior-art references, with little
    recourse to the knowledge, creativity, and common sense
    that an ordinarily skilled artisan would have brought to
    4  Whether a skilled artisan would have reasonably
    expected success, an issue in many obviousness cases, has
    not been presented as an issue here.
    bear when considering combinations or modifications.”
    dall, 733 F.3d at 1362
    . “[T]he Court required an
    analysis that reads the prior art in context, taking ac-
    count of ‘demands known to the design community,’ ‘the
    background knowledge possessed by a person having
    ordinary skill in the art,’ and ‘the inferences and creative
    steps that a person of ordinary skill in the art would
    Id. (quoting KSR,
    550 U.S. at 418). A “court
    must ask whether the [claimed] improvement is more
    than the predictable use”—a “predictable variation”—“of
    prior art elements according to their established func-
    tions,” considering whether more is involved than “the
    simple substitution of one known element for another or
    the mere application of a known technique to a piece of
    prior art ready for the improvement.” 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 417
    . “[I]f a technique has been used to improve one
    device, and a person of ordinary skill in the art would
    recognize that it would improve similar devices in the
    same way, using the technique is obvious unless its actual
    application is beyond his or her skill.” 
    Id. at 417.
    court should consider a range of real-world facts to deter-
    mine “whether there was an apparent reason to combine
    the known elements in the fashion claimed by the patent
    at issue.” 
    Id. at 418;
    id. (“[I]t can
    be important to
    identify a reason that would have prompted a person of
    ordinary skill in the relevant field to combine the ele-
    ments in the way the claimed new invention does.”). “One
    of the ways in which a patent’s subject matter can be
    proved obvious is by noting that there existed at the time
    of invention a known problem for which there was an
    obvious solution encompassed by the patent’s claims.” 
    Id. at 419–20.
         Depending on the record, summary judgment of inva-
    lidity for obviousness may be appropriate. The Supreme
    Court ordered summary judgment in KSR after a careful
    determination of the facts put beyond genuine dispute by
    the record, and it explained that “a conclusory affidavit
    addressing the question of obviousness” does not “exclude
    the possibility of summary judgment.” 
    Id. at 426.
    In considering summary judgment on that ques-
    tion the district court can and should take into ac-
    count expert testimony, which may resolve or
    keep open certain questions of fact. That is not
    the end of the issue, however. The ultimate
    judgment of obviousness is a legal determination.
    Graham, 383 U.S. at 17
    . Where, as here, the con-
    tent of the prior art, the scope of the patent claim,
    and the level of ordinary skill in the art are not in
    material dispute, and the obviousness of the claim
    is apparent in light of these factors, summary
    judgment is appropriate.
    Id. at 427.
    Based on the required close examinations of
    case-specific records, this court, since KSR, has some-
    times held summary judgment of obviousness unwarrant-
    ed 5 and sometimes found it warranted. 6
    5   See, e.g., Ivera Med. Corp. v. Hospira, Inc., 
    801 F.3d 1336
    (Fed. Cir. 2015); Plantronics, Inc. v. Aliph, Inc.,
    724 F.3d 1343
    (Fed. Cir. 2013); OSRAM Sylvania, Inc. v.
    Am. Induction Techs., Inc., 
    701 F.3d 698
    (Fed. Cir. 2012);
    Innovention Toys, LLC v. MGA Entm’t, Inc., 
    637 F.3d 1314
    (Fed. Cir. 2011); Transocean Offshore Deepwater
    Drilling, Inc. v. Maersk Contractors USA, Inc., 
    617 F.3d 1296
    (Fed. Cir. 2010); TriMed, Inc. v. Stryker Corp., 
    608 F.3d 1333
    (Fed. Cir. 2010); Source Search Techs., LLC v.
    LendingTree, LLC, 
    588 F.3d 1063
    (Fed. Cir. 2009); Süd-
    Chemie, Inc. v. Multisorb Techs., Inc., 
    554 F.3d 1001
    Cir. 2009).
    6   See, e.g., Hoffman-La Roche Inc. v. Apotex Inc.,
    748 F.3d 1326
    (Fed. Cir. 2014); Ohio Willow Wood Co. v.
    Alps S., LLC, 
    735 F.3d 1333
    (Fed. Cir. 2013); Bayer
    In this case, we conclude, the district court correctly
    determined that summary judgment was warranted on
    the record, for the reasons we have summarized in de-
    scribing the district court’s opinion. Kraft’s arguments to
    the contrary are unpersuasive.
    Kraft turns first to the objective indicia (secondary
    considerations) bearing on obviousness. Kraft’s Opening
    Br. 38–42. It contends that the district court treated the
    objective indicia as an “afterthought,” “writing off the
    patent before turning to objective indicia,” and “repeated-
    ly not[ing] its finding of obviousness before considering
    the objective indicia.” 
    Id. at 38,
    40, 41. That contention
    mischaracterizes the district court’s reasoning, which
    followed a sequence that accords with KSR, Graham, and
    this court’s precedents.
    The district court drew its conclusion of obviousness
    only after, not before, considering the objective indicia.
    continental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1042
    . Before review-
    Healthcare Pharm., Inc. v. Watson Pharm., Inc., 
    713 F.3d 1369
    (Fed. Cir. 2013); Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. v. Cadbury
    Adams USA LLC, 
    683 F.3d 1356
    (Fed. Cir. 2012);
    MySpace, Inc. v. GraphOn Corp., 
    672 F.3d 1250
    (Fed. Cir.
    2012); In re Katz Interactive Call Processing Patent Litig.,
    639 F.3d 1303
    (Fed. Cir. 2011); Tokai Corp v. Easton
    Enters., Inc., 
    632 F.3d 1358
    (Fed. Cir. 2011); King Pharm.,
    Inc. v. Eon Labs, Inc., 
    616 F.3d 1267
    (Fed. Cir. 2010); Dow
    Jones & Co., Inc. v. Ablaise Ltd., 
    606 F.3d 1338
    (Fed. Cir.
    2010); Media Techs. Licensing, LLC v. Upper Deck Co.,
    596 F.3d 1334
    (Fed. Cir. 2010); Perfect Web Techs., Inc. v.
    InfoUSA, Inc., 
    587 F.3d 1324
    (Fed. Cir. 2009); Ball Aero-
    sol & Specialty Container, Inc. v. Ltd. Brands, Inc., 
    555 F.3d 984
    (Fed. Cir. 2009); Ricoh Co. v. Quanta Comput.
    550 F.3d 1325
    (Fed. Cir. 2008).
    ing the objective indicia, the court concluded only that
    Kellogg had made a “strong prima facie showing of obvi-
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1037
    (“Because there is no genuine dispute that all elements of
    claims 1 and 34 are disclosed in the prior art and it would
    have been predictable for a person of skill in the art to
    combine those elements, Kellogg has made a strong prima
    facie showing of obviousness as to independent claims 1
    and 34.”); see 
    id. at 1038–41
    (same for asserted dependent
    claims). As its opinion shows, 
    id. at 1034–37,
    the court
    drew that conclusion based on the Graham factors di-
    rected to identifying the teachings of the prior art, as well
    as the considerations this court has identified as bearing
    on the question of motivation to combine. See, e.g., Plant-
    ronics, 724 F.3d at 1354
    (“[M]otivation to combine may be
    found explicitly or implicitly in market forces; design
    incentives; the ‘interrelated teachings of multiple pa-
    tents’; ‘any need or problem known in the field of endeav-
    or at the time of invention and addressed by the patent’;
    and the background knowledge, creativity, and common
    sense of the person of ordinary skill.”) (citing Perfect 
    Web, 587 F.3d at 1328
    –29 (quoting 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 418
    The court thus did not draw an ultimate conclusion
    regarding obviousness before considering the objective
    indicia. The contrary is not shown by the court’s not-
    uncommon choice of words when conducting the ultimate
    weighing, namely, that the objective indicia “do not over-
    come Kellogg’s extremely strong prima facie showing.”
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1041
    . See, e.g., Ohio
    Willow, 735 F.3d at 1344
    (similar usage); 
    PerfectWeb, 587 F.3d at 1333
    (similar); cf. 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 426
    considerations do not “dislodge” the determination that
    the claim would have been obvious).
    While withholding a conclusion as to obviousness un-
    til considering the objective indicia, the district court did
    draw the following conclusions before such consideration:
    “there was a known problem in the cookie packaging
    industry, and all of the elements of the invention existed
    in the prior art”; “[a] packaging expert, with knowledge of
    existing food packaging technology, would have thought to
    combine a resealable container and a frame big enough to
    contain cookies”; and the claimed “combination ‘would
    have been entirely predictable and grounded in common
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1035
    ing Ball Aerosol & Specialty 
    Container, 555 F.3d at 992
    93). The court then concluded (before discussing objective
    indicia): “No reasonable jury could conclude that a person
    skilled in packaging design would not be motivated to
    combine these features.” 
    Id. Kraft contends
    that objective indicia must be evaluat-
    ed before drawing a conclusion about whether a reasona-
    ble jury could find that a relevant skilled artisan had a
    motivation to combine the prior art, not merely before
    drawing the ultimate obviousness conclusion. But it cites
    no precedent so holding.
    Kraft does cite authorities confirming that, in some
    cases, objective indicia can be important evidence of
    obviousness, sometimes even the most important evi-
    dence. See, e.g., 
    Plantronics, 724 F.3d at 1355
    ; Crocs, Inc.
    v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 
    598 F.3d 1294
    , 1310 (Fed. Cir.
    2010). And it cites authorities that say, consistent with
    KSR and Graham, that objective indicia must be consid-
    ered and given “fair weight” before a legal conclusion on
    obviousness is drawn. Demaco Corp. v. F. Von Langsdorff
    Licensing Ltd., 
    851 F.2d 1387
    , 1391 (Fed. Cir. 1988); see
    Leo Pharm. Prods., Ltd. v. Rea, 
    726 F.3d 1346
    , 1357–58
    (Fed. Cir. 2013); 
    Plantronics, 724 F.3d at 1355
    ; Power
    Integrations, Inc. v. Fairchild Semiconductor Int’l, Inc.,
    711 F.3d 1348
    , 1368 (Fed. Cir. 2013); In re Cycloben-
    zaprine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsule Patent
    676 F.3d 1063
    , 1076 (Fed. Cir. 2012); see also
    Apple, 839 F.3d at 1058
    ; Kinetic Concepts, Inc. v. Smith &
    Nephew, Inc., 
    688 F.3d 1342
    , 1368–71 (Fed. Cir. 2012);
    Ecolochem, Inc. v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 
    227 F.3d 1361
    1380–81 (Fed. Cir. 2000). But the district court here did
    just that. And Kraft cites no authority that requires
    consideration of objective indicia as part of the motiva-
    tion-to-combine factual analysis.
    The staged consideration undertaken by the district
    court, and reflected in our cases, makes sense within the
    motivation-to-combine framework, a framework with
    which Kraft does not take issue. When a challenger
    shows that a “motivation” existed for a relevant skilled
    artisan to combine prior art in the way claimed in the
    patent at issue, such a showing commonly supports and
    leads readily to the further, ultimate determination that
    such an artisan, using ordinary creativity, would actually
    have found the claimed invention obvious. But the latter
    conclusion does not follow automatically from the former
    finding, and additional evidence may prevent drawing it.
    Identification of a “motivation” to make the combination
    may not give a complete picture of what a skilled artisan,
    exercising ordinary creativity without the incentive of
    patent protection, would actually have found it obvious to
    “disclose[] or devise[]” at the relevant time. See 
    Graham, 383 U.S. at 11
    (explaining that when Congress adopted
    § 103, and even before, “[t]he inherent problem was to
    develop some means of weeding out those inventions
    which would not be disclosed or devised but for the in-
    ducement of a patent”). Even with a motivation proved,
    the record may reveal reasons that, after all, the court
    should not conclude that the combination would have
    been obvious, i.e., already part of the public domain. 7 One
    7   See In re Translogic Tech., Inc., 
    504 F.3d 1249
    1259 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (citing KSR for “the fundamental
    type of such additional evidence consists of evidence of
    objective indicia—commercial success traceable to the
    claimed invention, industry praise, copying, and certain
    other facts concerning people’s actions and statements.
    This way of structuring the analysis fulfills the re-
    quirement that the approach to determining obviousness
    be “expansive” and “flexible.” See 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 415
    It reflects an understanding of the role of “motivation”
    that fits our consistent treatment of that element of the
    analysis as factual in nature. And it fits the Supreme
    Court’s treatment of objective indicia as evidence to be
    weighed in the overall legal determination of obviousness.
    We see no error in the sequence of steps the district court
    took in arriving at its ultimate obviousness determina-
    Kraft’s only argument about the objective indicia thus
    fails. Kraft cannot complain that the district court failed
    to credit its evidence regarding objective indicia: the
    district court accepted the facts Kraft asserted about
    commercial success, industry praise, and copying. What
    remains for the objective indicia, therefore, is a weighing
    to produce a legal conclusion. But Kraft does not addi-
    tionally argue to us, certainly not in a meaningful way,
    that in this particular case the objective indicia accepted
    by the district court require a legal conclusion of nonobvi-
    ousness if we agree with the district court as to the prior-
    art and motivation-to-combine elements of the analysis.
    Any implicit, undeveloped suggestion to that effect by
    Kraft is not enough on the record here, given the strength
    of the record on those elements, including the simplicity of
    proposition that obvious variants of prior art references
    are themselves part of the public domain”); see also In re
    Huai-Hung Kao, 
    639 F.3d 1057
    , 1073 (Fed. Cir. 2011); In
    re Wiseman, 
    596 F.2d 1019
    , 1023 (C.C.P.A. 1979).
    the technology and combination at issue, the recognized
    problem of resealing for cookie packaging, and the strong
    teaching of the prior art just before the claimed priority
    date. See, e.g., Ohio 
    Willow, 735 F.3d at 1344
    (“[W]here a
    claimed invention represents no more than the predicta-
    ble use of prior art elements according to established
    functions, as here, evidence of secondary indicia are
    frequently deemed inadequate to establish non-
    Kraft next argues that the district court improperly
    resolved genuine factual disputes. The district court
    concluded that the following were the only reasonable
    findings on the record: the Machinery Update articles
    (published shortly before Kraft’s priority date) disclose all
    the elements of the claims in combination—including,
    notably, a pull-back resealable package for discrete food
    items with a rigid tray—except the required “frame” that
    was common for cookies, as shown by Graham; the ab-
    sence of a satisfactory resealable package was a known
    problem for cookies; and the ordinary creativity of the
    relevant skilled packaging artisan motivated and made
    predictable the use of the Machinery Update package with
    a cookie-protecting frame as a solution to that known
    problem. Kraft has not shown any basis in the record for
    reasonable contrary findings. Those findings, in this case,
    suffice to justify the overall legal conclusion of obvious-
    ness, there being no meaningful argument that the objec-
    tive indicia, when weighed in Kraft’s favor (as the district
    court did), can change the ultimate conclusion.
    Kraft argues that the district court failed to provide
    “explicit and clear reasoning providing some rational
    underpinning” for its invocation of common sense in its
    motivation-to-combine analysis. Kraft’s Opening Br. 43
    (quoting Plant
    ronics, 724 F.3d at 1354
    ). We disagree.
    The court relied on the record demonstrating the “known
    problem” of an insufficiently “convenient opening and
    reclosing arrangement” for cookie packaging and the
    suggestion in Machinery Update itself that its packaging,
    with a tray, was usable for a variety of foods, “such as”
    discrete items like sushi and canapés. 
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1035
    Kraft also points to the absence of expert testimony
    for Kellogg on this point. Kraft’s Opening Br. 43. But we
    have recognized that some cases involve technologies
    and prior art that are simple enough that no expert
    testimony is needed. See 
    Wyers, 616 F.3d at 1239
    and our later cases establish that the legal determination
    of obviousness may include recourse to logic, judgment,
    and common sense, in lieu of expert testimony.”); Perfect
    Web, 587 F.3d at 1329
    ; Sundance, Inc. v. DeMonte Fabri-
    cating Ltd., 
    550 F.3d 1356
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2008). What is
    claimed and described in the ’532 patent—which does not
    include any new manufacturing equipment or instructions
    to produce the described and claimed packaging—makes
    this such a case.
    Kraft next contends that the evidence in the record
    shows that there was more than one reasonable inference
    about whether a relevant skilled artisan had a motivation
    to use the Machinery Update packaging with a frame for
    cookies. Kraft begins by relying on the assertion that
    “Kellogg personnel rejected the idea of combining a tradi-
    tional cookie package with the resealable technology” of
    the Machinery Update articles. Kraft’s Opening Br. 45.
    But the record does not support the suggested inference.
    At best, the cited deposition testimony could establish
    that a group of Kellogg employees viewed a sample of the
    Re-Seal It packaging technology at an internal meeting
    along with other packaging samples brought back from a
    trade show and Kellogg did not immediately adopt the
    technology for cookies. See J.A. 6328–29, 6347, 6366–69.
    But the only evidence in the record about the reason
    behind that initial decision is that Kellogg did not possess
    the required equipment and did not then wish to purchase
    new equipment. J.A. 6329. One company’s temporary
    decision about an equipment investment is not sufficient
    to defeat the otherwise-compelled inference that combin-
    ing the Re-Seal It packaging with familiar cookie-package
    frames (as in Graham) was a predictable technological
    solution to the relevant known market problem.
    Kraft does not dispute, as its own evidence recited by
    the district court confirms, that the invention disclosed in
    its patent helps solve a known problem with cookie pack-
    aging (experienced by those consumers who want the
    option of eating less than a full package of cookies in one
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1035
    . The
    packaging in the Machinery Update articles, with an
    internal tray to protect the contents and convenient
    resealing functionality, and its suggestion of use for a
    variety of discrete food items, makes readily predictable
    its use for cookies by raising the sides of the tray to form a
    “frame.” Kraft points to statements by its packaging
    expert (or Kraft filings based on such statements) as
    allegedly supporting a contrary finding. Kraft’s Opening
    Br. 46–52 (citing portions of J.A. 1769–75, 6134–35, 6146–
    53, 6156, 6159–60, 6163–64 6166–67). But the expert’s
    statements in this case are insufficient to support a
    reasonable contrary finding.
    Kraft’s expert, especially in the PTO, devoted relative-
    ly little attention to the Machinery Update articles. He
    focused instead on the Packaging News article, which
    (unlike the Machinery Update articles) stated that the Re-
    Seal It packaging described and shown did not use con-
    ventional wrapping—the statement that led the Board on
    reexamination to reverse the examiner’s rejection of
    Kraft’s claims. Regardless, to the extent that his state-
    ments apply directly or indirectly to the Machinery Up-
    date packaging, they rest on misreadings of the articles
    and disregard of the plain significance of other evidence
    from Kraft itself. See Novartis Corp. v. Ben Venue Labs.,
    271 F.3d 1043
    , 1050–51 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (determin-
    ing that expert declaration not based on reasonable
    inferences from the material record facts amounts to a
    conclusory opinion insufficient to prevent summary
    judgment); see also 
    Scott, 552 U.S. at 380
    For example, the expert suggested that the Machinery
    Update articles are focused on layered items like sliced
    meats and suggest use of a tray only to be removed from
    the side of the package, not for items like cookies to be
    accessed from the top by peeling back the resealable flap.
    Kraft’s Opening Br. 46–52. But the district court correct-
    ly explained why the Machinery Update articles do teach
    top access to trays with unstacked discrete items, giving
    sushi and canapés as mere examples (“such as”), as well
    as parallel perimeter portions at the top for the sealing
    layer to stick to. 
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1030
    –34. We fail to see any other reasonable reading of
    the Machinery Update articles on these points. 8
    Likewise, the expert noted “many reclosure varia-
    tions,” as Kraft summarizes the point, such as “tin ties,
    twist ties, adhesive tape for reclosing one end, a clip to
    pinch the end of the package, a zipper strip added to the
    8  That conclusion applies equally to the dependent
    claims, which the district court meticulously discussed in
    relation to the teachings of the prior art at issue. Inter-
    continental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1038
    –41. On appeal, Kraft
    makes no meaningful argument about the merits of the
    district court’s document-supported readings. Kraft’s
    assertion that Kraft’s expert asserted contrary readings,
    Kraft’s Opening Br. 50–52, is doubly conclusory. Kraft
    has given no sufficient basis for overturning the grant of
    summary judgment as to the dependent claims any more
    than as to the independent claims.
    end or side of the package, and a pinch seal strip added to
    an end or side of the package.” Kraft Opening Br. 47.
    But as far as the record shows, those were among the very
    alternatives in the prior art that left consumers with the
    “known problem” with cookie packaging that motivated
    turning to the resealable Machinery Update packaging.
    Such known-to-be-unsatisfactory alternatives provide no
    basis for questioning the predictability of picking out the
    Machinery Update packaging as a new solution to the
    known problem.
    Kraft asserts, based on declarations submitted to the
    PTO (relied on by its expert in this case), that “[a] skilled
    artisan would not add a reclosure feature to Graham
    because it is designed for one-time use, by ‘opening at one
    of its ends,’” and “the Graham tray is inexpensive and
    ‘resiliently flexible’ to conform to the cookies,” whereas
    the Packaging News packaging “is designed for multiple
    openings and reclosings” and its “tray is expensive, ‘signif-
    icantly more rigid,’ and ‘not conformable to the food
    products.’” Kraft’s Opening Br. 46. But those assertions
    provide no reasonable basis for denying the predictability
    of using prior-art cookie frames like Graham’s in the
    Machinery Update packaging.
    It was a “known problem” for cookie consumers that
    Graham-like packages did not satisfactorily provide for
    the “multiple openings and closings” that consumers
    wanted—and that the Machinery Update packaging made
    more convenient. As Kraft says, “[c]onsumer dissatisfac-
    tion with this traditional frame-in-wrapper package was
    Id. at 4.
    That is what motivated looking to
    the multiple-use Machinery Update packaging. Moreover,
    Kraft points to no evidence that the Graham-like frames
    would not work with the Machinery Update packaging.
    Nor does the relied-on testimony say anything actually
    material about cost: it does not say that the resulting
    cookie package would cost cookie consumers more than
    the prior-art cookie package or that any increase would be
    sufficient to deter the combination. The expert’s only
    point about cost was that the cookie frame was less ex-
    pensive than the Machinery Update tray. But that point
    says nothing to the effect that the relevant (cookie) con-
    sumers would face a cost increase were the cookie makers
    to use the old frame but replace the surrounding wrap-
    pers with the Machinery Update package.
    On this record, we conclude, there is no basis for over-
    turning the district court’s conclusion that any reasonable
    jury would have to find a motivation to combine.
    Kraft’s final argument invokes this court’s recognition
    that a “party challenging validity shoulders an enhanced
    burden if the invalidity argument relies on the same prior
    art considered during examination.” 
    Tokai, 632 F.3d at 1367
    . According to Kraft, that proposition applies here
    based on the reexamination, in which Graham, the 2002
    Machinery Update article, and the Packaging News article
    (containing the same photograph as appeared in the 2001
    Machinery Update article) were considered. See Kraft
    Opening Br. 56–60. It suffices to say, however, that in
    this case the “enhanced burden” proposition provides no
    basis for a different result.
    The “enhanced burden” point certainly confirms a
    practical truth about litigation: persuading a fact finder
    that an expert agency is incorrect on a proposition is
    likely to be a greater forensic challenge to the advocate
    than showing the proposition to be incorrect in the ab-
    sence of a contrary expert-agency determination. See
    Sciele Pharma Inc. v. Lupin Ltd., 
    684 F.3d 1253
    , 1260–61
    (Fed. Cir. 2012) (“[I]t may be harder to meet the clear and
    convincing burden when the invalidity contention is based
    upon the same argument on the same reference that the
    PTO already considered. Importantly, whether a refer-
    ence was before the PTO goes to the weight of the evi-
    dence, and the parties are of course free to, and generally
    do, make these arguments to the fact finder.”). This court
    has not, however, ascribed any larger meaning to the
    “enhanced burden” point, which, the court has explained,
    does not mean that something more than clear and con-
    vincing evidence is required. 
    Id. In any
    event, this is not
    a case in which what the PTO concluded makes a differ-
    ence, for at least two reasons.
    First, as the district court explained, the only express
    analysis of the Machinery Update articles was by the
    examiner, who rejected the claims. The Board, which
    upheld the claims, did not expressly consider those arti-
    cles, but relied instead on a sentence in Packaging News
    that does not appear in the Machinery Update articles.
    Intercontinental, 118 F. Supp. 3d at 1028
    –29. There is no
    basis for attributing to the Board an implied assessment
    of the Machinery Update articles. The record before the
    Board indicates that the Board simply accepted a premise
    that those articles were redundant of Packaging News,
    requiring no separate consideration. There is no specific
    PTO determination of nonobviousness based on the par-
    ticular prior art now at issue.
    Second, in this case, we think that the showing of ob-
    viousness is sufficiently strong that no PTO contrary
    determination could alter the conclusion about summary
    judgment. If the substantive evidentiary and other
    arguments made by Kraft do not create a triable issue, as
    we (and the district court) have concluded, neither could a
    bare assumption, otherwise unexplained, that the PTO
    reached a different conclusion based on the prior art here
    at issue. For that reason as well, we reject Kraft’s final
    deference-invoking argument against summary judgment
    of obviousness.
    In Tokai, this court drew the following conclusion on
    the record before it in affirming a summary judgment of
    obviousness: “[T]he undisputed facts in this case—
    including the state of the prior art, the simplicity and
    availability of the components making up the claimed
    invention, and an explicit need in the prior art for [the
    asserted invention]—compel a conclusion of obviousness
    as to the subject matter of each of the asserted 
    claims.” 632 F.3d at 1371
    . For the reasons we have set forth, we
    agree with the district court that the same conclusion is
    warranted in this case.
    In its cross-appeal, Kellogg argues that the district
    court erred when it granted Kraft summary judgment
    rejecting Kellogg’s inequitable-conduct charge. 9 The only
    issue here concerns the arguments Kraft made about
    Packaging News to the Board during reexamination. We
    see no reversible error in the district court’s conclusion
    that Kellogg’s evidence was insufficient to permit a find-
    ing of the intent required for inequitable conduct based on
    Kraft’s reexamination arguments.
    Kellogg’s charge rests on a sentence in the Packaging
    News article—a short article that was the central focus
    before the Board, including during oral argument, when
    the Board was specifically looking at and asking about the
    brief text. The relevant sentence in that article describes
    the Re-Seal It packaging as not using “conventional
    wrapping film.” J.A. 4713. Kellogg says that the sen-
    tence is a misprint and that Kraft committed inequitable
    conduct by not so informing the Board.
    There is no doubt that the Packaging Material sen-
    tence was important to the Board’s decision: the Board
    relied on that sentence to reverse the examiner’s rejec-
    tions of Kraft’s claims. But to prevail, Kellogg had to
    9   Neither party has suggested that the unenforcea-
    bility (of the patent) is of no consequence if the invalidity
    ruling (as to selected claims) is affirmed.
    prove that Kraft, in what it did not say about the sentence
    that was the focus of the Board’s attention, had a “specific
    intent to mislead or deceive the PTO.” In re Rosuvastatin
    Calcium Patent Litig., 
    703 F.3d 511
    , 519 (Fed. Cir. 2012)
    Therasense, 649 F.3d at 1287
    ). The intent re-
    quirement is demanding: the evidence must be “sufficient
    to require a finding of deceitful intent in the light of all
    the circumstances”; deceptive intent “must be the single
    most reasonable inference able to be drawn from the
    evidence”; and “when there are multiple reasonable
    inferences that may be drawn, intent to deceive cannot be
    Therasense, 649 F.3d at 1290
    –91 (internal quota-
    tion marks omitted); see Ohio 
    Willow, 735 F.3d at 1351
    Ohio Willow Wood Co. v. Alps South, LLC, 
    813 F.3d 1350
    1358–59 (Fed. Cir. 2016).
    Unlike Ohio Willow, this is not a case of withholding
    documents from the PTO (in Ohio Willow, documents key
    to corroboration of inventorship) or of making affirmative
    misrepresentations (in Ohio Willow, about a key partici-
    pant’s supposed admission somewhere in the record). The
    Board had the 2002 Machinery Update article in the
    record, but it was not a basis for the examiner’s rejections
    on review and so was not the subject of any discussion
    before the Board. 10 The alleged wrong, moreover, is not
    what Kraft affirmatively stated about Packaging News.
    The only alleged wrong is Kraft’s omission of any state-
    ment that the sentence in the Packaging News reference
    on which the Board was directly focusing was actually a
    misprint. But even if the sentence was a misprint, the
    district court properly concluded that the record does not
    10   The 2001 Machinery Update article, which con-
    tains a photograph identical to that in Packaging News, is
    not in the reexamination record. See J.A. 97–99, 679.
    Kellogg has not asserted inequitable conduct based on the
    2001 Machinery Update article.
    support an inference of deceptive intent under the The-
    rasense standard.
    Kellogg presents no admission or anything similar in-
    dicating that any relevant Kraft officer or representative
    during the reexamination actually believed the sentence
    to be a misprint. Kellogg asks for an inference as to what
    Kraft had to believe, given the disparity of language
    between the Packaging News article (“without conven-
    tional wrapping film,” J.A. 4713) and the 2002 Machinery
    Update article (“with conventional wrapping film,”
    J.A. 4424), that Kraft’s counsel had read both articles,
    and that a representative of a company selling packaging
    machines that counts Kraft as one of its biggest customers
    (affiliated with the reexamination requester) testified
    that, since “we run with conventional film,” it was obvious
    that the Packaging News sentence was a misprint, J.A.
    6427, 6441. But without more evidence of Kraft’s belief,
    one reasonable inference on the record—especially given
    Kellogg’s burden of persuasion—is that Kraft did not
    believe that there was a misprint.
    Kellogg’s evidence from the deposition of Kraft’s coun-
    sel provides no suggestion of any awareness of a misprint.
    See J.A. 6941–45. The same is true as to Kraft’s inven-
    tor—appearing also as Kraft’s official company witness
    under Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6)—who testified that she did
    not recognize a misprint in Packaging News at all, much
    less one based on the difference in language between it
    and the 2002 Machinery Update, believing that “they
    were different packaging in different articles,” J.A. 6388,
    and that if there had been a misprint, it would have been
    corrected, J.A. 6382–83. In the reexamination, moreover,
    neither the ex parte requester nor the examiner suggested
    that the Packaging News article contained a misprint.
    The absence of such a statement indicates that the al-
    leged misprint was not as obvious as Kellogg claims. The
    rejections that were then appealed did not involve Ma-
    chinery Update, which therefore need not have been the
    subject of reinspection by Kraft during the appeal.
    In these circumstances, we think that the district
    court properly concluded that the Therasense intent
    standard could not be met.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of
    the district court.
    No costs awarded to either party.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    2015-2082, 2015-2084
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois in No. 1:13-cv-00321, Judge
    Matthew F. Kennelly.
    REYNA, Circuit Judge, dissenting-in-part.
    For too long, this court has turned a blind eye to what
    I consider to be a grave concern: the application of a
    prima facie test that necessarily achieves a legal determi-
    nation of obviousness prior to full and fair consideration
    of evidence of objective indicia of non-obviousness. 1 There
    1    Objective indicia of non-obviousness are often re-
    ferred to as “secondary considerations.” See, e.g., Graham
    v. John Deere Co., 
    383 U.S. 1
    , 17 (1966). I prefer to use
    should be no prima facie rule or test in the obviousness
    inquiry. Stated differently, the burden of persuasion
    should not shift from the challenger to the patent holder
    after a legal determination of obviousness has already
    been made.
    I agree with the majority’s decision to affirm the dis-
    trict court’s grant of summary judgment of no inequitable
    conduct. Thus, I join Part IIB of the majority opinion. I
    disagree, however, with the majority’s decision that
    affirms the district court’s grant of summary judgment of
    obviousness. I would find that the district court improp-
    erly found a prima facie case of obviousness before consid-
    ering Kraft’s evidence of objective indicia of non-
    obviousness. I therefore respectfully dissent from Part
    IIA of the majority opinion.
    Because the majority affirms on obviousness, it does
    not address the district court’s finding of no literal in-
    fringement. Because I believe the district court erred on
    obviousness, I would address the infringement issue. The
    district court changed its construction of the claim term
    “objective indicia” to properly signify their evidentiary
    role and prevent any misperception that they are less
    important than, i.e., secondary to, other non-obviousness
    factors relevant in determining whether a claimed inven-
    tion would have been obvious. See In re Cyclobenzaprine,
    676 F.3d 1063
    (Fed. Cir. 2012) (using “objective indicia”);
    Truswal Sys. Corp. v. Hydro-Air Eng’g Inc., 
    813 F.2d 1207
    , 1212 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (“That evidence is ‘secondary’
    in time does not mean that it is secondary in im-
    portance.”); 2 Donald S. Chisum, Chisum on Patents
    § 5.05 (“To emphasize the importance of what the Graham
    decision referred to as ‘secondary considerations,’ many
    Federal Circuit opinions refer to them as ‘objective con-
    siderations’ and list such considerations as a fourth
    factual inquiry.”).
    “sealing layer” between its Markman order and summary
    judgment order, resulting in a conclusion of non-
    infringement. That midstream change was dispositive,
    and because Kraft had no opportunity to address the new
    construction, the district court’s summary judgment was
    erroneous. I dissent.
    A. Statutory Requirement of Non-Obviousness
    In 1952, Congress amended the Patent Act to, inter
    alia, require that patents be non-obvious. 35 U.S.C.
    § 103; 2 Donald S. Chisum, Chisum on Patents § 5.02[4]
    (“In Section 103 of the Patent Act of 1952, Congress for
    the first time gave express legislative recognition to the
    judicially-developed doctrine that something more than
    strict novelty is required in order to support a patent.”).
    Section 103 codified what the common law already had
    required for a century. See Hotchkiss v. M. Greenwood &
    Co., 52 U.S. (11 How.) 248 (1850). A claimed invention is
    unpatentable “if the differences between the claimed
    invention and the prior art are such that the claimed
    invention as a whole would have been obvious before the
    effective filing date of the claimed invention to a person
    having ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed
    invention pertains.” 35 U.S.C. § 103. 2
    B. Supreme Court Precedent
    The Supreme Court first addressed § 103 in Graham
    v. John Deere Co., 
    383 U.S. 1
    (1966). The Court set forth
    the framework for determining whether patent claims
    would have been obvious:
    Under § 103, the scope and content of the prior art
    are to be determined; differences between the pri-
    2    An earlier version of § 103 controls this case, but
    any differences do not impact this analysis.
    or art and the claims at issue are to be ascer-
    tained; and the level of ordinary skill in the perti-
    nent art resolved. Against this background, the
    obviousness or nonobviousness of the subject mat-
    ter is determined. Such secondary considerations
    as commercial success, long felt but unsolved
    needs, failure of others, etc., might be utilized to
    give light to the circumstances surrounding the
    origin of the subject matter sought to be patented.
    As indicia of obviousness or nonobviousness, these
    inquiries may have relevancy.
    Id. at 17–18
    (citation omitted). The Court noted that
    objective indicia of non-obviousness are “more susceptible
    of judicial treatment” than the other “highly technical
    facts” relevant to an obviousness analysis. 
    Id. at 36.
    Objective indicia “may lend a helping hand to the judici-
    ary” that “is most ill-fitted to discharge the technological
    duties cast upon it by patent legislation.” 
    Id. Objective indicia,
    the Court wrote, help guard against hindsight
    and “the temptation to read into the prior art the teach-
    ings of the invention in issue.” 
    Id. 3 3
      Objective indicia include commercial success,
    long-felt but unsolved need, failure of others, industry
    praise, unexpected results, and copying. See Apple Inc.
    v. Samsung Elecs. Co., 
    839 F.3d 1034
    , 1058 (Fed. Cir.
    2016) (en banc); Kinetic Concepts, Inc. v. Smith & Neph-
    ew, Inc., 
    688 F.3d 1342
    , 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2012); In re Cyclo-
    794 F. Supp. 2d 517
    , 538 (D. Del. 2011), rev’d
    in part, 
    676 F.3d 1063
    (Fed. Cir. 2012). For more than a
    century, the Supreme Court has recognized the utility of
    objective indicia of non-obviousness in adjudicating patent
    validity. See Smith v. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite, 93 U.S.
    (3 Otto) 486, 494–95 (1877) (discussing long-felt but
    unmet need and professional approval).
    More recently, the Supreme Court clarified the obvi-
    ousness analysis in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc.,
    550 U.S. 398
    (2007). It explained that trial courts must
    consider the four Graham factors to determine whether
    an asserted claim would have been obvious: (1) the scope
    and content of prior art; (2) the differences between the
    prior art and asserted claims; (3) the level of ordinary
    skill; and (4) objective indicia of non-obviousness. 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 406
    Graham, 383 U.S. at 17
    –18). The
    Court noted that “the sequence of these questions might
    be reordered in any particular case.” 
    Id. at 407.
    It also
    cautioned factfinders to consider “the distortion caused by
    hindsight bias” and “be cautious of arguments reliant
    upon ex post reasoning.” 
    Id. at 421.
    In KSR, however, the
    patentee’s minimal evidence of objective indicia did not
    “dislodge” the obviousness determination. 
    Id. at 426.
    Thus, the Supreme Court held that the asserted claim
    would have been obvious. 
    Id. 4 To
    be clear, nothing in Graham or KSR requires
    courts to analyze the first three Graham factors first,
    make a prima facie determination of obviousness, and
    only then examine objective indicia of non-obviousness.
    Such a prima facie framework excludes objective indicia
    in the primary analysis and artificially creates a height-
    ened standard of proof for objective indicia. I am not
    aware of any Supreme Court authority that endorses—let
    alone requires—the prima facie framework.
    4    The party asserting obviousness—here, Kellogg—
    bears the burden of proof by clear and convincing evi-
    dence. Microsoft Corp. v. i4i Ltd. P’ship, 
    564 U.S. 91
    , 95
    C. Federal Circuit Precedent
    This court explained the basic obviousness analysis in
    Stratoflex, Inc. v. Aeroquip Corp., 
    713 F.2d 1530
    (Fed. Cir.
    1983). In Stratoflex, the district court concluded that the
    claimed inventions were “plainly 
    obvious.” 713 F.2d at 1539
    . As a result, it refused to analyze objective indicia of
    Id. We held
    that such an approach was
    error, noting that each Graham factor “is but an aid” in
    determining whether the claimed invention would have
    been obvious. 
    Id. at 1537.
    And although we discussed
    objective indicia after the other three Graham factors, we
    elaborated at length about their importance:
    It is jurisprudentially inappropriate to disregard
    any relevant evidence on any issue in any case,
    patent cases included. Thus evidence rising out of
    the so-called “secondary considerations” must al-
    ways when present be considered en route to a de-
    termination of obviousness. Indeed, evidence of
    secondary considerations may often be the most
    probative and cogent evidence in the record. It
    may often establish that an invention appearing
    to have been obvious in light of the prior art was
    not. It is to be considered as part of all the evi-
    dence, not just when the decisionmaker remains
    in doubt after reviewing the art. . . . En route to a
    conclusion on obviousness, a court must not stop
    until all pieces of evidence on that issue have been
    fully considered and each has been given its ap-
    propriate weight. Along the way, some pieces will
    weigh more heavily than others, but decision
    should be held in abeyance, and doubt main-
    tained, until all the evidence has had its say.
    Id. at 1538–39
    (citations omitted). In light of the district
    court’s failure to consider the objective indicia, we did so
    in the first instance. 
    Id. at 1539.
    Giving “full considera-
    tion” of objective indicia such as alleged commercial
    success, industry praise, and long-felt but unmet need, we
    concluded that the claims would have been obvious and
    thus affirmed the district court under the harmless error
    Id. at 1540.
        More recently, we discussed the role of objective indi-
    cia in 
    Cyclobenzaprine, 676 F.3d at 1063
    . In that case,
    the district court engaged in a three-step analysis to
    determine whether a certain drug extended-delivery
    method would have been obvious. First, under the head-
    ing “Prior art,” it described four prior art references. In re
    794 F. Supp. 2d 517
    , 534–35 (D. Del.
    2011), rev’d in part, 
    676 F.3d 1063
    (Fed. Cir. 2012). In the
    next section, with the heading “Prima facie case,” the
    district court determined that “a person of ordinary skill
    in the art would have been motivated to take a group of
    known elements to create an extended release version of
    cyclobenzaprine, and to have a reasonable expectation of
    success in doing so.” 
    Id. at 537.
    It also concluded that
    certain properties and delivery methods would have been
    Id. at 536–37.
    Only later, under the heading
    “Secondary considerations,” did the court analyze the
    patentee’s objective indicia of non-obviousness. 
    Id. at 537.
    Finding that the objective indicia did not “overcome the
    prima facie case of obviousness,” the district court granted
    summary judgment of obviousness. 
    Id. at 536.
        On appeal, we reversed the district court’s obvious-
    ness determination. We explained that the purpose of
    objective indicia of non-obviousness is to refute the evi-
    dence of obviousness. 
    Cyclobenzaprine, 676 F.3d at 1077
    That a patent owner may submit this evidence on objec-
    tive indicia does not mean, however, that the burden
    shifts to the patent owner to prove non-obviousness.
    Cyclobenzaprine, 676 F.3d at 1079
    –80. The district court
    must consider all evidence, including objective indicia of
    non-obviousness, before making an ultimate conclusion of
    Id. at 1080.
    We criticized the district court
    for “impos[ing] a burden-shifting framework in a context
    in which none exists.” 
    Id. at 1075.
        In Cyclobenzaprine, we emphasized our earlier state-
    ment that “‘evidence of secondary considerations may
    often be the most probative and cogent evidence in the
    record. It may often establish that an invention appear-
    ing to be obvious in light of the prior art was not.’” 
    Id. at 1075–76
    Stratoflex, 713 F.2d at 1538
    ). We noted
    that some Federal Circuit opinions have used the “prima
    facie” and “rebuttal” language, but we cautioned that
    “those cases should not be interpreted as establishing a
    formal burden-shifting framework.” 
    Id. at 1077.
    we interpreted our precedent to hold that “all evidence
    relevant to obviousness or nonobviousness [must] be
    considered, and considered collectively.” 
    Id. at 1078.
    Objective indicia of non-obviousness, we stated, are not
    mere, after-the-fact considerations relegated to secondary
    Id. They are
    essential safeguards against hind-
    sight bias. 
    Id. at 1079.
                   D. Post-Cyclobenzaprine Use Of
    Prima Facie Framework
    After Cyclobenzaprine, some of this court’s decisions
    have continued to endorse the prima facie framework.
    See, e.g., Cubist Pharm., Inc. v. Hospira, Inc., 
    805 F.3d 1112
    , 1130 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (“We sustain the district
    court’s determination that the secondary consideration
    evidence did not overcome the showing of obviousness
    based on the prior art.”); Novo Nordisk A/S v. Caraco
    Pharm. Labs., Ltd., 
    719 F.3d 1346
    , 1353–54 (Fed. Cir.
    2013) (“The mere fact that the court conducted [the obvi-
    ousness] analysis using terms such as ‘overcome’ and
    ‘prima facie’ does not necessarily imply that it shifted the
    burden of persuasion onto [the patent owner].”).
    In light of mixed messages coming from our court—
    endorsement of a prima facie framework on one hand but
    insistence to view the evidence as a whole on the other—
    trial courts have continued to find a prima facie case of
    obviousness before turning to objective indicia as rebuttal
    evidence. Despite Cyclobenzaprine’s warnings, burden-
    shifting remains common among trial courts. See, e.g.,
    Bayer Pharma AG v. Watson Labs., Inc., 
    183 F. Supp. 3d 579
    , 589 (D. Del. 2016) (“Under relevant law, once a
    prima facie case of obviousness has been established, the
    burden then shifts to the applicant to present evidence of
    secondary considerations of non-obviousness to overcome
    this prima facie showing.”); B-K Lighting, Inc. v. Vision3
    930 F. Supp. 2d 1102
    , 1116–17 (C.D. Cal. 2013)
    (stating that the patent owner bears the burden of pre-
    senting evidence to rebut a prima facie case of obvious-
    ness); Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Teva Pharm. USA, Inc.,
    923 F. Supp. 2d 602
    , 675 (D. Del. 2013) (“With [the al-
    leged infringer] having met its burden to establish a
    prima facie case of obviousness, the Court will go on to
    consider the fourth Graham factor: facts regarding objec-
    tive indicia of nonobviousness.”); Hitkansut LLC v. United
    127 Fed. Cl. 101
    , 113 (2016) (stating that the
    patent owner “incorrectly assumes that secondary consid-
    erations are part of [the alleged infringer’s] burden in
    proving obviousness.      Instead, evidence of secondary
    considerations is in the nature of rebuttal evidence. . . . A
    patentee typically comes forward with proof of secondary
    considerations of validity, or ‘non-obviousness,’ in rebuttal
    to a patent challenger’s prima facie case of obviousness.”)
    (alterations, quotation marks, and citation omitted).
    E. This Court’s “Prima Facie” Framework Does Not
    Comport With Supreme Court Precedent
    Although this court highlighted the dangers associat-
    ed with the prima facie framework in Cyclobenzaprine, we
    have not diligently instructed trial courts to abandon the
    framework altogether. 5 The time to do so has come. One
    commentator has stated that “Cyclobenzaprine was unre-
    alistic” if it intended to ban district courts from making
    prima facie findings of obviousness prior to consideration
    of objective indicia. Chisum § 5.05. I am not the first
    member of this court to state that such a ban is necessary.
    See Galderma Labs., L.P. v. Tolmar, Inc., 
    737 F.3d 731
    748 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (Newman, J., dissenting) (“[T]he
    proper analysis of obviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103
    requires that all evidence relevant to obviousness or
    nonobviousness be considered, and be considered collec-
    tively, without resort to presumptions of prima facie
    obviousness or burden-shifting.”) (quotation marks omit-
    ted); Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. v. Cadbury Adams USA LLC,
    683 F.3d 1356
    , 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (Newman, J., dis-
    senting) (“The district court, holding that a prima facie
    case of obviousness was established on the prior art alone,
    shifted the burden of proof to the patentee to rebut the
    asserted, but improper, prima facie case with the evidence
    of commercial success and copying. This is a distortion of
    the burden of proof, which never leaves the challenger.”).
    Objective indicia of non-obviousness must be consid-
    ered from the outset, and the burden of proof should never
    leave the challenger. The purpose of our patent system is
    the promotion of the progress of science and useful arts.
    U.S. Const. art. 1, § 8, cl. 8. This purpose is undermined
    by premature findings of obviousness and over-
    5  The majority notes, and I do not dispute, that the
    use of “prima facie” is a “not-uncommon choice of words”
    in our past precedent. Maj. Op. at 15; see also Chisum
    § 5.05 (“Federal Circuit decisions have held that, in
    particular cases, secondary considerations, though rele-
    vant, failed to overcome a ‘strong’ prima facie case of
    obviousness based on the prior art.”).
    invalidation of innovative patents. Novo 
    Nordisk, 719 F.3d at 1365
    (Newman, J., dissenting).
    The prima facie approach to obviousness jumbles the
    proper order of operations. “Prima facie” refers to evi-
    dence that is “[s]ufficient to establish a fact or raise a
    presumption unless disproved or rebutted.” Prima Facie,
    Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014). Whether a party
    has made a prima facie case is a legal determination. See
    Takeda Chem. Indus., Ltd. v. Alphapharm Pty., 
    492 F.3d 1350
    , 1356 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (calling the prima facie test
    “consistent with the legal principles enunciated in KSR”).
    Consistent with the prima facie approach endorsed by
    some of our past decisions, the district court here proceed-
    ed in four steps: it (1) considered the first three Graham
    factors; (2) made a legal prima facie determination of
    obviousness; (3) considered objective indicia of non-
    obviousness; and (4) made an ultimate conclusion of
    obviousness. Steps one and three are factual, whereas
    steps two and four are legal. It is clear to me that courts
    are making a legal determination of obviousness at step
    two. As a result, all of the facts concerning patentability
    are not considered. This is error.
    I read Supreme Court and Federal Circuit precedent
    to require all factual analysis to occur prior to achieving a
    legal conclusion on non-obviousness. This should be done
    without resort to an intermediate prima facie conclusion.
    See, e.g., 
    Graham, 383 U.S. at 36
    (not making a prima
    facie conclusion and instead reserving any legal conclu-
    sion until after discussion of all factual predicates); 
    KSR, 550 U.S. at 426
    Apple, 839 F.3d at 1058
    Cyclobenzaprine, 676 F.3d at 1081
    –83 (same); 
    Stratoflex, 713 F.2d at 1539
    (same). Thus, I would instruct the
    district court to abandon the prima facie framework and
    instead proceed in two steps: (1) consider all factual
    evidence, both favoring and disfavoring a finding of obvi-
    ousness; and (2) make a legal conclusion of obviousness.
    Accord Wm. Wrigley Jr. 
    Co., 683 F.3d at 1370
    J., dissenting); Robert A. Matthews, Jr., Annotated Patent
    Digest § 18:93 (“A court should consider evidence of
    secondary considerations together with the evidence
    alleged to create a prima facie case of obviousness before
    determining whether an invention is or is not obvious. In
    other words, secondary considerations do not come into
    play only to rebut a prima facie case of obvious, (even
    though that is often how they are considered during
    prosecution). Rather, the considerations factor in to the
    initial determination of obviousness.”).
    I recognize there are practical limitations of legal
    analysis and writing. A court’s opinion must be linear
    and cover only one issue at a time. Typically, discussion
    of the objective indicia of non-obviousness comes last in
    an obviousness analysis. There is nothing inherently
    wrong with this order per se. Again, Supreme Court
    precedent is instructive. The Court discussed objective
    indicia of non-obviousness last in 
    Graham. 383 U.S. at 35
    –36. So too in 
    KSR. 550 U.S. at 426
    . But in both
    cases, the Court made no “prima facie” finding of obvious-
    ness, did not relegate objective indicia into an after-
    thought, and reserved its legal conclusion for after
    discussion of all relevant factual inquiries. 
    Id. Our seminal
    Federal Circuit decisions have done the same.
    Apple, 839 F.3d at 1058
    Cyclobenzaprine, 676 F.3d at 1081
    Stratoflex, 713 F.2d at 1539
    . But the notion
    that objective criteria are considered after a legal prima
    facie showing is made has taken root like a spreading
    vine. This gives rise to cases, such as this case on appeal,
    where a court determines that a particularly “strong”
    prima facie showing has been made, making it difficult if
    not impossible for adequate weighing of evidence of objec-
    tive indicia of non-obviousness.
    This case presents a textbook example of why courts
    should not make any determinations of obviousness,
    prima facie or otherwise, prior to considering objective
    indicia of non-obviousness. Here, Kellogg responded to
    Kraft’s patent infringement suit by alleging that Kraft’s
    patent was invalid for obviousness. Kellogg presented
    evidence of prior art that it alleged a person of ordinary
    skill would have been motivated to combine.
    In response to Kellogg’s evidence of obviousness, Kraft
    presented at least three objective indicia of non-
    obviousness. The district court wrote that Kraft “has
    offered substantial evidence from which a jury could find
    that its invention has been commercially successful.” J.A.
    29. Kraft presented evidence that its sales volume in-
    creased four percent due to the invention. J.A. 28. It also
    presented “evidence of positive consumer feedback” and
    survey results showing that the invention “was a clear
    favorite for nearly all” survey respondents. J.A. 29. The
    court also found that Kraft introduced evidence of long-
    felt but unsolved need. 
    Id. It explained
    that Kraft won
    “one of the highest industry awards innovative packaging
    technology can receive” and pointed to “many industry
    publications” praising the technology. 
    Id. Finally, Kraft
    presented evidence “show[ing] that Kellogg intentionally
    copied [Kraft’s] packaging.” 
    Id. The court
    found this
    evidence of copying to be “compelling.” 
    Id. I am
    left to wonder how “substantial” and “compel-
    ling” evidence of objective indicia cannot overcome a
    prima facie showing. If such significant evidence does not
    make a difference in this case, it is hard to imagine a
    situation in which it would.
    An observer noted that “the law, with respect to the
    importance of secondary considerations or objective
    indicia, is going through a transformation.” J. Jeffrey
    Hawley, The Resurgence of “Secondary Considerations”,
    16 FLA. COASTAL L. REV. 1, 23 (2014). I hope so. Cyclo-
    benzaprine was a step in the right direction. We should
    finish what Cyclobenzaprine started and prohibit prima
    facie findings of obviousness prior to consideration of
    objective indicia of non-obviousness.
    Because it affirms on obviousness grounds, the major-
    ity does not discuss the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment of no literal infringement. Because I would
    reverse the obviousness determination, I would review the
    infringement finding. I would find reversible error in the
    district court’s claim construction, which led to its finding
    of no literal infringement.
    Kraft sued Kellogg for, inter alia, literal infringement
    of the ’532 patent. Central to Kraft’s infringement allega-
    tion was the claim term “sealing layer,” which appears in
    claim 1 of the ’532 patent. The parties disputed the
    construction of “sealing layer” in their claim construction
    briefs and at the claim construction hearing.
    Following briefing and argument, the district court is-
    sued a Markman order construing “sealing layer.” The
    court concluded that the ’532 patent claims require “the
    sealing layer to be a distinct layer from the top of the
    container.” J.A. 44. The court went on:
    This does not mean, however, that the sealing lay-
    er must be physically separated from the top of the
    container or, more specifically, from the wrapper
    that forms the top of the container as described in
    claim 1. In particular, the requirement of a dis-
    tinct layer does not preclude the sealing layer
    from being laminated to another layer or layers of
    the wrapper. One layer of material that is lami-
    nated to another is no less a distinct layer. In
    other words, “distinct” and “separate” have differ-
    ent meanings in this context.
    J.A. 45 (emphases added). Neither party disputes that
    this construction, as expressed in the Markman order, is
    In its subsequent summary judgment order, however,
    the court construed “sealing layer” differently. The sum-
    mary judgment order stated that the sealing layer “must
    be a separate piece of material.” J.A. 32. This construc-
    tion was outcome-determinative: The court noted that it
    granted summary judgment of no literal infringement
    “based on [its] construction of the claim term, ‘sealing
    layer.’” J.A. 31; see also 
    id. (“Because the
    top and cut-out
    flap are not ‘distinct layers’ in the accused products—
    rather, they are part of the same layer—Kellogg does not
    literally infringe the sealing layer limitation.”).
    The court’s new construction at summary judgment
    contradicts its Markman construction that stated the
    sealing layer did not need to be a separate piece of mate-
    rial. This distinction is critical because if the sealing
    layer need not be separate from the top of the container,
    then a reasonable jury could conclude that Kellogg literal-
    ly infringed the ’532 patent. The majority opinion fails to
    address this issue at all, either in its recitation of the
    facts or its analysis of the law. Kraft was entitled to a
    consistent construction of “sealing layer” throughout the
    case, or, at minimum, to have an opportunity to respond
    to the court’s new construction. Cf. Cordis Corp. v. Bos.
    Sci. Corp., 
    658 F.3d 1347
    , 1355 (Fed. Cir. 2011) (holding
    that while a court may clarify its construction after a jury
    verdict, it may not apply an altogether different construc-
    tion); SAS Inst., Inc. v. ComplementSoft, LLC, 
    825 F.3d 1341
    , 1351–52 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (stating, in the agency
    context, that while the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
    may adopt a claim construction in its Final Written
    Opinion, it may not change constructions “midstream”).
    Because Kraft did not have an opportunity to respond to
    the midstream change in the meaning of “sealing layer,” I
    would reverse the grant of summary judgment of no
    literal infringement.
    I respectfully dissent from judgment of the majority
    to: (1) affirm the district court’s grant of summary judg-
    ment of obviousness and (2) not address the court’s claim
    construction error.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-2082

Citation Numbers: 869 F.3d 1336

Filed Date: 9/7/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (31)

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