Matter of S.M. , 2017 MT 244 ( 2017 )

  •                                                                                        10/03/2017
    DA 15-0762
    Case Number: DA 15-0762
    2017 MT 244
    Respondent and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:      District Court of the Twentieth Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Lake, Cause No. DI 15-5
    Honorable Deborah Kim Christopher, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Nick K. Brooke, Smith & Stephens, P.C., Missoula, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Timothy C. Fox, Montana Attorney General, Tammy A. Hinderman,
    Assistant Attorney General, Helena, Montana
    Steven N. Eschenbacher, Lake County Attorney, Polson, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: July 19, 2017
    Decided: October 3, 2017
    Justice Beth Baker delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     The State filed a petition to involuntarily commit S.M. after he told a friend he was
    going to commit suicide. At the initial hearing, S.M. advised the court that he wished to
    waive counsel and represent himself. The District Court ultimately denied S.M.’s request
    and appointed counsel over S.M.’s objection. S.M., together with his appointed counsel,
    entered into a stipulation for commitment to community-based treatment. The District
    Court approved the stipulation and ordered S.M.’s commitment. On appeal, S.M. contends
    that Montana law prohibiting waiver of the right to counsel violates his rights under the
    United States Constitution. We affirm.
    ¶2     In November 2015, S.M. asked a friend to watch his dog because he intended to
    commit suicide. The friend called 9-1-1. When law enforcement officers arrived at S.M.’s
    house, they found a noose with a chair below it. S.M. told them he was going to kill
    himself. The officers brought S.M. to the hospital. At the hospital, S.M. denied that he
    intended to harm himself, but he told health care providers “that he does have a rope long
    enough and has been looking for someone to look after his dog when he is gone.” S.M.
    agreed that he needed help but refused any treatment more restrictive than outpatient
    treatment. Because the medical professional who examined S.M. believed outpatient
    treatment would be inadequate due to S.M.’s suicidal ideation, the State filed a petition to
    involuntarily commit S.M. The District Court determined that there was probable cause to
    proceed with the petition and appointed a public defender to represent S.M.
    ¶3     At the initial hearing on the petition, S.M. requested that the District Court dismiss
    his appointed counsel because he wished to represent himself. He stated further that “for
    the purpose of the record I’d note that I have a right to proceed pro se under Ferrata [sic]
    versus California and shadow counsel may be appointed, but the attorney will not represent
    me.” The District Court and the public defender agreed with S.M. that he had “the absolute
    right” to represent himself. The District Court then appointed the public defender “to serve
    only as standby counsel.” The District Court explained to S.M. that appointed counsel was
    merely “backup” whom S.M. could “use . . . to the extent [S.M.] wish[ed].”
    ¶4     On November 20, 2015, Erica Weber, a certified mental health professional,
    examined S.M. and submitted her report to the District Court. Weber reported that S.M.’s
    symptoms include “high risk behaviors[,] impulsivity, and suicidal ideation” and that S.M.
    “remain[ed] a high risk to attempt [suicide] without outside assistance.” She expressed
    concern that S.M. would not follow through with a voluntary treatment plan if the District
    Court dismissed the involuntary commitment petition.                 Weber recommended
    court-ordered, community-based treatment.
    ¶5     On that same day, standby counsel filed a notice with the District Court that,
    pursuant to § 53-21-119(1), MCA, “[t]he right to counsel may not be waived” in
    involuntary commitment proceedings. The notice explained that under this Court’s
    decision in In re N.A., 
    2013 MT 255
    , ¶ 15, 
    371 Mont. 531
    309 P.3d 27
    , standby counsel
    was insufficient representation.
    ¶6     In response to the notice, the District Court informed S.M. at the next hearing that
    he could not waive appointed counsel. The District Court told S.M. that the proceeding
    would continue “in a fashion that doesn’t walk all over the top of your ability to represent
    yourself.” S.M. protested that he was “very well aware” of his rights and that he had
    represented himself in various civil and criminal proceedings in the past, as well as
    representing other people in the tribal court system. He also agreed that he was in need of
    mental health intervention.
    ¶7     When the District Court attempted to grant a recess to give S.M. an opportunity to
    read Weber’s report and to confer with his counsel, S.M. instead requested to meet with
    both his appointed counsel and the prosecutor, “so that we can get through this and get to
    the point of the hearing, which is me getting mental health.” During the recess, the parties
    negotiated a stipulation in which they agreed that S.M. suffered from a mental illness and
    was in need of commitment. They stipulated that the least restrictive treatment alternative
    was placement in a community outpatient treatment facility. Appointed counsel, the
    prosecutor, and S.M. all signed the agreement. The District Court approved the stipulation
    and entered an order of commitment requiring S.M. to comply with the agreed-upon plan
    of care.
    ¶8     S.M. appeals the commitment order and facially challenges the prohibition against
    waiving counsel in civil commitment proceedings contained in § 53-21-119(1), MCA, as
    a violation of his rights under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States
    ¶9    Constitutional issues are questions of law; our review of such questions is plenary.
    In re Mental Health of T.M., 
    2004 MT 221
    , ¶ 7, 
    332 Mont. 394
    96 P.3d 1147
    ¶10   Legislative enactments are presumed to be constitutional. Williams v. Bd. of Cnty.
    Comm’rs of Missoula Cnty., 
    2013 MT 243
    , ¶ 23, 
    371 Mont. 356
    308 P.3d 88
    . The party
    challenging a statute has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that it is
    unconstitutional. Williams, ¶ 23. To prevail on a facial challenge, the party making the
    challenge must show that “no set of circumstances exists” under which the statute would
    be valid or that the statute lacks any “plainly legitimate sweep.” Wash. State Grange v.
    Wash. State Republican Party, 
    552 U.S. 442
    , 449, 
    128 S. Ct. 1184
    , 1190 (2008) (citations
    and internal quotations omitted); see also Mont. Cannabis Indus. Ass’n v. State, 
    2016 MT 44
    , ¶ 14, 
    382 Mont. 256
    368 P.3d 1131
    ¶11 Whether § 53-21-119(1), MCA, prohibiting a person from waiving the right to
    counsel in a civil commitment proceeding, violates the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments
    to the United States Constitution.
    ¶12   Montana’s civil commitment statutes provide respondents to involuntary
    commitment petitions with numerous procedural rights. They include the right to notice
    in advance of any hearing, § 53-21-115(1), MCA; to be present, to offer evidence, and to
    present witnesses, § 53-21-115(2), MCA; to know in advance the names and addresses of
    opposing witnesses and to cross-examine them, § 53-21-115(3)-(4), MCA; to remain silent,
    § 53-21-115(6), MCA; to be examined by the professional of the respondent’s choice,
    §§ 53-21-115(9), -118, MCA; to be dressed in the respondent’s own clothes,
    § 53-21-115(10), MCA; and to either refuse to take or to voluntarily take medication before
    any hearing, § 53-21-115(11)-(12), MCA.              Section 53-21-119(1), MCA, allows a
    respondent to “mak[e] an intentional and knowing decision” to waive these rights. Along
    with the above listed rights, the statute guarantees the right to counsel in no fewer than
    three provisions. See § 53-21-115(5), MCA (guaranteeing “the right to be represented by
    counsel”); § 53-21-116, MCA (guaranteeing the right to counsel at any hearing or trial and
    providing for appointed counsel); § 53-21-117, MCA (guaranteeing the right to secure an
    attorney of the respondent’s choice). Unlike its treatment of other rights, § 53-21-119(1),
    MCA, prohibits a respondent from waiving the right to counsel.
    ¶13    S.M. alleges that the language in § 53-21-119(1), MCA, that “[t]he right to counsel
    may not be waived” violates his right to represent himself under the Sixth Amendment and
    his right to substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.1
    ¶14    S.M. argues first that the right to act as counsel for oneself rests on the Sixth
    Amendment. In Faretta v. California, 
    422 U.S. 806
    , 819, 
    95 S. Ct. 2525
    , 2533 (1975), the
    United States Supreme Court held that the right to present one’s own defense in a criminal
    prosecution, though not explicitly provided for in the text, was “necessarily implied by the
    S.M. alludes to the Montana Constitution, which provides greater protection of some rights than
    the United States Constitution guarantees. State v. Covington, 
    2012 MT 31
    , ¶ 20, 
    364 Mont. 118
    272 P.3d 43
    . A party asserting such greater protection “must establish sound and articulable
    reasons that the Montana Constitution affords greater protection for a particular right.” Covington,
    ¶ 20. Because S.M. failed to provide separate legal analysis regarding any possible greater
    protections the Montana Constitution affords, the Court declines to decide those issues here.
    structure of the [Sixth] Amendment.” S.M. argues that the Sixth Amendment’s right to
    self-representation applies equally to involuntary civil commitment proceedings.
    ¶15    The State counters, and we agree, that the Sixth Amendment of the United States
    Constitution does not apply to civil commitment proceedings. By its very language the
    Sixth Amendment is limited to “criminal prosecutions.” U.S. Const. amend. VI; see
    Martinez v. Court of Appeal of Cal., 
    528 U.S. 152
    , 159-60, 
    120 S. Ct. 684
    , 690 (2000)
    (“The Sixth Amendment identifies the basic rights that the accused shall enjoy in ‘all
    criminal prosecutions.’     They are presented strictly as rights that are available in
    preparation for trial and at the trial itself.”); Middendorf v. Henry, 
    435 U.S. 25
    , 37, 
    96 S. Ct. 1281
    , 1289 (1976) (“[T]hat a proceeding will result in loss of liberty does not ipso facto
    mean that the proceeding is a ‘criminal prosecution’ for purposes of the Sixth
    Amendment.”). We have explained that “although affording an individual with certain
    ‘criminal’ due process rights, the involuntary commitment process does not invoke” the
    Sixth Amendment. In re Mental Health of K.G.F., 
    2001 MT 140
    , ¶ 39, 
    306 Mont. 1
    29 P.3d 485
    . Although we overruled In re K.G.F. on other grounds in In re J.S., 
    2017 MT 214
    , ¶ 19, 
    388 Mont. 397
    , ___ P.3d ___, we reaffirmed the principle “that the right to
    effective assistance of counsel in civil commitment proceedings is premised upon the
    Fourteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution” and companion State constitutional
    provisions, not upon the Sixth Amendment. In re J.S., ¶ 15. Because civil commitment
    constitutes “a significant deprivation of liberty that requires due process protection,”
    Addington v. Texas, 
    441 U.S. 418
    , 425, 
    99 S. Ct. 1804
    , 1809 (1979), a constitutional right
    to self-representation in civil commitment proceedings, if any exists, must be found in the
    Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution, not in the
    Sixth Amendment.
    ¶16    S.M. argues that § 53-21-119(1), MCA, also violates his substantive due process
    rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. S.M contends that the Fourteenth Amendment
    Due Process Clause protects his right to represent himself in involuntary civil commitment
    proceedings because such a right is “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history.” Washington
    v. Glucksberg, 
    521 U.S. 702
    , 721, 
    117 S. Ct. 2258
    , 2268 (1997) (quoting Moore v. City of
    East Cleveland, 
    431 U.S. 494
    , 503, 
    97 S. Ct. 1932
    , 1938 (1977)). Such fundamental rights
    may not be infringed “at all, no matter what process is provided, unless the infringement
    is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state interest.” 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 721
    117 S. Ct. at 2268 (quoting Reno v. Flores, 
    507 U.S. 292
    , 302, 
    113 S. Ct. 1439
    , 1447
    (1993)); see also Newville v. Dep’t of Fam. Servs., 
    267 Mont. 237
    , 249, 
    883 P.2d 793
    , 800
    (1994) (“[T]he due process clause contains a substantive component which bars arbitrary
    governmental actions regardless of the procedures used to implement them, and serves as
    a check on oppressive governmental action.”).
    ¶17    Analyzing substantive due process claims under the federal Constitution is a
    two-step process. First, we must determine whether the Due Process Clause protects a
    purported right as a fundamental right. 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 720-21
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268.
    In making this determination, we look to see if the right is “objectively deeply rooted in
    the Nation’s history and tradition, and implicit in the concept of ordered liberty, such that
    neither liberty nor justice would exist if they were sacrificed.” 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 720-21
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268 (citations and internal quotations omitted). Critical to this
    inquiry is a “careful description of the asserted fundamental liberty interest.” 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 721
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268 (citations and internal quotations omitted). The second
    step depends on the outcome of the first step. If the purported right is fundamental, any
    governmental restriction must pass strict judicial scrutiny. 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 721
    117 S. Ct. at 2268. If the purported right is not fundamental, rational basis review applies.
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 728
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2271.
    ¶18    In making the initial determination as to whether a fundamental right is at stake, we
    must carefully define the purported right in a way that “avoids over generalization in the
    historical inquiry.” Hawkins v. Freeman, 
    195 F.3d 732
    , 747 (4th Cir. 1999) (citing
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 722-23
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268-69). A “careful description” of the
    purported right S.M. asserts is the right to represent oneself in a civil commitment
    ¶19    We next turn to whether such a right is “found to be deeply rooted in our legal
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 722
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268.           Unlike the right to
    self-representation that the Sixth Amendment guarantees to criminal defendants, there is
    far from a “nearly universal conviction,” 
    Faretta, 422 U.S. at 817
    , 95 S. Ct. at 2532, that
    persons in involuntary civil commitment proceedings have a right to represent themselves.
    The right to waive counsel in civil commitment proceedings “varies among the states from
    allowing self-representation as in other suits, to giving the court discretion as to whether
    waiver and self-representation should proceed, to making the presence of counsel
    unwaivable.” 53 Am. Jur. 2d Mentally Impaired Persons § 35 (2017) (footnotes omitted).
    Decisions from various jurisdictions illustrate the different policy choices that states have
    made on this issue. Compare Conservatorship of Joel E., 
    132 Cal. App. 4th 429
    , 440
    (2005) (holding that neither the state statute nor the United States Constitution provided a
    right to self-representation in civil commitment proceedings); In re Penelope W., 
    19 A.3d 813
    , 815 (Me. 2011) (noting that in criminal cases self-representation “is a limited right”
    and that the Maine statute’s requirement for representation by counsel in civil commitment
    proceedings “does not violate a patient’s constitutional rights”); In re Irwin, 
    529 N.W.2d 366
    , 371 (Minn. 1995) (stating that the Minnesota statute does not give a person in civil
    commitment proceedings a right to self-representation); and In re G.G., 
    165 A.3d 1075
    1091 (Vt. 2017) (holding “that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause precludes
    a patient in a continued treatment or involuntary medication hearing, or in an appeal
    concerning those issues, from representing him or herself”), with In re Jesse M., 
    170 P.3d 683
    , 686 (Ariz. 2007) (holding “that the intended beneficiary of a statute may waive its
    benefit”); In re Civil Commitment of D.Y., 
    95 A.3d 157
    , 161, 171 n.7 (N.J. 2014) (declining
    to reach the constitutional question and determining, based on statutory text and a tradition
    of self-representation, that a party may waive representation in a civil commitment
    proceeding under New Jersey’s Sexually Violent Predator Act without reaching whether it
    would hold the same for other civil commitment proceedings); In re R.Z., 
    45 N.W.2d 486
    488 (N.D. 1987) (stating that North Dakota relies on criminal cases “to define the rights of
    respondents in mental health proceedings” and that a respondent may waive counsel if the
    waiver is “knowing and intelligent and voluntary”); In re Det. of J.S., 
    159 P.3d 435
    , 440
    (Wash. Ct. App. 2007) (holding that the right to self-representation was protected by the
    constitution of the State of Washington and interpreting the statute to not require counsel);
    and In re S.Y., 
    469 N.W.2d 836
    , 840 (Wis. 1991) (concluding that the right to
    self-representation in civil commitment proceedings is protected by the constitution of the
    State of Wisconsin). This disparate case law shows that there is no universal agreement
    among the states whether a person in a civil commitment proceeding has the right to
    proceed pro se.
    ¶20    S.M. cites two cases in support of his argument that self-representation in civil
    commitment proceedings has a long history in the United States. Neither case discusses
    involuntary civil commitment proceedings specifically. The first case on which S.M. relies
    addresses the history of self-representation in civil cases generally, not civil commitment
    proceedings specifically, and states that the right is protected “simply by statute” and not
    by the Constitution. Iannaccone v. Law, 
    142 F.3d 553
    , 556 (2d Cir. 1998). The second
    case pertains to the control and guardianship of the property of an elderly farmer. In re
    10 N.J. Eq. 186
    (1854). Although S.M. quotes the line, “[t]he alleged lunatic
    has a right . . . to make his defence [sic] by himself or counsel,” Vanauken was in fact
    represented by 
    counsel. 10 N.J. Eq. at 190
    . The case does not analyze any right to proceed
    without that representation. We do not find either of these cases convincing as establishing
    a long history in the United States of a right to self-representation in civil commitment
    ¶21    To the contrary, as the State points out, formal proceedings for involuntary civil
    commitment are relatively modern developments. Early American statutes dealing with
    mental illness during the Colonial era primarily were concerned with the guardianship and
    control of any assets the person may have had. 1 Michael L. Perlin, Mental Disability Law:
    Civil and Criminal § 2A-2.1b, 53 (2d ed. 1998) (hereafter Perlin, Mental Disability Law).
    During this time, very few facilities existed for those with mental illness, and commitment
    into these institutions was viewed “strictly as administrative,” with an application from
    “the local overseer of the poor” or a family member generally sufficient to commit an
    individual. 1 Perlin, Mental Disability Law § 2A-2.1b, 54.
    ¶22    Between 1810 and 1840 institutions to house the mentally disabled proliferated, and
    a “cult of asylum” swept across the United States. Alan Dershowitz, The Origins of
    Preventative Confinement in Anglo-American Law Part II: The American Experience,
    43 U. Cin. L. Rev. 781, 804-05 (1974) (internal quotations omitted) (hereafter Dershowitz,
    The Origins of Preventative Confinement). During this time, involuntary commitment
    involved little more than a certification from a medical professional that commitment was
    proper. 1 Perlin, Mental Disability Law § 2A-2.1b, 54; Samuel Jan Brakel et al., The
    Mentally Disabled and the Law 14 (3d ed. 1985).
    ¶23    In the years after the Civil War, courts and legislatures concerned about abuse in
    these informal systems “promulgated safeguards designed to prevent confinement of
    persons who were sane.” Dershowitz, The Origins of Preventive Confinement 845. Many
    states during this time instituted procedural reforms, such as requiring trial by jury,
    presence of the patient at judicial hearings, right to appeal, and “reasonable opportunity to
    correspond with friends.” Dershowitz, The Origins of Preventative Confinement 842.
    ¶24    Since the 1890s, reform efforts “have gone through repeated cycles driven primarily
    by whether the public at the time is (1) concerned that people with mental illness are not
    getting the treatment they need or (2) focused on the possibility of unjust detention.” Paul
    S. Appelbaum, A History of Civil Commitment and Related Reforms in the United States:
    Lessons for Today, 25 Dev. Mental Health L. 13, 17 (2006). Pertinent to our purpose today,
    this history tells us that self-representation in civil commitment proceedings has not been
    protected since the beginning of the Nation. In fact, strong procedural safeguards to protect
    the interests of those facing involuntary civil commitment are a rather recent development
    and have focused on improving the fairness and accuracy of the process.
    ¶25    The history tells us further that the process afforded to respondents in civil
    commitment proceedings is the subject of a “considered legislative response,” and we
    should be cautious to extend constitutional protections that “place the matter outside the
    arena of public debate and legislative action.” Dist. Attorney’s Office v. Osborne, 
    557 U.S. 52
    , 73, 
    129 S. Ct. 2308
    , 2322 (2009) (plurality opinion) (quoting 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 720
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268). Unlike the penal purpose of criminal law, a primary purpose
    of the civil commitment statutes in Montana is to “secure for each person who may be
    suffering from a mental disorder and requiring commitment the care and treatment suited
    to the needs of the person and to ensure that the care and treatment are skillfully and
    humanely administered with full respect for the person’s dignity and personal integrity.”
    Section 53-21-101(1), MCA. A companion purpose is to “ensure that due process of law
    is accorded” to any person in civil commitment proceedings. Section 53-21-101(4), MCA.
    To further that purpose, the statutes are replete with process requirements. This Court
    requires strict adherence to all process due in these proceedings. See, e.g., In re J.S., ¶ 18.
    Civil commitment proceedings operate on an expedited time frame, § 53-21-122(2)(a),
    MCA, (hearing on the petition must be within five days of initial appearance), and the
    respondent may not be detained in a jail or other correctional facility pending commitment,
    § 53-21-124(4), MCA. In order to initiate an involuntary civil commitment proceeding,
    the court first must find probable cause based on evidence contained in the State’s petition
    that the person is suffering from a mental disorder “that has substantial adverse effects on
    an individual’s cognitive or volitional functions.”         Section 53-21-102(9)(a), MCA
    (definition of “mental disorder”); § 53-21-121(c), MCA (requiring the petition to contain
    facts supporting the allegation of mental disorder); § 53-21-122(2)(a), MCA (requiring the
    judge to dismiss the petition if no probable cause is found). The statutes are designed to
    protect a respondent’s civil and legal rights, as well as the safety of the community, while
    ensuring the orderly consideration and prompt disposition of petitions for involuntary
    confinement. In this context, the Montana Legislature has determined that counsel cannot
    be waived. Section 53-21-119(1), MCA.
    ¶26    The core of due process “emphasizes fairness between the State and the individual
    dealing with the State.” Evitts v. Lucey, 
    469 U.S. 387
    , 405, 
    105 S. Ct. 830
    , 841 (1985)
    (internal quotations omitted). This means that concerns about fairness, integrity, and
    accuracy of the process carry great weight. And especially so in civil commitment
    proceedings. The State has no interest in involuntarily committing people who do not
    suffer from a mental disorder that makes them a danger to themselves or others under the
    statutory criteria of § 53-21-126(1)(a)-(d), MCA. Thus, the State has an important interest
    in seeing that proceedings lead to fair and accurate outcomes. The United States Supreme
    Court acknowledged in Martinez that “[n]o one . . . attempts to argue that as a rule pro se
    representation is wise, desirable or efficient.” 
    Martinez, 528 U.S. at 161
    , 120 S. Ct. at 691.
    There is a very real risk that self-representation in civil commitment proceedings would
    increase the likelihood of an unfair or erroneous result rather than enhancing the fairness
    or accuracy of the proceeding.
    ¶27    The United States Supreme Court noted in Indiana v. Edwards, 
    554 U.S. 164
    , 175,
    128 S. Ct. 2379
    , 2386 (2008), that “[m]ental illness itself is not a unitary concept. It varies
    in degree. It can vary over time. It interferes with an individual’s functioning at different
    times in different ways.” If the United States Constitution guaranteed self-representation
    in civil commitment proceedings, courts would have to reassess throughout the proceeding
    whether the person before them was competent to waive counsel. As the Supreme Court
    of Vermont pointed out, self-representation in involuntary commitment proceedings
    “creates a circularity problem.” In re 
    G.G., 165 A.3d at 1090
    . It is quite possible that a
    person in a civil commitment proceeding who proceeded pro se and was found in need of
    commitment “would then be in a position to challenge the initial waiver of counsel as not
    knowing, intelligent or voluntary[,] and thereby [claim] a right to a new hearing with
    counsel.” In re 
    G.G., 165 A.3d at 1090
    . Such potential disruptions not only implicate the
    state interest in expedient resolution of cases, but also delay getting the respondent any
    treatment and care he or she needs.
    ¶28    The forgoing discussion demonstrates that the Legislature has taken extensive
    measures to preserve the integrity of the process and to uphold the interests of persons
    involved. Prohibiting the waiver of counsel is one such measure. Our examination reveals
    that a right to self-representation in civil commitment proceedings is neither “deeply rooted
    in our Nation’s history,” nor “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.” 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 721
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2268 (citations and internal quotations omitted). The Due Process
    Clause, therefore, does not establish as fundamental the right to represent oneself in civil
    commitment proceedings.
    ¶29    Because a fundamental right is not implicated in this case, the United States
    Constitution requires only that the statute “be rationally related to legitimate government
    interests.” See 
    Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 728
    , 117 S. Ct. at 2271; see also Mont. Cannabis
    Indus. Ass’n, ¶ 21 (“Where a fundamental right is not implicated, ‘[s]ubstantive due process
    analysis requires a test of the reasonableness of a statute in relation to the State’s power to
    enact legislation.’” (quoting Satterlee v. Lumberman’s Mut. Cas. Co., 
    2009 MT 368
    , ¶ 33,
    353 Mont. 265
    222 P.3d 566
    ¶30    Evident from the above discussion is the State’s substantial interest in preserving
    the integrity and fairness of civil commitment proceedings. Because the statute is based
    on the sound public policy that persons in civil commitment proceedings should be
    represented by counsel to preserve fairness, integrity, and accuracy in the civil commitment
    process, the prohibition against waiver is “reasonably related to a permissible legislative
    objective.”   Mont. Cannabis Indus. Ass’n, ¶ 21.            The challenged language in
    § 53-21-119(1), MCA, has a “plainly legitimate sweep,” and so S.M.’s facial challenge
    must fail. Wash. State 
    Grange, 522 U.S. at 449
    , 128 S. Ct. at 1190 (citations and internal
    quotations omitted).
    ¶31    Although the United States Constitution does not require courts to allow persons in
    civil commitment proceedings to represent themselves, we do not minimize the important
    autonomy interests a respondent has relating to “the inestimable worth of free choice” and
    “respect for the individual.” 
    Faretta, 422 U.S. at 834
    , 95 S. Ct. at 2540-41 (citations and
    internal quotations omitted).   Even though respondents cannot waive counsel under
    § 53-21-119(1), MCA, this does not mean that they cannot participate extensively in the
    proceedings as appropriate, which S.M. did. The statute guarantees certain procedural
    safeguards, including the right to be present and to offer evidence, among other rights.
    Section 53-21-115(2), MCA. These rights to be present and to offer evidence mean that a
    respondent may offer his or her perspective to the court, explain why he or she should not
    be committed, or explain why a less restrictive placement is proper under the
    ¶32    S.M. did just this. In the initial hearing, S.M. requested the court to move him within
    the facility at which he was being held to the side where he could go outside, stating, “I
    have not been disruptive. I have been cooperative and I’m pretty much coherent.” S.M.
    participated extensively in the proceedings at the next hearing. He made arguments in
    support of his federal rights before the court and he made the decision to meet with both
    his counsel and the prosecutor to negotiate a stipulation. Although he could not waive
    counsel entirely, S.M. was able to participate in such a manner that protected his personal
    autonomy under the circumstances.
    ¶33    Our prior interpretations of § 53-21-119(1), MCA, support this outcome. In In re
    N.A., ¶ 10, the respondent’s counsel “assisted in cross examination, conducted direct
    examination of [the respondent], and addressed the District Court concerning matters of
    legal significance,” but the respondent performed a majority of the cross-examinations and
    delivered a closing argument. We held that the respondent’s participation did not reduce
    counsel to standby counsel and did not make counsel’s performance ineffective. In re N.A.,
    ¶¶ 17, 38. Such extensive participation was appropriate under the circumstances of that
    case, just as S.M.’s extensive participation was appropriate under the circumstances of this
    case. The appropriate level of participation in each case will depend on the circumstances
    and the individual capacity of the respondent in the civil commitment proceeding. Judges
    should allow such participation, when appropriate, to promote the respondent’s individual
    autonomy and dignity, so long as such participation protects the respondent’s statutory
    rights and will not prevent the fair, orderly, and accurate administration of the proceeding.
    ¶34    We also note that Montana Rule of Professional Conduct 1.14(a) states that “[w]hen
    a client’s capacity to make adequately considered decisions in connection with a
    representation is diminished, whether because of minority, mental impairment or for some
    other reason, the lawyer shall, as far as reasonably possible, maintain a normal
    client-lawyer relationship with the client.” Part of a normal attorney-client relationship
    includes “reasonably consult[ing] with the client about the means by which the client’s
    objectives are to be accomplished,” M. R. Prof. Cond. 1.4(a)(2), and “abid[ing] by a client’s
    decisions concerning the objectives of representation,” M. R. Prof. Cond. 1.2(a). These
    rules highlight that when an attorney represents a client during a civil commitment
    proceeding, the attorney has an ethical duty to seek the client’s input and, if the client so
    chooses, to allow for the client’s participation in the defense “as far as reasonably
    possible.” M. R. Prof. Cond. 1.14(a).
    ¶35    Section 53-21-119(1), MCA, as interpreted by this Court, thus does not raise any
    due process concerns. Although the statute requires counsel, a respondent in a civil
    commitment proceeding still has a right to participate personally in the proceeding and,
    depending on the respondent’s circumstances and capacity, to participate extensively.
    ¶36    We affirm the District Court’s order of commitment and uphold the constitutionality
    of § 53-21-119(1), MCA. The judgment is affirmed.
    We concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-0762

Citation Numbers: 2017 MT 244

Filed Date: 10/3/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/3/2017

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