Quigley v. Beck , 389 Mont. 283 ( 2017 )

  •                                                                                           11/14/2017
    DA 16-0629
    Case Number: DA 16-0629
    2017 MT 278
    Claimants, Objectors and Appellants,
    Claimant, Counter-Objector and Appellee,
    APPEAL FROM:         Montana Water Court, Cause No. 76F-75
    Honorable Russ McElyea, Presiding Judge
    For Appellants:
    Ryan K. Mattick, Moore, O’Connell & Refling, PC, Bozeman, Montana
    For Appellee:
    John E. Bloomquist, Bloomquist Law Firm, P.C., Helena, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: September 6, 2017
    Decided: November 14, 2017
    Justice Beth Baker delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     James C. Quigley and Linda M.S. Quigley (Quigley) and Richard L. Beck assert
    conflicting claims of ownership over four water rights for irrigation from Nevada Creek.
    After presiding over a trial and conducting a site inspection, the Water Master issued a
    report dividing the four rights between Quigley and Beck based on a ratio of the irrigated
    acres owned by each party. Quigley filed objections with the Water Court. The Water
    Court largely adopted the Water Master’s report. Quigley appeals the Water Court’s
    order. We affirm.
    ¶2     We restate the issues on appeal as follows:
    1. Whether the Water Court erred in its interpretation of the 1909 Geary v.
    Raymond decree;
    2. Whether the Water Court erred in applying the clear error standard to the
    Water Master’s findings of fact.
    ¶3     Quigley and Beck own adjoining ranches, which John W. Blair once owned as a
    single property known as Finn Ranch. Finn Ranch, situated in the Blackfoot River Basin,
    included lands in sections 27, 28, 33, and 34 of Township 12 North, Range 9 West. The
    lands in sections 27 and 28 now belong to Beck, and the lands in sections 33 and 34 now
    belong to Quigley.
    ¶4     In 1909, when Blair still owned Finn Ranch, the Montana Third Judicial District
    Court in Powell County issued a decree in the case Geary v. Raymond (the “Geary
    decree”), declaring the water rights of users of Nevada Creek and its tributaries. Among
    the rights that the district court decreed to Blair were four water rights for irrigation from
    Nevada Creek. In 1912, Finn Ranch was split and sold. It has remained in separate
    ownership to the present day. No deed transfer for the properties in the ensuing years has
    reserved specific water rights as appurtenances to the land.
    ¶5      Quigley’s predecessor timely filed water rights claims, including four Nevada
    Creek claims1 based on the water rights decreed to Blair in the Geary decree. Beck’s
    predecessor also filed four water right claims2 for Nevada Creek based on water rights
    decreed to Blair in the Geary decree. During its review of claims in preparation for the
    Blackfoot River Basin Temporary Preliminary Decree, the Montana Department of
    Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) noted that the eight claims were based on
    the same four water rights and that each party was claiming the entirety of each of the
    four rights. As a result, the rights claimed exceeded the total appropriations and the
    DNRC attached a “decree exceeded” issue remark to the eight claims from Quigley and
    ¶6      Quigley filed objections against the Beck claims, and Beck filed counterobjections
    against the Quigley claims. The claims and objections were consolidated and assigned to
    a Water Master for adjudication. After discovery, the Water Master presided over a
    two-day trial and conducted a site visit. In his report, the Master concluded that both
    Quigley and Beck were successors to a portion of Blair’s four Nevada Creek water rights.
    The Master proportionally split the flow rates of each decreed right between Quigley and
    Beck based on the historic number of acres irrigated on each property, using the formula
    Claim Nos. 76F 108071-00, 76F 108075-00, 76F 108076-00, and 76F 108077-00.
    Claim Nos. 76F 117732-00, 76 F 120974-00, 76F 120975-00 and 76F 120976-00.
    provided in Spaeth v. Emmett, 
    142 Mont. 231
    383 P.2d 812
    (1963). Under this formula,
    Beck received 70 percent of the decreed rights and Quigley received 30 percent.
    ¶7     Quigley filed objections to the Master’s report with the Water Court. After
    briefing and a hearing, the Water Court largely adopted the Master’s report.
    ¶8     When a case involves a Water Master’s report, “[t]he Water Court reviews the
    Master’s findings of fact for clear error and the Master’s conclusions of law to determine
    whether they are correct.” Skelton Ranch, Inc. v. Pondera Cnty. Canal & Reservoir Co.,
    2014 MT 167
    , ¶ 25, 
    375 Mont. 327
    328 P.3d 644
    . This Court then reviews “the Water
    Court’s order de novo, to determine whether it correctly applied the clear error standard
    of review to the Master’s findings of fact and whether its conclusions of law were
    correct.” Skelton Ranch, Inc., ¶ 26.
    ¶9     Interpretation of a judgment or decree is a question of law, which this Court
    reviews to determine whether it is correct. Granite Cnty. Bd. of Comm’rs v. McDonald,
    2016 MT 281
    , ¶ 5, 
    385 Mont. 262
    383 P.3d 740
    ¶10    Findings of fact are clearly erroneous if (1) substantial evidence does not support
    the findings of fact; (2) the fact-finder misapprehended the effect of the evidence; or (3) a
    review of the record leaves the court with the “definite and firm conviction that a mistake
    has been committed.” Marks v. 71 Ranch, LP, 
    2014 MT 250
    , ¶ 12, 
    376 Mont. 340
    334 P.3d 373
    ; Skelton Ranch, Inc., ¶ 27.
    ¶11 1. Whether the Water Court erred in its interpretation of the 1909 Geary v.
    Raymond decree.
    ¶12    Quigley contends that the Water Master and Water Court incorrectly interpreted
    the Geary decree as decreeing water rights for irrigation to all of Finn Ranch. Quigley
    argues that the water rights could be appurtenant only to the specific lands where Blair
    put the water to beneficial use. He thus contends that in order to apply established
    appurtenance law to the Geary decree, the decree must be interpreted to have
    incorporated Blair’s answer and amended answer, which described more fully where
    Blair put his water rights to use.
    ¶13    The Water Master determined that the Geary decree did not attach the decreed
    water rights to specific parcels; rather, the water rights “were made appurtenant to all of
    [Blair’s] land as listed in his answer to the complaint.” The Water Master reasoned that
    the district court was specific in listing the priority dates and flow rates, and it could have
    been equally specific in listing the places of use had it intended such a meaning. The
    Water Master concluded that it would be “an exercise in speculation” to match the flow
    rates and priority dates listed in the decree with particular parcels mentioned in the
    ¶14    The Water Court affirmed the Water Master’s interpretation. First, it reasoned that
    the decree did not incorporate Blair’s pleadings, because the claim dates and flow rates
    alleged in the pleadings were rejected. Second, the references to Blair’s pleadings in the
    decree were general, and the decree made similar references to other parties’ pleadings,
    some of which were less specific than Blair’s pleadings. Further, the decree specified the
    point of diversion and ditch for one of the four rights. The Water Court reasoned that the
    decree would have specified a point of diversion and ditch for each right if that was the
    court’s intention, and that the Master properly rejected attempts to add such new findings
    to the decree a century later.
    ¶15    Interpretation of a prior court decree is an issue of law. Granite Cnty. Bd. of
    Comm’rs, ¶ 19. We review a trial court’s interpretation of such a decree to determine
    whether it is correct. Granite Cnty. Bd. of Comm’rs, ¶ 19. We interpret judgments “to
    have a reasonable intendment; where a judgment is susceptible of two interpretations the
    one will be adopted which renders it the more reasonably effective and conclusive and
    which makes the judgment harmonize with the facts and law of the case.” Granite Cnty.
    Bd. of Comm’rs, ¶ 19 (quoting Gans & Klein Inv. Co. v. Sanford, 
    91 Mont. 512
    , 522,
    8 P.2d 808
    , 811 (1932)). The court may “refer to the record in the original case” if a
    decree is ambiguous. Harland v. Anderson Ranch Co., 
    2004 MT 132
    , ¶ 23, 
    321 Mont. 338
    92 P.3d 1160
    . The court should interpret the decree to be consistent with the
    established and applicable law. See Granite Cnty. Bd. of Comm’rs, ¶¶ 21-22.
    ¶16    For a water right to be appurtenant to land it must be used for a beneficial purpose
    on that land. See Section 70-15-105, MCA (“A thing is deemed to be incidental or
    appurtenant to land when it is by right used with the land for its benefit.”); Castillo v.
    197 Mont. 190
    , 196, 
    642 P.2d 1019
    , 1024 (1982) (quoting Lensing v. Day &
    Hansen Sec. Co., 
    67 Mont. 382
    , 384, 
    215 P. 999
    , 1000 (1923)) (“[A] water right acquired
    by appropriation, and used for a beneficial and necessary purpose in connection with a
    given tract of land, is an appurtenance.”). A beneficial use includes “the use of water for
    the benefit of the appropriator” for agricultural or other uses. Section 85-2-102(4)(a),
    ¶17    Quigley puts great weight on the Geary decree’s language that Blair’s
    appropriations were “for the purpose of irrigating the lands belonging to them and
    described in the answer of the said John W. Blair.” Quigley argues that the phrase
    “described in the answer” incorporates the parts of Blair’s answer where he described
    which parcels he irrigated with which claimed water rights.          However, this exact
    language is used throughout the decree to introduce each declaration of irrigation rights.
    It is not modified to indicate whether a particular party’s pleadings are specific or more
    generalized. Read in the broader context of the entire decree, it can hardly be understood
    to give Blair’s pleadings heightened importance. The Water Court held, and Beck does
    not dispute, that Blair’s pleadings properly are considered in interpreting the decree and
    as evidence of historic water use. But the language in the decree on which Quigley relies
    does not mandate the interpretation of the decree that Quigley proposes.
    ¶18    As both the Water Master and Water Court observed, the decree rejected the
    appropriation dates and flow rates that Blair alleged in his answer. Quigley argues that
    this is not a rejection of Blair’s contentions on where the water was used. We disagree.
    The Geary court did take the divisions in Blair’s pleadings into account in the decree.
    Blair filed a single answer for claims from his two separate properties, Finn Ranch and
    Brazil Ranch. The district court, however, divided his appropriations into two separate
    groups, one for each of the two ranches. The court had two separate findings of fact—
    identified as numerals XIX and XXVI—and two separate conclusions of law—identified
    as numbers 24 and 31—separating Blair’s appropriations between the Finn Ranch and the
    Brazil Ranch. The decree properly divided the appropriations between the ranches to
    account for where the appropriations were being put to beneficial use. Such a division
    was in harmony with the law of appurtenance. See MacLay v. Missoula Irrigation Dist.,
    90 Mont. 344
    , 353, 
    3 P.2d 286
    , 290 (1921) (citations omitted) (“A water right, legally
    acquired, is in the nature of an easement in gross, which, according to circumstances,
    may or may not be an easement annexed or attached to certain lands as an appurtenance
    thereto. When a water right is acquired by appropriation and used for a beneficial and
    necessary purpose in connection with a given tract of land, it is an appurtenance thereto
    and, as such, passes with the conveyance of the land, unless expressly reserved from the
    grant.”) The appropriations for Blair’s lands in Brazil Ranch were not, and under the law
    of appurtenance could not be, appurtenant to Blair’s lands in Finn Ranch and vice versa.
    The lands in the two ranches were not in the same “given tract of land.” 
    MacLay, 90 Mont. at 353
    , 3 P.2d at 290. The law of appurtenance required this much division; it
    did not require more.
    ¶19   A review of Blair’s pleadings and the decree shows that the district court declared
    the water rights appurtenant to the irrigated lands of each separate ranch. But the decree
    put few restrictions on where Blair could use the water appropriated to Finn Ranch for
    beneficial purposes within Finn Ranch itself. For instance, only one of the four rights
    from the decree at issue in this case specified a ditch—the Blair-Keiley Ditch—connected
    to the right. Further, in the general language of the judgment, the Geary decree stated
    that the appropriators had “uninterrupted use, enjoyment and possession of the number of
    inches of the waters of said Nevada creek and its tributaries according to their respective
    priorities, and that they make a reasonable use of the waters allotted to them.” Because
    the Geary decree itself did not specify parcels within Finn Ranch where the water right
    could be used, the rights were appurtenant to all of the irrigated lands in Finn Ranch.
    ¶20    We conclude that the Water Master and Water Court correctly interpreted the
    Geary decree in the context of the facts of the case and the applicable law. Blair’s
    answer, amended answer, and pleadings do not control the place of use of the rights
    decreed to Blair. Therefore, the Geary decree itself does not prevent the Nevada Creek
    water rights from being made appurtenant to Beck’s lands.
    ¶21    2. Whether the Water Court erred in applying the clear error standard to the
    Water Master’s findings of fact.
    ¶22    Quigley argues that, aside from the Geary decree’s declarations, there is
    insufficient evidence to support the Water Master’s finding that all four of the Nevada
    Creek water rights were appurtenant to all of Beck’s irrigated land.      Quigley contends
    that the Water Court misapplied clear error analysis in upholding the Water Master’s
    findings. Quigley first argues that Beck did not present sufficient evidence to support a
    finding that all four water rights were appurtenant to Beck’s property. Second, Quigley
    argues that the Water Master misapprehended the effect of the evidence. Quigley points
    to evidence he presented before the Water Master that supports his position that Blair
    used one of the four water rights solely on what is now Quigley property, two of the
    water rights almost exclusively on what is now Quigley property, and only one of the
    water rights on what is now Quigley and Beck property. Quigley argues finally that even
    if the Water Master did not misapprehend the effect of the evidence, the Court should be
    left with a firm conviction that the Water Master committed a mistake because
    application of the Spaeth formula to these four rights leaves the Quigley property with
    less water than the property has used historically.
    ¶23    The Water Court reviewed all of the evidence in the record and determined that
    the Water Master’s findings were not in clear error.      The Water Court specifically
    reviewed the evidence presented by Quigley to which the Water Master had assigned
    little weight and determined that (1) there was substantial evidence to support the
    Master’s findings; (2) the Master did not misapprehend the evidence; and (3) the
    evidence as a whole did not suggest a mistake was made.
    ¶24    The Water Court may not simply substitute its judgment for the Water Master’s
    when reviewing the Master’s factual findings. In re Eldorado Coop Canal Co., 
    2016 MT 94
    , ¶ 28, 
    383 Mont. 205
    369 P.3d 1034
    (2016). As a reviewing court, the Water Court
    must review the Water Master’s factual findings for clear error. Eldorado, ¶ 28. The
    Water Court may replace the Water Master’s findings for one of only three reasons.
    First, the Water Court may correct the Water Master’s findings if the findings were not
    supported by substantial evidence, which “need not amount to a preponderance of the
    evidence, but it must be more than a scintilla.” Skelton Ranch, Inc., ¶ 27. Second, the
    Water Court may determine that a finding is clearly erroneous if the Water Master
    misapprehended the effect of the evidence. Skelton Ranch, Inc., ¶ 27. Finally, the Water
    Court may hold a finding clearly erroneous if, upon review of all of the evidence, it “is
    left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.” Skelton
    Ranch, Inc., ¶ 27 (quoting Heavirland v. State, 
    2013 MT 313
    , ¶ 16, 
    372 Mont. 300
    311 P.3d 813
    ). “Although conflicts may exist in the evidence presented, it is the duty of
    the trial judge to resolve such conflicts. Due regard is to be given the trial court’s ability
    to judge the credibility of the witnesses.” Interstate Prod. Credit Ass’n v. DeSaye,
    250 Mont. 320
    , 324, 
    820 P.2d 1285
    , 1287 (1991).
    ¶25    Quigley argues that Beck failed to present substantial evidence that each of the
    four water rights is appurtenant to Beck’s land. In Castillo v. Kunnemann, we held that
    existence of a decree declaring a water right appurtenant to the property before its
    division into smaller parcels, along with testimony that the smaller parcel was
    traditionally irrigated from the ditch to which the water right was assigned, were enough
    to establish appurtenance of the water right to the smaller parcel. 
    Castillo, 197 Mont. at 195-96
    , 642 P.2d at 1023-24. In this case, there is no dispute that both Quigley’s and
    Beck’s lands made up the Finn Ranch previously owned by Blair and to which the Geary
    decree applies. As we discussed above, the Geary decree did not separate the water
    rights from Nevada Creek for use on specific parcels within Finn Ranch, except for a
    notation that one of the rights was to be appropriated through the Blair-Keiley Ditch. In
    addition to the decree, Beck presented witness testimony, along with other evidence, that
    Nevada Creek traditionally had been used to irrigate his parcels. This is substantial
    evidence that the Nevada Creek water rights were appurtenant to Beck’s lands.
    ¶26    Quigley’s arguments amount to disagreement over the weight that the Water
    Master accorded to Quigley’s evidence.        But a conflict in evidence does not prove
    misapprehension of the effect of that evidence. The Water Master considered all of the
    evidence to which Quigley points on appeal: the pleadings and testimony from the Geary
    decree; the 1919 affidavit in contempt against a prior owner of Quigley’s land; the 1959
    Water Resources Survey (WRS) Field Notes and WRS Map; Water Commissioner
    Records; and the witness testimony. The Water Master justified the weight it gave to
    each of these pieces of evidence, disregarding only the 1919 affidavit. In its review, the
    Water Court reviewed all of the evidence again, including the 1919 affidavit, and
    determined that the Water Master had not misapprehended the effect of the evidence.
    The Water Court correctly analyzed whether the evidence had been misapprehended.
    ¶27   Without conclusive evidence to establish appurtenance of any given right to a
    specific parcel of land, the Water Master applied the formula established in Spaeth to
    assign the claimed rights between the parties. Under the Spaeth formula, when an owner
    divides a tract of land, “the appurtenant water right is divided in respective amounts to
    each tract measured in proportion as the number of acres irrigated with the water right on
    the land conveyed bears to the total number of acres irrigated by the water.” 
    Spaeth, 142 Mont. at 237
    , 383 P.2d at 815. Successors in interest cannot enlarge a water right
    beyond that which was conveyed. 
    MacLay, 90 Mont. at 353
    , 3 P.2d at 290.
    ¶28   Quigley’s last argument is that this Court should be left with a firm conviction that
    the Water Court made a mistake in determining that the four water rights are appurtenant
    to both properties, because under the Spaeth formula he will be apportioned less water
    than has been used historically on his property. Quigley points to evidence of the
    historical use of Nevada Creek water on his and Beck’s lands. He also asserts that
    evidence in the record demonstrates that his land needs more water than Beck’s land due
    to soil composition.
    ¶29    The Water Master was called upon to resolve the DNRC issue remark that the
    claims exceeded the total decreed appropriation. The DNRC noted that the flow rate
    decreed to Blair for these four Nevada Creek water rights had been exceeded in the
    Quigley and Beck claims. It is a necessary outcome that at least one party will be
    apportioned less water than it previously claimed when the Water Court adjudicates a
    “decree exceeded” issue remark. We are not left with a firm conviction that the Water
    Master committed a mistake in resolving the issue remark when it apportioned the parties
    less water than they originally claimed. Quigley can receive only as much of the water
    right to which he was entitled. Further, the Water Court concluded that Quigley failed to
    prove by sufficient evidence that the Spaeth formula should be adjusted to allocate flow
    rates differently based upon any assertion of duty of water issues, such as soil differences.
    Although witness testimony before the Water Master referenced the different
    composition of the soils, Quigley provided no further evidence to the Water Master that
    quantified the different water requirements of the soils or demonstrated how the Spaeth
    formula should be adjusted to account for these differences. The Water Master did not
    clearly err in its factual findings and properly applied the formula from Spaeth to divide
    the water right given the evidence before it.
    ¶30    The Water Court correctly applied the clear error analysis to the Water Master’s
    findings of fact.
    ¶31   The Water Court’s order is affirmed.
    We Concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE