State v. Huff , 298 Neb. 522 ( 2017 )

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    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Jeffrey A. Huff, appellant,
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed December 29, 2017.   No. S-15-897.
    1.	 Trial: Juries: Appeal and Error. The retention or rejection of a juror
    is a matter of discretion for the trial court. This rule applies both to the
    issue of whether a venireperson should be removed for cause and to the
    situation involving the retention of a juror after the commencement of
    trial. Thus, the standard of review in a case involving discharge of a
    juror is whether the trial court abused its discretion.
    2.	 Motions for Mistrial: Appeal and Error. Decisions regarding motions
    for mistrial are directed to the discretion of the trial court, and will be
    upheld in the absence of an abuse of discretion.
    3.	 Criminal Law: Juror Misconduct: Proof. Where the jury misconduct
    in a criminal case involves juror behavior only, the burden to establish
    prejudice rests on the party claiming misconduct.
    4.	 Juror Qualifications: Waiver. A party who fails to challenge the jurors
    for disqualification and passes the jurors for cause waives any objection
    to their selection.
    5.	 Juror Qualifications. When a party to a criminal case, through dili-
    gence, is able to discover a reason to challenge a juror, the objection to
    the juror must be made at the time of voir dire.
    6.	 Juror Qualifications: Juror Misconduct: Waiver. A party does not
    waive an objection to a juror when the juror has concealed the informa-
    tion that is the subject of the objection.
    7.	 Trial: Juror Qualifications: Juror Misconduct. The motives for con-
    cealing information during voir dire may vary, but only those reasons
    that affect a juror’s impartiality can truly be said to affect the fairness of
    a trial.
    8.	 Trial: Juries. Where a juror indicates that he or she is physically
    incapable of proceeding, such as in the case of the juror’s illness or
    incapacity, examination of the juror before discharging him or her is not
    required and may not be feasible.
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    9.	 ____: ____. Whether a juror paid attention to the trial in order to intel-
    ligently comprehend the proceeding is generally left to the discretion of
    the trial judge.
    10.	 Trial: Juries: Appeal and Error. A trial court’s decision to remove a
    juror and substitute an alternate is reviewed for an abuse of discretion.
    11.	 Trial: Juries. A court’s decision is an abuse of discretion if the deci-
    sion results in bias or prejudice to the defendant, and prejudice includes
    the discharge of a juror without factual support or for a legally irrel-
    evant reason.
    Petition for further review from the Court of Appeals, Moore,
    Chief Judge, and R iedmann and Bishop, Judges, on appeal
    thereto from the District Court for Lancaster County, Robert
    R. Otte, Judge. Judgment of Court of Appeals affirmed.
    Joseph D. Nigro, Lancaster County Public Defender, and
    Robert G. Hays for appellant.
    Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General, and Kimberly A.
    Klein for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy,
    K elch, and Funke, JJ.
    Per Curiam.
    Jeffrey A. Huff was convicted of first degree sexual assault
    following a jury trial in the district court for Lancaster
    County. The Nebraska Court of Appeals affirmed his convic-
    tion and sentence.1 Huff petitioned for further review, specifi-
    cally challenging the order of the district court granting the
    State’s motion to discharge a juror, M.F., after the parties had
    rested their cases and before the jury began deliberations.
    We affirm.
    On April 15, 2015, the State filed an information charg-
    ing Huff with first degree sexual assault. He was ultimately
    State v. Huff, 
    24 Neb. Ct. App. 551
    891 N.W.2d 709
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    convicted by a jury. The errors raised in Huff’s petition for
    further review concern only a juror at his trial, and not the
    underlying charge. We therefore limit our recitation of the
    facts to those pertinent to our analysis.
    Jury selection for Huff’s trial took place on August 10,
    2015. After voir dire, both parties passed the panel for cause
    and then exercised their peremptory challenges. Twelve regular
    jurors and one alternate juror were sworn in and then excused
    until the following morning.
    The Court of Appeals summarized the relevant events that
    occurred next:
    When trial reconvened on August 11, 2015, one juror,
    M.F., communicated that he was anxious about serv-
    ing on the jury and was brought in to discuss the issue
    with the court and parties. M.F. explained that due to
    his upbringing, which included crime, gangs, drugs, and
    domestic assault, he did not think he was “suitable for
    [jury service] at all.” M.F. was questioned as to whether
    he could listen to the evidence and jury instructions and
    be fair and impartial. He initially expressed that he did
    not think he would “be fair due to” his background and
    experiences. He declined to state whether he thought he
    would be biased toward the State or toward Huff and
    indicated only that he felt he was not fit for jury service.
    Upon further questioning, however, M.F. agreed to fol-
    low the law and stated that he believed he could follow
    the instructions given, place his history and background
    aside, and fairly and impartially make a decision based
    on the evidence.
    The State then moved to strike M.F. from the jury
    for cause, a motion to which Huff objected. The district
    court denied the motion at that point, observing that M.F.
    had taken the oath administered to the jury and opining
    that he perhaps merely experienced anxiety about jury
    service during the overnight break. The court indicated,
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    however, that “we [could] keep an eye on that issue” as
    the trial progressed.2
    The trial then proceeded. After both parties rested and the
    jury had been excused for the day, the court expressed con-
    cern as to whether M.F. had been paying attention during
    trial. Specifically, the court advised the parties that it had not
    seen M.F. taking any notes during the trial or otherwise pay-
    ing attention and stated that “[i]t wouldn’t appear to me that
    [M.F.] would be paying attention as intently as some of the
    other jurors.”
    Later that day, at a hearing outside the presence of the jury,
    the State offered the transcript of the colloquy with M.F. from
    the first day of trial and a printout of M.F.’s criminal record.
    The printout showed in excess of 30 misdemeanor convictions
    M.F. had failed to disclose on his jury questionnaire. Both
    documents were received into evidence by the court. The State
    then moved to “strike” M.F. for cause, arguing M.F. could not
    be fair and unbiased.
    The State argued that in the jury questionnaire, M.F. had
    said he had never been convicted or charged with a crime with
    a possible penalty of 1 year or more in prison, had never been
    convicted or charged with a crime involving a motor vehicle
    other than speeding, and had never been convicted or charged
    with a crime other than traffic. The State conceded that it
    could have exercised “a little bit more due diligence” before
    jury selection. Nevertheless, the State argued that M.F.’s
    criminal record showed that he had not been “forthcoming
    when he filled out his jury questionnaire” and that M.F.’s
    “deceit to the court” was a basis to strike him for cause. The
    record shows that M.F. was not statutorily disqualified from
    jury service.
    Huff objected to the State’s motion to remove M.F. from
    the jury. Huff argued that the State had not sought to strike
    M.F. for cause during jury selection and had not used its
    Id. at 552-53,
    891 N.W.2d at 712.
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    peremptory strike on M.F. prior to his being sworn in and,
    instead, the State waited until after he had been sworn in. Huff
    generally contended that nothing had occurred since M.F. had
    been sworn in that would justify his being discharged.
    After listening to the parties’ arguments, the court stated
    that it was “going to sustain the State’s motion” and “strike”
    or discharge M.F. The court reasoned M.F. had not been forth-
    coming about his criminal history in his jury questionnaire. It
    also stated that it had observed M.F.’s “apparent disinterest in
    the trial as it was going along.” In this respect, the court noted
    that M.F. “didn’t take a note from the start of the case through
    the end of evidence.” The court also stated that “overall, if he
    would have been a student in a third grade class, you would
    have thought that he didn’t pay attention to anything that had
    gone on that particular hour.” The court also referred to M.F.’s
    initial reluctance to serve as a juror.
    Huff argued that before the court could discharge M.F., it
    was “incumbent upon the court to question him.” However, the
    court determined that it had sufficient good cause to discharge
    M.F. and chose not to examine him.
    The next day, prior to bringing the jury into the courtroom,
    the court heard argument on Huff’s motion to vacate its ruling
    to strike M.F. Huff alternatively moved to “strike” three addi-
    tional jurors and presented exhibits, including criminal histo-
    ries and jury questionnaires, which he argued showed that the
    three had also been dishonest in their questionnaire responses
    regarding their criminal histories. The court overruled Huff’s
    motions. The court thereafter called M.F. into the courtroom
    without again examining him and without the other jurors pres-
    ent and informed him that the court had “made a determination
    to discharge [him] as a juror.”
    Huff moved for a mistrial based in part on the court’s dis-
    charge of M.F. The court overruled Huff’s motion for mis-
    trial, and the alternate juror was placed on the jury. The jury
    returned a guilty verdict against Huff, and the court sentenced
    him to 12 to 20 years’ imprisonment.
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    Huff appealed, arguing the district court erred in granting
    the State’s motion to “strike” M.F. from the jury and in deny-
    ing his motion for mistrial. The Court of Appeals rejected
    Huff’s claims and affirmed his conviction and sentence.3
    In doing so, the Court of Appeals held that the district court
    actually discharged M.F., and did not “strike” him. It reasoned
    that pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-2006 and 29-2007
    (Reissue 2016), a “strike” or challenge to a potential juror for
    cause “shall be made before the jury is sworn, and not after-
    ward,” and thus it was imprecise to say M.F. was struck.4 The
    court determined that the district court’s dismissal of M.F. was
    more properly characterized as a “discharge” under Neb. Rev.
    Stat. § 29-2004(2) (Reissue 2016). Section 29-2004(2) refers to
    the discharge of a juror who has already been seated and pro-
    vides for replacing a juror who is discharged during trial with
    an alternate juror.
    Huff argued the State waived its challenge to M.F. based on
    the jury questionnaire by not raising the issue earlier and that
    in any event, the district court erred when it discharged M.F.
    without questioning him to ascertain whether he was subject to
    discharge for cause. Huff relied, in part, on State v. Myers,5 in
    which we held that a party who fails to challenge a juror for
    cause waives any objection to the juror’s selection and that if
    grounds for a challenge for cause arise out of matters occurring
    after the jury is sworn, “it is the duty of the court to hear evi-
    dence and examine the jurors and determine whether any juror
    might be subject to disqualification for cause.”
    The Court of Appeals rejected Huff’s arguments, reason-
    ing that because § 29-2004(2) applied, rather than § 29-2006,
    “the State’s objection to M.F. as a juror was not waived and
    the duty to question M.F. prior to discharging him from the
    Huff, supra note 1.
    Id. at 555,
    891 N.W.2d at 714.
    State v. Myers, 
    190 Neb. 466
    , 472, 
    209 N.W.2d 345
    , 349 (1973).
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    jury did not arise.”6 The Court of Appeals concluded that the
    district court did not abuse its discretion when it granted the
    State’s motion to discharge M.F.
    The Court of Appeals determined that the same reasoning
    supported a conclusion that the district court did not abuse its
    discretion when it overruled Huff’s motion for mistrial. We
    granted Huff’s petition for further review.
    Huff claims, summarized and restated, that the district court
    abused its discretion in granting the State’s motion to discharge
    and denying Huff’s motion for mistrial.
    [1] The retention or rejection of a juror is a matter of discre-
    tion for the trial court.7 This rule applies both to the issue of
    whether a venireperson should be removed for cause and to
    the situation involving the retention of a juror after the com-
    mencement of trial.8 Thus, the standard of review in a case
    involving discharge of a juror is whether the trial court abused
    its discretion.9
    [2] Decisions regarding motions for mistrial are directed
    to the discretion of the trial court, and will be upheld in the
    absence of an abuse of discretion.10
    1. R emoval of Jurors
    Nebraska statutes provide for the removal of jurors both
    before and after the jury is sworn. This case illustrates the dif-
    ference between disqualifying a juror for cause before the juror
    Huff, supra note 
    1, 24 Neb. Ct. App. at 557
    , 891 N.W.2d at 714.
    State v. Hilding, 
    278 Neb. 115
    769 N.W.2d 326
    See State v. Krutilek, 
    254 Neb. 11
    573 N.W.2d 771
    State v. Grant, 
    293 Neb. 163
    876 N.W.2d 639
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    has been sworn (pursuant to § 29-2006) and discharging a juror
    after he or she has been sworn (pursuant to § 29-2004(2)). We
    agree with the Court of Appeals that in this case, discharge
    under § 29-2004(2) is the proper analysis. To the extent the
    district court and the parties referred to “striking” M.F. from
    the jury panel, the terminology was imprecise.
    Section 29-2004(2) provides that “before the final submis-
    sion of the cause a regular juror dies or is discharged, the court
    shall order the alternate juror . . . to take his or her place in the
    jury box.” This statute does not specify the reasons for which
    a regular juror might be discharged or that the reason for the
    discharge must be based solely on one of the causes set forth
    in § 29-2006.11
    2. Discharge of M.F.
    From Jury Panel
    [3] Where the jury misconduct in a criminal case involves
    juror behavior only, the burden to establish prejudice rests on
    the party claiming the misconduct. 12 Because the State sought
    the discharge of M.F., it had the burden to show that M.F. was
    biased, engaged in misconduct, or was otherwise unable to
    continue to serve.
    (a) Waiver
    [4] Generally, a party who fails to challenge the jurors for
    disqualification and passes the jurors for cause waives any
    objection to their selection.13 For example, in Turley v. State,14
    it was discovered after the jury returned a verdict that one of
    the jurors had a felony conviction. Under those circumstances,
    we held that the issue of the juror’s qualification to serve was
    waived, stating:
    See Hilding, supra note 7.
    State v. Thomas, 
    262 Neb. 985
    637 N.W.2d 632
    Myers, supra note 5.
    Turley v. State, 
    74 Neb. 471
    104 N.W. 934
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    Great latitude is allowed the defendant upon the voir dire
    examination to enable him to ascertain whether there is
    any ground for objecting to the juror. He cannot waive an
    objection of this nature, and, after taking his chances of
    an acquittal before the jury selected, insist upon an objec-
    tion which he should have raised upon the impaneling of
    the jury, and, if he makes no effort to ascertain whether
    a juror offered is qualified to sit, he must be held to have
    waived the objection.15
    [5,6] Later, in State v. Harris,16 we summarized the Turley
    holding to be “when a defendant, through diligence, is able to
    discover a reason to challenge a juror, the objection to the juror
    must be made at the time of voir dire.” We went on to explain
    that “Turley does not stand for the proposition that an objec-
    tion to a juror is waived when the juror has concealed informa-
    tion and the defendant through diligence cannot discover the
    information before trial.”17
    In Harris, upon examination, it was learned that a juror
    intentionally failed to disclose she had been convicted of
    a crime that would have disqualified her from serving as
    a juror under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1601(1) (Reissue 2016)
    and deemed her incompetent to be a juror under Neb. Rev.
    Stat. § 29-112 (Reissue 2016). The juror concealed informa-
    tion during voir dire, and it was ultimately determined that
    she deliberately lied with the motivation of being placed on
    the jury.18 The juror’s criminal record was discovered after
    the jury returned a verdict, and the discovery prompted the
    defend­ant to move for a new trial on the basis of juror mis-
    conduct. Under those circumstances, we held that a defendant
    does not waive an objection to a juror when the juror has
    Id. at 476,
    104 N.W. at 936.
    State v. Harris, 
    264 Neb. 856
    , 861, 
    652 N.W.2d 585
    , 589 (2002).
    Id. 18 See
    Harris, supra note 16.
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    concealed the information that is the subject of the objection.19
    We noted the juror had actively concealed her criminal history
    on her juror questionnaire and that nothing in the record sug-
    gested the defendant could have discovered the concealment
    before trial. We reasoned:
    Attorneys must be able to rely on a statutory scheme
    intended to prevent disqualified jurors from ever being
    placed in the jury pool. Attorneys should not be required
    to ask again at voir dire about past convictions that would
    disqualify a juror when jurors have already filled out
    forms addressing the issue.20
    In the instant case, after the jury had been sworn in, M.F.
    advised the court that he was reluctant to serve, based upon
    his upbringing and his background. The court then questioned
    M.F. and determined that M.F. could be fair and impartial.
    After the close of evidence, the court, sua sponte, raised
    additional concerns about M.F. As a result, the State moved
    to discharge M.F. The court held a hearing on the motion,
    and the State offered M.F.’s criminal record, which showed
    numerous convictions for driving under suspension, assaults,
    and other misdemeanor law violations. At a later hearing, the
    court received into evidence M.F.’s juror qualification form,
    which showed his answers concerning his criminal record
    were inaccurate.
    In both Turley and Harris, the question of waiver was raised
    after the juries rendered their verdicts. However, in this matter,
    M.F. was discharged prior to the case being submitted to the
    jury. The issue of M.F.’s suitability was raised by the trial court
    itself. As a result, the issue of whether the State waived an
    objection to M.F.’s concealment of his criminal record need not
    be considered by us. We also need not consider the correctness
    of the Court of Appeals’ analysis of the issue of waiver after
    Id. 20 Id.
    862, 652 N.W.2d at 590
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    the jury was sworn in. Instead, we conclude that under these
    facts and our jurisprudence, the district court had the discretion
    to discharge M.F.
    (b) Questioning of M.F.
    [7] The fact that M.F. failed to disclose his criminal history
    does not per se justify his disqualification from the jury. “The
    motives for concealing information may vary, but only those
    reasons that affect a juror’s impartiality can truly be said to
    affect the fairness of a trial.”21 In Harris, we declined to adopt
    an automatic presumed-bias rule when the juror concealed
    information. We upheld the discharge, however, because upon
    questioning, the juror admitted she had concealed information
    for the purpose of being placed on the jury.
    In the instant case, there is no explanation in the record
    as to why M.F. provided inaccurate information on his jury
    questionnaire. This is at least in part because M.F. was never
    questioned on this matter.
    The best practice in such a circumstance is to question the
    juror. In State v. Myers, a question of prejudice of the jurors in
    one case was presented because they had earlier sat as jurors in
    a related case.22 We stated that if the court is informed
    of matters which might reasonably constitute grounds
    for a challenge for cause of one or more jurors, which
    grounds arose out of matters occurring after the jury
    was sworn, it is the duty of the court to hear evidence
    and examine the jurors and determine whether any juror
    might be subject to disqualification for cause. A failure
    to inquire under such circumstances constitutes such fun-
    damental unfairness as to jeopardize the constitutional
    guaranty of the right to trial by an impartial jury. Any
    See McDonough Power Equipment, Inc. v. Greenwood, 
    464 U.S. 548
    , 556,
    104 S. Ct. 845
    78 L. Ed. 2d 663
    See Myers, supra note 5.
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    lowering of those constitutional standards strikes at the
    very heart of the jury system.23
    [8] However, our jurisprudence shows that where a juror
    indicates that he or she is physically incapable of proceed-
    ing, such as in the case of the juror’s illness or incapacity,
    examination of the juror before discharging him or her is not
    required and may not be feasible.24
    In the instant case, the district court did conduct a hear-
    ing on the issue of whether M.F. should be disqualified and
    did receive evidence. It did not, however, question M.F.
    directly as to why he failed to disclose his criminal history.
    If M.F.’s failure to disclose his criminal record had been the
    sole basis for discharge, it would have been difficult for this
    court to review the trial court’s decision to discharge M.F.
    However, because the record demonstrates there were various
    reasons for the discharge, we consider the lack of disclosure
    simply a factor in the overall exercise of the trial court’s
    (c) M.F.’s Inattentiveness
    During Trial
    [9] The district court also based its decision to discharge
    M.F. on his inattentiveness. Whether a juror paid attention to
    the trial in order to intelligently comprehend the proceeding
    is generally left to the discretion of the trial judge.25 Here,
    the court noted on the record that it had been observing M.F.
    and was concerned he was not paying attention and seemed
    disinterested in the trial. It stated that M.F. had not taken
    any notes and compared his attention span to that of a third
    grade student.
    Id. at 472,
    209 N.W.2d at 349. See, also, State v. Robinson, 
    198 Neb. 785
    255 N.W.2d 835
    See Hilding, supra note 7.
    See Braunie v. State, 
    105 Neb. 355
    180 N.W. 567
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    This court and other courts have upheld discharge based
    on similar grounds. In State v. Robinson,26 the court gave
    a general admonishment to the entire jury after one juror
    appeared to have been sleeping during the proceedings. After
    the admonishment, the court noted, outside the presence of
    the jury, that the juror had again been sleeping during a wit-
    ness’ testimony. The court removed the juror and sat the alter-
    nate juror.
    In State v. Jorden,27 the Washington Court of Appeals found
    that removing a juror on the ground of inattentiveness during
    trial was not an abuse of the trial court’s discretion. The record
    showed that no single incident led to the juror’s discharge and
    that the trial court “documented the juror’s stages of inatten-
    tiveness, ranging from having her eyes closed to an appearance
    of dozing.”28 The record also documented the specific trial
    testimony during which the juror was inattentive.
    In U.S. v. Canales,29 the Second Circuit discharged a juror
    for sleeping. The record demonstrated that “over the course
    of two days, the able district judge, his law clerk, govern-
    ment counsel, and [the defendant’s] counsel all witnessed the
    discharged juror repeatedly closing his eyes, tilting his head
    backward during testimony, and otherwise giving signs of
    being asleep.”30
    In the matter before us, the record is not specific as to
    when and how M.F.’s inattentiveness occurred, aside from
    the observation that he took no notes. Greater specificity
    would aid the appellate court’s review of the trial court’s rul-
    ing. Nevertheless, the trial judge made it clear that he had
    significant concerns about whether M.F. was performing his
    duty as a juror, and we consider those findings as a factor in
    State v. Robinson, 
    272 Neb. 582
    724 N.W.2d 35
    State v. Jorden, 
    103 Wash. App. 221
    11 P.3d 866
    Id. at 226
    n.5, 11 P.3d at 869 
    29 U.S. v
    . Canales, 459 Fed. Appx. 55 (2d Cir. 2012).
    Id. at 57.
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    determining whether the court abused its discretion in dis-
    charging M.F.
    (d) Totality of Circumstances
    [10,11] A trial court’s decision to remove a juror and sub-
    stitute an alternate is reviewed for an abuse of discretion; the
    court’s decision is an abuse of discretion if the decision results
    in bias or prejudice to the defendant, and prejudice includes
    the discharge of a juror without factual support or for a legally
    irrelevant reason.31
    Based on the totality of the circumstances shown in the
    record, the district court did not abuse its discretion in dis-
    charging M.F. The record specifically shows: (1) M.F., upon
    his own volition and after being sworn as a juror, advised the
    court that he did not think he was suitable for jury service;
    (2) during trial, the court observed M.F. to be inattentive and
    uninterested; and (3) M.F. failed to disclose the true nature of
    his criminal record, which included multiple convictions for
    crimes other than traffic offenses. As a result, the district court
    did not abuse its discretion when it discharged M.F.
    3. Huff’s Motion to
    Declare Mistrial
    Because the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    discharging M.F., it also did not abuse its discretion when it
    denied Huff’s motion for mistrial based on the same events.
    Although our reasoning differs from that of the Court of
    Appeals, for the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the Court
    of Appeals did not err when it affirmed the judgment of the
    district court.
    A ffirmed.
    Wright, J., not participating in the decision.
    See, e.g., U.S. v. Ebron, 
    683 F.3d 105
    (5th Cir. 2012); U.S. v. De La Vega,
    913 F.2d 861
    (11th Cir. 1990); United States v. Fajardo, 
    787 F.2d 1523
          (11th Cir. 1986).