State v. Kidder , 299 Neb. 232 ( 2018 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    03/23/2018 01:13 AM CDT
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    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    M atthew J. K idder, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed March 9, 2018.     No. S-16-1124.
    1.	 Constitutional Law: Search and Seizure: Motions to Suppress:
    Appeal and Error. In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion to
    suppress based on a claimed violation of the Fourth Amendment, an
    appellate court applies a two-part standard of review. Regarding histori-
    cal facts, an appellate court reviews the trial court’s findings for clear
    error. But whether those facts trigger or violate Fourth Amendment
    protections is a question of law that an appellate court reviews indepen-
    dently of the trial court’s determination.
    2.	 Rules of Evidence: Other Acts: Appeal and Error. It is within the
    discretion of the trial court to determine relevancy and admissibility of
    evidence of other wrongs or acts under Neb. Evid. R. 404(2), Neb. Rev.
    Stat. § 27-404(2) (Reissue 2016), and the trial court’s decision will not
    be reversed absent an abuse of discretion.
    3.	 Criminal Law: Convictions: Appeal and Error. In criminal cases,
    the purpose of harmless error review is to ensure convictions are not
    set aside for small errors or defects that have little, if any, likelihood of
    having changed the result of the trial.
    4.	 Criminal Law: Appeal and Error. Harmless error jurisprudence rec-
    ognizes that not all trial errors, even those of constitutional magnitude,
    entitle a criminal defendant to the reversal of an adverse trial result.
    5.	 Convictions: Appeal and Error. It is only prejudicial error, that is,
    error which cannot be said to be harmless beyond a reasonable doubt,
    which requires that a conviction be set aside.
    6.	 Appeal and Error. When determining whether an alleged error is so
    prejudicial as to justify reversal, courts generally consider whether the
    error, in light of the totality of the record, influenced the outcome of
    the case.
    7.	 Verdicts: Juries: Appeal and Error. Harmless error review looks to
    the basis on which the jury actually rested its verdict. The inquiry is
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    not whether in a trial that occurred without the error, a guilty verdict
    would surely have been rendered, but whether the actual guilty verdict
    rendered was surely unattributable to the error.
    8.	 Trial: Evidence: Appeal and Error. In conducting harmless error
    analysis an appellate court looks to the entire record and views the erro-
    neously admitted evidence relative to the rest of the untainted, relevant
    evidence of guilt.
    9.	 Verdicts: Evidence: Appeal and Error. Overwhelming evidence of
    guilt can be considered in determining whether the verdict rendered
    was surely unattributable to the error, but overwhelming evidence of
    guilt is not alone sufficient to find the erroneous admission of evi-
    dence harmless.
    10.	 Evidence: Appeal and Error. When conducting harmless error review,
    an appellate court may consider whether the improperly admitted evi-
    dence was cumulative and tended to prove the same point as other prop-
    erly admitted evidence.
    11.	 Appeal and Error. Plain error may be found on appeal when an error
    unasserted or uncomplained of at trial, but plainly evident from the
    record, prejudicially affects a litigant’s substantial right and, if uncor-
    rected, would result in damage to the integrity, reputation, and fairness
    of the judicial process.
    12.	 Sentences. A sentence validly imposed takes effect from the time it
    is pronounced, and any subsequent sentence fixing a different term is
    a nullity.
    13.	 ____. Any attempt to modify a sentence validly imposed is of no effect,
    and the original sentence remains in force.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County:
    K imberly Miller Pankonin, Judge. Affirmed in part, and in
    part vacated and remanded with directions.
    Thomas C. Riley, Douglas County Public Defender, L. Robert
    Marcuzzo, Douglas A. Johnson, and Natalie M. Andrews for
    Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General, and Austin N. Relph
    for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy, K elch, and
    Funke, JJ.
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    Stacy, J.
    Matthew J. Kidder appeals his convictions for first degree
    murder and use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony. We
    affirm his convictions, but find plain error in the sentence
    imposed on the conviction for use of a deadly weapon to
    commit a felony. We therefore vacate that sentence only and
    remand the cause with directions.
    On June 25, 2015, Jessica Nelson’s mother received a tele-
    phone call advising that Nelson had not shown up for work.
    Her mother went to Nelson’s house to check on her and dis-
    covered Nelson’s body partially submerged in the bathtub,
    unclothed, with the water running. She was curled up in a
    fetal position, and one hand was clutching a cell phone charg-
    ing cord. Nelson’s clothes were piled in the tub near her feet.
    Blood was pooled under Nelson’s head, and there was a liga-
    ture mark on her neck.
    Police officers arrived and processed the scene as a homi-
    cide. Investigators found no point of forced entry into the
    home. They took photographs and collected Nelson’s cell
    phone, the charging cord, and the clothes from the bathtub.
    Blood was found outside the bathroom, in the living room,
    and in Nelson’s bedroom. Swabs were taken of the cell phone
    cord and the various biological substances found throughout
    the house. Investigators noticed Nelson’s right thumbnail was
    bent back, so they also swabbed under her fingernails and took
    fingernail clippings.
    An autopsy revealed bruises and abrasions on Nelson’s
    neck, hemorrhaging in her eyes, and a ligature mark on her
    neck that was consistent with the cell phone cord. The cause of
    death was strangulation. There was also evidence Nelson had
    been sexually assaulted. She had a laceration and bruising in
    her vaginal area, as well as contusions to her head, abdomen,
    and bowel.
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    Text Messages From K idder
    Nelson’s cell phone was analyzed, and detectives found
    what they described as “eerie” text message conversations
    with a telephone number later confirmed to belong to Kidder.
    Nelson and Kidder had known each other since childhood.
    The text conversation began on February 4, 2015. The first
    message arranged for Kidder to shovel snow from Nelson’s
    driveway. For the next several months, Kidder texted Nelson,
    often suggesting they meet up. Typically, Nelson either turned
    Kidder down or did not respond.
    On April 16, 2015, Kidder texted saying he needed some-
    place to “h[a]ng out” while he waited to run an early morn-
    ing errand, and he asked if he could stop at Nelson’s house.
    Nelson agreed, but stated she would likely still be asleep
    and would leave the door unlocked. She told Kidder he
    could watch television, nap on the couch, or use the chairs
    outside while he waited. Later, the following text conversa-
    tion occurred:
    [Kidder:] Ill admit, a little part of me wanted to run in
    and doggy pile you, but i didnt feel like being stabbed or
    beat up. Lol.
    [Nelson:] Lol yeah that def would’ve happened. Im a
    grouch when my sleep is interrupted unless you’re [my
    son], then I’m less grouchy lol[.]
    [Kidder:] Lol.
    Maybe next time.
    [Nelson:] If you want to die.
    I do keep a good sized knife in my nightstand drawer.
    [Kidder:] Challenge accepted.
    We will need to lay down some ground rules though.
    No hair pulling, no biting. Lol.
    [Nelson:] Or you could just leave me alone when I’m
    sleeping. Save us all the hassle[.]
    Kidder continued to text Nelson regularly, and some of
    Kidder’s messages were sexual in nature. On June 19, a few
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    days before the murder, Kidder sent Nelson the following
    sequence of text messages:
    [Kidder:] Scale of feeling playful stabby to murdered
    on my sleep.
    Yeah. Trying to make a joke, and now shes mad at
    me. Lol.
    I figured itd be a funny “breaking the ice” joke since
    every other guy sends dick pics for their first or all com-
    munication and im the one who asked off
    the wall questions.
    Nelson did not respond to these text messages; nor did she
    respond to the text message Kidder sent several days later, on
    the evening of June 24, asking, “Who’s down to hang out or
    catch a movie saturday night?”
    DNA Evidence
    Forensic analysts found two DNA profiles on the cell phone
    cord collected from the crime scene. Nelson could not be
    excluded as one of the contributors, and Kidder could not be
    excluded as the other contributor. The probability of someone
    other than Nelson and Kidder being the contributors of the
    DNA profiles on the cell phone cord was 1 in 254 million for
    Caucasians, 1 in 14.3 billion for African Americans, and 1 in
    1.68 billion for American Hispanics.
    The swab taken from under the fingernails on Nelson’s
    left hand revealed similar results: Two profiles were present,
    Nelson could not be excluded as the contributor for one, and
    Kidder could not be excluded as the contributor for the other.
    The probability of someone other than Nelson and Kidder
    being the contributors to the DNA found under Nelson’s left
    fingernail was 1 in 101 million for Caucasians, 1 in 10.6 bil-
    lion for African Americans, and 1 in 936 million for American
    A mixture of DNA was found under Nelson’s right thumb-
    nail, which was bent back. Nelson could not be excluded
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    as the major contributor, and Kidder could not be excluded
    as the minor contributor. The probability of someone other
    than Kidder being the minor contributor was 1 in 1,550 for
    Caucasians, 1 in 33,330 for African Americans, and 1 in 5,800
    for American Hispanics. The analyst testified that the lower
    probabilities were a function of the fact that only a partial DNA
    profile was developed.
    Historical Cell Site
    Location Information
    Detectives obtained Kidder’s cell phone records from his
    service provider. Using historical cell site location informa-
    tion, detectives determined that Kidder’s cell phone used a cell
    tower in the area near Nelson’s home at 11:56 p.m. on June 24,
    2015, and again at 12:02 a.m. on June 25. Almost 30 minutes
    later, at 12:29 a.m., Kidder’s cell phone used cell towers in the
    vicinity of his residence.
    K idder’s Statements
    Several days after the murder, police interviewed Kidder.
    They noticed he had a cut on his hand, consistent with a
    fingernail. Kidder said he received the cut while working on
    June 24, 2015, but he did not report it to his employer. Kidder
    explained that he worked from 3 to 11:40 p.m. most weekdays
    and that he checked Facebook during his breaks. Kidder’s
    workplace was near Nelson’s house. Kidder provided police
    with a DNA sample and exemplar fingerprints and allowed
    police to download information from his cell phone.
    Several weeks later, Kidder was taken to a police sta-
    tion for additional questioning about Nelson’s murder. After
    waiving his Miranda1 rights, Kidder was asked about Nelson
    and stated:
    I kinda classify women into like three stages: ones I could
    be friends with, ones I just want to see naked, and ones I
    See Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
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    want to sleep with. . . . [Nelson] was kinda in between I
    want to see her naked and no feelings . . . just because she
    had a nice rack. . . . She had nice boobs.
    Kidder repeatedly denied visiting Nelson’s home on June 24,
    2015—the night of the murder. But he told police he was at
    her home on June 23 to help her move furniture, and he made
    a point of mentioning he sweated heavily on Nelson’s couch
    and mattress. At the conclusion of the interview, Kidder was
    arrested for Nelson’s murder.
    While Kidder was in jail, he called his father. The jail
    call was recorded. During the call, Kidder admitted he was
    at Nelson’s house for about 20 minutes on the night she
    was killed.
    K idder’s Statements
    to Cellmate
    While in jail, Kidder shared a cell with Randy Anderson
    for approximately 20 hours. Afterward, Anderson contacted
    police and offered to testify about statements Kidder made
    to Anderson while they were cellmates. When Anderson con-
    tacted police, he was awaiting sentencing on plea-based con-
    victions for burglary and making terroristic threats.
    At trial, Anderson testified that Kidder told him the fol-
    lowing: On June 24, 2015, Kidder saw Nelson’s Facebook
    post about being home alone. After getting off work around
    midnight, Kidder went to Nelson’s home and knocked on the
    side door. Nelson unlocked the chain on the door and let him
    in. Almost immediately, Kidder somehow caused an injury
    to Nelson’s face. She screamed, and Kidder began strangling
    her with his hands. As they struggled, Nelson cut Kidder’s
    hand with her fingernail. Eventually Nelson lost consciousness.
    Kidder then took her to the bedroom and removed her sweat-
    pants. Kidder did not directly admit that he sexually assaulted
    Nelson, but he did admit that he strangled her to death with
    the cell phone cord, then placed her in the bathtub and ran the
    water to “rins[e] DNA.”
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    Anderson also knew several details about the crime and
    the crime scene before they became public knowledge. For
    example, Anderson knew that (1) after the murder, Kidder
    washed his shoes and stuffed them with newspaper to dry
    them; (2) Nelson had a chain lock on her door; (3) Nelson was
    in the fetal position in the bathtub; (4) Nelson had an L-shaped
    sectional couch that was cut during the assault; and (5) Nelson
    was wearing sweatpants the night she was killed.
    Evidence From K idder’s
    Laptop Computer
    After Kidder was arrested, police obtained a warrant to
    search Kidder’s home. One of the items seized pursuant to the
    warrant was a laptop computer found in Kidder’s bedroom.
    A few days later, police obtained a second search warrant,
    authorizing an examination of Kidder’s laptop computer to
    search and copy the following data: user account information,
    media files such as images and videos, document files, Internet
    browsing history and associated cache files, email messages,
    and chat and instant messages.
    While searching Kidder’s Internet browsing history files,
    a forensic analyst found that Kidder’s laptop computer was
    used to search an Internet pornography website using terms
    like “strangled,” “forced fucked,” “fucked by intruder,” and
    “pantyhose bound.” Because the searches were conducted
    while the laptop computer was in private browsing mode, the
    available history was limited. But the forensic analyst was
    able to determine the website was accessed between June 20
    and July 17, 2015. The analyst also determined that a video
    titled “Psycho-Thrillers presents Waitress Kidnapped, Raped,
    and Strangled” had been downloaded on July 17. That video
    depicted a man kidnapping a waitress, forcing her to have sex
    at gunpoint, strangling her with a belt when she resisted, and
    continuing to sexually assault her after she was dead. Three
    other videos with similar content were also found on Kidder’s
    laptop computer.
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    Motions to Suppress and
    Motion in Limine
    Kidder moved to suppress the evidence obtained from the
    search of his laptop computer, arguing that neither search war-
    rant was supported by probable cause. In addition, he argued
    the warrant to search the laptop computer was overbroad and
    insufficiently particular.
    Kidder also filed a motion in limine seeking to exclude the
    evidence obtained from his laptop computer. He argued the
    evidence was hearsay, irrelevant, and unfairly prejudicial. He
    also argued a Neb. Evid. R. 4042 hearing was necessary to
    determine the admissibility of the evidence because it involved
    prior bad acts.
    The district court overruled the motions to suppress. It
    found that the search warrants were supported by probable
    cause or, alternatively, that either the good faith exception or
    the independent source doctrine applied. Regarding testimony
    about the Internet browsing history and violent pornography,
    the district court found it was admissible without a rule 404
    hearing because it was “intrinsic evidence forming the factual
    setting of the crime or forming an integral part of the crime.”
    The court did not permit the videos to be shown to the jury or
    received into evidence. But at trial, the forensic analyst was
    permitted, over objection, to testify about the search terms
    found in Kidder’s Internet browsing history and to describe,
    in general terms, the content of the downloaded video that
    depicted a woman being sexually assaulted, strangled to death
    with a belt, then further assaulted.
    Evidence of Prior
    Sexual Assault
    The jury heard evidence that in 2008, Kidder had sexually
    assaulted one of his friends in her home. Kidder had gone to
    the woman’s home, claiming to be locked out of his house.
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404 (Reissue 2016).
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    She let him in, and after a few minutes of talking, Kidder
    grabbed the woman and threw her to the ground. He got on top
    of her and placed his hands on her neck. She began to scream,
    so Kidder moved his hands to her mouth and nose, closing her
    airways. She briefly shoved his hands off and screamed “no,”
    but Kidder’s hands returned over her face and his grip got
    tighter. Eventually, she shoved Kidder’s hands off again, but
    this time she told him “okay.” Kidder then sexually assaulted
    the woman and left. Kidder subsequently entered a plea of no
    contest to a charge of attempted first degree sexual assault.
    The district court in the instant case ruled that evidence of the
    2008 sexual assault was admissible under Neb. Evid. R. 414,
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-414 (Reissue 2016). No error is assigned
    to this ruling on appeal.
    Verdicts and Sentencing
    The jury found Kidder guilty on count I, first degree murder,
    and on count II, use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony.
    The district court imposed a sentence of life imprisonment on
    count I. On count II, the court initially imposed a consecutive
    prison sentence of 50 to 50 years but, after a sidebar confer-
    ence requested by defense counsel, reduced the term to 20 to
    20 years. The State urges us to find plain error on this basis,
    so we set out the pertinent portion of the sentencing colloquy
    in its entirety:
    [The court:] So, it is the judgment and sentence of
    this Court . . . that you be imprisoned in an institution
    under the jurisdiction of the Nebraska Department of
    Correctional Services for a period of life on Count [I]
    and 50 to 50 years on Count [II]. Both sentences to be
    served consecutively. I’ll give you credit of 475 days you
    have against that sentence.
    Also pursuant to Nebraska statute, you’ll be required
    to give a sample of your DNA.
    Is there anything further?
    [Defense counsel]: Your Honor, may I approach?
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    THE COURT: You may.
    [Defense counsel]: Thank you.
    (Off-the-record discussion at the bench)
    THE COURT: For clarification for the record, the
    offense date in this case is June 25th, 2015, which was
    two months prior to the law change. The law changed on
    Class [II] felonies in August of 2015, making it a one to
    50. This was prior to the law change, which then brings
    the penalty range on the Class [II] as a 1 to 20.
    So, therefore, I am going to clarify and in con-
    formance with the proper statute, the Count [II], the
    judgment and sentence of the Court is that you be
    sentenced under an institution under the jurisdiction of
    the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services for
    a period of 20 to 20, which is the maximum sentence
    for the law at that time. Those two sentences will [run]
    The trial court entered a sentencing order reflecting the life
    sentence pronounced on count I and the modified sentence
    of 20 to 20 years’ imprisonment on count II. Kidder timely
    appealed his convictions.
    Kidder assigns, restated, that the district court erred in (1)
    overruling his motion to suppress evidence acquired as a result
    of seizing and searching his laptop computer and (2) over-
    ruling his motion in limine and permitting the State to offer
    testimony about his Internet browsing history.
    [1] In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion to sup-
    press based on a claimed violation of the Fourth Amendment,
    an appellate court applies a two-part standard of review.3
    Regarding historical facts, an appellate court reviews the trial
    State v. Hidalgo, 
    296 Neb. 912
    896 N.W.2d 148
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    court’s findings for clear error.4 But whether those facts trig-
    ger or violate Fourth Amendment protections is a question of
    law that an appellate court reviews independently of the trial
    court’s determination.5
    [2] It is within the discretion of the trial court to determine
    relevancy and admissibility of evidence of other wrongs or
    acts under rule 404(2), and the trial court’s decision will not be
    reversed absent an abuse of discretion.6
    Both of Kidder’s assigned errors pertain to the admission
    of evidence discovered through forensic analysis of his lap-
    top computer. He argues it was error to admit this evidence
    because it was obtained using search warrants that lacked
    probable cause and were overly broad and insufficiently par-
    ticular. He also argues that a rule 404 hearing was required to
    determine the admissibility of such evidence.
    The State counters that the search warrants were supported
    by probable cause and were sufficiently particular, and it
    argues no rule 404 hearing was necessary because the lap-
    top computer evidence was inextricably intertwined with the
    charged crimes. Alternatively, the State argues that any error in
    admitting the evidence was harmless.
    For the reasons discussed below, we agree any error was
    harmless and thus do not address the merits of whether the
    evidence was properly admitted.
    H armless Error
    [3] Pursuant to Neb. Evid. R. 103, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-103(1)
    (Reissue 2016), “[e]rror may not be predicated upon a rul-
    ing which admits or excludes evidence unless a substantial
    State v. Parnell, 
    294 Neb. 551
    883 N.W.2d 652
    (2016), cert. denied ___
    U.S. ___, 
    137 S. Ct. 1212
    197 L. Ed. 2d 254
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    right of the party is affected[.]” When it comes to eviden-
    tiary error, this statutory authority forms the foundation for
    this court’s harmless error jurisprudence. Generally speak-
    ing, in criminal cases, the purpose of harmless error review
    is to ensure convictions are not set aside “‘for small errors or
    defects that have little, if any, likelihood of having changed the
    result of the trial.’”7
    [4,5] Harmless error jurisprudence recognizes that not all
    trial errors, even those of constitutional magnitude, entitle a
    criminal defendant to the reversal of an adverse trial result.8 It
    is only prejudicial error, that is, error which cannot be said to
    be harmless beyond a reasonable doubt, which requires that a
    conviction be set aside.9
    [6,7] When determining whether an alleged error is so preju-
    dicial as to justify reversal, courts generally consider whether
    the error, in light of the totality of the record, influenced the
    outcome of the case.10 In other words, harmless error review
    looks to the basis on which the jury actually rested its verdict.11
    The inquiry is not whether in a trial that occurred without the
    error, a guilty verdict would surely have been rendered, but
    whether the actual guilty verdict rendered was surely unattrib-
    utable to the error.12
    [8-10] In conducting this analysis, an appellate court looks
    to the entire record and views the erroneously admitted evi-
    dence relative to the rest of the untainted, relevant evidence
    of guilt.13 Overwhelming evidence of guilt can be considered
    State v. Britt, 
    293 Neb. 381
    , 423-24, 
    881 N.W.2d 818
    , 847 (2016).
    State v. Draper, 
    289 Neb. 777
    857 N.W.2d 334
    Id. 10 Id.
    State v. Burries, 
    297 Neb. 367
    900 N.W.2d 483
    Id. 13 State
    v. Britt, supra note 7; State v. DeJong, 
    287 Neb. 864
    845 N.W.2d 858
    (2014); State v. Freemont, 
    284 Neb. 179
    817 N.W.2d 277
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    in determining whether the verdict rendered was surely unat-
    tributable to the error, but overwhelming evidence of guilt is
    not alone sufficient to find the erroneous admission of evidence
    harmless.14 An additional consideration is whether the improp-
    erly admitted evidence was cumulative and tended to prove the
    same point as other properly admitted evidence.15
    The record in this case demonstrates that any error in
    overruling the motion to suppress and the motion in limine
    was harmless. Both motions related exclusively to evidence
    obtained from Kidder’s laptop computer. That evidence
    showed that sometime between June 20 and July 17, 2015,
    Kidder used explicit terms to search with his laptop com-
    puter for violent pornographic videos depicting acts that were
    similar to the manner in which Nelson was killed. We must
    consider this evidence relative to the rest of the evidence of
    Kidder’s guilt.
    First, there was uncontroverted physical evidence establish-
    ing Kidder’s guilt. Kidder’s DNA was found on Nelson’s fin-
    gernails and on the cell phone cord used to strangle her. A few
    days after Nelson’s body was discovered, Kidder was observed
    to have a cut on his hand consistent with a fingernail mark,
    and when Nelson’s body was discovered, her thumbnail was
    bent back.
    Next, there was detailed evidence of a confession. Kidder’s
    cellmate testified that Kidder confessed to Nelson’s murder.
    The cellmate’s credibility was strengthened by the fact that he
    knew details about the crime and the crime scene that had not
    been released to the public.
    Finally, in addition to the physical evidence and the confes-
    sion, there was considerable circumstantial evidence estab-
    lishing Kidder had both the motive and the opportunity to
    commit the crimes. Kidder left work shortly before the crimes
    State v. Britt, supra note 7; State v. DeJong, supra note 13.
    State v. Britt, supra note 7; State v. Trice, 
    292 Neb. 482
    874 N.W.2d 286
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    occurred, and cell site location information placed his cell
    phone in the vicinity of Nelson’s home around the time she
    was assaulted and strangled. Kidder also admitted to his father,
    in a recorded telephone conversation, that he was at Nelson’s
    house for about 20 minutes on the night of the murder. Kidder
    admitted to investigators he wanted to “see [Nelson] naked,”
    and Kidder’s text messages to Nelson contained sexual over-
    tures that were either rebuffed or ignored. There was evidence
    that in 2008, Kidder had choked and sexually assaulted a friend
    after she allowed him into her home. Likewise, Nelson was a
    friend of Kidder’s and there were no signs of forced entry into
    Nelson’s home.
    The untainted, relevant evidence of Kidder’s guilt was over-
    whelming, and the laptop computer evidence was cumulative
    of other relevant evidence tending to prove motive. Thus, even
    if the evidence obtained from Kidder’s laptop computer was
    erroneously admitted at trial, we find the guilty verdicts were
    surely unattributable to that evidence. Any error in admit-
    ting the evidence from Kidder’s laptop computer was harm-
    less beyond a reasonable doubt. We therefore reject both of
    Kidder’s assignments of error and affirm his convictions.
    Plain Error in Sentencing
    The State asks that we find plain error in the sentence
    imposed on count II. It contends the trial court’s initial sen-
    tence to a prison term of 50 to 50 years was validly imposed
    and took effect as soon as it was pronounced and that the
    court’s subsequent reduction of the term to 20 to 20 years’
    imprisonment was a nullity. We agree.
    [11] Plain error may be found on appeal when an error
    unasserted or uncomplained of at trial, but plainly evident
    from the record, prejudicially affects a litigant’s substantial
    right and, if uncorrected, would result in damage to the integ-
    rity, reputation, and fairness of the judicial process.16
    State v. Mora, 
    298 Neb. 185
    903 N.W.2d 244
    - 247 -
    Nebraska Supreme Court A dvance Sheets
    299 Nebraska R eports
    Cite as 
    299 Neb. 232
    The judge’s remarks during sentencing suggest that during
    an off-the-record sidebar discussion, the court was advised
    that the sentence it had just pronounced on count II was out-
    side the penalty range for Class II felonies. But the sentence
    originally imposed was not outside the penalty range.
    On count II, Kidder was found guilty of use of a deadly
    weapon, other than a firearm, to commit a felony.17 At the
    time of Kidder’s offense, and at the time of his sentencing,
    this crime was classified as a Class II felony,18 punishable by
    a minimum of 1 year’s and a maximum of 50 years’ impris-
    onment.19 Thus, the court’s initial pronouncement on count II
    (imposing 50 to 50 years’ imprisonment) was valid, and the
    question becomes whether the subsequent modification of that
    valid sentence was plain error.
    [12,13] We have consistently applied the rule that a
    sentence validly imposed takes effect from the time it is
    pronounced,20 and we have explained that any subsequent
    sentence fixing a different term is a nullity.21 We have applied
    this rule to attempts to modify a valid pronouncement during
    the sentencing hearing22 and to attempts to modify a valid
    sentence that has been put into execution.23 Thus, any attempt
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-1205(1)(a) and (b) (Reissue 2016).
    § 28-1205(1)(b).
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-105(1) (Cum. Supp. 2014).
    See, State v. Bol, 
    288 Neb. 144
    846 N.W.2d 241
    (2014); State v. Clark,
    278 Neb. 557
    772 N.W.2d 559
    (2009); State v. Schnabel, 
    260 Neb. 618
    618 N.W.2d 699
    (2000); State v. Kinney, 
    217 Neb. 701
    350 N.W.2d 552
          (1984); State v. Cousins, 
    208 Neb. 245
    302 N.W.2d 731
    (1981); State
    v. Snider, 
    197 Neb. 317
    248 N.W.2d 342
    (1977), overruled on other
    grounds, State v. Cousins, supra note 20.
    State v. Kinney, supra note 20; State v. Cousins, supra note 20; State v.
    Snider, supra note 20.
    See, State v. Kinney, supra note 20; State v. Cousins, supra note 20.
    See, State v. Clark, supra note 20; State v. Schnabel, supra note 20.
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    299 Nebraska R eports
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    299 Neb. 232
    to modify a sentence validly imposed is of no effect, and the
    original sentence remains in force.24
    It is possible, in limited circumstances, to correct an inad-
    vertent mispronouncement of a valid sentence before the
    defendant has left the courtroom,25 but that is not the circum-
    stance here. The district court did not mispronounce its initial
    sentence of 50 to 50 years’ imprisonment on count II. To the
    contrary, it is evident from the judge’s sentencing remarks
    that she intended to sentence Kidder to the maximum term
    of imprisonment authorized by the law. Because the sentence
    originally pronounced was valid, it took effect as soon as it was
    pronounced and any attempt thereafter to modify it to a term
    of 20 to 20 years’ imprisonment was plainly erroneous and of
    no legal effect.
    We thus vacate that portion of the sentencing order impos-
    ing a term of 20 to 20 years’ imprisonment on count II and
    remand the cause to the district court with directions to rein-
    state the valid term originally pronounced on that count.
    For the foregoing reasons, we reject Kidder’s assignments
    of error and affirm his convictions. We find plain error in
    modifying the term of the sentence validly imposed on count
    II and therefore vacate that portion of the sentencing order
    and remand the cause to the district court with directions to
    reinstate the term of 50 to 50 years’ imprisonment originally
    pronounced. In all other respects, the judgment of the district
    court is affirmed.
    A ffirmed in part, and in part vacated
    and remanded with directions.
    K elch, J., not participating in the decision.
    Wright, J., not participating.
    Id. 25 See
    State v. Clark, supra note 20.