United States v. Handa , 892 F.3d 95 ( 2018 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 17-1961
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. Rya W. Zobel, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Selya, and Lynch,
    Circuit Judges.
    Alexia R. De Vincentis, Assistant United States Attorney,
    with whom Andrew E. Lelling, United States Attorney, was on brief,
    for appellant.
    Martin G. Weinberg, with whom Kimberly Homan was on brief,
    for appellee.
    June 8, 2018
    LYNCH, Circuit Judge.       In this case, we affirm dismissal
    of the added charge in a superseding indictment on Sixth Amendment
    speedy trial grounds.         On the facts of this case, we hold that the
    constitutional speedy trial clock starts to run from the date of
    the original indictment, rejecting the government's assertion that
    it   runs   from   the   date      of   the   charge   first   brought   in     the
    superseding indictment.            We also reject, on the facts presented,
    the government's contention that the Double Jeopardy Clause and
    the Due Process Clause are the only constitutional constraints as
    to   when   it   may   file    a    superseding    indictment    that    adds   an
    additional charge, and the Sixth Amendment plays no role.
    I. Background
    A.    Facts
    We draw the facts from the district court's findings,
    which we accept unless they are clearly erroneous.                  See United
    States v. Moreno, 
    789 F.3d 72
    , 78 (2d Cir. 2015) (citing Doggett
    v. United States, 
    505 U.S. 647
    , 652-53 (1992); United States v.
    733 F.3d 29
    , 43-44 (2d Cir. 2013)); United States v.
    531 F.3d 123
    , 126 (1st Cir. 2008).
    Handa co-owned and operated a luxury watch and jewelry
    business, Alpha Omega Jewelers ("Alpha Omega"), which ran into
    financial difficulties in 2007.           United States v. Handa (Handa I),
    266 F. Supp. 3d 443
    , 445 (D. Mass. 2017).                In late 2007, Handa
    began to experience severe "stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep
    - 2 -
    Id. at 446.
         He was admitted to the Lahey Clinic in
    December 2007 after his wife found him unresponsive at home.             
    Id. Handa left
    the United States shortly thereafter, purportedly to
    seek medical treatment in India.         
    Id. In 2008,
    Alpha Omega filed for bankruptcy.          
    Id. During Alpha
      Omega's       bankruptcy    proceedings    in   the   District     of
    Massachusetts, Handa was represented by Massachusetts attorney
    Edward J. Quinlan.        
    Id. Also in
    2008, Handa retained Edward
    McLaughlin, another Massachusetts attorney, to represent him in
    connection with the government's execution of a search warrant on
    Alpha Omega. 
    Id. McLaughlin communicated
    with federal prosecutors
    to seek the return of Handa's personal belongings which were seized
    during the search.        
    Id. None of
    Handa, Quinlan, or McLaughlin
    were informed that Handa had been charged in a criminal indictment
    in March 2011.    
    Id. Nearly six
    years later, Handa was arrested on
    February 22, 2017, when he returned to the United States.              
    Id. at 447.
    Handa openly resided in India from December 2007 to March
    Id. at 446.
          He then stayed with his brother in England
    until sometime in 2010 or 2011, at which point he permanently
    relocated to India.       
    Id. Handa retained
    his U.S. citizenship and
    passport   at   all    times    during   his   residence   overseas.      
    Id. Significantly, while
    living in India between 2012 and 2017, Handa
    had numerous interactions with U.S. government agencies: he used
    - 3 -
    his U.S. passport to access the U.S. embassy in New Delhi; renewed
    his U.S. passport using his Indian address; and applied for Social
    Security and Medicare benefits, which he began receiving in 2012
    and 2014, respectively.        
    Id. at 447.
    On March 3, 2011, unbeknownst to Handa, a federal grand
    jury had indicted him on twelve counts of wire fraud in violation
    of 18 U.S.C. § 1343.       
    Id. at 446.
          The indictment alleged that
    Handa and others had made fraudulent inventory entries in Alpha
    Omega's computer system in order to inflate the company's borrowing
    base.   These entries were then allegedly incorporated into Alpha
    Omega's borrowing base certificates, which were used to obtain
    additional financing from the subsidiaries of two banks: Bank of
    America, N.A. and LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A.         
    Id. In April
      2011,   government   agents   contacted   Handa's
    daughter and "employed a ruse in an effort to learn of Handa's
    Id. Handa's daughter
    told the agents that Handa
    was spending time in Europe and India, and that they should contact
    Id. The agents
    did not tell Handa's daughter about her
    father's indictment.      
    Id. Nor did
    they follow up with Quinlan to
    inquire about Handa's whereabouts or to inform Quinlan about
    Handa's indictment.      
    Id. Instead, in
    August 2011, the government applied to the
    International Criminal Police Organization ("INTERPOL") for a Red
    Notice, which allows INTERPOL to send an alert to member countries
    - 4 -
    notifying them that the United States has issued an arrest warrant
    for an individual.           
    Id. at 446-47.
             The Red Notice for Handa was
    issued on November 26, 2012.            
    Id. at 447.
             The government took no
    further       action     until      March     2014,     when       INTERPOL-Washington
    requested that INTERPOL-New Delhi check its databases to locate
    Id. INTERPOL-New Delhi
    responded that it could not locate
    Handa without Handa's Indian address and passport number.                           
    Id. INTERPOL-Washington never
    provided the requested information to
    INTERPOL-New Delhi.1          
    Id. On February
    22, 2017, Handa traveled to Los Angeles,
    where he was arrested upon arrival.                  
    Id. B. District
    Court Proceedings
    Handa asserted his Sixth Amendment right to a speedy
    trial during his arraignment on March 16, 2017, 
    id., and filed
    motion to dismiss on speedy trial grounds on April 14, 2017.
    On April 26, 2017, two days before its response to
    Handa's      motion     to   dismiss    was     due,       the    government   filed   a
    superseding indictment.             The superseding indictment contained the
    same       twelve    wire-fraud      counts     as     the       original   March   2011
    indictment; significantly, it added a new count for bank fraud in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1344.               The bank-fraud count alleged that
    1  It is undisputed that at least one department of the
    federal government was aware of Handa and had communicated with
    him at his Indian address. See Handa 
    I, 266 F. Supp. 3d at 447
    - 5 -
    Handa      had    defrauded      "a      federally-insured    financial
    institution . . .     by      causing     fraudulent   borrowing     base
    certificates to be submitted to LaSalle Bank Midwest, N.A. and
    Bank of America, N.A. in order to induce LaSalle and Bank of
    America to continue to extend Alpha Omega credit . . . ."
    The government attempted to excuse the delay by saying
    that the bank-fraud charge was the product of a new investigation,
    which had managed to determine that Bank of America, N.A. and
    LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A. were federally insured, and thus were
    "financial institutions" under the bank-fraud statute.             United
    States v. Handa (Handa II), 
    270 F. Supp. 3d 442
    , 443 n.2 (D. Mass.
    2017).     On May 8, 2017, the government filed its response to
    Handa's motion to dismiss the original indictment, to which Handa
    filed a reply.
    The district court granted Handa's motion to dismiss the
    original indictment on July 19, 2017.       Handa 
    I, 266 F. Supp. 3d at 449
    .    Applying the four-factor test from Barker v. Wingo, 
    407 U.S. 514
    (1972), the district court first found that "the delay . . .
    of nearly six years create[d] a presumption of prejudice and
    justifie[d] further inquiry."         Handa 
    I, 266 F. Supp. 3d at 447
    It then found that the delay resulted from the government's
    negligence, and that Handa had invoked his speedy trial right at
    the "earliest possible time"; both findings weighed in Handa's
    Id. at 448.
         Finally, the district court rejected the
    - 6 -
    government's       argument      that    the    presumption        of    prejudice   was
    rebutted by the government's assertion that the case would not
    "depend[] heavily on eyewitness memory of events that occurred in
    2007," reasoning that at least some witness testimony would be
    required    and     that   the    nearly       six-year      post-indictment      delay
    "surely contributed to fading memories."                    
    Id. at 449.
    On July 20, 2017, Handa moved to dismiss the bank-fraud
    charge     first    introduced      by    the       April    26,   2017     superseding
    indictment on Sixth Amendment speedy trial grounds, arguing that
    the entire period of time since the original indictment was the
    applicable measure for the length of delay under the first Barker
    factor. Handa also sought dismissal of the added bank-fraud charge
    under    the       Fifth   Amendment,          on    grounds       of     prosecutorial
    vindictiveness and excessive pre-indictment delay.                       The government
    opposed Handa's motions to dismiss.
    On September 11, 2017, the district court also dismissed
    the added bank-fraud count on Sixth Amendment speedy trial grounds,
    without reaching Handa's Fifth Amendment claims.                        Handa II, 270 F.
    Supp. 3d at 444-45.        In doing so, the district court held that the
    speedy trial clock for the bank-fraud charge started ticking upon
    the return of the initial indictment in 2011.                       
    Id. at 445.
    cited our decision in United States v. Irizarry-Colón, 
    848 F.3d 61
    (1st Cir. 2017), and the Supreme Court's decision in United States
    v. Loud Hawk, 
    474 U.S. 302
    (1986).                  See Handa II, 270 F. Supp. 3d
    - 7 -
    at 444-45.   The government has timely appealed only as to the
    dismissal of the bank-fraud charge.
    II. Discussion
    On appeal, the government contends that, with respect to
    the bank-fraud charge, the district court should have measured the
    period of delay under the first Barker factor from the filing of
    the superseding indictment in April 2017, not from the filing of
    the initial indictment in March 2011.      The government does not
    challenge the district court's application of the second, third,
    and fourth Barker factors.   The government urges us to hold that
    the bringing of any additional charge in a superseding indictment
    resets the speedy trial clock, as it pertains to the additional
    charge, unless Double Jeopardy -- or possibly Due Process --
    principles would bar the prosecution of the additional charge.
    A.   Standard of Review
    We have generally reviewed district court rulings on
    speedy trial motions for abuse of discretion.   
    Irizarry-Colón, 848 F.3d at 68
    (citations omitted).   We noted in Irizarry-Colón that
    this practice "is in tension with the rules of other circuits, as
    well as this circuit's standard of review when considering other
    similar issues."   
    Id. But we
    expressly declined to adopt a
    different standard because we found that the district court in
    that case committed an error of law, which "must be set aside even
    under an abuse of discretion test."   
    Id. (citing United
    States v.
    - 8 -
    594 F.3d 51
    , 54 n.1 (1st Cir. 2010)).               We need not revisit
    the issue now because the parties do not dispute that abuse of
    discretion review applies.
    B.      The Sixth Amendment Speedy Trial Right
    The Sixth Amendment speedy trial right is "generically
    different     from     any   of   the    other    rights   enshrined    in   the
    Constitution for the protection of the accused."               
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 519
    .    It recognizes a "general concern that all accused persons
    be treated according to decent and fair procedures," 
    id., "a societal
    interest in providing a speedy trial," 
    id., and the
    that pretrial delay might result in witness unavailability and
    fading     memories,     which    may     prejudice     both   defendants    and
    id. at 521.
             The Sixth Amendment speedy trial right
    also serves to promote the interests of rehabilitation, minimize
    the amount of time potentially dangerous individuals are free on
    bond,     "prevent   oppressive     pretrial      incarceration,"      "minimize
    anxiety and concern of the accused," and "shorten the disruption
    of life caused by arrest and the presence of unresolved criminal
    Id. at 519-531,
    532; Loud 
    Hawk, 474 U.S. at 311
    To determine whether a defendant has been deprived of
    the Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial, we look to the four
    Barker factors, which include the length of delay; the reason
    assigned    by   the    government      for     the   delay;   the   defendant's
    responsibility to assert his right; and prejudice to the defendant,
    - 9 -
    particularly "to limit the possibility that the defense will be
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 530
    , 532.            
    Irizarry-Colón, 848 F.3d at 67
    The first Barker factor, the length of delay, is "a
    double enquiry," 
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 651
    , serving both as "a
    triggering mechanism for the rest of the [speedy trial] analysis,
    and a factor in that analysis."           United States v. Carpenter, 
    781 F.3d 599
    , 609 (1st Cir. 2015) (citing United States v. Souza, 
    749 F.3d 74
    , 81 (1st Cir. 2014)). To invoke the Sixth Amendment speedy
    trial inquiry, a defendant must allege that the time between
    accusation -- whether by arrest or indictment -- and trial "has
    crossed    the   threshold    dividing     ordinary    from    'presumptively
    prejudicial' delay."         
    Irizarry-Colón, 848 F.3d at 68
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 651
    -52); see also United States v. Muñoz-
    182 F.3d 57
    , 61 (1st Cir. 1999).              If the defendant makes
    this showing, we "then consider, as one factor among several, the
    extent to which the delay stretches beyond the bare minimum needed
    to trigger judicial examination of the claim."                
    Irizarry-Colón, 848 F.3d at 68
    (emphasis added) (quoting 
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 652
    While "[t]here is no bright-line time limit dividing the lengths
    that trigger further Barker inquiry from those that do not," a
    "[d]elay    of   around      one   year    is   considered     presumptively
    prejudicial,     and   the   presumption     that    delay    prejudices   the
    defendant 'intensifies over time.'"             
    Id. (first quoting
    - 10 -
    States v. Dowdell, 
    595 F.3d 50
    , 60 (1st Cir. 2010), then quoting
    Carpenter, 781 F.3d at 610
    Here, assuming that the speedy trial clock for the bank-
    fraud charge started running upon the filing of the original
    indictment in March 2011, the resulting six-and-a-half-year delay2
    would not only trigger the speedy trial inquiry, but also create
    a strong presumption of prejudice to Handa under the fourth Barker
    factor.   See 
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 652
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 533
    (describing delay of over five years as "extraordinary"). However,
    if the April 2017 superseding indictment reset the speedy trial
    clock as to the bank-fraud charge, the resulting delay would be
    fewer than five months, which may be insufficient even to trigger
    further Barker analysis.
    For the reasons that follow, we measure the length of
    delay here from the return of the original indictment in March
    2011 to the district court's September 2017 dismissal of the bank-
    fraud charge.
    2    We deem the end date for purposes of measuring the length
    of delay to be the district court's dismissal of the bank-fraud
    charge on September 11, 2017. See Loud 
    Hawk, 474 U.S. at 306
    310, 314 (measuring length of delay from the filing of the initial
    indictment to the district court's dismissal of the superseding
    indictment); United States v. Seltzer, 
    595 F.3d 1170
    , 1176 (10th
    Cir. 2010) (same); United States v. Brown, 
    169 F.3d 344
    , 349 n.3
    (6th Cir. 1999) (same).
    - 11 -
    C.    The Start Date for Calculating the Length of Delay
    Handa argues that our decision in Irizarry-Colón and the
    Supreme Court's decision in Loud Hawk preclude the prosecution's
    argument as to which is the appropriate start date.                 We do not
    agree, and explain why.
    In Irizarry-Colón, the government filed four separate
    indictments    against      the   defendant,   who   challenged    the   fourth
    indictment on, inter alia, Sixth Amendment speedy trial 
    grounds. 848 F.3d at 64
    .       We held that "the district court should count the
    entire period of time since the first indictment when calculating
    the length of delay for the first Barker factor."           
    Id. at 70.
    the fourth indictment in that case contained the same charges,
    less two counts, as the first indictment.            
    Id. at 64.
       As such, we
    had   no   occasion    to   consider   whether   a   subsequent     indictment
    bringing additional charges resets the Sixth Amendment speedy
    trial clock as to those charges.
    It is true that the Irizarry-Colón panel predicated its
    holding on Loud Hawk, see 
    id. at 69,
    in which the Supreme Court
    calculated the period of delay under the first Barker factor using
    the date of the initial indictment as the starting point, even
    though the government had filed superseding indictments bringing
    new charges, Loud 
    Hawk, 474 U.S. at 306
    -10, 314.                  However, the
    Court in Loud Hawk appeared to simply adopt the period of delay
    used by the lower courts, rather than engage in an analysis of the
    - 12 -
    impact, if any, of the new charges on the speedy trial clock.3          See
    id. at 314.
         The holding in Loud Hawk was that (1) time periods
    during   which   defendants   remain   unindicted   and   free   of   other
    "substantial restrictions on their liberty" and (2) time consumed
    by interlocutory appeals should be given no weight under the second
    Barker factor, the reason for delay.      See 
    id. at 312,
    Consequently, we do not view Loud Hawk as dispositive of
    the issue in this case.       See Texas v. Cobb, 
    532 U.S. 162
    , 169
    (2001) ("Constitutional rights are not defined by inferences from
    opinions which did not address the question at issue."); Brecht v.
    507 U.S. 619
    , 630-31 (1993) (holding that, although
    the Court had applied the harmless-error standard set forth in
    Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    (1967), to "a handful of federal
    habeas cases," it was not bound to the conclusion that harmless
    error applied to collateral review because it had not "squarely
    addressed the issue, and . . . at most assumed the applicability
    of the Chapman standard on habeas"); United States v. Starks, 
    861 F.3d 306
    , 322-23 (1st Cir. 2017) (finding that the language of a
    prior First Circuit opinion was nonbinding dicta because the prior
    decision "did not address the precise issue before th[e] panel").
    3    The government argued in its brief in Loud Hawk that the
    length of the delay under the first Barker factor should not have
    included any of the time during which an interlocutory appeal was
    pending or while there was no indictment in place.      Brief for
    Petitioner at 10-14, Loud Hawk, 
    474 U.S. 302
    (No. 84-1361), 
    1985 WL 669583
    , at *19-36.
    - 13 -
    While neither Irizarry-Colón nor Loud Hawk controls,
    both decisions are of a piece with a significant number of cases
    in which courts have measured the period of delay under the first
    Barker factor from the date of a defendant's initial accusation,
    even where a superseding indictment introduced new charges.
    Most telling is our decision in United States v. Worthy,
    772 F.3d 42
    (1st Cir. 2014).             The defendant there was arrested
    and, less than two weeks later, indicted for participating in a
    conspiracy to possess cocaine with the intent to distribute.                   
    Id. at 44.
      The    government      filed    a   total    of    four    superseding
    indictments,     which   "added    new    counts"    and     in   some   instances
    "changed the type of substance involved."              
    Id. We calculated
    length of delay under the first Barker factor as the period between
    the date of the defendant's arrest and the scheduled start date
    for trial, without extensive discussion.             See 
    id. at 48.
          We did,
    however, acknowledge the fact that the superseding indictments
    contained new charges when discussing the second Barker factor.
    Id. at 49
    Sixth Amendment case law from a number of other circuits,
    which is not binding on us but is informative, reflects the same
    view we took in Worthy of how to calculate the start date for
    counting delay. See, e.g., United States v. Black, 
    830 F.3d 1099
    1103 n.1, 1106 n.11, 1112 (10th Cir. 2016) (measuring delay from
    original   indictment      where    original        indictment       charged   the
    - 14 -
    defendant with conspiring to distribute over five kilograms of
    cocaine and fourth superseding indictment replaced that charge
    with one count of "conspiring to distribute a mixture and substance
    containing a detectable amount of cocaine"); United States v.
    589 F.3d 673
    , 675-76, 679 n.5 (3d Cir. 2009) (holding that
    the filing of a superseding indictment did not "restart[] the
    constitutional        speedy   trial   clock"    where   the   superseding
    indictment added an ammunition-possession charge to the firearm-
    possession charge in the original indictment); United States v.
    533 F.3d 651
    , 653-54, 656 (8th Cir. 2008) (measuring
    delay from original indictment where superseding indictment added
    weapons charges to initial charges of conspiracy to possess and
    possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine); United
    States v. Oriedo, 
    498 F.3d 593
    , 597-98 (7th Cir. 2007) (measuring
    delay from original indictment where second superseding indictment
    added five counts of knowingly and intentionally distributing
    cocaine base to initial charge for conspiracy to distribute and to
    possess with intent to distribute crack cocaine); United States v.
    702 F.2d 522
    , 523, 525 (5th Cir. 1983) (measuring delay
    from       original   indictment   where   superseding   indictment   added
    conspiracy and obstruction-of-justice charges to original charge
    for possession of counterfeit money).4
    4      A recent case from the Sixth Circuit is to the same
    effect.       See United States v. Young, No. 3:98-00038, 2005 WL
    - 15 -
    In   opposition,   the   government   makes    a    number    of
    arguments.    It first cites three distinguishable cases from other
    circuits.     Those cases are United States v. Nixon, 
    634 F.2d 306
    (5th Cir. Jan. 1981); United States v. DeTienne, 
    468 F.2d 151
    Cir. 1972); and United States v. Derose, 
    74 F.3d 1177
    (11th Cir.
    In Nixon, the defendant was originally arrested for
    counterfeiting,     and   the   government   voluntarily    dismissed     the
    counterfeiting charge five months after the 
    arrest. 634 F.2d at 308
    .     Years later, the defendant perjured himself in front of a
    grand jury when he was called to testify as part of a renewed
    investigation into the alleged counterfeiting.        
    Id. The defendant
    was then indicted for perjury.        
    Id. The Fifth
    Circuit held that
    the speedy trial clock for the perjury claim ran from the date of
    3417305 (M.D. Tenn. Dec. 13, 2005), aff'd, 
    657 F.3d 408
    (6th Cir.
    2011). The district court in Young resolved "whether the speedy
    trial analysis should begin when [the defendant] was arrested by
    the State of Oklahoma, initially indicted by the Federal Government
    on a drug [conspiracy] charge, or [later] indicted by the
    Government   on   federal   murder  charges   [in   a   superseding
    Id. at *3.
    The court first held that a state arrest
    does not start the speedy trial clock for a federal action. 
    Id. at *4;
    see United States v. MacDonald, 
    456 U.S. 1
    , 10 n.11 (1982).
    It then held that, with respect to the federal indictments, "the
    speedy trial clock is not offense specific," and as such, "the
    analysis must start at the first instance of federal charges
    brought against the Defendant: at the [first federal indictment]
    containing the drug conspiracy charge." Young, 
    2005 WL 3417305
    at *4. The Sixth Circuit upheld the district court's decision in
    Young, and used the same period of delay as the district court in
    assessing the defendant's speedy trial claim on appeal. See 
    Young, 657 F.3d at 414
    - 16 -
    the perjury indictment, not the date of the defendant's initial
    arrest for counterfeiting.       
    Id. at 308-09.
    In    DeTienne,   the    defendant    was   initially    arrested
    pursuant to a federal unlawful-flight warrant, which was issued in
    relation to state 
    charges. 468 F.2d at 154
    .     The defendant was
    later indicted on unrelated federal charges.            
    Id. The court
    that Sixth Amendment speedy trial protection for the federal
    charges was triggered by the federal indictment, not the initial
    Id. at 155.
    And in Derose, the defendants were initially arrested
    for conspiring to possess marijuana with intent to 
    distribute. 74 F.3d at 1180
    .       A year later, the district court dismissed the
    conspiracy charge on the government's motion.           
    Id. Nearly another
    year later, the government obtained an indictment recharging the
    defendants with one count of conspiracy and adding a new count:
    possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.                  
    Id. The Eleventh
    Circuit held that the Sixth Amendment speedy trial clock
    for the possession charge started running upon the filing of the
    two-count indictment, rather than upon the initial arrest.                
    Id. at 1184-85.
        In    doing   so,   the   Eleventh    Circuit    reasoned     that
    "[n]otwithstanding the fact that proof of the possession charge
    relied on the same facts that supported the conspiracy charge,
    possession is a distinct and separate offense."           
    Id. at 1185.
    - 17 -
    According to the government, these cases stand for the
    proposition that we should adopt the following rule: an additional
    charge resets the speedy trial clock as to that charge so long as,
    under Double Jeopardy principles, the additional charge is not for
    the "same offense"5 as one of the original charges.   We reject that
    It is worth repeating that the Sixth Amendment speedy
    trial right is "generically different from any of the other rights
    enshrined in the Constitution for the protection of the accused."
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 519
    .   And the Double Jeopardy bar has its own
    unique "historical roots."   
    Dixon, 509 U.S. at 704
    .    As such, we
    approach with skepticism the government's call for us to import
    Double Jeopardy principles into our Sixth Amendment speedy trial
    The government highlights the fact that some circuits
    have adopted a version of its proposed rule in the context of
    interpreting certain provisions of the Speedy Trial Act ("STA").6
    See, e.g., United States v. Thomas, 
    726 F.3d 1086
    , 1091 (9th Cir.
    5    To determine whether two offenses are the same for Double
    Jeopardy purposes, a court looks to "whether each offense contains
    an element not contained in the other." United States v. Dixon,
    509 U.S. 688
    , 696 (1993). If not, they are the same offense, and
    the Double Jeopardy bar applies. 
    Id. 6 We
    reiterate that our decision is limited to the
    constitutional speedy trial clock.     We express no view as to
    whether the same principles could be applied to the STA.
    - 18 -
    2013) (holding that charges in a superseding indictment that are
    not required to be joined with the original charges under Double
    Jeopardy principles "come with a new seventy-day clock" under
    section 3161(c)(1) of the STA); United States v. Alford, 
    142 F.3d 825
    , 829 (5th Cir. 1998) (same); United States v. Marshall, 
    935 F.2d 1298
    , 1301-02 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (same).
    Our law is clear that the Sixth Amendment protects a
    defendant's interest in a speedy trial "in a manner that does not
    necessarily track that of the more mechanistic statutory rules set
    forth in the [STA]." 
    Irizarry-Colón, 848 F.3d at 67
    . For example,
    the total elapsed time since a defendant's indictment or arrest
    -- which is central to the Sixth Amendment speedy trial inquiry
    -- has no bearing on the STA analysis as long as trial commences
    within seventy nonexcludable days from the date the defendant
    appears before the court.    See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(c)(1); Irizarry-
    Colón, 848 F.3d at 65
    .   And while prejudice to the defendant is an
    essential consideration in evaluating whether there has been a
    deprivation of the defendant's Sixth Amendment speedy trial right,
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 530
    , it is wholly irrelevant to determining
    whether the STA has been violated, United States v. Scalf, 
    760 F.2d 1057
    , 1060 n.2 (10th Cir. 1985).
    The latter distinction is an important one.    The Sixth
    Amendment Speedy Trial Clause protects the accused against a number
    of harms associated with a delay between accusation and trial,
    - 19 -
    including      "'oppressive    pretrial     incarceration,'       'anxiety      and
    concern of the accused,' and 'the possibility that the [accused's]
    defense   will    be     impaired'    by   dimming   memories     and    loss     of
    exculpatory evidence."        
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 654
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 532
    ).        Of these harms, "the most serious is the last,
    because the inability of a defendant adequately to prepare his
    case skews the fairness of the entire system."                    Id. (quoting
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 532
    Under the government's proposed rule, the bringing of an
    additional charge in a superseding indictment would reset the
    speedy trial clock even if the additional charge is based on the
    exact same conduct as that underlying a previous charge, as long
    as the added charge is not for the "same offense" as the old
    charge.   But the prejudice to defendants associated with "dimming
    memories" and the "loss of exculpatory evidence" is often caused
    -- and exacerbated -- by the passage of time between the original
    charges and trial.         Moreover, because the government's proposed
    rule implicates the threshold inquiry under the first Barker
    factor, the filing of an additional charge in a new indictment
    under that rule would completely foreclose judicial examination of
    a defendant's Sixth Amendment speedy trial claim, including any
    examination of the particular prejudice suffered by the defendant
    (the fourth Barker factor), or the reasons for the government's
    delay   (the    second    Barker     factor).    See   
    id. at 652.
          As   a
    - 20 -
    consequence,      if   Double    Jeopardy         principles     were   the   only
    constraint on the government's ability to reset the Sixth Amendment
    speedy trial clock's start date, it would be too easy for the
    government to circumvent the Sixth Amendment Speedy Trial Clause's
    most important protective purpose by bringing additional charges.
    That is especially so considering the multitude of federal crimes
    that may arise out of the same conduct.              Cf. 
    Cobb, 532 U.S. at 177
    (Breyer, J., dissenting) ("[C]riminal codes are lengthy and highly
    detailed, often proliferating 'overlapping and related statutory
    offenses' to the point where prosecutors can easily 'spin out a
    startlingly      numerous    series    of    offenses     from   a   single . . .
    criminal transaction.'" (quoting Ashe v. Swenson, 
    397 U.S. 436
    445 n.10 (1970))).
    We reject the government's assertion that defendants in
    such scenarios must rely only on the protections provided by
    statutes    of   limitations    and    the       Fifth   Amendment   Due   Process
    Clause's prohibition of prejudicial pre-indictment delay.                     That
    statutes of limitations and the Fifth Amendment, on the one hand,
    and the Sixth Amendment Speedy Trial Clause, on the other, might
    provide    overlapping      protection      in    some   instances   provides   no
    justification for nullifying the latter's unique safeguards.
    It strikes us that the start-date question is not subject
    to per se rules -- e.g., that the date of the original indictment
    is always the start date, or that it is never the start date when
    - 21 -
    a new indictment adds charges.       In our view, the Sixth Amendment
    inquiry     requires   careful   consideration   of   all   the   factual
    circumstances presented.     See 
    Barker, 407 U.S. at 522
    (noting that
    the Sixth Amendment speedy trial right is "necessarily relative"
    and that "any inquiry into a speedy trial claim necessitates a
    functional analysis of the right in the particular context of the
    case" (quoting Beavers v. Haubert, 
    198 U.S. 77
    , 87 (1905))).        With
    that in mind, we articulate two types of circumstances, both
    present here, which affect the determination of the start date of
    the length-of-delay calculation for Sixth Amendment speedy trial
    We hold, on these facts, that the bringing of the
    additional charge does not reset the Sixth Amendment speedy trial
    clock to the date of a superseding indictment where (1) the
    additional charge and the charge for which the defendant was
    previously accused are based on the same act or transaction, or
    are connected with or constitute parts of the common scheme or
    plan previously charged, and (2) the government could have, with
    diligence, brought the additional charge at the time of the prior
    7    Any additional delay caused by the government's further
    investigation into the crimes alleged in the new indictment would,
    of course, be properly considered under the second Barker factor:
    the reason for the delay.
    8    The outcomes of both Nixon and DeTienne are consistent
    with this principle. In Nixon, the conduct underlying the perjury
    - 22 -
    Here, the same act or transaction, or common scheme or
    plan -- the fraudulent inflation of inventory to secure financing
    from   banks   --   undergirds   both   the   bank-fraud   charge   in   the
    superseding indictment and the wire-fraud charges in the original
    indictment.     The government also could have, with diligence,
    brought the bank-fraud charge in March 2011, as the district court
    permissibly found.     Of course, in evaluating the defendant's Sixth
    indictment was wholly separate from -- and postdated -- the conduct
    underlying the defendant's counterfeiting 
    arrest. 634 F.2d at 308
    . Moreover, the government could not have brought the perjury
    charge at the time of the defendant's original arrest, because the
    perjury occurred later.      
    Id. Similarly, in
    DeTienne, the
    defendant's federal charges were completely unrelated to his state
    charges. 468 F.2d at 154
    While our holding may be inconsistent with the result in
    Derose, we view that case as having limited persuasive force, given
    that it appears to have turned on a misreading of the Supreme
    Court's decision in Dillingham v. United States, 
    423 U.S. 64
    (per curiam).    Compare 
    Derose, 74 F.3d at 1184
    (attempting to
    distinguish Dillingham on the basis that the defendant in
    Dillingham was indicted on the same charges for which he was
    arrested), with United States v. Palmer, 
    502 F.2d 1233
    , 1234 (5th
    Cir. 1974) (stating that the defendant in Dillingham was arrested
    for a single violation of the Dyer Act, but that he was indicted
    for fifteen charges including violations of both the Dyer Act and
    the general federal conspiracy statute), rev'd sub nom.,
    423 U.S. 64
    . Moreover, to the extent that the Eleventh
    Circuit found the district court's dismissal of the conspiracy
    charge to be dispositive with respect to the first Barker factor,
    Derose, 74 F.3d at 1185
    , such reasoning is arguably
    inconsistent with Loud Hawk. 
    See 474 U.S. at 312
    , 314 (including
    the time during which the charges against defendants were dismissed
    and the defendants remained free from arrest in the period of delay
    under the first Barker factor, but giving such time no weight under
    the second Barker factor).
    - 23 -
    Amendment speedy trial claim, the other Barker factors must be
    considered as well.    They have been here.
    The government contended to the district court that it
    "did not have the requisite evidence to charge bank fraud" at that
    time because it could not establish whether Bank of America, N.A.
    and LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A., the corporate parents of the
    entities that provided financing to Alpha Omega, were "federally
    insured."     Handa 
    II, 270 F. Supp. 3d at 443
    n.2.     The district
    court supportably rejected this contention as being belied by the
    record, given that the original indictment alleged that the two
    parent corporations were "national bank[s]," and the government's
    2008 application for a search warrant of Alpha Omega included an
    affidavit from a government agent referring to both "LaSalle Bank"
    and   "Bank     of   America"   as   "federally   insured   financial
    id. Accordingly, the
    period of delay for the bank-fraud
    charge is measured here from the filing of the initial indictment
    on March 3, 2011.    The resulting six-and-a-half-year delay is more
    than enough to trigger further speedy trial inquiry, and because
    the government does not challenge the district court's analysis of
    the remaining Barker factors, we find no abuse of discretion in
    the district court's conclusion that Handa was deprived of his
    Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial with respect to the bank-
    fraud charge.
    - 24 -
    The   district   court's   dismissal   of   Count   13   of   the
    superseding indictment is affirmed.
    - 25 -