Currier v. Virginia , 138 S. Ct. 2144 ( 2018 )

  • (Slip Opinion)              OCTOBER TERM, 2017                                       1
    NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is
    being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.
    The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been
    prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader.
    See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 
    200 U.S. 321
    , 337.
    No. 16–1348. Argued February 20, 2018—Decided June 22, 2018
    Petitioner Michael Currier was indicted for burglary, grand larceny,
    and unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Because
    the prosecution could introduce evidence of Mr. Currier’s prior bur-
    glary and larceny convictions to prove the felon-in-possession charge,
    and worried that evidence might prejudice the jury’s consideration of
    the other charges, Mr. Currier and the government agreed to a sev-
    erance and asked the court to try the burglary and larceny charges
    first, followed by a second trial on the felon-in-possession charge. At
    the first trial, Mr. Currier was acquitted. He then sought to stop the
    second trial, arguing that it would amount to double jeopardy. Alter-
    natively, he asked the court to prohibit the state from relitigating at
    the second trial any issue resolved in his favor at the first. The trial
    court denied his requests and allowed the second trial to proceed un-
    fettered. The jury convicted him on the felon-in-possession charge.
    The Virginia Court of Appeals rejected his double jeopardy argu-
    ments, and the Virginia Supreme Court summarily affirmed.
    Held: The judgment is affirmed.
    292 Va. 737
    798 S.E.2d 164
    , affirmed.
    JUSTICE GORSUCH delivered the opinion of the Court with respect to
    Parts I and II, concluding that, because Mr. Currier consented to a
    severance, his trial and conviction on the felon-in-possession charge
    did not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause, which provides that no
    person may be tried more than once “for the same offence.” Mr. Cur-
    rier argues that Ashe v. Swenson, 
    397 U.S. 436
    , requires a ruling for
    him. There, the Court held that the Double Jeopardy Clause barred
    a defendant’s prosecution for robbing a poker player because the de-
    fendant’s acquittal in a previous trial for robbing a different poker
    player from the same game established that the defendant “was not
    one of the robbers,” id., at 446. Ashe’s suggestion that the relitigation
    2                          CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    of an issue may amount to the impermissible relitigation of an of-
    fense represented a significant innovation in this Court’s jurispru-
    dence. But whatever else may be said about Ashe, the Court has em-
    phasized that its test is a demanding one. Ashe forbids a second trial
    only if to secure a conviction the prosecution must prevail on an issue
    the jury necessarily resolved in the defendant’s favor in the first trial.
    A second trial is not precluded simply because it is unlikely—or even
    very unlikely—that the original jury acquitted without finding the
    fact in question. To say that the second trial is tantamount to a trial
    of the same offense as the first and thus forbidden by the Double
    Jeopardy Clause, the Court must be able to say that it would have
    been irrational for the jury in the first trial to acquit without finding
    in the defendant’s favor on a fact essential to a conviction in the sec-
    Bearing all that in mind, a critical difference emerges between this
    case and Ashe: Even assuming that Mr. Currier’s second trial quali-
    fied as the retrial of the same offense under Ashe, he consented to the
    second trial. In Jeffers v. United States, 
    432 U.S. 137
    , where the
    issue was a trial on a greater offense after acquittal on a lesser-
    included offense, the Court held that the Double Jeopardy Clause is
    not violated when the defendant “elects to have the . . . offenses tried
    separately and persuades the trial court to honor his election.” Id., at
    152. If consent can overcome a traditional double jeopardy complaint
    about a second trial for a greater offense, it must also suffice to over-
    come a double jeopardy complaint under Ashe’s more innovative ap-
    proach. Holding otherwise would be inconsistent not only with Jef-
    fers but with other cases too. See, e.g., United States v. Dinitz, 
    424 U.S. 600
    . And cases Mr. Currier cites for support, e.g., Harris v.
    404 U.S. 55
    , merely applied Ashe’s test and concluded
    that a second trial was impermissible. They do not address the ques-
    tion whether the Double Jeopardy Clause prevents a second trial
    when the defendant consents to it.
    Mr. Currier contends that he had no choice but to seek two trials,
    because evidence of his prior convictions would have tainted the
    jury’s consideration of the burglary and larceny charges. This is not a
    case, however, where the defendant had to give up one constitutional
    right to secure another. Instead, Mr. Currier faced a lawful choice
    between two courses of action that each bore potential costs and ra-
    tionally attractive benefits. Difficult strategic choices are “not the
    same as no choice,” United States v. Martinez-Salazar, 
    528 U.S. 304
    315, and the Constitution “does not . . . forbid requiring” a litigant to
    make them, McGautha v. California, 
    402 U.S. 183
    , 213. Pp. 3–8.
    AS, and JUSTICE ALITO, concluded in Part III that civil issue preclu-
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)                     3
    sion principles cannot be imported into the criminal law through the
    Double Jeopardy Clause to prevent parties from retrying any issue or
    introducing any evidence about a previously tried issue. Mr. Currier
    argues that, even if he consented to a second trial, that consent did
    not extend to the relitigation of any issues the first jury resolved in
    his favor. Even assuming for argument’s sake that Mr. Currier’s con-
    sent to holding a second trial didn’t more broadly imply consent to
    the manner it was conducted, his argument must be rejected on a
    narrower ground as refuted by the text and history of the Double
    Jeopardy Clause and by this Court’s contemporary double jeopardy
    cases, e.g., Blockburger v. United States, 
    284 U.S. 299
    ; Dowling v.
    United States, 
    493 U.S. 342
    . Nor is it even clear that civil preclusion
    principles would help defendants like Mr. Currier. See, e.g., Bravo-
    Fernandez v. United States, 
    580 U.S.
    ___, ___. Grafting civil preclu-
    sion principles onto the criminal law could also invite ironies—e.g.,
    making severances more costly might make them less freely availa-
    ble. Pp. 8–16.
    JUSTICE KENNEDY concluded that, because Parts I and II of the
    Court’s opinion resolve this case in a full and proper way, the extent
    of the Double Jeopardy Clause protections discussed and defined in
    Ashe need not be reexamined here. Pp. 1–2.
    GORSUCH, J., announced the judgment of the Court and delivered
    the opinion of the Court with respect to Parts I and II, in which ROB-
    ERTS, C. J., and KENNEDY, THOMAS, and ALITO, JJ., joined, and an
    opinion with respect to Part III, in which ROBERTS, C. J., and THOMAS
    and ALITO, JJ., joined. KENNEDY, J., filed an opinion concurring in
    part. GINSBURG, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which BREYER, SO-
    TOMAYOR, and KAGAN, JJ., joined.
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)                              1
    Opinion of the Court
    NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the
    preliminary print of the United States Reports. Readers are requested to
    notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of the United States, Wash-
    ington, D. C. 20543, of any typographical or other formal errors, in order
    that corrections may be made before the preliminary print goes to press.
    No. 16–1348
    [June 22, 2018]
    JUSTICE GORSUCH announced the judgment of the Court
    and delivered the opinion of the Court with respect to
    Parts I and II, and an opinion with respect to Part III, in
    ALITO join.
    About to face trial, Michael Currier worried the prosecu-
    tion would introduce prejudicial but probative evidence
    against him on one count that could infect the jury’s delib-
    erations on others. To address the problem, he agreed to
    sever the charges and hold two trials instead of one. But
    after the first trial finished, Mr. Currier turned around
    and argued that proceeding with the second would violate
    his right against double jeopardy. All of which raises the
    question: can a defendant who agrees to have the charges
    against him considered in two trials later successfully
    argue that the second trial offends the Fifth Amendment’s
    Double Jeopardy Clause?
    This case began when police dredged up a safe full of
    guns from a Virginia river. Paul Garrison, the safe’s
    owner, had reported it stolen from his home. Before the
    2                  CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion of the Court
    theft, Mr. Garrison said, it contained not just the guns but
    also $71,000 in cash. Now, most of the money was miss-
    ing. As the investigation unfolded, the police eventually
    found their way to Mr. Garrison’s nephew. Once confronted,
    the nephew quickly confessed.         Along the way, he
    pointed to Michael Currier as his accomplice. A neighbor
    also reported that she saw Mr. Currier leave the Garrison
    home around the time of the crime. On the strength of
    this evidence, a grand jury indicted Mr. Currier for bur-
    glary, grand larceny, and unlawful possession of a firearm
    by a convicted felon. The last charge followed in light of
    Mr. Currier’s previous convictions for (as it happens)
    burglary and larceny.
    Because the prosecution could introduce evidence of his
    prior convictions to prove the felon-in-possession charge,
    and worried that the evidence might prejudice the jury’s
    consideration of the other charges, Mr. Currier and the
    government agreed to a severance. They asked the court
    to try the burglary and larceny charges first. Then, they
    said, the felon-in-possession charge could follow in a sec-
    ond trial. Some jurisdictions routinely refuse requests like
    this. Instead, they seek to address the risk of prejudice
    with an instruction directing the jury to consider the
    defendant’s prior convictions only when assessing the
    felon-in-possession charge. See Brief for Indiana et al. as
    Amici Curiae 10. Other jurisdictions allow parties to
    stipulate to the defendant’s past convictions so the partic-
    ulars of those crimes don’t reach the jury’s ears. Ibid.
    Others take a more protective approach yet and view
    severance requests with favor. Id., at 11–12; see, e.g.,
    Hackney v. Commonwealth, 
    28 Va. App. 288
    , 294–296, 
    504 S.E.2d 385
    , 389 (1998) (en banc). Because Virginia falls
    into this last group, the trial court granted the parties’
    joint request in this case.
    The promised two trials followed. At the first, the pros-
    ecution produced the nephew and the neighbor who testi-
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            3
    Opinion of the Court
    fied to Mr. Currier’s involvement in the burglary and
    larceny. But Mr. Currier argued that the nephew lied and
    the neighbor was unreliable and, in the end, the jury
    acquitted. Then, before the second trial on the firearm
    charge could follow, Mr. Currier sought to stop it. Now, he
    argued, holding a second trial would amount to double
    jeopardy. Alternatively and at the least, he asked the
    court to forbid the government from relitigating in the
    second trial any issue resolved in his favor at the first. So,
    for example, he said the court should exclude from the new
    proceeding any evidence about the burglary and larceny.
    The court replied that it could find nothing in the Double
    Jeopardy Clause requiring either result so it allowed the
    second trial to proceed unfettered. In the end, the jury
    convicted Mr. Currier on the felon-in-possession charge.
    Before the Virginia Court of Appeals, Mr. Currier re-
    peated his double jeopardy arguments without success.
    The court held that the “concern that lies at the core” of
    the Double Jeopardy Clause—namely, “the avoidance of
    prosecutorial oppression and overreaching through succes-
    sive trials”—had no application here because the charges
    were severed for Mr. Currier’s benefit and at his behest.
    Currier v. Commonwealth, 
    65 Va. App. 605
    , 609–613, 
    779 S.E.2d 834
    , 836–837 (2015). The Virginia Supreme
    Court summarily affirmed. Because courts have reached
    conflicting results on the double jeopardy arguments Mr.
    Currier pressed in this case, we granted certiorari to
    resolve them. 583 U. S. ___ (2017).
    The Double Jeopardy Clause, applied to the States
    through the Fourteenth Amendment, provides that no
    person may be tried more than once “for the same offence.”
    This guarantee recognizes the vast power of the sovereign,
    the ordeal of a criminal trial, and the injustice our crimi-
    nal justice system would invite if prosecutors could treat
    4                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion of the Court
    trials as dress rehearsals until they secure the convictions
    they seek. See Green v. United States, 
    355 U.S. 187
    , 188
    (1957). At the same time, this Court has said, the Clause
    was not written or originally understood to pose “an insu-
    perable obstacle to the administration of justice” in cases
    where “there is no semblance of [these] type[s] of oppres-
    sive practices.” Wade v. Hunter, 
    336 U.S. 684
    , 688–689
    On which side of the line does our case fall? Mr. Currier
    suggests this Court’s decision in Ashe v. Swenson, 
    397 U.S. 436
     (1970), requires a ruling for him. There, the
    government accused a defendant of robbing six poker
    players in a game at a private home. At the first trial, the
    jury acquitted the defendant of robbing one victim. Then
    the State sought to try the defendant for robbing a second
    victim. This Court held the second prosecution violated
    the Double Jeopardy Clause. Id., at 446. To be sure, the
    Clause speaks of barring successive trials for the same
    offense. And, to be sure, the State sought to try the de-
    fendant for a different robbery. But, the Court reasoned,
    because the first jury necessarily found that the defendant
    “was not one of the robbers,” a second jury could not “ra-
    tionally” convict the defendant of robbing the second vic-
    tim without calling into question the earlier acquittal. Id.,
    at 445–446. In these circumstances, the Court indicated,
    any relitigation of the issue whether the defendant parti-
    cipated as “one of the robbers” would be tantamount to the
    forbidden relitigation of the same offense resolved at the
    first trial. Id., at 445; see Yeager v. United States, 
    557 U.S. 110
    , 119–120 (2009).
    Ashe’s suggestion that the relitigation of an issue can
    sometimes amount to the impermissible relitigation of an
    offense represented a significant innovation in our juris-
    prudence. Some have argued that it sits uneasily with
    this Court’s double jeopardy precedent and the Constitu-
    tion’s original meaning. See, e.g., Ashe, supra, at 460–461
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            5
    Opinion of the Court
    (Burger, C. J., dissenting); Yeager, supra, at 127–128
    (Scalia, J., dissenting). But whatever else may be said
    about Ashe, we have emphasized that its test is a demand-
    ing one. Ashe forbids a second trial only if to secure a
    conviction the prosecution must prevail on an issue the
    jury necessarily resolved in the defendant’s favor in the
    first trial. See Yeager, supra, at 119–120; id., at 127
    (KENNEDY, J., concurring in part and concurring in judg-
    ment); id., at 133–134 (ALITO, J., dissenting). A second
    trial “is not precluded simply because it is unlikely—or
    even very unlikely—that the original jury acquitted with-
    out finding the fact in question.” Ibid. To say that the
    second trial is tantamount to a trial of the same offense as
    the first and thus forbidden by the Double Jeopardy
    Clause, we must be able to say that “it would have been
    irrational for the jury” in the first trial to acquit without
    finding in the defendant’s favor on a fact essential to a
    conviction in the second. Id., at 127 (opinion of KENNEDY,
    J.) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Bearing all that in mind, a critical difference immediately
    emerges between our case and Ashe. Even assuming
    without deciding that Mr. Currier’s second trial qualified
    as the retrial of the same offense under Ashe, he consented
    to it. Nor does anyone doubt that trying all three charges
    in one trial would have prevented any possible Ashe com-
    plaint Mr. Currier might have had.
    How do these features affect the double jeopardy calcu-
    lus? A precedent points the way. In Jeffers v. United
    432 U.S. 137
     (1977), the defendant sought sepa-
    rate trials on each of the counts against him to reduce the
    possibility of prejudice. The court granted his request.
    After the jury convicted the defendant in the first trial of a
    lesser-included offense, he argued that the prosecution
    could not later try him for a greater offense. In any other
    circumstance the defendant likely would have had a good
    argument. Historically, courts have treated greater and
    6                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion of the Court
    lesser-included offenses as the same offense for double
    jeopardy purposes, so a conviction on one normally pre-
    cludes a later trial on the other. Id., at 150–151 (plurality
    opinion); Brown v. Ohio, 
    432 U.S. 161
    , 168–169 (1977)
    (collecting authorities). But, Jeffers concluded, it’s differ-
    ent when the defendant consents to two trials where one
    could have done. If a single trial on multiple charges
    would suffice to avoid a double jeopardy complaint, “there
    is no violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause when [the
    defendant] elects to have the . . . offenses tried separately
    and persuades the trial court to honor his election.” 432
    U. S., at 152.
    What was true in Jeffers, we hold, can be no less true
    here. If a defendant’s consent to two trials can overcome
    concerns lying at the historic core of the Double Jeopardy
    Clause, so too we think it must overcome a double jeop-
    ardy complaint under Ashe. Nor does anything in Jeffers
    suggest that the outcome should be different if the first
    trial yielded an acquittal rather than a conviction when a
    defendant consents to severance. While we acknowledge
    that Ashe’s protections apply only to trials following ac-
    quittals, as a general rule, the Double Jeopardy Clause
    “ ‘protects against a second prosecution for the same of-
    fense after conviction’ ” as well as “ ‘against a second prose-
    cution for the same offense after acquittal.’ ” Brown, su­
    pra, at 165. Because the Clause applies equally in both
    situations, consent to a second trial should in general have
    equal effect in both situations.
    Holding otherwise would introduce an unwarranted
    inconsistency not just with Jeffers but with other prece-
    dents too. In United States v. Dinitz, 
    424 U.S. 600
    for example, this Court held that a defendant’s mistrial
    motion implicitly invited a second trial and was enough to
    foreclose any double jeopardy complaint about it. In
    reaching this holding, the Court expressly rejected “the
    contention that the permissibility of a retrial depends on a
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)           7
    Opinion of the Court
    knowing, voluntary, and intelligent waiver” from the
    defendant. Id., at 609 n. 11. Instead, it explained, none of
    the “prosecutorial or judicial overreaching” forbidden by
    the Constitution can be found when a second trial follows
    thanks to the defendant’s motion. Id. at 607. In United
    States v. Scott, 
    437 U.S. 82
     (1978), this Court likewise
    held that a defendant’s motion effectively invited a retrial
    of the same offense, and “the Double Jeopardy Clause,
    which guards against Government oppression, does not
    relieve a defendant from the consequences of [a] voluntary
    choice” like that. Id., at 96, 99; see also Evans v. Michi­
    568 U.S. 313
    , 326 (2013) (“[R]etrial is generally
    allowed [when] the defendant consents to a disposition
    that contemplates reprosecution”). While relinquishing
    objections sometimes turns on state or federal procedural
    rules, these precedents teach that consenting to two trials
    when one would have avoided a double jeopardy problem
    precludes any constitutional violation associated with
    holding a second trial. In these circumstances, our cases
    hold, the defendant wins a potential benefit and experi-
    ences none of the prosecutorial “oppression” the Double
    Jeopardy Clause exists to prevent. Nor, again, can we
    discern a good reason to treat Ashe double jeopardy com-
    plaints more favorably than traditional ones when a de-
    fendant consents to severance.
    Against these precedents, Mr. Currier asks us to consider
    others, especially Harris v. Washington, 
    404 U.S. 55
    (1971) (per curiam) and Turner v. Arkansas, 
    407 U.S. 366
    (1972) (per curiam). But these cases merely applied Ashe’s
    test and concluded that a second trial was impermissible.
    They did not address the question whether double jeop-
    ardy protections apply if the defendant consents to a sec-
    ond trial. Meanwhile, as we’ve seen, Jeffers, Dinitz, and
    Scott focus on that question directly and make clear that a
    defendant’s consent dispels any specter of double jeopardy
    abuse that holding two trials might otherwise present.
    8                  CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    This Court’s teachings are consistent and plain: the
    “Clause, which guards against Government oppression,
    does not relieve a defendant from the consequences of his
    voluntary choice.” Scott, supra, at 99.
    Mr. Currier replies that he had no real choice but to
    seek two trials. Without a second trial, he says, evidence
    of his prior convictions would have tainted the jury’s con-
    sideration of the burglary and larceny charges. And, he
    notes, Virginia law guarantees a severance in cases like
    his unless the defendant and prosecution agree to a single
    trial. But no one disputes that the Constitution permitted
    Virginia to try all three charges at once with appropriate
    cautionary instructions. So this simply isn’t a case where
    the defendant had to give up one constitutional right to
    secure another. Instead, Mr. Currier faced a lawful choice
    between two courses of action that each bore potential
    costs and rationally attractive benefits. It might have
    been a hard choice. But litigants every day face difficult
    decisions. Whether it’s the defendant who finds himself in
    the shoes of Jeffers, Dinitz, and Scott and forced to choose
    between allowing an imperfect trial to proceed or seeking
    a second that promises its own risks. Or whether it’s the
    defendant who must decide between exercising his right to
    testify in his own defense or keeping impeachment evi-
    dence of past bad acts from the jury. See, e.g., Brown v.
    United States, 
    356 U.S. 148
    , 154–157 (1958). This Court
    has held repeatedly that difficult strategic choices like
    these are “not the same as no choice,” United States v.
    528 U.S. 304
    , 315 (2000), and the
    Constitution “does not . . . forbid requiring” a litigant to
    make them, McGautha v. California, 
    402 U.S. 183
    , 213
    Even if he voluntarily consented to holding the second
    trial, Mr. Currier argues, that consent did not extend to
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            9
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    the relitigation of any issues the first jury resolved in his
    favor. So, Mr. Currier says, the court should have excluded
    evidence suggesting he possessed the guns in Mr. Gar-
    rison’s home, leaving the prosecution to prove that he
    possessed them only later, maybe down by the river. To
    support this argument, Mr. Currier points to issue preclu-
    sion principles in civil cases and invites us to import them
    for the first time into the criminal law through the Double
    Jeopardy Clause. In his view, the Clause should do much
    more than bar the retrial of the same offense (or crimes
    tantamount to the same offense under Ashe); it should be
    read now to prevent the parties from retrying any issue or
    introducing any evidence about a previously tried issue.
    While the dissent today agrees with us that the trial court
    committed no double jeopardy violation in holding the
    second trial, on this alternative argument it sides with Mr.
    Currier. See post, at 11, 12, 14–15.
    We cannot. Even assuming for argument’s sake that
    Mr. Currier’s consent to holding a second trial didn’t more
    broadly imply consent to the manner it was conducted, we
    must reject his argument on a narrower ground. Just last
    Term this Court warned that issue preclusion principles
    should have only “guarded application . . . in criminal
    cases.” Bravo-Fernandez v. United States, 
    580 U.S.
    ___ (2016) (slip op. at 4). We think that caution remains
    Mr. Currier’s problems begin with the text of the Double
    Jeopardy Clause. As we’ve seen, the Clause speaks not
    about prohibiting the relitigation of issues or evidence but
    offenses. Contrast this with the language of the Reexami-
    nation Clause. There, the Seventh Amendment says that
    “[i]n Suits at common law . . . no fact tried by a jury, shall
    be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United
    States, than according to the rules of the common law.”
    (Emphasis added.) Words in one provision are, of course,
    often understood “by comparing them with other words
    10                  CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    and sentences in the same instrument.” 1 J. Story, Com-
    mentaries on the Constitution of the United States §400,
    p. 384 (1833). So it’s difficult to ignore that only in the
    Seventh Amendment—and only for civil suits—can we
    find anything resembling contemporary issue preclusion
    What problems the text suggests, the original public
    understanding of the Fifth Amendment confirms. The
    Double Jeopardy Clause took its cue from English common
    law pleas that prevented courts from retrying a criminal
    defendant previously acquitted or convicted of the crime in
    question. See Scott, 437 U. S., at 87; 4 W. Blackstone,
    Commentaries on the Laws of England 329–330 (1769).
    But those pleas barred only repeated “prosecution for the
    same identical act and crime,” not the retrial of particular
    issues or evidence. Id., at 330 (emphasis added). As Sir
    Matthew Hale explained:
    “If A. commit a burglary . . . and likewise at the same
    time steal goods out of the house, if he be indicted of
    larciny for the goods and acquitted, yet he may be in-
    dicted for the burglary notwithstanding the acquittal.
    And è converso, if indicted for the burglary and acquit-
    ted, yet he may be indicted of the larciny, for they are
    several offenses, tho committed at the same time.” 2
    M. Hale, The History of the Pleas of the Crown, ch.
    31, pp. 245–246 (1736 ed.).
    Both English and early American cases illustrate the
    point. In Turner’s Case, 30 Kel. J. 30, 84 Eng. Rep. 1068
    (K. B. 1663), for example, a jury acquitted the defendant of
    breaking into a home and stealing money from the owner.
    Even so, the court held that the defendant could be tried
    later for the theft of money “stolen at the same time” from
    the owner’s servant. Ibid. In Commonwealth v. Roby, 12
    Pickering 496 (Mass. 1832), the court, invoking Black-
    stone, held that “[i]n considering the identity of the of-
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)           11
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    fence, it must appear by the plea, that the offence charged
    in both cases was the same in law and in fact.” Id., at 509.
    The court explained that a second prosecution isn’t pre-
    cluded “if the offences charged in the two indictments be
    perfectly distinct in point of law, however nearly they may
    be connected in fact.” Ibid. (emphasis added). Another
    court even ruled “that a man acquitted for stealing the
    horse hath yet been arraigned and convict for stealing the
    saddle, tho both were done at the same time.” 2 Hale,
    supra, at 246. These authorities and many more like them
    demonstrate that early courts regularly confronted cases
    just like ours and expressly rejected the notion that the
    Double Jeopardy Clause barred the relitigation of issues
    or facts. See also Grady v. Corbin, 
    495 U.S. 508
    , 533–535
    (1990) (Scalia, J., dissenting) (collecting authorities); 2 W.
    Hawkins, Pleas of the Crown, ch. 35, p. 371 (1726 ed.); 1 J.
    Chitty, Criminal Law 452–457 (1816); M. Friedland, Dou-
    ble Jeopardy 179, and n. 2 (1969). Any suggestion that
    our case presents a new phenomenon, then, risks overlook-
    ing this long history. See post, at 4–5 (GINSBURG, J.,
    This Court’s contemporary double jeopardy cases con-
    firm what the text and history suggest. Under Block-
    burger v. United States, 
    284 U.S. 299
     (1932), the courts
    apply today much the same double jeopardy test they did
    at the founding. Id., at 304. To prevent a second trial on a
    new charge, the defendant must show an identity of statu­
    tory elements between the two charges against him; it’s not
    enough that “a substantial overlap [exists] in the proof
    offered to establish the crimes.” Iannelli v. United States,
    420 U.S. 770
    , 785, n. 17 (1975) (emphasis added). Of
    course, Ashe later pressed Blockburger’s boundaries by
    suggesting that, in narrow circumstances, the retrial of an
    issue can be considered tantamount to the retrial of an
    offense. See Yeager, 557 U. S., at 119. But, as we’ve seen,
    even there a court’s ultimate focus remains on the practi-
    12                 CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    cal identity of offenses, and the only available remedy is
    the traditional double jeopardy bar against the retrial of
    the same offense—not a bar against the relitigation of
    issues or evidence. See id., at 119–120. Even at the outer
    reaches of our double jeopardy jurisprudence, then, this
    Court has never sought to regulate the retrial of issues or
    evidence in the name of the Double Jeopardy Clause.
    Nor in acknowledging this do we plow any new ground.
    In Dowling v. United States, 
    493 U.S. 342
     (1990), the
    defendant faced charges of bank robbery. At trial, the
    prosecution introduced evidence of the defendant’s in-
    volvement in an earlier crime, even though the jury in
    that case had acquitted. Like Mr. Currier, the defendant
    in Dowling argued that the trial court should have barred
    relitigation of an issue resolved in his favor in an earlier
    case and therefore excluded evidence of the acquitted
    offense. But the Court refused the request and in doing so
    expressly “decline[d] to extend Ashe . . . to exclude in all
    circumstances, as [the defendant] would have it, relevant
    and probative evidence that is otherwise admissible under
    the Rules of Evidence simply because it relates to alleged
    criminal conduct for which a defendant has been acquit-
    ted.” Id., at 348. If a second trial is permissible, the
    admission of evidence at that trial is governed by normal
    evidentiary rules—not by the terms of the Double Jeop-
    ardy Clause. “So far as merely evidentiary . . . facts are
    concerned,” the Double Jeopardy Clause “is inoperative.”
    Yates v. United States, 
    354 U.S. 298
    , 338 (1957).
    On its own terms, too, any effort to transplant civil
    preclusion principles into the Double Jeopardy Clause
    would quickly meet trouble. While the Clause embodies a
    kind of “claim preclusion” rule, even this rule bears little
    in common with its civil counterpart. In civil cases, a
    claim generally may not be tried if it arises out of the
    same transaction or common nucleus of operative facts as
    another already tried. Restatement (Second) of Judg-
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            13
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    ments §19 (1982); Moschzisker, Res Judicata, 38 Yale L. J.
    299, 325 (1929). But in a criminal case, Blockburger pre-
    cludes a trial on an offense only if a court has previously
    heard the same offense as measured by its statutory ele-
    ments. 284 U. S., at 304. And this Court has emphatic-
    ally refused to import into criminal double jeopardy law the
    civil law’s more generous “same transaction” or same
    criminal “episode” test. See Garrett v. United States, 
    471 U.S. 773
    , 790 (1985); see also Ashe, 397 U. S., at 448
    (Harlan, J., concurring).
    It isn’t even clear that civil preclusion principles would
    help defendants like Mr. Currier. Issue preclusion ad-
    dresses the effect in a current case of a prior adjudication
    in another case. So it doesn’t often have much to say about
    the preclusive effects of rulings “within the framework of a
    continuing action.” 18A C. Wright & A. Miller, Federal
    Practice and Procedure §4434 (2d ed. 2002); see also id.,
    §4478. Usually, only the more flexible law of the case
    doctrine governs the preclusive effect of an earlier decision
    “within a single action.” Ibid. And that doctrine might
    counsel against affording conclusive effect to a prior jury
    verdict on a particular issue when the parties agreed to
    hold a second trial covering much the same terrain at a
    later stage of the proceedings. Besides, even if issue pre-
    clusion is the right doctrine for cases like ours, its applica-
    tion usually depends “on ‘an underlying confidence that
    the result achieved in the initial litigation was substan-
    tially correct.’ ” Bravo-Fernandez, 580 U. S., at ___ (slip
    op., at 4) (quoting Standefer v. United States, 
    447 U.S. 10
    23, n. 18 (1980)). As a result, the doctrine does not often
    bar the relitigation of issues when “[t]he party against
    whom preclusion is sought could not, as a matter of law,
    have obtained review of the judgment in the initial ac-
    tion.” Restatement (Second) of Judgments §28. In crimi-
    nal cases, of course, the government cannot obtain appel-
    late review of acquittals. So a faithful application of civil
    14                  CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    preclusion principles in our case and others like it might
    actually militate against finding preclusion. See Bravo-
    Fernandez, supra, at ___ (slip op., at 4); Standefer, supra,
    at 22–23, and n. 18.
    Neither Mr. Currier nor the dissent offers a persuasive
    reply to these points. They cannot dispute that the text of
    the Double Jeopardy Clause, which bars a prosecution for
    the same offense, is inconsistent with an issue preclusion
    rule that purports to bar a “second prosecution involv[ing]
    . . . a different ‘offense.’ ” Post, at 4. They decline to “en-
    gage” with the Clause’s history, though the dissent ap-
    pears to agree that the Clause was not originally under-
    stood to include an issue preclusion rule. See post, at 3–4,
    13. Neither Mr. Currier nor the dissent seeks to show
    that, even taken on their own terms, civil issue preclusion
    principles would apply to cases like this one. Without
    text, history, or logic to stand on, the dissent leans heavily
    on a comparison to Dowling. In Dowling, the dissent
    emphasizes, the two trials involved different criminal
    episodes while the two trials here addressed the same set
    of facts. But Dowling did not rest its holding on this fea-
    ture and the dissent does not explain its relevance. If
    issue preclusion really did exist in criminal law, why
    wouldn’t it preclude the retrial of any previously tried
    issue, regardless whether that issue stems from the same
    or a different “criminal episode”?
    In the end, Mr. Currier and the dissent must emphasize
    various policy reasons for adopting a new rule of issue
    preclusion into the criminal law. See post, at 4–5, 8–9.
    They contend that issue preclusion is “needed” to combat
    the “prosecutorial excesses” that could result from the
    proliferation of criminal offenses, post, at 4–5, though we
    aren’t sure what to make of this given the dissent’s later
    claim that “issue preclusion requires no showing of prose-
    cutorial overreaching,” post, at 8. In any event, there are
    risks with the approach Mr. Currier and the dissent pro-
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)           15
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    pose. Consider, for example, the ironies that grafting civil
    preclusion principles onto the criminal law could invite.
    Issue preclusion is sometimes applied offensively against
    civil defendants who lost on an issue in an earlier case.
    Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore, 
    439 U.S. 322
    , 331–332
    (1979). By parallel logic, could we expect the government
    to invoke the doctrine to bar criminal defendants from
    relitigating issues decided against them in a prior trial?
    It’s an outcome few defendants would welcome but one
    some have already promoted. See, e.g., Kennelly, Preclud-
    ing the Accused: Offensive Collateral Estoppel in Criminal
    80 Va. L
    . Rev. 1379, 1380–1381, 1416, 1426–1427
    (1994); Vestal, Issue Preclusion and Criminal Prosecu-
    65 Iowa L
    . Rev. 281, 297, 320–321 (1980).
    Maybe worse yet, consider the possible effect on sever-
    ances. Today, some state courts grant severance motions
    liberally to benefit defendants. But what would happen if
    this Court unilaterally increased the costs associated with
    severance in the form of allowing issue preclusion for
    defendants only? Granting a severance is no small thing.
    It means a court must expend resources for two trials
    where the Constitution would have permitted one. Wit-
    nesses and victims must endure a more protracted ordeal.
    States sometimes accept these costs to protect a defendant
    from potential prejudice. But 20 States appearing before
    us have warned that some jurisdictions might respond to
    any decision increasing the costs of severed trials by mak-
    ing them less freely available. See Brief for Indiana et al.
    as Amici Curiae 4, 16–20. Of course, that’s only a predic-
    tion. But it’s a hard if unwanted fact that “[t]oday’s elabo-
    rate body of procedural rules” can contribute to making
    “trials expensive [and] rare.” W. Stuntz, The Collapse
    of American Criminal Justice 39 (2011). And it would be
    a mistake to ignore the possibility that by making sever-
    ances more costly we might wind up making them rarer too.
    The fact is, civil preclusion principles and double jeop-
    16                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    Opinion          Court
    ORSUCH, J.
    ardy are different doctrines, with different histories, serv-
    ing different purposes. Historically, both claim and issue
    preclusion have sought to “promot[e] judicial economy by
    preventing needless litigation.” Parklane Hosiery, supra,
    at 326. That interest may make special sense in civil
    cases where often only money is at stake. But the Double
    Jeopardy Clause and the common law principles it built
    upon govern criminal cases and concern more than effi-
    ciency. They aim instead, as we’ve seen, to balance vital
    interests against abusive prosecutorial practices with
    consideration to the public’s safety. The Clause’s terms
    and history simply do not contain the rights Mr. Currier
    Nor are we at liberty to rewrite those terms or that
    history. While the growing number of criminal offenses in
    our statute books may be cause for concern, see post, at 4–
    5 (GINSBURG, J., dissenting), no one should expect (or
    want) judges to revise the Constitution to address every
    social problem they happen to perceive. The proper au-
    thorities, the States and Congress, are empowered to
    adopt new laws or rules experimenting with issue or claim
    preclusion in criminal cases if they wish. In fact, some
    States have already done so. On these matters, the Con-
    stitution dictates no answers but entrusts them to a self-
    governing people to resolve.
    The judgment of the Virginia Supreme Court is
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            1
    KENNEDY, J., concurring in part
    No. 16–1348
    [June 22, 2018]
    JUSTICE KENNEDY, concurring in part.
    I join Parts I and II of the Court’s opinion, which, in my
    view, suffice to resolve this case in a full and proper way.
    There is a strong public “interest in giving the prosecu-
    tion one complete opportunity to convict those who have
    violated its laws.” Arizona v. Washington, 
    434 U.S. 497
    509 (1978). The reason that single opportunity did not
    occur in one trial here was because both parties consented
    to sever the possession charge to avoid introducing evi-
    dence of petitioner’s prior conviction during his trial for
    burglary and larceny. Petitioner acknowledges that by
    consenting to severance he cannot argue that the Double
    Jeopardy Clause bars the second trial. See Brief for Peti-
    tioner 9–10. He instead contends that, even though he
    consented to severance, he preserved the double jeopardy
    protections applied in Ashe v. Swenson, 
    397 U.S. 436
    (1970), protections that, in Ashe, were a bar to relitigation
    of factual issues adjudicated in a previous trial.
    The Double Jeopardy Clause reflects the principle that
    “the State with all its resources and power should not be
    allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an individ-
    ual for an alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to embar-
    rassment, expense and ordeal and compelling him to live
    in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as
    enhancing the possibility that even though innocent he
    2                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    KENNEDY, J., concurring in part
    may be found guilty.” Green v. United States, 
    355 U.S. 184
    , 187–188 (1957). But this “is not a principle which
    can be expanded to include situations in which the de-
    fendant is responsible for the second prosecution.” United
    States v. Scott, 
    437 U.S. 82
    , 95–96 (1978); see also id., at
    99 (The “Clause, which guards against Government op-
    pression, does not relieve a defendant from the conse-
    quences of his voluntary choice”).        This rule recurs
    throughout the Court’s double jeopardy cases, see, e.g.,
    Jeffers v. United States, 
    432 U.S. 137
    , 152 (1977); Ohio v.
    467 U.S. 493
    , 500, n. 9, 502 (1984); Evans v.
    568 U.S. 313
    , 326 (2013), and, in my view, it
    controls here.
    The end result is that when a defendant’s voluntary
    choices lead to a second prosecution he cannot later use
    the Double Jeopardy Clause, whether thought of as pro-
    tecting against multiple trials or the relitigation of issues,
    to forestall that second prosecution. The extent of the
    Double Jeopardy Clause protections discussed and defined
    in Ashe need not be reexamined here; for, whatever the
    proper formulation and implementation of those rights
    are, they can be lost when a defendant agrees to a second
    prosecution. Of course, this conclusion is premised on the
    defendant’s having a voluntary choice, and a different
    result might obtain if that premise were absent. Cf.
    Turner v. Arkansas, 
    407 U.S. 366
    , 367 (1972) (per curiam)
    (applying Ashe to a second trial where state law prohibited
    a single trial of the charges at issue).
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)           1
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    No. 16–1348
    [June 22, 2018]
    JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR, and JUSTICE KAGAN join, dissenting.
    Michael Nelson Currier was charged in Virginia state
    court with (1) breaking and entering, (2) grand larceny,
    and (3) possessing a firearm after having been convicted of
    a felony. All three charges arose out of the same criminal
    episode. Under Virginia practice, unless the prosecutor
    and the defendant otherwise agree, a trial court must
    sever a charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted
    felon from other charges that do not require proof of a
    prior conviction. Virginia maintains this practice recog-
    nizing that evidence of a prior criminal conviction, other
    than on the offense for which the defendant is being tried,
    can be highly prejudicial in jury trials.
    After trial for breaking and entering and grand larceny,
    the jury acquitted Currier of both charges. The prosecutor
    then chose to proceed against Currier on the severed felon-
    in-possession charge. Currier objected to the second trial
    on double jeopardy grounds. He argued that the jury
    acquittals of breaking and entering and grand larceny
    established definitively and with finality that he had not
    participated in the alleged criminal episode. Invoking the
    issue-preclusion component of the double jeopardy ban,
    Currier urged that in a second trial, the Commonwealth
    could not introduce evidence of his alleged involvement in
    2                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    breaking and entering and grand larceny, charges on
    which he had been acquitted. He further maintained that
    without allowing the prosecution a second chance to prove
    breaking and entering and grand larceny, the evidence
    would be insufficient to warrant conviction of the felon-in-
    possession charge.
    I would hold that Currier’s acquiescence in severance of
    the felon-in-possession charge does not prevent him from
    raising a plea of issue preclusion based on the jury acquit-
    tals of breaking and entering and grand larceny.
    This Court’s decisions “have recognized that the [Double
    Jeopardy] Clause embodies two vitally important inter-
    ests.” Yeager v. United States, 
    557 U.S. 110
    , 117 (2009).
    “The first is the ‘deeply ingrained’ principle that ‘the State
    with all its resources and power should not be allowed to
    make repeated attempts to convict an individual for an
    alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to embarrassment,
    expense and ordeal and compelling him to live in a contin-
    uing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing
    the possibility that even though innocent he may be found
    guilty.’ ” Id., at 117–118 (quoting Green v. United States,
    355 U.S. 184
    , 187–188 (1957)). The second interest the
    Clause serves is preservation of the “finality of judg-
    ments,” 557 U. S., at 118 (internal quotation marks omit-
    ted), particularly acquittals, see id., at 122–123 (an ac-
    quittal’s “finality is unassailable”); Evans v. Michigan,
    568 U.S. 313
    , 319 (2013) (“The law attaches particular
    significance to an acquittal.” (internal quotation marks
    The Clause effectuates its overall guarantee through
    multiple protections. Historically, among those protec-
    tions, the Court has safeguarded the right not to be sub-
    ject to multiple trials for the “same offense.” See Brown v.
    432 U.S. 161
    , 165 (1977). That claim-preclusive
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            3
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    rule stops the government from litigating the “same of-
    fense” or criminal charge in successive prosecutions, re-
    gardless of whether the first trial ends in a conviction or
    an acquittal. See Bravo-Fernandez v. United States, 
    580 U.S.
    ___, ___ (2016) (slip op., at 3); Brown, 432 U. S., at
    165. To determine whether two offenses are the “same,”
    this Court has held, a court must look to the offenses’
    elements. Blockburger v. United States, 
    284 U.S. 299
    , 304
    (1932). If each offense “requires proof of a fact which the
    other does not,” Blockburger established, the offenses are
    discrete and the prosecution of one does not bar later
    prosecution of the other. Ibid. If, however, two offenses
    are greater and lesser included offenses, the government
    cannot prosecute them successively. See Brown, 432 U. S.,
    at 169.
    Also shielded by the Double Jeopardy Clause is the
    issue-preclusive effect of an acquittal. First articulated in
    Ashe v. Swenson, 
    397 U.S. 436
     (1970), the issue-
    preclusive aspect of the Double Jeopardy Clause prohibits
    the government from relitigating issues necessarily re-
    solved in a defendant’s favor at an earlier trial presenting
    factually related offenses. Ashe involved the robbery of six
    poker players by a group of masked men. Id., at 437.
    Missouri tried Ashe first for the robbery of Donald Knight.
    Id., at 438. At trial, proof that Knight was the victim of a
    robbery was “unassailable”; the sole issue in dispute was
    whether Ashe was one of the robbers. Id., at 438, 445. A
    jury found Ashe not guilty. Id., at 439. Missouri then
    tried Ashe for robbing a different poker player at the same
    table. Ibid. The witnesses at the second trial “were for
    the most part the same,” although their testimony for the
    prosecution was “substantially stronger” than it was at the
    first trial. Id., at 439–440. The State also “refined its
    case” by declining to call a witness whose identification
    testimony at the first trial had been “conspicuously nega-
    tive.” Id., at 440. The second time around, the State
    4                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    secured a conviction. Ibid.
    Although the second prosecution involved a different
    victim and thus a different “offense,” this Court held that
    the second prosecution violated the Double Jeopardy
    Clause. A component of that Clause, the Court explained,
    rests on the principle that “when an issue of ultimate fact
    has once been determined by a valid and final judgment,
    that issue cannot again be litigated between the same
    parties in any future lawsuit.” Id., at 443, 445. Conse-
    quently, “after a jury determined by its verdict that [Ashe]
    was not one of the robbers,” the State could not “constitu-
    tionally hale him before a new jury to litigate that issue
    again.” Id., at 446.
    In concluding that the Double Jeopardy Clause includes
    issue-preclusion protection for defendants, the Court
    acknowledged that no prior decision had “squarely held
    [issue preclusion] to be a constitutional requirement.” Id.,
    at 445, n. 10. “Until perhaps a century ago,” the Court
    explained, “few situations arose calling for [issue preclu-
    sion’s] application.” Ibid. “[A]t common law” and “under
    early federal criminal statutes, offense categories were
    relatively few and distinct,” and “[a] single course of crim-
    inal conduct was likely to yield but a single offense.” Ibid.
    “[W]ith the advent of specificity in draftsmanship and the
    extraordinary proliferation of overlapping and related
    statutory offenses,” however, “it became possible for prose-
    cutors to spin out a startlingly numerous series of offenses
    from a single alleged criminal transaction.” Ibid. With
    this proliferation, “the potential for unfair and abusive
    reprosecutions became far more pronounced.” Ibid.
    Toward the end of the 19th century, courts increasingly
    concluded that greater protections than those traditionally
    afforded under the Double Jeopardy Clause were needed
    to spare defendants from prosecutorial excesses. Federal
    courts, cognizant of the increased potential for exposing
    defendants to multiple charges based on the same crimi-
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            5
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    nal episode, borrowed issue-preclusion principles from the
    civil context to bar relitigation of issues necessarily re-
    solved against the government in a criminal trial. Ibid.;
    cf. United States v. Oppenheimer, 
    242 U.S. 85
    , 87 (1916)
    (“It cannot be that the safeguards of the person, so often
    and so rightly mentioned with solemn reverence, are less
    than those that protect from a liability in debt.”). By 1970,
    when Ashe was decided, issue preclusion, “[a]lthough first
    developed in civil litigation,” had become “an established
    rule of federal criminal law.” Ashe, 397 U. S., at 443. The
    question presented in Ashe was whether issue preclusion
    is not just an established rule of federal criminal proce-
    dure, but also a rule of constitutional stature. The Court
    had no “hesitat[ion]” in concluding that it is. Id., at 445.
    Since Ashe, this Court has reaffirmed that issue preclu-
    sion ranks with claim preclusion as a Double Jeopardy
    Clause component. Harris v. Washington, 
    404 U.S. 55
    , 56
    (1971) (per curiam). Given criminal codes of prolix charac-
    ter, issue preclusion both arms defendants against prose-
    cutorial excesses, see Ashe, 397 U. S., at 445, n. 10, and
    preserves the integrity of acquittals, see Yeager, 557 U. S.,
    at 118–119. See also id., at 119 (Double Jeopardy Clause
    shields defendants against “relitiga[tion] [of] any issue
    that was necessarily decided by a jury’s acquittal in a
    prior trial”).
    On March 7, 2012, a large safe containing some $71,000
    in cash and 20 firearms was stolen from Paul and Brenda
    Garrison’s home. When police recovered the safe, which
    had been dumped in a river, the firearms remained inside,
    but most of the cash was gone. After a neighbor reported
    seeing a white pickup truck leaving the Garrisons’ drive-
    way around the time of the theft, police identified the
    Garrisons’ nephew, Bradley Wood, as a suspect. Wood
    later implicated Currier as an accomplice. A grand jury
    6                   CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    indicted Currier for breaking and entering, grand larceny,
    and possessing a firearm after having been convicted of a
    felony. The felon aspect of the felon-in-possession charge
    was based on Currier’s prior convictions for burglary and
    larceny. Currier was “in possession” of the firearms, the
    prosecution contended, based on his brief handling of the
    guns contained in the safe (taking them out and putting
    them back) when the remaining cash was removed from
    Virginia courts, like many others, recognize that trying
    a felon-in-possession charge together with offenses that do
    not permit the introduction of prior felony convictions can
    be hugely prejudicial to a defendant. See Hackney v.
    28 Va. App. 288
    , 293–294, 
    504 S.E.2d 385
    , 388 (1998) (en banc). Evidence of prior convictions,
    they have observed, can “confus[e] the issues before the
    jury” and “prejudice the defendant in the minds of the jury
    by showing his or her depravity and criminal propensity.”
    Id., at 293, 
    504 S.E. 2d
    , at 388. Virginia courts therefore
    hold that “unless the Commonwealth and defendant agree
    to joinder, a trial court must sever a charge of possession
    of a firearm by a convicted felon from other charges that
    do not require proof of a prior conviction.” Id., at 295, 
    504 S.E. 2d
    , at 389. In Currier’s case, the prosecution and
    Currier acceded to the Commonwealth’s default rule, and
    the trial court accordingly severed the felon-in-possession
    charge from the breaking and entering and grand larceny
    The Commonwealth proceeded to try Currier first for
    breaking and entering and grand larceny. Witnesses for
    the prosecution testified to Currier’s involvement in the
    crimes. First, Wood testified that Currier helped him
    break into the Garrisons’ home and steal the safe. Second,
    the Garrisons’ neighbor testified that she believed Currier
    was the passenger in the pickup truck she had seen leav-
    ing the Garrisons’ residence. The prosecution also sought
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)            7
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    to introduce evidence that a cigarette butt found in
    Wood’s pickup truck carried Currier’s DNA. But the court
    excluded that evidence because the prosecution failed to
    disclose it at least 21 days in advance of trial, as Virginia
    law required.
    The sole issue in dispute at the first trial, Currier main-
    tains, was whether he participated in the break-in and
    theft. See App. 35 (prosecutor’s closing statement, stating
    “What is in dispute? Really only one issue and one issue
    alone. Was the defendant, Michael Currier, one of those
    people that was involved in the offense?”). The case was
    submitted to the jury, which acquitted Currier of both
    Despite the jury’s acquittal verdicts, the prosecution
    proceeded against Currier on the felon-in-possession
    charge. In advance of his second trial, Currier moved to
    dismiss the gun-possession charge based on the issue-
    preclusion component of the Double Jeopardy Clause. He
    urged that the jury at his first trial rejected the govern-
    ment’s contention that he was involved in the break-in
    and theft. Cf. Ashe, 397 U. S., at 446 (common issue in
    first and second trials was whether Ashe was one of the
    robbers). If the government could not attempt to prove
    anew his participation in the break-in and theft, he rea-
    soned, there would be no basis for a conviction on the gun-
    possession charge. I.e., his involvement in handling the
    guns, on the government’s theory of the case, depended on
    his anterior involvement in breaking and entering the
    Garrisons’ residence and stealing their safe. The trial
    court refused to dismiss the prosecution or to bar the
    government from introducing evidence of Currier’s alleged
    involvement in the break-in and theft.
    At the second trial, the prosecution shored up its at-
    tempt to prove Currier’s participation in the break-in and
    theft. The witnesses refined their testimony. Remedying
    its earlier procedural lapse by timely notifying Currier,
    8                  CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    the prosecution introduced the cigarette butt evidence.
    And, of course, to show Currier was a felon, the prosecu-
    tion introduced his prior burglary and larceny convictions.
    The jury found Currier guilty of the felon-in-possession
    The Court holds that even if Currier could have asserted
    a double jeopardy issue-preclusion defense in opposition to
    the second trial, he relinquished that right by acquiescing
    in severance of the felon-in-possession charge. This hold-
    ing is not sustainable. A defendant’s consent to severance
    does not waive his right to rely on the issue-preclusive
    effect of an acquittal.
    It bears clarification first that, contra to the Court’s
    presentation, issue preclusion requires no showing of
    prosecutorial overreaching. But cf. ante, at 7 (stating that
    “the Double Jeopardy Clause exists to prevent [prosecuto-
    rial oppression]”). This Court so ruled in Harris v. Wash-
    404 U.S. 55
    , and it has subsequently reinforced
    the point in Turner v. Arkansas, 
    407 U.S. 366
     (1972) (per
    curiam), and Yeager v. United States, 
    557 U.S. 110
    In Harris, the Washington Supreme Court declined to
    give an acquittal issue-preclusive effect because there was
    “no indication of bad faith of the state in deliberately
    making a ‘trial run’ in the first prosecution.” State v.
    78 Wash. 2d 894
    , 901, 
    480 P.2d 484
    , 488 (1971).
    The State Supreme Court further observed that “it was to
    the advantage of the defendant, and not the state, to
    separate the trials” because certain evidence was inadmis-
    sible in the first trial that would be admissible in the
    second. Id., at 898, 
    480 P. 2d
    , at 486. This Court reversed
    and explained that an acquittal has issue-preclusive effect
    “irrespective of the good faith of the State in bringing
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)           9
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    successive prosecutions.” Harris, 404 U. S., at 57.
    In Turner, Arkansas prosecutors believed the defendant
    had robbed and murdered someone. 407 U. S., at 366. An
    Arkansas statute required that murder be charged sepa-
    rately, with no other charges appended. Id., at 367. After
    a jury acquitted Turner on the murder charge, the State
    sought to try him for robbery. Id., at 366–367. Even
    though state law, not an overzealous prosecutor, dictated
    the sequential trials, this Court held that the defendant
    was entitled to assert issue preclusion and found the case
    “squarely controlled by Ashe.” Id., at 370.
    In Yeager, the defendant stood trial on numerous factu-
    ally related offenses. 557 U. S., at 113–114. After a jury
    acquitted on some counts but hung on others, the prosecu-
    tion sought to retry a number of the hung counts. Id., at
    115. The defendant argued that issue preclusion should
    apply in the second trial. In opposition, the prosecution
    stressed that a retrial “presen[ted] none of the governmen-
    tal overreaching that double jeopardy is supposed to pre-
    vent.” Brief for United States in Yeager v. United States,
    O. T. 2008, No. 08–67, p. 26 (internal quotation marks
    omitted). Indeed, the prosecution had “attempted to bring
    all the charges in a single proceeding,” and it was seeking
    a second trial on some charges only “because the jury
    hung.” Ibid. The Court did not regard as controlling the
    lack of prosecutorial overreaching. Instead, it emphasized
    that “[a] jury’s verdict of acquittal represents the commu-
    nity’s collective judgment regarding all the evidence
    and arguments presented to it” and that, once rendered,
    an acquittal’s “finality is unassailable.” 557 U. S., at
    There is in Currier’s case no suggestion that he expressly
    waived a plea of issue preclusion at a second trial, or that
    he failed to timely assert the plea. Instead, the conten-
    10                  CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    tion, urged by the prosecution and embraced by this Court,
    is that Currier surrendered his right to assert the issue-
    preclusive effect of his first-trial acquittals by consenting
    to two trials.
    This Court “indulge[s] every reasonable presumption
    against waiver of fundamental constitutional rights.”
    Johnson v. Zerbst, 
    304 U.S. 458
    , 464 (1938) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). It has found “waiver by con-
    duct” only where a defendant has engaged in “conduct
    inconsistent with the assertion of [the] right.” Pierce Oil
    Corp. v. Phoenix Refining Co., 
    259 U.S. 125
    , 129 (1922).
    For example, a defendant who “voluntarily absents him-
    self” from trial waives his Sixth Amendment right to be
    present. Taylor v. United States, 
    414 U.S. 17
    , 19 (1973)
    (per curiam) (internal quotation marks omitted). Similarly,
    a defendant who “obtains the absence of a witness by
    wrongdoing” may “forfeit” or “waive” his Sixth Amend-
    ment right to confront the absent witness. Davis v. Wash-
    547 U.S. 813
    , 833 (2006). Where, however, a
    defendant takes no action inconsistent with the assertion
    of a right, the defendant will not be found to have waived
    the right.
    Currier took no action inconsistent with assertion of an
    issue-preclusion plea. To understand why, one must
    comprehend just what issue preclusion forecloses. Unlike
    the right against a second trial for the same offense (claim
    preclusion), issue preclusion prevents relitigation of a
    previously rejected theory of criminal liability without
    necessarily barring a successive trial. Take Ashe, for
    example. Issue preclusion prevented the prosecution from
    arguing, at a second trial, that Ashe was one of the rob-
    bers who held up the poker players at gunpoint. But if the
    prosecution sought to prove, instead, that Ashe waited
    outside during the robbery and then drove the getaway
    car, issue preclusion would not have barred that trial.
    Similarly here, the prosecution could not again attempt to
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)           11
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    prove that Currier participated in the break-in and theft
    of the safe at the Garrisons’ residence. But a second trial
    could be mounted if the prosecution alleged, for instance,
    that Currier was present at the river’s edge when others
    showed up to dump the safe in the river, and that Currier
    helped to empty out and replace the guns contained in the
    In short, issue preclusion does not operate, as claim
    preclusion does, to bar a successive trial altogether. Issue
    preclusion bars only a subset of possible trials—those in
    which the prosecution rests its case on a theory of liability
    a jury earlier rejected. That being so, consenting to a
    second trial is not inconsistent with—and therefore does
    not foreclose—a defendant’s gaining the issue-preclusive
    effect of an acquittal.
    The Court cites Jeffers v. United States, 
    432 U.S. 137
    (1977), United States v. Dinitz, 
    424 U.S. 600
     (1976), and
    United States v. Scott, 
    437 U.S. 82
     (1978), as support for a
    second trial, on the ground that Currier consented to it.
    Those decisions do not undermine the inviolacy of an
    In Jeffers, the defendant was charged with two offenses,
    one of which was a lesser included offense of the other.
    432 U. S., at 140–141, 150. He asked for, and gained,
    separate trials of the two charges. Id., at 142–143. After
    conviction on the lesser included charge, he argued that a
    second trial on the remaining charge would violate his
    double jeopardy right “against multiple prosecutions.” Id.,
    at 139, 143–144. A plurality of this Court rejected Jeffers’
    argument, reasoning that he had waived the relevant
    right because he was “solely responsible for the successive
    prosecutions.” Id., at 154.
    Jeffers presented a claim-preclusion question. The
    Court there said not one word about issue preclusion. Nor
    did the Court address the staying power of an acquittal. It
    had no occasion to do so, as Jeffers was convicted on the
    12                        CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    first charge. Indeed, some years later, three Justices,
    including the author of the Jeffers plurality, stated: “There
    is no doubt that had the defendant in Jeffers been acquit-
    ted at the first trial, the [issue-preclusion protection]
    embodied in the Double Jeopardy Clause would have
    barred a second trial on the greater offense.” Green v.
    455 U.S. 976
    , 980 (1982) (White, J., joined by
    Blackmun and Powell, JJ., dissenting from the denial of
    certiorari) (emphasis added).
    Dinitz and Scott are even weaker reeds. In Dinitz, the
    defendant requested, and gained, a mistrial after the trial
    judge expelled his lead counsel from the courtroom. 424
    U. S., at 602–605. In Scott, the defendant sought and
    obtained dismissal of two of three counts prior to their
    submission to the jury. 437 U. S., at 84. The question in
    each case was whether the defendant’s actions deprived
    him of the right to be spared from a second trial on the
    same offenses. Both decisions simply concluded that when
    a defendant voluntarily seeks to terminate a trial before a
    substantive ruling on guilt or innocence, the Double Jeop-
    ardy Clause is not offended by a second trial. The cases,
    however, said nothing about the issue-preclusive effect of
    a prior acquittal at a subsequent trial. Cf. Burks v. United
    437 U.S. 1
    , 17 (1978) (“It cannot be meaningfully
    said that a person ‘waives’ his right to a judgment of ac-
    quittal by moving for a new trial.”). As was the case in
    Jeffers, Dinitz and Scott presented no occasion to do so.1
    1 Ohio v
    . Johnson, 
    467 U.S. 493
     (1984), cited by JUSTICE KENNEDY,
    ante, at 2, is not in point. It, too, like Jeffers, Scott, and Dinitz, involved
    claim preclusion, not issue preclusion, i.e., trial of greater offenses after
    guilty pleas to lesser offenses. See supra, at 2–3. The case does contain
    an enigmatic footnote stating, “in a case such as this, where the State
    has made no effort to prosecute the charges seriatim, the considerations
    of double jeopardy protection implicit in the application of [issue
    preclusion] are inapplicable.” 467 U. S., at 500, n. 9. True in a case
    like Johnson, which involved no prior acquittals, I would not read more
    into a terse, unelaborated footnote that contains no citation.
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)                       13
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    Venturing beyond JUSTICE KENNEDY’s rationale for
    resolving this case, the plurality would take us back to the
    days before the Court recognized issue preclusion as a
    constitutionally grounded component of the Double Jeop-
    ardy Clause. See ante, at 14 (questioning whether issue
    preclusion “really . . . exist[s] in criminal law”). I would
    not engage in that endeavor to restore things past.2
    One decision, however, should be set straight. The
    plurality asserts that Dowling v. United States, 
    493 U.S. 342
     (1990), established that issue preclusion has no role to
    play in regulating the issues or evidence presented at a
    successive trial. Ante, at 12. Dowling did no such thing.
    The case is tied to Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b), which
    allows the prosecution to introduce evidence of a defend-
    ant’s past criminal conduct for described purposes other
    Evans v. Michigan, 
    568 U.S. 313
     (2013), cited by the Court, ante, at
    7, and JUSTICE KENNEDY, ante, at 2, is even further afield. There, the
    trial court erroneously granted a judgment of acquittal. The State
    sought retrial in view of the error. This Court held that, despite the
    error, the acquittal was a final judgment, which could not be undone.
    568 U. S., at 316. Whatever may be said of Evans, that decision is
    certainly no authority for watering down the issue-preclusive effect of a
    judgment acquitting the defendant.
    Garrett v. United States, 
    471 U.S. 773
     (1985), cited by the plurality,
    ante, at 13, also involves claim preclusion, not issue preclusion. The
    Court held, unremarkably, that a crime transpiring in one day is not
    the “same offense” as a continuing criminal enterprise spanning more
    than five years. Id., at 788.
    2 If issue preclusion does exist in criminal law, the plurality asserts, it
    has only “guarded application,” Bravo-Fernandez v. United States, 
    580 U.S.
    ___, ___ (2016) (slip op., at 4). See ante, at 9. I do not gainsay
    that assertion. Bravo-Fernandez itself, however, involved the special
    problem of inconsistent verdicts rendered by the same jury. It held
    only that an acquittal cannot convey rejection of the prosecutor’s
    allegations when the jury simultaneously convicts the defendant of an
    offense turning on acceptance of the same allegations. 580 U. S., at ___
    (slip op., at 2).
    14                 CURRIER v. VIRGINIA
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    than to show a defendant’s bad character. See Fed. Rule
    Evid. 404(b)(2). The defendant in Dowling was prosecuted
    for robbing a bank. 493 U. S., at 344. To bolster its case
    that Dowling was the perpetrator, the Government sought
    to introduce evidence that Dowling participated in a home
    invasion two weeks after the bank robbery. Id., at 344–
    345. One difficulty for the prosecution: Dowling had been
    acquitted of the home invasion. Id., at 345. Nevertheless,
    the trial court admitted the evidence, informing the jurors
    that Dowling had been acquitted of the home-invasion
    charge and instructing them on the “limited purpose” for
    which the evidence was introduced. Id., at 345–346.
    The Court in Dowling “decline[d] to extend Ashe” to
    forbid the prosecution from introducing evidence, under
    Rule 404(b), of a crime for which the defendant had been
    acquitted, one involving criminal conduct unrelated to the
    bank robbery for which Dowling stood trial. Id., at 348.
    The charge for which Dowling was acquitted took place at
    a different time and involved different property, a differ-
    ent location, and different victims. Id., at 344. See also
    United States v. Felix, 
    503 U.S. 378
    , 386 (1992) (stressing
    that the two crimes in Dowling were “unrelated”). It
    surely could not be said that, in the bank robbery trial,
    Dowling was being tried a second time for the later-
    occurring home invasion offense. Here, by contrast, the
    two trials involved the same criminal episode. See Ashe,
    397 U. S., at 446 (“same robbery”); Turner, 407 U. S., at
    368–369 (“the same set of facts, circumstances, and the
    same occasion” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    Extending Dowling from the Evidence Rule 404(b)
    context in which it was embedded to retrials involving the
    same course of previously acquitted conduct would un-
    dermine issue-preclusion’s core tenet. That tenet was well
    stated by Judge Friendly in United States v. Kramer, 
    289 F.2d 909
     (CA2 1961):
    Cite as: 585 U. S. ____ (2018)              15
    GINSBURG, J., dissenting
    “A defendant who has satisfied one jury that he had
    no responsibility for a crime ought not be forced to
    convince another of this [lack of responsibility]. . . .
    The very nub of [issue preclusion] is to extend res ju-
    dicata beyond those cases where the prior judgment is
    a complete bar. The Government is free, within limits
    set by the Fifth Amendment, to charge an acquitted
    defendant with other crimes claimed to arise from the
    same or related conduct; but it may not prove the new
    charge by asserting facts necessarily determined
    against it on the first trial . . . .” Id., at 915–916 (cita-
    tion omitted).
    So here. The first trial established that Currier did not
    participate in breaking and entering the Garrisons’ resi-
    dence or in stealing their safe. The government can at-
    tempt to prove Currier possessed firearms through a
    means other than breaking and entering the Garrisons’
    residence and stealing their safe. But the government
    should not be permitted to show in the felon-in-possession
    trial what it failed to show in the first trial, i.e., Currier’s
    participation in the charged breaking and entering and
    grand larceny, after a full and fair opportunity to do so.
    *     *   *
    For the reasons stated, I would reverse the judgment of
    the Virginia Supreme Court.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-1348

Citation Numbers: 138 S. Ct. 2144, 2018 U.S. LEXIS 3841

Judges: Neil Gorsuch

Filed Date: 6/22/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 5/7/2020

Authorities (35)

United States v. Stephen Kramer , 289 F.2d 909 ( 1961 )

Pierce Oil Corp. v. Phoenix Refining Co. , 42 S. Ct. 440 ( 1922 )

Green v. Ohio , 455 U.S. 976 ( 1982 )

Blockburger v. United States , 52 S. Ct. 180 ( 1931 )

United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co. , 26 S. Ct. 282 ( 1906 )

United States v. Oppenheimer , 37 S. Ct. 68 ( 1916 )

United States v. Dinitz , 96 S. Ct. 1075 ( 1976 )

Garrett v. United States , 105 S. Ct. 2407 ( 1985 )

Dowling v. United States , 110 S. Ct. 668 ( 1990 )

Grady v. Corbin , 110 S. Ct. 2084 ( 1990 )

United States v. Felix , 112 S. Ct. 1377 ( 1992 )

United States v. Martinez-Salazar , 120 S. Ct. 774 ( 2000 )

Yeager v. United States , 129 S. Ct. 2360 ( 2009 )

Ohio v. Johnson , 104 S. Ct. 2536 ( 1984 )

Ashe v. Swenson , 90 S. Ct. 1189 ( 1970 )

McGautha v. California , 91 S. Ct. 1454 ( 1971 )

Harris v. Washington , 92 S. Ct. 183 ( 1971 )

Turner v. Arkansas , 92 S. Ct. 2096 ( 1972 )

Jeffers v. United States , 97 S. Ct. 2207 ( 1977 )

Davis v. Washington , 126 S. Ct. 2266 ( 2006 )

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Cited By (48)

United States v. Rice ( 2020 )

United States v. Rice ( 2020 )

P-B-B ( 2020 )

United States v. Owens , 917 F.3d 26 ( 2019 )

United States v. Frederickson ( 2021 )

United States v. Mier-Garces ( 2020 )

United States v. Richard Paulus ( 2021 )

Tyrus Coleman v. Ron Neal ( 2021 )

Ian Tapper v. Superintendent Mahanoy SCI ( 2021 )

United States v. Jones ( 2022 )

United States v. Larry Inman ( 2022 )

United States v. Ladmarald Cates ( 2020 )

Angelo Clark v. Robert Coupe ( 2022 )

Aces High Coal Sales, Inc. v. Community Bank & Trust ( 2019 )

Rommell Broom v. Tim Shoop ( 2020 )

United States v. Brune ( 2021 )

United States v. Jayston Darnell Fails ( 2020 )

United States v. Hicks ( 2021 )

Joseph Stanley v. Martin Biter ( 2023 )

United States v. Ladmarald Cates ( 2020 )

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