State v. Alonzo , 261 N.C. App. 51 ( 2018 )

    No. COA17-1186
    Filed: 21 August 2018
    Cumberland County, No. 14-CRS-56074
    EDWARD M. ALONZO, Defendant.
    Appeal by Defendant from judgment entered 11 January 2017 by Judge Gale
    M. Adams in Cumberland County Superior Court. Heard in the Court of Appeals 5
    June 2018.
    Attorney General Joshua H. Stein, by Assistant Attorney General Ellen A.
    Newby, for the State.
    Appellate Defender Glenn Gerding, by Assistant Appellate Defender Daniel
    Shatz, for defendant-appellant.
    MURPHY, Judge.
    Defendant, Edward M. Alonzo, appeals his convictions of taking indecent
    liberties with a child and felony child abuse. These convictions result from the sexual
    conduct Defendant inflicted on his daughter, Sandy,1 while the family resided in
    Fayetteville between 1990-1993. At issue is whether a trial court commits plain error
    1  We refer to Defendant’s daughter by a pseudonym as she was under the age of 18 at the time
    of the offenses.
    Opinion of the Court
    by giving jury instructions that follow the present Pattern Jury Instruction, but are
    not in accordance with current law. Further, here, we must determine whether the
    trial court erred in excluding portions of Defendant’s testimony under Rules 401 and
    403. N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rules 401, 403. Upon review, we find no plain error, and no
    error, respectively.
    Defendant began sexually molesting Sandy when she was only four years old.
    This assault continued as their military family moved throughout the United States
    and Europe. Despite Sandy informing her mother, Defendant’s behavior persisted.
    In 2012, having obtained the age of majority, Sandy contacted local, federal,
    and military authorities across the country regarding the molestation she endured as
    a child. When Sandy contacted the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department, where
    the family resided in Fayetteville from approximately 1990-1993, they ultimately
    informed her that there is no statute of limitations for felonies in North Carolina.2
    A grand jury issued superseding indictments on 3 January 2017 against
    Defendant for taking indecent liberties with a child, felonious child abuse, and first
    degree statutory sexual offense.          At trial, Ms. Alonzo (Defendant’s ex-wife and
    Sandy’s mother) testified that she witnessed Defendant molest Sandy sometime
    between December 1990 and January 1991, when Defendant was home on
    2  State v. Taylor, 
    212 N.C. App. 238
    , 249, 
    713 S.E.2d 82
    , 90 (2011) (“In [North Carolina] no
    statute of limitations bars the prosecution of a felony.” (citation omitted)).
    Opinion of the Court
    compassionate leave from the Army. Defendant attempted to testify that the reason
    for his compassionate leave was the rape of his other daughter by a neighbor.
    However, the trial court disallowed this testimony, deeming it both irrelevant and
    more prejudicial than probative. At the close of the trial, the judge instructed the
    jury using the Pattern Jury Instructions, including, inter alia, N.C.P.I.--Crim.
    239.55B, the instruction for felonious child abuse.
    On 11 January 2017, Defendant was convicted of taking indecent liberties with
    a child and felonious child abuse. The jury found him not guilty of first degree
    statutory sexual offense.3           Defendant timely appealed, focusing on the jury
    instructions and the trial court’s decision to exclude portions of his proposed
    A. Jury Instructions
    At trial, Defendant failed to object to the instructions regarding the charge of
    felonious child abuse by sexual act in violation of N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2) (1991).4
    Therefore, the trial court’s decision will only be overturned upon a finding of plain
    error. State v. Lawrence, 
    365 N.C. 506
    , 516, 
    723 S.E.2d 326
    , 333 (2012).
    3 First degree statutory sexual offense is defined as “a sexual act with a victim who is a child
    under the age of 13 years and the defendant is at least 12 years old and is at least four years older
    than the victim.” N.C.G.S. § 14-27.29(a) (2017).
    4 For the purposes of this case, there is no substantive difference between N.C.G.S. § 14-
    318.4(a2) (1991) and the versions applied in the cases cited in this opinion.
    Opinion of the Court
    “[T]he North Carolina plain error standard of review [for jury instructions]
    applies only when the alleged error is unpreserved[.]” 
    Id. “Under the
    plain error
    rule, defendant must convince this Court not only that there was error, but that
    absent the error, the jury probably would have reached a different result.” State v.
    333 N.C. 431
    , 440, 
    426 S.E.2d 692
    , 697 (1993).
    The trial court instructed the jury that:
    To find [Defendant] guilty of this offense the State must
    prove three things beyond a reasonable doubt: First, that
    [Defendant] was the parent of [Sandy]. Second, that at the
    time [Sandy] had not yet reached her 16th birthday. Third,
    that [Defendant] committed a sexual act upon [Sandy]. A
    sexual act is an immoral, improper or indecent act by
    [Defendant] upon [Sandy] for the purpose of arousing,
    gratifying sexual desire.
    These instructions track, almost precisely, the language of the North Carolina
    Pattern Jury Instruction, N.C.P.I.--Crim. 239.55B, the suggested instructions for the
    charge of felonious child abuse. “[T]he preferred method of jury instruction is the use
    of the approved guidelines of the North Carolina Pattern Jury Instructions.” Caudill
    v. Smith, 
    117 N.C. App. 64
    , 70, 
    450 S.E.2d 8
    , 13 (1994) (citation omitted).
    Defendant does not argue that the Pattern Jury Instruction is inapplicable to
    his case. Instead, Defendant takes issue with the language of the instruction and
    argues the definition of “sexual act” is incorrect, pointing to an inconsistency between
    the Pattern Jury Instruction and this Court’s precedent.           While Defendant’s
    argument has merit, the error does not rise to the level of plain error here.
    Opinion of the Court
    1. Inaccuracy of Pattern Jury Instruction
    Defendant addresses a discrepancy between N.C.P.I.--Crim. 239.55B and our
    prior interpretation of a sexual act, as applied to N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2). We have
    previously held that the definition of “sexual act” in N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2) is the
    definition contained in N.C.G.S. § 14-27.1(4) (recodified as N.C.G.S. § 14-27.20(4)).
    State v. Lark, 
    198 N.C. App. 82
    , 88, 
    678 S.E.2d 693
    , 698 (2009). N.C.G.S. § 14-27.20(4)
    defines “sexual act” as:
    cunnilingus, fellatio, analingus, or anal intercourse, but
    does not include vaginal intercourse. Sexual act also
    means the penetration, however slight, by any object into
    the genital or anal opening of another person’s body:
    provided, that it shall be an affirmative defense that the
    penetration was for accepted medical purposes.
    The State argues, and Defendant concedes, that a later decision of this Court diverges
    from this definition of sexual act, declining to extend the N.C.G.S. § 14-27.1(4)
    definition to N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2). State v. McClamb, 
    234 N.C. App. 753
    , 758-59,
    760 S.E.2d 337
    , 341 (2014) (citations omitted). As such, there is a conflict between
    our precedent. However, “when there are conflicting lines of opinions from this Court,
    we generally look to our earliest relevant opinion in order to resolve the conflict.”
    State v. Meadows, ___ N.C. App. ___, ___, 
    806 S.E.2d 682
    , 693 (2017), cert. granted
    ___, N.C. ___, 
    812 S.E.2d 847
    (2018). As we are bound by our earlier decision in Lark,
    the State’s argument regarding McClamb is without merit.
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    As a result, there is inconsistency between N.C.P.I.--Crim. 239.55B and our
    controlling interpretation of “sexual act” as applied to N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2). See
    Lark, 198 N.C. App. at 88
    , 678 S.E.2d at 698. While the Pattern Jury Instruction
    allows a broader categorization of what qualifies as a “sexual act,” our precedent
    defines the words more narrowly. Compare 
    id., with N.C.P.I.--Crim.
    239.55B. We
    express concern about this split in definitions for “sexual act.”         This divergence
    indicates the necessity of updating the Pattern Jury Instructions to be in accordance
    with our precedent. 
    Lark, 198 N.C. App. at 88
    , 678 S.E.2d at 698; N.C.P.I.--Crim.
    239.55B. The Pattern Jury Instruction’s definition of sexual act must conform with
    this Court’s definition in Lark.
    As binding precedent supports Defendant’s claim of inaccurate jury
    instructions, we must now determine whether the trial court’s use of the Pattern Jury
    Instruction constituted plain error.
    2. Prejudice
    In deciding whether this error in the Pattern Jury Instruction rises to the level
    of plain error, we first hold that Defendant’s claim that “[t]he combination of the
    jury’s verdicts finding [Defendant] not guilty of sex offense and guilty of . . . the [child
    abuse] charge directly establishes” plain error is unconvincing. Defendant argues
    that the proper definition of sexual act for the felonious child abuse charge “would
    have mirrored” the instruction the jury received for sexual act in relation to
    Opinion of the Court
    Defendant’s first degree statutory sexual offense charge.5 Defendant alleges the not
    guilty verdict on the sexual offense charge demonstrates that the jury had reasonable
    doubt that Defendant penetrated Sandy, and, that had the Lark definition of sexual
    act been given for the child abuse instruction, Defendant would have been found not
    guilty of that crime as well. Defendant’s prejudice argument focuses on this alleged
    “inconsistency” between the jury’s verdicts.
    However, as inconsistent verdicts are not prima facie evidence of error, and as
    we are not convinced a proper jury instruction would have rendered a different
    verdict, we hold that the trial court’s instructions did not prejudice the jury.
    Lawrence, 365 N.C. at 516
    , 723 S.E.2d at 333; State v. Mumford, 
    364 N.C. 394
    , 398-
    699 S.E.2d 911
    , 914-16 (2010).
    While verdicts that are “inconsistent and contradictory” indicate error,
    “verdicts that are merely inconsistent” may be both grounded in logic and not
    Mumford, 364 N.C. at 398-401
    , 699 S.E.2d at 914-16. To determine
    whether conflicting verdicts are “merely inconsistent,” or both “inconsistent and
    contradictory,” we must look to the relationship between the charges. 
    Id. Erroneous jury
    decisions occur when contradictory verdicts are “mutually exclusive,” one guilty
    5  The definition of “sexual act” given for the first degree statutory sexual offense charge was
    “any penetration, however slight, by an object into the genital opening of a person’s body.” The proper
    definition for sexual act in relation to the felonious child abuse charge is, in pertinent part,
    “penetration, however slight, by any object into the genital or anal opening of another person’s body.”
    Lark, 198 N.C. App. at 88
    , 678 S.E.2d at 698.
    Opinion of the Court
    finding eliminating the possibility of an accurate guilty verdict on the other charges.
    Id. (citations omitted).
    However, the charges Defendant faced, indecent liberties
    with a child, felonious child abuse, and first degree statutory sexual offense, were not
    “mutually exclusive” because “guilt of one [did not] necessarily exclude[] guilt of the
    Id. at 400,
    699 S.E.2d at 915; see State v. Farlow, 
    336 N.C. 534
    444 S.E.2d 913
    (1994) (establishing that the charges of indecent liberties with a child and first
    degree sexual offense are not mutually exclusive).         Therefore, what Defendant
    proposes as inconsistencies within these jury verdicts, acquittal on the sexual offense
    charge, but guilty of the child abuse charge, does not rise to the level of plain error in
    the jury instructions. 
    Mumford, 364 N.C. at 398-401
    , 699 S.E.2d at 914-16.
    Further, we are not convinced the jury would reach a different result had the
    proper jury instruction been given. 
    Lark, 198 N.C. App. at 88
    , 678 S.E.2d at 698;
    N.C.P.I.--Crim. 239.55B. “It is well established in North Carolina that a jury is not
    required to be consistent . . . .” State v. Rosser, 
    54 N.C. App. 660
    , 661, 
    284 S.E.2d 130
    131 (1981) (citations omitted). Since 1925, our Supreme Court has found validity in
    inconsistent jury verdicts, stating that:
    The offenses are designated in the statute separately, and
    while the jury would have been fully justified in finding the
    defendant guilty on both counts, under the evidence in this
    case, their failure to do so does not, as a matter of law,
    vitiate the verdict . . . .
    Opinion of the Court
    State v. Sigmon, 
    190 N.C. 684
    , 691, 
    130 S.E. 854
    , 857 (1925).           Furthermore,
    throughout North Carolina jurisprudence, our appellate courts have reaffirmed the
    legitimacy of inconsistent jury verdicts. 
    Rosser, 54 N.C. App. at 661
    , 284 S.E.2d at
    131; State v. Davis, 
    214 N.C. 787
    71 S.E.2d 104
    (1939) (upholding jury verdicts
    finding Defendant guilty of transporting liquor for the purpose of selling it, but not
    guilty of possessing liquor).
    As precedent dictates the validity of inconsistent verdicts, Defendant’s
    argument of inconsistency indicating plain error fails to satisfy us “that absent the
    error, the jury probably would have reached a different result.” 
    Jordan, 333 N.C. at 440
    , 426 S.E.2d at 697. Therefore, we hold that the trial court’s utilization of the
    Pattern Jury Instruction does not rise to the level of plain error.
    Lark’s definition of “sexual act” as applied from N.C.G.S. § 14-27.1(4) to
    N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2) remains binding on our review and results in a split between
    the Pattern Jury Instruction and current law. 
    Lark, 198 N.C. App. at 88
    , 678 S.E.2d
    at 698. However, the trial court’s decision to follow the Pattern Jury Instruction did
    not rise to the level of plain error as Defendant failed to demonstrate that the jury
    would have reached a different verdict had correct jury instructions been given, with
    the proper definition of “sexual act.” 
    Jordan, 333 N.C. at 440
    , 426 S.E.2d at 697.
    B. Exclusion of Testimony
    Opinion of the Court
    Defendant also appeals the trial court’s exclusion of his proposed testimony
    regarding the sexual assault of his other daughter by a neighbor. Defendant alleges
    that his testimony concerning the sexual assault of his other daughter by a neighbor
    operates as substantive evidence of the fact that he did not sexually assault Sandy
    during his compassionate leave.6 Defendant also alleges that this proposed testimony
    should have been allowed to impeach the testimony of Ms. Alonzo relating to her
    having witnessed Defendant sexually assault Sandy during his compassionate leave.
    On appeal, Defendant maintains that his testimony informing the jury of the sexual
    assault of his other daughter proves that he “would have been sufficiently deterred”
    from molesting Sandy during that same time period as “Ms. Alonzo [was] watching
    him like a hawk.” Further, Defendant alleges that his testimony would “discredit[]
    Ms. Alonzo’s testimony” that she saw him sexually assault Sandy, making her
    explanation for not contacting the police after witnessing his acts “less convincing.”
    The trial court found Defendant’s proposed testimony irrelevant under
    N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rule 401, and alternatively found that it did not satisfy the
    balancing test of N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rule 403. On appeal, the trial court’s Rule 401
    decisions are “given great deference.” Dunn v. Custer, 
    162 N.C. App. 259
    , 266, 
    591 S.E.2d 11
    , 17 (2004) (citation omitted).             A trial court’s ruling under Rule 403’s
    6  At trial, Defendant argued that this part of his testimony would show that “he wouldn’t have
    molested [Sandy] in Fayetteville because of the trauma, because of the all of the things that the family
    would have had to have gone through and that new ordeal, that new situation would have made him
    less likely to molest [Sandy].”
    - 10 -
    Opinion of the Court
    balancing test will not be disturbed absent an abuse of discretion. State v. Whaley,
    362 N.C. 156
    , 160, 
    655 S.E.2d 388
    , 390 (2008).
    1. Substantive Use
    a. Rule 401
    Defendant claims that his testimony regarding the unrelated sexual assault of
    his other daughter offers substantive, relevant evidence that he did not sexually
    molest Sandy during his compassionate leave. “In order to be relevant, the evidence
    must have a logical tendency to prove any fact that is of consequence in the case being
    litigated.” State v. Griffin, 
    136 N.C. App. 531
    , 550, 
    525 S.E.2d 793
    , 806 (internal
    quotation marks and citation omitted) (2000). Defendant, however, fails to establish
    how his proposed testimony concerning the sexual assault of his other daughter by
    another person would have the “logical tendency to prove” he was therefore less likely
    to assault Sandy.    
    Id. As Defendant’s
    arguments fail to establish this alleged
    correlation, his proposed testimony does not “have a logical tendency to prove” that
    Defendant would not have sexually molested Sandy. Id.; N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rule 401.
    As we give “great deference” to the trial court, we decline to disturb the trial court’s
    Rule 401 relevancy ruling. 
    Dunn, 162 N.C. App. at 266
    , 591 S.E.2d at 17.
    b. Rule 403
    Further, assuming arguendo that Defendant’s evidence regarding the sexual
    assault of his other daughter was relevant, the trial court did not abuse its discretion
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    Opinion of the Court
    in excluding the testimony. 
    Whaley, 362 N.C. at 160
    , 655 S.E.2d at 390; N.C.G.S. §
    8C-1, Rule 403. “A trial court may be reversed for abuse of discretion only upon a
    showing that its actions are manifestly unsupported by reason.” White v. White, 
    312 N.C. 770
    , 777, 
    324 S.E.2d 829
    , 833 (1985). Rule 403 requires the trial court to balance
    the prejudicial and probative value of any evidence, admitting only evidence that
    benefits rather than hinders the jury’s deliberation. N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rule 403. The
    testimony concerning the sexual assault of another child by an unrelated, third-party
    had the potential to confuse the jury, outweighing any probative value, and it was
    therefore not an abuse of discretion for the trial court to exclude Defendant’s
    testimony as it related to the production of allegedly substantive evidence.7
    2. Impeachment Use
    At trial and on appeal, Defendant also maintains that his testimony could have
    been used to impeach Ms. Alonzo’s testimony that he sexually assaulted Sandy.
    a. Rule 401
    Defendant asserts that because Ms. Alonzo reported the sexual assault of their
    other daughter by a neighbor, she therefore would have reported any assault she
    witnessed him commit. Defendant further alleges that because Ms. Alonzo did not
    file any reports, the jury could have therefore determined there was no sexual assault.
    7The trial court stated that “I don’t find that [the proposed testimony] is more probative than
    would be, as the State has indicated, confusing to the jury why we’re even delving into issues regarding
    the other daughter.”
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    Opinion of the Court
    We agree with the State that Ms. Alonzo turning in a neighbor for sexual assault is
    entirely different, psychologically and emotionally, than turning in her husband.
    Without an established correlation between turning in neighbors and husbands for
    sexual assault, Defendant’s proposed testimony does not “have a logical tendency to
    prove” that Ms. Alonzo was incorrect or untruthful in her testimony. 
    Griffin, 136 N.C. App. at 550
    , 525 S.E.2d at 806. We decline to disturb the trial court’s
    determination on the testimony’s relevancy.
    b. Rule 403
    Further, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in excluding this testimony
    under Rule 403. 
    Whaley, 362 N.C. at 160
    , 655 S.E.2d at 390; N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rule
    403. Rule 403’s balancing test mandates the exclusion of prejudicial or otherwise
    inapplicable evidence when “its probative value is substantially outweighed” by its
    prejudicial or inapplicable nature. N.C.G.S. § 8C-1, Rule 403. As previously stated,
    testimony concerning the sexual assault of another child by an unrelated, third-party
    had the potential to confuse the jury, outweighing any probative value. It was not an
    abuse of discretion for the trial court to exclude Defendant’s proposed testimony as it
    related to the impeachment of Ms. Alonzo’s testimony.
    The current Pattern Jury Instruction concerning the definition of “sexual act”
    in N.C.G.S. § 14-318.4(a2) requires immediate attention by the North Carolina
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    Conference of Superior Court Judges Committee on Pattern Jury Instructions or our
    Supreme Court. Clarity is necessary so that the law may be uniformly applied in all
    trials throughout the State.    Here, however, the trial court’s decision to utilize
    N.C.P.I.--Crim. 239.55B did not rise to the level of plain error. Additionally, we
    uphold the trial court’s decision to exclude portions of Defendant’s proposed
    testimony regarding the unrelated sexual assault of his other daughter by another
    person under Rule 401 and find it was not an abuse of discretion for the trial court to
    exclude this testimony under Rule 403.
    Judge CALABRIA concurs.
    Judge ARROWOOD concurs in result only.
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