United States v. Isa Noel , 905 F.3d 258 ( 2018 )

  •                                         PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 14-2042
    On Appeal from the District Court
    of the Virgin Islands
    (D.V.I. No. 3:13-cr-00031-002)
    Honorable Curtis V. Gomez, U.S. District Judge
    Argued: May 22, 2018
    Before: KRAUSE, ROTH, and FISHER, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion Filed: September 26, 2018)
    Joycelyn Hewlett
    Meredith J. Edwards [Argued]
    Nelson L. Jones
    Office of United States Attorney
    5500 Veterans Drive, Suite 260
    United States Courthouse
    St. Thomas, VI 00802
    Counsel for Plaintiff-Appellee United States of
    Alvin E. Entin
    Entin & Della Fera, P.A.
    633 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 500
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
    John R. Howes [Argued]
    633 South Andrews Avenue
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
    Counsel for Defendant-Appellant Isa Noel
    KRAUSE, Circuit Judge.
    Chief among several questions presented by this
    criminal appeal is what showing a defendant must make to
    warrant an evidentiary hearing when moving for a new trial
    on the ground of newly discovered evidence of juror
    misconduct. We are also called upon to consider the extent to
    which the Confrontation Clause entitles a defendant to cross-
    examine government witnesses who testify pursuant to
    cooperation agreements about the sentence reductions they
    expect to receive in exchange. Because we conclude that the
    Defendant’s new trial motion did not make the requisite
    showing to warrant a hearing and that the District Court’s
    limitation on cross-examination did not contravene the
    Confrontation Clause, we will affirm.
    I.     Background
    This appeal arises from a drug trafficking conspiracy
    in which several personnel at a Virgin Islands airport
    smuggled cocaine onto commercial flights bound for the
    United States mainland. In August 2013, a federal grand jury
    returned an indictment charging Appellant Isa Noel, a ground
    services supervisor at St. Thomas’s Cyril E. King Airport,
    and three of his fellow airport personnel with conspiracy to
    possess with intent to distribute cocaine and related
    possession offenses.      After a three-day trial, the jury
    convicted Noel on all charges, and the District Court
    sentenced him to 151 months’ imprisonment. More than a
    year later, Noel filed a motion for a new trial on the ground of
    newly discovered evidence of juror misconduct, which the
    District Court denied without a hearing.
    Noel timely appealed, 1 challenging numerous orders
    across various stages of the proceedings but focusing
    After appealing from his convictions and sentence,
    Noel filed his new trial motion. We remanded to the District
    Court, which entered an order denying the motion. See Fed.
    R. App. P. 27; 3d Cir. L.A.R. 27.4. Seeking to appeal that
    order as well, Noel filed a motion to recall the mandate and
    for leave to file supplemental briefing. We granted that
    motion and now address both the merits of Noel’s original
    primarily on the sufficiency of the evidence, the District
    Court’s rulings on cross-examination, and its denial of his
    motion for a new trial. Before turning to the merits, we
    recount the proceedings pertinent to the challenged orders.
    A.   The Trial
    1.   Jury Selection
    During the preliminary proceedings, the District Court
    conducted voir dire and, over Noel’s objection, impaneled a
    security officer working on a contract basis for the U.S.
    Marshals Service. In response to the District Court’s
    questioning, that officer—who later became Juror No. 11—
    denied having a relationship by “blood, marriage[,] or
    business” with Noel or having “read or heard anything about
    th[e] case.” App. 66–67. But when the District Court asked
    whether any juror was “involved in the criminal justice
    system,” Juror No. 11 indicated that he was, which led to the
    following exchange:
    THE COURT: Okay. You raised your card . . .
    . Tell us why.
    JUROR MEMBER: I worked 26 years as a
    correction[s] officer and I [have] been involved
    in making the arrests and support and all that
    appeal and the denial of his new trial motion. See 3d Cir.
    I.O.P. 7.2.
    THE COURT: Were you involved in any arrest
    in this case?
    THE COURT: All right.          You’re currently
    employed by whom?
    JUROR MEMBER: I’m retired now but I have
    a contract with the U.S. [M]arshal[]s office.
    App. 76–77. Although it elicited assurances that Juror No. 11
    could follow its instructions and remain impartial, the District
    Court did not inquire further into the juror’s specific duties
    with the U.S. Marshals Service, nor did Noel.
    Instead, citing the juror’s involvement “in law
    enforcement . . . [p]roviding security,” Noel moved to strike
    him from the jury.         App. 78.      After soliciting the
    Government’s position—that the juror “indicated he had no
    dealings with the[] particular defendants in th[e] case,” App.
    78—the District Court denied Noel’s motion; Juror No. 11
    was impaneled; and the parties proceeded to trial.
    2.   The Evidence
    Over the course of the trial, the Government presented
    the testimony of Noel’s three former codefendants—Edisson
    Peguero Ortiz, Joelvis Acosta Liz (Acosta), and Kirsten
    Alexander—who had each since entered into plea agreements
    with the Government. The Government also offered the
    testimony of an additional cooperating witness and several
    law enforcement officers as well as phone records, airport
    surveillance footage, physical evidence, and a joint stipulation
    to the amount of cocaine seized by law enforcement.
    Ortiz and Acosta testified that they were involved in a
    cocaine distribution venture with Noel and that, as many as
    nine times, they received cocaine from a third party,
    facilitated its transportation through the airport into the
    baggage of ticketed passengers, and split the profits. Noel’s
    role, they testified, was critical: As a ground services
    supervisor, he had access to restricted doors, allowing them to
    bypass TSA checkpoints. Their testimony was corroborated
    by a confidential informant and his law enforcement handler.
    The informant testified that, during a meeting at Acosta’s
    house, Acosta and Noel agreed to transport cocaine for him
    and that he twice gave them sham cocaine outside the airport,
    which was then returned to him inside the airport. The
    handler, who surveilled the meetings and provided the sham
    cocaine, confirmed these facts.
    In addition to this evidence about the conspiracy’s
    structure and purpose, the jury heard about the particular
    transactions underlying Noel’s two possession charges. The
    first transaction, Ortiz and Acosta testified, involved a foiled
    attempt to transfer six kilos of cocaine to a courier. Ortiz
    gave the cocaine to Noel the night before, and Acosta and
    Noel transported it, concealed in their waistbands, from the
    employee locker room to the airport bathroom where they
    were met by the courier. A surveilling law enforcement
    officer testified that he “pursued” the courier to “the handicap
    stall,” “climbed on the toilet next door and looked over,” and
    ultimately discovered the courier “standing in front of the
    toilet . . . on the phone,” with a “black[] suitcase sitting on the
    toilet,” “unzipped but not open.” Second Addendum to App.
    (Addendum) 373–74.             Inside that suitcase the law
    enforcement officer found several brick-shaped packages,
    which the Government introduced as evidence and which the
    parties stipulated amounted to approximately seven kilos of
    cocaine. 2 The Government’s evidence also included airport
    surveillance footage that showed Acosta, Noel, and the
    courier walking to and from the bathroom in succession and
    phone records that reflected eighty-one calls made that day
    between Ortiz, Acosta, and a phone number that, although
    subscribed in a different name, the Government asked the
    jury to infer, “us[ing] [its] common sense,” was used by Noel.
    Addendum 510.
    The second transaction took a similar form but went a
    step further before also being thwarted. In that instance,
    according to the testimony of codefendant Alexander,
    Alexander was at work at the airport in the employee break
    room when Noel, his supervisor, called him on the phone.
    Noel then came to the break room, asked Alexander to “take a
    package to one his friends . . . in the bathroom” inside the
    airport, and gave him access to do so through a restricted
    door. Addendum 126.
    The “friend,” a courier who testified as a cooperating
    witness for the Government, explained that he received the
    cocaine from Alexander in a bathroom stall and then boarded
    a plane to Miami, and surveillance footage showed the pair
    walking to and from the bathroom. The transaction was also
    Although Ortiz and Acosta estimated that the cocaine
    weighed six kilos, a lab analysis reflected a heavier weight to
    which the parties stipulated.
    corroborated by phone records reflecting twelve calls made
    that day between Alexander and the same phone number used
    in the first transaction, as well as the testimony of a
    Homeland Security agent who described the courier as
    “appear[ing] visibly nervous” and “sweating profusely” after
    disembarking the plane in Miami. Addendum 147. Upon the
    courier’s arrest, agents recovered from his luggage a brick-
    shaped package that the parties eventually stipulated
    amounted to about one kilo of cocaine and that was also
    introduced as a government exhibit.
    3.   Cross-Examination Rulings
    Because codefendants Ortiz, Acosta, and Alexander
    each testified pursuant to cooperation agreements with the
    Government, Noel attempted to undermine their credibility by
    cross-examining them about the sentence reductions they
    hoped to receive in exchange. The District Court allowed
    some, but not all of the lines of questioning that Noel sought
    to pursue.
    On the one hand, the District Court permitted each
    codefendant to confirm, in broad strokes, the benefits secured
    by their agreements.       Noel was able to question the
    codefendants about the reduction of otherwise substantial
    sentences, the Government’s agreement to drop or not pursue
    additional charges, 3 the codefendants’ release from federal
    Acosta pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge as to
    seven kilos, despite personally possessing thirty-two, and the
    Government dropped a possession charge; Alexander pleaded
    guilty to misprision of a felony, and the Government dropped
    a conspiracy charge; and Ortiz pleaded guilty to conspiracy—
    custody pending sentencing, and the possibility of a greater
    sentence reduction, should their testimony be satisfactory. In
    addition, each of the codefendants disclosed that they had
    reviewed the Government’s case against Noel prior to trial.
    On the other hand, the District Court foreclosed
    inquiry as to the codefendants’ precise sentencing exposure,
    explaining that this limitation was necessary to prevent the
    jury from inferring the sentence Noel himself was facing:
    Punishment is not ever something the jury is to
    have in their mind, so I’m not going to permit
    you to go into anything that gives some specific
    outline about what a sentence might be. The
    defendant is on trial for a drug conspiracy, and
    this defendant pled guilty to a drug conspiracy. .
    . . Now, if you want to suggest that he was . . .
    exposed to . . . a considerable amount of time,
    and he is, by his performance today he is
    essentially singing for his supper, you can
    certainly explore that. But I’m not going to
    have you go into things like mandatory or
    specific sentences like 10 years or maximum of
    life . . . . Because if it’s going into anything
    that deals with sentence or punishment, I don’t
    want the jury to be connecting up the dots and
    say: Well, here’s what Mr. Noel is facing.
    Addendum 24–25.
    the only charge for which he was indicted—but the
    Government agreed to reduce his exposure from about ten
    kilos to seven.
    When it came time for closing arguments, Noel used
    the testimony he had elicited to impugn the codefendants’
    veracity and motivation for testifying. He described them, for
    example, as “self-confessed crooks, liars, [and] convicts . . .
    looking out for the best interests of only themselves,” and
    urged the jury to discredit their testimony because they had
    “one goal”—to “serve[] less jail time”—and their eyes were
    on the “golden trophy”: a recommendation from the
    Government “to reduce their substantial sentence[s] even
    further.” Addendum 485–86.
    The jury deliberated for about four hours before
    reaching a guilty verdict on all counts.
    B.   The New Trial Motion
    More than eighteen months after his convictions, Noel,
    alleging that he had recently discovered evidence of
    “significant juror misconduct,” filed a motion for a new trial.
    App. 32. That motion explained that Noel had recently
    subpoenaed records from the U.S. Marshals Service,
    including a job description and time sheets that, according to
    Noel, cast doubt on the veracity of Juror 11’s responses at
    voir dire. The job description revealed that Juror No. 11
    served as a “District Security Officer” responsible for, among
    other tasks, guarding federal detainees and transporting them
    to and from court. App. 51. The time sheets also indicated,
    without any further detail, that Juror No. 11 worked “in court
    with prisoners” on the date of Noel’s and two codefendants’
    preliminary appearances and that he provided “support to the
    airlift” the following day and on the day another codefendant
    was arraigned. App. 59, 61 (capitalization omitted). Based
    on those records, Noel hypothesized that Juror No. 11
    attended and transported Noel and his codefendants to and
    from those appearances and may have provided their
    transportation to other court proceedings. Failing to disclose
    that information on voir dire, Noel asserted, reflected material
    dishonesty by Juror No. 11 and deprived Noel of the right to
    an impartial jury.
    The District Court was unconvinced. Going so far as
    to “[a]ssum[e] that Juror No. 11 interacted with Noel while
    Juror No. 11 worked as a contract employee with the United
    States Marshals,” the District Court identified three pertinent
    voir dire questions that Juror No. 11 may have answered
    incorrectly: (1) whether he had a prior relationship with the
    defendant; (2) whether he had read or heard anything about
    the case; and (3) whether he had been involved in any arrest
    in the case. Suppl. App. 34. It reasoned, however, that
    because the juror “freely admitted” that he worked for the
    Marshals Service and Noel did not recognize the juror at trial,
    Juror No. 11 likely “did not recognize Noel either,” rendering
    his answers “even if incorrect,” still “honest[] respon[ses] to
    the Court’s inquiries.” Suppl. App. 33–34. The District
    Court therefore denied the new trial motion without a hearing,
    and this appeal followed.
    II.    Jurisdiction and Standard of Review
    The District Court had jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. §
    3231, and we have jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. § 3742 and
    28 U.S.C. § 1291. We review for abuse of discretion the
    District Court’s decision to deny a new trial motion, United
    States v. Cimera, 
    459 F.3d 452
    , 458 (3d Cir. 2006), and to
    limit cross-examination, United States v. Ellis, 
    156 F.3d 493
    498 (3d Cir. 1998), exercising plenary review where that
    discretion turns on the scope of the Confrontation Clause,
    United States v. Mitchell, 
    145 F.3d 572
    , 576 (3d Cir. 1998).
    We review the sufficiency of the evidence “from the
    perspective of a reasonable juror,” upholding the verdict “as
    long as it does not ‘fall below the threshold of bare
    rationality.’” United States v. Caraballo-Rodriguez, 
    726 F.3d 418
    , 431 (3d Cir. 2013) (en banc) (quoting Coleman v.
    566 U.S. 650
    , 656 (2012) (per curiam)).
    III.   Discussion
    Noel makes three principal arguments on appeal: (A)
    that the District Court’s limitation on the cross-examination
    of his codefendants violated his rights under the
    Confrontation Clause; (B) that the District Court abused its
    discretion in denying, without an evidentiary hearing, his new
    trial motion; and (C) that the evidence was insufficient to
    support the verdict. We address these issues in turn. 4
    We will not address in detail two additional
    arguments raised in Noel’s brief: (1) the introduction of
    certain phone records; and (2) his sentence, which Noel had
    argued should be vacated and remanded. Because the phone
    records were largely cumulative of abundant properly-
    admitted evidence, and counsel conceded at oral argument
    that they did not have “an overall bearing on the outcome of
    the trial,” Oral Arg. at 40:16–40:21, available at
    2042_USAv.Noel.mp3, their admission cannot constitute
    prejudicial error, see United States v. Browne, 
    834 F.3d 403
    416–17 (3d Cir. 2016), cert. denied, 
    137 S. Ct. 695
    As for his sentence, although Noel in his brief argued that we
    A.   The Cross-Examination Limitation
    Noel contends that the District Court, by precluding
    cross-examination on the specific details of his codefendants’
    sentencing exposure, violated his rights under the
    Confrontation Clause. However, because the District Court
    did permit cross-examination in more general terms about the
    codefendants’ sentencing reductions and other benefits of
    cooperation, and we are persuaded that this information was
    “sufficient . . . , without the excluded evidence, to make a
    discriminating appraisal of the possible biases and motivation
    of the witness[],” we perceive no error, much less
    constitutional error, in the limitation on cross-examination in
    this case. United States v. Chandler, 
    326 F.3d 210
    , 219 (3d
    Cir. 2010) (quoting Brown v. Powell, 
    975 F.2d 1
    , 4 (1st Cir.
    The Confrontation Clause guarantees a criminal
    defendant the right to “be confronted with the witnesses
    against him.” U.S. Const. Amend. VI. Primary among those
    rights is “the right of cross-examination,” which may include
    questions “directed toward revealing possible biases,
    prejudices, or ulterior motives of the witness.” Davis v.
    should vacate and remand for resentencing in light of an
    intervening amendment to the Sentencing Guidelines, counsel
    conceded at argument that Noel already “got the benefit” of
    that amendment. Oral Arg. at 41:21–41:24. And wisely so,
    because the District Court, anticipating its future adoption,
    sentenced Noel in accordance with the amendment. Both of
    these arguments thus lack support in the record and were
    essentially withdrawn by Noel.
    415 U.S. 308
    , 315–16 (1974) (citations omitted).
    Despite this guarantee, trial judges retain “wide latitude . . . to
    impose reasonable limits on . . . cross examination,” which a
    defendant may overcome by showing that, had the proposed
    line of inquiry been permitted, the jury “might have received
    a significantly different impression of [the witness’s]
    credibility.” Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 679–80
    In light of these principles, in United States v.
    Chandler, we derived from Van Arsdall a two-part test to
    determine whether a particular limitation on cross-
    examination violated a defendant’s rights under the
    Clause. 326 F.3d at 219
    . First, we determine
    whether the limitation “significantly inhibited [the
    defendant’s] effective exercise of her right to inquire into
    [the] witness’s ‘motivation in testifying.’” 
    Id. (quoting Van
    Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 678
    –79). Then, if it did, we ask whether
    the limitation fell within “those ‘reasonable limits’ which a
    trial court, in due exercise of its discretion, has authority to
    Id. Whether the
    trial court abused its discretion,
    we explained, “depends on whether the jury had sufficient
    other information before it, without the excluded evidence, to
    make a discriminating appraisal of the possible biases and
    motivation of the witness[],” 
    id. (citation omitted),
    conversely, whether without the limitation, “a reasonable jury
    could have ‘reached a significantly different impression’ of
    [the witness’s] credibility,” 
    id. at 222
    (quoting Van 
    Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 680
    On the facts of Chandler, we concluded that the
    district court’s limitation violated the Confrontation Clause.
    There, the trial court allowed a witness to testify that he
    pleaded guilty to carrying a smaller amount of drugs than he
    had actually carried and that he received only one month of
    house arrest plus probation even though the offense to which
    he pleaded guilty carried a possible twelve to eighteen-month
    Id. at 221–22.
    But the trial court did not permit
    testimony that, had the witness not cooperated with the
    Government, he may have faced “more than eight years in
    Id. at 222.
    Considering the extent of that
    discrepancy, we held that “the limited nature of [the
    witness’s] acknowledgment that he had benefited from his
    cooperation made that acknowledgment insufficient for a jury
    to appreciate the strength of his incentive to provide
    testimony that was satisfactory to the prosecution.” 
    Id. At the
    same time, we were careful not to resolve “whether the
    Confrontation Clause entitles a defendant categorically to
    inquire into the ‘concrete terms’ of a cooperating witness’s
    agreement with the [G]overnment, including the specific
    sentence that witness may have avoided through his
    Id. at 221.
    Two years later, in United States v. Mussare, we
    explicitly “decline[d] to . . . hold” that “such a categorical
    right exists.” 
    405 F.3d 161
    , 170 (3d Cir. 2005). Because
    there, the trial court permitted extensive testimony regarding
    the plea agreement—including that the witness “expected to
    have all federal charges against him dismissed, face only state
    charges, and receive no jail time” and that “absent his
    cooperation, [the witness] would [have been] facing the exact
    same charges as [the defendants]”—we concluded that “the
    actual number of years in jail that [the witness] would
    otherwise have faced was not likely to have altered the jury’s
    impression of his motive for testifying.” 
    Id. 15 And
    more recently in United States v. John-Baptiste,
    where the district court had “allowed testimony regarding the
    witnesses’ agreements to cooperate with the [G]overnment
    and the fact that they expected to receive more lenient
    sentences in return,” we likewise concluded that its exclusion
    of testimony about “specific sentences that could have been
    imposed if the witnesses had refused to cooperate—a line of
    questioning that we have allowed trial courts to curtail”—was
    not likely to have altered the jury’s impression of credibility.
    747 F.3d 186
    , 212 (3d Cir. 2014) (emphasis omitted).
    Together, these cases hold that there is no absolute
    right to inquire into the precise sentence a government
    witness might face absent his cooperation and that a district
    court may limit the scope of cross-examination to more
    general inquiries about his expected benefits. Such limitation
    is permissible under the Confrontation Clause unless “the jury
    might have ‘received a significantly different impression of
    [the witness’s] credibility’” had it not been imposed, which
    we assess using Chandler’s two-part 
    test. 326 F.3d at 219
    . If
    the reviewing court determines that the jury indeed might
    have received a significantly different impression of the
    witness’s credibility, the trial court has necessarily exceeded
    the “‘reasonable limits’ which [it], in due exercise of its
    discretion, has authority to establish.” 
    Id. at 219.
    As we make clear today, the question whether a
    reasonable jury “might have received a significantly different
    impression of [the witness’s] credibility,” Van 
    Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 680
    , pertains at the second step of the Chandler
    inquiry, i.e., whether the limitation fell within the bounds of
    the trial court’s discretion, not at the first step, i.e., whether
    Here, the limitation imposed by the District Court fell
    comfortably within constitutional bounds. As in Mussare and
    John-Baptiste, the District Court imposed a single narrow
    restriction: It instructed defense counsel not to “go into
    the limitation “significantly inhibited” the defendant’s right to
    inquiry into the witness’s motivation for testifying. Our
    precedent has not always been so clear on this point.
    Compare, e.g., 
    Chandler 326 F.3d at 219
    (explaining that the
    question whether a reasonable jury might have received a
    different impression of the witness’s credibility equates to
    “[w]hether a trial court has abused its discretion”), with 
    id. at 223
    (proceeding, even after having concluded “a reasonable
    jury could have ‘reached a significantly different impression’
    of [the witness’s] credibility,” to inquire whether the
    limitation “nevertheless fell within the District Court’s
    discretion”), and 
    Mussare, 405 F.3d at 169
    Chandler to mean “that the proper inquiry under the first
    prong [i]s ‘whether . . . the jury might have received a
    significantly different impression of [the witness’s]
    credibility”). However, once a defendant “show[s] that . . .
    [a] reasonable jury might have received a significantly
    different impression of [the witness’s] credibility had
    [defense] counsel been permitted to pursue his proposed line
    of cross-examination,” he already has “state[d] a violation of
    the Confrontation Clause.” Van 
    Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 680
    Thus, it would hardly make sense to ask at that point whether
    the limitation “nevertheless fell within the District Court’s
    Chandler 326 F.3d at 223
    , for the bounds of a
    trial court’s discretion, broad as they may be, do not exceed
    those of the Constitution.
    things like mandatory or specific sentences like 10 years or
    maximum of life, fines, or any of that sort of stuff.”
    Addendum 24. But it expressly permitted counsel to explore
    the codefendants’ agreements with the Government, to elicit
    that they were “exposed to . . . a considerable amount of
    time,” and to suggest that, “by [their] performance today
    [they are] essentially singing for [their] supper.” Addendum
    24. Noel’s counsel did just that, eliciting from Ortiz, Acosta,
    and Alexander 6 that the Government agreed to drop charges
    or significantly limit liability under existing charges, to
    release them from custody pending sentencing, and, as to
    Ortiz and Acosta, to refrain from bringing additional charges.
    And that testimony was sufficient for counsel to argue in
    closing that the codefendants were “self-confessed crooks,
    liars, [and] convicts” who had “one goal,” to serve less jail
    time, and would say anything to win the “golden trophy” of a
    recommendation “to reduce their substantial sentence[s] even
    further.” App. 485–86.
    In short, even assuming the District Court’s limitation
    “significantly inhibited” Noel’s exercise of his right to probe
    the codefendants’ “motivation in testifying,” 
    Chandler, 326 F.3d at 219
    , we cannot say on this record that the line of
    inquiry barred by that limitation might have given the jury a
    “significantly different impression of [the codefendants’]
    id. at 221
    (quoting Van 
    Arsdall, 475 U.S. at 680
    A fourth witness, Alan Pacquette, the courier who
    had been detained since his arrest in Miami, denied testifying
    pursuant to a cooperation agreement or in hope of a sentence
    The limitation therefore did not violate the Confrontation
    B.   Denial of the New Trial Motion
    Noel next contends that the District Court abused its
    discretion by denying, without a hearing, his motion for a
    new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence of juror
    misconduct—namely, that Juror No. 11 allegedly provided
    false voir dire responses in view of the time sheets reflecting
    his work “in court with prisoners” and providing “support to
    the airlift” on dates when Noel or his codefendants had court
    proceedings. App. 59, 61 (capitalization omitted). To prevail
    on a motion for a new trial, the defendant must file the motion
    within fourteen days of the verdict unless the motion is
    grounded on “newly discovered evidence” and he must show
    that a new trial is in the interest of justice. Fed. R. Crim. P.
    33. But the decision whether to grant a new trial or a hearing
    on that motion rests in the district court’s discretion. 7
    We have long recognized that the broad bounds of a
    district court’s discretion over a new trial motion encompass
    the determination whether an evidentiary hearing is
    necessary. See United States v. Herman, 
    614 F.2d 369
    , 372
    (3d Cir. 1980); United States v. Iannelli, 
    528 F.2d 1290
    , 1294
    (3d Cir. 1976); accord United States v. Slatten, 
    865 F.3d 767
    791–92 (D.C. Cir. 2017), cert. denied sub nom. Slough v.
    United States, 
    138 S. Ct. 1990
    (2018). And appellate review
    of that broad discretion as to post-trial allegations of juror
    misconduct—“[i]n contrast to allegations . . . made during a
    trial,” United States v. Fumo, 
    655 F.3d 288
    , 306 (3d Cir.
    2011) (emphasis in original)—is particularly curtailed.
    Although “a call for a hearing has an inherently reasonable
    McDonough Power Equip., Inc. v. Greenwood, 
    464 U.S. 548
    556 (1984). Where, as here, the motion is premised on an
    allegation of juror misconduct that was “newly discovered”
    more than a year after the verdict and the defendant contends
    he is entitled to a hearing on that motion, he must show both
    (1) that the evidence was indeed “newly discovered,” and (2)
    that it meets the standard we have set for a defendant to show
    that a “specific, nonspeculative impropriety has occurred.”
    United States v. Claxton, 
    766 F.3d 280
    , 301 (3d Cir. 2014)
    (citation omitted). If both of these criteria are satisfied, a
    district court’s denial of the motion for a new trial without a
    hearing will be considered an abuse of discretion. Here,
    however, Noel has satisfied neither.
    ring to it,” United States v. Gilsenan, 
    949 F.2d 90
    , 97 (3d Cir.
    1991), one that would recall discharged jurors strikes a more
    discordant note. “It is qualitatively a different thing to
    conduct a voir dire during an ongoing proceeding at which
    the jury is part of the adjudicative process than to recall a jury
    months or years later for that purpose.” 
    Id. at 98
    added). In view of this distinction, courts “are always
    reluctant to haul jurors in after they have reached a verdict in
    order to probe for potential instances of bias [or]
    Fumo, 655 F.3d at 306
    Gilsenan, 949 F.2d at 97
    ); accord United States v. Cornelius, 
    696 F.3d 1307
    , 1324–25 (10th Cir. 2012); United States v. Vitale, 
    459 F.3d 190
    , 197 (2d Cir. 2006).
    1.    No Hearing Was Warranted Because the
    Evidence Cannot be Deemed “Newly
    First, Noel was not entitled to a hearing because the
    motion was not grounded on “newly discovered” evidence.
    “The test to determine whether evidence is ‘newly
    discovered’ is both objective and subjective . . . .” 
    Cimera, 459 F.3d at 461
    . “Evidence is not ‘newly discovered’ if it
    ‘was [actually] known or could have been known by the
    diligence of the defendant or his counsel.’” 
    Id. (alteration in
    original) (quoting United States v. Bujese, 
    371 F.2d 120
    , 125
    (3d Cir. 1967)); accord United States v. DeRewal, 
    10 F.3d 100
    , 104 (3d Cir. 1993). Only the objective element of that
    test is at issue here, because the Government does not contend
    that Noel, at trial, was subjectively aware of the evidence
    pertaining to Juror No. 11’s job duties. The question, then, is
    whether this evidence would have been promptly investigated
    and discovered by reasonably diligent counsel given the
    juror’s disclosure of his employment with the U.S. Marshals
    Diligence is a “relative term” that typically “depends
    on the circumstances of the case.” 
    Cimera, 459 F.3d at 461
    (citation omitted). Time and again, we have confronted
    situations where we concluded that counsel’s failure to make
    further inquiry did not constitute reasonable diligence, but we
    did not articulate a standard by which to judge when notice is
    sufficient to require such further inquiry. We do so today, for
    it cannot be that notice of any fact that could conceivably
    prompt further inquiry will defeat a finding of reasonable
    diligence, but without some benchmark, neither could we say
    with confidence how the notice measures up here. A brief
    review of our precedent is instructive in deriving a workable
    In United States v. Iannelli, 
    528 F.2d 1290
    (3d Cir.
    1976), we held that defendants did not diligently pursue
    evidence that the authorization for court-ordered electronic
    surveillance, through which the Government had obtained
    much of its evidence against them, was fraudulent. 
    Id. at 1291,
    1293. Because “the matter of proper authorization was
    warmly contested” at trial and had the potential to render
    inadmissible evidence that was central to the prosecution, we
    reasoned that diligent counsel would have been prompted to
    “subject[] the initials to expert handwriting analysis”
    immediately, rather than waiting until after the defendants
    were convicted. 
    Id. at 1293.
    In United States v. Rocco, 
    587 F.2d 144
    (3d Cir. 1978),
    we concluded that a defendant was not diligent in obtaining
    statements from a witness who had appeared at trial but
    invoked his privilege against self-incrimination. 
    Id. at 145,
    148.     Although the witness was “the other principal
    participant in the activities for which [the defendant] had been
    convicted” and thus could have potentially provided powerful
    exculpatory testimony, 
    id. at 145,
    the defendant failed to
    “pursue [the] resolution” of the asserted privilege “as part of a
    sustained effort to compel [the witness’s] testimony” at the
    time of trial, 
    id. at 148.
    When the defendant then attempted,
    after his convictions, to introduce an affidavit from that
    witness as newly discovered evidence, we concluded that “the
    defense never discharged its responsibility to act diligently in
    procuring the evidence on which it [was] now seek[ing] to
    base its motion for a new trial.” 
    Id. 22 Next,
    in United States v. Kelly, 
    539 F.3d 172
    (3d Cir.
    2008), we concluded that a defendant who made no effort to
    procure an acquaintance’s testimony in time for trial—
    notwithstanding that the acquaintance’s presence at the
    defendant’s arrest and potential ability to corroborate his
    version of events gave him “every reason” to do so—did not
    act diligently in discovering the acquaintance’s later,
    exculpatory statement. 
    Id. at 184.
    Although we recognized
    that the acquaintance may have been “unable[] or unwilling”
    to provide his testimony at trial, we rejected the notion that
    “potential or anticipated futility” excused the defendant from
    at least attempting to procure it given the realistic possibility
    that he could and the significance it held for the defense,
    concluding, “inaction simply does not qualify as reasonable
    Id. at 183–84.
    Finally, in United States v. Napolitan, 
    762 F.3d 297
    (3d Cir. 2014), we held that a defendant was not diligent in
    his alleged discovery that two witnesses at his trial had
    testified falsely. 
    Id. at 307.
    We reasoned that the defense’s
    limited inquiry of the witnesses while they were on the stand
    and failure “to ask even a single question” regarding the
    relevant statements did not justify the delay in discovering
    only post-conviction that those statements were false,
    particularly because the subject matter was “central to [the]
    Id. at 306–07.
    What we distill from these cases is that notice must
    rise above a certain threshold before a defendant will be
    faulted for failing to act with “reasonable diligence.” After
    all, even the most zealous of counsel cannot be expected to
    inquire into every remote possibility and may reasonably
    prioritize the investigation of matters material to the defense
    above those that seem peripheral. Instead, drawing on
    Iannelli, Rocco, Kelly, and Napolitan, we hold that to satisfy
    the diligence standard, counsel must conduct further inquiry
    once the circumstances alert her to the existence of additional
    information that has a reasonable possibility of proving
    material to the defense. And when the defense takes no
    action in the face of such notice, it has failed to “discharge[]
    its responsibility to act diligently in procuring the evidence on
    which it . . . seeks to base its motion for a new trial.” 
    Rocco, 587 F.2d at 148
    We note too that this standard, and the obligation it
    imposes on counsel, applies at voir dire no less than at trial.
    As “[o]ne touchstone of a fair trial is an impartial trier of
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 554
    , juror misconduct is
    highly material to the defense. And although “the obligation
    to impanel an impartial jury lies in the first instance with the
    trial judge,” United States v. Cunningham, 
    694 F.3d 372
    , 393
    (3d Cir. 2012) (quoting Rosales-Lopez v. United States, 
    451 U.S. 182
    , 189 (1981)), advocates have obligations of their
    own, see 
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 550
    n.2 (recognizing that
    defendants “would be barred from later challenging the
    composition of the jury when they had chosen not to
    interrogate [a juror] further upon receiving an answer which
    they thought to be factually incorrect”). See generally ABA
    Standards for Criminal Justice: Prosecution and Defense
    Function 4–7.3(a), (f) (4th ed. 2015) (describing defense
    counsel’s role in “discharg[ing] effectively the defense
    function in the selection of the jury,” such as by “request[ing]
    specific follow-up questions during the selection process
    when necessary to ensure fair juror selection”).
    Of course, we would not fault a defendant for failing to
    inquire further into voir dire responses that raised no
    potentially material concerns at the time, yet later turned out
    to be demonstrably and materially false. Cf. Williams v.
    529 U.S. 420
    , 440–44 (2000) (explaining, in the
    habeas context, that a juror’s deliberately misleading voir dire
    response excused counsel’s failure to develop a juror bias
    claim in state court). But when the substance of a juror’s voir
    dire responses suggest a reasonable possibility that additional
    information would substantiate a potential conflict or bias, the
    defense has the responsibility to inquire further. 8 It also has
    tools to do so at its disposal, including the ability either to
    “ask further questions that the court considers proper,” Fed.
    R. Crim. P. 24(a)(2)(A), or to “submit further questions that
    the court may ask if it considers them proper,” Fed. R. Crim.
    P. 24(a)(2)(B), or even to subpoena documents, Fed. R. Crim.
    P. 17. A juror’s own failure to volunteer additional facts in
    that circumstance will “ha[ve] no bearing on the question of
    whether [the defendant] took affirmative steps to discover
    that testimony in the first instance.” 
    Kelly, 539 F.3d at 186
    Rather, “the duty to conduct reasonable diligence,” at voir
    dire—while perhaps differing in degree, though not in kind
    from the duty at trial—“lies with the defendant and his
    Id. 8 As
    our colleagues on the Fourth Circuit have put it,
    defendants may not “sandbag the courts by accepting jurors
    onto the panel without exploring on voir dire their possible
    sources of bias and then, if their gambit failed and they were
    convicted, challenging their convictions by means of post-
    trial evidentiary hearings based on newly discovered evidence
    of possible juror bias.” Billings v. Polk, 
    441 F.3d 238
    , 246
    (4th Cir. 2006).
    We turn, then, to the question whether Noel satisfied
    that responsibility in this case, and we conclude he did not.
    At voir dire, Juror No. 11 openly admitted that he had a
    decades-long career as a corrections officer and that he was
    working at the time for the U.S. Marshals Service. As that
    agency provided law enforcement and prisoner transportation
    services to the very courthouse in which the jury was being
    empaneled for trial, these disclosures alerted him that there
    was additional information available, such as supplemental
    voir dire responses, court records, and employment records
    that had a reasonable possibility of showing that Juror 11 had
    contact with Noel or his codefendants in the course of his job
    duties. Thus, even if Noel at that point “had no reason to
    know the exact substance of [Juror 11’s] potential testimony,
    he had every reason to question [the juror] about [it].” 
    Id. at 184.
    Indeed, Noel in effect conceded as much on appeal by
    acknowledging that what prompted him to seek out Juror 11’s
    job description and time sheets eighteen months later was a
    “tip” that “this particular juror ha[d] a background in law
    enforcement,” Oral Arg. at 10:23–10:27, 11:32–11:46—the
    very same information, that is, that he had in his possession at
    the time of voir dire.
    In sum, Noel was on notice before Juror 11 was ever
    impaneled of the existence of additional information that had
    a reasonable possibility of proving material to the defense,
    and in that circumstance, “[s]itting on [his] hands and
    waiting” for the District Court sua sponte to inquire or for
    Juror No. 11 to spontaneously say more “cannot be
    considered—by any definition—reasonable diligence.” 
    Kelly, 539 F.3d at 186
    . Because Noel’s motion was not filed on the
    basis of “newly discovered” evidence, the District Court did
    not err in denying it without a hearing.
    2.    No Hearing Was Warranted for the
    Additional Reason That Noel’s Evidence
    Was Insufficient
    Noel was not entitled to a hearing for the additional
    reason that he failed to meet the evidentiary standard we
    established in United States v. Claxton for showing that a
    “specific, nonspeculative impropriety has occurred.” 9 766
    Where a defendant alleges that a juror was dishonest
    at voir dire, the ultimate showing required, that is, the one
    that would warrant vacating the judgment and granting a new
    trial, is (1) that “a juror failed to answer honestly a material
    question on voir dire”; and (2) that “a correct response would
    have provided a valid basis for a challenge for cause.”
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 556
    ; accord Warger v. Shauers, 
    135 S. Ct. 521
    , 525 (2014). That two-part test balances the right
    to an impartial jury against the countervailing interest of
    finality: Although “[v]oir dire . . . serves to protect” the right
    to a “fair trial [by] an impartial trier of fact,” and “the
    necessity of truthful answers . . . [to] this process . . . is
    obvious,” “[t]o invalidate the result of a [lengthy] trial
    because of a juror’s mistaken, though honest response” would
    undercut the “investment of private and social resources” and
    “the important end of finality.” 
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 554
    –55. But Noel does not contend that his new trial motion,
    on its face, satisfied both McDonough prongs. Rather, he
    argues that the District Court erred in denying that motion
    without holding an evidentiary hearing to verify his
    allegations that Juror No. 11 made false statements at 
    voir 27 F.3d at 301
    (citation omitted). In that case, we embraced the
    formulation in United States v. Stewart, 
    433 F.3d 273
    (2d Cir.
    2006), and held that the defendant must show “clear, strong,
    substantial and incontrovertible evidence that a specific,
    nonspeculative impropriety has occurred” to warrant a
    hearing on a motion for new trial. 
    Claxton, 766 F.3d at 301
    Stewart, 433 F.3d at 302
    –03). But the evidence
    there “establish[ed] only that, at some unspecified time in the
    past, [the juror] worked with both a government and defense
    witness,” and thus it “d[id] not indicate . . . any possible basis
    for bias beyond having shared a former employer” or “offer[]
    . . . more than speculation that [the juror] even knew the
    witnesses, much less that the juror was biased in the
    [G]overnment’s favor.” 
    Id. We had
    little need, therefore, to
    scrutinize our formulation or to elaborate on the showing it
    requires. We have such occasion today.
    As a threshold matter, we clarify, as has the Second
    Circuit, that the defense need not provide literally
    “incontrovertible” evidence of juror misconduct, 
    id., for if
    “[t]he    requirements       of   ‘strong,   substantial     and
    incontrovertible evidence’ . . . demand[ed] that the allegations
    be irrebuttable[,] . . . there would be no need for a hearing.”
    United States v. Ianniello, 
    866 F.2d 540
    , 543 (2d Cir. 1989).
    At the same time, the evidentiary standard for
    obtaining a hearing on a new trial motion is necessarily a high
    dire and otherwise would have been discharged for cause.
    Thus, we focus here on the threshold showing required for a
    one given the interests at stake. On the one hand, we have the
    “obvious” need for “truthful answers by prospective jurors”
    in impaneling “impartial trier[s] of fact,” 
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 554
    , and the proper function of a hearing in this
    context, “to determine what happened, that is to establish the
    historical record,” United States v. Gilsenan, 
    949 F.2d 90
    , 97
    (3d Cir. 1991). On the other hand, due respect must be
    accorded a fully litigated jury trial—which involves “an
    important investment of private and social resources,”
    McDonough, 464 U.S. at 555
    , implicates “the important end
    of finality,” 
    id., and makes
    us “reluctant to haul jurors in after
    they have reached a verdict in order to probe for potential
    instances of bias,” United States v. Fumo, 
    655 F.3d 288
    , 306
    (3d Cir. 2011). Thus, while the evidence of juror misconduct
    need not be literally “incontrovertible” to warrant a hearing, it
    still must constitute “clear, strong, [and] substantial” evidence
    of a “specific, nonspeculative impropriety.” 
    Claxton, 766 F.3d at 301
    (citation omitted).
    That standard can be met in a variety of ways. See,
    e.g., United States v. Vitale, 
    459 F.3d 190
    , 193–94, 199–200
    (2d Cir. 2006) (involving attorney correspondence confessing
    previously undisclosed connections between a juror and the
    prosecution); United States v. Boney, 
    977 F.2d 624
    , 628, 632–
    35 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (involving a prosecution’s investigation
    concluding that a juror lied at voir dire about a prior felony);
    Ianniello, 866 F.2d at 543
    (involving juror affidavits
    “alleging specific acts of inappropriate conduct”). But
    conjecture is not among them: A district court does not abuse
    its discretion in denying a motion for a new trial without a
    hearing where the defendant “offers nothing more than
    speculation” of juror misconduct. 10 
    Claxton, 766 F.3d at 301
    accord United States v. Easter, 
    981 F.2d 1549
    , 1553 (10th
    Cir. 1992) (finding a hearing unnecessary on a motion “based
    on pure conjecture”).
    Ultimately, however, that is all Noel has offered here.
    To be sure, the records he eventually obtained show that Juror
    No. 11 was working at the courthouse on certain dates when
    Noel and his codefendants were transported or had court
    appearances and, thus, it is indeed possible that Juror No. 11
    was assigned to their matters. But Noel made no effort to
    substantiate that possibility, or even to raise it from
    possibility to probability. While he could have sought to do
    so through a variety of means—for example, affidavits, cf.
    Ianniello, 866 F.2d at 543
    , or credible reports, cf. 
    Boney, 977 F.2d at 632
    –35, or even his own attestation based on personal
    observations about the relative size of the courthouse, number
    of courtrooms, or number of court proceedings—he rested his
    motion instead on records showing only that Juror No. 11 was
    working on some of the same days that Noel and his co-
    defendants were processed and that they therefore might have
    crossed paths.
    Of course, there are also many other circumstances
    when a district court might forgo a hearing, such as where the
    motion is capable of resolution on the existing record, e.g.,
    United States v. Richards, 
    241 F.3d 335
    , 344 (3d Cir. 2001),
    grounded on evidence that is not newly discovered, e.g., 
    id. at 343;
    United States v. Forbes, 
    790 F.3d 403
    , 411 (2d Cir.
    2015), or based on allegations that, even if true, would not
    lead to relief, e.g., 
    Fumo, 655 F.3d at 306
    Gilsenan, 949 F.2d at 97
    And more to the point, none of those records
    constituted “clear, strong, [and] substantial” evidence of false
    voir dire responses, 
    Claxton, 766 F.3d at 301
    omitted). In response to the District Court’s inquiries, Juror
    No. 11 indicated that he did not (1) have a relationship with
    the defendant, (2) read or hear anything about the case, or (3)
    have any involvement with any arrest in the case. But the
    “newly discovered” job description and time sheets do not
    show that those responses were inaccurate, much less
    dishonest, and in the context of a motion that would
    undermine the finality of a jury verdict, the District Court was
    within its discretion to investigate no further. 11 Having
    presided over the voir dire proceeding, having observed the
    prospective jurors, and having reviewed the voir dire
    transcript and the purported “newly discovered evidence” on
    which Noel based his new trial motion, the District Court
    It is not unreasonable to think, as the District Court
    surmised, that even if Juror No. 11 did have contact with Noel
    or his codefendants, he either did not notice or did not recall
    by the time of trial, about four months later. But had there
    been objective evidence that the juror’s responses were not
    accurate, such suppositions might not be sufficient to forgo a
    hearing. As the Second Circuit observed in Stewart, “if any
    significant doubt as to a juror’s impartiality remains in the
    wake of objective evidence of false voir dire responses, an
    evidentiary hearing generally should be 
    held,” 433 F.3d at 306
    , but “[t]he inquiry should end whenever it becomes
    apparent to the trial judge that reasonable grounds to suspect
    prejudicial jury impropriety do not exist,” 
    id. at 303
    reasonably concluded that Noel had not produced the
    requisite “clear, strong, [and] substantial” evidence that a
    “specific, nonspeculative impropriety ha[d] occurred,” 
    id. (citation omitted),
    and we will defer to that finding in light of
    the District Court’s “intimate familiarity with the facts of
    th[e] case,” Gov’t of the V.I. v. Lima, 
    774 F.2d 1245
    , 1251 (3d
    Cir. 1985).
    *      *       *
    In sum, both because Noel failed to establish that his
    new trial motion was grounded on newly discovered
    evidence, that is, on evidence that could not have been
    discovered through counsel’s reasonable diligence, and
    because he failed to produce “clear, strong, [and] substantial”
    evidence that a “specific, nonspeculative impropriety ha[d]
    Claxton, 766 F.3d at 301
    (citation omitted), we
    conclude that the District Court did not abuse its discretion
    when it declined to hold a hearing and denied Noel’s motion
    for a new trial.
    C.   Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Finally, Noel’s challenge to the sufficiency of the
    evidence is meritless. As for the conspiracy charge, the
    Government amply demonstrated “(1) a shared unity of
    purpose; (2) an intent to achieve a common illegal goal; and
    (3) an agreement to work toward that goal.” Caraballo-
    Rodriguez, 726 F.3d at 425
    . Ortiz testified that he, Acosta,
    and Noel had an “agreement” to distribute cocaine for profit,
    Addendum 8, and Noel’s codefendants testified to his
    essential role and the sharing of profits among the
    coconspirators. See United States v. Gibbs, 
    190 F.3d 188
    199–200 (3d Cir. 1999) (explaining that “repeated, familiar
    dealings” support the inference of a defendant’s knowledge of
    her role in a larger operation).
    Likewise, the trial record is replete with evidence
    supporting the substantive counts of possession with intent to
    distribute. On the first count, trial testimony established that
    Noel received six kilos of cocaine that he and Acosta
    transferred the next day from the employee locker room to a
    courier in the bathroom. As to the second, Alexander
    testified that, at Noel’s direction, he delivered a package of
    cocaine to Noel’s “friend,” who then flew to Miami and was
    arrested after the cocaine was found in his luggage. That is to
    say nothing of the testimony of the confidential informant and
    law enforcement agents, as well as airport surveillance video
    footage, phone records, and the parties’ stipulations to the
    amount of cocaine seized by law enforcement. In sum, “[t]he
    evidence was more than sufficient; it was overwhelming.”
    United States v. Burnett, 
    773 F.3d 122
    , 135 (3d Cir. 2014).
    IV.    Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm Noel’s
    convictions and sentence.

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-2042

Citation Numbers: 905 F.3d 258

Filed Date: 9/26/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (27)

Timothy A. Brown v. Ronald Powell, Commissioner, New ... , 975 F.2d 1 ( 1992 )

United States v. James Easter, Jr. , 981 F.2d 1549 ( 1992 )

United States v. Carl D. Ellis, (d.c.crim.no. 95-Cr-00435-4)... , 156 F.3d 493 ( 1998 )

United States v. Ralph F. Vitale , 459 F.3d 190 ( 2006 )

United States v. Martha Stewart and Peter Bacanovic , 433 F.3d 273 ( 2006 )

United States v. Matthew Ianniello , 866 F.2d 540 ( 1989 )

United States v. Guido Rocco, John Martin Neiman, Anthony R.... , 587 F.2d 144 ( 1978 )

United States v. Fumo , 655 F.3d 288 ( 2011 )

United States v. Keith Cimera , 459 F.3d 452 ( 2006 )

United States v. Richard P. Herman , 614 F.2d 369 ( 1980 )

United States v. John Cioffi Mussare, Iii, A/K/A J.J. John ... , 405 F.3d 161 ( 2005 )

United States v. Thomas Gilsenan and Ralph Cicalese , 949 F.2d 90 ( 1991 )

United States v. Don Richards , 241 F.3d 335 ( 2001 )

United States v. Kelly , 539 F.3d 172 ( 2008 )

United States v. Manfred Derewal , 10 F.3d 100 ( 1993 )

United States v. Robert Elia Iannelli, A/K/A Bobby I , 528 F.2d 1290 ( 1976 )

Government of the Virgin Islands v. Jose Lima, Sr. , 774 F.2d 1245 ( 1985 )

Archie Lee Billings v. Marvin Polk, Warden of Central ... , 441 F.3d 238 ( 2006 )

united-states-v-terrence-gibbs-aka-terry-aka-t-terrence-gibbs-in-no , 190 F.3d 188 ( 1999 )

United States v. Richard L. Bujese, Bryant T. Hutchins, ... , 371 F.2d 120 ( 1967 )

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