United States v. Ackell , 907 F.3d 67 ( 2018 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 17-1784
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Joseph N. Laplante, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Thompson, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    William E. Christie, with whom Shaheen & Gordon, P.A was on
    brief, for appellant.
    Seth R. Aframe, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
    Scott W. Murray, United States Attorney, was on brief, for
    Gilles R. Bissonnette, American Civil Liberties Union
    Foundation of New Hampshire, Matthew R. Segal, Ruth A. Bourquin,
    American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts, Inc.,
    Jacob J. Hutt, Brian Hauss, Sandra S. Park, Ben Wizner, Lenora M.
    Lapidus, Cecillia D. Wang, American Civil Liberties Union
    Foundation, Carolyn A. Mannis and Law Office of Stephen J. Dennis,
    on brief as amici curiae in support of appellant.
    October 24, 2018
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.         A jury convicted David Ackell
    of one count of stalking in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2261A.                He
    now brings a First Amendment challenge to that statute, in addition
    to challenging the district court's jury instructions and arguing
    that insufficient evidence supported his conviction.                 Ackell's
    constitutional challenge does not succeed.              We discern no error
    in the district court's jury instructions.              And lastly, we hold
    that   sufficient   evidence     supported    Ackell's       conviction.   We
    therefore affirm.
    We   begin   with   an   overview      of   the   relevant   facts.
    Because this appeal pertains in part to Ackell's motion for
    acquittal before the district court, "we recount the facts here
    'in the light most favorable to the government.'"               United States
    v. Fernández-Jorge, 
    894 F.3d 36
    , 41 (1st Cir. 2018) (quoting United
    States v. Acevedo, 
    882 F.3d 251
    , 257 (1st Cir. 2018)).
    Ackell   and   R.R.    met    online   in   2012    during   R.R.'s
    sophomore year of high school.          To get around the requirements of
    the website on which they met -- the now-defunct MyYearbook.com -
    - R.R. held herself out as an eighteen-year-old, though she was
    actually only sixteen.     Ackell's profile represented that he was
    twenty-one years old, but during his first conversation with R.R.,
    he told her he was actually thirty-two.                 This was also false --
    Ackell was actually over forty at the time.                    The two began to
    regularly converse online.              Eventually, Ackell told R.R. that if
    she sent him photos of herself, he would send her money in return.
    R.R.   sent    Ackell     photos      of   herself    partially    clothed.       She
    testified, though, that despite providing Ackell with a P.O. Box
    address, he never sent her money.
    Around five months after R.R. and Ackell first began
    communicating online, Ackell proposed that they enter into a
    "dominant-submissive" relationship, in which R.R. would be "the
    submissive."         R.R., who was now seventeen, did not know what this
    meant, so she did some research on the internet.                   R.R. testified
    that she came to understand that, under such an arrangement, Ackell
    would be "the boss," and that if he told her to "pose in a
    particular way . . . [she] would pose in that way."                      Ultimately,
    R.R. agreed to enter into a relationship of this sort with Ackell.
    R.R. testified that, though her research into dominant-submissive
    relationships indicated that "[t]ypically there's supposed to be
    a safe word," she and Ackell did not have a safe word.
    R.R.     also     testified     that,    after   their       dominant-
    submissive     relationship          commenced,   Ackell   began    to    treat   her
    differently than before -- and in a way that departed from her
    expectations     about        what   the   relationship    would    entail.       For
    example, Ackell would call her "slave," or "caged butterfly," and
    insist that she address him as "owner" and tell him that she loved
    him.   He also frequently demanded that R.R. send him sexually
    explicit photos of herself.
    R.R. eventually told Ackell that she felt uncomfortable
    and wanted to end their dominant-submissive relationship.                Ackell,
    however,    informed     R.R.   that    she   could   not   opt    out   of   the
    relationship because she was "caged."             Ackell also warned R.R.
    that if she stopped sending him photos, he would disseminate photos
    of her that he had saved among her friends, classmates, and family.
    R.R. testified that twice, she called Ackell "begging and pleading
    with him to . . . delete all of [her] stuff and let [her] go."
    But, Ackell told her that he would not, because she was "trapped"
    and a "caged butterfly."          In January of 2014, R.R. temporarily
    succeeded   in   terminating      her    relationship   with      Ackell   after
    leading him to believe that her mother had discovered their
    relationship     and    was   upset.     Ackell   resumed   contacting        her,
    though, and soon afterwards, R.R. told her father about her
    relationship with Ackell.         R.R.'s father instructed her to take
    screenshots of her past conversations with Ackell and then delete
    those messages.        Her father then contacted law enforcement.
    On July 29, 2015, a grand jury returned an indictment
    charging   Ackell   with    one    count      of    stalking.         See       18   U.S.C.
    § 2261A(2)(B).       Ackell    moved       to      dismiss      the   indictment         as
    insufficient, and on the grounds that § 2261A(2)(B) violates the
    First Amendment.      On July 27, 2016, a grand jury returned a
    superseding indictment specifying that Ackell had committed the
    one count charged through "the sending of text messages, digital
    images and other electronic communications."                    Ackell renewed his
    original motion to dismiss as to the superseding indictment.                             The
    district   court    ordered       the   government         to    file       a    bill    of
    particulars.     See Fed. R. Crim. P. 7(f).               But, it denied Ackell's
    motion to dismiss, finding the indictment "neither statutorily nor
    constitutionally     deficient,"        and        also    rejecting        his       First
    Amendment challenge.
    Ackell proceeded to trial.               The jury found him guilty,
    and he then moved for a judgment of acquittal.                   See Fed. R. Crim.
    P.   29.   The   district     court     denied      his    motion,      finding         that
    sufficient evidence supported his conviction.                    The district court
    then sentenced him to thirty-three months of imprisonment.                           Ackell
    now appeals: (1) the district court's denial of his First Amendment
    challenge to the anti-stalking statute; (2) the district court's
    jury instructions; and (3) the district court's denial of his
    motion for acquittal.
    As to Ackell's First Amendment challenge to the federal
    anti-stalking statute, he presses that § 2261A(2)(B) is both
    facially overbroad and a content-based restriction on speech that
    does not survive strict scrutiny.          We consider these arguments
    sequentially,   reviewing   the   district   court's   holding   de   novo
    because it involves only questions of law.        See United States v.
    740 F.3d 22
    , 38 (1st Cir. 2014).
    Ackell does not claim that the conduct underlying his
    conviction was protected by the First Amendment.         Rather, Ackell
    asserts that § 2261A(2)(B) cannot be applied to anyone because it
    is overbroad under the First Amendment, even though it has been
    constitutionally applied to him.        "The traditional rule is that a
    person to whom a statute may constitutionally be applied may not
    challenge that statute on the ground that it may conceivably be
    applied unconstitutionally to others in situations not before the
    Court."   United States v. Sayer, 
    748 F.3d 425
    , 434-35 (1st Cir.
    2014) (quoting New York v. Ferber, 
    458 U.S. 747
    , 767 (1982)).         The
    Supreme Court, however, has "altered its traditional rules of
    standing" in a small number of contexts, "but only because of the
    most 'weighty countervailing policies.'"                Broadrick v. Oklahoma,
    413 U.S. 601
    , 611-12 (1973) (quoting United States v. Raines, 
    362 U.S. 17
    , 22-23 (1960)).        This is the case with the First Amendment
    overbreadth doctrine.        In this context, the Court has seen fit to
    slacken its standing requirements in response to the "concern that
    the threat of enforcement of an overbroad law may deter or 'chill'
    constitutionally protected speech -- especially when the overbroad
    statute imposes criminal sanctions."             Virginia v. Hicks, 
    539 U.S. 113
    , 119 (2003).        Thus, even when a law may be applied to a
    particular individual in a constitutionally unobjectionable way,
    if that individual can show that the law is facially overbroad --
    that is, that it "punishes a 'substantial' amount of protected
    free   speech,     'judged     in    relation    to    the     statute's      plainly
    legitimate sweep,'" -- the proper remedy is to "invalidate all
    enforcement of that law."           
    Id. at 118-119
     (quoting Broadrick, 
    413 U.S. at 615
    The Supreme Court has cautioned that "[r]arely, if ever,
    will an overbreadth challenge succeed against a law or regulation
    that   is   not    specifically      addressed   to     speech      or   to   conduct
    necessarily       associated    with    speech        (such    as    picketing     or
    demonstrating)."       Hicks, 
    539 U.S. at 124
    .                Thus, we begin our
    analysis by ascertaining § 2261A(2)(B)'s aim, as well as its
    potential for punishing protected speech.           See United States v.
    553 U.S. 285
    , 293 (2008) ("The first step in overbreadth
    analysis is to construe the challenged statute; it is impossible
    to determine whether a statute reaches too far without first
    knowing    what   the   statute   covers.").       As   is   relevant   here,
    § 2261A(2)(B) penalizes whoever:
    with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate,
    or place under surveillance with intent to kill,
    injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses
    the mail, any interactive computer service or
    electronic   communication   service  or   electronic
    communication system of interstate commerce, or any
    other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to
    engage in a course of conduct that . . . causes,
    attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to
    cause substantial emotional distress to [that] person
    [or an immediate family member, spouse, or intimate
    partner of that person.]1
    Hence,      to   properly     secure    a   conviction      under
    § 2261A(2)(B), the prosecution must prove that: (1) the defendant
    had the requisite intent; (2) the defendant "engage[d] in a course
    of conduct"; (3) the defendant used a facility of interstate
    1  The concept of a "course of conduct . . . attempt[ing] to cause
    . . . substantial emotional distress" is, of course, somewhat
    peculiar.   The district court observed this as well, remarking
    that "[i]t seems to the court that the 'attempt to cause' element
    merges to some degree with the intent requirement." But, because
    Ackell argued only "that the 'would reasonably be expected to
    cause' language is constitutionally problematic," the district
    court, in ruling on his First Amendment challenge, explained that
    it did not need to "resolve that linguistic inconsistency."
    Ackell does object to this language in the context of his challenge
    to the district court's jury instructions. See infra § II.B.2.
    commerce; and (4) the defendant's "course of conduct" "cause[d],
    attempt[ed] to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause
    substantial emotional distress."             A "course of conduct" is "a
    pattern of conduct composed of 2 or more acts, evidencing a
    continuity of purpose."          
    18 U.S.C. § 2266
    (2).         Ackell's First
    Amendment challenge pertains to all but the "facility of interstate
    commerce" element.
    By its own terms, § 2261A(2)(B) regulates not speech,
    but   conduct    --   or,   to   be   precise,   "course[s]    of    conduct."
    "Conduct," of course, may also enjoy First Amendment protection if
    it is "sufficiently imbued with elements of communication."              Texas
    v. Johnson, 
    491 U.S. 397
    , 404 (1989) (quoting Spence v. Washington,
    418 U.S. 405
    , 409 (1974)).            Yet, "the overbreadth doctrine's
    concern   with   'chilling'      protected    speech   'attenuates     as   the
    otherwise unprotected behavior that it forbids [legislatures] to
    sanction moves from "pure speech" toward conduct.'"                 Hicks, 
    539 U.S. at 124
     (quoting Broadrick, 
    413 U.S. at 615
    Before continuing, it is important to note that we
    rejected an overbreadth challenge to a since-amended version of
    § 2261A in United States v. Sayer, 
    748 F.3d 425
    , 436 (1st Cir.
    2014).    As part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
    of 2013,2 Congress amended § 2261A so that it now differs in two
    2   To be clear, this legislation reauthorized the Violence Against
    ways from the version we considered in Sayer.                See Pub. L. No.
    113-4, § 107(b) (2013) (codified at 18 U.S.C. § 2261A).                  First,
    the intent to "intimidate" is now listed among the offense's
    various possible mental states.             Id.   Second, the statute now
    proscribes engaging, with the requisite intent, in a course of
    conduct that "causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably
    expected to cause substantial emotional distress."             Id. (emphasis
    added).   While Sayer did not expressly state that it was treating
    § 2261A(2)(B)'s precursor as a statute regulating conduct rather
    than speech, its analysis suggests that it did.              See 748 F.3d at
    434-36 (applying Hicks, placing the burden on Sayer rather than on
    the government to show substantial overbreadth, and referring to
    the statute as one that "clearly targets conduct...").                   Hence,
    this   court's    reading   of   § 2261A(2)(B)'s     predecessor    in    Sayer
    supports our conclusion here that § 2261A(2)(B) targets conduct
    rather than speech.
    At oral argument, Ackell insisted that § 2261A(2)(B)
    does target speech because it requires that a defendant have used
    "the   mail,     any   interactive    computer     service    or   electronic
    communication     service   or    electronic      communication    system    of
    interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign
    Women Act of 1994.
    commerce."       Ackell is correct that these enumerated facilities of
    interstate       commerce    are     commonly     employed     to    facilitate
    communication.        Yet,   while   §   2261A(2)(B)   could     reach   highly
    expressive conduct, it is plain from the statute's text that it
    covers countless amounts of unprotected conduct.              For example, the
    government points out that:
    a defendant could send envelopes of unknown white
    powder to the victim in the mail; he could send the
    victim nude photographs of herself; he could
    repeatedly infect the victim's computers with
    viruses; he could open unwanted on-line dating
    profiles under the victim's identity; he could take
    out unwanted loans in the victim's name; or he could
    arrange every day for deliveries to be made at the
    victim's home at all hours of the night.
    As these examples illustrate, though the statute does name common
    means of communication among the possible facilities of interstate
    commerce one could use to commit the offense it defines, it does
    not necessarily follow that the statute targets speech.              Moreover,
    we add that a defendant need not use the mail or the internet to
    violate    the    statute.     The    statue    provides     these   enumerated
    facilities of interstate commerce by way of example, but is also
    clear that one may take to "any other facility of interstate or
    foreign commerce" in violating it.             See 18 U.S.C. § 2261A(2)(B).
    This further supports our conclusion that § 2261A(2)(B) does not
    target speech.
    Moreover, our conclusion that § 2261A(2)(B) targets
    conduct is not inconsistent with our decision in March v. Mills,
    867 F.3d 46
     (1st Cir. 2017), where a similar analysis supported a
    different outcome.       There, we considered a facial and as-applied
    challenge   to    a    Maine    statute    forbidding,     in    simple    terms,
    intentionally making noise to interfere with the operations of
    healthcare providers, after having been ordered by law enforcement
    not to do so.         
    Id. at 51
    .        That statute implicated the First
    Amendment because it "restrict[ed] noisemaking even in public
    parks, plazas, sidewalks, [and] other traditional public fora."
     at 53 (citing Hague v. Comm. for Indus. Org., 
    307 U.S. 496
    515-16 (1939)).        Similarly, in Cutting v. City of Portland, 
    802 F.3d 79
    , 83 (1st Cir. 2015), the ordinance at issue proscribed
    sitting, standing, and staying at "median strips," which this court
    found were traditional public fora as "the people of Portland have
    used...[them] for expressive purposes in much the same way that
    they have used parks and sidewalks."              Finally, this line of cases
    is also consistent with the Supreme Court's holding in McCullen v.
    134 S. Ct. 2518
     (2014).               That case involved a challenge
    to a Massachusetts law creating a 35-foot "buffer zone" around
    reproductive health care facilities from which protesters were
    Id. at 2526
    .     The     Court    highlighted   that     the   law
    regulated access to public ways and sidewalks, which are "areas
    [that] occupy a 'special position in terms of First Amendment
    protection' because of their historic role as sites for discussion
    and debate."      
    Id. at 2529
     (quoting United States v. Grace, 
    461 U.S. 171
    , 180 (1983)).      The Court explained that "even though the
    Act says nothing about speech on its face," because it restricted
    "access to traditional public fora" it was "subject to First
    Amendment scrutiny."      
        Section 2261A(2)(B), in contrast, does
    not implicate the interests that the First Amendment protects in
    a similar way.
    We now turn to Ackell's arguments about the extent to
    which § 2261A(2)(B) criminalizes protected speech.               Under Hicks,
    it is Ackell who bears the burden of demonstrating, "from the text
    of [the law] and from actual fact," that substantial overbreadth
    exists.      Hicks, 
    539 U.S. at 122
     (alteration in original)(quoting
    N. Y. State Club Ass'n v. City of New York, 
    487 U.S. 1
    , 14 (1988).
    As discussed above, the text of the law is clear in that
    it targets conduct, specifically "conduct performed with serious
    criminal     intent,"   rather    than   speech    protected    by   the   First
    Amendment.     Sayer, 748 F.3d at 435.          And while we do acknowledge
    that   the    Supreme   Court    has   not    categorically    foreclosed   the
    possibility that a statute that does not facially regulate speech
    could be facially overbroad under the First Amendment, see Hicks,
    539 U.S. at 124
    , as we discuss below, Ackell has not met his burden
    of demonstrating that factually, the statute could apply to a
    substantial amount of protected speech, in an absolute sense and
    in relation to its many legitimate applications.                See Hicks, 
    539 U.S. at 119-120
    Exceptions      to   the   First    Amendment's    protection    of
    expression exist in the case of a small number of "well-defined
    and   narrowly     limited    classes    of     speech,   the   prevention   and
    punishment    of    which    have    never     been   thought   to   raise   any
    Constitutional problem."          United States v. Stevens, 
    559 U.S. 460
    468-469 (2010)(quoting Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 
    315 U.S. 568
    3  The Supreme Court has not prescribed a specific methodology for
    determining whether a "substantial number" of a statute's
    applications violate the Constitution. The Court has instructed
    that we must measure the "number" of a statute's unconstitutional
    applications against its legitimate ones. Stevens, 
    559 U.S. at 473
    .   So too has it explained that "[t]he overbreadth claimant
    bears the burden of demonstrating, 'from the text of [the law] and
    from actual fact,' that substantial overbreadth exists." Hicks,
    539 U.S. at 122
     (second alteration in original) (quoting N.Y. State
    Club Ass'n v. City of New York, 
    487 U.S. 1
    , 14 (1988)). But it
    has seemingly left lower courts to determine how to count a
    statute's applications and how exactly "actual fact" is to inform
    this analysis.    But cf. N.Y. State Club Ass'n, 
    487 U.S. at 14
    (rejecting private club's overbreadth challenge to a local
    antidiscrimination ordinance because the record did not establish
    that the ordinance would violate the associational rights of any
    specific club).    Here, though, we need not delve into how to
    determine the best means of operationalizing these requirements,
    as Ackell has not demonstrated that the statute's impermissible
    applications would even come close to being "substantial," either
    in "isolation [or] as compared against instances of plainly
    permissible restriction." Thayer v. City of Worcester, 
    755 F.3d 60
    , 72 (1st Cir. 2014), judgment vacated on other grounds sub
    nom. Thayer v. City of Worcester, Mass., 
    135 S. Ct. 2887
    571-72 (1942)).      Two of these classes are relevant here -- "true
    threats," see Virginia v. Black, 
    538 U.S. 343
    , 359 (2003), and
    "speech   integral    to   criminal    conduct,"   see   United   States   v.
    567 U.S. 709
    , 717 (2012) (citing Giboney v. Empire Storage
    & Ice Co., 
    336 U.S. 490
    , 498 (1949)).         "'True threats' encompass
    those statements where the speaker means to communicate a serious
    expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to
    a particular individual or group of individuals."          Black, 
    538 U.S. at 359
    .     Speech "integral to criminal conduct" is precisely what
    it sounds like, and it is not protected on First Amendment grounds
    "merely because the conduct was in part initiated, evidenced, or
    carried out by means of language, either spoken, written, or
    printed."    Giboney, 
    336 U.S. at 502
    Ackell and Amici argue that both the statute's intent
    element and harm element allow it to reach speech that is neither
    a true threat nor integral to criminal conduct.            With respect to
    the intent element, they maintain that speech made with merely an
    intent to "harass" or "intimidate" cannot amount to a true threat.
    And as concerns the harm element, Ackell and Amici argue that the
    reasonable-person standard embedded in the statute's harm-caused
    element criminalizes protected speech by allowing for a conviction
    when no harm has actually occurred.
    We begin by stating the obvious: § 2261A(2)(B) is not a
    statute that is valid under "no set of circumstances."                      See
    559 U.S. at 472
     (quoting United States v. Salerno, 
    481 U.S. 739
    , 745 (1987)).        For example, one could be convicted for
    undertaking a course of conduct, "with the intent to kill" that
    "causes     [the   victim]   substantial     emotional    distress."    That
    conviction would not be constitutionally problematic.                  It is
    uncontroversial that, insofar as that course of conduct involved
    speech, that speech would fall outside of the First Amendment's
    protections as a true threat and/or speech integral to criminal
    Nevertheless, Ackell and Amici coalesce around a number
    of similar hypothetical examples illustrating how § 2261A(2)(B)
    reaches     protected    speech.     In   essence,   they   stress   that    an
    individual who, with merely the intention to harass, twice directs
    speech on a matter of public concern at someone -- say, via Twitter
    --   that   could   be   "reasonably      expected   to   cause   substantial
    emotional distress," would have violated § 2261A(2)(B) even if the
    "victim" did not actually suffer any emotional distress.               In so
    arguing, they press that discourse on matters of public concern
    can often be vituperative.         And, pointing to Snyder v. Phelps, 
    562 U.S. 443
     (2011), and Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 
    485 U.S. 46
     (1988), they argue that speech of that sort nonetheless enjoys
    First Amendment protection.        See Snyder, 
    562 U.S. at 458
    that members of the Westboro Baptist Church could assert a First-
    Amendment    defense    to    liability   for     the    tort   of   intentional
    infliction of emotional distress because their protest at the
    funeral of a deceased solider was "on a matter of public concern"
    and therefore entitled to "special protection"); Hustler Magazine,
    485 U.S. at 53
     ("Generally speaking the law does not regard
    the intent to inflict emotional distress as one which should
    receive much solicitude. . . .           But in the world of debate about
    public affairs, many things done with motives that are less than
    admirable are protected by the First Amendment.").
    First, Sayer takes much force out of Ackell's arguments
    concerning the statute's "intent to . . . harass" language.                There,
    the appellant did not directly attack this feature of the statute.
    748 F.3d at 435.        Nonetheless, we take the opinion in Sayer to
    indicate that we must read "intent to . . . harass," as referring
    to criminal harassment, see id., which is unprotected because it
    constitutes true threats or speech that is integral to proscribable
    criminal conduct.       We think that this logic would also apply to
    the term "intimidate" in the current version of the statute.
    Indeed,     "interpreting       the     statute     to     avoid     a    serious
    constitutional threat," Zadvydas v. Davis, 
    533 U.S. 678
    , 699
    (2001),     points     to    reading    the     statute    as      referring   to
    "[i]ntimidation in the constitutionally proscribable sense of the
    word[, which] is a type of true threat," Black, 
    538 U.S. at 344
    Moreover, Ackell and Amici are both correct that the "reasonable
    person standard" embedded in the harm element would permit a
    conviction in the absence of any actual harm.                Yet they fail to
    articulate why exactly that would violate the First Amendment --
    to say nothing of the even higher bar they must clear amid a facial
    overbreadth challenge.
    Second, the examples to which Ackell and Amici point in
    Snyder and Hustler Magazine, Inc. are regulated pursuant to laws
    that are far afield from the text of § 2261A (i.e. tort law).                 And
    while   the    government     could   not    rule   out   that   some   activity
    analogous to those cases could be covered, nothing suggests to us,
    and Ackell has not demonstrated, that it certainly would be
    Finally, there is only one example of the statute, in
    its previous version, actually having been applied to protected
    conduct.      See United States v. Cassidy, 
    814 F. Supp. 2d 574
    Md.   2011)    (finding   §   2261A   unconstitutional       "as   applied"    to
    defendant who was anonymously harassing a religious leader via
    Twitter and a blog).        However, just as the government is reluctant
    to state that Ackell's hypotheticals could be prosecuted under
    § 2261A(2), so to the government states that "it is not clear that
    the evidence [in Cassidy] would have met the Rule 29 standard for
    one of the required criminal intents if there had been a trial."
    And in Sayer, in which the defendant also pointed to Cassidy as an
    unconstitutional application of the cyberstalking statute, we held
    that    one   District   Court   precedent   combined   with    a    list   of
    hypotheticals did not result in the defendant showing that the
    statute was substantially overbroad.          Thus, in the absence of
    veridical examples, we are not inclined to rely on hypotheticals.
    See New York v. Ferber, 
    458 U.S. 747
    , 781 (1982) (Stevens, J.,
    concurring)("Hypothetical rulings are inherently treacherous and
    prone to lead us into unforeseen errors; they are qualitatively
    less reliable than the products of case-by-case adjudication.").
    Ultimately -- while acknowledging that § 2261A(2)(B)
    could    have    an   unconstitutional    application,    and       remaining
    cognizant of the chilling-effect-related concerns inherent in
    declining to invalidate a statute that can be applied to violate
    the First Amendment -- we are unconvinced that we must administer
    the "strong medicine" of holding the statute facially overbroad.
    See Williams, 
    553 U.S. at 293
     (quoting L.A. Police Dep't v. United
    Report Publ'g Corp., 
    528 U.S. 32
    , 39 (1999)).4           The statute does
    4  Indeed, Ackell and Amici both argue that the statute reaches
    speech not amounting to true threats for want of the proper
    subjective intent. But the necessary subjective intent one needs
    to make a true threat is rather hazy. See Elonis v. United States,
    135 S. Ct. 2001
    , 2012-13 (2015) (vacating the defendant's
    not, on its face, regulate protected speech, or conduct that is
    necessarily    intertwined     with    speech       or   expression.      Should
    situations arise where the statute is applied to courses of conduct
    that are sufficiently expressive to implicate the First Amendment,
    we   are   confident    that    as-applied        challenges    will    properly
    safeguard the rights that the First Amendment enshrines.
    Ackell      also    asserts       that    §    2261A(2)(B)     is   an
    impermissible content-based restriction on speech that is not
    sufficiently    narrowly       tailored      to     vindicate   a      compelling
    government interest.      In assessing arguments of this stripe, the
    Supreme Court has instructed that we must first "consider[] whether
    a law is content neutral on its face before turning to the law's
    justification or purpose."        Reed v. Town of Gilbert, 
    135 S. Ct. 2218
    , 2228 (2015) (emphasis in original).                As concerns step one,
    a law is content-based if it "target[s] speech based on its
    communicative content."        
    Id. at 2226
    .         But, implicit in this is
    also a "step zero": does the law in question target speech at all?
    conviction for threatening to injure the person of another, in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 875
    (c), because the jury instructions did
    not incorporate any mental state requirement, but declining to
    reach the question of whether it would suffice for a defendant to
    have been reckless to the threatening nature of his speech); United
    States v. Bagdasarian, 
    652 F.3d 1113
    , 1117 (9th Cir. 2011) (reading
    Virginia v. Black as requiring that the speaker actually have
    intended to communicate a threat).
    See McCullen, 
    134 S. Ct. at 2529-31
     (considering whether the
    challenged    law     was   a    content-based         regulation    only    after
    determining that the law "restricts access to traditional public
    fora and is therefore subject to First Amendment scrutiny"); March,
    867 F.3d at 53-54.       And we have already answered this question in
    the negative.    See supra § II.A.1.
    Amici     presses   that      the    statute    "facially   penalizes
    protected    speech    based    on    its    content    and   viewpoint."        For
    support, Amici first cites Boos v. Barry, in which the Supreme
    Court found a District of Columbia ordinance prohibiting, within
    500 feet of a foreign embassy, signs "tend[ing] to bring that
    foreign government into 'public odium' or 'public disrepute,'" to
    be   content-based     because       it   "regulate[d]      speech   due    to   its
    potential primary impact."           
    485 U.S. 312
    , 315, 321 (1988).          Amici
    also relies on Justice Kennedy's concurrence in Matal v. Tam, which
    advanced that "[a] law found to discriminate based on viewpoint is
    an 'egregious form of content discrimination[.]'"                    
    137 S. Ct. 1744
    , 1766 (2017) (Kennedy, J., concurring) (quoting Rosenberger
    v. Rector & Visitors of Univ. of Va., 
    515 U.S. 819
    , 829-30 (1995)).
    Tam involved an ultimately successful First Amendment challenge to
    a provision of the Lanham Act that prohibited "the registration of
    trademarks that may 'disparage ... or bring ... into contemp[t] or
    disrepute' any 'persons, living or dead.'"                 Id. at 1751 (majority
    opinion) (alteration and ellipses in original) (quoting 
    15 U.S.C. § 1052
    These arguments, however, presuppose that § 2261A(2)(B)
    targets speech at all.   Yet, comparing § 2261A(2)(B) to the laws
    at issue in Boos and Tam -- which facially regulate pure speech or
    highly expressive conduct -- provides further support for the
    notion that § 2261A(2)(B) does not.   As a result, it cannot be so
    that § 2261A(2)(B) is an impermissible content- or viewpoint-based
    restriction on speech.
    Ackell purports to bring four different challenges to
    the district court's jury instructions.      Two of those, however,
    are merely a repackaging of his First Amendment challenge to
    § 2261A(2)(B), so we need not consider them here.    This leaves us
    with Ackell's arguments that the district court erred in (1)
    failing to instruct the jury that it had to be unanimous as to
    which specific acts formed Ackell's "course of conduct," and (2)
    in "instruct[ing] the jury that a course of conduct can 'attempt
    to cause' substantial emotional distress."    Ackell duly preserved
    these arguments below.   Thus, "[w]e consider de novo whether an
    instruction embodied an error of law, but we review for abuse of
    discretion whether the instructions adequately explained the law
    or whether they tended to confuse or mislead the jury on the
    controlling issues."         United States v. Gray, 
    780 F.3d 458
    , 464
    (1st Cir. 2015) (quoting United States v. Symonevich, 
    688 F.3d 12
    24 (1st Cir. 2012)).
    Ackell's proposed jury instructions would have impressed
    upon the jury that
    you may not find Mr. Ackell guilty of the charged
    offense unless you unanimously agree on which two or
    more text messages, digital images, and other
    electronic communications to R.R form the course of
    conduct. By that I mean that it is not sufficient if
    you all agree that two or more of the texts, digital
    images, or electronic communications in evidence form
    the course of conduct, but cannot agree on which two.
    The district court, however, declined to adopt these instructions,
    and rather instructed the jury that "you are not required to agree
    unanimously on which two or more acts constitute the course of
    A jury's verdict -- that is, its decision as to whether
    or not it finds the defendant guilty -- must be unanimous.                 See
    Fed. R. Crim. P. 31(a).       So too must a jury unanimously agree that
    the prosecution proved each element of the charged offense(s).
    Richardson v. United States, 
    526 U.S. 813
    , 817 (1999).              Unanimity
    is   not   necessary,   in   contrast,    as   to   "the   brute   facts   that
    constitute those elements."        United States v. Lee, 
    317 F.3d 26
    36 (1st Cir. 2003).     "Thus, if a jury is confronted with divergent
    factual theories in support of the same ultimate issue, courts
    generally have held that the unanimity requirement is met as long
    as the jurors are in agreement on the ultimate issue (even though
    they may not be unanimous as to the precise theory)."               Id.; see
    also Schad v. Arizona, 
    501 U.S. 624
    , 630-31 (1991).         Consequently,
    a unanimity instruction was only necessary here if the specific
    acts making up Ackell's course of conduct were "elements" of the
    offense that § 2261A(2)(B) codifies.            In other words, we ask
    whether those specific acts are "fact[s] strictly necessary to
    define the conduct prohibited under the statute of conviction."
    317 F.3d at 37
    And they plainly are not.     Nothing in § 2261A(2)(B)'s
    text indicates that the acts comprising the "course of conduct"
    are themselves elements.       Indeed, it is not § 2261A(2)(B) that
    defines a "course of conduct" as comprising "2 or more acts
    evidencing    a   continuity   of   purpose,"   but    rather   a   separate
    statutory section.      See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2266
    (2).         The most natural
    reading of the statute suggests that the relevant element is the
    existence of a course of conduct.          The specific two-plus acts
    comprising that course of conduct are, in turn, the sort of "brute
    facts" for which unanimity is not required.           See United States v.
    714 F.3d 641
    , 647 (1st Cir. 2013) (holding that, in the
    context of a prosecution for mail fraud, jury unanimity was not
    necessary as to "which particular false statement alleged in the
    indictment was used to carry out the fraud"); Lee, 
    317 F.3d at
    41 (holding that, to properly convict the defendant under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1029
    (a)(3),      which     prohibits    possessing      fifteen      or   more
    counterfeit credit cards, the jury did not need to be unanimous as
    to which fifteen credit cards (out of a possible twenty-two) the
    defendant had possessed); United States v. Verrecchia, 
    196 F.3d 294
    , 298-300 (1st Cir. 1999) (holding that, to properly find a
    defendant    guilty   of   possessing     a    firearm   after   having     been
    convicted of a felony, under 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g), the jury need not
    be unanimous as to the particular firearm that the defendant
    Ackell    argues   that   Richardson       compels   the   opposite
    result.     In that case, the Supreme Court considered 
    21 U.S.C. § 848
    ,    which    forbids     engaging       in   a   "continuing     criminal
    enterprise."      Richardson, 
    526 U.S. at 815
    .         That statute provides,
    in relevant part, that
    [A] person is engaged in a continuing criminal
    enterprise if—
    (1) he violates any provision of [the federal drug
    laws, i.e.,] this subchapter or subchapter II of this
    chapter the punishment for which is a felony, and
    (2) such violation is a part of a continuing series
    of violations of [the federal drug laws, i.e.,] this
    subchapter or subchapter II of this chapter-
     (alterations in original) (quoting 
    21 U.S.C. § 848
    ).                    The
    question before the Court was whether the occurrence of a "series
    of violations" was an element, or whether each violation comprising
    that series was itself a separate element requiring jury unanimity.
    Id. at 817-18. The Court concluded that each constituent violation
    was a distinct element.    Id. at 824.
    In so holding, it reasoned that "[t]he words 'violates'
    and 'violations' are words that have a legal ring.    A 'violation'
    is not simply an act or conduct; it is an act or conduct that is
    contrary to law."    Id. at 818 (citing Black's Law Dictionary 1570
    (6th ed. 1990)).    Because § 2261A contains no requirement that the
    acts making up the course of conduct themselves be illegal, this
    cuts sharply against the notion that those underlying acts are
    elements and not brute facts.    Ackell also fails to point to any
    historical or fairness-related considerations comparable to those
    that pushed the Court in Richardson toward the conclusion that it
    was correct to treat each violation as an element.       See id. at
    818-22.   And we also note that, unlike § 2261A(2)(B), which does
    not itself define "course of conduct," the statute at issue in
    Richardson expressly specified what constitutes a "continuing
    criminal enterprise." See 
    21 U.S.C. § 848
    (a)(1)-(2). This suggests
    that Congress did not intend for each act making up the course of
    conduct for which liability attaches to be a distinct element.
    See Lee, 
    317 F.3d at 38-39
     (giving weight to Congress's apparent
    intent that the specific identity of the fifteen-plus counterfeit
    credit cards not be treated as an element).
    Given all of this, Ackell has failed to convince us that
    the district court erred in denying his request for a unanimity
    Ackell also contends that the district court erred in
    instructing the jury that it needed to find that Ackell's course
    of    conduct   "caused   substantial     emotional   distress   to   R.R.,
    attempted to cause substantial emotional distress to R.R., or would
    be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to
    R.R."    Ackell's proposed instruction would have omitted the words
    "attempted to cause substantial emotional distress to R.R."              In
    declining to adopt that proposed instruction, the district court
    acknowledged that the statute's provision that a course of conduct
    may     "attempt   to   cause   substantial    emotional   distress"     is
    "linguistically odd."      Nonetheless, it elected to "instruct the
    jury in a way that tracks the statute as closely as possible."
    Because the jury instructions tracked the statute's
    language -- meaning that they cannot have embodied an error of law
    -- we take Ackell to object to the district court's choice of words
    in instructing the jury.        Our review, therefore, is for abuse of
    discretion.     Gray, 780 F.3d at 464.     It is true that one does not
    usually think of "courses of conduct" as having volition.              This
    does make the statute's provision that a defendant may be convicted
    for engaging in course of conduct that "attempts to cause . . .
    substantial emotional distress," rather peculiar.     See 18 U.S.C.
    § 2261A(2)(B).   We note, however, that Ackell only challenges the
    district court's rejection of his proposed instructions.    He does
    not, for example, object to the statute's wording on due process,
    or void-for-vagueness grounds.    And nowhere in his First Amendment
    challenge to the statute does he contend that this feature renders
    it unconstitutional.     The only question before us, then, is
    whether the district court abused its discretion in giving jury
    instructions that precisely tracked the statute's wording.       We
    hold that it did not.   See United States v. Hall, 
    434 F.3d 42
    , 56
    (1st Cir. 2006) (finding no abuse of discretion when "[t]he court's
    instruction closely tracked the language of the statute, which is
    a strong indicator that the charge passes muster").
    Lastly, we turn to Ackell's challenge to the district
    court's denial of his motion for acquittal.    We review a district
    court's denial of a Rule 29 motion de novo, viewing the evidence
    in the light most favorable to the jury's guilty verdict.    United
    States v. Santos-Soto, 
    799 F.3d 49
    , 56-57 (1st Cir. 2015).       We
    will affirm unless "the evidence is so scant that a rational
    factfinder could not conclude that the government proved all the
    essential elements of the charged crime beyond a reasonable doubt."
    United States v. Rodríguez-Vélez, 
    597 F.3d 32
    , 39 (1st Cir. 2010)
    (emphasis in original).
    Ackell argues that the government failed to introduce
    sufficient evidence to prove the intent and harm elements of
    § 2261A(2)(B).   We consider these arguments in turn, concluding
    that both lack merit.
    With regard to the intent element, Ackell maintains, as
    he did before the district court, that until a conversation taking
    place over January 27 and 28, 2014 -- when, he concedes, R.R. made
    clear to him that she wanted to terminate their relationship -- he
    "subjectively and even reasonably believed until that moment that
    he and [R.R] were in a consensual dominant/submissive fantasy
    relationship, and that any previous mild protestations she had
    made were in her role as the submissive."   Thus, Ackell's argument
    goes, up until that date, he could not have had the "intent to
    kill, injure, harass, [or] intimidate" R.R.   And, Ackell adds, the
    government failed to present sufficient evidence of any acts post-
    dating January 27-28, 2014 that could provide a basis for his
    conviction.   But even if we accept that Ackell -- believing that
    his conduct was taking place within the bounds of a consensual
    "dominant/submissive" relationship -- could not have formed the
    requisite mental state until that date, we, like the district
    court,    still   conclude   that     his    sufficiency-of-the-evidence
    challenge fails.     We explain why.
    The government introduced into evidence as Exhibits One
    and Two the screenshots that R.R. captured, at her father's
    direction, of conversations with Ackell.         Exhibit One depicted an
    undated conversation between R.R. and Ackell on the smartphone
    messaging application Kik.      Exhibit Two depicted a text-message
    conversation beginning on January 27, 2014 -- the conversation
    that purportedly alerted Ackell to R.R.'s desire to leave the
    relationship.     The screenshots of that conversation in Exhibit Two
    indicate that the absolute latest moment at which Ackell could
    have realized that R.R. was not a consenting participant was when
    he -- in response to R.R.'s plea that he delete the photos of her
    in his possession -- asked "[s]ubmissive a lie as well?"        To this,
    R.R. responded "I have a tendency to tell people what they want to
    hear.    You wanted to hear I like to be submissive, which is o[nly]
    25% true. I[']m being honest because I feel bad." R.R.'s subsequent
    messages amid that conversation underscore her desire to terminate
    the relationship, containing statements such as "I still need this
    to just go away, please, all of it.         I just need[] it to go before
    [I] go crazy."
    Ackell did not respond to this information by agreeing
    to terminate his relationship with R.R.        Instead, he pressured her
    to accept an arrangement under which he would retain control over
    her, and would not delete any of the saved photos of her, until
    February 28.     He also instructed R.R. to send him another photo
    of herself.    This conversation, which carried over to January 28,
    2014, only ended when R.R. told Ackell that her mother had found
    out about their interactions and was upset.      And only then did
    Ackell tell R.R. "[y]ou won't hear from me again."     But this did
    not prove to be true.      The screenshots of R.R.'s text messages
    with Ackell show that on February 9, 2014 Ackell texted R.R.
    "[c]heck your Kik please."
    What followed this is not perfectly clear from the
    record.   Yet -- as the district court also recognized -- a rational
    factfinder could have concluded that the Kik conversation between
    Ackell and R.R. contained in Exhibit One took place after Ackell
    asked R.R. to check Kik on February 9th, 2014.       For one, R.R.
    testified that this was the case.      Moreover, a number of things
    about the Kik messages depicted in Exhibit One provide further
    support for this timeline.    For example, in response to Ackell's
    demand that R.R. send him a photo of herself, R.R. said that she
    would not "take any pictures like I did before, we[']ve talked
    about it."     A rational factfinder could understand this to refer
    back to the January 27-28 conversation.   During this conversation,
    Ackell also referred to his having "let [R.R.] go," which he
    characterized as a "[m]istake."                   This too could be reasonably
    understood as a reference to Ackell agreeing on January 28 that he
    would not contact R.R. again.              Finally, one of the screenshots in
    Exhibit One shows a timestamp in the Kik application -- indicating
    that the messages below that timestamp were from "Today @ 8:20
    PM."       And    R.R.    testified     that   her   father     told   her   to    take
    screenshots of her conversations with Ackell after R.R. had told
    Ackell that her mother had found out about him -- which is how the
    conversation in Exhibit Two concludes.                    Given all of this, a
    rational         factfinder     could      well    have   concluded        that     the
    conversation in Exhibit One occurred after the conversation in
    Exhibit Two.
    And it is beyond dispute that Ackell's statements both
    in   the    latter       part   of   the   conversation    in    Exhibit     Two   and
    throughout the conversation in Exhibit One would allow a reasonable
    factfinder to conclude that he had the requisite intent to violate
    § 2261A(2)(B).           Once again, Exhibit Two shows that, after R.R.
    clearly communicated to Ackell that she no longer wished to be a
    "submissive" to him, Ackell attempted to pressure R.R. to agree to
    continue the relationship for another month.                  He also told her --
    in explicit terms -- to send him another revealing picture of
    herself.     The conversation in Exhibit One likewise clearly evinces
    an intent to "injure, harass, [or] intimidate" her.                    See 18 U.S.C.
    § 2261A.   Indeed, that conversation began with Ackell ordering
    R.R. "Get in your room.    Top off.    Show me those tits."   When R.R.
    expressed her unwillingness to do so, Ackell responded "I'll trade
    you.   Want that???    You are MINE.     You will do as told."    When
    asked at trial what Ackell meant by "trade," R.R. explained that
    "[t]here are certain forums and sites online where you can trade
    people's photos and all of the[ir] information," and that Ackell
    was threatening to "trade me to somebody else who would do what he
    was doing to me."     As Ackell requested more photos -- providing
    explicit instructions as to what he wished for them to depict --
    R.R. told him "I feel uncomfortable," but Ackell again threatened
    to "trade" R.R.   Later in the conversation, R.R. told Ackell that
    she felt suicidal.    Ackell then sent R.R. photos of another young
    girl, who Ackell said he would "cage" in replacement of R.R. if he
    had to trade her.     Ackell told R.R. that if he "caged" this girl,
    he would have sex with her and force her to have sex with a dog.
    R.R. asked how old the girl in the photos was, and Ackell told her
    that she was fourteen.     R.R. testified that this is what led her
    to seek help from her father.
    And so, even were we to accept Ackell's argument that he
    could not have formed the proper intent until January 27, 2014, he
    still cannot prevail.     This evidence provides a substantial basis
    for a rational factfinder to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt
    that Ackell engaged in a course of conduct with the requisite
    Ackell also argues that "the government failed to adduce
    sufficient     evidence   from     which    a   rational    factfinder    could
    conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that [R.R.] actually suffered
    substantial emotional distress[.]"              Even setting aside that the
    statute requires only that Ackell's course of conduct "would be
    reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress," see
    18 U.S.C. § 2261A(2)(B), this argument is impossible to square
    with   the   record.      Most    strikingly,     R.R.    testified   that   she
    considered committing suicide as a means of escaping from her
    relationship with Ackell.         She expressed as much to Ackell during
    multiple conversations as well.            Thus, we think it clear that a
    rational factfinder could have concluded beyond a reasonable doubt
    that R.R. suffered substantial emotional distress as the result of
    Ackell's conduct.
    We therefore hold that the district court did not err in
    rejecting Ackell's Rule 29 motion.
    Ackell's     First      Amendment,          instructional,      and
    sufficiency-of-the-evidence challenges all fail.                 The district
    court's judgment is therefore affirmed.