Howard Holt v. City of Battle Creek , 925 F.3d 905 ( 2019 )

  •                           RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION
    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit I.O.P. 32.1(b)
    File Name: 19a0114p.06
    HOWARD HOLT; MARTIN ERSKINE,                           ┐
    Plaintiffs-Appellants,      │
    >      No. 18-1981
    v.                                              │
    CITY OF BATTLE CREEK,                                  │
    Defendant-Appellee.    │
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Michigan at Grand Rapids.
    No. 1:15-cv-00931—Janet T. Neff, District Judge.
    Argued: May 3, 2019
    Decided and Filed: June 3, 2019
    Before: GUY, CLAY, and GRIFFIN, Circuit Judges.
    ARGUED: Robert Anthony Alvarez, Agustin Henriquez, Jr., AVANTI LAW GROUP, PLLC,
    Wyoming, Michigan, for Appellants. Gregory N. Longworth, CLARK HILL PLC, Grand
    Rapids, Michigan, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Robert Anthony Alvarez, AVANTI LAW
    GROUP, PLLC, Wyoming, Michigan, for Appellants. Gregory N. Longworth, CLARK HILL
    PLC, Grand Rapids, Michigan, for Appellee.
    CLAY, Circuit Judge.     Plaintiffs Howard Holt and Martin Erskine appeal from the
    judgment entered in favor of Defendant City of Battle Creek on Plaintiffs’ claim that Defendant
    No. 18-1981                     Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                     Page 2
    violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), 29 U.S.C. § 201, et seq., by failing to pay
    Plaintiffs overtime wages. For the reasons set forth below, we AFFIRM the decision of the
    district court.
    Factual History
    Plaintiffs Holt and Erskine each served as a battalion chief in Defendant’s fire
    department. Holt was the “suppression” battalion chief from 2007 until his retirement in 2015;
    Erskine became the “administrative” battalion chief in 2012 and has not retired. Battalion chiefs
    are second in command in the fire department hierarchy, behind the fire chief but ahead of other
    employees. Plaintiffs served under three different fire chiefs: Chief Larry Hausman from 1997
    through April 2013, Chief Jackie Hampton from April 2013 through January 2014, and Chief
    Arthur David Schmaltz from February 2014 through the rest of the time period at issue.
    I. Battalion Chief Job Responsibilities
    The City of Battle Creek’s job description for battalion chiefs included the following
    summary of the position’s responsibilities:
    Provides supervision to fire fighting personnel; Implements the incident command
    system and serves as incident commander at all incidents; Accepts responsibility
    for assigned administrative and fire prevention functions; Functions as the chief
    administrative officer of the department in absence of the Fire Chief and Deputy
    Fire Chief; Actively supports the decisions and policies of the City and fire
    administration and performs related work as required.
    (Appellee Appendix, Joint Exhibit 5, A32.) The document also described essential job functions
    of the battalion chiefs, which included “[p]repar[ing] and administer[ing] disciplinary actions
    against subordinate personnel in the form of coaching and counseling, oral and written
    reprimands;” “[c]onduct[ing] evaluations of immediate subordinate personnel, review[ing]
    evaluations of other personnel assigned to shift, and provid[ing] feedback to subordinate
    personnel;” “[i]nspect[ing] fire stations, apparatus, equipment, and personnel to ensure
    operational readiness on a daily basis;” and “[p]lan[ning] and coordinat[ing] daily activities of
    shift personnel in concert with training, pre-plan inspections, maintenance, and public activities
    No. 18-1981                     Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                      Page 3
    such as fire prevention.” (Id.) While Plaintiffs did not have direct authority to make hiring and
    firing decisions, they conducted performance evaluations that were used in the promotional
    process and were otherwise involved in advancement decisions.
    An internal department memo described the different areas of responsibility of the
    administrative and suppression battalion chiefs.      Erskine’s responsibilities as administrative
    battalion chief included training fire department personnel, ensuring road safety, creating a “plan
    of the day” and “plan of the week” for the officers and firefighters, and approving vacation
    requests. As suppression battalion chief, Holt’s responsibilities listed in the memo included
    serving as the immediate supervisor for station officers, maintaining fire department standards,
    handling facility issues, and overseeing uniforms and supplies.
    Chief Hausman testified that the “primary responsibility” of the battalion chiefs and fire
    chief was “not physical work, it was . . . management and leadership,” and that the “majority” of
    their jobs consisted of “administrative functions, you know, management.” (R. 122, Hausman
    Deposition, PageID # 1012.)       When called to a fire, a battalion chief’s role as incident
    commander, according to Chief Hausman, was to remain in the vehicle and “manage, lead, and
    direct” the fire suppression efforts by “monitoring the situation[ and] taking input from the
    company officers.” (Id. at PageID # 1013.) Chiefs Hausman and Schmaltz each testified that
    they gave particular weight to Holt’s recommendations regarding discipline; Schmaltz referred to
    the battalion chiefs as his “senior staff.” (R. 128, Transcript, PageID # 1077.) Holt and Erskine
    each testified that while they had the power to issue verbal and written reprimands, the ultimate
    decision as to discipline rested with the fire chief, and the fire chief occasionally overrode
    Plaintiffs’ disciplinary recommendations.
    II. Standby Duty
    As battalion chiefs, Plaintiffs were required to periodically serve on “standby” duty.
    Standby duty typically rotated between Holt, Erskine, and the fire chief, with the individual
    serving on standby required to be “on call” from 5:00 pm until 8:00 am the following morning
    No. 18-1981                        Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                          Page 4
    for seven days.1 Plaintiffs received 1.5 hours of pay for each day of standby duty, in addition to
    overtime pay for hours worked if they were called back to active duty while on standby. The
    individual on standby duty was required to monitor a pager and a radio, answer phone calls if
    needed, and help handle problems if they arose.
    Plaintiffs were occasionally required to respond to the scene of a fire while on standby
    duty. Therefore, Plaintiffs’ activities were somewhat restricted during the weeks they were on
    standby. The officer on standby duty could not drink alcohol or go out of town. Plaintiffs both
    testified that they stopped playing organized sports while on standby, out of concern that they
    would not hear the pager if it went off while they were playing. Holt testified that when he and
    his wife went out to eat while he was on standby, they had to take two cars so that she would not
    be left stranded at the restaurant if he had to go to the scene of a fire; Holt’s wife testified that
    “when he was on call, we were pretty much prisoners right there in the house.” (R. 128,
    Transcript, PageID # 1104.) Mrs. Holt also testified that standby duty disrupted their sleep,
    because the pager would occasionally go off during the night if an “all stations” fire occurred.
    Chief Hausman’s testimony differed from Plaintiffs’ regarding the restrictiveness of
    standby duty. While Holt and Erskine testified that they continually monitored their radios
    during standby duty, Hausman testified that there was “no expectation [that] the radio [would be]
    monitored 24/7” during standby, because the pager provided sufficient notice of an alarm.
    (R. 122, Hausman Deposition, PageID # 1014.) Chief Schmaltz testified that he left his radio in
    his car when he was at home on standby duty for the same reason. Hausman also testified that
    other battalion chiefs had been able to engage in activities such as golfing and working on a
    horse farm while on standby. Hausman stated that standby duty was not so onerous as to prevent
    him from effectively using his time for personal pursuits.
    Procedural History
    On September 12, 2015, Plaintiffs filed a complaint in federal court alleging that the City
    of Battle Creek had violated the FLSA by failing to pay overtime for hours worked in excess of
    1In 2015, the City of Battle Creek transitioned from the week-long standby system to 24-hour shift
    rotations, with battalion chiefs now paid for every hour they are on call.
    No. 18-1981                     Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                      Page 5
    40 per week due to standby duty. Defendant filed a motion to dismiss in favor of arbitration on
    July 20, 2016 and a motion for summary judgment on November 13, 2017; the district court
    denied both motions. After a bench trial, the district court ruled that Plaintiffs were exempt from
    the FLSA’s overtime pay requirement under both the executive and the administrative
    exemptions. The district court also held that, even if Plaintiffs “were within the classes of
    employees subject to FLSA coverage, their duties during standby time were not so onerous as to
    prevent them from effectively using the time for personal pursuits.” (R. 129, Transcript, PageID
    # 1333.) This appeal followed.
    I. Applicability of the “Fair Reading” Standard
    Standard of Review
    “After a bench trial, we review the district court’s factual findings for clear error and its
    conclusions of law de novo.” Foster v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co., 
    710 F.3d 640
    , 643–44 (6th Cir.
    2013). Because this issue involves a legal question, we review it de novo.
    The FLSA requires employers to pay overtime compensation to employees who work
    more than 40 hours a week. The FLSA exempts certain classes of employees from the overtime
    pay requirements. 29 U.S.C. § 213. Until recently, courts “narrowly construed [the exemptions]
    against the employers seeking to assert them.” See, e.g., Thomas v. Speedway SuperAmerica,
    506 F.3d 496
    , 501 (6th Cir. 2007) (quoting Arnold v. Ben Kanowsky, Inc., 
    361 U.S. 388
    392 (1960)). In the 2018 case Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro, however, the Supreme Court
    held that courts should apply a “fair reading” to the exemptions. 
    138 S. Ct. 1134
    , 1142 (2018).
    The district court in this case followed the Supreme Court’s instruction to give the exemptions a
    fair reading, and under that standard, it determined that Plaintiffs were exempt from the FLSA’s
    overtime requirement under the executive and administrative exemptions.
    Plaintiffs argue that the district court erred in applying the fair reading standard to the
    FLSA exemptions. According to Plaintiffs, the Supreme Court’s language in Encino endorsing a
    No. 18-1981                      Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                       Page 6
    “fair” instead of a “narrow” construction of the FLSA exemptions is dicta as applied to anything
    other than the salesman exemption that was under consideration in Encino. Under Plaintiffs’
    theory, all exemptions other than the salesman exemption are still subject to a narrow
    Plaintiffs’ theory is incorrect. Even if the Supreme Court’s statement in Encino was dicta
    outside of the context of the salesman exemption, “[l]ower courts are obligated to follow
    Supreme Court dicta, particularly where there is not substantial reason for disregarding it, such
    as age or subsequent statements undermining its rationale.” In re Baker, 
    791 F.3d 677
    , 682 (6th
    Cir. 2015) (alteration in original) (quoting ACLU of Ky. v. McCreary Cty., Ky., 
    607 F.3d 439
    447–48 (6th Cir. 2010)). Encino is a recent Supreme Court decision, and there have been no
    intervening Supreme Court cases casting doubt on its analysis. Moreover, this Court and others
    have applied Encino’s fair reading standard outside of the salesman exemption. See Mosquera v.
    MTI Retreading Co., 745 F. App’x 568, 570–71 (6th Cir. 2018) (professional exemption); Flood
    v. Just Energy Mktg. Corp., 
    904 F.3d 219
    , 228 (2d Cir. 2018) (outside salesman exemption);
    Carley v. Crest Pumping Techs., LLC, 
    890 F.3d 575
    , 579 (5th Cir. 2018) (Motor Carrier Act
    exemption). The district court was bound by the Supreme Court’s pronouncement in Encino,
    and it did not err by applying the fair reading standard in this case.
    II. Applicability of the Exemptions
    Standard of Review
    As explained above, we review the district court’s factual findings for clear error and
    conclusions of law de novo. Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a); 
    Foster, 710 F.3d at 644
    . This issue involves
    the district court’s factual findings, so clear error review applies.       Icicle Seafoods, Inc. v.
    475 U.S. 709
    , 713 (1986) (“[T]he facts necessary to a proper determination of the
    legal question whether an exemption to the FLSA applies in a particular case should be reviewed
    by the courts of appeals [for clear error] . . . .”). “In [its] review of the district court’s factual
    findings, this Court gives due regard to the district court’s opportunity to judge the credibility of
    the witnesses.” Perkins v. Am. Elec. Power Fuel Supply, Inc., 
    246 F.3d 593
    , 597 (6th Cir. 2001).
    “Clear error will be found only when the reviewing court is left with the definite and firm
    No. 18-1981                           Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                                Page 7
    conviction that a mistake has been committed.” Max Trucking, LLC v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Corp.,
    802 F.3d 793
    , 808 (6th Cir. 2015). As the Supreme Court has explained:
    If the district court’s account of the evidence is plausible in light of the record
    viewed in its entirety, the court of appeals may not reverse it even though
    convinced that had it been sitting as the trier of fact, it would have weighed the
    evidence differently. Where there are two permissible views of the evidence, the
    factfinder’s choice between them cannot be clearly erroneous.
    Anderson v. Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573–74 (1985). Therefore, “when a trial judge’s
    finding is based on his decision to credit the testimony of one of two or more witnesses, each of
    whom has told a coherent and facially plausible story that is not contradicted by extrinsic
    evidence, that finding, if not internally inconsistent, can virtually never be clear error.” 
    Id. at 575.
    The district court found that Plaintiffs were exempt from the FLSA’s overtime pay
    requirements under both the executive and the administrative exemptions. Plaintiffs argue this
    was clear error.2 For the reasons set forth below, the district court did not clearly err in finding
    Plaintiffs exempt from the FLSA’s overtime pay requirements.
    The executive exemption of the FLSA has four elements. 29 C.F.R. § 541.100. Only the
    second and fourth elements are at issue in this case. The second element states that an executive
    employee is one “[w]hose primary duty is management of the enterprise in which the employee
    is employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof.” 29 C.F.R.
    § 541.100(a)(2). The fourth element states that an executive employee is one “[w]ho has the
    authority to hire or fire other employees or whose suggestions and recommendations as to the
    hiring, firing, advancement, promotion or any other change of status of other employees are
    given particular weight.” 29 C.F.R. § 541.100(a)(4).
    2Plaintiffs  also argue that the district court erred by not “methodically dissecting and analyzing each
    separate workweek” to determine whether the exemptions applied at any given time. (Plaintiffs’ Br. at 34.)
    However, the section of the FLSA regulations that Plaintiffs cite in support of that proposition is not applicable to
    this case, because it only relates to the exemptions applicable to agricultural workers. 29 C.F.R. § 780.11. The
    regulations applicable to the executive and administrative exemptions, in contrast, state that an employee may be
    subject to the exemptions even if part of that employee’s time is spent performing nonexempt work. 29 C.F.R.
    § 541.700.
    No. 18-1981                      Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                      Page 8
    A. Primary Duty
    The district court found that Plaintiffs’ primary duty was managerial in nature, satisfying
    the second element of the executive exemption. The district court focused on the fact that
    Plaintiffs “were required to directly supervise lower-ranking officers and personnel, evaluate
    personnel, administer and enforce department policy, and coordinate the day-to-day operations
    of the department.” (R. 129, Transcript, PageID # 1321.) The district court pointed to several
    pieces of evidence and testimony that supported this finding. It noted that testimony established
    that the battalion chiefs were expected to “take charge and operate as the incident commanders at
    the scene of a fire.” (Id. at PageID # 1322 (internal quotations omitted).) Additionally, the
    district court stated:
    Chief Schmaltz and Chief [Hausman] both testified that plaintiff Holt was “in
    charge” of all suppression personnel and plaintiff Erskine was “in charge” or
    “oversaw” the training division. Approximately 27 lieutenants and captains
    directly reported to plaintiff Holt[,] who monitored their adherence to standards.
    Moreover, Chief [Hausman] testified that if any fire fighter “had a problem[,]” he
    or she would take it to plaintiff Holt.
    (Id. at PageID # 1322–23.) Finally, the district court recognized that even Plaintiffs had referred
    to themselves as “management” in a June 4, 2014 letter to Chief Schmaltz.
    This evidence supports the district court’s conclusion that Plaintiffs’ primary duty was
    management of the City of Battle Creek fire department. Plaintiffs argue that the district court’s
    conclusion was clear error because Plaintiffs’ “actual[] job duties, not the ones described in their
    [Standard Operating Procedures], were that of a regular rank and file firefighter, with [a] few
    added responsibilities for the sake of preserving order in chaos in a fire fight.” (Plaintiffs’ Reply
    Br. at 7.) In essence, Plaintiffs argue that the district court should have weighed the evidence
    differently to conclude that Plaintiffs’ primary duties were not managerial. This argument is
    unpersuasive. Ample evidence supports the district court’s conclusion, so this Court cannot
    second-guess the district court’s factual findings. See Anderson, 
    470 U.S. 573
    –74. The district
    court did not commit clear error in concluding that Plaintiffs’ duties were primarily managerial.
    No. 18-1981                      Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                      Page 9
    B. Recommendations Given Particular Weight
    The district court found that the fourth element of the executive exemption was also
    satisfied. While the district court recognized that Plaintiffs did not have independent authority to
    hire, fire, or suspend fire fighters, it credited certain testimony as showing that Plaintiffs’
    “suggestions and recommendations as to hiring, firing, advancement, promotion or any other
    change of status of other employees were given ‘particular weight.’”           (R. 129, Transcript,
    PageID # 1324–25.) The district court stated:
    Chief [Hausman] testified that plaintiff Holt was the person who was responsible
    for oral and written disciplinary proceedings of the fire fighters, and that Holt
    issued the “majority” of the discipline in the department. Chief [Hausman]
    testified that he gave “a lot of weight” to plaintiff Holt’s recommendation, that he
    did “not operate in a vacuum.” Chief [Hausman] also specifically testified that
    plaintiff Erskine, the administrative battalion chief, was responsible for managing
    vacation and “Kelly days” in the department.
    (Id.) The district court also pointed to Chief Schmaltz’s testimony that he “specifically requested
    [P]laintiffs’ input concerning personnel decisions” and the testimony of the former employee
    relations director for the City of Battle Creek that Plaintiffs played a “significant role” in hiring
    decisions. (Id. at PageID # 1325.)
    Plaintiffs again argue that the district court’s conclusion was erroneous. Plaintiffs point
    to specific pieces of evidence purportedly showing that they did not have the requisite authority
    regarding personnel decisions under 29 C.F.R. § 541.100(a)(4). Specifically, Plaintiffs highlight
    parts of their testimony in which they described times the fire chiefs overruled Plaintiffs’
    disciplinary recommendations. However, this element of the executive exemption does not
    require courts to ask whether an employee’s recommendations as to personnel decisions were
    accepted every single time—instead, it presents the question of whether those recommendations
    were given “particular weight,” which is precisely what the district court found. This argument
    presents yet another example of the district court making a reasonable choice between two
    permissible views of the evidence. See Anderson, 
    470 U.S. 573
    –74. The district court cited
    sufficient evidence to support its finding that Plaintiffs’ recommendations were given particular
    weight. The district court did not commit clear error in reaching that conclusion.
    No. 18-1981                      Holt, et al. v. City of Battle Creek                     Page 10
    Our determination that the district court did not commit clear error in finding Plaintiffs
    subject to the executive exemption is sufficient to uphold the district court’s denial of Plaintiffs’
    claim for overtime compensation under the FLSA. Therefore, we need not address the district
    court’s additional conclusions that Plaintiffs were also subject to the FLSA’s administrative
    exemption and that, even if the exemptions did not apply, standby time was not so onerous as to
    be compensable under the FLSA.
    The district court did not commit clear error in holding that Plaintiffs were subject to the
    executive exemption under the FLSA. We therefore AFFIRM the decision of the district court.