In re People v. DeGreat , 2020 CO 25 ( 2020 )

  •           Opinions of the Colorado Supreme Court are available to the
    public and can be accessed through the Judicial Branch’s
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    April 13, 2020
    2020 CO 25
    No. 19SA252, In re People v. DeGreat—Criminal Trials—Speedy Trial—When
    Delay Is Attributable to Defendant.
    In a previous case, the supreme court affirmed the court of appeals’ reversal
    of a criminal defendant’s convictions and remanded the case for a new trial. See
    People v. DeGreat, 
    2018 CO 83
    428 P.3d 541
    Here, in this original proceeding, defendant now contends that respondents
    failed to pursue retrial within the statutory speedy trial deadline set forth in
    section 18-1-405(2), C.R.S. (2019). The remedy for this speedy trial violation,
    argues defendant, is dismissal of his charges with prejudice. Respondents counter
    that because all parties failed to comply with a court-issued scheduling order, the
    delay in this case is at least partially attributable to the defendant such that,
    pursuant to section 18-4-405(6)(f), the speedy trial period was tolled.
    The supreme court now reaffirms the well-established principle that a
    defendant has no duty to bring himself to trial. Rather, the duty to pursue trial
    within the speedy trial deadline rests with the People and the district court.
    Because this duty went unmet here, the supreme court makes the rule absolute.
    Defendant’s charges must be dismissed with prejudice.
    The Supreme Court of the State of Colorado
    2 East 14th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80203
    2020 CO 25
    Supreme Court Case No. 19SA252
    Original Proceeding Pursuant to C.A.R. 21
    Arapahoe County District Court Case No. 08CR1289
    Honorable Andrew Baum, Judge
    In Re
    The People of the State of Colorado,
    Edward Kevin DeGreat.
    Rule Made Absolute
    en banc
    April 13, 2020
    Attorneys for Plaintiff:
    George H. Brauchler, District Attorney, Eighteenth Judicial District
    Erika K. Reuer, Deputy District Attorney
    Centennial, Colorado
    Attorneys for Defendant:
    Megan A. Ring, Public Defender
    Jason C. Middleton, Chief Appellate Deputy
    Alaina Almond, Deputy Public Defender
    Sean Irwin, Deputy Public Defender
    Denver, Colorado
    Attorneys for the Honorable Andrew Baum:
    Philip J. Weiser, Attorney General
    Grant T. Sullivan, Assistant Solicitor General
    Denver, Colorado
    JUSTICE HART delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1    For nearly a year and a half, Edward Kevin DeGreat has been in prison
    awaiting a new trial after his earlier convictions were reversed. Colorado’s speedy
    trial statute, however, requires that a retrial after reversal take place within six
    months of the trial court’s receipt of the mandate after appeal. This six-month
    period can be tolled when the delay is attributable to the defendant; here,
    respondents argue that the delay is properly attributable to DeGreat because
    defense counsel did not reach out to schedule a status conference. But our law
    reflects the long-standing principle that a defendant has no duty to bring himself
    to trial. That responsibility, rather, rests with the prosecution and the trial court.
    And in the instant case, that responsibility was unmet. Accordingly, we granted
    DeGreat’s petition to show cause under C.A.R. 21, and we now make the rule
    absolute. The charges against DeGreat must be dismissed with prejudice.
    I. Facts and Procedural History
    ¶2    In October 2018, we affirmed the court of appeals’ decision reversing
    DeGreat’s conviction for aggravated robbery and the attendant crime-of-violence
    sentence enhancer, concluding that DeGreat was entitled to a new trial in which
    he could introduce evidence that he had acted in self-defense. See People v. DeGreat,
    2018 CO 83
    428 P.3d 541
    . On November 6, 2018, the court of appeals issued its
    mandate returning jurisdiction over the case to the Arapahoe County District
    Court so that DeGreat could be retried.
    ¶3    On December 3, 2018, the district court issued a written scheduling order
    directing counsel for both DeGreat and the People to contact chambers to set the
    case for a status conference at “the soonest available date.” The public defender’s
    office filed an entry of appearance on DeGreat’s behalf three days later. After this
    filing, however, progress on the case ground to a halt. Neither defense counsel
    nor the People sought to schedule the status conference as ordered, and the district
    court made no further effort to obtain compliance from the parties.
    ¶4    On June 4, 2019—six months and twenty-nine days after the court of
    appeals’ mandate issued—DeGreat filed a motion to dismiss, asserting that the
    failure to commence trial within six months of the issuance of the mandate violated
    his statutory right to a speedy trial. For another four months, however, neither the
    district court nor the People responded in any way to the motion to dismiss.
    Indeed, DeGreat filed two separate requests for a ruling on his motion—first on
    July 19, 2019, and again on August 30, 2019—and still received no response.
    ¶5    On October 16, 2019—a full eleven months and ten days after the court of
    appeals’ mandate issued—the district court denied DeGreat’s motion to dismiss.
    The court found that dismissal was unwarranted “[g]iven the failure of all counsel
    to comply” with the court’s scheduling order of December 3, 2018. The district
    court reasoned further that “[a]ny delay in the instant case is attributable to both
    the People and Defendant and thus tolls speedy trial.” The court set a status
    conference for November 25, 2019, to discuss how DeGreat’s retrial would
    ¶6    DeGreat then initiated this original proceeding, arguing that the district
    court’s failure to abide by the statutory six-month deadline for the retrial stripped
    that court of jurisdiction to proceed with DeGreat’s pending charges. We issued a
    rule to show cause and, for the reasons set forth below, we now make the rule
    II. Jurisdiction
    ¶7    The exercise of this court’s original jurisdiction under C.A.R. 21 is entirely
    discretionary, and any relief pursuant thereto is “an extraordinary remedy that is
    limited in both purpose and availability.” People in Interest of T.T., 
    2019 CO 54
    ¶ 16, 
    442 P.3d 851
    , 855–56 (quotation omitted). In the past, we have seen fit to
    exercise jurisdiction “when an appellate remedy would be inadequate, when a
    party may otherwise suffer irreparable harm, [or] when a petition raises issues of
    significant public importance that we have not yet considered.” People v. Kilgore,
    2020 CO 6
    , ¶ 8, 
    455 P.3d 746
    , 748 (internal citations and quotations omitted).
    Further, we have opted to grant relief when “a trial court acts in excess of its
    jurisdiction or without jurisdiction.” Chessin v. Office of Att’y Reg. Counsel, 
    2020 CO 9
    , ¶ 8, 
    458 P.3d 888
    , 890 (quotation omitted).
    ¶8    In view of these principles, relief under C.A.R. 21 is appropriate for at least
    two reasons. First, as we have previously recognized, “[r]elief in the nature of
    prohibition under C.A.R. 21 is an appropriate remedy when a district court is
    proceeding without jurisdiction to try a defendant in violation of his right to a
    speedy trial.” Marquez v. Dist. Court, 
    613 P.2d 1302
    , 1304 (Colo. 1980). In this case,
    the district court would be proceeding without jurisdiction if it were to try DeGreat
    in violation of his rights under Colorado’s speedy trial statute, § 18-1-405, C.R.S.
    (2019), and the rules of this court, Crim. P. 48. See Hampton v. Dist. Court, 
    605 P.2d 54
    , 56 (Colo. 1980).
    ¶9    And second, in the absence of our exercise of original jurisdiction, DeGreat
    would be entirely without an adequate appellate remedy.             Section 18-1-405
    requires dismissal with prejudice if a defendant’s statutory speedy trial right is
    violated. Thus, even a successful appeal in DeGreat’s case would be a pyrrhic
    victory because DeGreat would first be subjected to the very trial he is entitled by
    statute to avoid. This statutory right not to be tried all but requires DeGreat to
    avail himself of an “extraordinary remedy” outside of the normal appellate
    ¶10   Based on the foregoing, we conclude that our exercise of jurisdiction over
    this case pursuant to C.A.R. 21 is warranted.
    III. Analysis
    ¶11   We begin by setting forth the speedy trial law applicable to this dispute.
    Next, we turn to the question of whether delay in this case was caused by or
    attributable to DeGreat. Ultimately, we answer this question in the negative. Even
    granting that DeGreat did not comply with the district court’s scheduling order,
    his inaction was not consent to a delay in the retrial. A defendant has no duty to
    bring himself to trial. Rather, that responsibility rests with the prosecution and
    the trial court. Because respondents in this case failed to pursue retrial within the
    statutory speedy trial period, the remedy is dismissal with prejudice.
    A. Applicable Law
    ¶12   Colorado’s speedy trial statute is intended to safeguard a defendant’s
    constitutional right to a speedy trial and to prevent unnecessary prosecutorial and
    judicial delays in the prosecution of a criminal case. Mosley v. People, 
    2017 CO 20
    ¶ 17, 
    392 P.3d 1198
    , 1202; People v. Runningbear, 
    753 P.2d 764
    , 767 (Colo. 1988).
    Whether a defendant’s statutory speedy trial right has been violated is a matter of
    statutory interpretation and is therefore reviewed de novo. Mosley, ¶ 
    15, 392 P.3d at 1202
    ¶13   Relevant here, our speedy trial statute provides that “[i]f trial results in
    conviction which is reversed on appeal, any new trial must be commenced within
    six months after the date of the receipt by the trial court of the mandate from the
    appellate court.” § 18-1-405(2); see also Crim. P. 48(b)(2) (containing identical
    language). As we have explained previously, this statutory language “requir[es]
    dismissal of the case whenever the defendant is not tried within the six month
    period and the delay does not qualify for one of the express exclusionary
    categories set out in the statute.” People v. Deason, 
    670 P.2d 792
    , 796 (Colo. 1983).
    Further, we have clarified that the language of the speedy trial statute is
    mandatory—it leaves no discretion for the trial court to make exceptions to the six-
    month rule beyond those specifically enumerated in section 18-1-405(6). People v.
    946 P.2d 946
    , 949 (Colo. 1997); People v. Byrne, 
    762 P.2d 674
    , 676 (Colo.
    ¶14      One exception to the six-month rule, contained in section 18-1-405(6)(f),
    provides that “[i]n computing the time within which a defendant shall be brought
    to trial,” the court must exclude “[t]he period of any delay caused at the instance
    of the defendant.”       In other cases in which the interpretation of section
    18-1-405(6)(f) was at issue, we have emphasized that “[t]he key . . . is to determine
    whether the defendant caused the delay. If the delay is caused by, agreed to, or
    created at the instance of the defendant, it will be excluded from the speedy-trial
    calculation made by the court.” People v. Bell, 
    669 P.2d 1381
    , 1384 (Colo. 1983). A
    defendant causes the delay whenever he demonstrates “express consent to the
    delay or other affirmative conduct” evincing a clear intent to waive the right to
    speedy trial.
    Id. at 1385
    (quoting Harrington v. Dist. Court, 
    559 P.2d 225
    , 228 (Colo.
    1977)). In assessing whether a delay is chargeable to the defendant under section
    18-1-405(6)(f), we look to see whether the defendant was the “moving force”
    behind the delay,
    id. at 1386,
    and whether his actions “could be construed as
    ‘tantamount to a request for a continuance,’”
    id. at 1384
    (quoting People v. Chavez,
    650 P.2d 1310
    , 1311 (Colo. App. 1982)).
    B. The Delay in This Case Was Not Attributable to
    ¶15   Respondents argue that because both the People and DeGreat failed to
    comply with the district court’s scheduling order, the resultant trial delay was at
    least in part attributable to DeGreat. For two reasons, we cannot agree.
    ¶16   First, nothing in DeGreat’s inaction was the kind of affirmative conduct or
    express consent to delay that section 18-1-405(6)(f) requires in order to toll the
    speedy trial period. True, DeGreat’s counsel failed to respond to the district
    court’s scheduling order by arranging for a status conference. But this simple
    inaction did not make DeGreat the “moving force” behind the delay, nor could it
    reasonably be construed as “tantamount to a request for a continuance.” See 
    Bell, 669 P.2d at 1384
    , 1386. Indeed, in the speedy trial context, “the only affirmative
    action required on the part of the defendant [is] that he move for a dismissal prior
    to trial.” 
    Harrington, 559 P.2d at 228
    . DeGreat did take that step, and the district
    court should have granted his motion. To suggest that it was incumbent upon
    DeGreat to do more to safeguard his rights under the statute flies in the face of our
    speedy trial jurisprudence.
    ¶17   That brings us to our second point. It is well-settled law that the burden of
    compliance with the speedy trial requirement rests with the prosecution and the
    trial court.   As the United States Supreme Court has said in discussing the
    constitutional right to a speedy trial:
    [a] defendant has no duty to bring himself to trial; the State has that
    duty as well as the duty of insuring that the trial is consistent with
    due process. Moreover, . . . society has a particular interest in bringing
    swift prosecutions, and society’s representatives are the ones who
    should protect that interest.
    Barker v. Wingo, 
    407 U.S. 514
    , 527 (1972). For that reason, this court has repeatedly
    explained that “[t]he trial court and prosecuting attorney are responsible for
    ensuring that a case is brought within statutory speedy trial time limits.” Hills v.
    Westminster Mun. Court, 
    245 P.3d 947
    , 950 (Colo. 2011); see also People v. Roberts,
    146 P.3d 589
    , 593 (Colo. 2006) (“The burden of compliance with the speedy trial
    statute is on the district attorney and the trial court.”); People v. Colantonio, 
    583 P.2d 919
    , 921 (Colo. 1978) (“It was the responsibility of the district attorney and the trial
    court to cause the case to be brought to trial within the time limits set out in Crim.
    P. 48(b) and section 18-1-405.”). In view of this well-established principle that the
    obligation to pursue trial in a timely fashion falls on the prosecution and the trial
    court, respondents’ suggestion that DeGreat was responsible for the delay in this
    case falls flat. It was not DeGreat’s responsibility to pursue his own trial.
    ¶18   Moreover, even if we were to accept respondents’ argument that DeGreat’s
    failure to comply with the December 3, 2018, order to schedule a status conference
    made any delay attributable to him, his statutory rights would still have been
    violated. The court of appeals issued its mandate in this case on November 6, 2018.
    The district court issued its scheduling conference order twenty-seven days later.
    After hearing nothing more from either the People or the district court for well
    over six months, DeGreat filed his motion to dismiss for a violation of speedy trial
    on June 4, 2019. The district court waited more than four months to rule on
    DeGreat’s motion to dismiss, and it set the first status conference in the case for
    November 25, 2019—174 days after DeGreat filed the motion to dismiss. Thus,
    even excluding the time from the court’s scheduling order of December 3, 2018, to
    the filing of DeGreat’s motion to dismiss on June 4, 2019, the first scheduled hearing
    in this case would have been set for 201 days after the mandate issued—well
    outside of the statutory six-month speedy trial period.
    IV. Conclusion
    ¶19   Because DeGreat was not brought to trial within the six-month period set
    forth in section 18-1-405 and the delay was not properly attributable to DeGreat,
    the charges against him must be dismissed with prejudice. Accordingly, we now
    make the rule absolute.