United States v. Rajwani , 479 F.3d 904 ( 2007 )

  •                                                            United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    F I L E D
    REVISED, February 9, 2007
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                January 16, 2007
    For the Fifth Circuit
    Charles R. Fulbruge III
    No. 05-10648
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division
    Before JONES, Chief Judge, and DAVIS and GARZA, Circuit Judges.
    W. EUGENE DAVIS, Circuit Judge:
    In this direct criminal appeal, the defendant challenges her
    conviction   and   sentence    on   multiple   grounds.   We   AFFIRM     the
    conviction but conclude that the extent of the district court’s
    upward departure on the defendant’s sentence was excessive.               For
    the following reasons, we VACATE the defendant’s sentence and
    REMAND to the district court for resentencing.
    The Defendant-Appellant, Nina Rajwani (“Rajwani”), a citizen
    of Canada, was convicted on three counts of aiding and abetting
    wire fraud in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1343
     and 1342.          The
    government produced proof that the defendant participated in a
    scheme beginning in June 2004 and continuing until September 2004,
    to persuade Ruth Scott (“Scott”), an elderly United States citizen
    residing in Fort Worth, Texas, to wire money in excess of $60,000
    from her Washington Mutual bank account in Texas to Rajwani’s Bank
    of America account in Washington on at least 9 separate occasions.
    Scott transferred money following telephone calls from a man
    identifying himself as “Joe Calender” informing her that she had
    won a fictitious “Spanish Lottery.”    She agreed to send the money
    to Calender in exchange for his assistance in helping her collect
    her winnings.
    After Scott’s family became suspicious, the FBI was notified
    and agents arranged for a transfer of “bait” money to Rajwani’s
    bank account.    Rajwani went to a Bank of America branch in Liden,
    Washington and attempted to withdraw this bait money from the
    account.    The bank’s assistant manager, who had been alerted to
    contact authorities if Rajwani came into the branch, attempted to
    stall Rajwani until the police arrived.       After waiting a few
    minutes, Rajwani excused herself from the bank building claiming
    that she would return to the bank after retrieving an item from her
    car.    Instead she drove away immediately.
    Several days later, Calender contacted Scott again and asked
    her to send another $1,000 to Rajwani.     Despite admonitions from
    the FBI, Scott complied and wired the money into a separate
    Washington Mutual Bank account opened by Rajwani earlier in the
    month.    As Rajwani was attempting to enter the country from Canada
    on the day after Scott’s transfer, she was detained by customs
    officials.   At the time of her arrest, customs agents found a piece
    of notepaper in Rajwani’s purse with Scott’s name, address, and
    phone number written on it.   She also had a handwritten note in her
    purse with the name and address of Mary Orofino.    Orofino, an 85-
    year-old woman from Oceanside, California, testified at Rajwani’s
    trial that she had also been the target of a similar fraudulent
    lottery scheme.
    In addition to Orofino, one other victim of the transfer
    scheme testified at Rajwani’s trial. Florence Jackson, an 82-year-
    old retiree, testified that, like Scott, she was contacted by Joe
    Calendar and told to send money to cover lottery taxes.          At
    Calendar’s direction, Jackson twice wired money via Western Union
    to Nina Rajwani and ultimately lost $66,027.23 as a result of the
    Rajwani’s defense was that she believed her banking activities
    were in support of a friend’s legitimate travel business.        In
    support, she offered the testimony of Farida Bhimji.      Bhimji, a
    friend of Rajwani’s, testified about a conversation that she
    overheard at Rajwani’s house in 2003 between Rajwani and a man
    named Nizu Remtullah. According to Bhimji, Rajwani asked Remtullah
    when he would repay $6,000 she had loaned him.        Remtullah told
    Rajwani of his new business venture selling travel packages and
    asked Rajwani to help him by opening a bank account in the United
    States. Remtullah explained that because he had a criminal record,
    he could not cross the border to do it himself.    Rajwani agreed to
    open the bank account to help Remtullah get the money to pay back
    the $6,000.   Another defense witness, Shiraz Kaba, would have
    testified to overhearing this same conversation but the judge
    excluded the testimony on the basis of a hearsay objection by the
    At the close of the case, the jury convicted the defendant on
    all three counts.
    Before sentencing Rajwani, the Presentence Report (“PSR”)
    calculated Rajwani’s base offense level at 7 and applied a number
    of enhancements.    The PSR applied a 2 level enhancement pursuant to
    United States Sentencing Guidelines (“U.S.S.G.”) § 3A1.1(b)(1)
    because the defendant knew or should have known that the victims
    were unusually vulnerable because of their age as well as a 10
    level increase under U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(1)(F) because the total
    loss amount was $137,077.23.     The PSR also found that after the
    defendant’s arrest, money was withdrawn from the defendant’s bank
    account and deposited into a bank account belonging to her sister.
    This attempt to hide illegal proceeds triggered a recommended 2
    level enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 3C1.1.    The total offense level
    of 21, with a criminal history category of I, produced a Guidelines
    sentencing range of 37-46 months.          The PSR also recommended an
    upward departure.
    The district court adopted the findings and conclusions of the
    PSR.     Further, the court found that an upward departure was
    warranted because the Guidelines range did not adequately address
    the seriousness of the offense (U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1, Comment 19) and
    because the circumstances in the case were present to a degree
    substantially in excess of that which ordinarily would be involved
    in a typical offense of this kind (U.S.S.G. § 5K2.0(a)(3)).               The
    judge sentenced the defendant to a term of 120 months on each
    count, to be served concurrently.
    The   court   acknowledged   that   the   sentence   was   above   the
    applicable advisory Guidelines range but identified the effect of
    the financial loss on the elderly victims and the emotional impact
    on the victims as justification for the upward departure.                 The
    judge found that the fraudulent scheme caused at least some of the
    women to lose their life savings and that many of the women who
    were victimized would never be able to recover financially because
    of their advanced age.       As a result of these circumstances, the
    judge continued, the women would inevitably be affected in their
    emotional well-being.      In particular, the court observed that Ms.
    Scott had suffered from depression since the fraudulent scheme and
    had been unable to sleep through the night as a result of her
    anxiety about the incident.
    Rajwani raises four issues on appeal: (1) that the evidence
    was insufficient to establish that she knowingly aided and abetted
    the wire fraud scheme perpetrated by the man calling himself Joe
    Calender; (2) that the district court abused its discretion in
    excluding   testimony   from   defense   witness   Kaba   concerning   the
    conversation the witness overheard; (3) that the district court
    clearly erred in applying the vulnerable victim enhancement because
    the record did not show that Rajwani could have known of the
    elderly status of the victims; and (4) that the district court
    abused its discretion by imposing a 120 month sentence-nearly
    triple her calculated Guidelines range.        We consider each issue
    Rajwani first argues that the district court erred in failing
    to grant her motion for judgment of acquittal on all charges based
    on her argument that the evidence was insufficient to establish her
    knowledge of the illegal scheme.
    Rajwani’s sufficiency of the evidence claim is reviewed de
    novo and this court considers the entire record in its review of
    sufficiency challenges.1       When reviewing the sufficiency of the
    evidence, this court views all evidence, whether circumstantial or
    direct, in the light most favorable to the verdict, including all
    United States v. Alarcon, 
    261 F.3d 416
    , 421 (5th Cir.
    reasonable inferences.2
    To establish a violation of the wire fraud statute, 
    18 U.S.C. § 1343
    , the government must prove: (1) a scheme or artifice to
    defraud and (2) the use of wire communications in furtherance of
    the fraudulent scheme.3     Proof of a scheme to defraud requires that
    the government show fraudulent activity and that the defendant had
    a conscious knowing intent to defraud.4               As Rajwani correctly
    points out, the propriety of her conviction turns on whether the
    evidence permitted the jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt that
    she knew of the fraudulent misrepresentations being made by Joe
    Calendar and that she intended to be part of a scheme to defraud
    Ruth Scott.
    The    most   direct   evidence    of    Rajwani’s     knowledge    of   and
    participation in the scheme were the handwritten notes the customs
    agents found in her purse recording the names and addresses of two
    victims. In addition, the irregular nature of the transactions and
    the machinations the defendant followed to recover funds in the
    United   States    are   probative     of    her   guilty   knowledge.        The
    unorthodox procedures included:
    •    The practice of personally crossing the border and withdrawing
    the funds rather than having the U.S. bank simply wire the
    funds to the defendant’s friend or to the defendant herself in
    United States v. Ingles, 
    445 F.3d 830
    , 838 (5th Cir. 2006).
    United States v. Reyes, 
    239 F.3d 722
    , 736 (5th Cir. 2001).
    •    Opening multiple bank accounts for the different victims’
    deposits rather than having a single account;
    •    Making trips to various banks on nine different days, each
    within one or two days of the victim’s deposits to empty the
    account and recover the funds;
    •    Fleeing from the bank on September 22, 2005 after the bank
    manager attempted to stall the defendant.
    Rajwani was not inexperienced in business affairs.   She served as
    an independent contractor for a financial services company in
    Canada and as a clerical worker for an importing company.   The jury
    was entitled to conclude that the totality of these circumstances
    belied the defense theory that the defendant sincerely believed she
    was simply helping her friend collect funds legitimately owed to
    him in his travel agency.
    We are satisfied that the circumstantial evidence produced at
    trial was sufficient to establish Rajwani’s guilty knowledge of the
    scheme to defraud.
    Rajwani next argues that the district court erred when it
    refused to admit the testimony of defense witness Shiraz Kaba that
    she overheard the conversation between Rajwani and Remtullah, where
    Remtullah requested that Rajwani assist him in his travel agency
    business by opening a bank account in the United States for the
    receipt of funds from customers.      Kaba’s testimony tracked the
    testimony of another witness, Bhimji, who was allowed to testify
    regarding the contents of this conversation.
    Even if the district court erred in excluding this testimony
    as hearsay, the testimony was cumulative of the testimony the jury
    heard from Bhimji.     Given the extensive evidence of Rajwani’s
    guilty knowledge and the cumulative nature of the testimony, we are
    satisfied that the district court’s error was at most harmless
    The defendant next argues that the district court erred in
    applying the vulnerable victim enhancement under § 3A1.1(b)(1) of
    the Guidelines.   This enhancement applies if the defendant knew or
    should have known that a victim of the offense was a vulnerable
    victim.   Rajwani argues that even if the evidence establishes that
    she knew about the scheme to defraud, there is no evidence that she
    knew of the victim’s age and vulnerability.   The district court’s
    interpretation of the Guidelines is reviewed de novo, while the
    underlying factual findings are reviewed for clear error.6
    Our review of the record persuades us that the district court
    was entitled to find by a preponderance of the evidence that
    Rajwani was aware of the age and vulnerability of the victim.   The
    handwritten notes found in Rajwani’s purse when she was arrested
    recording the names and addresses of two victims of the scheme
    support the district court’s view that she had knowledge about the
    See United States v. Mejia, 
    844 F.2d 209
    , 215 (5th Cir.
    United States v. Cabrera, 
    288 F.3d 163
    , 168 (5th Cir.
    specific    victims     Calender         had    targeted.       Further,     the
    circumstantial evidence discussed above which tends to refute the
    defendant’s claim that she was duped by her friend into collecting
    what she thought were legitimate funds supports the district
    court’s finding.        The district court did not clearly err in
    assessing this enhancement.
    Finally, Rajwani argues that the upward departure from the
    calculated Guidelines range was unwarranted; and even if some
    departure     was   appropriate,          the    sentence     was    ultimately
    As    explained    above,     the    district    court   calculated     the
    defendant’s     total    offense     level       (including    3    incremental
    adjustments) to be 21, which along with a criminal history category
    of I, resulted in a Guidelines range of 37 to 46 months.                   After
    calculating the sentencing range, the district court invoked the
    authority of two additional provisions, § 5K2.0(a)(3) and § 2B1.1,
    Comment 19, to sentence the defendant to 120 months.                The ultimate
    sentence that the district court imposed under the authority of
    these departure provisions corresponded with a 9 to 10 point
    offense level increase.7
    First, we observe that the sentence the court imposed in this
    An offense level increase of 9 would result in an offense
    level of 30 and a sentencing range of 97 to 121 months. An
    offense level increase of 10 would have resulted in an offense
    level of 31 with a sentencing range of 108-135.
    case was a Guidelines sentence.   Because the court’s authority to
    depart derives from the Guidelines themselves, a sentence supported
    by a departure is also a Guidelines sentence.8   In evaluating both
    a decision to depart and the extent of the departure, we review for
    abuse of discretion.9   As we explained in United States v. Smith:
    [W]here the sentencing judge, in the exercise of
    discretion, imposes a sentence within a properly
    calculated Guideline range, in our reasonableness review
    we will infer that the judge has considered all of the
    factors for a fair sentence set forth in the Guidelines
    and that it will be rare for a reviewing court to say
    such a sentence is unreasonable. In Mares, we included
    in such Guidelines sentences a sentence that has been
    adjusted by applying a departure as allowed by the
    Guidelines. If the district court decides to impose a
    non-Guideline sentence, a more thorough explanation is
    At the sentencing hearing, the court explained in detail its
    reasons for departing from the calculated Guidelines range.11      A
    United States v. Smith, 
    440 F.3d 704
    , 707 (5th Cir. 2006).
    United States v. Smith, 
    417 F.3d 483
    , 490 (5th Cir. 2005)
    (internal quotation marks omitted) (citing United States v.
    402 F.3d 511
    , 519 (5th Cir.2005)).
    I continue to believe that an upward departure is
    necessary in this case to adequately address the factors that
    should be taken into account in sentencing as contemplated by, I
    believe it's 3553(a), 18 United States Code, 3553(a). So I'm
    ordering and adjudging that the defendant be committed to the
    custody of the Bureau of Prisons to serve a term of imprisonment
    of 10 years, or 120 months . . . .
    Pursuant to U.S.S.G. 5K2 .0(a)(3), an upward departure may be
    warranted in an exceptional case above the guideline range. Of
    course, the range itself is only advisory at this point in time.
    And that departure is warranted even though the circumstances
    that form the basis for the departure are taken into
    consideration to some degree in determining the guideline range.
    The departure is warranted if the Court determines that the
    circumstances in this particular case are present to a degree
    substantially in excess of that which ordinarily would be
    involved in the offense of the kind confronting the Court in a
    particular case, and I find that in this case the
    circumstance-the vulnerability of the victims and the seriousness
    of the imposition on those victims was not taken into account to
    the extent those factors exist in this case.
    And I might add that pursuant to U.S.S.G. 2B1.1, Comment Note
    19(a), an upward departure may be warranted in cases in which the
    offense level determined under the fraud guideline substantially
    understates the seriousness of the offense. And I find that that
    is true in this case: In this case the financial loss as
    determined by the guidelines under-represents the seriousness of
    the offense because the defendant, along with others, preyed upon
    elderly women between 82 and 90 years of age.
    The fraudulent scheme caused the women to lose-or at least some
    of the women to lose their life savings. When their life savings
    were depleted some of the women obtained money to pay the
    fraudulent fees through selling their stock, taking out a loan,
    or obtaining cash back from their credit card accounts. Those
    women not only lost their life savings but are now required to
    repay the loans they took out which have caused further financial
    hardships. These women who were victimized will never be able to
    recover financially and overcome their monetary losses as they
    have been out of the work force and have no means to regain the
    money they lost. These women are on fixed incomes and as a
    direct result of being victimized by the defendant and others
    they have no savings to fall back on in the case of a financial
    emergency, which due to their age may quite well include such
    things as extended medical care.
    In addition, the financial loss they suffered undoubtedly caused
    emotional concern as to these women. In other words, it's
    affected their-inevitably would affect their emotional
    well-being. One of the victims, Ms. Scott, has suffered from
    depression since the fraudulent scheme. She has feelings of
    shame and embarrassment and no longer has the positive outlook on
    life she once had. She is deeply troubled by the fact that she
    will have nothing left for her children after her death. Since
    being victimized, Ms. Scott has had trouble sleeping through the
    night and has had to rely on a prescription sleep aid. For all
    of these reasons the Court finds that a sentence at the top of
    the advisory guideline range would not adequately consider or
    take into account the seriousness of the offense conduct and its
    impact on the victims. As I've indicated, I believe the sentence
    district court does not abuse its discretion in upwardly departing
    if its reasons "(1) advance the objectives set forth in 18 U.S.C §
    3553(a)(2); (2) are authorized by 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (b); and (3) are
    justified by the facts of the case."12
    We conclude the district court adequately addressed these so-
    called Saldana factors.      The district court’s reasons take into
    account the factors identified in § 3553(a)(2), including the need
    for the sentence to reflect the seriousness of the offense and
    provide just punishment.      The district court also identified the
    aggravating circumstances that take Rajwani’s conviction “outside
    the heartland of cases in the Guideline” as required by 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (b).13    While the departures for exploitation of a vulnerable
    victim and amount of loss account for Rajwani’s conduct to some
    degree, the district court found that the women targeted were
    vulnerable in ways independent of their advanced age.      The court
    found that the women had limited financial means and that the
    amount of loss represented much of the victims’ life savings.     In
    addition, the court found that, because of the resulting financial
    difficulties, the women would suffer emotionally and that Ms. Scott
    I have actually imposed is-it would require at least that
    sentence to adequately address the objectives of sentencing in
    this case.
    United States v. Saldana, 
    427 F.3d 298
    , 310 (5th Cir.
    See Saldana, 
    427 F.3d at 312
    ; see also Koon v. United
    518 U.S. 81
    , 98 (1996).
    had   already      experienced   emotional      hardships       as    well    as     some
    physical manifestation of that hardship in the form of difficulty
    sleeping.         Ultimately, we cannot say that the court abused its
    discretion in determining that these facts justified an upward
    Although we have determined that the district court did not
    abuse its discretion in deciding to depart, we must now resolve
    whether the district court abused its discretion in the extent of
    the departure.14        A district court abuses its discretion where the
    degree       of   the   departure   or    the    sentence       as     a     whole     is
    unreasonable.15 For the reasons stated below, we conclude that both
    the degree of the departure and the sentence as a whole are
    unreasonable        and,   therefore,    the    district    court          abused     its
    discretion in the extent of the departure.
    The reasonableness inquiry on appeal for both Guideline and
    non-Guideline        sentences   must     be    guided     by    the       sentencing
    considerations set forth in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a).16                   The analysis on
    See Saldana, 
    427 F.3d at 312-13
     (in assessing an upward departure an appellate
    court must determine whether the degree of a departure or the
    sentence as a whole is unreasonable; ultimately concluding that
    where the degree of the departure was not unreasonable, the
    district court did not abuse its discretion); see also United
    States v. Desselle, 
    450 F.3d 179
    , 182 (5th Cir. 2006) ("A
    district court abuses its discretion if it departs on the basis
    of legally unacceptable reasons or if the degree of the departure
    is unreasonable." (quoting United States v. Harris, 
    293 F.3d 863
    871 (5th Cir.2002))).
    See Booker, 543 U.S. at 261-62;             The    
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    factors are:
    appeal will necessarily be fact intensive and focus on whether the
    rationale given by the district court justifies the sentence,
    including any departures imposed.17
    The district court based its departure on two facts.                First,
    the elderly victims in this case were exceptionally vulnerable
    because of their advanced age and their modest means.              Defrauding
    elderly    victims    of   over   $120,000   exacted        inordinate   harm,
    particularly on the victim Ruth Scott.          Second, the court reasoned
    that this increased vulnerability resulted in greater psychological
    trauma to the victims in this case than to an ordinary victim.
    The   district    court’s    explanation    of   the    reason   for   its
    (1) the nature and circumstances of the offense and the
    history and characteristics of the defendant;
    (2) the need for the sentence imposed-
    (A) to reflect the seriousness of the offense, to
    promote respect for the law, and to provide just punishment for
    the offense;
    (B) to afford adequate deterrence to criminal conduct;
    (C) to protect the public from further crimes of the
    defendant; and
    (D) to provide the defendant with needed . . . medical
    care, or other correctional treatment in the most effective
    (3) the kinds of sentences available;
    (4) the kinds of sentence and the sentencing range
    established for-
    (A) the applicable category of offense committed by the
    applicable category of defendant as set forth in the guidelines .
    . . ;
    (5) any pertinent policy statement . . . ;
    (6) the need to avoid unwarranted sentence disparities among
    defendants with similar records who have been found guilty of
    similar conduct.
    See United States v. Barressi, 
    316 F.3d 69
    , 73 (2nd Cir.
    2002) (“[T]he key question is whether the reasons given by the
    district court are sufficient to justify the magnitude of the
    departure reflects a consideration of the relevant 3353(a) factors.
    The   sentence      is   therefore      reasonable      in    a   procedural     sense.
    However,      our   review     of   the   record    leaves        us   with    the   firm
    conviction      that     the   circumstances       of   this      case   are     not   so
    compelling as to justify the imposition of a jail sentence almost
    3   times that      recommended      by    the   Guidelines.           The    applicable
    sentencing range already incorporates the aggravating circumstances
    of this offense to some degree and that sentencing determination,
    pursuant       to   
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(4),        is   entitled      to     due
    consideration under Booker.18
    In United States v. Harris, we found that the district court’s
    decision to depart by 85 percent or 16 levels below the applicable
    Guidelines range was unreasonable in part because the departure was
    not supported by extraordinary facts.19 In Harris, a police officer
    was convicted for using excessive force during an arrest.                       Based on
    the court’s finding that the victim to some extent provoked the
    officer, the sentencing judge departed downward 16 levels from the
    Guidelines sentence. Upon review, we found that while the victim’s
    provocation made the case an appropriate circumstance to apply the
    departure, the extent of the departure was unreasonable.                                We
    explained that the circumstances and character of the provocation
    did not justify a sentence so far outside the Guidelines range
    Booker, 543 U.S. at 261
    United States v. Harris, 
    293 F.3d 863
    , 880 (5th Cir.
    because the case was not “so extraordinary as to eviscerate the
    Guidelines of all applicability.”20
    As stated above, we accept the district court’s findings that
    the elderly victims were vulnerable and that their financial losses
    were    devastating       to   them.    We     disagree,   however,    that   the
    defendant’s conduct or the effect of that conduct on the victims
    was significantly beyond that which had already been taken into
    account in calculating the applicable Guidelines range.
    First, it is neither unusual nor extraordinary for elderly
    persons       to   be   financially    vulnerable.      The   Social   Security
    Administration reports that Social Security benefits, which are
    paid to 9 out of every 10 Americans 65 and older, represent the
    major source of income for the elderly.21 Over 1/2 of those married
    and almost 3/4ths of unmarried retired persons receive 50% or more
    of their income from Social Security with the average monthly
    benefit at approximately $1,000.22             These figures suggest that no
    more than approximately $2,000 in monthly income is available to
    the vast majority of elderly Americans.              A fraud scheme targeting
    elderly victims would therefore ensnare financially vulnerable
    victims and cause severe financial hardship in the majority of
    Social Security Administration Press Office, Social
    Security Administration, Fact Sheet (July 20, 2006),
    Also, we do not find the emotional hardship the victims
    suffered in this case to be of such intensity as to justify such a
    dramatic departure from the Guideline range.                 In this respect, we
    find instructive the Second Circuit’s decision in United States v.
    Mandel.23 In that case, the defendant feigned a romantic attraction
    to numerous older women in order to defraud them of their savings.
    After calculating the defendant’s offense level, the district court
    departed upward 4 levels based on extreme psychological injury to
    the victims.        On appeal, the Second Circuit vacated the sentence,
    noting that the record evidence of psychological trauma could not,
    standing alone, support the 4 level upward departure, because both
    the   base       offense   level   for   fraud   and   the    vulnerable   victim
    adjustment had already taken into account the harm to the victims.24
    The court explained that “[f]raud will generally tend to reduce its
    victims’ self-esteem, as well as their bank accounts.”25
    We have the same reaction to the district court’s discussion
    of the emotional distress the victims suffered in this case.
    Beyond the finding that Ms. Scott began relying on a prescription
    sleep aid after the fraud, there is no evidence in the record that
    she or any other victims required medical treatment for their
    emotional        distress.     The   circumstances     here,     while   somewhat
    atypical, are not so exceptional as to justify the extraordinary
    991 F.2d 55
     (2d. Cir. 1993).
    991 F.2d at 59
    upward departure assessed by the district court.26
    In sum, we conclude that the financial vulnerability of
    victims and the related emotional hardship make this case somewhat
    atypical and justify an upward departure.       However, the Sentencing
    Commission   has   substantially    accounted   for   these    aggravating
    characteristics of the defendant’s conduct by providing for a
    vulnerable victim enhancement and an enhancement based on the
    amount of the fraud.      While we recognize the deference due a
    district court’s sentence, we find no circumstance in this case
    that takes it so far beyond the heartland of fraud offenses as to
    “eviscerate the Guidelines of all applicability.”             The district
    court’s sentence, which is 3 times the mid-Guideline range, was
    therefore unreasonable.
    Our review of the record persuades us that a sentence beyond
    twice the top of the Guidelines range (92 months) would fail
    reasonableness review under the facts presented here.27         In setting
     (testimony by elderly female victim that, as a
    result of a financial fraud, she had lost her job, seen a
    therapist, and become reticent to pursue romantic interests in
    other men, did not support an upward departure since offense
    level and vulnerable victim adjustment took harm to victim into
    We consider two somewhat analogous Guidelines provisions
    in this determination. One provision, U.S.S.G. §
    2B1.1(13)(B)(iii), recommends a 4 level enhancement where a fraud
    offense substantially endangered the solvency or financial
    security of 100 or more victims. The other provision, U.S.S.G. §
    2B1.1(12)(A), recommends a 2 level departure where the offense
    involved the conscious or reckless risk of death or serious
    bodily injury. On a severity scale, we are unable to see how the
    defendant’s conduct or the result of that conduct could be
    considered significantly more serious than envisioned by these
    this maximum sentence, we are not precluding the district court
    from imposing a lower sentence.28
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM Rajwani’s conviction.
    However, we VACATE Rajwani’s sentence and REMAND the case to the
    district court for resentencing consistent with this opinion.
    two Guidelines sections, which, if assessed here, would call for
    a 6 level increase in the offense level and a Guidelines range of
    70-87 months.
    See United States v. MacLeod, 
    80 F.3d 860
    , 869 (3rd Cir.
    1996) (vacating upward departure sentence as unreasonable and
    remanding with instructions setting a ceiling for resentencing;
    two level departure was upper bound for reasonableness); see also
    United States v. Thurston, 
    456 F.3d 211
    , 220 (1st Cir. 2006)
    (vacating sentence imposed as unreasonable and remanding with
    instructions setting a floor for resentencing); United States v.
    437 F.3d 424
    , 437 (4th Cir. 2006) (same).

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-10648

Citation Numbers: 479 F.3d 904

Filed Date: 2/23/2007

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016

Authorities (16)

United States v. Jack Barresi , 316 F.3d 69 ( 2002 )

United States v. Jack Mandel , 991 F.2d 55 ( 1993 )

United States v. Alberto Mejia , 844 F.2d 209 ( 1988 )

United States v. Nobelda Cabrera, United States of America ... , 288 F.3d 163 ( 2002 )

United States v. Brian A. Moreland, United States of ... , 437 F.3d 424 ( 2006 )

United States v. John MacLeod , 80 F.3d 860 ( 1996 )

United States v. Smith , 417 F.3d 483 ( 2005 )

United States v. Samuel Saldana, Jr., United States of ... , 427 F.3d 298 ( 2005 )

United States v. Ingles , 445 F.3d 830 ( 2006 )

United States v. Smith , 440 F.3d 704 ( 2006 )

United States v. Llama Edmidia Alarcon Sergio Alarcon-Lopez ... , 261 F.3d 416 ( 2001 )

United States v. Reyes , 239 F.3d 722 ( 2001 )

United States v. Harris , 293 F.3d 863 ( 2002 )

United States v. Mares , 402 F.3d 511 ( 2005 )

United States v. Desselle , 450 F.3d 179 ( 2006 )

Koon v. United States , 116 S. Ct. 2035 ( 1996 )

View All Authorities »