C. B. v. Driscoll , 82 F.3d 383 ( 1996 )

  •                                                                     PUBLISH
    No. 94-8494
    D. C. Docket No. 3:91-00136-CA-ATH (DF)
    C. B., a minor,   by and through his father and
    next of friend,   William J. Breeding, Jr.; T.
    P., a minor, by   and through her mother and
    next of friend,   Shirley Paschall,
    SANDRA DRISCOLL, Principal, individually and
    in her official capacity; EDWARD E. CORRY,
    Superintendent, individually and in his
    official capacity; GREENE COUNTY BOARD OF
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Georgia
    (April 18, 1996)
    Before EDMONDSON and BIRCH, Circuit Judges, and HENDERSON, Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    EDMONDSON, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiffs in this action, minors TP and CB, sued their former high
    school principal, Dr. Driscoll, and superintendent, Mr. Corry, in
    Defendants' individual and official capacities under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The
    claims asserted were for constitutional injuries allegedly suffered when
    Defendants suspended Plaintiffs from school. The district court granted
    summary judgment to Defendants. And, in the light of the exceedingly
    limited rights of public school students facing school discipline, we
    I. Facts
    TP was involved in a fight at the Greene-Taliaferro Comprehensive
    High School, where she was a student. According to school administrators,
    TP refused to calm down when teachers arrived, attempted again to attack
    the other student, and screamed obscenities and threats.           A teacher
    eventually carried her to the principal's office, where TP continued to shout
    obscenities and to disobey the school administrators' instructions to
    remain seated and to wait quietly.        Dr. Driscoll also says -- without
    contradiction -- that TP injured her as administrators tried to calm TP in the
    principal's office. The police were summoned, and TP was taken to the
    station. From there, she called her mother, who retrieved her.
    TP and her mother discussed the incident later that same day with Dr.
    Driscoll by phone. TP told Dr. Driscoll that the other student had started the
    fight. She claims, however, that Driscoll was uninterested in her story, and
    TP argues that the decision to suspend her had already been made. Dr.
    Driscoll is herself unsure whether the decision to suspend TP was made
    before or after the phone conversation.
    School policy authorizes administrators to suspend students up to
    nine days following a conference; longer suspensions and expulsions
    require that the Board of Education first hold a more formal hearing.
    Superintendent Corry explained to TP's mother that TP was entitled to no
    formal hearing. TP then enrolled in a neighboring school district and filed
    this lawsuit.
    About a week after the TP incident, Assistant Principal Johnson was
    told by a student that CB was going to make a drug sale at school later in
    the day. The informant had been told by another student that CB had
    hidden the drugs in CB's coat. In response, Driscoll and Johnson went to
    CB's class, asked him to follow them to the hallway, and informed him that
    it had been reported that he was in possession of drugs. They asked CB to
    empty his pockets, and CB removed from his coat two plastic packets of
    what appeared to be marijuana. CB maintained he knew nothing about the
    packets. Dr. Driscoll permitted CB to return to class. At a conference
    attended by CB's grandparents, CB was given a chance to explain the
    source of the packets. Dr. Driscoll told CB that the police would test the
    substance and that she would continue investigating. She did not suspend
    him then.
    The next week CB's father, stepmother, grandmother and aunt (who
    is also CB's attorney before this Court) attended a meeting with Driscoll and
    a Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent where CB was given the
    opportunity to explain himself again. Dr. Driscoll decided to suspend CB
    for nine days for the possession of a "look-alike" illegal substance. After
    the suspension, Driscoll decided that CB would -- pending the outcome of
    the drug testing -- be assigned to the "alternative school" where CB would
    do work assigned by the regular teachers, but would not attend regular
    classes. CB then withdrew from school and filed this lawsuit. Later, tests
    revealed the substance not to be marijuana.
    The school handbook permits administrators to search the personal
    effects of students when administrators reasonably suspect that the search
    will reveal evidence of a violation of law or school rules. Possession of
    both illegal drugs and substances that appear to be illegal drugs are
    prohibited by School Rule 23. CB admitted in his deposition that he was
    aware of the rules against illegal drugs, including the prohibition against
    "look-alikes." Everyone concedes the packets looked to contain marijuana.
    Review of summary judgment is plenary; and this court will affirm if,
    after construing the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-moving
    party, it concludes that no genuine issue exists on a material fact and that
    the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Delancey v. St.
    Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., 
    947 F.2d 1536
    (11th Cir. 1991).
    II. TP's Due Process Claims
    A. Procedural Due Process
    TP argues that her suspension for fighting, screaming obscenities,
    and refusing to cooperate with and assaulting faculty members was
    imposed with inadequate process. She says she received no notice or
    hearing and alleges the decision to suspend was made before the phone
    The Supreme Court determined in Goss v. Lopez, 
    419 U.S. 565
    , 577,
    95 S. Ct. 729
    , 738, 
    42 L. Ed. 2d 725
    (1975), that the Fourteenth Amendment is
    implicated in school suspension decisions when a state provides an
    entitlement to a public education. But, the characterization of what process
    is due in the academic setting was strikingly tempered by the Court's
    recognition that "[j]udicial interposition in the operation of the public school
    system . . . raises problems requiring care and restraint." 
    Id. (citations and
    internal quotation marks omitted). Therefore, when a student is suspended
    for fewer than ten days, the process provided need consist only of "oral or
    written notice of the charges against him and, if he denies them, an
    The district court originally determined that factual issues required a jury trial on
    the question of when (and if) TP's hearing was provided; but on reconsideration, the
    court held that TP received a hearing during the phone conversation between TP and
    Dr. Driscoll that satisfied due process regardless of whether or not it preceded the
    decision to suspend.
    explanation of the evidence the authorities have and an opportunity to
    present his side of the 
    story." 419 U.S. at 582
    , 95 S.Ct. at 740.
    The dictates of Goss are clear and extremely limited: Briefly stated,
    once school administrators tell a student what they heard or saw, ask why
    they heard or saw it, and allow a brief response, a student has received all
    the process that the Fourteenth Amendment demands. The only other
    requirement arises from the Court's admonishment that the hearing come
    before removal from school "as a general rule," unless a student's
    continued presence is dangerous or disruptive. In these instances, removal
    can be immediate. 
    Id. When TP
    was removed from school, she posed a danger to persons
    or property or both and was disruptive. After fighting with two girls, she
    had had to be physically carried to the principal's office by a teacher; and
    while the details of what followed are contested, TP admits she was
    emotionally distraught and that she expressed to administrators her
    intention to "kill that girl" who had allegedly attacked her. She also admits
    that she refused to stay seated in the office and tried to run out of the office.
    Dr. Driscoll says (without contradiction) that she was injured in the attempts
    to calm TP in Driscoll's office. So, TP was first properly removed from
    school under the circumstances even if she was given no opportunity to
    explain herself. The important issue is whether she had the chance to
    explain her behavior before the decision setting the duration of the
    suspension -- nine days -- became final.
    Appellees assert that TP received her hearing by telephone later that
    day, when TP's mother phoned Dr. Driscoll at school. TP and her mother
    both took part in that call.2 Dr. Driscoll admits that she cannot recall
    whether the initial decision to suspend was reached before or after that call.
    Despite this uncertainty, Appellees are still correct that the phone call
    satisfied the requirements of the due process clause. This court had
    occasion to consider, shortly after Goss, the issue of whether a hearing
    held after a suspension decision has been announced, but in time to modify
    or to reverse the decision, satisfies due process. In Sweet v. Childs, 
    518 F.2d 320
    , 321 (5th Cir. 1975), the student plaintiffs were removed from
    school because they were causing a disruption.                  Later that day, an
    announcement was made over local radio that they had been suspended.
    Shortly thereafter, in a "post-suspension student-parent conference[]," the
    students were allowed to air their views; and the suspensions were
    Id. Applying Goss,
    the court found no deprivation of due
    Sweet teaches that when students are removed from school for
    creating a disturbance, a tentative decision to continue to suspend the
    students for some days may be made before a hearing as long as the
    disciplinarian goes on to hold a prompt -- given the practicalities -- hearing
    Appellees do not argue that TP received a sufficient hearing in the principal's
    office, and therefore we do not consider this idea.
    at which the preliminary decision to suspend can be reversed. Here, TP
    acknowledged in her deposition that, within hours of leaving school, she
    was able to tell her side of the story to Dr. Driscoll on the phone: "I said [to
    Dr. Driscoll], no we were not fighting . . . . [T]hese girls jumped on me, and
    her sister was holding me." TP also told Dr. Driscoll her attacker jumped
    on her "for no reason." Dr. Driscoll then declined to alter the punishment.
    Under Sweet, that the hearing did not precede the initial determination of
    TP's punishment is not dispositive on whether due process was afforded.
    Therefore, because TP was apprised of the charges against her, and Dr.
    Driscoll soon heard TP's version of the morning's events, TP -- given the
    circumstances -- received sufficient process under Goss.
    B. Substantive Due Process
    TP claims that the procedural due process violation discussed above
    also constituted a violation of what the Supreme Court has called
    substantive due process: she says the nine-day suspension caused her
    injury of a "shocking and abusive nature." And, TP argues her substantive
    due process rights were violated because Driscoll, who made the decision
    to suspend, was biased because TP injured Driscoll in the struggle in the
    principal's office following TP's fight with other students.
    These substantive due process claims are without merit. Pursuant to
    this court's opinion in McKinney v. Pate, 
    20 F.3d 1550
    , 1557 n.9 (11th Cir.
    1994) (en banc), the decision to suspend TP for nine days is an executive
    decision. As an executive act, the suspension contravenes substantive due
    process rights only if, in the Supreme Court's words, the right affected is
    "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty." Palko v. Connecticut, 
    302 U.S. 319
    , 325, 
    58 S. Ct. 149
    , 152, 
    82 L. Ed. 288
    (1937), overruled on other grounds
    by Benton v. Maryland, 
    395 U.S. 784
    , 793, 
    89 S. Ct. 2056
    , 2062, 
    23 L. Ed. 2d 707
    (1969). See also 
    McKinney, 20 F.3d at 1556
    (noting strong presumption
    against discovering substantive due process protection for unenumerated
    rights). The right to attend a public school is a state-created, rather than a
    fundamental, right for the purposes of the substantive due process clause.
    See Plyler v. Doe, 
    457 U.S. 202
    , 221, 
    102 S. Ct. 2382
    , 2396, 72 L.Ed.2D 786
    (1982) (noting that though it is societally important, "[p]ublic education is
    not a 'right' granted to individuals by the Constitution") (citations omitted).
    Therefore, the "right" to avoid school suspension may be abridged as
    long as proper procedural protections are afforded; and TP's substantive
    due process challenge must fail. By the way, TP's quarrel with Driscoll's
    supposed bias is also properly seen as an alleged deprivation of
    procedural, not substantive, due process. 
    McKinney, 20 F.3d at 1560-61
    Thus, TP's effort to invoke substantive due process fails.3
    We note that Driscoll's alleged bias amounts to no deprivation of procedural due
    process either. In the school context, it is both impossible and undesirable for
    administrators involved in incidents of misbehavior always to be precluded from
    acting as decisionmakers. Thus Justice White noted in 
    Goss, 419 U.S. at 584
    , 95
    S.Ct. at 741, that as long as the "informal give-and-take" occurs, a disciplinarian who
    has witnessed the conduct at issue can suspend a student on the spot. And in an
    III. CB's Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment Claims
    A. Illegal Search and Seizure
    CB argues that Driscoll lacked reasonable grounds to search him
    because no administrator observed him with drugs, no administrator
    observed him acting strangely, and the informant was unreliable. Whether
    the facts construed in favor of CB show that Driscoll had reasonable
    grounds to suspect the presence of banned substances is a question of law
    and review is de novo. See United States v. Harris, 
    928 F.2d 1113
    (11th Cir.
    1991). We hold that the search of a student in the instant circumstances
    does not violate the Fourth Amendment, and therefore we need not
    consider issues of qualified immunity and of local government liability.
    In New Jersey v. T.L.O., 
    469 U.S. 325
    , 342, 
    105 S. Ct. 733
    , 743, 
    83 L. Ed. 2d 720
    (1985), the Supreme Court held that school officials need only
    "reasonable grounds for suspecting" that a search will turn up evidence
    that the student has violated either the law or school rules. "Sufficient
    analogous situation, we have written that "in the case of an employment termination .
    . . due process does not require the state to provide an impartial decisionmaker at
    the pre-termination hearing," 
    McKinney, 20 F.3d at 1562
    (citing Parratt v. Taylor, 
    451 U.S. 527
    , 543, 
    101 S. Ct. 1908
    , 1917, 
    68 L. Ed. 2d 420
    (1981) (citations and internal
    quotation marks omitted). The reasoning is that often the supervisor will participate
    in events preceding termination, and thus always requiring an impartial
    decisionmaker to be educated on the facts would render the required processes too
    complex. See, e.g., Schaper v. City of Huntsville, 
    813 F.2d 709
    , 715 n.7 (5th Cir. 1987)
    (citations omitted). This reasoning applies with at least equal force in the school
    suspension context. Even if Driscoll was not wholly impartial, we conclude as a
    matter of law that Driscoll's involvement in the events in the office did not preclude
    her from acting as the decisionmaker.
    probability, not certainty, is the touchstone of reasonableness under the
    Fourth Amendment." 
    T.L.O., 469 U.S. at 346
    , 105 S.Ct. at 745 (citations and
    internal quotation marks omitted). The tip in this case provided sufficient
    probability, viewed against the "reasonable grounds" standard, to justify
    the search here.
    A fellow student provided the information that CB carried drugs with
    the intent of selling them. The tip was provided to administrators directly,
    rather than anonymously, and was thus more likely to be reliable because
    the student informant faced the possibility of disciplinary repercussions if
    the information was misleading. Cf. United States v. Harris, 
    403 U.S. 573
    91 S. Ct. 2075
    , 2082 (1971) (plurality opinion) (stating "common sense"
    proposition that tip that places informant at risk of prosecution is entitled
    to greater credit). Many courts have approved reliance on tips from fellow
    students. E.g., S.C. v. State, 
    583 So. 2d 188
    , 192 (Miss. 1991) (noting that
    tips from students are less suspect than those from society in general).
    And while the tip did not include the identity of the student who observed
    the contraband firsthand, the Supreme Court has recognized that
    information from an anonymous source can help provide the "reasonable
    suspicion" necessary for a Terry stop. See Alabama v. White, 
    496 U.S. 325
    110 S. Ct. 2412
    , 2416, 
    110 L. Ed. 2d 301
    (1990). Administrators also
    received at least some corroboration when they noted that CB, who was
    reported by the informant to have the drugs in his "big old coat," did in fact
    have such a coat in his possession when the search was initiated. See
    United States v. Gibson, 
    64 F.3d 617
    , 623 (11th Cir. 1995) (holding that
    anonymous tip can be corroborated by verifying that present
    circumstances, rather than future acts, are as reported), petition for cert.
    filed, No. 95-8439 (Mar. 26, 1996).          In the light of the circumstances,
    reasonable grounds to search existed; and CB's Fourth Amendment rights
    were not violated.
    B. Procedural Due Process
    CB also argues that his procedural due process rights were violated
    because he was suspended without adequate notice or hearing. The
    District Court granted summary judgment on the merits of this claim.
    Again, only a "rudimentary" hearing is required for short-term suspensions.
    Goss, 419 U.S. at 581
    , 95 S.Ct. at 740. Here CB had two opportunities to
    discuss the issue with administrators before he was suspended, either one
    of which more than satisfied Goss. (CB was in fact represented by counsel
    at the second hearing.)4
    C. Substantive Due Process
    CB also fails to set out a persuasive procedural due process claim based on the
    alleged vagueness of Rule 23 (possession of look-alike substances). See, e.g.,
    Bethel Sch. Dist. No. 403 v. Fraser, 
    478 U.S. 675
    , 686, 
    106 S. Ct. 3159
    , 3166, 
    92 L. Ed. 2d 549
    (1986) (stating that "school disciplinary rules need not be as detailed as a
    criminal code which imposes criminal sanctions"). Rule 23 was sufficiently clear as
    not to deny CB the process he was due.
    CB claims his substantive due process rights were violated by the
    decision to suspend him and then to send him to an "alternative school."
    The district court granted summary judgment on the merits of this claim.
    Our holding in 
    McKinney, 20 F.3d at 1560-61
    , forecloses CB's
    substantive due process claim for his suspension and transfer.                          As
    discussed above, McKinney reminded us that executive acts warrant no
    substantive due process protection unless the right infringed is recognized
    by the Constitution as "fundamental," which is to say that "our democratic
    society and its inherent freedoms would be lost if that right were to be
    Id. at 1561
    (citing Harrah Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Martin, 
    440 U.S. 194
    99 S. Ct. 1062
    , 1064, 
    59 L. Ed. 2d 248
    (1979)). CB's suspension and
    transfer were both executive acts, see 
    McKinney, 20 F.3d at 1557
    n.9, and
    neither abridged a fundamental right. 
    Plyler, supra
    . Because the right to
    an education is state-created, that right can be restricted as long as
    adequate procedures are followed. 
    McKinney, 20 F.3d at 1561
    .5 Thus, what
    And, although we need not address the issue (because CB has not alleged a
    violation of procedural due process based on the transfer), we doubt CB has a
    property interest under Georgia law in attending Greene-Taliaferro instead of the
    alternative school to which he was assigned. See generally Doe v. Bagan, 
    41 F.3d 571
    , 576 (10th Cir. 1994). In Bagan, the court stated,
    It is obvious, however, that Doe was not denied his right to public
    education. He was only denied his request to attend the public school
    of his choice. Plaintiffs cite no Colorado authority, and we have found
    none, indicating that the right to a public education encompasses a
    right to choose one's particular school.
    Id. Cf. Zamora
    v. Pomeroy, 
    639 F.2d 662
    , 670 (10th Cir. 1981) (holding that, at least
    absent showing that alternative school was "so inferior [to previous school as] to
    amount to an expulsion from the educational system," the plaintiffs "lack the
    requisite standing to attack the appellees' actions"). In any event, CB clearly
    received all the process that was due.
    the Supreme Court has identified as substantive due process was not
    offended by the suspension and transfer.
    IV. Plaintiffs' Other Motions Below
    The district court dismissed Plaintiffs' other pending motions as moot
    because he ruled on the summary judgment motion first. In the light of our
    holdings expressed above, we decline to review the merits of these
    The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-8494

Citation Numbers: 82 F.3d 383

Filed Date: 4/18/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/13/2018

Authorities (18)

grace-zamora-as-parent-and-natural-guardian-on-behalf-of-vidal-shawn , 639 F.2d 662 ( 1981 )

john-doe-a-minor-and-as-next-best-friend-and-guardian-ruth-rios-ruth , 41 F.3d 571 ( 1994 )

Dale Schaper v. City of Huntsville, Gene Pipes and Hank ... , 813 F.2d 709 ( 1987 )

Ben and Audrey Delancy, as Co-Administrators and on Behalf ... , 947 F.2d 1536 ( 1991 )

United States v. Reginald Bernard Harris, A/K/A \"Reggie\" , 928 F.2d 1113 ( 1991 )

United States v. Oliver L. Gibson , 64 F.3d 617 ( 1995 )

SC v. State , 583 So. 2d 188 ( 1991 )

Harrah Independent School District v. Martin , 99 S. Ct. 1062 ( 1979 )

Rudolph Sweet, Eddie Rhyne v. Robert E. Childs, Etc., Etc. , 518 F.2d 320 ( 1975 )

New Jersey v. T. L. O. , 105 S. Ct. 733 ( 1985 )

Palko v. Connecticut , 58 S. Ct. 149 ( 1937 )

Goss v. Lopez , 95 S. Ct. 729 ( 1975 )

Parratt v. Taylor , 101 S. Ct. 1908 ( 1981 )

Plyler v. Doe , 102 S. Ct. 2382 ( 1982 )

Benton v. Maryland , 89 S. Ct. 2056 ( 1969 )

United States v. Harris , 91 S. Ct. 2075 ( 1971 )

Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser , 106 S. Ct. 3159 ( 1986 )

Alabama v. White , 110 S. Ct. 2412 ( 1990 )

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Cited By (27)

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Gray Ex Rel. Alexander v. Bostic , 613 F.3d 1035 ( 2010 )

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Kelly Phaneuf v. Dorene M. Fraikin, Kathleen Binkowski, ... , 448 F.3d 591 ( 2006 )

Stephen Michael Bowers, Sr. v. Board of Regents of the ... , 509 F. App'x 906 ( 2013 )

Heyne v. Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools , 655 F.3d 556 ( 2011 )

DeKalb Stone, Inc. v. County of DeKalb , 106 F.3d 956 ( 1997 )

Jenkins v. Talladega City Bd. of Ed ( 1996 )

Granowitz v. Redlands Unified School District , 105 Cal. App. 4th 349 ( 2003 )

Elizabeth Jennings v. Wentzville R-IV , 397 F.3d 1118 ( 2005 )

Redding v. Safford Unified School District ( 2008 )

cassandra-jenkins-a-minor-by-her-mother-and-next-friend-sandra-hall , 95 F.3d 1036 ( 1996 )

United States v. Nancia Kafleur , 168 F. App'x 322 ( 2006 )

A.H. v. Simi Valley Unified School Dist. CA2/6 ( 2022 )

DT v. Harter , 844 So. 2d 717 ( 2003 )

Smith Ex Rel. Lanham v. Greene County School Dist. , 100 F. Supp. 2d 1354 ( 2000 )

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