Holladay v. Haley , 209 F.3d 1243 ( 2000 )

  •                                                                   [PUBLISH]
    No. 98-6937
    D. C. Docket No. CV95-PT-2929-M
    MICHAEL W. HALEY, Commissioner,
    Alabama Department of Corrections,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Alabama
    (April 19, 2000)
    Before ANDERSON, Chief Judge, and TJOFLAT and MARCUS, Circuit Judges.
    ANDERSON, Chief Judge:
    In August 1986, Rebecca Ledbetter Holladay was living in a mobile home in
    Gadsden, Alabama. On the night of the 24th, her son Shea Ledbetter, her sister
    Katrina Ledbetter, her boyfriend David Robinson, and her son’s friend Larry Thomas,
    Jr., were all at the mobile home. Thomas left to get something to eat at his own
    home. As he walked outside, he was shot and his body was later discovered outside
    of the trailer. Immediately after Thomas was shot, Glenn Holladay burst into the
    trailer, shoving aside Katrina Ledbetter as she yelled a warning to her sister, who was
    back in the bedroom. Holladay proceeded down the hallway, stopping at Shea’s
    bedroom and attempting to turn on the light. After Holladay left Shea’s bedroom,
    Shea and Katrina left the trailer and ran to Thomas’s parents’ home. Holladay found
    his ex-wife and her boyfriend in the back bedroom; he shot Robinson in the arm and
    chest and shot Rebecca in the back of the head. All three shooting victims died of
    their injuries.
    Glenn Holladay had told an acquaintance in Nashville that his ex-wife had a
    new boyfriend and that if she did not stop seeing him, he would kill her. After the
    shootings, Holladay called a neighbor of his father and told her that he had done a bad
    thing. He told her that he had not intended to kill Larry Thomas; he thought that
    Thomas was his ex-wife’s boyfriend. After being shot by the police on October 9,
    1986, Holladay was apprehended in Gainesville, Florida.
    At trial Holladay testified that he was in Nashville at the time of the killings and
    denied killing any of the victims. He was convicted of capital murder and sentenced
    to death on July 27, 1987. The Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals and the Alabama
    Supreme Court affirmed both his conviction and death sentence on direct appeal.
    Holladay v. State, 
    549 So.2d 122
     (Ala. Crim. App. 1988) aff’d, Ex parte Holladay,
    549 So.2d 135
     (Ala. 1989). The United States Supreme Court denied Holladay’s
    petition for writ of certiorari, Holladay v. Alabama, 
    493 U.S. 1012
     (1989), and his
    petition for rehearing, Holladay v. Alabama, 
    493 U.S. 1095
    Next, Holladay filed for post-conviction relief under Temporary Rule 201 of the
    Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure on September 10, 1990, and amended his
    petition on April 24, 1991. An evidentiary hearing was held on April 25-27, 1991 and
    on December 5, 1991, the Rule 20 court denied the petition, finding some of the
    claims procedurally barred and determining that the others were meritless. The
    Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed the denial and the Alabama Supreme
    Court denied his petition for writ of certiorari. Holladay v. State, 
    629 So.2d 673
    Rule 20 has since been finalized as Rule 32 of the Alabama Rules of Criminal
    Crim. App. 1992), cert. denied, 
    629 So.2d 673
     (Ala. 1993). The United States
    Supreme Court denied his petition for writ of certiorari. Holladay v. Alabama, 
    510 U.S. 1171
    114 S. Ct. 1208
    In November 1995, Holladay filed the present petition for a writ of habeas
    corpus. The magistrate judge recommended that the writ be denied on May 29, 1998,
    and Holladay filed a motion for withdrawal of the recommendation in June 1998. The
    magistrate judge amended his recommendation but retained the substance of the
    recommendation. The District Court adopted the recommendation and denied the
    habeas petition in July 1998. Holladay filed to alter or amend the judgment, which
    the district court denied in October 1998. On November 18, 1998, Holladay filed a
    notice of appeal.
    Holladay argues on appeal that his attorneys provided ineffective assistance of
    counsel with respect to his sentence. In this regard, he charges his former counsel with
    (a) failing to present in a meaningful way records in their possession at trial, (b)
    failing to provide those records to the State’s evaluating psychiatrists and
    psychologists, (c) failing to procure independent mental health examinations, and (d)
    failing to discover prior mental health difficulties. Next, he claims ineffective
    assistance of counsel with respect to guilt and sentence because (e) his former
    attorneys elicited prejudicial information on direct examination. Finally, Holladay
    asserts a substantive claim that his trial was rendered fundamentally unfair by the
    excessive security in the courtroom and the fact that he appeared in shackles; and he
    also asserts that his trial and appellate counsel provided ineffective assistance of
    counsel with respect to this claim.
    In assessing each of Holladay’s claims, we review the district court’s
    findings of fact for clear error, while we review all questions of law de novo. See
    Byrd v. Hasty, 
    142 F.3d 1395
    , 1396 (11th Cir. 1998). Because the issue of
    whether petitioner’s counsel were ineffective is a mixed question of law and fact, it
    is subject to de novo review. See Mills v. Singletary, 
    161 F.3d 1273
    , 1285 (11th
    Cir. 1998).2 Factual determinations made by the state court are presumed to be
    correct with exceptions not relevant here. See 28 U.S.C. 2254(d) (1995) (amended
    A. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    In order to succeed with a challenge based on ineffective assistance of counsel,
    a petitioner has to satisfy a two part test. First, the petitioner must show that counsel’s
    The pre-1996 version of § 2254 governs this petition because it was filed in
    1995. See Lindh v. Murphy, 
    521 U.S. 320
    , 326, 
    117 S. Ct. 2059
    , 2063, 
    138 L.Ed.2d 481
    performance was deficient. See Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687, 
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    , 2064, 
    80 L.Ed.2d 674
     (1984). This means that the petitioner must show that
    the representation provided by counsel was outside the “wide range of competent
    assistance” and he must also overcome the presumption of competence. 
    Id. at 690
    104 S.Ct. at 2066
    . In analyzing counsel’s competence, the court must apply a “heavy
    measure of deference to counsel’s judgments.” 
    Id. at 691
    104 S.Ct. at 2066
    . Second,
    the petitioner must show that the performance prejudiced the defense, so that the result
    of the trial is not reliable. See 
     To satisfy this test, the defendant “must show that
    there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result
    of the proceeding would have been different.” 
    Id. at 694
    104 S.Ct. at 2068
    Furthermore, “[a] reasonable probability is a probability sufficient to undermine
    confidence in the outcome.” 
     Because both parts of the test must be satisfied in
    order to show a violation of the Sixth Amendment, the court need not address the
    performance prong if the defendant cannot meet the prejudice prong, see 
     or vice
    1.    Ineffective Assistance of Counsel at Sentencing for Failure to Present
    Records in a Meaningful Way
    Holladay claims that his trial counsel, Kathleen and Howard Warren, did not
    use the records that they uncovered in a meaningful way at the penalty phase. The
    Warrens obtained records from the Department of Pensions and Securities from 1957
    to 1981 that detailed the Holladay family history. However, Holladay asserts that his
    counsel did nothing more than present those records to the jury and even advised the
    jury not to read through all of the records. Furthermore, he maintains that they were
    entered into evidence outside of the jury’s presence. Finally, Holladay states that the
    Warrens did not draw attention to his mental retardation.
    Citing Stephens v. Kemp, 
    846 F.2d 642
     (11th Cir. 1992), and Turpin v.
    270 Ga. 208
    510 S.E.2d 3962
     (1998), Holladay maintains that the Warrens
    were as deficient in their representation as counsel were in those cases. In Stephens,
    this Court found that an attorney who made no use in the penalty phase of the trial of
    records of the defendant’s mental illness, did not procure an independent expert
    analysis of the defendant, and did not comment in closing argument upon the records
    or the defendant’s mother’s testimony regarding the manifestations of the defendant’s
    mental illness, was not within “the wide range of professionally competent
    assistance.” Stephens, 846 F.2d at 653. In Turpin, the Georgia Supreme Court found
    counsel to be ineffective in the penalty phase because they introduced 2,500 pages of
    records from the defendant’s stays at various psychiatric institutions and children’s
    homes, without any testimony commenting on the contents, and merely urged the jury
    to use the records in their deliberations.
    The conduct of the counsel in this case was markedly different. Unlike the
    counsel in Stephens, Mrs. Warren in her closing argument reminded the jury of
    Holladay’s manifold problems, including his family circumstances, his abuse and
    neglect as a child, and his mental problems. She argued that those problems
    “contributed to the place that he is in right now.” She called two mitigation witnesses
    who talked about Holladay’s childhood, abuse, neglect, illiteracy, and learning
    difficulties. Holladay’s father testified to his neglect, abuse at the hands of foster
    parents, and enrollment in special education classes.3 The performance of counsel
    here was far superior to that in either Stephens or Turpin.
    Holladay’s attack on the efficacy of Mrs. Warren’s use of the records is
    misplaced. Mrs. Warren discussed the contents of the records that she exhorted the
    jury to read and stated that the reason for giving them the 142 pages of records was
    that they provided a chronological record of the traumatic events in Holladay’s
    childhood. Although Holladay is correct that Mrs. Warren stated that she did not
    expect the jury to read all of the records, the emphasis was clearly upon all. Indeed,
    Holladay criticizes this testimony because he says it minimizes the degree of
    abuse that he suffered. However, in her testimony at the Rule 20 hearing, Mrs. Warren
    stated that Holladay did not want to embarrass his father and asked his counsel not to do
    so while his father was testifying. While counsel may not blindly follow a defendant’s
    instruction not to pursue mitigation evidence, see Mitchell v. Kemp, 
    762 F.2d 886
    , 889-
    90 (11th Cir. 1985), that was not the case here. Counsel called Holladay’s father but tried
    not to pin any of the abuse upon him, and then introduced the records, some of which
    contained the embarrassing information that Holladay did not want aired publicly. Thus
    the information was introduced, albeit in a format that followed Holladay’s wishes.
    a sentence later she urged the jury again to look at the records. Finally, a careful
    reading of the transcript reveals that the records were entered into the record while the
    jury was present.
    Counsel did present Holladay’s mental retardation to the jury. In his testimony,
    Holladay’s father stated that Holladay had been in a special school for slow learners.
    The records presented to the jurors were replete with references to Holladay’s mild
    retardation and many of these references are in the first few pages. Counsel also
    mentioned Holladay’s retardation in her closing argument at the penalty phase, and
    discussed how well he can mask it. Even the prosecutor, in his closing, acknowledged
    that Holladay was slightly mentally retarded. Finally, the court instructed the jury that
    they may consider Holladay’s mental retardation as a mitigating factor.
    Our careful review of the transcript of the sentencing phase, including Mrs.
    Warren’s closing argument, persuades us that counsel’s performance was not
    constitutionally deficient with regard to her presentation of the mitigating evidence,
    including the family history records. Rather, we conclude that Mrs. Warren presented
    the evidence in a concise and effective way, explaining how “those problems have
    contributed to the place that he is in right now.” [Trial Transcript at 1740].
    2.      Ineffective Assistance of Counsel for Failure to Provide Those Records
    to the Evaluating Psychiatrists and Psychologist
    Next Holladay claims that his trial counsel were ineffective because they did
    not provide the records to the psychiatrists and psychologist who evaluated him at
    Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility. At that facility, Holladay was evaluated for
    competency to stand trial by the “lunacy commission.” Had counsel provided the
    records, he maintains, the lunacy commission members would have been compelled
    to acknowledge the evidence of statutory and nonstatutory mitigation contained
    Counsel did not unreasonably withhold the records from the commission; she
    simply did not have the records in question at that time.4 In her testimony at the Rule
    20 hearing, Mrs. Warren stated that she provided the lunacy commission with all of
    the information that she had at the time of their evaluation: “As far as I know what
    Taylor Hardin requested I give them[,] I provided them all of the information I had
    at that time.” [Rule 20 Transcript at 719]. Indeed, in her cover letter accompanying
    the completed lunacy commission’s questionnaire, Mrs. Warren stated that at that
    point she had only had minimal contact with Holladay. In her questionnaire, Mrs.
    Warren did relay information that she obtained from Holladay’s father: that Holladay
    had a low IQ or was retarded, had trouble in school, and was illiterate. Mrs. Warren’s
    Contrary to the State’s argument that the record is unclear what the lunacy
    commission based its report upon, the report itself states that it was based upon interviews
    with Holladay, a review of the district attorney’s files, and review of Holladay’s treatment
    and evaluations at the Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility.
    failure to provide records she did not have at the time did not fall outside of the wide
    range of competency.
    Furthermore, Holladay is unable to prove that the provision of these records
    would have changed the evaluation of the commission in any way. The records later
    obtained included IQ tests taken when Holladay was a child and notations that he
    might be retarded. However, the commission tested Holladay and found him to be in
    the Borderline Intellectual Functioning range. Thus the commission would likely
    have discounted the earlier tests because the test it administered would be considered
    more accurate since it was more recent. Additionally, contrary to Holladay’s
    assertions, the commission examined him for more than competency and sanity; the
    report also discusses his intelligence and rejects the idea that he was retarded.
    Holladay spent more than a month in residence at Taylor Hardin, giving the mental
    health experts ample opportunity to complete a thorough evaluation. Holladay has not
    proved that there is a reasonable probability that the commission would have decided
    differently and therefore cannot show he was prejudiced by this omission.
    3.     Ineffective Assistance of Counsel at Sentencing for Failure to Procure
    Independent Mental Health Examinations
    Holladay charges that the Warrens were ineffective when they did not seek an
    independent mental evaluation of him after the examination at Taylor Hardin.
    Holladay asserts that counsel unreasonably accepted the commission’s determination
    that he did not have any statutory or nonstatutory mitigation despite the evidence
    contained in the records detailing Holladay’s history from 1957 to 1981.
    At the Rule 20 hearing, Holladay presented two expert witnesses who testified
    with respect to his mental retardation. The two witnesses, Dr. Michael Norko, a
    psychiatrist, and Dr. Brad Fisher, a clinical psychologist, testified that Holladay is
    mildly mentally retarded. Dr. Norko also testified that Holladay suffered from organic
    personality syndrome, explosive type. The Rule 20 court credited the testimony of the
    state’s expert witness, Dr. Joe Dixon, over that of Holladay’s two experts. The
    court’s decision was based on Holladay’s experts’ relative inexperience with
    retardation, and based in part on their inability to explain why they reached drastically
    different results than the seven other mental health practitioners who had examined
    him. The court also discounted Dr. Norko’s diagnosis because his only source was
    Holladay’s self-reporting and affidavits of friends and family.
    Counsel is not necessarily required to seek independent mental evaluations in
    order to render effective assistance. In Bertolotti v. Dugger, 
    883 F.2d 1503
    , 1511
    (11th Cir. 1989), we held that counsel is not required to seek an independent
    evaluation when the defendant does not display strong evidence of mental problems.
    Additionally, the choice not to seek out such an evaluation is a tactical decision, which
    “must be directly assessed for reasonableness in all the circumstances, applying a
    heavy measure of deference to counsel’s judgment.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 691
    104 S. Ct. at 2066
    . Whether the tactical decision is reasonable is a question of law.
    The Rule 20 court found that Mrs. Warren made a tactical decision not to seek
    additional expert opinion, after receiving the report from the several mental health
    experts at Taylor Hardin. Holladay does not challenge the fact that such a tactical
    decision was made; he argues only that it was not a reasonable decision. Reviewing
    the decision for reasonableness, we find that counsel was justified in her decision not
    to seek an additional mental evaluation after she received the report from the lunacy
    commission. Holladay spent over a month at the Taylor Hardin facility, during which
    time he was seen by four mental health specialists. During his stay, Holladay’s IQ
    was tested and found to be 71, in the borderline range. The report also stated that his
    “speech and history of autonomous living suggest that he is a rather streetwise
    individual and, apart from well documented criminal tendencies, not the kind of
    person who would require extensive supervision on the basis of intellectual
    dysfunction.” [R2-7-1279]. One of the psychiatrists stated that Holladay was of
    normal intelligence. [R2-7-1298]. Each of the psychiatrists and the psychologist
    found Holladay to be lucid about the criminal activity with which he was charged. At
    the Rule 20 hearing, Mrs. Warren testified that she found Holladay to be “articulate,
    affable, he is one of the kind of people that seems to want to be friendly towards
    people.” [Rule 20 Transcript at 652]. She found him cooperative and that he could
    recall dates, times, places, and motivations clearly and without hesitation. 
    ease of her contacts and Holladay’s apparent clarity of thought convinced her that she
    need not seek further evaluation. Id. at 653.
    Given the content of the lunacy commission report and her own contacts with
    the petitioner, it was reasonable for counsel to rely on the records alone for evidence
    of mental problems and not seek another evaluation. The report prepared by the four
    specialists suggested that Holladay was not retarded and thus counsel could have
    reasonably assumed that the same result would be reached by a fifth specialist.
    Furthermore, her own impression of Holladay was that he was normal and indeed, as
    she testified at the Rule 20 hearing, more competent than some of her other clients.
    It reasonably appeared that the only evidence that she would be able to elicit of
    retardation would be found in the records. Finally, the determination of the Rule 20
    judge that Holladay’s mental health experts were not credible lends credence to her
    decision; it is likely that any experts introduced at trial would likewise have been less
    credible than those of the state. For the foregoing reasons, we cannot conclude that
    this tactical decision was unreasonable and thus Holladay cannot satisfy the
    performance prong of the ineffective assistance of counsel analysis. Moreover, in
    light of the findings of the Rule 20 court discrediting the opinions of the two experts
    offered by Holladay at the Rule 20 hearing, we also conclude that Holladay could not
    satisfy the prejudice prong.
    4.     Ineffective Assistance of Counsel at Sentencing for Failure to Discover
    Evidence of Prior Mental Health Difficulties
    Although the Warrens talked to Holladay’s brother and father, they did not talk
    to anyone else in the family. They did not uncover the fact that Holladay had been
    treated at a mental hospital in Georgia and so did not find those records. Holladay
    argues that had they interviewed other members of his family or other friends, they
    would have found a wealth of mitigating evidence, including evidence of his stay in
    the psychiatric ward in Georgia, stories that corroborated the information in the
    records introduced by counsel, and friends’ recollections of his unpredictable
    Counsel have a duty to investigate but this duty is confined to reasonable
    investigation. See Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 691
    104 S. Ct. at 2066
    . In Funchess v.
    772 F.2d 683
    , 689 (11th Cir. 1985), this Court found counsel reasonably
    investigated despite the fact that he had not investigated his client’s psychological
    problems because the client never told him of any problems and the competency
    evaluation did not suggest any problems existed. The client also acted competently
    while assisting counsel in preparing his case. See 
     Thus the court held that counsel
    was not put on notice of any problems and could not be faulted for not pursuing the
    matter. See id.; cf. Collins v. Francis, 
    728 F.2d 1322
    , 1349 (11th Cir. 1984)
    (determining that counsel who failed to investigate witnesses that the defendant did
    not tell him about was not ineffective).
    Reliance upon some family members’s statements that other mitigation
    witnesses did not exist was considered permissible in Singleton v. Thigpen, 
    847 F.2d 668
    , 670 (11th Cir. 1988). Rejecting a per se rule of ineffective assistance where
    counsel does not consult family members, we held in Williams v. Head, 
    185 F.3d 1223
    , 1237 (11th Cir. 1999), that counsel’s investigation was reasonable when he did
    not interview the defendant’s sister or father, the latter because the defendant had not
    lived with him for very long. “[S]trategic choices made after less than complete
    investigation are reasonable precisely to the extent that reasonable professional
    judgments support the limitations on investigation. In other words, counsel has a duty
    to make a reasonable investigation or to make a reasonable decision that makes
    particular investigations unnecessary.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 690-91
    104 S. Ct. at 2066
    The conduct of the counsel here did not fall below the professionally competent
    standard. While the Warrens did not discover the records from Holladay’s stay at
    Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia or records from other psychiatrists
    who treated Holladay, there is no evidence in the record, nor does Holladay allege,
    that he told them of his prior treatment.5 As in Funchess, the report of the lunacy
    commission that Holladay was sane and competent combined with counsel’s
    impression of Holladay as cooperative, articulate, and affable did not put Mrs. Warren
    on notice that there were or might be psychiatric records that she needed to find.
    Similarly, counsel reasonably did not interview other family members after
    Holladay’s father and brother told them that no one else was interested in assisting
    Holladay. Mrs. Warren interviewed and presented as witnesses the two family
    members who reasonably appeared to be the most knowledgeable and helpful, the
    father and the brother David, who was a minister. Counsel are not required to
    interview all family members, and it is reasonable that Mrs. Warren, after interviewing
    two helpful relatives, would limit her investigation in accordance with their advice.
    Additionally, Holladay cannot meet the prejudice prong on this claim of ineffective
    assistance because he has not offered any evidence of the substance of the testimony
    which other family members would have provided.              At the Rule 20 hearing,
    psychiatrist Dr. Michael Norko discussed how some family members’ affidavits
    substantiated Holladay’s self-reporting of rages, but this is the only indication of their
    There is a mention in the Lunacy Commission Evaluation Report that Holladay
    was at Central State Hospital, but it states that he reported he was not found to be
    mentally ill then or at any other time. [R2-7-1291]. Thus counsel could have reasonably
    determined that these records were not worth pursuing. Cf. Williams v. Head, 
    185 F.3d 1223
    , 1239-40 (11th Cir. 1999)(finding reasonable counsel’s decision not to pursue
    mental health evaluation when records from previous evaluation indicated no problem).
    contents. In the absence of more evidence, we cannot conclude with reasonable
    probability that discussions with other family members would have changed the
    outcome in this case.
    5.      Ineffective Assistance of Counsel with regard to Guilt and Sentencing
    Because Counsel Elicited Prejudicial Information on Direct Examination
    Finally, Holladay alleges that his counsel were constitutionally inadequate
    because they elicited information on direct examination that he had escaped, which,
    he argues, was highly prejudicial. Although counsel had moved, in limine, for an
    order prohibiting the District Attorney from making any reference to Holladay’s
    escape from the Cherokee County Jail, Holladay maintains that during direct
    examination of him, the fact that he had escaped was revealed as a result of inept
    After reviewing the testimony, we cannot conclude that the district court was
    clearly erroneous in finding that counsel did not intend for this information to be
    revealed, but rather that Holladay volunteered it himself. In the first instance, counsel
    was attempting to elicit Holladay’s criminal history on direct examination6 and then
    Because Holladay decided to testify, his counsel decided to lessen the impact of
    his prior criminal convictions by revealing them on direct examination. A tactical
    decision is ineffective only “if it was so patently unreasonable that no competent attorney
    would have chosen it.” Adams v. Wainwright, 
    709 F.2d 1443
    , 1445 (11th Cir. 1983).
    Eliciting prior convictions on direct examination is a common trial tactic and not
    unreasonable under the circumstances.
    changed her topic by stating, “let me ask you this.”7 She then asked when he resumed
    his relationship with his ex-wife and he answered that it was after he had escaped
    from jail. The fact that he escaped from jail was neither necessary to answer the
    question nor elicited by counsel; the question asked was “when” and “not in what
    context.” The second time that Holladay mentioned that he escaped was in the context
    Q:   You have been in a lot trouble during your life, haven’t you Glenn?
    A:    Yes, ma’am.
    Q:    Okay, You have been a convicted felonist, haven’t you?
    A:    Yes, ma’am.
    Q:     Do you remember how many?
    A:     Approximately ten – ten to twelve felonies.
    Q:     Okay. Do you recall what those were for?
    A:     Most of them were burglaries, buying and receiving, and buying, receiving
    and selling –
    Q:     Buying and concealing stolen property –
    A:     Concealing – yeah, uh-huh. And I had one rape.
    Q:     Okay, weren’t you also convicted of assault?
    A:     Yes, ma’am, I had one assault.
    Q:     Now, at the time you were arrested in January of 1986, what charge was
    that on?
    A:     Buying and receiving.
    Q:     Were you confined to Cherokee County on that –
    A:     Yes, ma’am.
    Q:     – jail?
    A.     Yes, ma’am.
    Q:     Let me ask you this. I know you started seeing Becky Holladay again in
    A:     Yes, ma’am.
    Q:     After January, after being arrested –
    A:     Yes, ma’am, sure did.
    Q:     When you next see her?
    A:     Well, I escaped from the Cherokee County Jail March the 18th, 1986, and I
    started seeing Becky somewhere around the end of March.
    [Trial Transcript at 1569-70].
    of questioning regarding his whereabouts at the time of the murders. Mrs. Warren
    asked where he was in August 1986 and Holladay volunteered that he was on the run
    from jail.8 Counsel did not anticipate Holladay would bring up his escape and in fact
    she interrupted his answer, apparently in an attempt to prevent him from saying
    anything more damaging.
    Holladay argues that these errors would not have been made had his counsel
    adequately prepared him to testify. The record reveals that Holladay’s counsel did not
    learn until voir dire that he intended to testify. At that time, she discussed his
    testimony with him and again counseled against testifying. Given the severe time
    constraints that she was under, as a result of Holladay’s last minute decision, counsel
    cannot be faulted for failing to prepare her client fully. Thus we cannot find that
    counsel rendered ineffective assistance in this instance.
    B. Excessive Security
    Holladay asserts a substantive claim that his trial was rendered fundamentally
    Q:    Did you consider Becky Holladay to be your wife?
    A:     Yes, Ma’am.
    Q:     Where were you in August of 1986?
    A:     August, 1986, I was in Nashville.
    Q:     Do you remember when you got there?
    A:     Well, I had been up there three or four separate times. I was on the run
    from, you know, Ft. Payne’s County Jail. And –
    Q:     So you were in and out of Nashville in August –
    A:     Yes Ma’am, just kind of in and out of it.
    [Trial Transcript at 1570].
    unfair by the excessive security in the courtroom and the fact that he was required to
    wear shackles. At trial, Holladay was brought in with handcuffs and a belly chain,
    which were removed before the jury came in, but he was kept in shackles during the
    trial. Besides the Gadsden police, there were state troopers present in the courtroom,
    and metal detectors screened all who entered the courtroom. Holladay asserts that
    such unprecedented security, combined with the mood created by extensive pretrial
    publicity, rendered it impossible for the jurors to view Holladay as innocent until
    proven guilty.
    Holladay’s counsel did not raise this issue on direct appeal and thus it is
    procedurally barred9 unless he can show cause for the default and actual prejudice, see
    Wainwright v. Sykes, 
    433 U.S. 72
    97 S. Ct. 2497
     (1977), or a fundamental
    miscarriage of justice, see Engle v. Issac, 
    456 U.S. 107
    102 S.Ct. 1558
    Constitutionally ineffective assistance of counsel can constitute cause. See Hollis v.
    941 F.2d 1471
    , 1476 (11th Cir. 1991)(citing Murray v. Carrier, 
    477 U.S. 478
    106 S.Ct. 2639
    , 2645, 
    91 L.Ed.2d 397
     (1986)). In an effort to demonstrate cause,
    Holladay argues that counsel deficiently failed to object adequately at trial and
    Alabama Rule of Criminal Procedure 32.2 (a)(5) bars a petitioner from raising an
    issue in the Rule 32 petition that was not raised on direct appeal. Federal constitutional
    claims defaulted in the state proceedings are procedurally barred at federal habeas review
    if there existed “adequate and independent state grounds” for the bar. See Coleman v.
    501 U.S. 722
    , 729-31, 
    111 S. Ct. 2546
    , 2554-55 (1991). Rule 32.2(a)(5)
    provides such grounds.
    neglected to raise this issue on appeal. Next, if Holladay can show cause, he must be
    able to show prejudice as a result of the cause, “not merely that the errors at his trial
    created a possibility of prejudice, but that they worked to his actual and substantial
    disadvantage, infecting his entire trial with error of constitutional dimension.” United
    States v. Frady, 
    456 U.S. 152
    , 170, 
    102 S. Ct. 1584
    , 1596 (1982).
    Holladay argues that it was constitutionally ineffective assistance of counsel not
    to object to at trial and raise on appeal the excessive security and shackling. While
    he concedes that his trial counsel did object to the shackling at trial, he maintains that
    counsel should have sought an evidentiary hearing on the issue. He also asserts that
    the law was clear enough on excessive security and shackling that he would have
    prevailed on direct appeal, had counsel raised these issues.
    Starting with the shackling aspect of the claim, we address Holladay’s
    contention that his counsel rendered ineffective assistance at trial when she did not
    request a hearing on the issue, propose alternatives to the shackles or allow her client
    to address the court on the issue. Holladay cites Elledge v. Dugger, 
    823 F.2d 1439
    (11th Cir. 1987), for the premise that he was entitled to a hearing on whether shackles
    could be employed during trial. However, the facts in Elledge are quite different;
    there the court announced that the defendant would be placed in shackles, allowed
    only an objection from the defense counsel, and told the defendant that he could not
    address the court. 
    823 F.2d at 1451
    . This Court, in determining that the defendant
    was entitled to an “opportunity to present his own side of the case,” noted that the
    judge had presented a number of unsubstantiated reasons for requiring the shackles.
    Id. at 1452
    . Instead of mandating a formal hearing, we merely required that the trial
    court give the defendant the opportunity to respond to the imposition of shackles. See
       Trial judges are given reasonable discretion in balancing the state’s interests in
    shackling and the defendant’s right to appear “untainted by physical reminders of his
    status as an accused,” and in determining whether shackles are appropriate. Zygadlo
    v. Wainwright, 
    720 F.2d 1221
    , 1223 (11th Cir. 1983). Here, the court and defense
    counsel engaged in a lengthy discussion on the necessity of the shackles, in which
    counsel had the opportunity to address the reasons proffered by the court with regard
    to the need to put the defendant in shackles. Additionally, the Rule 20 court found
    that the judge ordered measures be taken to ensure that the jury could not see the
    shackles, such as bringing him in before the jury was seated and also putting him on
    the stand before the jury came back. We cannot conclude that Holladay has
    demonstrated that his counsel’s actions were constitutionally deficient.
    Holladay also argues that counsel was ineffective at trial when they did not
    object to the heavy security. The Supreme Court has held that an essential element
    of a fair trial is the “principle that ‘one accused of a crime is entitled to have his guilt
    or innocence determined solely on the basis of the evidence introduced at trial, and not
    on grounds of official suspicion, indictment, continued custody, or other
    circumstances not adduced as proof at trial.’” Holbrook v. Flynn, 
    475 U.S. 560
    , 567,
    106 S. Ct. 1340
    , 1345 (1986)(quoting Taylor v. Kentucky, 
    436 U.S. 478
    , 485, 
    98 S. Ct. 1930
    , 1934 (1978)). While the trial court should strive to impart to the jurors the
    need to presume the defendant’s innocence, there are instances when state interests
    require the use of restrictive measures or noticeable security. See 
    id. at 567-68
    , 106
    S. Ct. at 1345. The Court held that “[w]henever a courtroom arrangement is
    challenged as inherently prejudicial, therefore, the question must be not whether jurors
    actually articulated a consciousness of some prejudicial effect, but rather whether ‘an
    unacceptable risk is presented of impermissible factors coming into play.’” Id. at 570,
    106 S. Ct. at 1346-47 (quoting Estelle v. Williams, 
    425 U.S. 501
    , 505, 
    96 S. Ct. 1691
    1693 (1976)). In Holbrook, the Court found that the presence of four uniformed
    police officers seated directly behind the defendants did not mark the defendants as
    unmistakably guilty. See 
    id. at 570-71
    , 106 S. Ct. at 1347. The Court noted that had
    it discerned prejudice, the state had a valid interest which, when balanced against the
    possible prejudice, precluded a constitutional violation. See id. at 571-72, 106 S. Ct.
    at 1347.
    It was not unreasonable or deficient for Holladay’s counsel not to object to the
    security measures taken at the trial. As Mrs. Warren testified at the Rule 20 hearing,
    she considered Holladay an escape risk and was also concerned about threats Holladay
    had received from the father of one of the victims. Thus her decision not to object to
    the security measures was a conscious decision, based on the particular circumstances
    of the case. These concerns were entirely rational in light of the circumstances and
    we cannot conclude that her analysis resulted in deficient representation. Holladay
    had escaped from prison twice before and Mrs. Warren testified that “there was no
    doubt in my mind after talking to Glenn Holladay that if he had the opportunity to
    escape he would take it.” [Rule 20 Transcript at 658]. Furthermore, the father of one
    of the victims had been disarmed at a previous hearing which demonstrated the need
    for extra guards and the metal detectors. Finally, when he was ultimately arrested
    after eluding the police for several weeks, Holladay attempted to evade the police and
    was only captured after he was shot several times. Indeed, Mrs. Warren testified at
    the Rule 20 hearing that he had been shot by law enforcement officers three times
    before he came to trial. In light of such a history, it was not unreasonable for the
    counsel to decline to object.
    Next, Holladay alleges that his counsel were ineffective when they did not raise
    either the shackling or security on direct appeal. The crux of his argument is that the
    law was so clearly established that he would have prevailed on these issues.
    In order to render effective assistance, counsel need not raise every possible
    nonfrivolous issue on appeal. See Jones v. Barnes, 
    463 U.S. 745
    , 751, 
    103 S. Ct. 3308
    , 3312 (1983). Instead, it is the job of counsel to weed out the weaker arguments.
    id. at 751
    103 S. Ct. at 3313
    . That is precisely what Mrs. Warren claimed she did
    when questioned at the Rule 20 hearing. And in making this decision she was correct
    because, as discussed above, the law does not clearly disallow shackles or heightened
    security. Additionally, the decision to place a defendant in shackles is reviewed only
    for abuse of discretion in the Alabama courts. See, e.g., Minor v. State, No. 95-1968,
    1999 WL 982402
     at *74 (Ala.Crim.App. Oct. 29, 1999)(finding that defendant’s prior
    history of escapes justified shackling outside the presence of the jury). Similarly,
    Alabama courts review claims of excessive security only for abuse of discretion. See,
    e.g., Burgess v. State, No. 93-2054, 
    1998 WL 802619
     (Ala.Crim.App. Nov. 20,
    1998). In light of the circumstances in this case and the standard of review that these
    claims would be subjected to, it was not deficient representation not to raise them on
    Because Holladay cannot establish that it was constitutionally ineffective
    assistance of counsel not to raise the excessive security and shackling issues on direct
    appeal, he cannot show cause needed to overcome procedural default. As a result, we
    need not address whether he can show the required prejudice to overcome the
    procedural bar.10 Similarly, because this claim is procedurally barred, we need not
    reach the merits of the substantive issue.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court denying relief is
    Holladay also argues that the prejudice resulting from the shackling and
    excessive security was exacerbated by the pretrial publicity about the crime. However,
    the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals on direct appeal noted that the voir dire
    examination was thorough and extensive as to each juror’s knowledge of and feelings
    about the case. That court concluded that all prospective jurors who had opinions about
    the case or expressed reservations about their impartiality were excused, and also
    concluded that Holladay had failed to demonstrate a connection between the pretrial
    publicity in the case and the existence of any actual jury prejudice. See Holladay v. State,
    549 So.2d 122
    , 126 (Ala. Crim. App. 1988).

Document Info

Docket Number: 98-6937

Citation Numbers: 209 F.3d 1243

Filed Date: 4/19/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2020

Authorities (27)

Ex Parte Holladay , 549 So. 2d 135 ( 1989 )

Holladay v. State , 549 So. 2d 122 ( 1988 )

James Adams v. Louie L. Wainwright , 709 F.2d 1443 ( 1983 )

William \"Billy\" Mitchell v. Ralph Kemp, Warden , 762 F.2d 886 ( 1985 )

Anthony Bertolotti v. Richard Dugger, Secretary, Florida ... , 883 F.2d 1503 ( 1989 )

Holladay v. State , 629 So. 2d 673 ( 1992 )

David Livingston Funchess v. Louie L. Wainwright, Secretary,... , 772 F.2d 683 ( 1985 )

Dale Albert Zygadlo v. Louie L. Wainwright, Etc. , 720 F.2d 1221 ( 1983 )

Cornelius Singleton v. Morris Thigpen, Commissioner, ... , 847 F.2d 668 ( 1988 )

O.P. Hollis v. J.O. Davis and the Attorney General of the ... , 941 F.2d 1471 ( 1991 )

William Duane Elledge v. Richard L. Dugger , 823 F.2d 1439 ( 1987 )

Byrd v. Hasty , 142 F.3d 1395 ( 1998 )

Roger Collins v. Robert O. Francis, Warden, Ga. Diagnostic ... , 728 F.2d 1322 ( 1984 )

Mills v. Singletary , 161 F.3d 1273 ( 1998 )

Holladay v. Alabama , 510 U.S. 1171 ( 1994 )

Turpin v. Lipham , 270 Ga. 208 ( 1998 )

Wainwright v. Sykes , 97 S. Ct. 2497 ( 1977 )

Engle v. Isaac , 102 S. Ct. 1558 ( 1982 )

United States v. Frady , 102 S. Ct. 1584 ( 1982 )

Estelle v. Williams , 96 S. Ct. 1691 ( 1976 )

View All Authorities »

Cited By (42)

Clemons v. State , 55 So. 3d 314 ( 2005 )

Wood v. Allen , 465 F. Supp. 2d 1211 ( 2006 )

Richard Wally Rose v. United States , 590 F. App'x 937 ( 2014 )

Lester Fisher v. Secretary, Florida Department of ... , 616 F. App'x 916 ( 2015 )

Larry Frank Yarbrough v. United States , 519 F. App'x 669 ( 2013 )

Michael Riolo v. United States ( 2022 )

Joseph E. Nichols, Jr. v. Secretary, Florida Department of ... ( 2023 )

Durrell Bester v. Warden, Attorney General of the State of ... , 836 F.3d 1331 ( 2016 )

Willie Leon Banks v. Warden , 576 F. App'x 905 ( 2014 )

Giovanni Sairras v. Florida Department of Corrections , 496 F. App'x 28 ( 2012 )

Ezra Mostowicz v. United States , 625 F. App'x 489 ( 2015 )

Joe Nathan James v. Warden, Holman Correctional Facility ( 2020 )

Joseph Michael Diaz v. United States ( 2020 )

Mark Allen Jenkins v. Commissioner, Alabama Department of ... ( 2020 )

United States v. Joshua Otis Gordon Carter ( 2019 )

Guerra v. Secretary for Department of Corrections , 271 F. App'x 870 ( 2008 )

Elijah Smith v. State of Florida , 269 F. App'x 871 ( 2008 )

Lyndon Fitzgerald Pace v. Warden, Georgia Diagnostic and ... ( 2023 )

United States v. David W. Webb ( 2011 )


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