Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Copyright Royalty Board , 684 F.3d 1332 ( 2012 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued February 7, 2012                 Decided July 6, 2012
    No. 11-1083
    On Appeal from a Final Order of the Copyright Royalty
    Christopher J. Wright argued the cause for appellant.
    With him on the briefs were Timothy J. Simeone and William
    Kelsi Brown Corkran, Attorney, U.S. Department of
    Justice, argued the cause for appellees. With her on the brief
    were Tony West, Assistant U.S. Attorney General, and Scott
    R. McIntosh, Attorney.
    Michael B. DeSanctis argued the cause for intervenor
    SoundExchange, Inc. in support of appellees. With him on
    the brief were David A. Handzo, William M. Hohengarten,
    and Garrett A. Levin.
    Catherine R. Gellis was on the brief for intervenor
    College Broadcasters, Inc. in support of appellee.
    Before: GARLAND and GRIFFITH, Circuit Judges, and
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge:            Intercollegiate
    Broadcasting, Inc. appeals a final determination of the
    Copyright Royalty Judges (“CRJs” or “Judges”) setting the
    default royalty rates and terms applicable to internet-based
    “webcasting” of digitally recorded music. We find we need
    not address Intercollegiate’s argument that Congress’s grant
    of power to the CRJs is void because the provision for judicial
    review gives us legislative or administrative powers that may
    not be vested in an Article III court. But we agree with
    Intercollegiate that the position of the CRJs, as currently
    constituted, violates the Appointments Clause, U.S. Const.,
    art. II, § 2, cl. 2. To remedy the violation, we follow the
    Supreme Court’s approach in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public
    Company Accounting Oversight Bd., 
    130 S. Ct. 3138
    by invalidating and severing the restrictions on the Librarian
    of Congress’s ability to remove the CRJs. With such removal
    power in the Librarian’s hands, we are confident that the
    Judges are “inferior” rather than “principal” officers, and that
    no constitutional problem remains.           Because of the
    Appointments Clause violation at the time of decision, we
    vacate and remand the determination challenged here;
    accordingly we need not reach Intercollegiate’s arguments
    regarding the merits of the rates and terms set in that
    * * *
    Intercollegiate is an association of “noncommercial”
    webcasters who transmit digitally recorded music over the
    internet in educational environments such as high school and
    college campuses—a technologically updated version of
    “closed circuit” campus radio stations. As with traditional
    radio, such digital transmissions are “performances” under the
    Copyright Act and thus entitle the owner of a song’s copyright
    to royalty payments. See 
    17 U.S.C. § 106
    (6). And since
    1998, the act has provided a “statutory license” for
    webcasting—a set of provisions that encourage voluntary
    negotiations over licensing terms but provide, if the parties
    cannot agree, for proceedings before the CRJs to establish
    reasonable terms. See 
     § 114(d)(2), (f)(2)-(3); see also id.
    § 112(e)(4) (similar licenses for “ephemeral recordings”).
    The administrative body responsible for setting these
    terms has changed in name and structure over time, but the
    Copyright Royalty Board (the regulatory name for the
    collective entity composed of the CRJs and their staff, see 
    37 C.F.R. § 301.1
    ) was established in its current form in 2004
    and is composed of three Copyright Royalty Judges who are
    appointed to staggered six-year terms by the Librarian of
    Congress. See Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform
    Act of 2004, Pub. L. No. 108-419, 
    118 Stat. 2341
     (codified at
    17 U.S.C. § 801
     et seq.). When a ratemaking proceeding is
    initiated, the Judges are tasked with “mak[ing] determinations
    and adjustments of reasonable terms and rates of royalty
    17 U.S.C. § 801
    (b)(1), where “reasonable” means
    payments that “most clearly represent the rates and terms that
    would have been negotiated in the marketplace between a
    willing buyer and a willing seller,” 
     § 114(f)(2)(B); see also
    id. § 112(e)(4).
    SoundExchange, Inc. (an intervenor here) is a non-profit
    clearinghouse for musicians’ webcast royalty payments. In
    2008 it initiated ratemaking proceedings before the CRJs to
    set the default webcasting licensing rates for the years 2011-
    2015. The Judges initiated proceedings and received 40
    petitions to participate, mainly from webcasters. Over the
    next two years, SoundExchange entered voluntary settlements
    with almost all of the participants, leaving only two
    webcasting participants, Intercollegiate and one other
    licensee, Live365 (a commercial webcaster).          (Live365
    originally appealed the CRJs’ determination as to commercial
    webcaster rates but reached a settlement with SoundExchange
    before the filing of opening briefs.) Intervenor College
    Broadcasting, Inc., an association of educational webcasters
    similar to Intercollegiate, participated in cooperation with
    SoundExchange, providing the CRJs their settlement
    agreement as a reference for market rates.
    After reviewing the evidence and testimony from the
    remaining participants, the CRJs issued a final determination
    in which they adopted as statutory rates the royalty structure
    agreed to in the settlement between SoundExchange and
    College Broadcasting. See 
    76 Fed. Reg. 13,026
    , 13,042/1
    (Mar. 9, 2011). Those terms include a $500 flat annual fee
    per station for both “educational” and other noncommercial
    webcasters whose “Aggregate Tuning Hours” stay below a
    monthly threshold separating them from commercial
    webcasters. See 
    id. at 13
    ,039/1, 13,040/1. The CRJs rejected
    Intercollegiate’s proposal to establish different fee structures
    for “small” and “very small” noncommercial webcasters. See
    id. at 13
    ,040/2-13,042/1. Intercollegiate appealed the CRJs’
    determination pursuant to 
    17 U.S.C. § 803
    * * *
    Intercollegiate first argues that all determinations made
    by the CRJs are void because the relevant appeal provision
    purports to ask Article III courts to take actions of a kind
    beyond their constitutional jurisdiction. Specifically, 
    17 U.S.C. § 803
    (d)(1) provides for appeals of the CRJs’
    determinations to the D.C. Circuit, and § 803(d)(3) states:
    Section 706 of title 5 shall apply with respect to review
    by the court of appeals under this subsection. If the court
    modifies or vacates a determination of the Copyright
    Royalty Judges, the court may enter its own
    determination with respect to the amount or distribution
    of royalty fees and costs, and order the repayment of any
    excess fees, the payment of any underpaid fees, and the
    payment of interest pertaining respectively thereto, in
    accordance with its final judgment. The court may also
    vacate the determination of the Copyright Royalty Judges
    and remand the case to the Copyright Royalty Judges for
    further proceedings in accordance with subsection (a).
    17 U.S.C. § 803
    (d)(3) (emphasis added). Intercollegiate
    claims that this provision vests us with powers unsuitable for
    an Article III court, citing Federal Radio Commission v.
    General Electric Co., 
    281 U.S. 464
     (1930). There the Court
    addressed a provision vesting in the courts of the District of
    Columbia a power to substitute their own “determination” for
    that of an agency; it found the power to be legislative or
    administrative rather than judicial. Because the courts of the
    District were then legislative in character, their exercise of
    such a power presented no problem, but the Court regarded its
    review of such a legislative or administrative decision as
    beyond its authority under Article III. 
    Id. at 469
    . As
    Congress clearly meant to provide an avenue for appeal, yet
    specified an invalid one, Intercollegiate argues, we must
    throw out the whole regime.
    We conclude that we need not address this objection
    because it has no bearing on Intercollegiate’s case. So far as
    the substance of the CRJs’ decision is concerned, no party has
    asked us to enter our own determination, but rather to review
    the decision for compliance with 
    17 U.S.C. § 114
    See Appellant’s Br. 17-18 (seeking vacation and remand for
    lack of compliance with that provision); Appellees’ Br. 43
    (seeking affirmance). That challenge is evaluated under the
    familiar APA arbitrary and capricious standard, 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(A), which is incorporated by direct reference in
    § 803(d)(3). Intercollegiate insists that § 803(d)(3) is “facially
    unconstitutional” and therefore brings down the whole CRJ
    determination process even if the defective provision is not
    applicable in this case. Appellant’s Reply Br. 29. But as the
    government points out, Intercollegiate has made no attempt to
    satisfy the common standard for a facial constitutional
    challenge, Appellees’ Br. 16 (citing United States v. Salerno,
    481 U.S. 739
    , 745 (1987)), or justify the non-application of
    that standard, or explain why the allegedly offensive language
    wouldn’t be severable, see id. at 19-20. Intercollegiate offers
    nothing in reply. See Appellant’s Reply Br. 29-30. We note,
    incidentally, that power to make our “own determination”
    would appear to present no problem on an issue as to which
    the law permitted only one option.
    * * *
    Intercollegiate argues that the Copyright Royalty Board
    as currently structured violates the Constitution’s
    Appointments Clause, art. II, § 2, cl. 2, on two grounds:
    (1) the Judges’ exercise of significant ratemaking authority,
    without any effective means of control by a superior (such as
    unrestricted removability), qualifies them as “principal”
    officers who must be appointed by the President with Senate
    confirmation; and (2) even if the Judges are “inferior”
    officers, the Librarian of Congress is not a “Head of
    Department” in whom Congress may vest appointment power.
    We have discussed these issues in prior cases, but we never
    resolved them because they were not timely raised by the
    parties. See SoundExchange, Inc. v. Librarian of Congress,
    571 F.3d 1220
    , 1226-27 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (Kavanaugh, J.,
    concurring); Intercollegiate Broadcast Sys., Inc. v. Copyright
    Royalty Bd., 
    574 F.3d 748
    , 755-56 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (per
    curiam). Now that they are properly presented, we agree with
    Intercollegiate on the first claim but not the second, and
    accordingly provide a remedy that cures the constitutional
    defect with as little disruption as possible.
    The Appointments Clause provides that
    [The President] . . . shall nominate, and by and with the
    Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint . . .
    Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are
    not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be
    established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest
    the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think
    proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in
    the Heads of Departments.
    U.S. Const., art. II, § 2, cl. 2. To qualify as an “Officer of the
    United States” within the meaning of the clause, i.e., not
    simply an “employee,” a person must “exercis[e] significant
    authority pursuant to the laws of the United States.” Buckley
    v. Valeo, 
    424 U.S. 1
    , 125-26 (1976); see Freytag v.
    501 U.S. 868
    , 880-82 (1991). Intercollegiate
    contends that the CRJs not only exercise significant authority,
    but are “principal” rather than “inferior” officers, so that
    Congress’s decision to vest their appointment in the Librarian
    rather than the President (with Senate approval) violates the
    text of Article II.
    The government concedes that the CRJs meet this initial
    threshold of significant authority. If significance plays no role
    beyond that threshold, i.e., has no bearing on whether an
    officer is principal or inferior, then we may pass on to the
    major differentiating feature, the extent to which the officers
    are “directed and supervised” by persons “appointed by
    Presidential nomination with the advice and consent of the
    Senate.” Edmond v. United States, 
    520 U.S. 651
    , 663 (1997).
    But there is in fact some conflict over whether there are
    relevant degrees of significance in the authority of officers, so
    we first briefly examine the conflict and then consider the
    significance of the CRJs’ authority.
    In Morrison v. Olson, 
    487 U.S. 654
     (1988), the Court
    held that an independent counsel appointed by the Attorney
    General was an inferior rather than principal officer. 
    Id. at 671-72
    . The counsel was removable “only for good cause,”
    id. at 663
    , but the Court also stressed that she was
    “empowered by the Act to perform only certain, limited
    duties,” with no “authority to formulate policy for the
    Government or the Executive Branch,” and that her office was
    not only “limited in jurisdiction,” but also “‘temporary’ in the
    sense that an independent counsel is appointed essentially to
    accomplish a single task, and when that task is over the office
    is terminated,” see 
    id. at 671-72
    . The deprecatory language
    about the independent counsel’s duties seems to rest on a
    premise that levels of significance may play some role in the
    divide between principal and inferior.
    But in Edmond the Court, once satisfied that the persons
    in question exercised significant authority and were thus
    520 U.S. at 662
    , went on to discuss only direction
    and supervision. And it observed that the exercise of
    significant authority “marks, not the line between principal
    and inferior officer for Appointments Clause purposes, but
    rather, as we said in Buckley, the line between officer and
    In any event, assuming that significance of authority has
    any import beyond setting the threshold for officers, it is a
    metric on which the CRJs score high. Their ratemaking
    decisions have considerable consequences—as our colleague
    put it, “billions of dollars and the fates of entire industries can
    ride on the Copyright Royalty Board’s decisions.”
    571 F.3d at 1226
     (Kavanaugh, J.,
    concurring). The CRJs set the terms of exchange for musical
    works not only on traditional media such as CDs, cassettes
    and vinyl, but also on digital music downloaded through
    iTunes and, digital streaming via the web, rates
    paid by satellite carriers, non-commercial broadcasting, and
    certain cable transmissions. See 
    17 U.S.C. §§ 115
    (D) (phonorecords), 114(f)(1) & (f)(2)(A)-(B), (subscription
    and non-subscription digital transmissions and satellite radio
    services), 112(e)(3)-(4) (ephemeral recordings), 118(b)(4)
    (non-commercial broadcasting), 111(d)(4) (secondary
    transmissions by cable systems). Even though the CRJs affect
    Intercollegiate only in regard to webcasting, Freytag calls on
    us to consider all the powers of the officials in question in
    evaluating whether their authority is “significant,” not just
    those applied to the litigant bringing the challenge. 
    501 U.S. at 882
    ; Tucker v. Commissioner, 
    676 F.3d 1129
    , 1132 (D.C.
    Cir. 2012).
    Of course one might see these authorities of the CRJs as
    primarily addressing “merely rates.” But rates can obviously
    mean life or death for firms and even industries.
    Intercollegiate calls our attention, for example, to a firm for
    which royalty expenses constitute half its costs.          See
    Appellant’s Reply Br. 6-7; see generally id. 4-11.
    As we noted, Edmond accepts officers’ classification as
    “inferior” if their “work is directed and supervised at some
    level by others who were appointed by Presidential
    nomination with the advice and consent of the Senate.” 
    520 U.S. at 663
    . In concluding that the judges of the Coast Guard
    Court of Criminal Appeals were inferior officers, the Court
    emphasized three factors: (1) the judges were subject to the
    substantial supervision and oversight of the Judge Advocate
    General (who in turn was subordinate to the Secretary of
    Transportation), see 
    id. at 664
    ; (2) the judges were removable
    by the Judge Advocate General without cause, see 
    power to remove officers, we have recognized, is a powerful
    tool for control.” (citing Bowsher v. Synar, 
    478 U.S. 714
    , 727
    (1986); Myers v. United States, 
    272 U.S. 52
     (1926))); and
    (3) another executive branch entity, the Court of Appeals for
    the Armed Forces, had the power to reverse the judges’
    decisions so that they had “no power to render a final decision
    on behalf of the United States unless permitted to do so by
    other Executive Officers.” Id. at 664-65.
    As to Edmond’s first concern, the CRJs are supervised in
    some respects by the Librarian and by the Register of
    Copyrights, but in ways that leave broad discretion. The
    Librarian (who is appointed by the President with advice and
    consent of the Senate, see 
    2 U.S.C. § 136
    ) is entrusted with
    approving the CRJs’ procedural regulations, 
    17 U.S.C. § 803
    (b)(6); with issuing ethical rules for the CRJs, 
    § 802(h); and with overseeing various logistical aspects of
    their duties, e.g., id. §§ 801(d)-(e) (providing administrative
    resources), 803(c)(6) (publishing CRJs’ decisions), 801(b)(8)
    (assigning CRJs additional duties). None of these seems to
    afford the Librarian room to play an influential role in the
    CRJs’ substantive decisions.
    The Register (who is appointed by the Librarian and acts
    at his direction, see id. § 701(a)) has the authority to interpret
    the copyright laws and provide written opinions to the CRJs
    on “novel material question[s]” of law; the CRJs must abide
    by these opinions in their determinations.            See id.
    § 802(f)(1)(B). The Register also reviews and corrects any
    legal errors in the CRJs’ determinations. Id. § 802(f)(1)(D).
    Oversight by the Register at the direction of the Librarian on
    issues of law of course is not exactly direction by a principal
    officer, Edmond, 
    520 U.S. at 663
    , but it is a non-trivial limit
    on the CRJs’ discretion, and the Librarian may well be able to
    influence the nature of the Register’s interventions.
    But the Register’s power to control the CRJs’ resolution
    of pure issues of law plainly leaves vast discretion over the
    rates and terms. If one looks to market conditions, as one
    statutory provision governing webcasting directs, see 
    17 U.S.C. § 114
    (f)(2), each copyright owner and would-be user
    are in something akin to a bilateral monopoly—a situation
    where the seller has no substitute purchaser (here, because
    each purchaser represents a distinct channel to end-users) and
    the buyer no exact substitute supplier (assuming each creative
    work is in some sense unique). (It is not a strict bilateral
    monopoly, as many songs, etc., may have fairly close
    substitutes.) In such a case, the range of possible market
    prices is likely to be very wide: the floor is likely to be very
    low (adding a user will commonly cost the copyright holder
    nothing) and the ceiling relatively high, especially for creative
    material that has few close substitutes.
    Moreover, the CRJs also apply ratemaking formulas that
    are even more open-ended. For example, § 801(b)(1) directs
    the CRJs to set “reasonable terms and rates of royalty
    payments” with reference to four factors: (1) to “maximize the
    availability of creative works”; (2) to provide a “fair” return to
    both the copyright owner and the copyright user; (3) to
    “reflect the relative roles” of the owner and user as to
    “creative contribution, technological contribution, capital
    investment,” and the like; and (4) to “minimize any disruptive
    impact” on industry structure. 
    17 U.S.C. § 801
    As we have previously stated, because these “factors pull in
    opposite directions,” there is a “range of reasonable royalty
    rates that would serve all these objectives adequately but to
    differing degrees.” RIAA v. Copyright Royalty Tribunal, 
    622 F.3d 1
    , 9 (D.C. Cir. 1981). Thus the Register’s control over
    the most significant aspect of the CRJs’ determinations—the
    rates themselves—is likely to be quite faint. Even in the
    realm of rates required to be based on “cost,” the ratemaker
    typically has broad discretion.           See Federal Power
    Commission v. Conway Corp., 
    426 U.S. 271
    , 278 (1976)
    (“[T]here is no single cost-recovering rate, but a zone of
    reasonableness: ‘Statutory reasonableness is an abstract
    quality represented by an area rather than a pinpoint. It allows
    a substantial spread between what is unreasonable because too
    low and what is unreasonable because too high.’” (quoting
    Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. v. Northwestern Public Service
    341 U.S. 246
    , 251 (1951))). And while we have
    recognized that an obligation to follow another’s legal
    opinions creates a genuine supervisory limit, see Tucker, 
    676 F.3d at 1134
    , here the law does not provide much constraint
    on the rate, and it is the rate itself—not the answer to the pure
    questions of law that the Register can address—that is of the
    greatest importance.
    We find that, given the CRJs’ nonremovability and the
    finality of their decisions (discussed below), the Librarian’s
    and Register’s supervision functions still fall short of the kind
    that would render the CRJs inferior officers.
    The second Edmond factor, removability, also supports a
    finding that the CRJs are principal officers. Unlike the judges
    in Edmond, the CRJs can be removed by the Librarian only
    for misconduct or neglect of duty. See 
    17 U.S.C. § 802
    And while the presence of a “good cause” restriction in
    Morrison did not prevent a finding of inferior officer status, it
    clearly did not hold that such a restriction on removal was
    generally consistent with the status of inferior officer.
    Instead, as Edmond explains, Morrison relied heavily on the
    Court’s view that the independent counsel also “performed
    only limited duties, that her jurisdiction was narrow, and that
    her tenure was limited [to performance of a ‘single task’].”
    520 U.S. at 661
    Finally, the CRJs’ rate determinations are not reversible
    or correctable by any other officer or entity within the
    executive branch. As we have mentioned, their procedural
    rules are reviewed by the Librarian, and their legal
    determinations by the Register. But the Judges are afforded
    full independence in making determinations concerning
    adjustments and determinations of copyright royalty rates
    and terms, the distribution of copyright royalties, the
    acceptance or rejection of royalty claims, rate adjustment
    petitions, and petitions to participate, and in issuing other
    rulings under this title, except that the Copyright Royalty
    Judges may consult with the Register of Copyrights on
    any matter other than a question of fact.
    17 U.S.C. § 802
    (f)(1)(A)(i); see also 
     § 802(f)(1)(A)(ii)
    (Register’s authority “under this clause shall not be construed
    to authorize the Register . . . to provide an interpretation of
    questions of procedure . . . [or] the ultimate adjustments and
    determinations of copyright royalty rates and terms”). Thus,
    unlike the judges in Edmond, 
    520 U.S. at 664-65
    , the CRJs
    issue decisions that are final for the executive branch, subject
    to reversal or change only when challenged in an Article III
    Having considered all of these factors, we are in
    agreement with the view suggested by Judge Kavanaugh in
    SoundExchange that the CRJs as currently constituted are
    principal officers who must be appointed by the President and
    confirmed by the Senate, and that the structure of the Board
    therefore violates the Appointments Clause. 
    571 F.3d at 1226-27
     (concurring opinion). We therefore must decide the
    appropriate remedy to correct the violation.
    In Free Enterprise Fund, the Supreme Court reviewed the
    structure of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board,
    whose members were appointed and removable by the
    Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    The Court held that in the circumstances of that case the “for-
    cause” restriction on the Commissioners’ removal power
    violated the Constitution’s separation of powers by impeding
    the President’s ability to execute the laws. See 
    130 S. Ct. at 3151-54
    . Rather than finding all authority exercised by the
    PCAOB to be unconstitutional, however, the Court held that
    invalidating and severing the problematic for-cause restriction
    was the solution best matching the problem and preserving the
    remainder intact. 
     at 3161 (citing Ayotte v. Planned
    Parenthood of Northern New England, 
    546 U.S. 320
    , 328
    We likewise conclude here that invalidating and severing
    the restrictions on the Librarian’s ability to remove the CRJs
    eliminates the Appointments Clause violation and minimizes
    any collateral damage. Specifically, we find unconstitutional
    all of the language in 
    17 U.S.C. § 802
    (i) following “The
    Librarian of Congress may sanction or remove a Copyright
    Royalty Judge . . . .”    Without this restriction, we are
    confident that (so long as the Librarian is a Head of
    Department, which we address below) the CRJs will be
    inferior rather than principal officers. With unfettered
    removal power, the Librarian will have the direct ability to
    “direct,” “supervise,” and exert some “control” over the
    Judges’ decisions. Edmond, 
    520 U.S. at 662-64
    . Although
    individual CRJ decisions will still not be directly reversible,
    the Librarian would be free to provide substantive input on
    non-factual issues via the Register, whom the Judges are free
    to consult, 
    17 U.S.C. § 802
    (f)(1)(A)(i). This, coupled with the
    threat of removal satisfies us that the CRJs’ decisions will be
    constrained to a significant degree by a principal officer (the
    Librarian). We further conclude that free removability
    constrains their power enough to outweigh the extent to which
    the scope of their duties exceeds that of the special counsel in
    Morrison. Cf. Free Enterprise Fund, 
    130 S. Ct. at 3162
    (“Given that the [SEC] is properly viewed, under the
    Constitution, as possessing the power to remove Board
    members at will, and given the Commission’s other oversight
    authority, we have no hesitation in concluding that under
    Edmond the [PCAOB] members are inferior officers . . . .”).
    In sum, the inability of the Librarian to remove the CRJs,
    coupled with the absence of a principal officer’s direction and
    supervision over their exercise of authority, renders them
    principal officers—but obviously ones not appointed in the
    manner constitutionally required for such officers. Once the
    limitations on the Librarian’s removal authority are nullified,
    they would become validly appointed inferior officers—at
    least if the Librarian is a Head of Department, the issue to
    which we now turn.
    * * *
    Intercollegiate argues that even if the CRJs are inferior
    officers, the Board’s structure is unconstitutional because the
    Librarian is not a “Head of Department” within the meaning
    of the Appointments Clause. The Supreme Court addressed
    the same challenge as to the SEC Commissioners in Free
    Enterprise Fund; it ultimately held:             “Because the
    Commission is a freestanding component of the Executive
    Branch, not subordinate to or contained within any other such
    component, it constitutes a ‘Departmen[t]’ for the purposes of
    the Appointments Clause.” 
    130 S. Ct. at 3163
    . See also
    501 U.S. at 915-22
     (Scalia, J., concurring in part and
    concurring in judgment); Buckley, 
    424 U.S. at 127
    (“Departments” referred to in the Appointments Clause “are
    themselves in the Executive Branch or at least have some
    connection with that branch”). Intercollegiate notes that we
    have referred to the Library of Congress as a “congressional
    agency,” see Keeffe v. Library of Congress, 
    777 F.2d 1573
    1574 (D.C. Cir. 1985), and argues that it is not an executive
    department that can satisfy the “Head of Department”
    definition in Free Enterprise Fund.
    Despite our language in Keeffe, the Library of Congress is
    a freestanding entity that clearly meets the definition of
    “Department.” Free Enterprise Fund, 
    130 S. Ct. at 3162-63
    To be sure, it performs a range of different functions,
    including some, such as the Congressional Research Service,
    that are exercised primarily for legislative purposes. But as
    we have mentioned, the Librarian is appointed by the
    President with advice and consent of the Senate, 
    2 U.S.C. § 136
    , and is subject to unrestricted removal by the President,
    Ex parte Hennen, 38 U.S. (13 Pet.) 230, 259 (1839); Kalaris
    v. Donovan, 
    697 F.2d 376
    , 389 (D.C. Cir. 1983). Further, the
    powers in the Library and the Board to promulgate copyright
    regulations, to apply the statute to affected parties, and to set
    rates and terms case by case are ones generally associated in
    modern times with executive agencies rather than legislators.
    In this role the Library is undoubtedly a “component of the
    Executive Branch.” Free Enterprise Fund, 
    130 S. Ct. at 3163
    It was on this basis that the Fourth Circuit rejected a similar
    charge that the Librarian was not a “Head of Department” for
    purposes of appointing the Register. Eltra Corp. v. Ringer,
    579 F.2d 294
    , 300-301 (4th Cir. 1978). We too hold that the
    Librarian is a Head of Department who may permissibly
    appoint the Copyright Royalty Judges.
    * * *
    We hold that without the unrestricted ability to remove
    the Copyright Royalty Judges, Congress’s vesting of their
    appointment in the Librarian rather than in the President
    violates the Appointments Clause. Accordingly we invalidate
    and sever the portion of the statute limiting the Librarian’s
    ability to remove the Judges. Because the Board’s structure
    was unconstitutional at the time it issued its determination, we
    vacate and remand the determination and do not address
    Intercollegiate’s arguments regarding the merits of the rates
    set therein.
    So ordered.