United States v. John Hardimon , 700 F.3d 940 ( 2012 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 3:10-cr-30170-MJR-1—Michael J. Reagan, Judge.
    Before E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and P OSNER and
    R OVNER, Circuit Judges.
    P OSNER, Circuit Judge. The defendant, a chiropractor,
    pleaded guilty to defrauding health insurers and to
    money laundering and was sentenced to 70 months
    in prison (the bottom of the applicable guidelines
    range) and to pay restitution of almost $2 million. In
    his guilty plea he waived his right to appeal; but shortly
    after pleading guilty he moved to retract the plea on
    2                                    Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515
    the ground that he had been taking psychotropic
    drugs that had clouded his mind and made his plea
    involuntary. The judge denied the motion, and the de-
    fendant’s first appeal attacks the denial as erroneous.
    His second appeal, which is from the part of the sentence
    that orders restitution, is blocked by the appeal waiver
    if we uphold the judge’s ruling with respect to the guilty
    plea. The first appeal is not blocked because the waiver
    was part of the guilty plea agreement that the appeal
    seeks to set aside as having been involuntary. If the plea
    is set aside, the entire sentence will have to be vacated,
    thus including the order to pay restitution. If the plea is
    not set aside, the entire sentence will stand. So in no
    event will we have to consider the merits of the restitu-
    tion order in this appellate proceeding.
    At the guilty-plea hearing the judge asked the de-
    fendant whether he was “currently under the influence
    of any drugs, medicine, or alcohol,” and the defendant
    answered: “prescription medications.” The judge asked
    him whether “any of these medications affect your
    ability to think clearly,” and the defendant answered
    “no,” and also “no” to whether he had been “treated in
    the past 60 days for any addictions to drugs, medicine
    or alcohol of any kind.” But he answered “yes” to the
    next question—whether he’d been treated in the past
    60 days for “any mental disorders, mental defects, or
    mental problems.” The judge asked him to explain, and
    he replied that he was taking medicines for “high
    anxiety, depression, adult attention hyperactivity
    disorder, and depression.” At “therapeutic level?” the
    judge asked, and the defendant said “I believe so, yes.”
    Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515                                      3
    The judge asked the defendant whether he thought the
    drugs were working and he said, “I believe the ADHD
    [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder—the disorder
    that he called ‘adult attention hyperactivity disorder’]
    medicine makes me concentrate more. It does cause
    quite a bit of anxiety, so they have given me something
    else to help the anxiety a little bit, but it [the ADHD
    medicine] definitely increases my alertness.” In answer
    to further questions the defendant assured the judge
    that he was “thinking clearly,” “capable of making deci-
    sions, serious decisions,” such as pleading guilty to the 15-
    count information that the government had filed
    against him, and that he had no “physical conditions or
    problems that affect” his “ability to think clearly.” The
    judge then proceeded with the usual questions in a
    plea hearing, received the usual answers, and accepted
    the plea of guilty.
    Six weeks later the defendant moved to withdraw the
    plea, explaining that he had been taking Prozac to treat
    his mental illnesses but that a week after the plea
    hearing his primary-care physician had switched him
    to Lexapro and “almost immediately” he experienced
    “increased alertness, awareness and attentiveness” and
    realized that at the plea hearing he had been “incapable
    of understanding the true nature of the charges against
    him . . . and the consequences of his plea.”
    The district court conducted an evidentiary hearing.
    The defendant submitted the abstract of a medical study
    which states that Lexapro may be a more effective treat-
    ment for major depression than Prozac. Andrea Cipriani
    et al., “Escitalopram Versus Other Antidepressive
    4                                     Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515
    Agents for Depression,” The Cochrane Library, Oct. 7,
    2009, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.
    CD006532.pub2/abstract (all web sites cited in this
    opinion were visited on Nov. 2, 2012). He also submitted
    an email from his psychiatrist saying that certain rare
    side effects of Prozac, including hallucinations, could
    affect a person’s “ability to think and make decisions.”
    Hallucinations are also a possible, though again a rare,
    side effect of Lexapro. “Drugs & Medications—Lexapro,”
    W ebM D, ww w.webmd.com/drugs/drug-63990-
    Lexapro.aspx?pagenumber=6. The psychiatrist noted that
    in the past the defendant had reported having a “better
    response to Lexapro than Prozac . . . in terms of . . . more
    clear thoughts.” This is possible because although the
    drugs are very similar (both are SSRIs— selective serotonin
    reuptake inhibitors), people may react somewhat differ-
    ently to them. Harvard Health Publications, “What
    Are The Real Risks of Antidepressants?” www.
    of_antidepressants.htm; Mayo Clinic, “Selective Serotonin
    Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs),” www.mayoclinic.com/health/
    The judge denied the motion to withdraw the guilty
    plea, in part because the defendant had presented no
    evidence that switching from Prozac to Lexapro could
    have the dramatic effects he claimed it had, and in
    part because at the plea hearing he had been alert and
    responsive and exhibited no signs of confusion. He cer-
    tainly had not been hallucinating.
    He argues that the judge should have inquired more
    deeply at the plea hearing into the drugs he was taking—
    Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515                                       5
    should have asked him how much of each drug he was
    taking and what “effects the medications [as distinct
    from the underlying mental illnesses] might have on [his]
    clear-headedness.” We don’t think that such an inquiry
    was required. United States v. Weathington, 
    507 F.3d 1068
    , 1073-74 (7th Cir. 2007); United States v. Rollins,
    552 F.3d 739
    , 741-42 (8th Cir. 2009); United States v.
    498 F.3d 185
    , 193-96 (3d Cir. 2007); United States v.
    232 F.3d 265
    , 269 (1st Cir. 2000); Miranda-
    Gonzalez v. United States, 
    181 F.3d 164
     (1st Cir. 1999). The
    judge had already asked him whether he could think
    clearly, and he had said he could, which implies that
    he didn’t think his medications were affecting his ability
    to think clearly. Not being a psychiatrist, the judge
    could not use dosage information to infer inability to
    think clearly. He would have had to require the at-
    tendance of the defendant’s psychiatrist at the plea
    hearing and question him about the dosages and their
    actual and possible consequences. If we imposed such
    a requirement we might create a situation in which a
    significant fraction of criminal defendants are placed
    in detention for psychiatric evaluation before being
    allowed to plead guilty.
    A judge is required to investigate the defendant’s
    mental state if there are indications at the plea hearing or
    later of an impairment that made him incompetent to
    plead. The fact that a defendant seems competent when
    answering the judge’s questions at the plea hearing
    should not be conclusive; mental diseases, or mental
    impairments brought on by psychotropic drugs, might
    alter the premises of a person’s thinking rather than
    6                                       Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515
    the articulation of his thoughts or his outward ap-
    pearance or manner. See American Psychiatric Association,
    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Text
    Revision (DSM-IV-TR) 329 (4th ed. 2000) (diagnostic
    criteria for “delusional disorder” include delusion
    lasting at least one month but also that “apart from
    the impact of the delusion(s) or its ramifications, func-
    tioning is not markedly impaired and behavior is not
    obviously odd or bizarre”); Gerard H. H. Benthem et al.,
    “Teaching Psychiatric Diagnostics to General Practitioners:
    Educational Methods and Their Perceived Efficacy,” 31
    Medical Teacher e279 (2009); Abdel-hamid Afana et al.,
    “The Ability of General Practitioners to Detect Mental
    Disorders Among Primary Care Patients in a Stressful
    Environment: Gaza Strip,” 24 J. Pub. Health Medicine
    326 (2002). General practitioners struggle to detect psychi-
    atric disorders. Benthem et al., supra. Even in a discus-
    sion with someone who believes he’s Napoleon, you
    might find his speech lucid and (given the irrational
    premise) logical, and his affect normal. See Jeanette
    Hewitt, “Schizophrenia, Mental Capacity, and Rational
    Suicide,” 31 Theoretical Medicine & Bioethics 63, 67-68 (2010).
    A combination of deeply confused or clouded thinking
    with coherent speech and a normal demeanor is rare,
    however. “Delusional Disorder,” in American Psychiatric
    Association, supra, at 326. (See also the diagnostic
    criteria for delusion disorder, quoted above.) With the
    Napoleon example we enter the realm of schizophrenia.
    Mania and particularly schizophrenia do affect a patient’s
    ability to perceive reality. “Schizophrenia,” PubMed Health,
    Feb. 13. 2012, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/
    Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515                                      7
    PMH0001925/; “Mania,” Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/
    wiki/Mania. But as in our Napoleon example, the defen-
    dant’s distorted thinking is likely to be apparent; “disorga-
    nized speech (e.g. frequent derailment or incoherence)”
    and “grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior” are
    typical symptoms of schizophrenia. “Diagnostic Criteria
    for Schizophrenia,” in American Psychiatric Association,
    supra, at 312. Our defendant is neither manic nor schizo-
    phrenic; and depression and anxiety do not present the
    same risk of disordered cognition as mania or schizophre-
    nia does, see “Anxiety,” Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/
    wiki/Anxiety; Anxiety and Depression Association of
    A m e rica, “D ep ression ,” http ://w w w .a d a a .o rg /
    understanding-anxiety/depression, though they present
    some risk of it, depression especially. See Terry A.
    Maroney, “Emotional Competence, ‘Rational Understand-
    ing,’ and the Criminal Defendant,” 
    43 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1375
    , 1410-16 (2006).
    The defendant’s focus is in any event on the drugs he
    took rather than on the conditions for which the drugs
    were prescribed. Such drugs can produce disor-
    dered thinking, “Prozac Medication Guide,” www.
    prozac.com/Pages/index.aspx; Drugs.com, “Lexapro
    Side Effects,” www.drugs.com/sfx/lexapro-side-effects.
    html; PubMed Health, “Dextroamphetamine and Am-
    phetam ine,” www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/
    PMH0000166/ (medication for ADHD), though the princi-
    pal mental side effect of SSRIs is suicidal thinking.
    These drugs are taken by millions of people, and it
    can’t just be assumed from the fact that someone is
    8                                       Nos. 11-1821, 11-2515
    taking them that he can’t think straight. To make a case
    for being permitted to withdraw his guilty plea when
    the judge’s inquiries at the plea hearing had been
    adequate and had revealed no impairment of the defen-
    dant’s ability to think, the defendant needs to present
    the affidavit of a qualified psychiatrist. Cf. United States
    v. Jones, 
    381 F.3d 615
    , 618-19 (7th Cir. 2004); United States v.
    643 F.3d 639
    , 643 (8th Cir. 2011). Such an affidavit
    in this case might have described the possible effects of
    Prozac and Lexapro in the dosages prescribed for the
    defendant and any indications that his ability to think
    had been materially impaired by the Prozac, which he
    claims to have realized when he switched to Lexapro
    and his mind cleared. Apparently the defendant’s
    lawyer could find no psychiatrist willing to provide an
    affidavit or testimony that would lay a factual basis
    for a finding of incompetence to plead.
    So the motion to vacate the guilty plea was properly
    denied, the plea therefore stands, the waiver in the plea
    bars the second appeal, and the judgment is therefore