United States v. Hansen , 59 M.J. 410 ( 2004 )

  •                          UNITED STATES, Appellee
    Jamie L. HANSEN, Private First Class
    United States Marine Corps, Appellant
    No. 03-0363
    Crim. App. No. 200100086
    United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
    Argued December 9, 2003
    Decided April 28, 2004
    BAKER, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in
    which GIERKE, EFFRON and ERDMANN, JJ., joined. CRAWFORD,
    C.J., filed a dissenting opinion.
    For Appellant:       Captain E. V. Tipon, USMC (argued).
    For Appellee: Captain Wilbur Lee, USMC (argued); Commander
    Robert P. Taishoff, JAGC, USN (on brief); Colonel R. M.
    Favors, USMC, and Major Patricio A. Tafoya, USMC.
    Military Judge:       R. H. Kohlmann
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    Judge BAKER delivered the opinion of the Court.
    On March 14, 2000, at Cherry Point, North Carolina,
    Appellant was tried by a general court-martial composed of
    a military judge alone.    Consistent with his pleas,
    Appellant was convicted of carnal knowledge and sodomy with
    a child under the age of 16 years in violation of Articles
    120 and 125, Uniform Code of Military Justice [hereinafter
    10 U.S.C. §§ 920
     and 925 (2000), respectively.      He
    was sentenced to a bad-conduct discharge, confinement for
    sixteen months, and reduction to the lowest enlisted grade.
    In accordance with a pretrial agreement, the convening
    authority approved the sentence but suspended all
    confinement in excess of fifteen months for a period of six
    months from the date of the action, and, with the exception
    of the bad-conduct discharge, ordered the sentence
    executed.    The Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals
    affirmed the findings of guilty and the sentence.       United
    States v. Hansen, 
    57 M.J. 815
     (N-M. Ct. Crim. App. 2002).
    This Court granted review of the following issue:
    18 C.M.A. 535
    40 C.M.R. 247
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    For the reasons set forth below, we conclude that the
    military judge did not adequately advise Appellant of his
    constitutional right to confrontation and right against
    self-incrimination or obtain from Appellant an intelligent
    and voluntary waiver of those rights.   As a result, we
    An accused entering a guilty plea waives several of
    his constitutional rights.   United States v. Care, 
    18 C.M.A. 535
    , 538-39, 
    40 C.M.R. 247
    , 250-51 (1969)(quoting
    United States v. McCarthy, 
    394 U.S. 459
    , 466 (1969)).
    These constitutional rights include the right to trial by
    jury, the right to confront one’s accusers, and the
    privilege against compulsory self-incrimination.   See
    Boykin v. Alabama, 
    395 U.S. 238
    , 243 (1969); McCarthy, 
    394 U.S. at 466
    .   They derive from express constitutional text
    and for many, if not most Americans, these rights are
    central to the American perception of criminal justice.
    These rights are also fundamental to the military
    justice system, although they apply in the context of the
    UCMJ somewhat differently than in civilian courts.    See
    United States v. Wiesen, 
    57 M.J. 48
    , 50 (C.A.A.F. 2002);
    United States v. Benedict, 
    55 M.J. 451
    , 456 (C.A.A.F.
    2001)(Effron, J., dissenting); United States v. Roland, 50
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    M.J. 66, 68 (C.A.A.F. 1999)(explaining that although a
    military defendant does not enjoy a Sixth Amendment right
    to a trial by jury, he or she does have a right to members
    who are fair and impartial).   As a result, if there is to
    be a waiver of these rights, it “must be an intentional
    relinquishment or abandonment of a known right or
    privilege.”   Johnson v. Zerbst, 
    304 U.S. 458
    , 464 (1938).
    “The record must also demonstrate the military trial judge
    or president personally addressed the accused, advised him
    that his plea waives his right against self-incrimination,
    his right to a trial of the facts by a court-martial, and
    his right to be confronted by the witnesses against him;
    and that he waives such rights by his plea.”   Care, 18
    C.M.A. at 541, 40 C.M.R. at 253 (citing Boykin, 
    395 U.S. at 239
    ).   Based upon those inquiries and whatever additional
    discussion the military judge may deem necessary, the judge
    must make a finding that there is a knowing, intelligent,
    and conscious waiver in order to accept the plea.   Id. at
    541-42, 40 C.M.R. at 253-54.   That waiver is not to be
    presumed from a silent or inadequate record.   United States
    v. Harris, 
    26 M.J. 729
    , 733 (A.C.M.R. 1988)(characterizing
    Boykin as prohibiting presumption of waiver from a silent
    or inadequate record.)
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    Appellant argues that his plea is improvident because
    the record fails to demonstrate that he was informed of his
    constitutional right to a trial of the facts by court-
    martial, his right to be confronted by and to cross-examine
    any witnesses, and his right against self-incrimination.
    See U.S. Const. amend. V, VI.       As importantly, Appellant
    argues the record fails to demonstrate that Appellant
    knowingly and intelligently waived these rights.
    The government acknowledges that the military judge
    was not express in his review of Appellant’s constitutional
    rights and waiver.   However, a particular incantation is
    not required.   See United States v. Burton, 
    21 C.M.A. 112
    44 C.M.R. 166
    , 169 (1971)(overruled by United States
    v. Kossman, 
    38 M.J. 258
     (C.M.A. 1993)).       What is important,
    in our view, is that the accused is aware of the substance
    of his rights and voluntarily waives them.       Here, the
    government argues, the judge addressed the substance of
    each of the rights in the course of his Care inquiry and on
    the basis of the entire record properly concluded, “that
    you have knowingly, intelligently, and consciously waived
    your rights against self[-]incrimination, to a trial of the
    facts by this court-martial, and to confront the witnesses
    against you.”   The defense did not challenge the judge’s
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    The government posits that this case is at the
    crossroads between those judicial circuits that apply a
    rule of essential substance to determine whether an accused
    has waived his constitutional rights, and those circuits,
    primarily the Second Circuit, that apply a strict rule of
    form, requiring adherence to specific terminology.1      We
    disagree with this paradigm.
    First, although this Court recognizes that the
    military judge should advise the accused of the rights he
    is waiving by pleading guilty, we have previously declined
    to adopt a “per se rule that a failure to fully advise an
    accused mandates reversal.”    Harris, 26 M.J. at 732.
    Instead, the issue is not whether there is ‘exemplary
    compliance with what we had in mind in Care’ but rather
    whether ‘the combination of all the circumstances’ leads
    the court to conclude that the accused’s plea was informed
    and voluntary.”   Harris, 26 M.J. at 732 (quoting Burton, 21
    Compare United States v. Journet, 
    544 F.2d 633
    , 634 (2d
    Cir. 1976) with United States v. Pricepaul, 
    540 F.2d 417
    425 (9th Cir. 1976) and United States v. Stead, 
    746 F.2d 355
    , 357 (6th Cir. 1984).
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    C.M.A. at 115, 44 C.M.R. at 169).2   Thus, in Burton,
    the Court relied on the military judge’s explanation to the
    accused concerning the consequences of electing to be tried
    by military judge alone instead of by a jury as reassurance
    “that the appellant knew of his right to have a jury decide
    his guilt.”    21 C.M.A. at 115, 44 C.M.R. at 169.   Although
    the judge in Burton “did not use the words ‘self-
    incrimination’ and . . . ‘confront the witnesses[,]’” the
    judge did inform the accused that if he invoked his right
    to plead not guilty the government would have the burden of
    proving his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt by presenting
    evidence “that the appellant had the right to confront.”
    Id.   As a result, the Court in Burton determined that the
    appellant understood his right to confront the witnesses
    against him.   Id.   “Similarly, implicit in the judge’s
    explanation about the appellant’s right to plead not guilty
    and the Government’s burden if he did so is the thought
    that the appellant was not required to provide any of the
    proof of his guilt.”   Id.
    Although Burton was overruled in regard to its analysis of
    speedy trial, it remains valid precedent as to the standard
    pertinent to the issue here. See United States v. Kossman,
    38 M.J. 258
     (C.M.A. 1993); United States v. McCallister, 
    27 M.J. 138
     (C.M.A. 1988). Thus, we consider Burton the “low
    water mark” as far as what the record must include to
    demonstrate that the accused was properly advised of his
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    Second, the question in this case is not whether the
    military judge used the correct constitutional formula, but
    whether the judge’s inquiry crossed the threshold of
    necessary substantive inquiry such that we can reasonably
    conclude that Appellant understood his rights and knowingly
    and intelligently waived those rights.
    According to the government, the record shows the
    military judge alluded to Appellant’s constitutional rights
    on six separate occasions.   With respect to Appellant’s
    right to a trial of the facts by court-martial, the
    military judge informed Appellant “you have the right to be
    tried by a court-martial composed of members . . . You are
    also advised that you may request to be tried by military
    judge alone.   If that request is approved, the military
    judge would determine your guilt or innocence . . . .”
    With respect to Appellant’s right against self-
    incrimination, the judge advised Appellant “Based on your
    pleas of guilty alone and without receiving any evidence,
    this court can find you guilty of the offenses to which you
    are pleading guilty.”   The judge also instructed Appellant
    that “By elements, I mean the facts that the government
    would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt before you
    could be found guilty if you pleaded not guilty.”   With
    respect to Appellant’s right to confront and cross-examine
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    witnesses, the government invites our attention to that
    portion of the record where the parties were litigating
    whether a certain defense witness should be allowed to
    testify on sentencing.   Defense counsel argued that “the
    military accused has the right to have the testimony of a
    witness on sentencing as well as on the merits when the
    testimony is material to an issue before the court.”   The
    military judge stated, “If after presentation of the
    government’s evidence, the defense feels that the door has
    been opened by the government to such rebuttal, the defense
    should renew its motion at [that] time.”
    Finally, as noted above, at the close of his Care
    inquiry the judge advised Appellant on the record that he
    had “knowingly, intelligently, and consciously waived [his]
    rights against self[-]incrimination, to a trial of the
    facts by this court-martial, and to confront the witnesses
    against [him].”   This was done without response or
    objection from the defense counsel or the accused.
    Based on this record, we believe Appellant was advised
    of, understood, and knowingly waived his right to a trial
    of the facts.   However, we are not prepared to conclude the
    same with respect to Appellant’s right against self-
    incrimination or his right to be confronted by and cross-
    examine witnesses.   The “combination of all the
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    circumstances” surrounding the judge’s statements regarding
    those particular rights falls short of demonstrating that
    Appellant’s guilty plea and waiver of the rights was
    informed and voluntary within the meaning of McCarthy,
    Boykin, and Care.   See Burton, 21 C.M.A. at 115, 44 C.M.R.
    at 169.3   Without such an explanation and acknowledgment of
    the judge’s ultimate conclusion, we cannot be confident
    that Appellant intelligently waived these rights
    notwithstanding the presence of counsel.    After all, the
    military judge is required to ensure that the accused
    personally understands the rights he is about to waive.
    Care, 18 C.M.A. at 541, 40 C.M.R. at 253.    We cannot be
    certain that this was the case here.   First, the record
    establishes that Appellant was not conversant with his
    constitutional rights.   This was evident at the outset of
    the Care inquiry when the judge advised Appellant of his
    right to be tried by a court-martial composed of members or
    by judge alone.   When asked whether he understood this
    right and had discussed these choices with his counsel,
    Appellant responded, “No, sir.”    Second, where bedrock
    constitutional rights are at issue and are waived, we
    This is in contrast to the thorough, indeed commendable,
    manner in which the military judge reviewed on the record
    with Appellant the elements of the offenses with which he
    was charged.
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    should not settle for inference and presumption when
    certainty is so readily obtained.
    Pretrial agreements are mortar and brick in the
    military justice system.    The knowing and intelligent
    waiver of constitutional rights is the foundation upon
    which they rest.   This Court does not require incantation
    of constitutional formulas.   However, we do require a
    record of confidence that an individual accused had his
    rights explained to him, understood his rights, and
    knowingly and intelligently waived them.   Because the
    relinquishment of these bedrock constitutional rights is
    the essence of the plea bargain, we will not presume or
    imply that a military accused understood them and waived
    them, absent a demonstrable showing in the record that he
    did in fact do so.
    The decision of the United States Navy-Marine Corps
    Court of Criminal Appeals is reversed.    The findings of
    guilty and the sentence are set aside.    The record of trial
    is returned to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy.      A
    rehearing may be ordered.
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    CRAWFORD, Chief Judge (dissenting):
    In contrast to Boykin v. Alabama, 
    395 U.S. 238
     (1969), this
    is not the case of a “silent record,” but a record that is
    replete with evidence demonstrating adequate advice to the
    accused.   The record on the whole affirmatively demonstrates the
    accused understood the constitutional rights he was waiving and
    the critical elements of the crime for which he had entered the
    pleas of guilty.   Trial courts are not required to follow a
    formulistic litany but, in essence, must make sure there is a
    voluntary plea that is understood by the accused.   Clearly, that
    is true in this case.   The majority of courts have considered
    this issue and refused to vacate a plea simply because the
    record does not affirmatively show a specific waiver of these
    three constitutional rights.   James E. Bond, Plea Bargaining and
    Guilty Pleas § 3.8(b) at 3-27 (2d ed. 1982); see also Pitts v.
    United States, 
    763 F.2d 197
     (6th Cir. 1985); State v. Lee, 
    558 N.W.2d 571
     (Neb. 1997); State v. Branch, 
    919 P.2d 1228
    , 1233
    (Wash. 1996)(citing Wood v. Morris, 
    554 P.2d 1032
    , 1336-37
    (Wash. 1976)).   The colloquy by the trial judge is not a model
    to be followed, but it is clear that from the thrust of
    Appellant‘s conversation with the judge that he entered an
    “informed and voluntary” plea.   United States v. Burton, 
    21 C.M.A. 112
    44 C.M.R. 166
    , 169 (1971).
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    This Court considers the entire record when determining the
    providence of a guilty plea.   United States v. Redlinski, 
    58 M.J. 117
    , 119 (C.A.A.F. 2003).   Even before the military judge
    allowed Appellant to enter a plea, he made Appellant aware of
    his rights to discovery, to request witnesses on his behalf, to
    file and litigate motions, and to present evidence on those
    motions.   The military judge and Appellant’s defense counsel
    engaged in a protracted discussion on whether the defense would
    be allowed to present evidence to rebut an implication that his
    accuser had been a virgin, which discussion also included an
    issue of “sentence appropriateness” regarding the trials of the
    other two Marines charged with similar offenses.   Appellant was
    aware of the military judge’s preference to have motions
    completed prior to pleas “because you never know what’s going to
    arise.”    The judge assured Appellant had been advised by his
    counsel and then advised that the guilty plea is the “strongest
    form” proof known to the law and that “the court can find you
    guilty of the offenses to which you are pleading guilty” without
    the introduction of any witnesses.    See United States v. Care,
    18 C.M.A. 535
    40 C.M.R. 247
    , 253 (1969).   Appellant knew that
    the plea would admit every element of the offense, and that if
    he chose to plead not guilty, the government would have to prove
    each and every element of each offense beyond a reasonable doubt
    before Appellant could be found guilty.   Appellant was advised
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    he could be found guilty based on his “pleas of guilty alone.”
    He admitted he had enough time to talk to his counsel and
    believed his advice was in his own best interest.   He
    specifically said he was pleading guilty “voluntarily” and that
    no one had “forced or threatened him to plead guilty.”    He
    indicated he agreed to enter into a stipulation of fact after
    discussing it completely with his attorney and that it was true,
    and if entered into evidence could not be contradicted.   This
    advice to the accused lasted approximately 30 minutes and
    extended over nearly 30 pages of a verbatim record of trial.
    The judge discussed with Appellant the defense of mistake of
    fact concerning the age of the victims but agreed that it did
    not apply.
    In the memorandum of pretrial agreement, Appellant admitted
    that his plea was “voluntary,” and that he was satisfied with
    his defense counsel.   He also admitted his attorney “fully
    advised [him] of the meaning and effect of [his] guilty pleas.
    [He] fully underst[oo]d their meaning and all the related
    effects and consequences.”   
       He waived his right to an
    investigation pursuant to Article 32, Uniform Code of Military
    10 U.S.C. § 832
     (2000), and his “right to have [his]
    case tried by members.”   The judge advised Appellant that he
    could request to withdraw his plea any time before sentence was
    announced.   Appellant also said he understood “each and every
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    provision” of his pretrial agreement, including a provision that
    Appellant “testify truthfully at other trials concerning the
    offenses to which [he was] pleading guilty” and was satisfied
    with the advice of his counsel.   He had no questions concerning
    the “meaning and effect” of his guilty plea.   The judge then
    indicated that he found that Appellant “knowingly,
    intelligently, and consciously waived his rights against self-
    incrimination to a trial of the facts by court-martial, and to
    confront the witnesses against him.”   There was no objection by
    either side to that statement.
    As the majority correctly notes, the rights to silence, to
    confront one’s accuser, and to a trial by jury “are central to
    the American perception of criminal justice” and “fundamental to
    the military justice system.”    So central and fundamental, in
    fact, that it is a leap of logic to conclude that these rights
    were unknown to this 22-year-old Marine who was represented by
    competent counsel, who had negotiated and entered into both a
    pretrial agreement and a detailed stipulation of fact, and who
    had discussed his crimes, his agreement to testify in other
    cases, and many of his trial rights on the record before a
    military judge.
    There was substantial compliance with Care, and Rule for
    Courts-Martial 910.   We should follow our superior court and
    hold that even where there is a failure to make a full inquiry,
    United States v. Hansen, No. 03-0363/MC
    the failure of the defendant to object constitutes waiver absent
    plain error.   United States v. Vonn, 
    535 U.S. 55
     (2002); cf.
    United States v. Benitez, 
    310 F.3d 1221
     (9th Cir. 2002), cert.
    granted __ U.S. __, 
    124 S. Ct. 921
     (2003)(rejecting argument
    that defendant’s failure to object to lack of advising the
    defendant that the judge was not bound by the agreement
    constitutes waiver absent plain error).∗
    On these facts, I can find no material prejudice to any
    substantial right of Appellant.   His plea was informed and
    voluntary.   This Court should no longer invite appellants and
    counsel to negotiate a bargain, plead guilty, gain the benefit
    of the bargain, and then have the conviction set aside with no
    demonstration of prejudice and every indication of waiver.
    The failure to invoke waiver absent plain error invites
    defense counsels to “plant error.” Victor Kelley, 3 National
    Military Justice Group 6 (Winter 2004) (“I know of no fiduciary
    loyalty that the defense owes to the military judge. It may
    well be that the judge incorrectly advises the accused or omits
    an element of the offense. Should this occur, and should the
    prosecutor miss it, the defense has an instant appellate