J. Bailey v. PPB ( 2023 )

    Jack Bailey,                       :
    Petitioner :
    v.                       : No. 956 C.D. 2021
    : Submitted: June 17, 2022
    Pennsylvania Parole Board,         :
    Respondent :
    BY JUDGE WOJCIK                                      FILED: February 24, 2023
    Jack Bailey (Bailey) petitions for review from an order of the
    Pennsylvania Parole Board (Board) that denied his request for administrative review
    challenging the calculation of his parole violation maximum date. Also before us is
    a petition to withdraw as counsel filed by Bailey’s appointed attorney, Dana E.
    Greenspan, Esquire (Attorney Greenspan), because Bailey’s appeal is without merit.
    For the reasons that follow, we grant Attorney Greenspan’s petition to withdraw as
    counsel, and we affirm the Board’s order.
    I. Background
    In June 2016, Bailey pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and robbery
    in Philadelphia County, and he was sentenced to a term of 3 years, 6 months to 10
    years in prison. Certified Record (C.R.) at 1. In October 2016, Bailey pleaded guilty
    in Delaware County to retail theft and was sentenced to a term of 2 to 7 years. Id. at
    1, 14. In addition, Bailey’s probation was revoked based on retail theft, as well as
    resisting arrest and possession of drug paraphernalia, which carried an underlapping
    concurrent sentence of 1 year, 6 months to 6 years in prison. Id. at 3, 14.
    On June 11, 2018, the Board released Bailey on parole. C.R. at 83. At
    the time, Bailey’s original maximum sentence date was July 22, 2024, and Bailey
    owed 6 years, 1 month, and 11 days, which equals 2,233 days, on his original
    sentence, referred to as “backtime.”
    On June 20, 2019, while on parole, Bailey was arrested and charged
    with two counts of possession with intent to deliver (PWID), two counts of
    possession of a controlled substance, and two counts of possession of drug
    paraphernalia, for a total of six counts. C.R. at 21-23. That same day, the Board
    issued a warrant to commit and detain Bailey for parole violations. Id. at 13. Bailey
    waived his rights to representation of counsel and a detention hearing. Id. at 16.
    The Delaware County Court of Common Pleas (sentencing court) set
    bail at ten percent of $500,000, which Bailey did not post. C.R. at 73. Bailey was
    confined at the Delaware County Prison pending disposition of the new criminal
    charges. Id. at 17.
    On February 3, 2020, Bailey pleaded guilty to one count of PWID. C.R.
    at 78. The sentencing court sentenced Bailey to 3 to 6 years of confinement in a
    State Correctional Institution (SCI). C.R. at 41. The other charges were dismissed.
    Id. at 79.
    On February 21, 2020, Bailey was transferred to SCI-Phoenix, pending
    parole violator status.1 C.R. at 72. On March 16, 2020, the Board held a revocation
    hearing where Bailey waived his right to a panel hearing and his right to counsel,
    and participated in the hearing. Id. at 50-54. A hearing examiner issued a hearing
    report determining that Bailey should be recommitted as a convicted parole violator
    (CPV) to an SCI as a result of the new conviction. Id. at 63-69.
    By revocation decision mailed June 19, 2020, the Board recommitted
    Bailey as a CPV to serve 18 months’ backtime. C.R. at 85-86. The Board
    recalculated his new maximum sentence date to June 5, 2026, by adding 2,233 days
    of backtime owed to the “custody for return” date of April 24, 2020. Id. at 83. The
    Board did not award credit for time spent at liberty on parole, noting Bailey has a
    “history of supervision failure(s) in probation and/or parole that warrant denying his
    time at liberty on parole.” Id. at 85; see id. at 66. The Board declared he would not
    be eligible for parole until October 24, 2021. Id. at 85.
    Bailey, representing himself, requested administrative review of the
    Board’s June 19, 2020, decision on the basis that the Board made errors in regard to
    time calculations. C.R. at 94. First, Bailey asserted that the Board miscalculated his
    maximum sentence date and did not properly account for time spent at liberty on
    parole from June 11, 2018, to June 20, 2019, or his time spent incarcerated on the
    Board’s detainer pending disposition on the new criminal charges. Id. at 94-95.
    Second, Bailey claimed the Board erred by using April 24, 2020, as the custody for
    return date rather than the date of arrest of June 20, 2019. Id. at 94, 98. By decision
    From the time of his arrest, Bailey remained housed at the Delaware County Prison.
    Bailey was transferred to SCI-Phoenix on February 21, 2020, after pleading guilty to PWID on
    February 3, 2020.
    mailed July 13, 2021, the Board denied Bailey’s request for administrative review2
    upon determining that the Board did not err in its time calculations and affirmed its
    recommitment decision. Id. at 109-110.
    From this decision, Attorney Greenspan filed a petition for review on
    Bailey’s behalf asserting that the Board erred in recalculating Bailey’s parole
    violation maximum date by failing to credit his original sentence with all the
    confinement time to which he was entitled. Thereafter, Attorney Greenspan filed a
    petition to withdraw as counsel along with a no-merit letter based on her belief that
    Bailey’s appeal is without merit. This matter is now before us for disposition.3
    II. Petition to Withdraw
    Counsel seeking to withdraw as appointed counsel must conduct a
    zealous review of the case and submit a no-merit letter to this Court detailing the
    nature and extent of counsel’s diligent review of the case, listing the issues the
    petitioner wants to have reviewed, explaining why and how those issues lack merit,
    and requesting permission to withdraw. Commonwealth v. Turner, 
    544 A.2d 927
    928 (Pa. 1988); Hughes v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    977 A.2d 19
    , 24-26 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2009) (en banc); Zerby v. Shanon, 
    964 A.2d 956
    , 960 (Pa.
    Cmwlth. 2009).4 “A no-merit letter must include ‘substantial reasons for concluding
    Bailey filed an “Administrative Remedies Form,” which the Board treated as a petition
    for administrative review from the Board decision recorded June 9, 2020 (mailed June 19, 2020).
    Attorney Greenspan filed an application for leave to appeal nun pro tunc, which this Court
    granted by order dated December 10, 2021.
    Where there is a constitutional right to counsel, court-appointed counsel seeking to
    withdraw must submit a brief in accord with Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
     (1967), referred
    to as an Anders brief, that (i) provides a summary of the procedural history and facts, with citations
    (Footnote continued on next page…)
    that’ a petitioner’s arguments are meritless.” Zerby, 
    964 A.2d at 962
    Jefferson v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    705 A.2d 513
    , 514 (Pa.
    Cmwlth. 1998)).
    In addition, court-appointed counsel who seeks to withdraw
    representation must: (1) notify the petitioner of the request to withdraw; (2) furnish
    the petitioner with a copy of a brief or no-merit letter; and (3) advise the petitioner
    of his right to retain new counsel or raise any new points that he might deem worthy
    of consideration. Turner, 544 A.2d at 928; Hughes, 
    977 A.2d at 22
    . If counsel
    satisfies these technical requirements, this Court must then conduct an independent
    review of the merits of the case. Turner, 544 A.2d at 928; Hughes, 
    977 A.2d at 25
    If this Court determines the petitioner’s claims are without merit, counsel will be
    permitted to withdraw, and the petitioner will be denied relief. Turner, 544 A.2d at
    928; Hughes, 
    977 A.2d at 27
    Upon review, Attorney Greenspan’s no-merit letter satisfies the
    technical requirements of Turner. Attorney Greenspan states that she conducted a
    conscientious and thorough review of the record, applicable statutes, and case law,
    as well as consultation and correspondence with Bailey. She sets forth the issues
    that Bailey raised in his petition for review, the Board miscalculated Bailey’s
    maximum sentence date by not properly accounting for time spent at liberty on
    parole from June 11, 2018, to June 20, 2019, or his time spent incarcerated on the
    Board’s detainer pending disposition on the new criminal charges, and by using
    to the record, (ii) refers to anything in the record that counsel believes arguably supports the appeal;
    (iii) sets forth counsel’s conclusion that the appeal is frivolous; and (iv) states counsel’s reasons
    for concluding that the appeal is frivolous. Commonwealth v. Santiago, 
    978 A.2d 349
    , 361 (Pa.
    2009); Hughes, 
    977 A.2d at 25-26
    . Where, as here, the petitioner has only a statutory, rather than
    a constitutional, right to counsel, appointed counsel may submit a no-merit letter instead of an
    Anders brief. 
    April 24, 2020, as the custody for return date rather than the date of his arrest on
    June 20, 2019. Attorney Greenspan sets forth a procedural history of the case,
    provides a thorough analysis as to why these issues lack merit, and she cites
    applicable statutes, regulations, case law and the certified record in support.
    Attorney Greenspan explains that the Board properly calculated
    Bailey’s maximum date. Section 6138(a)(2) of the Prisons and Parole Code (Parole
    Code), 61 Pa. C.S. §6138(a)(2), provides that a parolee who is convicted of
    committing a crime while on parole may be recommitted to serve the unserved
    balance of his original maximum sentence and may be denied credit for “time at
    liberty on parole.” Under Section 6138(a)(5)(i) of the Parole Code, 61 Pa. C.S.
    §6138(a)(5)(i), the parolee is required to serve the balance of his original state
    sentence before serving his new state sentence. When Bailey was originally paroled
    on June 11, 2018, his maximum sentence date was July 22, 2024, which meant that
    he still owed 2,233 days on his original sentence. C.R. at 8-9. Adding 2,233 days
    to the April 24, 2020 custody for return date yielded a recalculated maximum
    sentence date of June 5, 2026. Bailey is not entitled to credit for pre-sentence
    confinement against his original sentence because he did not post bail and the pre-
    sentence confinement time that he served from the date of arrest to sentencing was
    applicable to the new sentence. Martin v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
    840 A.2d 299
    , 301 (Pa. 2003). Bailey is not entitled to receive credit towards
    his original sentence for the period he spent incarcerated immediately following his
    arrest but before the Board revoked his parole.
    Second, Attorney Greenspan explains that the “custody for return” is
    the proper date for the calculation, not Bailey’s date of arrest. The process for
    revoking parole was not completed until the Board ordered the recommitment. 61
    Pa. C.S. §6138(a)(2). The requirement that Bailey serve his original sentence before
    beginning his new sentence can only be imposed upon the revocation of his parole.
    Campbell v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    409 A.2d 980
    , 981-82
    (Pa. 1980).
    Based on her review, Attorney Greenspan concludes that Bailey’s
    appeal to this Court is without merit, and she requests permission for leave to
    withdraw. Attorney Greenspan provided Bailey with a copy of the no-merit letter
    and her request to withdraw. She advised Bailey of his right to retain new counsel
    or proceed by representing himself.5 Because this Court is satisfied that Attorney
    Greenspan has discharged her responsibility in complying with the technical
    requirements to withdraw from representation, we shall conduct an independent
    review to determine whether Bailey’s petition for review lacks merit.6
    III. Independent Review
    First, Bailey claims that the Board miscalculated his new parole
    violation maximum date by failing to award credit to his original sentence to which
    he was entitled. More particularly, Bailey argues that the Board erred or abused its
    discretion by imposing 2,233 days of backtime owed, and by not awarding him credit
    for 373 days of street time or time spent in custody between his date of arrest and
    parole revocation.
    Section 6138(a) of the Parole Code governs parole violations for
    convicted violators providing, in pertinent part:
    Bailey did not retain new counsel or file a brief in support of his petition for review.
    Our review is limited to determining whether constitutional rights were violated, whether
    the adjudication was in accordance with law, and whether necessary findings were supported by
    substantial evidence. Section 704 of the Administrative Agency Law, 2 Pa. C.S. §704; Miskovitch
    v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    77 A.3d 66
    , 70 n.4 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2013).
    (1) A parolee under the jurisdiction of the [B]oard released
    from a correctional facility who, during the period of
    parole . . . commits a crime punishable by imprisonment,
    . . . to which the parolee pleads guilty at any time
    thereafter in a court of record, may at the discretion of the
    [B]oard be recommitted as a parole violator.
    (2) If the parolee’s recommitment is so ordered, the
    parolee shall be reentered to serve the remainder of the
    term which the parolee would have been compelled to
    serve had the parole not been granted and, except as
    provided under paragraph (2.1), shall be given no credit
    for the time at liberty on parole.
    (2.1) The [B]oard may, in its discretion, award credit to a
    parolee recommitted under paragraph (2) for the time
    spent at liberty on parole, unless any of the following
    (i) The crime committed during the period of parole or
    while delinquent on parole is a crime of violence as
    defined in 42 Pa. C.S. §9714(g) (relating to sentences for
    second and subsequent offenses) or a crime requiring
    registration under 42 Pa. C.S. Ch. 97 Subch. H. (relating
    to registration of sexual offenders).
    (ii) The parolee was recommitted under section 6143
    (relating to early parole of inmates subject to Federal
    removal order).
    61 Pa. C.S. §6138(a) (emphasis added).
    Section 6138(a)(2) of the Parole Code authorizes the Board to reenter
    CPVs into SCIs to serve the remainder of the term they would have been required to
    serve had they not been paroled, except as provided under subsection (2.1). 61
    Pa. C.S. §6138(a)(2). Subsection (2.1) grants the Board discretion to award credit
    to a CPV recommitted to serve the remainder of his sentence, except when the CPV
    is recommitted for the reasons stated in subsections 6138(a)(2.1)(i) and (ii). 61
    Pa. C.S. §6138(a)(2.1); Pittman v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole,
    159 A.3d 466
    , 473 (Pa. 2017).
    In the exercise of this discretion, the Board must conduct an “individual
    assessment of the facts and circumstances surrounding a [a parolee’s] parole
    revocation.” Pittman, 159 A.3d at 474. Further, the Board must “articulate the basis
    for its decision to grant or deny a CPV credit for time served at liberty on parole.”
    Id. Although the Board has broad discretion to grant or deny such credit, its decision
    is subject to appellate review and must be reversed or vacated as an abuse of
    discretion where the Board has based its denial of credit on an erroneous premise.
    Id. at 474-475. Where the Board denies credit for time served at liberty on parole,
    this time is applied to the original maximum expiration date to create a new
    maximum date. Armbruster v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    919 A.2d 348
    , 351 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2007).
    In addition, “where an offender is incarcerated on both a Board detainer
    and new criminal charges, all time spent in confinement must be credited to either
    the new or original sentence.” Martin, 840 A.2d at 309; accord Gaito v.
    Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    412 A.2d 568
    , 571 n.6 (Pa. 1980); see
    Smith v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, 
    171 A.3d 759
    , 769 (Pa. 2017)
    (holding that Martin and Gaito remain the rule in this Commonwealth for how credit
    is applied). As our Supreme Court held in Gaito:
    [I]f a defendant is being held in custody solely because of
    a detainer lodged by the Board and has otherwise met the
    requirements for bail on the new criminal charges, the time
    which he spent in custody shall be credited against his
    original sentence. If a defendant, however, remains
    incarcerated prior to trial because he has failed to satisfy
    bail requirements on the new criminal charges, then the
    time spent in custody shall be credited to his new sentence.
    412 A.2d at 571.
    Here, Bailey was not convicted of a crime of violence, did not commit
    a crime requiring sex offender registration, and was not subject to a federal removal
    order. See 61 Pa. C.S. §6138(a)(2.1)(i), (ii). As a result, the Board had discretion to
    deny Bailey credit for the time he spent at liberty on parole, provided it articulated a
    reason for its denial. 61 Pa. C.S. §6138(a)(2.1); Pittman. The Board declined to
    credit Bailey with time spent at liberty on parole citing Bailey’s “history of
    supervision failures in probation and/or parole.” C.R. at 85. That is a sufficient
    articulation of a reason for denying credit. See Barnes v. Pennsylvania Board of
    Probation and Parole, 
    203 A.3d 382
    , 391 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2019) (notation that the new
    conviction was similar to original offense and early failure after only eight months
    on the street was a sufficient articulation of reason for denying credit); see also
    Pittman, 159 A.3d at 475 n.12 (“the reason the Board gives does not have to be
    extensive and a single sentence explanation is likely sufficient in most instances”).
    Upon review, we discern no abuse of discretion in the Board’s denial of street time
    credit on this basis.
    In addition, Bailey was not entitled to credit against his original
    sentence for time spent incarcerated between his date of arrest on his new criminal
    charges and his parole revocation. On June 20, 2019, Bailey was arrested on new
    criminal charges and the Board issued a warrant to commit and detain him.
    However, because Bailey did not post bail on the new criminal charges, C.R. at 17,
    77, he was not detained solely on the Board’s warrant. Consequently, this period of
    detention between his date of arrest and parole revocation applies to his new sentence
    and not to his original sentence. See Martin. Upon review, the Board did not err or
    abuse its discretion by denying credit on Bailey’s original sentence. The Board
    properly determined Bailey still owed 2,233 days towards his original sentence.
    Bailey also asserts that the Board incorrectly set his “custody for return
    date” as April 24, 2020, as opposed to June 20, 2019, the date of his arrest, in its
    calculation of his new maximum date. However, a CPV’s “custody of return” date
    is determined by the date of the parole revocation. Wilson v. Pennsylvania Board of
    Probation and Parole, 
    124 A.3d 767
    , 769-70 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2015) (recommitment
    date for CPV is the date parole is revoked as indicated by the second signature on
    the hearing report); Campbell, 409 A.2d at 982 (service of backtime on an old
    sentence must be computed from the date the Board revokes parole). This occurs
    once a hearing examiner and at least one Board member signs a hearing report
    recommitting a parolee as a CPV. Wilson, 
    124 A.3d at 769-70
    . Time served prior
    to the parole revocation date must be applied to the new sentence. Wilson, 
    124 A.3d at 770
    ; Campbell, 409 A.2d at 982.
    Although Bailey was incarcerated on June 20, 2019, Bailey’s parole
    was not revoked until April 24, 2020, when the Board obtained the second signature
    from a panel member that was necessary to recommit him as a CPV. C.R. at 70.
    Thus, the Board properly utilized April 24, 2020, as Bailey’s custody for return date,
    and Bailey is not entitled to an adjustment on this basis.
    In sum, Bailey was released on parole on June 11, 2018, with a
    maximum sentence date of June 22, 2024, which left an unserved balance of 2,233
    days on his sentence. C.R. at 83. Adding Bailey’s unserved balance on his original
    sentence of 2,233 days to the parole revocation date of April 24, 2020, results in a
    maximum sentence date of June 5, 2026. Id. at 83. Upon review, the Board did not
    err in calculating Bailey’s maximum date.
    IV. Conclusion
    Upon review, we agree with Attorney Greenspan that Bailey’s claims
    are without merit. Accordingly, we grant Attorney Greenspan’s petition to withdraw
    as counsel, and we affirm the order of the Board denying Bailey’s request for
    administrative review.
    Jack Bailey,                       :
    Petitioner :
    v.                       : No. 956 C.D. 2021
    Pennsylvania Parole Board,         :
    Respondent :
    AND NOW, this 24th day of February, 2023, the order of the
    Pennsylvania Parole Board, mailed July 13, 2021, is AFFIRMED, and the petition
    to withdraw as counsel filed by Dana E. Greenspan, Esquire, is GRANTED.