T. Scantling v. PA BPP ( 2017 )

    Thomas Scantling,                       :
    Petitioner     :
    v.                          :   No. 2701 C.D. 2015
    :   Submitted: October 28, 2016
    Pennsylvania Board of Probation         :
    and Parole,                             :
    Respondent      :
    BY JUDGE BROBSON                            FILED: February 3, 2017
    Petitioner Thomas Scantling (Scantling) petitions for review of an
    order (final determination) of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole
    (Board), denying his request for administrative relief.    Scantling’s appointed
    counsel, Nicholas A. Newfield (Counsel), however, filed a motion to withdraw as
    counsel. Counsel asserts, as expressed in his “no merit” letter, that the issues
    Scantling raises in his petition for review are without merit. We grant Counsel’s
    motion to withdraw and affirm the Board’s order.
    Scantling pleaded guilty to aggravated assault on November 13, 2009.
    (Certified Record (C.R.) at 1.)       Scantling was sentenced to a period of
    incarceration for four-to-ten years for that conviction. (Id. at 1-2.) The maximum
    sentence date for the aggravated assault conviction was September 9, 2018. (Id.)
    The Board granted Scantling parole, with a release date of September 10, 2012.
    (Id. at 4.)    The Board issued a decision recorded on December 2, 2013,
    recommitting Scantling as a technical parole violator and directing him to serve six
    months backtime when available. (Id. at 15-17.) The Board recorded another
    decision on January 24, 2014, modifying the December 2, 2013 decision and
    indicating that it was re-paroling Scantling in April 2014. (Id. at 35.)
    On August 16, 2014, Scantling was arrested for driving under the
    influence of alcohol or drugs, and he pleaded guilty on November 13, 2014. (Id.
    at 69.) Scantling served 72 hours of incarceration from February 24, 2015, to
    February 27, 2015, and was then immediately re-paroled. (Id. at 65-66.) The
    Board conducted a revocation hearing on May 15, 2015.                 (Id. at 80-81.)
    Scantling’s supervisory parole agent sought to introduce the “Criminal Arrest and
    Disposition Report” (Form 275C), as well as a document request form that
    allegedly demonstrated her attempts to acquire sentencing information on
    Scantling. (Id. at 81.) Counsel objected to the admission of both, and the Board
    admitted Form 275C but sustained a hearsay objection to the document request
    form. (Id.) Counsel also objected to the hearing on the grounds that it was
    untimely, but the Board overruled that objection.        (Id.)   The Board issued a
    decision recorded on August 14, 2015, recommitting Scantling as a convicted
    parole violator, instituting six months of backtime, and changing his maximum
    sentence date to September 12, 2018. (Id. at 91-92.)
    Scantling filed a petition for administrative review of the Board’s
    August 14, 2015 order, alleging that the Board failed to conduct a timely
    revocation hearing and improperly relied on hearsay evidence.              Additionally,
    Scantling challenged the Board’s determination of his maximum sentence date for
    the driving under the influence conviction. (Id. at 97.) The Board responded to
    Scantling’s request for administrative review by letter mailed December 7, 2015.
    The Board’s letter addressed all of the challenges Scantling mentioned in his
    request for administrative relief and affirmed its decision. Scantling then filed a
    petition for review with this Court, challenging the Board’s December 7, 2015
    final determination.
    Previously, Counsel filed a motion for leave to withdraw, which we
    denied. Scantling v. Pa. Bd. of Prob. & Parole (Pa. Cmwlth., No. 2701 C.D. 2015,
    filed September 15, 2016) (Brobson, J.) (Scantling I). Nevertheless, we provided
    him with an opportunity to submit an amended motion after supplying his client
    with an amended no-merit letter. We explained that in order for Counsel to
    comply with the requirements set forth in Zerby v. Shanon, 
    964 A.2d 956
    Cmwlth. 2009), Counsel must fully discuss the issues raised by Scantling and why
    the applicable law does not provide relief. 
    Id., slip op.
    at 5. We now address the
    sufficiency of the amended no-merit letter and assess the merits of Scantling’s
    In seeking to withdraw, this Court has consistently required an
    attorney to include the following descriptive information in a no-merit letter:
    (1) the nature and extent of counsel’s review of the case; (2) the issues the parolee
    wants to raise; and (3) the analysis counsel used in reaching his conclusion that the
    issues are meritless. 
    Zerby, 964 A.2d at 956
    .1 Consequently, before considering
    whether the matter has no merit and proceeding to make an independent review of
    As we discussed in Scantling I, Counsel’s original no-merit letter complied with the
    procedural requirements set forth in Reavis v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
    909 A.2d 28
    , 33 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2006), and Counsel’s amended no-merit letter complies
    with Reavis for the reasons set forth in Scantling I. See Scantling I, slip op. at 3.
    the merits of the case, we must first evaluate Counsel’s no-merit letter to determine
    whether it complies with the requirements for withdrawal applications. Counsel’s
    no merit letter includes a fair summary of Scantling’s conviction and parole
    history, thus reflecting an adequate review of the record. Counsel has also
    sufficiently summarized the issues Scantling has raised in his petition for review
    and provided some legal analysis of the reasons why the issues have no merit. We,
    therefore, will proceed to consider the question of whether counsel is correct in
    asserting that the issues Scantling has raised are without merit.
    First, we agree with Counsel that Scantling’s assertion that the
    revocation hearing was untimely is meritless.           The time requirements for
    revocation hearings for a convicted parole violator are set forth in 37 Pa. Code
    § 71.4:
    (1) A revocation hearing shall be held within 120 days
    from the date the Board received official verification of
    the plea of guilty or nolo contendere or of the guilty
    verdict at the highest trial court level except as follows:
    (i) If a parolee is confined outside the jurisdiction
    of the Department of Corrections, such as
    confinement out-of-State, confinement in a Federal
    correctional institution or confinement in a county
    correctional institution where the parolee has not
    waived the right to a revocation hearing by a panel
    in accordance with Commonwealth ex rel.
    Rambeau v. Rundle, 
    455 Pa. 8
    314 A.2d 842
                       (1973), the revocation hearing shall be held within
    120 days of the official verification of the return of
    the parolee to a State correctional facility.
    (ii) A parolee who is confined in a county
    correctional institution and who has waived the
    right to a revocation hearing by a panel in
    accordance with the Rambeau decision shall be
    deemed to be within the jurisdiction of the
    Department of Corrections as of the date of the
    This provision required the Board to hold a revocation hearing within 120 days of
    the “official verification” of Scantling’s guilty plea.      The Board’s regulations
    define “official verification” as the “[a]ctual receipt by a parolee’s supervising
    parole agent of a direct written communication from a court in which a parolee was
    convicted of a new criminal charge attesting that the parolee was so convicted.”
    37 Pa. Code § 61.1.
    The Board admitted Form 275C as proof of the official verification of
    the guilty plea. According to this document, the date of the official verification
    was April 27, 2015.       (C.R. at 63-64.)       The revocation hearing, held on
    May 15, 2015, was well within the 120-day maximum period after April 27, 2015,
    and thus, was timely. Notably, we previously held that the same form used in this
    case, Form 275C, constituted substantial evidence of the timeliness of a revocation
    hearing in Wiley v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation & Parole, 
    967 A.2d 1060
    1063 (Pa. Cmwlth.), appeal denied, 
    982 A.2d 1229
    (Pa. 2009).2 Likewise, we
    conclude, as we did in Wiley, that the Board met its burden proving the timeliness
    of the revocation hearing.
    Next, we agree with Counsel and reject Scantling’s contention that the
    Board impermissibly relied on hearsay evidence to conclude that Scantling
    violated his parole.    First, as we explained above, the Board did not err by
    admitting Form 275C into evidence. This Court has previously held that the
    Board, as an administrative agency, may take official notice of facts contained in
    reports and records in the agency’s files, in addition to those facts which are
    In Wiley, this Court also distinguished prior cases where the Board relied upon
    documents that were not admitted into evidence. 
    Wiley, 967 A.2d at 1063
    . Here, the Board
    admitted Form 275C into evidence and thus these cases are inapplicable.
    obvious and notorious to the average person. Taylor v. Pa. Bd. of Prob. & Parole,
    569 A.2d 368
    , 371 (Pa. Cmwlth.), appeal denied, 
    567 A.2d 655
    (Pa. 1989). In
    Taylor, we upheld the admission of a document that was in the Board’s files for a
    parolee over a hearsay objection under the doctrine of official notice. 
    Id. at 370.
    Pursuant to Taylor, Form 275C is admissible over a hearsay objection.
    Form 275C reflects that Scantling pleaded guilty to the driving under the influence
    charge on November 13, 2014. (C.R. at 64.) Moreover, Scantling admitted to his
    driving under the influence conviction at the hearing. (Id. at 80-81.) We conclude,
    therefore, that the Board sufficiently proved Scantling’s new conviction, and his
    argument to the contrary is without merit.
    Finally, we address Scantling’s assertion that the Board erred in its
    calculation of the new maximum sentence date. The Board extended the maximum
    sentence date by three days, from September 9, 2018, to September 12, 2018. The
    Board did not grant Scantling credit for the period of February 24, 2015, to
    February 27, 2015. This Court has held that a parolee whose parole was revoked
    and sentence recalculated was not entitled to receive credit for incarceration time
    served on new criminal charges against his original sentence. Koehler v. Pa. Bd. of
    Prob. & Parole, 
    935 A.2d 44
    , 54-55 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2007). Scantling’s argument,
    therefore, that the Board failed to credit the time he served from
    February 24, 2015, to February 27, 2015, also lacks merit.
    Accordingly, we will grant Counsel’s motion to withdraw. Moreover,
    because we have concluded that Scantling’s petition for review lacks merit, we
    affirm the order of the Board, denying his administrative appeal.
    Thomas Scantling,                     :
    Petitioner     :
    v.                         :   No. 2701 C.D. 2015
    Pennsylvania Board of Probation       :
    and Parole,                           :
    Respondent    :
    AND NOW, this 3rd day of February, 2017, the motion to withdraw
    as counsel filed by Nicholas A. Newfield is GRANTED, and the order of the
    Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole is AFFIRMED.