County of Allegheny v. WCAB (Nicini) ( 2017 )

    County of Allegheny,                     :
    : No. 2602 C.D. 2015
    : Submitted: August 5, 2016
    Petitioner     :
    v.                    :
    Workers' Compensation Appeal             :
    Board (Nicini),                          :
    Respondent     :
    BY JUDGE WOJCIK                                      FILED: February 3, 2017
    County of Allegheny (Employer) petitions for review of the
    November 18, 2015 order of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Board),
    affirming in part, reversing in part, and vacating in part the decision of a workers’
    compensation judge (WCJ),1 which granted the review petition filed by Nicholas
    Nicini (Claimant), denied Employer’s termination petition, and ordered Employer
    to continue paying Claimant weekly benefits of $732.46 per week. The Board
    affirmed the grant of Claimant’s review petition, reversed the denial of Employer’s
    The decision was issued by WCJ Eric Jones, to whom the matter was reassigned
    following the retirement of WCJ Susan Cercone.
    termination petition in part, and vacated the WCJ’s award of ongoing
    compensation. We affirm.
    Claimant suffered a work injury on February 23, 2013, during the
    course of his employment as a corrections officer.                 He was treated in the
    emergency room, and he returned to light duty work with no wage loss. Employer
    issued a medical-only notice of temporary compensation payable, which converted
    to a medical-only notice of compensation payable (NCP),2 recognizing closed
    fractures of the third and fourth fingers of Claimant’s left hand and a lumbar strain.
    On January 20, 2014, Claimant filed a review petition seeking to
    expand the description of the work injuries in the NCP to include an aggravation of
    underlying spondylolisthesis/spinal stenosis.             Employer subsequently filed a
    termination petition alleging that Claimant was fully recovered from his work-
    related injuries as of June 16, 2013.
    Claimant testified that he worked as a corrections officer at the
    Allegheny County Jail.3 He said that he was injured on February 23, 2013, after he
    responded to a call from another officer who complained that an inmate was giving
    Generally, an employer must issue a notice of compensation payable or a notice of
    compensation denial within twenty-one days of notice of a work injury. Section 406.1(a) of the
    Workers’ Compensation Act (Act), Act of June 2, 1915, P.L. 736, as amended, added by the Act
    of February 8, 1972, P.L. 25, as amended, 77 P.S. §717.1(a). However, where there is
    uncertainty regarding compensability or the extent of liability, an employer may initiate
    compensation payments for a period not exceeding 90 days without prejudice or without
    admitting liability, by issuing a notice of temporary compensation payable. Section 406.1(d) of
    the Act, 77 P.S. §717.1(d)(1). Both the notice of temporary compensation payable, LIBC-501,
    and the notice of compensation payable, LIBC-495, provide an option for payment for medical
    treatment only.
    Claimant testified before WCJ Jones on July 28, 2014. Reproduced Record (R.R.) at
    him a hard time. Claimant stated that he was escorting the inmate back to his cell,
    with his hand on the inmate’s back, and the inmate tried to smack Claimant’s hand
    away as they ascended the stairs. Claimant grabbed the inmate’s shirt tightly and,
    as Claimant walked up one or two steps, the inmate suddenly stopped and pulled
    Claimant back, causing him to strike his hand and lose his balance, but not fall.
    Claimant returned the inmate to his cell and continued working. He awoke during
    the night with back pain and found his hand bruised and swollen.
    Claimant testified that he first sought treatment from Paul Liefeld,
    M.D., a panel physician, and he currently sees Gerard J. Werries, M.D., every six
    weeks. He also sees David A. Provenzano, M.D., who provides him injections for
    pain relief. Claimant stated that surgery had been recommended, but he was
    waiting for a determination of whether it would be covered by workers’
    compensation so that his credit would not be affected. He explained that he has an
    excellent credit score and, while he has health insurance, he did not want to be off
    work without income. R.R. at 79-94.
    Claimant submitted medical records and reports, including records of
    Dr. Werries, Dr. Provenzano, and David L. Kaufmann, M.D., whom Claimant saw
    on July 9, 2013, for a neurosurgical evaluation.4 Employer offered into evidence
    Section 422 of the Act, added by the Act of June 26, 1919, P.L. 642, 77 P.S. §835,
    provides in part:
    Where any claim for compensation at issue before a workers’
    compensation judge involves fifty-two weeks or less of disability,
    either the employe or the employer may submit a certificate by any
    health care provider as to the history, examination, treatment,
    diagnosis, cause of the condition and extent of disability, if any,
    and sworn reports by other witnesses as to any other facts and such
    statements shall be admissible as evidence of medical and surgical
    or other matters therein stated and findings of fact may be based
    upon such certificates or such reports. . . .
    the deposition testimony of Daniel Kelly Agnew, M.D., who performed an
    independent medical evaluation (IME) of Claimant on June 26, 2013. Dr. Agnew
    opined that Claimant’s work injury did not aggravate his pre-existing conditions
    and that Claimant was fully recovered from the work injury. R.R. at 104-58.
    Claimant acknowledged during the hearing that he had fully recovered
    from his hand injury. There also was no dispute that Claimant previously was
    diagnosed with a grade I spondylolisthesis at L5-S1 in 2010.
    By decision and order dated October 24, 2014, the WCJ granted
    Claimant’s review petition and amended the description of the work injury to
    include a “low back injury that substantially contributed to left sciatica,
    spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease.” WCJ’s decision at 11. The
    WCJ denied Employer’s termination petition, finding that Claimant had recovered
    from the hand injury, but Employer had not met its burden of proving that
    Claimant fully recovered from the work injury.5 In making these determinations,
    the WCJ resolved conflicts in the evidence in Claimant’s favor. WCJ’s Finding of
    Fact No. 9.
    Employer appealed to the Board, arguing, inter alia, that the WCJ
    erred in denying Employer’s termination petition and failed to issue a reasoned
    decision. The Board agreed with Employer’s first argument and ordered that the
    termination petition be granted in part.6
    Although Claimant was not receiving wage loss benefits, the WCJ further concluded
    that Claimant remained entitled to receive weekly compensation at the rate of $742.46, less
    attorney fees. The Board corrected this error on appeal and vacated that portion of the WCJ’s
    As the Board recognized, however, an employer “must prove that all of the claimant’s
    work-related disability has ceased” in order to be entitled to a termination of medical and wage
    (Footnote continued on next page…)
    However, the Board rejected Employer’s contentions that the WCJ’s
    credibility determinations reflect a misapprehension of the facts and the law.
    According to the Board:
    The WCJ accepted Claimant’s evidence over that of
    [Employer’s] and stated numerous actual objective
    reasons for this determination, including the fact that Dr.
    Werries saw Claimant shortly after the work incident and
    was his treating physician, that Dr. Agnew did not have
    certain qualifications, and that Dr. Agnew did not
    loss benefits related to the work injury. Central Park Lodge v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal
    Board (Robinson), 
    718 A.2d 368
    , 370 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1998) (emphasis in original) (citations
    omitted). Pennsylvania courts have repeatedly held that in a termination proceeding, an
    employer bears the burden of proving by substantial evidence that a claimant’s disability has
    ceased, “or that any remaining conditions are unrelated to the work injury. An employer may
    satisfy this burden by presenting unequivocal and competent medical evidence of the claimant’s
    full recovery from her work-related injuries.” Westmoreland County v. Workers’ Compensation
    Appeal Board (Fuller), 
    942 A.2d 213
    , 217 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2007) (emphasis added) (citation
    The Board interpreted the decision in Indian Creek Supply v. Workers’ Compensation
    Appeal Board (Anderson), 
    729 A.2d 157
    (Pa. Cmwlth. 1999) as inviting a departure from our
    case law. In that case we held that the employer satisfied its burden with respect to the
    claimant’s lumbosacral strain but not the residual problems from his disc herniation. We find no
    support for the Board’s analysis in Indian Creek Supply. More important, we believe that the
    Board is fashioning a “cure” for a problem that does not exist: it is by now well-settled that a
    finding of fact that is not challenged on appeal is binding on the parties in subsequent
    proceedings. Mino v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Crime Prevention Association),
    990 A.2d 832
    , 839 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2010); Temple University Hospital v. Workers’ Compensation
    Appeal Board (Sinnot), 
    866 A.2d 489
    , 494 n.4 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2005). Here, the WCJ’s
    unchallenged finding that Claimant was fully recovered from the hand injury is sufficient, in
    itself, to entitle Employer to the relief the Board seeks to supply. We conclude that the Board’s
    piecemeal approach is both unnecessary and ill-advised, and we direct the Board’s attention to
    our decision in Ingram Micro v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Heim), (Pa. Cmwlth.,
    No 1716 C.D. 2013, filed May 23 2014) (holding that termination of benefits in part was
    persuasively cite to any medical theory or literature to
    support his opinions.
    Board’s opinion at 10. Thus, the Board affirmed the grant of Claimant’s review
    On appeal to this Court,7 Employer argues that the WCJ failed to issue
    a reasoned decision. Section 422(a) of the Act states that
    [a]ll parties to an adjudicatory proceeding are entitled to
    a reasoned decision containing findings of fact and
    conclusions of law based upon the evidence as a whole
    which clearly and concisely states and explains the
    rationale for the decisions so that all can determine why
    and how a particular result was reached. The workers’
    compensation judge shall specify the evidence upon
    which the workers’ compensation judge relies and state
    the reasons for accepting it in conformity with this
    section. When faced with conflicting evidence, the
    workers’ compensation judge must adequately explain
    the reasons for rejecting or discrediting competent
    evidence. Uncontroverted evidence may not be rejected
    for no reason or for an irrational reason; the workers’
    compensation judge must identify that evidence and
    explain adequately the reasons for its rejection. The
    adjudication shall provide the basis for meaningful
    appellate review.
    77 P.S. §834.
    Employer asserts that: the WCJ did not sufficiently address the
    credibility of Claimant’s testimony; the WCJ failed to consider all of the evidence
    Our scope of review is limited to determining whether constitutional rights were
    violated, an error of law was committed, or necessary findings of fact are supported by
    substantial evidence. Milner v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Main Line Endoscopy
    995 A.2d 492
    , 495 n.2 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2010). Substantial evidence is such relevant evidence
    as a reasonable person might accept as adequate to support a conclusion. Waldameer Park, Inc.
    v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Morrison), 
    819 A.2d 164
    , 168 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2003).
    of record; the WCJ’s credibility determination concerning Dr. Agnew’s testimony
    reflects a misapprehension of the facts and the law; the WCJ relied on incompetent
    medical testimony; and the WCJ’s ruling on Dr. Provenzano’s testimony is not
    supported by substantial evidence.
    We first address Employer’s contention that the WCJ’s decision was
    not reasoned because he failed to consider all of the evidence of record,
    specifically, three diagnostic reports that Employer submitted as exhibits.
    Employer complains that the WCJ made no reference to these reports. He did not
    note that they were uploaded in WCAIS,8 indicate whether they were admitted, or
    list the reports as exhibits in his decision. Employer further complains that the
    WCJ failed to consider Employer’s argument that the reports showed little change
    in Claimant’s preexisting condition.
    However, we have previously explained that “in providing an
    adequate basis for appellate review, the WCJ is not required to address all of the
    evidence presented in a proceeding” in his written adjudication.          Daniels v.
    Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Tristate Transport), 
    753 A.2d 293
    , 304
    (Pa. Cmwlth. 2000), aff’d, 
    828 A.2d 1043
    (Pa. 2003). Instead, to satisfy the
    “reasoned decision” requirement, a WCJ must only make findings necessary to
    resolve the issues raised by the evidence and relevant to the decision. Pryor v.
    Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Colin Service Systems), 
    923 A.2d 1197
    1202 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2006); Montgomery Tank Lines v. Workers’ Compensation
    Appeal Board (Humphries), 
    792 A.2d 6
    , 13 n.10 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2002). Because the
    WCAIS is the acronym for the Workers’ Compensation Automation and Integration
    System, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s electronic case management
    WCJ was not required to discuss all of the evidence presented, Employer’s
    argument in this regard necessarily fails.
    Employer’s remaining arguments relate to the WCJ’s credibility
    determinations, which are set forth in Finding of Fact No. 9. In its entirety, that
    finding states:
    9. Resolution of the conflict of evidence, analysis of
    the evidence and discussions. Based on a weighing of
    all of the evidence in the case, I make the following
    findings of fact.
    a. When claimant testified before me on July 28, 2014,
    his testimony, overall, was very believable.        He
    confirmed that he returned to work based on Dr. Werries
    restrictions. Claimant confirmed that the employer was
    honoring the restrictions for claimant as a corrections
    officer at employer. [ ]
    b. The claimant’s medical experts, Dr. Werries and Dr.
    Provenzano both were treating physicians of the
    claimant. Dr. Kaufmann saw claimant for a consultation.
    Dr. Werries saw the claimant shortly after claimant’s
    February 23, 2013 injury and had continued to treat the
    claimant. Dr. Werries obviously had gotten the claimant
    to the point of returning to work at modified duty, but
    opining claimant could not return to his regular job. That
    is very reasonable, especially in view of Dr. Werries
    returning the claimant to modified duty work and there
    would be no wage loss involved in this litigation. Dr.
    Provenzano was a pain management physician referred to
    by an associate physician of Dr. Werries and apparently
    continuing with Dr. Werries for the referrals. Therefore,
    there are two physicians who support the claimant who
    support that claimant [sic] had a low back injury that
    included an aggravation of the pre-existing conditions.
    Both physicians agree that it was claimant’s February 23,
    2013 low back injury that caused the aggravation. Dr.
    Provenzano obviously does not support the opinion of
    Dr. Agnew as employer’s medical expert. There is
    obviously a coordination of treatment between Dr.
    Provenzano and Dr. Werries and especially as far as
    returning claimant to modify to work [sic]. The evidence
    is very persuasive that claimant’s symptoms of an
    underlying low back condition became for [sic]
    symptomatic following his February 23, 2013 work
    injury. Clearly, the causally [sic] relationship is there
    and is persuasive since employer relies on Dr. Agnew,
    who opines claimant did not have a significant injury,
    when obviously Dr. Werries and Dr. Provenzano have
    opinions to the contrary and are continuing to treat
    claimant more than a year and a half following his work
    injury. Therefore, the opinions of Dr. Agnew, as
    discussed previously, [are] not creditable. Dr. Agnew’s
    qualifications do not establish him as any expert in
    medical forensics. In fact, he does not even cite any
    medical theory persuasively or any medical literature that
    support his opinion that the mechanism of injury was not
    significant. Rather, the evidence is very persuasive that
    claimant had an underlying low back condition without
    significant symptoms before his work injury and those
    became more symptomatic after the work injury. Dr.
    Agnew’s opinion to the contrary is not found persuasive
    in view of the opinions of two treating physicians and
    taking into account that claimant has returned to work at
    modify [sic] duty based on the treatment of Dr.
    Provenzano and Dr. Werries.
    c. Even though claimant has treated for the symptoms
    since the work injury, Dr. Agnew was unwilling to
    acknowledge an aggravation that produced those
    symptoms. Again, this appears as though advocacy by
    Dr. Agnew rather than the opinion objectively analyzing
    the evidence in the case (p47).
    d. The physicians both agreed that claimant’s low back
    injury was a substantial contributing factor to left
    sciatica, spondylolisthesis and degenerative disc disease.
    WCJ’s decision at 8-9.
    Relying on Canavan v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (B & D
    Mining Co.), 
    769 A.2d 1250
    , 1252 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2001), Employer contends that
    the WCJ’s decision is not reasoned because his ruling on Claimant’s credibility
    was not sufficiently definite. In Canavan, the WCJ found that the opinions of the
    claimant’s medical witness were “unpersuasive.” On appeal, this Court stated that
    it could not determine whether the WCJ found the doctor’s testimony not credible
    or unequivocal,9 and the employer conceded that the WCJ did not make the
    specific credibility findings that were required by the Court’s prior remand order.
    Here, Employer asserts that the WCJ’s statement that Claimant’s
    testimony was “very believable” is insufficient for purposes of meaningful
    appellate review. However, Employer does not suggest that Claimant’s testimony
    was in any respect equivocal, or otherwise incompetent.                 We conclude that
    Employer’s reliance on Canavan is misplaced, and we reject Employer’s
    contention that the WCJ’s finding as to Claimant’s testimony rendered his decision
    inadequate for purposes of appellate review.
    Employer next argues that the WCJ’s decision is not reasoned because
    his credibility determination concerning Dr. Agnew’s testimony reflects a
    misapprehension of the facts and the law. Specifically, Employer complains that
    the WCJ erred in rejecting Dr. Agnew’s testimony on the grounds that Dr. Agnew
    was not an expert in medical forensics, he did not cite any medical theory or
    literature in support of his opinion, and his testimony appeared to be advocacy
    rather than an objective opinion. Employer asserts that Dr. Agnew is a qualified
    In workers’ compensation cases, the issue of whether testimony is equivocal generally
    arises with respect to medical testimony. Where the cause of a claimant’s medical condition is
    not obvious, unequivocal medical testimony is required, Albert Einstein Healthcare v. Workers’
    Compensation Appeal Board (Stanford), 
    955 A.2d 478
    , 482 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2008), and medical
    testimony that is equivocal will be deemed incompetent. Campbell v. Workers’ Compensation
    Appeal Board (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), 
    954 A.2d 726
    , 730 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2008). Whether
    medical testimony is equivocal is a question of law subject to plenary review. 
    Id. 10 medical
    expert in the field of orthopedic surgery and, as such, was not required to
    cite authority for his medical opinions but properly relied on the facts and his
    observations during the IME. Employer further argues that the WCJ did not apply
    the same standards in evaluating the opinions of Claimant’s medical witnesses.
    It is well settled that where medical experts testify by deposition, a
    WCJ’s resolution of conflicting evidence must be supported by more than a
    statement that one expert is deemed more credible than another.             Dorsey v.
    Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Crossing Construction Co.), 
    893 A.2d 191
    , 194-95 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2006). “Some articulation of the actual objective basis
    for the credibility determination must be offered for the decision to be a 'reasoned'
    one which facilitates effective appellate review.” 
    Id. at 194-95
    Daniels, 828 A.2d at 1053
    ). There are countless objective factors that may support a WCJ’s
    credibility determinations, and such factors must be identified in the WCJ’s
    decision. Dorsey, 
    893 A.2d 195
    Nevertheless, we have repeatedly stressed that Section 422(a) of the
    Act does not permit a party to challenge or second-guess a WCJ’s reasons for
    credibility determinations. Id.; Kasper v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board
    (Perloff Brothers, Inc.), 
    769 A.2d 1242
    , 1244 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2001). In Kasper, we
    declined the claimant’s “invitation to individually scrutinize each of the WCJ's
    reasons for his credibility determination.” 
    Id. We explained
    [d]eciding credibility is the quintessential function of the
    fact-finder, particularly one who sees and hears the
    testimony. It is not an exact science, and the ultimate
    conclusion comprises far more than a tally sheet of its
    various components. We will not take the statutory
    mandate that a WCJ explain reasons for discrediting
    evidence as a license to undermine the exercise of this
    critical function by second guessing one or more of its
    constituent parts.
    Id. (footnote omitted).
    In sum then, unless made arbitrarily or capriciously, a
    WCJ’s credibility determinations will not be disturbed on appeal. Empire Steel
    Castings, Inc. v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Cruceta), 
    749 A.2d 1021
    1027 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2000); PEC Contracting Engineers v. Workers’ Compensation
    Appeal Board (Hutchinson), 
    717 A.2d 1086
    , 1089 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1998).
    Here, the WCJ credited Claimant’s medical evidence, noting that Dr.
    Werries saw Claimant shortly after the incident and was Claimant’s treating
    physician. The WCJ’s reasons for rejecting Dr. Agnew’s testimony include the
    fact that his testimony conflicts with Claimant’s medical evidence. The WCJ also
    cited Dr. Agnew’s testimony that Claimant did not have a significant injury as
    indicative of bias rather than an objective opinion. Because the WCJ provided
    objective reasons for these credibility determinations, we cannot conclude that the
    WCJ acted arbitrarily or capriciously in this instance.
    Employer further argues that Dr. Werries’ testimony was incompetent.
    “A physician’s assumption that an injury is caused by a recent event because of the
    temporal proximity is not a sufficiently competent opinion to establish a causal
    relationship.” Lewis v. Workmen’s Compensation Appeal Board, 
    498 A.2d 800
    803 (Pa. 1985). However, we reject Employer’s contention that the crux of Dr.
    Werries’ opinion as to causation was the temporal proximity of Claimant’s
    complaints to the work event. In his report, R.R. at 203-206, Dr. Werries states
    that a twisting injury to Claimant’s low back on February 23, 2013, caused
    radiating pain to the left calf that continued to the time of Claimant’s first visit on
    February 27, 2013. R.R. at 203. He reviews the course of Claimant’s medical
    treatment, including diagnostic studies performed, and he concludes:
    1. My diagnosis for [Claimant] is left sciatica, acquired
    spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease of the
    lumbar spine.
    2. My opinion, within a reasonable degree of medical
    certainty, is that the accident was a substantial
    contributing factor to [Claimant’s] current low back
    problems. The injury represents an aggravating event.
    He had no symptoms and no disability prior to his injury
    on February 23, 2013.
    R.R. at 205.
    The medical report reflects that, when taken as a whole, Dr. Werries’
    opinion did not rest solely on a temporal relationship between the work incident
    and Claimant’s worsening back condition.          See 
    Lewis, 498 A.2d at 803-804
    (testimony of a medical witness must be reviewed and taken as a whole). See,
    also, Budd Co. v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Kan), 
    858 A.2d 170
    179-80 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2004) (concluding that a medical report is competent
    evidence where disability of 52 weeks or less is at issue and stating that “[w]hether
    the content of the report sufficiently addresses matters at issue and whether the
    report is persuasive are questions relating to credibility and to weight rather than to
    Finally, we reject Employer’s assertion that the WCJ’s decision is not
    reasoned because his credibility ruling on Dr. Provenzano’s testimony is not
    supported by substantial evidence. Employer argues that, contrary to the WCJ’s
    statements that Drs. Werries and Provenzano both found a causal relationship
    between Claimant’s work injury and his worsened medical condition, Dr.
    Provenzano’s records do not address the issue of causation. However, Employer
    concedes that such an opinion may have been submitted by Dr. Kaufmann, but not
    discussed by the WCJ. More important, the WCJ articulated additional objective
    bases for accepting Claimant’s medical evidence that are supported by the record.
    Dorsey, 893 A.2d at 196
    (“this reason permits verification during appellate
    review, and it is alone sufficient to support a credibility finding.”).
    Based on the foregoing, we conclude that while the WCJ’s analysis is
    not a model of clarity, it is adequate for purposes of appellate review and, thus, it
    satisfies the reasoned decision requirement of Section 422(a) of the Act.
    Accordingly, we affirm.
    Judge McCullough did not participate in this decision of this case.
    County of Allegheny,                   :
    : No. 2602 C.D. 2015
    Petitioner      :
    v.                    :
    Workers' Compensation Appeal           :
    Board (Nicini),                        :
    Respondent      :
    AND NOW, this 3rd day of February, 2017, the order of the Workers’
    Compensation Appeal Board, dated November 18, 2015, is affirmed.