B. Zalman and S. Zalman, his Wife v. City of Chester , 165 A.3d 82 ( 2017 )

    Bernard Zalman and Sandra Zalman,               :
    his Wife,                                       :
    Appellants        :
    v.                               :   No. 1030 C.D. 2016
    Submitted: February 9, 2017
    City of Chester                                 :
    Bernard Zalman and Sandra Zalman,               :
    h/w                                             :
    v.                               :   No. 1383 C.D. 2016
    :   Submitted: February 9, 2017
    City of Chester                                 :
    Appellant         :
    SENIOR JUDGE COLINS                                                  FILED: June 27, 2017
    Bernard Zalman and Sandra Zalman, who are the designated
    Appellants (collectively Appellants), and the City of Chester1, cross-appeal from
    an order issued on November 9, 2015 by the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware
    County (Trial Court) quieting title to a portion of Yarnall Street and a portion of
    West Front Street located within Chester. Based upon the following reasons and
    the able and learned opinion issued by Judge Spiros E. Angelos of the Trial Court,
    we affirm the Trial Court’s order.
    References within this opinion to the “City” refer to the City of Chester as a party to this
    appeal, while references to “Chester” refer to the City of Chester as the location of the property
    in dispute.
    Yarnall Street and West Front Street intersect within Chester in an
    area along the Delaware River near the Commodore Barry Bridge that was
    previously dominated by railroad tracks and industry and is now a street away from
    the stadium that is home to the Philadelphia Union pro soccer team. An elevated
    off-ramp from U.S. Route 322 creates a semi-circle above the area at issue and
    allows cars to exit onto West Second Street. After the off-ramp, Yarnall Street is
    the first street that crosses West Second Street and goes toward the river. As
    Yarnall Street heads toward the river, Appellants’ first property is located on the
    northwest side of where Yarnall Street intersects with West Front Street and
    Appellants’ second property is located on the southwest side of where Yarnall
    Street intersects with West Front Street. Appellant Bernard Zalman has operated a
    business at the northwest and southwest corner of Yarnall and West Front Street
    since 1956.
    Appellants filed a quiet title action to determine whether Appellants or
    the City were the legal owners of portions of Yarnall and West Front Streets.
    Following a non-jury trial, the Trial Court issued an order concluding that title to
    that portion of West Front Street that abuts Appellants’ property belongs to the
    City and that title to “the western half of Yarnall Street as it stretches from the
    southern edge of the intersection of West Front Street and Yarnall Street south to
    the southern boundary of [Appellants’] property located at the southwest corner of
    Yarnall and West Front Street,” belongs to Appellants.
    Both Appellants and the City appealed the Trial Court’s order to this
    Court and each requests that this Court affirm that portion of the Trial Court’s
    order which quiets title in their favor and reverse that portion of the Trial Court’s
    order which quiets title in the other party’s favor.2 Appellants argue that the Trial
    Court abused its discretion by concluding that the evidence demonstrated that West
    Front Street was dedicated, opened, and used by the public prior to passage of the
    Act of May 9, 1889, P.L. 173 (Act of 1889), 36 P.S. § 1961, and that, therefore, the
    21-year statute of limitations set forth in the Act of 1889 is inapplicable to the
    portion of West Front Street in dispute. The City argues that the Trial Court
    abused its discretion by concluding that the City had vacated the portion of Yarnall
    Street in dispute where the City did not pass an ordinance expressly vacating the
    street. We will address these issues seriately.
    Appellants argue the record demonstrates that the Borough of South
    Chester3 granted the right to construct a freight railway line across private property
    on what is now West Front Street prior to any plotting, laying out or opening of
    West Front Street. As a result, Appellants argue there was no dedication or
    acceptance of West Front Street by the Borough of South Chester, which was later
    incorporated into Chester. Appellants argue that there is no evidence in the record
    that West Front Street was used by the public prior to passage of the Act of 1889
    and Appellants, therefore, contend that there is no support in the record for the
    Trial Court’s Finding of Fact No. 11. Finding of Fact No. 11 states:
    It has been specifically held that 36 P.S. § 1961 does not
    apply retroactively to a street that was in use at least by
    This Court’s scope of review of the denial of post-trial motions is limited to determining
    whether the trial court abused its discretion or committed an error of law. Hunter v. City of
    80 A.3d 533
    , 536 n.7 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2013). An appellate court may not substitute its
    judgment for that of the trial court where the determination of the trial court is supported by
    competent evidence. Pirillo v. Vanco, 
    74 A.3d 366
    , 368 n.5 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2013). Where the
    issues presented are pure questions of law, our standard of review is de novo and our scope of
    review is plenary. 
    The Borough of South Chester was incorporated into Chester in 1921.
    railroads. City of Pittsburgh v. Pittsburgh & L. E. R. Co.,
    106 A. 724
    , 726 (Pa. 1919).
    (Trial Court Op., ¶11.) The City argues that the cases relied upon by Appellants
    for historical evidence, including Borough of South Chester v. Chester and
    Delaware River Railroad Co., 
    5 Del. Co. Rep. 114
     (Del. Cmm. Pls. 1892), and
    Chester and Delaware River Railroad Co. v. South Chester Railroad Co., 
    5 Del. Co. Rep. 153
     (Del. Cmm. Pls. 1892), as well as the 1913 and 1934 “Sanbourn
    Maps”4 offered as exhibits by the City, support the City’s argument and the Trial
    Court’s conclusion that West Front Street was a public street by at least 1892,
    rendering the Act of 1889 inapplicable to Appellants’ quiet title claim.
    The three essential elements that must be satisfied to demonstrate that
    a street has been opened for public use are: (1) a grant or dedication that is express
    or implied; (2) an acceptance; and (3) an opening or public use. Borough of
    Leighton v. Katz, 
    462 A.2d 889
    , 892 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1983). Per the Act of 1889, the
    General Assembly set forth the following statutory provision applicable to
    unopened ways or streets on town plots:
    Any street, lane or alley, laid out by any person or
    persons in any village or town plot or plan of lots, on
    lands owned by such person or persons in case the same
    has not been opened to, or used by, the public for twenty-
    one years next after the laying out of the same, shall be
    and have no force and effect and shall not be opened,
    without the consent of the owner or owners of the land on
    which the same has been, or shall be, laid out.
    “Sanbourn Maps” were originally created as fire insurance risk maps and show structures and
    the type of material used in the structure. Today these maps are commonly used by engineers
    and planners to identify the historical use of property.
    36 P.S. § 1961. As early as 1896, our Supreme Court stated that “[t]he purpose of
    the act is to relieve land upon which streets have been laid out by the owner, but
    not opened or used for 21 years, from the servitude imposed.” Quicksall v. City of
    35 A. 606
    , 609 (Pa. 1896). In Quicksall, the Court concluded that
    the Act of 1889 prevented a street laid out and dedicated in 1848 from being
    opened and used by the public without compensation because for the preceding 44
    years the street had been exclusively within the possession of the abutting owners
    and used by them for stone quarrying and it was, therefore, too late for the city to
    assert a right founded on the dedication in 1848.
    However, the Court also concluded that the Act of 1889 had no
    retroactive effect, stating that “[t]here is nothing in this statute that would justify us
    in giving it a retroactive construction, so as to apply to streets opened and used
    prior to its passage.” Osterheldt v. City of Philadelphia, 
    45 A. 923
    , 923 (Pa. 1900).
    In Osterheldt, a deed from Richard Peters to Frederick Osterheldt in 1849
    contained a dedication for public use of a strip of land owned by Peters that had
    also been stamped as a public street on the plat recorded by Peters. At some point
    between 1865 and 1870, Osterheldt erected fencing enclosing 25 feet of the strip of
    land laid out and dedicated by Peters as a public street. In 1884, city council
    passed an ordinance opening “Fairmount Avenue” with a width of 50 feet. The
    street now known as Fairmount Avenue included the strip of land identified as a
    public street in the deed from Peters to Osterheldt that Osterheldt had enclosed
    with fencing. Osterheldt’s heirs brought an action for damages against the city and
    the Court held that the deed from Peters to Osterheldt in 1849 operated as a
    relinquishment of all claims for damages for the use of the land within the line of
    Fairmount Avenue and that, because the Act of 1889 had no application,
    Osterheldt’s heirs had no claim for damages. Id. at 923.
    Clarifying application of the Act of 1889 further, the Court held in In
    re Widening of State Road, 
    84 A. 686
     (Pa. 1912), that the Act applied only to new
    streets laid out by owners but not opened or used by the public for the subsequent
    21 years and that the Act had no application to the widening of a road to include
    land previously dedicated as a part of a public highway. Id. at 687. In State Road,
    an owner of a large tract of land executed a deed and recorded a plan subdividing
    the tract into lots and streets including Aramingo Street, which was recorded as
    being 60 feet wide although only 50 feet was currently being used by the public.
    Purchasers of the surrounding tracts subsequently built fences along the bed of
    Aramingo Street, enclosing the 10 unused feet of the plotted roadway. The Court
    concluded that the public actually used and continued to use Aramingo Street after
    its dedication and that, even though the public did not use the entire width
    dedicated, public use of any part of the road was sufficient to establish acceptance
    of the entire width of the road dedicated. Id. at 687.
    The Court addressed the effect of use of a street by the railroads on
    the issue of whether a street was a public street in City of Pittsburgh v. Pittsburgh
    & L. E. R. Co., 
    106 A. 724
     (Pa. 1919). In Pittsburgh & L. E. R. Co., the city filed a
    bill in equity to remove encroachments by abutting property owners on an alleged
    public street, known as South Water Street, which stretched from Seventeenth to
    Twenty-Sixth Street within the City of Pittsburgh. The area where the alleged
    street was located was originally developed from two tracts of land on the southern
    bank of the Monongahela River, the eastern part being owned by Oliver Ormsby
    and the western part being owned by John Ormsby, which were partitioned by the
    Orphans Court in 1841 and 1844. A third tract, which lay between the two
    Ormsby tracts, was determined to belong to Oliver Ormsby and partitioned in
    1844. The Court found that “[n]umerous streets are referred to in the partition
    proceedings and shown on plots accompanying the same, including Water street
    represented as of the width of 100 feet, more or less, and extending to the river.
    Subsequently much of the property was subdivided and passed by sundry
    conveyances wherein Water street is referred to and called for as a boundary, and
    some buildings were erected abutting upon the south line thereof.” 
    Id. at 725
    At the time of the partitions, there was an open coal mine from which
    a railroad extended to the river along what became Twenty-First Street, and on the
    western side of Twenty-First Street there was a block of lots known as the
    “railroad lots.” The first two partitions, in 1841 and 1844, did not extend Water
    Street across the railroad lots; the third partition, in 1844, showed Water Street
    extending across the railroad lots and included as signatories all abutting
    landowners. In 1849, the borough of East Birmingham, which included all of the
    land originally comprised of the Ormsby tracts, was incorporated by the General
    Assembly. Section 15 of the Act provided that the owners of the railroad lots
    retained ownership of the lots to the low water mark of the river, “[p]rovided, that
    in all such cases there shall be secured to the public a right of way along the river
    bank across such lot or lots.” 
    Id. at 726
    . Following incorporation, Water Street
    was referred to in numerous borough ordinances and one ordinance referenced
    fixing and grading the street. The borough of East Birmingham became part of the
    City of Pittsburgh in 1872 and in 1878 the city “granted a franchise to the
    Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company to construct a line of railway upon and
    along said street, and later granted additional franchises to railroad companies to
    construct tracks therein, which was done; and the tracks so constructed have been
    in constant use upon the streets here in question for over 30 years.” 
    The Court found that the area along the river and around Water Street
    had been widely used since the original partition and that the city had established
    wharfage charges, although collection was unsuccessful, as well as made
    expenditures in the construction and care of the wharves along Water Street, but
    that Water Street was never formally opened as such or improved as a street.
    However, the Court also found that:
    It has been used more or less by pedestrians since 1847,
    and some parts of it also by vehicles, largely in
    transportation to and from the wharves and other
    establishments above mentioned. A washout near
    Eighteenth street has for many years prevented the use of
    that part of Water street, and further east (up the river) it
    has always been to some extent obstructed by fences and
    other obstacles; the part most used for teaming being
    between Nineteenth and Twenty-Second streets. The
    railroads in Water street are constructed largely upon
    trestles, and so far as they occupy space prevent traffic by
    other vehicles.
     Based on this evidence, the Court first concluded that “[t]he several partitions
    showing blocks and streets, including Water street, constituted a dedication of the
    latter to public use, especially when followed by the many conveyances made with
    reference thereto. While Water street was not extended across the railroad lots by
    the first or second partition, we agree with the chancellor that it was by the third.”
    Id. at 727
    . Having confirmed that Water Street had been dedicated, the Court went
    on to conclude that the dedication had been accepted, stating:
    In our opinion the acts of the borough and city in making
    reference to Water street in numerous ordinances,
    establishing the grade thereof, dumping of earth thereon,
    building and repairing wharves within its lines, and
    granting franchises to railroad companies to lay and
    operate tracks therein constitute an acceptance of the
    dedication. And we are still of the opinion expressed in
    McKee v. Penna. R. R. Co., [
    100 A. 454
     (Pa. 1917)], that
    the city’s granting permission to the railway companies
    to construct and operate tracks in Water street constituted
    an acceptance of the dedication. See Philadelphia v.
    Thomas’ Heirs, [
    25 A. 873
     (Pa. 1893)]. Of course public
    use alone will constitute an acceptance of a dedicated
    street, but we do not base the decision upon that ground
    because of the question as to the extent of such use.
     Finally, the Court concluded that the Act of 1889 did not apply because Water
    Street had been accepted by the municipality and “was in use at least by the
    railroad companies, which was a public use, before the passage of the act.” 
    Appellants contend that because the railway constructed in the instant
    matter was a freight railway or contract carrier, it did not constitute a public use
    like the street railway constructed on Water Street and found determinative in
    Pittsburgh & L. E. R. Co., and therefore the three essential elements necessary to
    open a street to public use were not present prior to the Act of 1889. In support of
    their argument that a freight railway does not constitute a public use, Appellants
    rely upon White v. Smith, 
    42 A. 125
     (Pa. 1899), where our Supreme Court
    examined whether the City of McKeesport properly seized and sold for taxes the
    personal property used in a public school building maintained by St. Peter’s
    Roman Catholic Church. In determining that a tax was not properly levied on the
    convent building because it was a part of a purely public charity, the Court quoted
    from Appeal of Donohugh, affirmed per curiam by 5 W.N.C. (Pa. 1878), where
    Justice Mitchell, sitting in the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas, stated
    The essential feature of a public use is that it is not
    confined to privileged individuals, but is open to the
    indefinite public. It is this indefinite or unrestricted
    quality that gives it its public character. The smallest
    street in the smallest village is a public highway of the
    Commonwealth, and none the less so because a vast
    majority of the citizens will certainly never derive any
    benefit from its use. It is enough that they may do so if
    they choose.
    White v. Smith, 42 A. at 126. In addition, Appellants rely upon Phillips v. Public
    Service Commission, 
    191 A. 641
     (Pa. Super. 1937), wherein the Superior Court,
    relying in part on White v. Smith, held that an owner of three trucks and a trailer
    hauling freight for three customers under contract was not a common carrier of
    freight required to obtain a certificate of public convenience in order to operate. In
    articulating the proper analysis for determining whether a transporter of goods was
    a common carrier, the Superior Court in Phillips quoted in part from Lloyd v.
    Haugh & Keenan Storage & Transfer Co., 
    72 A. 516
    , 517 (Pa. 1909), and stated:
    As our Supreme Court has said, “we express a doctrine
    universally sanctioned when we say that any one who
    holds himself out to the public as ready to undertake for
    hire or reward the transportation of goods from place to
    place, and so invites custom of the public, is in the
    estimation of the law a common carrier.” The character
    of the service may be exhibited both by actually
    rendering service and by an offer to furnish service, that
    is, by the manner in which the carrier holds himself out
    to the public.
    191 A. at 643
     (internal citation omitted). While the premise upon which
    Appellants’ argument is based—that not all use of a street by the railroads amounts
    to a public use—has merit, the Trial Court found and the record supports the
    finding that the portion of West Front Street that Appellants claim title to was
    dedicated, accepted, and opened to public use prior to the Act of 1889. Appellants
    focus their argument on the early history of the creation of the railroad along the
    river in Chester discussed in Borough of South Chester v. Chester and Delaware
    River Railroad Co., 
    5 Del. Co. Rep. 114
     (Del. Cmm. Pls. 1892) (Borough of South
    Chester I). The chief issue in Borough of South Chester I, is the extent of the
    power granted by the Commonwealth to a railroad corporation by a charter for a
    franchise to construct a railway within a municipality and the remedies available to
    a municipality where it is alleged that the power has been exercised beyond what
    was granted by the charter. At the start of the opinion, the trial judge states that as
    of 1892:
    South Chester is one of the largest and most flourishing
    boroughs in the State. It has a population approaching
    10,000 inhabitants. It has millions of dollars invested in
    its manufacturing industries. It has, at great expense,
    surveyed, laid out, adopted, graded and regulated a
    system of streets, two of which are curbed and paved for
    a distance of nearly two miles. Third Street was graded
    and paved at an expense of $80,000. The borough is
    supplied with water and gas, and has a system of
    sewerage. No stranger visiting the city of Chester could
    tell where the city ends and the borough begins. The
    streets of the borough are all laid out and graded so as to
    conform to the general plan of the city of Chester, of
    which the borough must necessarily soon become a part.
    5 Del. Co. Rep. at 115. However, later in the opinion the trial judge discusses the
    history of the development of the railroad and the borough, stating:
    The first ordinance under which the defendant claims to
    take this street was passed June 6, 1870. The borough
    had hardly been organized. No system of streets had
    been surveyed, laid out or adopted. The population did
    not then exceed five hundred inhabitants. Nearly all the
    land over which the proposed road was to be built then
    belonged to the Hon. John M. Broomall. The suggestion
    came from the P. W. & B. R. R. Company and the clear
    understanding was that the road was to be built at once to
    encourage manufacturers to locate in the borough, not
    after they had located there. For some unknown reason,
    perhaps the want of branching power, the P. W. & B. R.
    R. Company refused to build the road and Mr. Broomall
    procured the same privileges by the second ordinance,
    and actually built the road. It was a very primitive
    construction, not over twelve feet wide, but it answered
    its purposes and was patronized by perhaps one freight
    car a week. After the company was incorporated, it
    procured the passage of the Act of 1873, which I construe
    merely to confirm what had been done, the road then
    having been fully completed and, I suppose, approved by
    the street committee. The second section of this Act was
    intended to authorize the borough and railroad company
    to agree upon future extensions and improvements.
    Id. at 121. Appellants contend that this history of the development of the railroad,
    particularly the fact that it was built by the Hon. John Broomall on land he owned,
    constructed prior to an adoption by the Borough of South Chester of a system of
    streets, and that the line was used solely for commercial purposes demonstrates
    that it was never opened for public use and therefore, the fact that the line traversed
    the portion of West Front Street at issue was not competent evidence of public use.
    Appellants’ interpretation of Borough of South Chester I, with its focus on the
    history of the railway construction in the 1870s, overlooks the trial judge’s earlier
    discussion of the railway and the streets of the Borough of South Chester in 1892
    and the context within which all of this factual history takes place—a bill in equity
    seeking to enjoin the company incorporated by the Hon. John Broomall, Chester
    and Delaware River Railroad Co., and the South Chester Railroad Co., from
    abusing their charter privileges and creating a public nuisance by preventing safe
    passage by the public at large along the streets and sidewalks of the Borough and
    flouting Borough regulation. Id. at 115-116, 118. The Court held in Borough of
    South Chester I that:
    Both of the defendant railroads are upon an equal
    footing, as to their right to use and occupy the streets of
    the borough of South Chester…that the proper person to
    be consulted and the terms to be agreed upon for the
    exercise of their charter privileges of using said streets in
    a reasonable manner, is the borough of South Chester,
    and until such location and reasonable conditions are
    agreed upon the injunction shall issue restraining both of
    said companies from any use of, or interference with said
    Id. at 125-126. Whether in the year 1892 or 2017, an injunction sought by a
    municipality to prevent private corporations from using private land in a manner
    that excludes competition and the public at large from use of that land would not
    issue; the bill in equity and the injunction that issued in Borough of South Chester I
    necessarily stand on the condition precedent that the public has a right to use of the
    Furthermore, while Appellants set forth the analysis applicable to an
    examination of whether a carrier is a common carrier or a contract carrier,
    attempting to use the distinction as a means to distinguish the freight railroad
    originally constructed by the Hon. John Broomall from the railway found to
    support public use in Pittsburgh & L. E. R. Co., they do not set forth facts to
    demonstrate that the freight railway was not a common carrier, simply noting that
    it was commercial in character and meant to attract and serve businesses along the
    waterfront. The railway along Water Street in Pittsburgh & L. E. R. Co. originally
    transported coal but this fact did not detract from the Court’s finding that the
    existence of the railroad supported the conclusion that the street was in public use.
    Appellants’ argument is unsupported by facts gleaned from Borough of South
    Chester I that show the railroad constructed on West Front Street was limited to
    use by a privileged few and not held out to the public at large as ready for use, or
    that the area within West Front Street beyond the tracks was not open to the public
    for use.
    Chester and Delaware River Railroad Co. v. South Chester Railroad
    5 Del. Co. Rep. 153
     (Del. Cmm. Pls. 1892) (Borough of South Chester II)
    provides further support for the Trial Court’s conclusion that the portion of West
    Front Street at issue was opened to the public. Borough of South Chester II was an
    attempt by the railroad companies to re-litigate the issues in Borough of South
    Chester I. 5 Del. Co. Rep. at 153. The opinion is replete with references to the
    obstruction of public use and safe passage across the streets of the Borough, Front
    Street in particular, by the ongoing war between the railroads because each
    company was damaging the roads in order to obstruct the other company from
    laying its tracks. Id. at 154-155, 158. In concluding that the injunction issued
    earlier in the year in the Borough’s favor would stand and a special injunction
    favoring one or the other of the railroad companies would not issue, the trial judge
    stated that the Chester and Delaware River Railroad Company had “no right to
    unnecessarily obstruct the remaining part of the street for the purpose of depriving
    any other rival [tracks] of its use. Neither have they the right to destroy the street
    for public travel, only so far as the line adopted will, from necessity, destroy it.”
    Id. at 155. In addition, the trial judge concluded that if the railroad company had
    the powers it claimed of appropriating the whole street, then the company would
    have to condemn it and pay for its exercise of eminent domain; from this
    conclusion, it necessarily follows that the land in question was used by the public,
    for otherwise eminent domain would not have been a part of the court’s calculus.
    Id. at 156. Moreover, in reaching its conclusion, the court noted that the Chester
    and Delaware River Railroad Company had the right to carry freight as well as
    passengers, which undercuts Appellants’ attempt to distinguish Pittsburgh & L. E.
    R. Co. from the instant matter.
    Borough of South Chester I and Borough of South Chester II both
    support the conclusion that the portion of West Front Street at issue was opened for
    public use before the 21-year statute of limitations in the Act of 1889, which our
    Supreme Court long ago made clear has no retroactive effect. The Trial Court did
    not err in concluding that Appellants failed to demonstrate clear title to the subject
    portion of West Front Street.
    Next, the City argues that it was error for the Trial Court to conclude
    that Yarnall Street had been vacated where the record demonstrated that City
    Council had not passed an ordinance vacating the street. Specifically, the City
    contends that the Trial Court erred by relying on Hasenflu v. Commonwealth, 
    179 A.2d 216
     (Pa. 1962), to conclude that there is an exception to the general rule that
    the city council of a municipality must pass an ordinance to vacate a street “where
    city council passes an ordinance that results in the barricade of a particular street to
    prevent vehicular traffic and the street is then actually closed.” (Trial Court Op.,
    ¶19.) The City also argues that the Trial Court erred by not applying the Rules of
    Statutory Construction in its analysis of the Ordinance passed by City Council.
    Generally, a municipality may vacate a street by ordinance where the
    ordinance is affirmed by a three-fourth vote of the elected council, approved by the
    mayor and where proper notice procedures have been followed. Section Nine of
    the Act of May 16, 1891, P.L. 75, as amended, 53 P.S. § 16725; see generally In re
    City of Altoona, 
    388 A.2d 313
     (Pa. 1978). However, this rule is not without
    exceptions. In Hasenflu, our Supreme Court examined whether the court below
    erred by denying a landowner a new trial in an eminent domain proceeding. The
    land at issue was bounded on the west side by Walnut Street, a public highway of
    the City of Sharon. The landowner argued that a portion of Walnut Street had been
    closed and reverted to his ownership and that the construction plans for Walnut
    Street constituted a taking of that reversionary interest for which he was due just
    compensation. The City of Sharon argued that the portion of Walnut Street had
    never been legally vacated so there could be no taking. The record showed that a
    barrier had been erected preventing vehicular traffic from traveling on the portion
    of Walnut Street at issue, that the construction plans for the surrounding streets by
    the Commonwealth had called for closing Walnut Street and erecting barriers, and
    that the City of Sharon had approved this plan by ordinance. Id. at 220. The Court
    concluded that the trial court erred in instructing the jury that there had been no
    evidence of a legal street closing, stating:
    See also Act of May 23, 1907, P.L. 223, § 1 (copy of ordinance to be filed; manner of indexing
    title) & § 2 (fees of recorder), Act of May 21, 1905, P.L. 46 § 1 , as amended (power of
    municipalities) & § 2 (proceedings as now provided), Act of April 6, 1949, P.L. 394 § 2
    (validation of street vacations), Act of March 30, 1922, P.L. 30 § 1 (time for enforcement) & 2
    (effect of expiration of time), Act of April 7, 1927, P.L. 169 § 1 (limitations of actions) & § 2
    (designation of no effect one year after being closed), 53 P.S. §§ 1941-1949.
    Despite this approval by councilmanic action of the
    construction plan one of the details of which would close
    a portion of Walnut Street, the Commonwealth argues
    that, before a legal vacation of any portion of Walnut
    Street could take place, the City council had to pass an
    ordinance specifically declaring the vacation of the street.
    As a general rule such councilmanic action is requisite
    but our courts have very soundly recognized exceptions
    to this rule. Wetherill v. Pennsylvania Railroad Company
    et al., [
    45 A. 658
     (Pa. 1900)]; Carpenter v. Pennsylvania
    Railroad Co., [
    45 A. 685
     (Pa. 1900)]; [In re] Butler
    25 Pa.Super. 357
     [Pa. Super. 1903]. The instant
    factual situation is an exception to the rule. Here we have
    municipal approval by ordinance of this plan of
    construction which portrays a closing of a portion of
    Walnut Street followed by an actual physical closing of
    such portion of the street. Both clearly manifest the
    municipal will. In charging the jury that there was no
    evidence of a ‘legal closing’ of this portion of Walnut
    Street the trial court erred.
     The City argues that the facts of Hasenflu are inapposite because in the instant
    matter the street was only closed to vehicular traffic, the closing did not involve the
    erection of permanent barriers, and the closing did not involve a construction plan
    approved by city council but an Ordinance passed that explicitly closed the street
    to vehicular traffic. Essentially, the City contends that rather than depend on
    evidence of the “municipal will,” as the Court did in Hasenflu, the Trial Court has
    allowed Appellants to take a public street by permissive possession.
    When Appellant Bernard Zalman located his business at Yarnall and
    West Front Streets, a railroad line remained on West Front Street and the
    surrounding area was nothing but mud. (October 5, 2015 Hearing Transcipt (H.T.)
    at 21, 23.) In 1956, Bernard Zalman constructed a new building on the southwest
    corner of Yarnall Street. (Id. at 26.) Sometime in the 1960s, the railroad tracks
    were removed, leaving mud and holes where the ties had been taken up on West
    Front Street. (Id. at 24.) From the 1960s until present day, the City has not
    improved West Front Street or Yarnall Street. (Id. at 25.) During Mr. Zalman’s
    ownership of his properties abutting Yarnall Street, he testified that the area “was
    just mud and people dumping trash all over the area.” (Id. at 27.) At some point in
    time, a portion of Yarnall Street from West Front Street to West Second Street/
    Pennsylvania Route 291 was improved with pavement but there was no evidence
    concerning the entity that did the paving. (Id. at 28.) However, the paving fell into
    disrepair and Mr. Zalman testified that “there were holes and everything in it. In
    order to run on it I had to put down plates, seal plates in order to go on that section
    of it.” (Id. at 29.) He further testified that due to the rampant short dumping in the
    area, a vermin problem developed, and he was forced to clean up the area at his
    own expense. (Id. at 31.) In response to the short dumping, Appellant Bernard
    Zalman testified that the City advised him to close up the street. (Id.)
    On or about December 14, 1983, the City passed an Ordinance closing
    the portion of Yarnall Street at issue to vehicular traffic, which was published in
    the City’s index of vacated streets. (Trial Court Op. ¶20; see also Exhibits P-3 &
    P-4 (Table of Special Ordinances Vacating Streets).) The City also vacated or
    closed several adjacent segments of streets surrounding the intersection of West
    Front Street and Yarnall Street. (Exhibit P-4; see also H.T. at 88.) The City then
    provided Appellants with steel beams and pipes so that they could physically close
    the road. (Id. at 32.) In or about 2009 to 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of
    Transportation constructed new ramps from the Commodore Barry Bridge to
    Route 291, and Mr. Zalman testified that during the construction the balance of
    Yarnall Street from Route 291 to West Front Street was destroyed by the heavy
    trucks used by the Commonwealth. (Id. at 31, 33.)
    Based on the record before the Trial Court, we agree that title to the
    subject portion of Yarnall Street is controlled by the exception articulated by our
    Supreme Court in Hasenflu and is not an issue of Statutory Construction.
    Although the Sanbourn Maps submitted into evidence by the City show that prior
    to the creation of Yarnall Street, the predecessor street, Morton Street, contained
    residential houses on the eastern side and that these homes were serviced by
    utilities that today are public, the Trial Court did not find this evidence persuasive.
    Instead, the Trial Court concluded and the record supports the conclusion that
    closing of the subject portion of Yarnall Street by Ordinance, preceded by the
    lengthy abandonment of the area and followed by the actual physical barricading
    of the subject portion of Yarnall Street, amounts to a de facto vacation of the street
    by municipal will.     Furthermore, although not determinative because of the
    controlling nature of Hasenflu, the record does not show that the subject portion of
    Yarnall Street was ever properly opened to the public.
    Accordingly, we discern no error and affirm the order of the Trial
    Court in toto.
    __________ ___________________________
    Bernard Zalman and Sandra Zalman,     :
    his Wife,                             :
    Appellants     :
    v.                        :   No. 1030 C.D. 2016
    City of Chester                       :
    Bernard Zalman and Sandra Zalman,     :
    h/w                                   :
    v.                        :   No. 1383 C.D. 2016
    City of Chester                       :
    Appellant      :
    AND NOW, this 27th day of June, 2017, the order of the Delaware
    County Court of Common Pleas in the above-captioned matters is AFFIRMED.
    __________ ___________________________

Document Info

Docket Number: B. Zalman and S. Zalman, his Wife v. City of Chester - 1030 and 1383 C.D. 2016

Citation Numbers: 165 A.3d 82

Judges: Colins, Senior Judge

Filed Date: 6/27/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023