In Re: Invol. Term. of Parental Rights to: L.A.W. ( 2017 )

  • J-A15014-17
    PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: L.A.W., A MINOR                       PENNSYLVANIA
    No. 1580 MDA 2016
    Appeal from the Decree of August 25, 2016
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County
    Orphans' Court at No(s): 36-2016-0045
    MEMORANDUM BY MOULTON, J.:                             FILED AUGUST 02, 2017
    D.J.W. (“Father”) appeals from the August 25, 2016 decree entered in
    the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, which involuntarily terminated
    his parental rights to his daughter, L.A.W.1 (“Child”). We affirm.
    The trial court set forth the following factual and procedural history:
    [Child] is a minor female child born [in] October [of]
    2006 . . . . She currently resides with Petitioners[, D.T.
    (“Mother”) and W.T. (“Step-Father”)]. . . . Petitioners
    were married on December 25, 2015. . . . [Child] has
    resided with Mother since birth and Step-Father since
    December 2015.
    [D.J.W.] is the biological father of [Child] and is 38
    years old.    Father is single and resides at the State
    Correctional Institute – Houtzdale, Pennsylvania.
    In the certified record, L.A.W. is also referred to as L.W.
    [When Child] was born . . . . Mother and Father were
    married and they lived as an intact family with Child and
    Mother’s oldest daughter, [Child]’s half-sister.           In
    December 2010, Father was arrested for the sexual abuse
    of [the oldest daughter].        Father continued to have
    telephone contact with [Child] and Mother during the
    course of the criminal trial, while incarcerated at Lancaster
    County Prison.
    In December 2011, Father was convicted of rape by
    force, indecent assault of a minor, sexual assault forcible
    compulsion, and multiple other sexual offenses perpetrated
    against Child’s half-sister, beginning when [the oldest
    daughter] turned nine years old and continuing over a nine
    year period. He was sentenced to 14 to 30 years in prison.
    As an element of Father’s sentencing and classification as
    a sexual offender, he was not to have any contact with the
    victim or the victim’s family. Father testified that he would
    talk to the Child for up to five minutes at a time, but
    admitted most of his phone contact was spent talking to
    Mother. Mother testified that Father’s contact primarily
    focused on blaming Mother’s oldest child for his actions
    and trying to convince Mother to believe his innocence.
    Mother testified she told Father to stop contacting her, but
    did not tell Father he could not contact [Child.] Father
    testified that he stopped calling because Mother no longer
    answered his calls.
    Father was relocated to State Correctional Institute –
    Camp Hill, at which time he continued to send letters and
    cards to Mother and, occasionally, [Child.] On March 15,
    2012, Mother signed a visitation form allowing [Child] to
    be placed on Father’s visitation list. However, [Child] has
    never visited Father in prison at any point in his
    incarceration.  All contact between [Child] and Father
    ended sometime in 2012 or early 2013.2
    Mother changed her phone number in 2012
    and testified she did not distribute this new
    number to Father or any of Father’s family.
    Father testified that he continued to call
    Mother until 2013.
    In September of 2014, after nearly two years of no
    contact, Father filed a custody action. For the first time,
    Mother objected to Father’s renewed contact with [Child].
    A custody conference was scheduled for December 1,
    2014.     Father neither attended nor requested any
    accommodations. A Criminal History hearing was held on
    January 28, [2015], which Father also did not attend nor
    request any accommodations. At that time, and based
    upon the Father’s sentencing order restricting contact with
    his victim’s family, Mother was granted sole legal and
    physical custody of [Child] and the matter was dismissed
    for Father’s lack of attendance.
    During this same time, Father had also requested the
    Criminal Court reduce his sentence. When a hearing on
    the matter was held, which Father attended, Father
    requested that the Court allow him contact with his
    biological children. The court modified the sentencing
    order lifting the contact restriction to allow for contact if
    approved by the mother of the children.                 Since
    modification in early 2015, Father has made no attempt to
    contact Mother or [Child]. He also failed to file any further
    actions in the custody proceedings . . .
    Prior to Father’s sentencing, Paternal Grandmother
    (PGM) maintained a relationship with [Child] and Mother.
    She babysat, dropped off presents for Child, and invited
    them to family functions. Despite initiating the custody
    action in September 2014, Father did not try to contact
    [Child] through PGM. He did not ask about her medical,
    educational, or emotional welfare. When asked by his
    attorney what resources were available to him from prison
    in order to maintain contact, Father testified that he was
    able to write letters and make daily phone calls. However,
    Father testified he did not utilize either of these resources
    to reach out to [Child]. Since 2013, none of Child’s
    paternal relatives have attempted to contact [Child], send
    cards or gifts, or asked to visit of their own volition or on
    Father’s behalf.
    [On] January [7,] 2016, after another year of no
    contact from Father, Mother filed for termination of
    Father’s parental rights. The initial termination hearing
    and adoption proceeding was scheduled for April 1, 2016.
    Father was present via telephone and contested the
    termination of his parental rights. Both Mother and Father
    testified at the hearing. The matter was continued.
    The termination proceeding resumed on May 23, 2016.
    Petitioners offered the testimony of Mother. Father offered
    the testimony of . . . [his] sister-in-law, and testified on
    his own behalf. The Court incorporated the custody action
    and the record in the criminal dockets into the record.
    At the end of that hearing, the termination of parental
    rights proceedings were concluded and the record was
    closed. . . . On June 8, 2015, the Court ordered counsel
    for the Petitioners, counsel for Father, and the Guardian ad
    litem to submit written briefs. Counsel for all parties
    submitted their letter briefs in July 2016. The Guardian ad
    litem’s written recommendation was received by the Court
    on July 15, 2016, and served upon the parties.
    Trial Ct. Op., 8/24/16, at 1-4 (some footnotes omitted).              On August 25,
    2016,2 the trial court entered a decree terminating Father’s parental rights
    pursuant to section 2511(a)(1) and (b) of the Adoption Act. On September
    23, 2016, Father timely appealed to this Court.
    Father raises two issues on appeal:
    A. Did the lower court commit an error of law by
    allowing deliberate conduct of [an] opposing parent
    to be used as a basis for termination?
    B. Does the aforementioned error of law require this
    Honorable Court [to] overrule the lower court’s
    Father’s Br. at 3 (suggested answers and other comments omitted).
    Father    argues    that   Mother       deliberately   prevented   Father   from
    communicating with or visiting Child and the trial court erred by not
    considering that fact when determining whether Father had made efforts to
    The trial court’s opinion and decree were dated August 24, 2016, but
    were not filed until August 25, 2016.
    maintain contact with Child. We consider Father’s issues mindful of our well-
    settled standard of review:
    The standard of review in termination of parental rights
    cases requires appellate courts to accept the findings of fact and
    credibility determinations of the trial court if they are supported
    by the record. If the factual findings are supported, appellate
    courts review to determine if the trial court made an error of law
    or abused its discretion. A decision may be reversed for an
    abuse of discretion only upon demonstration of manifest
    unreasonableness, partiality, prejudice, bias, or ill-will. The trial
    court’s decision, however, should not be reversed merely
    because the record would support a different result. We have
    previously emphasized our deference to trial courts that often
    have first-hand observations of the parties spanning multiple
    In re T.S.M., 
    71 A.3d 251
    , 267 (Pa. 2013) (citations and quotations
    Termination of parental rights is governed by section 2511 of the
    Adoption Act, 23 Pa.C.S. § 2511, which requires a bifurcated analysis. We
    have stated:
    Initially, the focus is on the conduct of the parent. The party
    seeking termination must prove by clear and convincing
    evidence that the parent’s conduct satisfies the statutory
    grounds for termination delineated in Section 2511(a). Only if
    the court determines that the parent’s conduct warrants
    termination of his or her parental rights does the court engage in
    the second part of the analysis pursuant to Section 2511(b):
    determination of the needs and welfare of the child under the
    standard of best interests of the child.
    In re L.M., 
    923 A.2d 505
    , 511 (Pa.Super. 2007) (citations omitted). The
    petitioner must “prove by clear and convincing evidence that [the] asserted
    [statutory] grounds for seeking the termination of parental rights are valid.”
    In re R.N.J., 
    985 A.2d 273
    , 276 (Pa.Super. 2009).
    First, Father argues that the trial court erred in terminating his
    parental rights where Mother deliberately prevented Father from maintaining
    communication or contact with Child.         According to Father, “Mother’s
    deliberate actions resulted in an absence of communication between Father
    and [Child]. . . . [that] Mother used . . . as the sole reason for petitioning
    the lower court to terminate Father’s rights.”     Father’s Br. at 7.    Father
    asserts that Mother’s deliberate conduct may not be used to terminate his
    parental rights, especially when he “strove to maintain an affirmative
    relationship with his child.” 
    Id. Section 2511(a)(1)
    of the Adoption Act provides:
    (a)   General rule.—The rights of a parent in regard to a
    child may be terminated after a petition filed on any
    of the following grounds:
    (1)   The parent by conduct continuing for a period
    of at least six months immediately preceding
    the filing of the petition either has evidenced a
    settled purpose of relinquishing parental claim
    to a child or has refused or failed to perform
    parental duties.
    23 Pa.C.S. § 2511(a)(1).      “A court may terminate parental rights under
    section 2511(a)(1) where the parent demonstrates a settled purpose to
    relinquish parental claim to a child or fails to perform parental duties for at
    least the six months prior to the filing of the termination petition.”   In re
    994 A.2d 1108
    , 1117 (Pa.Super. 2010) (emphasis in original).         The
    court should consider the entire background of the case and not simply
    mechanically apply the six-month statutory provision. The
    court must examine the individual circumstances of each
    case and consider all explanations offered by the parent
    facing termination of his . . . parental rights, to determine
    if the evidence, in light of the totality of the circumstances,
    clearly warrants the involuntary termination.
    Id. (quoting In
    re B., N.M., 
    856 A.2d 847
    , 855 (Pa.Super. 2004)).
    However, “[w]ith respect to any petition filed pursuant to subsection (a)(1),
    . . . the court shall not consider any efforts by the parent to remedy the
    conditions described therein which are first initiated subsequent to the giving
    of notice of the filing of petition.” 23 Pa.C.S. § 2511(b); see In re D.W.,
    856 A.2d 1231
    , 1235 (Pa.Super. 2004) (holding that the post-petition
    evidentiary restriction “applies to the entire termination analysis”).
    In terms of parental duty, we are reminded
    [t]here is no simple or easy definition of parental duties.
    Parental duty is best understood in relation to the needs of
    a child. A child needs love, protection, guidance, and
    support. These needs, physical and emotional, cannot be
    met by a merely passive interest in the development of the
    child. Thus, this court has held that the parental obligation
    is a positive duty which requires affirmative performance.
    This affirmative duty encompasses more than a financial
    obligation; it requires continuing interest in the child and a
    genuine effort to maintain communication and association
    with the child.
    Because a child needs more than a benefactor, parental
    duty requires that a parent exert himself to take and
    maintain a place of importance in the child's life.
    Parental duty requires that the parent act affirmatively
    with good faith interest and effort, and not yield to every
    problem, in order to maintain the parent-child relationship
    to the best of his or her ability, even in difficult
    circumstances. A parent must utilize all available resources
    to preserve the parental relationship, and must exercise
    reasonable firmness in resisting obstacles placed in the
    path of maintaining the parent-child relationship. Parental
    rights are not preserved by waiting for a more suitable or
    convenient time to perform one's parental responsibilities
    while others provide the child with [the child’s] physical
    and emotional needs.
    N.M., 856 A.2d at 855
    (citations and quotations omitted). Our Supreme
    Court has provided guidance regarding the interaction between incarceration
    and termination pursuant to section 2511(a)(1):
    [A] parent’s absence and/or failure to support due to
    incarceration is not conclusive on the issue of
    abandonment. Nevertheless, we are not willing to
    completely toll a parent’s responsibilities during his or her
    incarceration. Rather, we must inquire whether the parent
    has utilized those resources at his or her command while
    in prison in continuing a close relationship with the child.
    Where the parent does not exercise reasonable firmness
    “in declining to yield to obstacles,” his other rights may be
    In re Adoption of McCray, 
    331 A.2d 652
    , 655 (Pa. 1975) (citation and
    footnotes omitted).
    With respect to conduct of an opposing parent, we have explained that
    [w]here a non-custodial parent is facing termination of his
    or her parental rights, the court must consider the non-
    custodial parent’s explanation, if any, for the apparent
    neglect, including situations in which a custodial parent
    has deliberately created obstacles and has by devious
    means     erected   barriers   intend   to   impede    free
    communication and regular association between the non-
    custodial parent and his or her child. Although a parent is
    not required to perform the impossible, he must act
    affirmatively to maintain his relationship with his child,
    even in difficult circumstances. A parent has the duty to
    exert himself, to take and maintain a place of importance
    in the child’s life.
    N.M., 856 A.2d at 855
    -56 (citations omitted). “The pertinent inquiry is
    not the degree of success a parent may have had in reaching the child, but
    whether, under the circumstances, the parent has utilized all available
    resources to preserve the parent-child relationship.”      In re Shives, 
    525 A.2d 801
    , 803 (Pa.Super. 1987).
    The trial court found Father’s argument unavailing:
    Father argues Mother prohibited contact which imposed
    barriers making his contact with Child impossible. The
    Court does not find this argument credible. Until Father
    initiated the custody action in 2014, Mother never
    prohibited contact between Father and [Child]. Even when
    Father’s sentencing order prohibited contact between
    Father and the Child, Mother still allowed them to
    communicate and even put [Child] on Father’s prison visit
    Pennsylvania law is clear that a parent must take
    affirmative steps to maintain a relationship with his or her
    child to the best of his or her ability under the
    circumstances as they exist. . . . Father clearly failed to
    exert himself to establish and maintain a place of
    importance in his child’s life.
    Mother has lived at the same address for 21 years.
    [Child] has lived . . . at that address her entire life.
    Mother did not withhold any mail from Father addressed to
    [Child]. Father testified he did not send any cards, letters,
    or presents to [Child]. Father knew Mother’s family, who
    resided in the same home with the same address for over
    40 years. Moreover, prior to 2013, [Father’s sister-in-law]
    testified that she saw [Child] every other weekend and
    that PGM cared for [Child] in her own home during those
    times. Father did not attempt to contact [Child] through
    Mother’s family or his family.        Father presented no
    evidence that he inquired into Child’s well-being from any
    of those individuals.
    Assuming Father’s argument, that Mother imposed
    barriers to his contact with [Child], was in fact true, Father
    clearly knew how to use legal avenues to contact [Child],
    evidenced by his custody petition filed in September 2014,
    and by his numerous petitions for resentencing hearings.
    Father waited almost a year and half [sic] after having no
    contact with [Child] before taking any legal action to assert
    his parental rights. Even after initiating action through the
    family court, Father did not arrange to participate in the
    proceedings while incarcerated. After holding two hearings
    in the matter, the Court awarded Mother custody based on
    Father’s sentencing restrictions.         Yet, once those
    restrictions were removed, Father did not initiate any
    actions in the custody matter to reflect the lifting of the
    Trial Ct. Op., 8/24/16 at 7-8 (citations omitted).
    We conclude that the trial court did not abuse its discretion. While it is
    true that some obstacles may render impossible any efforts at maintaining a
    parent-child relationship, Pennsylvania law is clear that the parent “must act
    affirmatively to maintain his relationship with his child, even in difficult
    circumstances.” B., 
    N.M., 856 A.2d at 856
    . Here, the trial court found that,
    even when Father’s sentencing order prevented him from contacting the
    victim or the victim’s family, Father still had the resources to communicate
    with Child and Mother did not object to that communication.         Even when
    Mother changed her phone number, Father could have reached out to his
    family to communicate with Child or written a letter to Child.      As the trial
    court found, the key issue here is that Father did not attempt to maintain
    contact with Child using the resources available to him.          Under these
    - 10 -
    circumstances, the trial court acted well within its discretion to terminate
    Father’s parental rights.
    Father’s argument that he is entitled to relief because Mother created
    barriers to communicating with Child is without merit. As noted above, the
    issue is not whether Mother created such barriers, but instead whether
    Father used the resources available to him to communicate with Child in
    light of those barriers.      The obstacles of which Father complains did not
    hinder Father’s efforts at communication such that the trial court was
    required to deny the termination petition.3 Cf. In re D.J.Y., 
    408 A.2d 1387
    (Pa. 1979) (affirming denial of termination petition where Father’s family
    continually impeded Mother’s efforts to visit and communicate with her son);
    In his brief, Father relies on In re Adoption of J.S.M., 
    424 A.2d 878
    , (Pa. 1981), for the proposition that “[w]here the absence of
    communication [between parent and child] results from the deliberate
    conduct of the opposing parent, it may not be used as a basis for
    termination of parental rights, even when the lack of contact may have
    extended significantly beyond the statutory period.” Father’s Br. at 7
    J.S.M., 424 A.2d at 879-80
    ). While that is a correct statement of
    the law, J.S.M.’s holding actually supports the termination of Father’s
    parental rights in this case. In J.S.M., the appellant failed to contact “his
    child for a period of approximately six years prior to the hearing.” 
    Id. at 880.
    The appellant argued “that his ex-wife placed numerous obstacles in
    his path,” but the record showed that some of these obstacles were initiated
    by the appellant’s conduct and the appellant could have overcome
    communication obstacles by reasonable diligence.        
    Id. Therefore, our
    Supreme Court held that the trial court had not abused its discretion in
    terminating the appellant’s parental rights. Here, like the appellant in
    J.S.M., Father failed to contact Child for at least three years prior to the
    hearing and could have overcome communication obstacles through
    reasonable diligence.
    - 11 -
    Adoption of S.H., 
    383 A.2d 529
    (Pa. 1978) (reversing grant of termination
    petition where Father’s “course of conduct . . . consistently aimed at
    maintaining his relationship with his son” despite Mother’s refusal to accept
    Father’s calls and Father receipt of threatening letter from Mother’s fiancée
    stating that Mother would not bring child to visit Father in prison). Here, the
    record shows that Father had multiple resources through which to contact
    Child aside from direct phone calls with Mother and, even when Father’s
    sentencing order prevented him from communicating with Child, Mother did
    not take affirmative steps to prevent such contact.            Much of Father’s
    argument centers on the trial court’s credibility determinations, which we
    will not disturb on appeal.       We agree with the trial court’s conclusion that
    “despite having resource[s] to maintain contact with [Child], Father exerted
    no effort whatsoever to remain a part of his child’s life.”        Trial Ct. Op.,
    8/24/16, at 8.4
    Decree affirmed.
    Because we conclude that the trial court properly determined that
    Father failed to maintain his relationship with Child, we need not address
    Father’s second issue asserting that if the trial court erred, such error was
    fatal to the trial court’s decree.
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    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 8/2/2017
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