Com. v. K.M.-F. ( 2015 )

  • J. M02001/15
    2015 Pa. Super. 124
    :          PENNSYLVANIA
    v.                  :
    K.M.-F., A MINOR,                       :          No. 12 WDM 2015
    Petitioner     :
    Appeal from the Dispositional Order, February 23, 2015,
    in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County
    Juvenile Division at Docket No. JV-12-002408
    OPINION PER CURIAM:                                   FILED MAY 22, 2015
    In this case, we are presented with a petition for review filed pursuant
    to Pa.R.A.P., Rule 1770, 42 Pa.C.S.A., Review of Dispositional Order for
    Out of Home Placement in Juvenile Delinquency Matters.                  This
    relatively new rule was promulgated by our supreme court in response to
    the recommendations made by the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile
    Justice Report of May 2010. The commission was created in August 2009
    with a mandate to develop appropriate recommendations for reform of the
    juvenile justice system.    It recognized the importance of timely appellate
    review of juvenile placement decisions finding that in order for review to be
    meaningful, it must be completed before the child’s placement or other
    disposition is completed. The commission recommended the following:
    * Retired Senior Judge assigned to the Superior Court.
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    That the Supreme Court’s Appellate Court Procedural
    Rules Committee and Juvenile Court Procedural
    Rules Committee collaborate to develop an expedited
    appeals process or, in the alternative, collaborate to
    develop a process that affords an aggrieved party an
    option to elect a mechanism that affords some
    measure of review of a juvenile court judge’s
    decision short of a formal appellate review in the
    following proceedings . . . an order of disposition
    following an adjudication of delinquency that
    removes a child from his or her home.
    Commission Report p. 56.
    This expedited appellate review is the genesis of Rule 1770.1 The rule
    provides a vehicle for a juvenile placed in out-of-home overnight placement
    Review of Out of Home Placement in Juvenile Delinquency Matters
    (a)   General rule. If a court under the Juvenile Act, 42 Pa.C.S.
    § 6301 et seq., enters an order after an adjudication of
    delinquency of a juvenile pursuant to Rules of Juvenile Court
    Procedure 409(A)(2) and 515, which places the juvenile in an
    out of home overnight placement in any agency or institution
    that shall provide care, treatment, supervision or rehabilitation
    of the juvenile (“Out of Home Placement”), the juvenile may
    seek review of that order pursuant to a petition for review under
    Chapter 15 (judicial review of governmental determinations).
    The petition shall be filed within ten days of the said order.
    (b)   Content. A petition for review under subdivision (a) shall
    contain: (i) a specific description of any determinations made
    by the juvenile court; (ii) the matters complained of; (iii) a
    concise statement of the reasons why the juvenile court abused
    its discretion in ordering the Out of Home Placement; (iv) the
    proposed terms and conditions of an alternative disposition for
    the juvenile; and (v) a request that the official court reporter for
    the juvenile court transcribe the notes of testimony as required
    by subdivision (g) of this Rule. Any order(s) and opinion(s)
    relating to the Out of Home Placement and the transcript of the
    juvenile court’s findings shall be attached as appendices. The
    petition shall be supported by a certificate of counsel to the
    effect that it is presented in good faith and not for delay.
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    (c)   Objection to specific agency or institution, or underlying
    adjudication of delinquency, is not permitted.
    (1)   A petition for review under subdivision (a) shall not
    challenge the specific agency or specific institution
    that is the site of the Out of Home Placement and
    instead shall be limited to the Out of Home
    Placement itself.
    (2)   A petition for review under subdivision (a) shall not
    challenge     the    underlying   adjudication     of
    (d)   Answer. Any answer shall be filed within ten days of service of
    the petition, and no other pleading is authorized. Rule 1517
    (applicable rules of pleading) and Rule 1531 (intervention)
    through 1551 (scope of review) shall not be applicable to a
    petition for review filed under subdivision (a).
    (e)   Service. A copy of the petition for review and any answer
    thereto shall be served on the judge of the juvenile court and
    the official court reporter for the juvenile court. All parties in
    the juvenile court shall be served in accordance with
    Rule 121(b) (service of all papers required).       The Attorney
    General of Pennsylvania need not be served in accordance with
    Rule 1514(c) (service), unless the Attorney General is a party in
    the juvenile court.
    (f)   Opinion of juvenile court. Upon receipt of a copy of a petition
    for review under subdivision (a), if the judge who made the
    disposition of the Out of Home Placement did not state the
    reasons for such placement on the record at the time of
    disposition pursuant to Rule of Juvenile Court Procedure 512(D),
    the judge shall file of record a brief statement of the reasons for
    the determination or where in the record such reasons may be
    found, within five days of service of the petition for review.
    (g)   Transcription of Notes of Testimony. Upon receipt of a copy
    of a petition for review under subdivision (a), the court reporter
    shall transcribe the notes of testimony and deliver the transcript
    to the juvenile court within five business days. If the transcript
    is not prepared and delivered in a timely fashion, the juvenile
    court shall order the court reporter to transcribe the notes and
    deliver the notes to the juvenile court, and may impose
    sanctions for violation of such an order. If the juvenile is
    proceeding in forma pauperis, the juvenile shall not be charged
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    to seek review of that decision within ten days of the placement order.2 The
    rule references the requirements of Chapter 15 of the Appellate Rules
    (Judicial Review of Governmental Determinations), which sets forth various
    procedural requirements of a petition for review generally.             Additionally,
    Rule 1561(a) allows that this court “may affirm, modify, vacate, set aside, or
    reverse any order brought before it for review and may remand the matter
    and direct the entry of such appropriate order or require such further
    proceedings    as   may    be   just   under   the   circumstances.”      Pa.R.A.P.,
    Rule 1561(a), 42 Pa.C.S.A.
    The superior court’s Operating Procedure (“O.P.”) § 65.22 allows for
    substantive petitions and motions, such as, motions to quash or dismiss
    appeals, petitions for permission to appeal an interlocutory order, and
    petitions for review, to be submitted to a three-judge motions panel which
    for the cost of the transcript. Chapter 19 of the Rules of
    Appellate Procedure shall not otherwise apply to petitions for
    review filed under this Rule.
    (h)    Non-waiver of objection to placement. A failure to seek
    review under this rule of the Out of Home Placement shall not
    constitute a waiver of the juvenile’s right to seek review of the
    placement in a notice of appeal filed by the juvenile from a
    disposition after an adjudication of delinquency.
    42 Pa.C.S.A. §1770.
    Under Rule 1770(h), the filing or the failure to file such a petition does not waive
    the juvenile’s right of appellate review to a finding of delinquency or disposition
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    represents a quorum of the court for decision purposes.3          Upon filing with
    the Prothonotary’s office, such petitions are then reviewed by the court’s
    Central Legal Staff and submitted to the motions panel for decision.             The
    volume of substantive motions filed with the superior court each year is very
    high.4 Therefore, for purposes of expediting review by a motions panel of
    petitions for review filed pursuant to Rule 1770, we suggest that a petitioner
    specifically and clearly label the petition for review as one seeking expedited
    review of out-of-home placement in a juvenile delinquency matter.5
    Upon review of the petition for review filed in the case, we find it
    meets the contents requirements of Rule 1770(b), which are designed to
    provide the appellate courts with sufficient record materials to decide the
    issue presented, including a certificate of counsel stating the petition is
    presented in good faith and not for delay. The petition is timely filed. The
    Motions Review Subject to Motions Panel Disposition.
    A.    Motions to Quash or Dismiss Appeals, Petitions for Permission to
    Appeal pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 312, 1301-1323 and 42 Pa.C.S.
    §702(b), and Petitions for Review pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1501
    et seq. shall be subject to review and disposition by a panel of
    three judges.
    O.P. § 65.22.
    Motions panels reviewed 523 such motions in 2014.
    As an intermediate appellate court, we lack the authority to amend the rules of
    appellate procedure. Such power resides with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
    However, we recommend that the Supreme Court Appellate Rules Committee
    consider including our suggestion as a filing mandate to Rule 1770. This practice
    would ensure that Rule 1770 petitions are immediately brought to the court’s
    attention and handled expeditiously.
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    juvenile court has complied with the directive of Rule 1770(f), by providing a
    statement of the reasons for its determination on the record at the
    conclusion of the hearing and with Rule 1770(g), by timely certifying the
    notes of testimony from the hearing. For the reasons that follow, we grant
    the petition for review and affirm the juvenile court’s decision for
    out-of-home placement.
    Petitioner was adjudicated delinquent for aggravated assault and
    recklessly endangering another person following his admission to those
    charges in exchange for the Commonwealth’s withdrawal of the criminal
    attempted homicide charge and the amending of the robbery charge. There
    was no dispositional agreement between the parties.               Following a lengthy
    dispositional hearing, the juvenile court permitted the Juvenile Probation
    Office to place Petitioner out of his home at Summit Academy or the Abraxas
    Leadership Development Program.
    Petitioner admitted to luring his physically disabled best friend into the
    woods, attacking him, and leaving him on a hillside unconscious. The victim
    was outside until he awoke the following day and crawled out of the woods,
    where he was discovered and assisted by good Samaritans. The victim was
    hospitalized and suffered serious injuries as a result of the assault.
    Petitioner filed this petition pursuant to Rule 1770(a).                Petitioner
    argues that the juvenile court did not specifically state why out-of-home
    placement   was    the   least   restrictive   alternative   as    required    by   the
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    Juvenile Act,6 and that the juvenile court abused its discretion by ordering
    out-of-home placement because the decision was against the weight of the
    evidence presented at the hearing.            Petitioner argued that the offenses
    occurred 17 months prior to the hearing, and the evidence established that
    Petitioner was on the honor roll, a star wrestler, actively participating in his
    voluntary private counseling, had never violated his electronic home
    monitoring or his no-contact order, and was determined to be a low-to-
    moderate risk for re-offending.7           Petitioner argued that there was no
    evidence presented to establish or suggest that Petitioner could not be
    treated in the community or that any service or treatment plan required by
    Section 6352(c) of the Juvenile Act states:
    (c)   Required statement of reasons.--Prior to entering an order
    of disposition under subsection (a), the court shall state its
    disposition and the reasons for its disposition on the record in
    open court, together with the goals, terms and conditions of
    that disposition. If the child is to be committed to out-of-home
    placement, the court shall also state the name of the specific
    facility or type of facility to which the child will be committed
    and its findings and conclusions of law that formed the basis of
    its decision consistent with subsection (a) and section 6301,
    including the reasons why commitment to that facility or type of
    facility was determined to be the least restrictive placement that
    is consistent with the protection of the public and best suited to
    the child’s treatment, supervision, rehabilitation and welfare.
    42 Pa.C.S.A. § 6352(a).
    Petitioner notes that he was assessed on the Juvenile Probation’s predictive tool to
    have a low risk of re-offending, but his assessment was manually changed to
    moderate because of the nature of the charges themselves.
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    Petitioner     could   not   be    provided   in    a     community      setting.     The
    Commonwealth did not file a response to Petitioner’s petition.8
    We first set forth our standard of review of a dispositional order:
    As noted by the court, the Juvenile Act grants
    to the court broad discretion in disposition.
    42 Pa.C.S.A. §6341, §6352; In re Love, 435
    Pa.Super. 555, 
    646 A.2d 1233
    (1994).            In the
    opinion dated November 21, 1999, the court details
    its rationale for the disposition it ordered. Finding
    that the court properly considered the information
    presented to it and fashioned a disposition it believed
    best suited the circumstances involved, we perceive
    no manifest abuse of discretion which would cause
    us to disturb its order.
    In the Interest of A.D., 
    771 A.2d 45
    , 53 (Pa. Super. 2001) (en banc).
    The juvenile court had a lengthy dispositional hearing as evidenced by
    the 95-page transcript.           At the dispositional hearing, the court heard
    testimony from Petitioner as well as his probation officer, his therapist, his
    social worker, and his mother. The juvenile court also heard testimony from
    the victim’s father and uncle.            The court heard recommendations and
    argument from probation, the Commonwealth, and defense counsel. During
    the hearing, the court asked each of the witnesses questions and noted that
    it would consider the testimony with appropriate weight in balancing
    Petitioner’s    rehabilitative    needs   against   its    duties   to   hold   Petitioner
    accountable and protect the community.              “In a juvenile proceeding, the
    Under Rule 1770(d), any answer filed to the petition for review shall be filed
    within ten days of service of the petition. We strongly urge the Commonwealth to
    file a response in the future.
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    hearing judge sits as the finder of fact.       The weight to be assigned the
    testimony of the witnesses is within the exclusive province of the fact
    Id. (citation omitted).
    The juvenile court discussed the impact on the victim and its concern
    that Petitioner needed a higher level of accountability for his actions.9 The
    juvenile court explained that it does not believe that the amount of
    supervision and rehabilitative programs that Petitioner was receiving at the
    time of the disposition were enough given the seriousness of his actions.
    The court stated that while it believed that Petitioner was amenable to
    treatment, it was concerned by Petitioner’s lack of remorse.         The juvenile
    court noted that Petitioner was only concerned with the potential of his own
    life being disrupted but did not comment on how his actions impacted the
    victim’s life. The juvenile court summarized its disposition as follows:
    It’s all these reasons. For the victim’s sake.
    For the community’s sake. For accountability sake.
    But I heard that you, and I have heard conflicting
    [testimony], that you really don’t want to have
    friends anymore because of this incident. If that
    isn’t somebody that doesn’t need treatment
    supervision rehabilitation, I don’t know who is. The
    Petitioner was arrested on the charges on August 10, 2013, and transferred to the
    Allegheny County Jail where he remained until release to electronic home
    monitoring on May 22, 2014, in anticipation of a decertification hearing.
    Petitioner’s counsel strongly advocated that the nine and one-half months spent
    incarcerated should be considered sufficient punishment, and Petitioner should be
    placed on probation with appropriate conditions.        Counsel argued that this
    detention was punitive and satisfied the accountability factor. The trial court
    correctly concluded that accountability under the Juvenile Act is not the same as
    punishment, but rather, is directed to having the juvenile appreciate the
    seriousness and consequences of his actions in line with additional treatment and
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    guy on a team that teammates rely on. If it is [a]
    team thing in wrestling. The kid that is in tenth
    grade that doesn’t want to have friends. A kid that
    wants to stay at home other than for wrestling. And
    stay in his room. It’s also restoring yourself besides
    the victim.
    So, for all these reasons, and I had to put
    them on the record. I have to protect the public
    interest. This incident could have effect a lot of the
    public.   I think it best suits that you have a
    placement. I’m not going to say it is going to be
    long one. But I think you need to review all your
    And [as] the good therapist back there said,
    I’m not going to start with anger[, but with]
    self-control. But you are going to get that. And you
    are going to get anger management. And you are
    going to get victim awareness. And you are going to
    get other competencies that we have not even spoke
    of. And I think you are going to be fine. But I think
    it’s best suited for your treatment, supervision,
    rehabilitation and welfare.
    I have to balance that with the protection of
    the community, imposition of accountability for
    offenses committed.
    Notes of testimony, 2/10/15 at 89-90.
    Petitioner additionally challenges placement in Abraxas or Summit
    Academy.    However, his objection does not specifically relate to either
    placement so much as his belief that probation with conditions is all that is
    warranted. We recognize that the juvenile court did not specifically place on
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    the record its reasons for choosing this particular placement.10          However,
    both programs’ services were outlined for the court by juvenile probation.
    THE COURT: What we are talking about, what is he
    going to get at Abraxas or Summit?
    the     accountability measures      to   community
    protection. They will do a victim awareness group.
    They will help him complete community service
    hours. They will do an ART of some sort. They will
    assess him and assist with mental health needs that
    he has. They will do individual counseling. They will
    have mother involved for family counseling. They
    will allow him to have visitation with mother. And
    eventually, he can earn his way to home passes and
    eventually a discharge into some community-based
    Id. at 75.
    We believe, based on the reasons subsequently given by the court for
    out-of-home placement, it determined that the Abraxas and Summit
    programs provided Petitioner with the least restrictive confinement and
    important treatment services.11
    As Petitioner noted, the juvenile court has broad discretion when
    determining an appropriate disposition.         The record demonstrates that the
    court heard testimony from a number of witnesses on behalf of the victim
    The juvenile court considered more restrictive placement programs, and declined
    to follow the probation officer’s recommendation to place Petitioner in a more
    serious secure facility, YDC Cresson.
    We note that under Rule 1770(c)(1), an objection to a specific agency or
    institution is not permitted to be challenged in the petition for review; but rather,
    the review is limited to the reasons for out-of-home placement only.
    - 11 -
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    and Petitioner, and that it considered the recommendations of probation and
    counsel. The juvenile court noted that it had read the relevant statutes and
    that it took its responsibilities under the Juvenile Act seriously as it weighed
    its duties to hold Petitioner accountable, protect society, and rehabilitate
    Petitioner.   We cannot find that the juvenile court abused its discretion in
    fashioning Petitioner’s disposition and out-of-home placement under the
    circumstances of this case was not unreasonable.
    Petition for review granted. Order affirmed.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 5/22/2015
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Document Info

Docket Number: 12 WDM 2015

Filed Date: 5/22/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/17/2021