Stahl, S. v. Stahl, C. ( 2017 )

  • J-S06003-17
    SUZANNE STAHL                                      IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
    Appellant                  No. 1304 EDA 2016
    Appeal from the Order Entered April 12, 2016
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County
    Domestic Relations at No(s): 2012-006263
    MEMORANDUM BY MOULTON, J.:                               FILED JULY 14, 2017
    Christian Stahl (“Husband”) appeals pro se from the April 12, 2016
    order entered in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas denying his
    amended petition for special relief in the nature of a request to vacate the
    divorce decree and strike the property settlement agreement for lack of
    disclosure and fraud and ordering that he pay counsel fees. We affirm.
    On August 2, 2002, Husband and Suzanne Stahl (“Wife”) married. On
    July 23, 2012, Wife filed a complaint in divorce.1 On January 16, 2015, the
    Former Justice specially assigned to the Superior Court.
    There have been numerous petitions filed in this matter, both in
    divorce and in custody. In this memorandum, we discuss only the petitions
    relevant to this appeal.
    parties signed a property settlement agreement.2        On February 17, 2015,
    the trial court entered an order of divorce, which incorporated the property
    settlement agreement. On November 18, 2015, Husband filed a petition for
    special relief in the nature of a request to vacate the property settlement
    agreement for lack of disclosure. On December 1, 2015, Wife filed a petition
    to strike Husband’s petition for special relief for failure to state a basis upon
    which relief can be granted and for failure to plead alleged fraudulent
    behavior with specificity and failure to attach party verification.           On
    December 18, 2015, Husband filed an amended petition for special relief in
    the nature of a request to vacate the divorce decree and strike the property
    settlement agreement for lack of disclosure and fraud (“amended petition to
    vacate”). In his amended petition to vacate, Husband claimed, in part, that
    Wife failed to disclose all marital assets and misrepresented the amount of
    funds in a trust account.        On January 27, 2016, Wife filed an answer to
    Husband’s amended petition to vacate, in which she requested counsel fees.
    On March 10, 2016 and March 11, 2016, the trial court held a hearing,
    which it described as follows:
    A full and fair hearing on the Petition, Amended Petition
    and response thereto was scheduled to occur on March 10,
    2016.    At such time, [Husband] failed to appear as
    Husband was represented by counsel until January 2015.          On
    January 8, 2015, Husband filed an entry of appearance as a self-represented
    party and on January 12, 2015, counsel that had been assisting with the
    property settlement agreement withdrew his appearance.
    directed by the Trial Court. Indeed, the Court and [Wife],
    who was present with counsel, waited from 9:00 A.M. until
    11:00 A.M. before learning that [Husband] would not be
    appearing. [Husband’s] counsel,[3] after being contacted
    by Court staff, finally appeared at the March 10, 2016
    hearing and stated that he “thought” the hearing had been
    continued. When questioned as to why he thought this,
    Counsel could offer no reasonable explanation. Indeed,
    Counsel admitted he did not contact chambers or opposing
    counsel to verify or question whether the hearing had been
    continued.     Counsel at that time withdrew the initial
    Petition on the record and requested argument on the
    Amended Petition. (N.T. 3/10/2016, at p. 9). In spite of
    the fact that the allegations ple[]d in the Amended Petition
    were very fact specific and the Trial Court could not accept
    counsel’s mere representations without direct testimony,
    the Trial Court allowed [Husband’s] counsel to attempt to
    make argument. Indeed counsel for [Husband], without
    [Husband] present, could not produce evidence that
    information about various assets were not produced prior
    to [Husband] signing the Property Settlement Agreement.
    (N.T. 3/10/2016, at p. 77).           Although counsel for
    [Husband] represented to the Trial Court that [Husband]
    learned in July of 2015 that the trust amounts disclosed on
    the inventory on the Property Settlement Agreement were
    inaccurate, [Husband] by and through counsel, could
    provide no response to the Trial Court’s questions
    concerning the four (4) month delay in filing of the
    Petition. (N.T. 3/10/2016, at p. 86).
    [Husband’s] argument at the March 10, 2016 hearing
    was centered on an argument about intrinsic fraud relative
    to the Property Settlement Agreement. At the conclusion
    of the March 10, 2016 hearing, the Trial Court scheduled
    another day for the hearing so that [Husband] could be
    present to offer testimony and likewise to allow counsel for
    [Husband] the opportunity to submit case law in support of
    [Husband’s] intrinsic fraud argument. (N.T. 3/10/2016, at
    p. 107). The next hearing date, which occurred on March
    On May 27, 2016, Husband again filed an entry of appearance as a
    self-represented party.
    11, 2016, [Husband] abandoned his intrinsic fraud
    argument, now taking up an argument for setting aside
    the Property Settlement Agreement and opening the
    Divorce Decree on the grounds of extrinsic fraud. At this
    time, counsel for [Husband] made an oral motion to create
    a constructive trust under Section 3505(d) of the Divorce
    Code. Counsel for [Wife], Mr. Huffman, however, objected
    to the oral motion arguing that his preparation for the
    hearing was centered on [Husband’s] fraud argument. The
    Trial Court, therefore, denied [Husband’s] oral motion, but
    stated on record that [Husband] had the right to file a
    petition under this section, if he felt it was pertinent. (N.T.
    3/10 /2016, at p. 8).
    [Husband’s] new argument at the March 11, 2016
    hearing was an unsubstantiated accusation that extrinsic
    fraud occurred because [Wife] over-litigated the divorce,
    custody and support actions, which caused such an
    economic strain on [Husband] that he was under
    “economic duress” to sign the Property Settlement
    Agreement.      Besides having no basis in law, this
    accusation has no basis in fact. Indeed, a review of the
    docket reveals that there were petitions filed by both
    parties.    As outlined in detail above, a portion of
    [Husband’s] filings have amounted to mere frivolous
    filings. Furthermore, although directed by the Trial Court
    to provide case law, [Husband] failed to do so. The Trial
    Court likewise granted [Husband’s] request to submit a
    Memorandum of Law on the extrinsic fraud issue.
    [Husband’s] Memorandum of Law cites no cases to support
    his proposition and [Wife] spent time and resources
    drafting a response Memorandum. [Wife] attached to the
    response Memorandum an Affidavit attesting under oath
    that the time spent representing [Wife] at the March 10,
    2016 hearing, March 11, 2016 hearing, and responses to
    [Husband’s] pleadings related to the fraud issue cost
    Appellee $6,000.00 in legal fees.
    Opinion, 6/27/2016, at 5-7 (“1925(a) Op.”) (unpaginated).4
    Wife had reiterated her request for counsel fees at the hearing, and
    both counsel presented argument on the request. N.T., 3/11/16, 105-120.
    On April 12, 2016, the trial court denied Husband’s amended petition
    to vacate and ordered Husband to pay counsel fees to Wife’s counsel in the
    amount of $6,000.
    Husband filed a timely notice of appeal. He raises the following issues:
    I. The honorable trial court abused its discretion in
    awarding [counsel] fees without finding or stating any
    basis for the award.
    II. The honorable trial court abused its discretion in not
    determining the parties ability to pay and the
    reasonableness of the award.
    III. The honorable trial court abused its discretion in not
    first hearing [Husband]’s motion to recuse.
    IV. The honorable trial court abused its discretion in failing
    to create a constructive trust with [Wife’s] assets omitted
    from the Delaware County pre-trial statement inventory
    and appraisement pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. § 1920.33 sua
    sponte pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 3505(d).
    V. The honorable trial court abused its discretion in
    awarding [counsel] fees that were improperly requested in
    Husband’s Br. at 6-7.
    In his first, second, and fifth issues, Husband challenges the award of
    counsel fees.    Husband maintains the trial court abused its discretion
    because it did not base its award of counsel fees on any factual findings, it
    did not determine whether Husband was financially able to pay the award,
    and the award would have a chilling effect and went against the general
    principle that parties are responsible for their own fees.
    Our review of an order awarding counsel fees is:
    limited solely to determining whether the trial court
    palpably abused its discretion in making a fee award. In
    re Estate of Liscio, 
    432 Pa.Super. 440
    , 444, 
    638 A.2d 1019
    , 1021 (1994), appeal denied, 
    539 Pa. 679
    652 A.2d 1324
     (1994). If the record supports a trial court’s finding
    of fact that a litigant violated the conduct provisions of the
    relevant statute providing for the award of [counsel] fees,
    such award should not be disturbed on appeal. 
    Berg v. Georgetown Builders, Inc., 
    822 A.2d 810
    , 816 (Pa.Super. 2003)
    (quoting Thunberg v. Strause, 
    682 A.2d 295
    , 299 (Pa. 1996)).
    A party is entitled to reasonable counsel fees where he or she is
    awarded fees “as a sanction against another participant for dilatory,
    obdurate or vexatious conduct during the pendency of a matter.” 42 Pa.C.S.
    § 2503(7). Our Court has stated:
    Generally speaking, “obdurate” conduct may be defined in
    this context as “stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.”
    (1987).      Conduct is “dilatory” where the record
    demonstrates that counsel displayed a lack of diligence
    that delayed proceedings unnecessarily and caused
    additional legal work. See Gertz v. Temple Univ., 
    443 Pa.Super. 177
    661 A.2d 13
    , 17 n. 2 (1995).
    In re Estate of Burger, 
    852 A.2d 385
    , 391 (Pa.Super. 2004).                 The
    Pennsylvania Supreme Court has defined “vexatious” for section 2503(9)5
    as: “An opponent also can be deemed to have brought suit ‘vexatiously’ if
    he filed the suit without sufficient grounds in either law or in fact and if the
    We have stated that conduct that is “dilatory, obdurate or vexatious”
    under section 2503(7) is similar to that which would constitute conduct that
    is “arbitrary, vexatious or in bad faith” under section 2503(9). In re Estate
    of Burger, 
    852 A.2d at 391
    suit served the sole purpose of causing annoyance.” Berg, 
    822 A.2d at 816
    (quoting Thunberg, 682 A.2d at 299).
    Here, the trial court conducted a hearing on the amended petition to
    vacate.    At the hearing, the trial court heard testimony from Husband,
    including on Husband’s finances. See, e.g., N.T., 3/11/16, 28-37. Further,
    the trial court heard argument from both Husband’s counsel and Wife’s
    counsel on the motion for counsel fees. Id. at 105-20.
    The trial court found Husband’s conduct was “dilatory, obdurate or
    vexatious.” 1925(a) Op. at 7. It reasoned:
    The Trial Court’s decision in this instance is supported
    by ample evidence of record. As outlined in detail above,
    [Husband] blatantly disregarded the Trial Court’s
    instructions to be present at a hearing, which the Trial
    Court specially listed for disposition of [Husband’s] Petition
    and the Amended Petition. After judicial resources and
    [Wife’s] time were wasted awaiting a response with
    respect to whether [Husband] was appearing, [Husband’s]
    counsel attempted to make “legal argument,” which
    amounted to recitation of facts or which counsel had no
    first-hand knowledge. At the conclusion of the March 10,
    2016 hearing, the Trial Court instructed counsel to provide
    case law in support of his argument, which [Husband] then
    failed to provide. Indeed, after a whole day of hearing
    [Husband’s] argument on March 10, 2016, [Husband]
    appeared the very next day, March 11, 2016, abandoning
    his initial argument of intrinsic fraud and spent another
    day of testimony pursuing the theory of extrinsic fraud.
    [Husband’s] new legal theory of “economic duress” as
    extrinsic fraud was not supported by any case law or
    testimony, in spite of the Trial Court providing [Husband]
    additional time to craft a legal memorandum.
    Finding [Husband’s] Amended Petition completely
    without merit and unsupported by law, the Trial Court
    accepted [Wife’s] Affidavit of [Counsel] fees, which counsel
    provided, requesting fees for approximately nine (9) hours.
    As the bulk of that time was spent in court, litigating this
    matter, the Trial Court had first-hand knowledge of the
    time expended.        The Trial Court therefore accepted
    [Wife’s] Affidavit of [Counsel] fees as reasonable. As for
    [Husband’s] ability to pay the [counsel] fee, testimony was
    presented at the hearing or previous hearings that
    [Husband] earns in excess of $100,000.00 a year.
    Id. at 7-8. We conclude this was not an abuse of discretion.
    In his third issue, Husband claims the trial court should have
    addressed his motion to recuse before ruling on the amended petition.6
    On March 8, 2016, Husband filed a motion to recuse Judge Cartisano.7
    The caption of this motion states “[i]n custody,” rather than “in divorce.”
    Judge Cartisano did not rule on it prior to denying the amended petition to
    vacate. At the end of the March 11, 2016 hearing, Judge Cartisano and the
    parties agreed to re-schedule a hearing in the custody matter because
    Husband had filed a notice of appeal in the custody matter, which divested
    the trial court of jurisdiction. N.T., 3/11/16, at 120-22. The trial court also
    discussed the motion to recuse, which it stated was filed in the custody
    matter.     Id. at 122.8    The trial court noted it would set a hearing for the
    motion after this Court released the case. Id. Husband did not object. Id.
    Although we have found no order denying the recusal motion in the
    certified record, the parties agree that Judge Cartisano eventually denied the
    motion. Husband’s Br. at 40; Wife’s Br. at 7.
    This case was re-assigned to Judge Cartisano in October 2015,
    following the recusal of the Honorable Barry C. Dozer. 1925(a) Op. at 2.
    On March 14, 2016, Wife filed a response to the motion to recuse.
    at 122-23. Based on this procedural posture, we conclude the trial court did
    not abuse its discretion in not addressing the motion prior to ruling on the
    amended motion to vacate.
    In his fourth issue, Husband claims the trial court abused its discretion
    in failing to create a constructive trust.
    At the hearing on the amended petition to vacate, Husband made an
    oral motion for a constructive trust.        The trial court noted that Husband
    could not request a constructive trust by oral motion, stating:        “What is
    before me is a Petition to Open the Divorce Decree because of fraud. That
    may or may not be pertinent, but it’s the petition that’s been filed.” N.T.,
    3/11/16, at 7. The trial court denied the motion, but stated: “[Y]ou have
    the right to file, if you feel that section is pertinent.” Id. at 8.
    We conclude the trial court did not abuse its discretion in denying the
    oral motion for constructive trust and informing Husband he could file an
    petition seeking a constructive trust if pertinent.
    Order affirmed.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 7/14/2017