Com. v. Bond, G. , 190 A.3d 664 ( 2018 )

  • J-S11026-18
    2018 PA Super 163
    Appellant                  No. 374 EDA 2017
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence imposed January 4, 2017
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County
    Criminal Division at No: CP-51-CR-0007801-2014
    OPINION BY STABILE, J.:                                  FILED JUNE 13, 2018
    Appellant, George G. Bond, appeals from the January 4, 2017 judgment
    of sentence imposing an aggregate 27½ to 55 years for involuntary deviate
    sexual intercourse (“IDSI”), unlawful contact with a minor, aggravated
    indecent assault, and indecent assault.1 We affirm.
    The trial court summarized the facts in its Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) opinion.
    At trial it was established that on May 24, 2014, A.P.
    [“Child”], then age 10, her mother, S.P. [“Mother”] and [Mother’s]
    boyfriend, the [Appellant] George Bond, lived on the first floor
    apartment of premises 1260 South 60th Street, Philadelphia.
    While [Mother] was at work, [Child] told [Appellant] that she was
    hungry. [Child] sat on [Mother’s] bed. [Appellant] was lying on
    the same bed. While [Child] was searching for restaurants on her
    tablet, [Appellant] started to rub her and told her to pull down her
    1    18 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 3123(c), 6318(a)(1), 3125(a)(7), 3126(a)(7).
    pants. She did. [Appellant] inserted his finger into her vagina,
    performed oral sex on her and then exposed his penis.
    Later that day, [Child] approached her great aunt, [“Great
    Aunt”], who lived in the upstairs apartment of the building.
    [Child] was too embarrassed to tell [Great Aunt] what happened.
    Instead, she wrote a note recounting the incident. She showed
    the note to [Great Aunt]. [Great Aunt] and [Child] informed
    [Mother] about the incident by telephone. [Mother] came home
    and summoned the police.
    [Child] was interviewed by [Michelle Kline], a forensic
    interview specialist with the Philadelphia Children’s Alliance. A
    video of the interview was played to the jury.
    Trial Court Opinion, 5/12/17, at 2-3.
    On March 15, 2016, at the conclusion of trial, the jury found Appellant
    guilty of the aforementioned offenses. The trial court imposed sentence on
    January 4, 2017.       On January 12, 2017, Appellant filed a motion for
    reconsideration of the sentence. The trial court denied that motion the same
    day.    Appellant filed this timely appeal on January 19, 2017.          His sole
    contention is that the trial court erred in permitting the jury to see a video of
    Child’s forensic interview (the “Interview Video”) with Philadelphia Children’s
    Alliance (“PCA”). Appellant’s Brief at 3.
    We review the trial court’s evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion.
    The admission or exclusion of evidence is within the sound
    discretion of the trial court, and in reviewing a challenge to the
    admissibility of evidence, we will only reverse a ruling by the trial
    court upon a showing that it abused its discretion or committed
    an error of law. Thus our standard of review is very narrow. To
    constitute reversible error, an evidentiary ruling must not only be
    erroneous, but also harmful or prejudicial to the complaining
    Commonwealth v. Lopez, 
    57 A.3d 74
    , 81 (Pa. Super. 2012), appeal
    62 A.3d 379
     (Pa. 2013). “Abuse of discretion is not merely an error
    of judgment, but rather where the judgment is manifestly unreasonable or
    where the law is not applied or where the record shows that the action is a
    result of partiality, prejudice, bias or ill will.” Commonwealth v. Aikens,
    990 A.2d 1181
    , 1184-85 (Pa. Super. 2010), appeal denied, 
    4 A.3d 157
    The trial court admitted the Interview Video as a prior consistent
    statement. It did so at the Commonwealth’s request after defense counsel
    cross-examined Child extensively with regard to the substance of the
    interview depicted in the video.    Rule 613(c) of the Pennsylvania Rules of
    Evidence governs this issue:
    (c) Witness’s Prior Consistent Statement to
    Rehabilitate. Evidence of a witness’s prior consistent statement
    is admissible to rehabilitate the witness’s credibility if the opposing
    party is given an opportunity to cross-examine the witness about
    the statement and the statement is offered to rebut an express or
    implied charge of:
    (1) fabrication, bias, improper influence or motive, or faulty
    memory and the statement was made before that which has been
    charged existed or arose; or
    (2) having made a prior inconsistent statement, which the
    witness has denied or explained, and the consistent statement
    supports the witness’s denial or explanation.
    Pa.R.E. 613(c).
    This Court has addressed Rule 613 as follows:
    [P]rior consistent statements may be admitted to
    corroborate or rehabilitate the testimony of a witness who has
    been impeached, expressly or impliedly, as having a faulty
    memory, or as having been induced to fabricate the testimony by
    improper motive or influence. Admission of prior consistent
    statements on such grounds is a matter left to the sound
    discretion of the trial court, to be decided in light of the character
    and degree of impeachment.           It is not necessary that the
    impeachment be direct; it may be implied, inferred, or insinuated
    either by cross-examination, presentation of conflicting evidence,
    or a combination of the two.
    Commonwealth v. Baker, 
    963 A.2d 495
    , 504 (Pa. Super. 2008), appeal
    992 A.2d 885
     (Pa. 2010) (quoting Commonwealth v. Hunzer, 
    868 A.2d 498
    , 512 (Pa. Super. 2005), appeal denied, 
    880 A.2d 1237
     (Pa. 2005)).
    “[T]o be admissible to rebut a charge of improper motive, as is the case here,
    the prior consistent statement must have been made before the motive to lie
    existed.”   Commonwealth v. Busanet, 
    54 A.3d 35
    , 66 (Pa. 2012), cert.
    134 S. Ct. 178
     (2013). A prior consistent statement, if admissible at
    all, is admissible only as rebuttal or rehabilitation but as not substantive
    evidence. Baker, 
    963 A.2d at 504
    In Commonwealth v. Hutchinson, 
    556 A.2d 370
    , 371 (Pa. 1989), a
    jury found the defendant guilty of raping and robbing two women. Upon his
    arrest, the defendant told police he was on his way home from his
    grandmother’s home and had committed no crime. 
     The defendant alleged
    counsel was ineffective for failing to offer the statement into evidence as a
    prior consistent statement after the prosecutor impeached the credibility of
    defendant and his grandmother. 
    The Hutchinson Court explained that prior consistent statements
    ordinarily are inadmissible hearsay, but in rare cases, they are admissible to
    rehabilitate a witness against a claim of recent fabrication or corrupt motives.
    Id. at 372. The Hutchinson Court stated:
    If one testifies that they did a certain thing at a given time,
    they may be challenged that they said something different before.
    Such is impeachment by a prior contradictory statement.
    Ordinarily, that one has always said the same thing is subsumed
    in their testimony and need not be buttressed by evidence of prior
    consistency, unless that consistency, by allegation of recent
    fabrication is challenged. When challenged, evidence of prior and
    continued consistency may be offered.              Evidence of prior
    consistency, absent such challenge is not required and is
    essentially cumulative and repetitious.           To regularly allow
    testimony of prior consistency may easily become a device to
    merely augment the credibility of witnesses by others.
    Hutchinson, 556 A.2d at 372. By the foregoing standards, the Hutchinson
    Court held the defendant’s statement inadmissible. The prosecution made no
    allegations of recent fabrication during trial, and “the statement in issue was
    made after [the defendant’s] arrest: clearly not a time when the effect of the
    statement could not have been foreseen.” Id.
    On the other hand, in Baker, this Court affirmed the admission of video
    of a child’s forensic interview because the defense insinuated that the
    prosecution and/or the victim’s mother induced the victim to fabricate the
    testimony.    Baker, 
    963 A.2d at 505
    .         The video predated the alleged
    inducement of fabricated testimony. 
    Appellant argues the trial court erred because this case involves no prior
    statements that predate Child’s motive to fabricate. He claims Child fabricated
    her allegations from the beginning because she did not like living with Mother
    and Appellant and was upset about her separation from her natural father,
    who was incarcerated.           Rule 613 permits prior consistent statements,
    Appellant argues, only when they predate the alleged “fabrication, bias,
    improper influence or motive, or faulty memory.” Pa.R.E. 613(c)(1). He is
    correct in this regard. Busanet, 54 A.3d at 66; see also, Commonwealth
    v. Montalvo, 
    986 A.2d 84
    , 96 (Pa. 2009) (holding a prior statement
    inadmissible where the defendant failed to establish the timing of the
    Child’s accounts of the incident—in her note to Great Aunt, in her
    statement to a DHS caseworker, in the Interview Video, at the preliminary
    hearing, and at trial—varied slightly, with regard to whether Appellant
    penetrated2 her as well as various other details. Appellant claimed that Child’s
    allegations were fabricated from the beginning, and that the Interview Video
    therefore served no rehabilitative purpose. The Interview Video, Appellant
    argues, was just one of a series of inconsistent accounts of the assault.
    The trial court cited Hunzer in support of its decision. There, the victim
    testified that the defendant assaulted her by “sticking his tongue and his finger
    in my private area.” Hunzer, 
    868 A.2d at 506
    . The Commonwealth, over the
    2  Penetration is an element of IDSI and aggravated indecent assault.
    18 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 3101, 3123(c), 3125(a)(7).
    defendant’s objection, elicited the victim’s prior consistent statements through
    the testimony of a caseworker. Id. at 511-12. The Hunzer Court wrote:
    Prior consistent statements may […] be considered specially
    relevant when the witness’ status alone is such that his or her
    testimony may be called into question even in the absence of
    express impeachment. […] [J]urors are likely to suspect that
    unimpeached testimony of child witnesses in general, and child
    victims of sexual assaults in particular, may be distorted by
    fantasy, exaggeration, suggestion, or decay of the original
    memory of the event. Prior consistent statements may therefore
    be admitted to corroborate even unimpeached testimony of child
    witnesses, at the trial court’s discretion, because such statements
    were made at a time when the memory was fresher and there was
    less opportunity for the child witness to be effected by the
    decaying impact of time and suggestion.
    Id. at 512 (quoting Commonwealth v. Willis, 
    552 A.2d 682
    , 691-92 (Pa.
    Super. 1988), appeal denied, 
    559 A.2d 527
     (Pa. 1989)).
    The quoted passage seems at odds with the express language of Rule
    613, in that it is far more permissive of prior consistent statements, at least
    in the context of the sexual assault of a child. Willis, from which the Hunzer
    Court quoted, pre-dated the enactment of Rule 613 and the Tender Years Act,
    42 Pa.C.S.A. § 5985.13 The Hunzer defendant therefore argued that the trial
    court erred in relying on Willis rather than Rule 613.      The Hunzer Court
    3 The Tender Years Act authorizes admission, subject to certain conditions, of
    hearsay statements by a child witness describing certain enumerated
    offenses, including sex offenses.   42 Pa.C.S.A. § 5985.1.        Statements
    admitted under this section are substantive evidence. Commonwealth v.
    50 A.3d 176
    , 187 (Pa. Super. 2012), appeal denied, 
    63 A.3d 772
    (Pa. 2013). The Commonwealth did not rely on the Tender Years Act in this
    concluded that the Commonwealth used prior consistent statements “to rebut
    an inference of recent fabrication arising during cross-examination.” Id. at
    513. Thus, the Hunzer Court tracked the language of Rule 613, but it did not
    engage in a detailed analysis of the timing of the prior consistent statement.
    Instantly, the trial court quoted the portion of Hunzer in which that
    Court quoted extensively from Willis.            We conclude the trial court erred,
    because its holding contravenes the express language of Rule 613, our
    Supreme Court’s analysis of Rule 613 in Hutchinson, and this Court’s analysis
    of Rule 613 in Baker.4 While the Interview Video antedated Child’s cross-
    examination at trial, it did not antedate the alleged motive to lie, which
    Appellant claims arose before she first complained of the assault. Put simply,
    Child’s statements in the Interview Video were not “made before” the alleged
    fabrication, as Rule 613(c)(1) expressly requires. Moreover, this case does
    not involve a lapse in memory, another basis for admitting a prior consistent
    4   We are cognizant that a three-judge panel of this Court is not free to
    overrule the decision of a previous three-judge panel. Our result therefore
    does not affect the precedential value of Hunzer. As explained in the main
    text, the Hunzer Court found a prior consistent statement admissible because
    it rebutted an allegation of recent fabrication. Hunzer is therefore in harmony
    with Rule 613. Willis, however, is not. We conclude that the Hunzer Court’s
    reliance on Willis is dicta, and that Rule 613 and the Tender Years Act have
    superseded Willis.
    statement under Rule 613(c)(1).5 Appellant relied on the inconsistencies in
    Child’s statements to support his claim that Child was lying.
    The Commonwealth argues that Appellant, in challenging Child’s
    credibility based on her varying accounts of the assault, has accused Child of
    fabricating her accounts “on an ongoing basis,” and that therefore the
    Commonwealth was entitled to introduce the Interview Video, which was
    largely consistent with Child’s most incriminating allegations.     Given the
    governing precedents discussed above, we do not believe we can construe
    Rule 613(c)(1) so broadly. Under the Commonwealth’s analysis, a prosecutor
    could, in any case where the defense probes a witness’s inconsistent accounts
    of a crime, rely on Rule 613(c)(1) to trumpet the most incriminating version
    regardless of whether it antedates the alleged “fabrication, bias, improper
    influence or motive, or faulty memory.” Rule 613(c)(1) does not authorize
    that approach.
    We also reject the Commonwealth’s argument that the trial court’s
    ruling is salvageable under Rule 613(c)(2), which permits admission of a prior
    consistent statement that supports the witness’s denial of, or explanation for,
    5  Defense counsel questioned Child about whether she remembered making
    different versions of her statement to different people, but, as explained
    above, the defense theory was that the many variations in Child’s story were
    indicative of fabrication, not memory lapse.       Cf. Commonwealth v.
    626 A.2d 627
    , 632-33 (Pa. Super. 1993) (a witness’s prior written
    statement to police was admissible where the witness’s trial testimony differed
    from the statement).
    having made a prior inconsistent statement.          Pa.R.E. 613(c)(2).     The
    Commonwealth fails to cite any place in the record where Child denied having
    made a prior inconsistent statement or explained the inconsistencies in her
    testimony. For all of the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the trial court
    erred in admitting the Interview Video under Rule 613(c).
    Next, we consider the Commonwealth’s argument that the trial court’s
    error was harmless.
    The doctrine of harmless error is a technique of appellate
    review designed to advance judicial economy by obviating the
    necessity for a retrial where the appellate court is convinced that
    a trial error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. Its purpose
    is premised on the well-settled proposition that [a] defendant is
    entitled to a fair trial but not a perfect one.
    Commonwealth v. Allshouse, 
    36 A.3d 163
    , 182 (Pa. 2012) (quoting
    Commonwealth v. Thornton, 
    431 A.2d 248
    , 251 (Pa. 1981)).
    On this point, we turn for guidance to Busanet. There, the defendant
    alleged his appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to challenge the trial
    court’s admission of a witness’s prior consistent statement. Busanet, 54 A.3d
    at 65. The witness was the Commonwealth’s “key witness,” and he testified
    that he was with the defendant when the defendant fired a gun at the victim
    in retribution for a robbery. Id. Defense counsel examined the witness on
    his motive to obtain favorable treatment from the Commonwealth in his own
    case. Id. The Commonwealth introduced a prior consistent statement—the
    witness’s written statement that he gave to police 15 days after the crime
    occurred.   Id.   Trial counsel objected because the witness already had a
    - 10 -
    motive to lie at that point, but the trial court overruled the objection. Id. at
    66. Appellate counsel did not pursue the issue on direct appeal.
    The Supreme Court found no ineffective assistance of counsel because
    the defendant failed to establish prejudice: “Nevertheless, even assuming for
    purposes of argument that the trial court erred by admitting [the witness’s]
    prior statement under Pa.R.E. 613(e) [sic], we agree with the PCRA court that
    such a claim would not have entitled Appellant to relief on appeal[.]” Id. at
    67. Trial counsel “meticulously cross examined [the witness] with evidence
    of his motive to testify favorably for the Commonwealth[.]” Id. “Further, on
    re-cross examination of [the witness], trial counsel painstakingly pointed out
    to the jury that when [the witness] made the prior statement, he was
    concerned about being charged in connection with the shooting.” Id. The
    Supreme Court also noted other “overwhelming” evidence of the defendant’s
    guilt, including other witnesses, ballistics evidence, and the defendant’s own
    statements. Id. Thus, any error on the part of the trial court or counsel did
    not prejudice the defendant in Busanet.
    We find Busanet instructive.        Instantly, defense counsel cross-
    examined Child extensively.     Defense counsel brought out testimony that
    Appellant penetrated Child with his fingers and tongue. N.T. Trial, 3/11/16,
    at 98. In particular, defense counsel cross-examined Child with a transcript
    of the Interview Video:
    - 11 -
    Q.    So do you remember telling Ms. Kline that what happened
    was that it started with him rubbing on your butt with his hand
    over your pants?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And that then he went inside of your pants with his hand
    and touched your private part?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And put his fingers inside of your private part?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.   What you told Ms. Kline is that he did that while your pants
    were still on?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And that then after he did that, that that [sic] was when he
    pulled out his private part.
    Do you remember telling Ms. Kline that?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And do you remember telling Ms. Kline that after he pulled
    out his private part is when he pulled down your pants?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And that, after he pulled down your pants, the next thing
    that happened was that he put his tongue down there?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And then you told Ms. Kline that, after you got up and
    started to walk away out of the room, he called you back into the
    A.    I don’t remember that.
    Q.    You don’t remember saying that?
    A.    No.
    - 12 -
    Q.   Okay. All right. Well, you didn’t tell Ms. Kline that he called
    you back and kissed your private part again; right?
    A.    No, I don’t remember.
    Q.    And you told Ms. Kline – you did tell Ms. Kline that he tried
    to get you to touch his private part, right?
    A.    I don’t remember.
    Q.    And do you remember telling – do you remember Ms. Kline
    asking you – do you remember her asking you if he tried to make
    you or if he made you touch his private part?
    A.    No.
    Q.     Okay. Do you remember her asking you how many times
    he tried to make you touch his private part?
    A.    No.
    Q.    Do you remember telling her that he made you touch it
    A.    No.
    Q.    Okay. Do you remember her asking you if you saw his
    private part?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.     Okay. And do you remember telling her that you couldn’t
    really see it because it was so fast?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    All right. And you couldn’t tell her what it looked like?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    All right. And you couldn’t tell her what it looked like at all?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    Yes, you can tell us?
    A.    No, no. I’m saying, yes, I couldn’t tell you.
    - 13 -
    Q.    Thank you. But do you remember telling Ms. Kline that he
    took his private part out before he put his tongue on your private
    part, not after; right?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    And Ms. Kline was the first person who you told about him
    putting his fingers inside of your private part; correct?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.    You didn’t tell [Great Aunt] about that part; right?
    A.    No.
    Q.     So you agree with me that it doesn’t say in the note that he
    put any part of his fingers or his hand inside of your private part;
    A     Yes.
    Q.    And you didn’t tell that to the police officer or to anybody at
    the hospital either; right?
    A.    I don’t remember.
    Q.    Okay. But do you agree that Ms. Kline was the first person
    you told that to; right?
    A.    Yes.
    Q.     Alright. And when Ms. Kline was asking you about the part
    of this when he pulled out his private part, she also asked you if
    he did anything with his private part?
    Do you remember that?
    A.    No.
    Q.     Okay. Do you remember telling her that he sat there and
    didn’t do anything with it?
    A.    No.
    - 14 -
    Id. at 108-113. In essence, defense counsel chose to cross-examine Child on
    all of the pertinent portions of the Interview Video transcript, and did so before
    the Commonwealth moved to play the Interview Video for the jury. The actual
    video itself was therefore cumulative and, in our view, harmless.            See
    Commonwealth v. Allshouse, 
    36 A.3d 163
    , 182 (Pa. 2012) (concluding that
    erroneous admission of cumulative evidence was harmless), cert. denied,
    569 U.S. 972
    In addition, the Commonwealth introduced a text message Appellant
    sent to Mother shortly after the assault. It said, “I’m so, so, so fucking sorry.
    I can’t breathe.”   N.T. Trial, 3/14/2016, at 63.     Mother also recorded two
    phone conversations she had with Appellant shortly after the assault, in which
    he made incriminating statements. Id. at 63-64. Appellant also asked Mother
    to lie to police and tell them he was teaching Child sex education. Id. at 69.
    Appellant, in his brief, does not explain how the Interview Video
    prejudiced him.     He notes that the jury asked for a replay of Appellant’s
    recorded statement and the Interview Video (the trial court directed the jurors
    to rely on their recollections of the video). The fact remains, however, that
    defense counsel introduced the incriminating facts from the Kline interview
    during cross-examination of Child. The jury’s request to see the Interview
    Video a second time does not change the fact that it was cumulative of
    evidence already in the record.
    - 15 -
    Ultimately, this case turned on Child’s credibility.    Appellant cannot
    explain how the admission of the Video Interview, though erroneous, did
    anything to augment or bolster Child’s credibility, inasmuch as defense
    counsel cross-examined Child extensively on her interview with Michelle Kline.
    In addition, the jury heard Appellant’s own damaging statements. We believe
    the trial court’s error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    Furthermore, we would conclude that the interview was admissible
    under Pa.R.E. 106:6
    If a party introduces all or part of a writing or recorded
    statement, an adverse party may require the introduction, at that
    time, of any other part--or any other writing or recorded
    statement--that in fairness ought to be considered at the same
    Comment: This rule is identical to F.R.E. 106. A similar
    principle is expressed in Pa.R.C.P. No. 4020(a)(4), which states:
    “If only part of a deposition is offered in evidence by a party, any
    other party may require the offering party to introduce all of it
    which is relevant to the part introduced, and any party may
    introduce any other parts.”
    The purpose of Pa.R.E. 106 is to give the adverse party an
    opportunity to correct a misleading impression that may be
    created by the use of a part of a writing or recorded statement
    that may be taken out of context. This rule gives the adverse
    party the opportunity to correct the misleading impression at the
    time that the evidence is introduced. The trial court has discretion
    to decide whether other parts, or other writings or recorded
    statements,     ought      in   fairness   to     be    considered
    contemporaneously with the proffered part.
    6 The parties did not brief Rule 106, but this Court is free to affirm the trial
    court on any valid basis. Commonwealth v. Janda, 
    14 A.3d 147
    , 161 n.8
    (Pa. Super. 2011).
    - 16 -
    Pa.R.E. 106. Thus, where a party introduces a portion of a writing or recorded
    statement, Rule 106 permits the adverse party to introduce the remainder so
    that the fact finder can consider the evidence in context. Commonwealth v.
    57 A.3d 191
    , 195 (Pa. Super. 2012); Commonwealth v. Passmore,
    857 A.2d 697
    , 712 (Pa. Super. 2004), appeal denied, 
    868 A.2d 1199
    2005). The burden is on the adverse party to explain the relevance of the
    remainder of the recording. Bryant, 
    57 A.3d at 196
    As explained above, defense counsel cross-examined Child extensively
    about the interview before the Commonwealth moved to introduce the
    Interview Video. The prosecutor argued:
    And the fact that [defense] counsel, during her cross,
    explicitly went line by line towards what she’s transcribed that
    happened at the PCA video, more than anything, more than any
    other argument, that’s really what makes it important for the jury
    to view the video. She’s gone line by line.
    N.T. Trial, 3/11/16, at 137.    This argument, though offered in support of
    admitting the Interview Video under Rule 613, supports its admission under
    Rule 106. Further, the prosecutor limited her request to the approximately
    thirteen minutes during which Child discussed the alleged assault. Id. at 138.
    Given the extent to which defense counsel relied on the Interview Video during
    her cross-examination of the victim, the prosecution was entitled to introduce
    Child’s entire account of the assault in order to provide full context.
    For all of the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of sentence.
    Judgment of sentence affirmed.
    - 17 -
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 6/13/18
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