Com. v. Carter, C. , 111 A.3d 1221 ( 2015 )

  • J. S03014/15
    2015 PA Super 55
    :           PENNSYLVANIA
    v.                   :
    CHRISTOPHER JACKSON CARTER,             :         No. 1391 EDA 2014
    Appellant       :
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence, March 31, 2014,
    in the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County
    Criminal Division at No. CP-45-CR-0002272-2012
    OPINION BY FORD ELLIOTT, P.J.E.:                   FILED MARCH 19, 2015
    Christopher Jackson Carter appeals from the judgment of sentence of
    March 31, 2014, following his conviction of various sexual offenses.      We
    Following a jury trial held October 21-22, 2013, appellant was found
    guilty of one count of rape by forcible compulsion, five counts of involuntary
    deviate sexual intercourse (“IDSI”) -- person less than sixteen years of age,
    five counts of aggravated indecent assault, four counts of indecent assault,
    five counts of endangering the welfare of a child, and five counts of
    corruption of minors. The charges resulted from the victim’s disclosure that
    she had been sexually abused by appellant during the years 1990 through
    1994. Appellant was sentenced to an aggregate term of 240 to 480 months’
    imprisonment; this timely appeal followed.      Appellant has complied with
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    Pa.R.A.P., Rule 1925(b), 42 Pa.C.S.A., and the trial court has filed an
    Appellant has raised the following issues for this court’s review:
    [1.]   Did the trial court err by permitting the
    Commonwealth to call an expert to testify that
    bolstered the credibility of the complaining
    [2.]   Were [appellant]’s constitutional rights violated
    by the Commonwealth proceeding against him
    in violation of the Statute of Limitations that
    was in place at the time the offenses were
    alleged to have been committed?
    [3.]   Has the Commonwealth failed to demonstrate
    any reason why the applicable statute of
    limitations of two and five years was tolled
    pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S.A. Section 5554[?]
    Appellant’s brief at 11.
    In   his   first   issue   on   appeal,   appellant   complains   that   the
    Commonwealth should not have been permitted to call Ms. Carol Haupt as
    an expert witness to explain the victim’s delay in reporting the sexual abuse.
    Appellant argues that this improperly bolstered the victim’s credibility and
    invaded the province of the jury.
    “The admission of expert testimony is a matter of discretion [for] the
    trial court and will not be remanded, overruled or disturbed unless there was
    a clear abuse of discretion.”         Blicha v. Jacks, 
    864 A.2d 1214
    , 1218
    (Pa.Super. 2004). “Expert testimony is permitted as an aid to the jury when
    the subject matter is distinctly related to a science, skill, or occupation
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    beyond    the    knowledge   or   experience    of   the   average   layman.”
    Commonwealth v. Lopez, 
    854 A.2d 465
    , 470 (Pa. 2004), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Auker, 
    681 A.2d 1305
    , 1317 (Pa. 1996). “Conversely,
    expert testimony is not admissible where the issue involves a matter of
    common knowledge.” Commonwealth v. Minerd, 
    753 A.2d 225
    , 230 (Pa.
    2000) (citation omitted).
    42 Pa.C.S.A. § 5920 provides as follows:
    § 5920. Expert testimony in certain criminal
    (a)    Scope.--This section applies to all of the
    (1)   A criminal proceeding for an
    offense for which registration is
    required under Subchapter H of
    Chapter 97 (relating to registration
    of sexual offenders).
    (2)   A criminal proceeding for an
    offense under 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 31
    (relating to sexual offenses).
    (b)    Qualifications and use of experts.--
    (1)   In a criminal proceeding subject to
    this section, a witness may be
    qualified by the court as an expert
    if the witness has specialized
    knowledge beyond that possessed
    by the average layperson based on
    the witness’s experience with, or
    specialized training or education in,
    criminal      justice,    behavioral
    sciences or victim services issues,
    related to sexual violence, that will
    assist   the    trier  of   fact   in
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    understanding the dynamics of
    sexual violence, victim responses
    to sexual violence and the impact
    of sexual violence on victims
    during and after being assaulted.
    (2)   If qualified as an expert, the
    witness may testify to facts and
    opinions regarding specific types of
    victim   responses    and     victim
    (3)   The witness’s opinion regarding the
    credibility of any other witness,
    including the victim, shall not be
    (4)   A witness qualified by the court as
    an expert under this section may
    be called by the attorney for the
    Commonwealth or the defendant to
    provide the expert testimony.
    42 Pa.C.S.A. § 5920 (footnote omitted).1
    Ms. Haupt testified that it is common for child sexual abuse victims to
    delay in reporting. (Notes of testimony, 10/21/13 at 121-122.) Ms. Haupt
    expounded upon some of the reasons why a child sexual abuse victim may
    delay in reporting. (Id. at 122-124.) However, she did not testify regarding
    this victim specifically or whether or not the alleged incidents actually
    occurred. (Id. at 125.) Ms. Haupt did not offer any opinion regarding the
    “Section 2 of 2012, June 29, P.L. 656, No. 75, effective in 60 days
    [Aug. 28, 2012], provides that ‘[t]he addition of 42 Pa.C.S. § 5920 shall
    apply to actions initiated on or after the effective date of this section.’” Id.,
    historical and statutory notes. The criminal complaint in this case was filed
    on September 7, 2012. Therefore, Section 5920 applies.
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    victim’s credibility.    Under Section 5920, her testimony was clearly
    In a related argument, appellant contends that Section 5920 violates
    separation of powers because only the Pennsylvania Supreme Court may
    promulgate rules of procedure.        We addressed a similar argument in
    Commonwealth v. Presley, 
    686 A.2d 1321
     (Pa.Super. 1996), appeal
    694 A.2d 621
     (Pa. 1997):
    Presley next claims that Section 6354(b)(4)
    [(of the Juvenile Act, amended in 1995 to permit use
    of a juvenile adjudication in a subsequent criminal
    proceeding under certain circumstances)] violates
    the concept of separation of powers under
    Pennsylvania’s Constitution.       To support this
    argument, Presley directs our attention to Article V,
    Section 10(c) which provides that:
    The Supreme Court shall have the power
    to prescribe general rules governing
    practice, procedure and the conduct of all
    courts. . . . All laws shall be suspended
    to the extent that they are inconsistent
    with rules prescribed under these
    Presley correctly notes that the above
    provision generally prohibits the legislature from
    “tell[ing] the Judiciary how to hear and decide
    cases.” Appeal of Borough of Churchill, 
    525 Pa. 80
    , 88, 
    575 A.2d 550
    , 554 (1990) (citing In re 42
    Pa.C.S. Section 1703, 
    482 Pa. 522
    394 A.2d 444
    (1978)). Nevertheless, “[i]t is well settled that the
    legislature of a state has the power to prescribe new
    rules of evidence, providing that they do not deprive
    any person of his constitutional rights.” Dranzo v.
    395 Pa.Super. 578
    , 589, 
    577 A.2d 1349
    , 1354 (1990), alloc. denied, 
    526 Pa. 648
    585 A.2d 468
     (1991). This principle was settled
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    nearly sixty years ago, when our Supreme Court
    stated that “[w]e recognize the right of the
    legislature to create or alter rules of evidence.” Rich
    Hill Coal Co. v. Bashore, 
    334 Pa. 449
    , 485, 
    7 A.2d 302
    , 319 (1939).           More recently, the Court
    reaffirmed this holding by stating that “[s]ubject only
    to constitutional limitations, the legislature is always
    free to change the rules governing the competency
    of witnesses and the admissibility of evidence.”
    [Commonwealth v.] Newman, [
    633 A.2d 1069
    1071 (Pa. 1993)].
    Further, the state constitution, itself, does not
    provide a complete proscription against laws which
    regulate practice, procedure and the conduct of
    courts. To the contrary, the constitution mandates
    that such laws shall only be prohibited “to the extent
    that they are inconsistent with rules prescribed” by
    the Supreme Court. Since the Supreme Court has
    not yet adopted a rule concerning the issue
    addressed in Section 6354(b)(4) and our Supreme
    Court has held that the legislature may properly
    create rules of evidence, we cannot find that
    42 Pa.C.S.A. § 6354(b)(4) violates Article V,
    Section 10(c) of our state constitution.
    Id. at 1324-1325.
    Instantly, Section 5920 is really a rule regarding the admissibility of
    evidence, not a procedural rule. Furthermore, it is not in direct conflict with
    any existing rule of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.        Appellant claims it
    conflicts with Pa.R.E. 702, in that the reasons why a child may not promptly
    report a sexual assault is not beyond the ken of the average layperson.
    Appellant also cites to Commonwealth v. Dunkle, 
    602 A.2d 830
    , 837 (Pa.
    1992) (“Not only is there no need for testimony about the reasons children
    may not come forward, but permitting it would infringe upon the jury’s right
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    to determine credibility.”) (emphasis in original) (citations omitted). Dunkle
    held that it is error to allow expert testimony on the issue of prompt
    complaint, which impermissibly interferes with the jury’s function to judge
    credibility. Id. at 837-838. See also, e.g., Commonwealth v. Alicia, 
    92 A.3d 753
     (Pa. 2014) (holding that expert testimony on the phenomenon of
    false confessions would impermissibly invade the jury's exclusive role as the
    sole arbiter of credibility).
    Appellant argues that our supreme court has ruled on precisely this
    issue, in an area specifically consigned to its authority. (Appellant’s brief at
    20-21.)    However, Dunkle predates Section 5920 and was not based on
    constitutional grounds but on existing case law and rules of evidence.       As
    such, we determine that Section 5920 does not violate separation of powers.
    Next, appellant argues that the charges should have been dismissed as
    being beyond the applicable statute of limitations. This claim is waived.
    In Commonwealth v. Rossetti, 
    863 A.2d 1185
     (Pa.Super. 2004),
    appeal denied, 
    878 A.2d 864
     (Pa. 2005), this court found the defendant’s
    statute of limitations claim raised in post-sentence motions to be waived,
    In Commonwealth v. Darush, 
    501 Pa. 15
    , 20 n.4,
    459 A.2d 727
    , 730 n.4 (1983), the Pennsylvania
    Supreme Court held that a statute of limitations
    claim is waived if not raised in a pretrial omnibus
    motion seeking dismissal of the charges. 
     In two
    decisions following Darush, this Court found statute
    of limitations claims to be waived when not raised at
    the first available opportunity and when raised after
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    the imposition of sentence.      Commonwealth v.
    378 Pa.Super. 353
    548 A.2d 1237
    , 1244-45
    (1988); Commonwealth v. Stover, 
    372 Pa.Super. 35
    538 A.2d 1336
    , 1339 (1988). In Stover, we
    stated that a defendant had from the expiration date
    of the statute of limitations until the date of
    sentencing to raise the issue of statute of limitations
    and that the failure to raise it in a timely fashion
    constituted a waiver of the claim. Stover, 
    538 A.2d at 1339
    Id. at 1190.
    Instantly, the issue was not raised until after sentencing, in appellant’s
    Rule 1925(b) statement. Accordingly, it is deemed waived.2
    Judgment of sentence affirmed.
    Judgment Entered.
    Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq.
    Date: 3/19/2015
    We note that the issue is clearly without merit for the reasons discussed in
    the trial court opinion. (See trial court opinion, 7/8/14 at 6-10) (discussing
    tolling of the statute where the victim is less than 18 years of age when the
    offenses were committed).