Com. v. Bernardo, A., Jr. ( 2023 )

  • J-S44044-22
    :        PENNSYLVANIA
    v.                             :
    ANTHONY ROY BERNARDO, JR.                  :
    Appellant               :   No. 241 MDA 2022
    Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence Entered October 19, 2021
    In the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County Criminal Division at
    No(s): CP-28-CR-0000160-2019
    This appeal involves the issue of whether time should be imposed for a
    crime of which the defendant was acquitted.          The defendant in this case,
    Anthony R. Bernardo, Jr. (Bernardo) arranged to sell four ounces of marijuana
    for $550.00 to Issayah Fostion, who then conspired with Wesley Burnett to
    rob Bernardo rather than buy the marijuana. At the agreed-upon time at an
    isolated location, while Bernardo was sitting in the front passenger seat of a
    car, Burnett ran up to the rear passenger door, drew and fired his gun.
    Bernardo shot back, striking Burnett, who fled and later died. Bernardo was
    charged with homicide, attempted homicide as well as attempt to deliver
    marijuana, conspiracy to deliver marijuana and carrying a firearm without a
    *   Retired Senior Judge assigned to the Superior Court.
    license. Bernardo was found not guilty of homicide and attempted homicide
    but was found guilty of the drug and firearm charges.
    For those three convictions, Bernardo was sentenced to an aggregate
    term of 87 to 204 months’ incarceration. Aside from the sentences for each
    of those convictions to run consecutively, the length of the sentence was in
    part due to the trial court imposing sentences in excess of the guidelines’
    maximum aggravated range by six months as to all three convictions.         In
    doing so, it acknowledged that Bernardo was not guilty of homicide and was
    not being sentenced for Burnett’s death, but nonetheless increased the
    sentence above the guidelines for just that reason. Its justification for doing
    so was that the sentencing guidelines for the crimes of conspiracy and
    attempting to deliver marijuana do not take into account the death of another
    person because that does not normally occur as part of a typical marijuana
    transaction, and “but for” Bernardo selling the marijuana, Burnett would not
    have died.
    While acknowledging the trial court’s statement that Bernardo was not
    being sentenced for the death is in tension with its statement that it was
    considering the death when sentencing Bernardo for attempt and conspiracy,
    the majority nonetheless finds that it was not an abuse of discretion because
    the trial court acknowledged that it had acquitted him for the homicide, while
    simultaneously informing Bernardo that it was nonetheless considering the
    death as a circumstance that Bernardo’s criminal activity had brought about.
    It appears to attempt to bolster its reasoning by stating that since a sentencing
    court may consider even arrests that result in acquittals, it can consider
    Burnett’s death in sentencing, not mentioning that Burnett’s death was the
    result of Burnett trying to murder Bernardo.1
    1 None of the cases that the majority cites to support this general proposition
    is applicable because they do not address whether it is proper to exceed the
    guidelines as well as those cases that involve the defendant’s conduct. In
    Commonwealth v. Bowers, 
    25 A.3d 349
     (Pa. Super. 2011), the issue was
    whether he should have been sentenced as a second time offender because
    he had accepted ARD in a previous DUI. (For the current status of whether
    ARD is a second offense see Commonwealth v. Moroz, 
    2022 PA Super 169
    284 A.3d 227
     (2022). In Commonwealth. v. Archer, 
    722 A.2d 203
    Super. Ct. 1998), the issue was whether an offense of which a defendant could
    be used in calculating the offense gravity score. In that case, the defendant
    participated in a robbery and the victim was shot with his gun. Even though
    the defendant was acquitted of the murder under the felony murder rule,
    because he was a direct participant in the robbery that resulted in the murder,
    the victim’s death could be taken into consideration in determining that
    offense gravity score. In Commonwealth v Tisdale, 
    334 A.2d 722
    in a case decided before the guidelines, the trial court considered in sentencing
    that a death had occurred even though defendant was acquitted of the charge,
    because the sentencing court was convinced that defendant was responsible
    for the death of the victim. We found no abuse of discretion, reasoning that
    the trial court was aware that Tisdale “was not convicted of that murder and
    only weighed such evidence along with other considerations (prior arrests,
    possibility of employment, and family life) in determining the proper
    sentence.” Id. at 724. Tisdale was decided well before the guidelines and
    was only considered one of the factors in deciding the appropriate sentence,
    unlike here, where we are trying to determine proper factors used in exceeding
    the guidelines.
    The use of prior arrests as a factor in sentencing is now before our Supreme
    Court in Commonwealth v. James Berry, 16 EAP 2023. In that case, the
    defendant was found guilty of two counts of endangering the welfare of
    children and one count of sexual abuse of children. The trial court considered
    that he had been previously arrested for similar conduct. Our Supreme Court
    granted an allowance of appeal to consider “Did it not violate due process and
    (Footnote Continued Next Page)
    I disagree with the majority because under the Sentencing Code, a
    person is only to be sentenced for their conduct and the impact that their
    conduct caused, not the impact someone else caused. In this case, what made
    this transaction purportedly atypical was the person who tried to kill Bernardo
    and not any conduct of Bernardo. Because to sentence someone outside the
    guidelines, directly or indirectly, for defending yourself from someone
    attempting to murder you is improper as well an abuse of discretion under the
    Sentencing Code, I respectfully dissent. Let me explain in more detail.
    Trial courts have broad discretion in sentencing and the guidelines of
    the Sentencing Code do not require trial courts to impose any particular
    sentence. See Commonwealth v. Walls, 
    926 A.2d 957
    , 964 (Pa. 2007);
    Commonwealth v. Mouzon, 
    812 A.2d 617
    , 621 (Pa. 2002). The reasons for
    a trial court’s deviation from the guidelines, however, must be stated on the
    record, and a sentence which exceeds the guidelines must be affirmed unless
    the reviewing court determines that the sentence is “unreasonable.” See 42
    Pa.C.S. § 9781(c)(3).
    the Sentencing Code for the trial court to consider Petitioner’s bare arrest
    record as a factor in imposing a more severe sentence, and did not the
    Superior Court err in reviewing this under an abuse[ ]”.
    When evaluating the reasonableness of the stated reasons for a
    departure from the guidelines, an appellate court must review the record with
    regard for:
    (1) the nature and circumstances of the offense and the history
    and characteristics of the defendant.
    (2) The opportunity of the sentencing court to observe the
    defendant, including any presentence investigation.
    (3) The findings upon which the sentence was based.
    (4) The guidelines promulgated by the commission.
    42 Pa.C.S. § 9781(d).
    According to our Supreme Court, these four factors are deliberately
    vague in that they lack “any concrete rules as to the unreasonableness inquiry
    for a sentence that falls outside of applicable guidelines[.]” Walls, 926 A.2d
    at 964; see also Commonwealth v. Holiday, 
    954 A.2d 6
    , 11-12 (Pa. Super.
    2008) (same). However, the Court inferred from the vagueness of the factors
    that the General Assembly intended for “the concept of reasonableness to be
    inherently a circumstance-dependent concept that is flexible in understanding
    and lacking precise definition.” Walls, 926 A.2d at 963.
    To aid in the application of the reasonableness standard, our Supreme
    Court has explained that in addition to Section 9781(d), review of an above-
    guidelines sentence should be informed by Section 9721(b) of the Sentencing
    Code. This latter provision mandates consideration of “the protection of the
    public; the gravity of the offense in relation to the impact on the victim and
    the community; and the rehabilitative needs of the defendants.” Walls, 926
    A.2d at 964 (citing 42 Pa.C.S. § 9721(b)) (emphasis added).
    “Impact,” as used in Section 9721(b), is undefined in the statute and
    the Sentencing Code, but our Supreme Court has construed the term as
    meaning something narrower than any fathomable effect a defendant’s
    conduct may have on a victim or the community at large. That much was
    made clear in Commonwealth v. Ali, 
    149 A.3d 29
     (Pa. 2016), where the
    defendant had been convicted of selling narcotics to a person who became
    impaired and caused a fatal car accident because of that impairment.         It
    acknowledged that at sentencing, a trial court can take into consideration that
    defendant’s conduct – the sale of drugs – resulted in a fatal accident under
    Section 9721(b) that makes that impact or effect a relevant consideration at
    sentencing. The Ali Court cautioned, though, that sentencing judges “must
    take a measured approach to community and indirect victim effects depending
    upon the level of attenuation between the crime and the proffered impact.”
    Id. at 39.
    In this case, the trial court imposed an unreasonable sentence by
    considering the death of Burnett as the sole reason to depart upwardly from
    the sentencing guidelines for several reasons.
    First, Burnett’s death does not qualify as the type of “victim impact”
    contemplated in Section 9721(b). See Ali, 149 A.3d at 37. Burnett was not
    a victim of any of the three offenses the trial court found Bernardo to have
    committed (attempted sale of marijuana, conspiracy to sell marijuana and
    possession of a firearm without a license). In fact, Burnett was not a victim
    at all but an attempted murderer.
    Second, Bernardo was found not guilty of the homicide charges. “It is
    beyond peradventure that when a defendant has been exonerated in the legal
    system, either by a jury or on constitutional grounds, with respect to a criminal
    act, that act cannot be used to enhance a sentence.” Commonwealth v.
    894 A.2d 120
    , 130 (Pa. Super. 2006) (citing Commonwealth v.
    344 A.2d 797
     (Pa. 1975); Commonwealth v. Smithton, 
    631 A.2d 1053
     (Pa. Super. 1993). Bernardo’s sentence was enhanced for a conduct for
    which he was exonerated. He was impermissibly sentenced in excess of the
    guidelines not for his conduct, but for Burnett’s conduct who tried to murder
    Third, the record does not establish that Burnett’s death was logically
    connected to Bernardo’s criminal acts. Bernardo was convicted for intending
    to sell marijuana and carrying a firearm without a license.         At the time
    Bernardo committed those offenses, he had no reason to know that Burnett
    would be planning to rob him at the meeting place for the transaction. He did
    not even know that Burnett would be present at the location of the planned
    sale. The violence that ensued was instigated by Burnett, and the trial court
    found that Bernardo was legally justified in using lethal force to defend himself
    against him.
    Fourth, as can be seen, the facts are too attenuated to form a “logical
    connection” between Bernardo’s crimes and a “community impact suffered by
    specific individuals.” Violence is a well-known effect of illicit drug sales, see
    Ali, 149 A.3d at 38, but none of the violence in this case was precipitated by
    Bernardo’s attempted sale of marijuana or lack of a license to carry a weapon.
    Indeed, the trial court was only able to find the shooting relevant by framing
    Bernardo’s crimes as one of the infinite “but-for” causes of Burnett’s death,
    which is incompatible with the “measured approach” to causation required by
    our Supreme Court in Ali.
    Finally, at sentencing and in its written opinion, the trial court justified
    the departure by remarking that Bernardo had “put into motion a chain of
    events that risked serious injury or death” and “started the ball rolling” toward
    the fatal shooting. The implication is that Bernardo’s sentence could exceed
    the guidelines based on any possible link in the causal chain of events between
    his offenses and Burnett’s death, with no apparent regard for the intervening
    (and far more serious) criminal acts of Burnett and Fostion. Under the trial
    court’s “but-for” test of causation, “even the most remote and insignificant
    force may be considered the cause of an occurrence.” Takach v. B. M. Root
    420 A.2d 1084
    , 1086-87 (Pa. Super. 1980) (quoting Prosser, Law of Torts
    (4th ed. 1971), p. 238-39). It is for that precise reason that but-for causation
    alone does not impart liability: “once events are set in motion there is, in
    terms of causation alone, no place to stop. [An] event without millions of
    causes is simply inconceivable; and [but-for] causation alone can provide no
    clue of any kind to single out those wh[o] are . . . legally responsible.” 
    In conclusion, the only reason given on the record by the trial court for
    exceeding the guidelines is Burnett’s death. In doing so, the trial court relied
    on an improper sentencing factor, gave no proper justification on the record
    for exceeding the guidelines, and misapplied Ali’s standard for discerning the
    scope of relevant community impact caused by a victimless crime.
    Accordingly, I respectfully dissent.