McKinney v. Pedery , 413 S.C. 475 ( 2015 )

  •                    THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA
    In The Supreme Court
    Bonnie L. McKinney, f/k/a Bonnie L. Pedery,
    Frank J. Pedery, Petitioner.
    Appellate Case No. 2013-002601
    Appeal From Greenville County
    Billy A. Tunstall, Jr., Family Court Judge
    Opinion No. 27567
    Heard May 7, 2015 – Filed August 26, 2015
    Kenneth C. Porter, of Porter & Rosenfeld, of Greenville,
    for Petitioner.
    Kim R. Varner, of Varner & Segura, and J. Falkner
    Wilkes, both of Greenville, for Respondent .
    CHIEF JUSTICE TOAL: Petitioner Frank J. Pedery argues the court of appeals
    erred in affirming the family court's termination of Respondent Bonnie
    McKinney's alimony obligation to him and the family court's failure to award
    Pedery attorney's fees. We reverse and remand.
    Pedery and McKinney divorced on May 3, 2006. In the family court's final
    order granting the divorce, the family court approved an agreement entered into by
    Pedery and McKinney, wherein McKinney agreed to pay Pedery permanent
    periodic alimony of $1,500 per month. In June 2009, McKinney sought a
    reduction or termination of her alimony obligation based on Pedery's continued
    cohabitation with his paramour, Cynthia Hamby, and a substantial change of
    circumstances. See 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-130
    (B)(1) (Supp. 2012) (providing that
    periodic alimony terminates upon the "continued cohabitation of the supported
    spouse" and is "terminable and modifiable based upon changed circumstances
    occurring in the future"). According to McKinney, a decrease in her income and
    deterioration of her health constituted the substantial change in circumstances.
    The family court held a hearing on May 11, 2011. At the hearing,
    McKinney called a private investigator, Tim Greaves, as a witness to testify in
    support of her allegation that Pedery was cohabitating with Hamby. Greaves
    testified that he monitored Pedery's house in Mauldin, South Carolina, daily from
    January until June, 2009. According to Greaves, during that time, Hamby typically
    stayed at Pedery's house from Wednesday afternoon until Monday morning of each
    week. Greaves testified that on Monday mornings, Hamby commuted to Duncan,
    South Carolina, where she worked as a nanny for her grandchildren until
    Wednesday afternoons.
    Greaves testified that inside Pedery's house,1 Hamby's toiletries and
    "feminine items" such as curling irons occupied the bathroom, and the master
    bedroom closet held women's clothing.2 Further, Greaves observed Pedery and
    Hamby buying groceries together, and it appeared that Pedery paid for the
    Pedery testified that he began a relationship with Hamby in 2007 or 2008.
    When Pedery met Hamby, she lived with her son in Duncan, and also worked there
    Greaves gained access to the house when Pedery listed the house for sale.
    Pedery acknowledged that at least some of the items belonged to Hamby.
    as a nanny for her grandchildren, as she still did at the time of the hearing. Pedery
    testified that Hamby began spending nights with him approximately six or eight
    months after they began seeing each other. According to Pedery, Hamby "lives"
    with her son, where she has a room of her own, and only "visits" Pedery at his
    house. Pedery stated that Hamby leaves her possessions in both places, and when
    she leaves Pedery's house to go to her son's house, she packs a "little overnight
    bag" containing underwear.
    At the hearing, McKinney offered the testimony of her manager at work—
    Franklin Sharp, as well as that of an employee of a direct competitor—William
    Hall—to corroborate her claim that her alimony should be reduced or terminated as
    a result of her decrease in income. Hall, the direct competitor's employee, testified
    that beginning in 2008, the competition in their field of work—insuring trucks—
    increased, and forced businesses to lower insurance rates. Although Sharp did not
    testify as to McKinney's salary, he testified that because of the increase in
    competition, his own salary had decreased by fifty percent in the previous three or
    four years. McKinney testified that her income had decreased from $230,121 in
    2007 to $119,605 in 2010. McKinney further stated that her health had declined
    since the divorce, and that she suffers from high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis,
    osteoporosis, and lupus.
    On August 26, 2011, the family court issued an order terminating
    McKinney's alimony obligation based on its finding that Pedery "continuously
    resided with [Hamby] for not only in excess of ninety days but on a continuous
    basis for an extended period of time . . . ." As for Hamby's absences from Pedery's
    house, the family court found that they "were a requirement of [her] job and that
    [Pedery] was not attempting to use them to circumvent the intent of the law . . . ."
    Therefore, the family court found that "any absences from her residence is in the
    line of her job and do not constitute a stop of the residency . . . ." Because
    McKinney prevailed, the family court found that neither party was entitled to
    attorney's fees.
    The court of appeals affirmed the family court's order. McKinney v. Pedery,
    406 S.C. 1
    , 12, 
    749 S.E.2d 119
    , 125 (Ct. App. 2013). The court of appeals found
    that Pedery and Hamby "shared a home on a continuous and uninterrupted basis for
    substantially longer than ninety days," and then held that "Hamby's departure was
    more akin to a temporary absence for out-of-town travel than it was to routine
    separation based on separate residences." 
    Id. at 8
    , 749 S.E.2d at 123. The court of
    appeals reasoned that
    to conclude the parties did not continuously cohabitate for at least
    ninety consecutive days because of Hamby's routine travel to care for
    her grandchildren in Duncan would run afoul of the legislative intent
    underpinning this section. To interpret this section as Pedery
    advances would allow any break in the ninety days to defeat a
    continuous cohabitation argument, rendering this section virtually
    unenforceable. For example, any time a paramour and supported
    spouse are briefly away from each other, whether it be for an out-of-
    town work trip, an overnight hospital stay, or for a weekend vacation,
    the family court would be prohibited from applying this section. We
    do not believe the Legislature intended for such a result.
    Id. at 10–11, 749 S.E.2d at 124 (internal citations omitted).
    Therefore, the court found that Pedery and Hamby's living arrangements
    amounted to "continued cohabitation" under section 20-3-130(B) of the South
    Carolina Code. Id. at 11, 749 S.E.2d at 125. Further, the court of appeals affirmed
    the family court's decision to deny Pedery's request for attorney's fees. Id. at 11–
    12, 749 S.E.2d at 125.
    Judge Konduros dissented on the ground that the statutory requirements of
    section 20-3-130(B) were not satisfied under the plain language of the statute. Id.
    at 12–13, 749 S.E.2d at 125–26 (Konduros, J., dissenting). Judge Konduros
    pointed out that Hamby lived with her son prior to becoming romantically involved
    with Pedery and still had her own room there, and she spent approximately four to
    five nights per week at Pedery's house—a course of conduct which was a regular
    occurrence every week. Id. (Konduros, J., dissenting). In Judge Konduros's view,
    this evidence did not support a finding that Pedery and Hamby continually resided
    together for at least ninety consecutive days or that they separated to avoid the
    termination of his alimony. Id. at 13, 749 S.E.2d at 126 (Konduros, J., dissenting).
    This Court granted Pedery's petition for writ of certiorari to review the court
    of appeals' opinion pursuant to Rule 242, SCACR.
    I.	    Whether the court of appeals erred in affirming the family
    court's termination of Pedery's alimony based on its finding that
    Pedery continuously cohabitated with his paramour under
    section 20-3-130(B) of the South Carolina Code?
    II.	   Whether the court of appeals erred in affirming the family
    court's decision to decline to award Pedery attorney's fees?
    "In appeals from the family court, this Court reviews factual and legal issues
    de novo." Simmons v. Simmons, 
    392 S.C. 412
    , 414–15, 
    709 S.E.2d 666
    , 667
    (2011). To that end, an appellate court may find facts in accordance with its own
    view of the preponderance of the evidence. Dickert v. Dickert, 
    387 S.C. 1
    , 5–6,
    691 S.E.2d 448
    , 450 (2010). "'However, this broad scope of review does not
    require this Court to disregard the findings of the family court,'" as the family court
    "was in a superior position to make credibility determinations." Lewis v. Lewis,
    392 S.C. 381
    , 384–85, 
    709 S.E.2d 650
    , 651–52 (2011) (quoting Eason v. Eason,
    384 S.C. 473
    , 479, 
    682 S.E.2d 804
    , 807 (2009)).
    "Questions concerning alimony rest within the sound discretion of the family
    court judge whose conclusion will not be disturbed absent a showing of abuse of
    discretion." Eason, 
    384 S.C. at 479
    682 S.E.2d at
    807 (citing Degenhart v.
    360 S.C. 497
    , 500, 
    602 S.E.2d 96
    , 97 (Ct. App. 2004)). An abuse of
    discretion occurs when the decision is controlled by some error of law or is based
    on findings of fact that are without evidentiary support. 
    I.	    Section 20-3-130(B)(1)
    Where the family court has previously awarded periodic alimony, the
    periodic alimony terminates "on the remarriage or continued cohabitation of the
    supported spouse" and is "terminable and modifiable based upon changed
    circumstances occurring in the future." 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-130
    (B)(1). The
    family court may terminate or modify the award based upon changed
    circumstances when there is a substantial or material change in circumstances,
    such as changes in a party's health or income. 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-130
    Thornton v. Thornton, 
    328 S.C. 96
    , 111, 
    492 S.E.2d 86
    , 94 (1997).
    According to McKinney, her periodic alimony obligation to Pedery should
    be terminated based upon both Pedery's continued cohabitation with Hamby as
    well as a change in McKinney's circumstances.
    a. Continuous Cohabitation
    i.     Ninety or More Consecutive Days
    Pedery argues that McKinney failed to meet her burden of proof with regard
    to her argument that Pedery continuously cohabitated with Hamby for purposes of
    section 20-3-130(B). We agree.
    Under section 20-3-130(B)(1) of the South Carolina Code, periodic alimony
    terminates on the "continued cohabitation of the supported spouse." 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-130
    (B)(1). The party seeking modification has the burden to show by
    the preponderance of the evidence that a change has occurred. Miles v. Miles, 
    393 S.C. 111
    , 120, 
    711 S.E.2d 880
    , 885 (2011); Cartee v. Cartee, 
    295 S.C. 103
    , 104,
    366 S.E.2d 269
    , 269 (Ct. App. 1988) (quoting Boney v. Boney, 
    289 S.C. 596
    , 597,
    347 S.E.2d 890
    , 891 (Ct. App. 1986)); see Feldman v. Feldman, 
    380 S.C. 538
    670 S.E.2d 669
     (Ct. App. 2008) (finding that testimony produced at trial supported the
    family court's conclusion that the husband failed to carry his burden of proof that
    the wife continuously cohabitated with her boyfriend under section 20-3-130(B)).
    For purposes of section 20-3-130, "continued cohabitation means the
    supported spouse resides with another person in a romantic relationship for a
    period of ninety or more consecutive days." 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-130
    (B). We
    further defined "continuous cohabitation" in Strickland v. Strickland, 
    375 S.C. 76
    650 S.E.2d 465
     (2007), stating that within this context, the term "resides with"
    "sets forth a requirement that the supported spouse live under the same roof as the
    person with whom they are romantically involved for at least ninety consecutive
    days." Id. at 89, 
    650 S.E.2d at 472
     (emphasis added). As we stated, "[a]ny other
    interpretation essentially takes the 'cohabitation' out of 'continued cohabitation.'"
    This Court and the court of appeals have applied Strickland's rationale in
    several cases. See Eason v. Eason, 
    384 S.C. 473
    682 S.E.2d 804
     (2009); Biggins
    v. Burdette, 
    392 S.C. 241
    708 S.E.2d 237
     (Ct. App. 2011); Fiddie v. Fiddie, 
    384 S.C. 120
    681 S.E.2d 42
     (Ct. App. 2009); Feldman, 380 S.C. at 538; 670 S.E.2d at
    669; Semken v. Semken, 
    379 S.C. 71
    664 S.E.2d 493
     (Ct. App. 2008).
    These cases demonstrate that since Strickland, this Court and the court of
    appeals have strictly interpreted the language of section 20-3-130(B). For
    example, in Biggins v. Burdette, the wife and her boyfriend spent approximately
    sixty nights together during their relationship; however the wife spent the night
    apart from him on several occasions, including when various family members
    visited and when she traveled out of town to care for her ailing mother. 392 S.C. at
    243, 708 S.E.2d at 238. The court of appeals affirmed the family court's denial of
    the husband's motion to terminate alimony based on continued cohabitation
    because: the wife and her boyfriend testified that they did not spend ninety
    consecutive nights together; the boyfriend maintained his own residence where he
    kept most of his personal items; and the private investigator confirmed that they
    merely spent the night together on a recurring basis,. Id. at 245, 708 S.E.2d at 239;
    see also Fiddie, 
    384 S.C. at 124
    , 681 S.E.2d at 44 (upholding the family court's
    refusal to terminate a husband's alimony obligation where the husband contended
    that the wife continuously cohabitated with a male friend, but the wife maintained
    that she spent time with a friend at least twice a month and with her sister once a
    month so that she did not stay full-time with her male friend, and thus, "wear out
    her welcome").
    Similarly, in Eason, the husband argued that the family court erred in not
    terminating the wife's alimony based on continuous cohabitation with her
    384 S.C. at 482
    682 S.E.2d at 808
    . While the wife and her boyfriend
    admitted that they had lived together at times, they never cohabitated for more than
    two to four weeks at a time—a contention supported by other testimony at trial. 
    Therefore, citing the language in Strickland, we affirmed the family court's finding
    that the wife was not barred from receiving alimony based on continuous
    cohabitation with her boyfriend. 
    384 S.C. at 482
    682 S.E.2d at 808
    Semken v. Semken involves facts similar to the present case. In Semken, the
    husband sought to terminate his obligation to pay permanent periodic alimony
    because he claimed that the wife had resided with her boyfriend for more than
    ninety consecutive days. 379 S.C. at 73, 664 S.E.2d at 495. In that case, the wife
    lived in one of her boyfriend's residences, paying him $500 per month in rent. Id.
    The boyfriend stored some of his belongings in the house and kept a car in the
    garage. Id. Although the family court found that the boyfriend maintained two
    residences—one of which was where the wife resided—and found that the wife
    and boyfriend had not spent every night together for more than ninety consecutive
    days, the family court terminated the husband's alimony obligation. See id. at 77,
    664 S.E.2d at 497. The family court reasoned that the wife and her boyfriend
    resided together because both claimed the same home as a residence at the same
    time. See id.
    The court of appeals reversed, finding that while the wife and her boyfriend
    were romantically involved, they did not engage in continuous cohabitation as
    defined by Strickland. Id. at 77–78, 664 S.E.2d at 497. According to the court of
    appeals, the evidence showed that the boyfriend did not live under the same roof as
    the wife for ninety consecutive days, and therefore, the wife's relationship with her
    boyfriend did not amount to "continuous cohabitation" under Strickland. See id.
    Here, because McKinney sought termination of her alimony obligation to
    Pedery, she bore the burden to show by a preponderance of the evidence that
    Hamby resided with Pedery for at least ninety days. See Miles, 
    393 S.C. at 120
    711 S.E.2d at 885
    ; Cartee, 295 S.C. at 104, 366 S.E.2d at 269 (quoting Boney, 289
    S.C. at 597, 347 S.E.2d at 891). We find that McKinney did not satisfy that
    burden; accordingly, the family court should have denied her motion for
    termination of her alimony obligation.
    We do not deny that the facts indicate that Pedery and Hamby's living
    situation is a permanent arrangement of a romantic nature. Rather, we focus on the
    specific requirement under the plain language of section 20-3-130(B). If the
    statute merely required the supported spouse to "reside with" his paramour, then
    termination of McKinney's alimony obligation would be proper. However, the
    statute mandates cohabitation for ninety consecutive days.
    The evidence presented at the hearing indicates that Hamby maintained two
    residences during the time in question. Before she began a relationship with
    Pedery, she lived in Duncan with her son, and apparently maintained a residence
    there even after she began seeing Pedery. For us to conclude that Hamby's only
    actual residence was with Pedery—arguably leading to the conclusion that she
    resided with Pedery for ninety or more days for purposes of section 20-3-130(B)—
    McKinney would have needed to show that Hamby had completely relocated from
    her son's house in Duncan to Pedery's house. McKinney presented no such
    evidence. Instead, according to Pedery's testimony, Hamby maintained enough
    possessions in Duncan such that she took only an overnight bag with her when she
    went from Pedery's house to her son's house in Duncan.
    During the time in question, Hamby lived at her son's house in Duncan
    approximately two days of every week, which means that under a literal
    interpretation of the statute, Pedery and Hamby could not have lived "under the
    same roof" for ninety consecutive days. See Strickland, 
    375 S.C. at 89
    650 S.E.2d at 472
    . Like the court of appeals found in Semken, the statute's ninety-day
    requirement—as interpreted in Strickland—controls any claim that residence was
    established in a particular place.
    The court of appeals essentially proclaimed a new definition under the
    statute when it considered whether Pedery and Hamby "shared a home on a
    continuous and uninterrupted basis for substantially longer than ninety days." See
    McKinney, 406 S.C. at 9, 749 S.E.2d at 123. This definition is not consistent with
    Strickland and the plain language of section 20-3-130(B). Additionally, the court
    of appeals did not support its "holding" that Hamby's weekly departure from
    Pedery's house "was more akin to a temporary absence for out-of-town travel than
    it was to routine separation based on separate residences" with any authority, and
    this analysis does not further the inquiry required by the statutory test. See id. at 8,
    749 S.E.2d at 123. Similarly, McKinney's interpretation of the statute would
    remove the word "consecutive" from the statute and would classify Hamby's time
    away from Pedery's house each week as analogous to work-related travel.
    However, neither McKinney's nor the court of appeals' interpretation is faithful to
    the language of the statute.
    If we were to uphold the court of appeals' analysis, our decision would
    render section 20-3-130(B) a nullity.3 The language of the statute is clear and
    unambiguous. See Hodges v. Rainey, 
    341 S.C. 79
    , 85, 
    533 S.E.2d 578
    , 581 (2000)
    ("Under the plain meaning rule, it is not the court's place to change the meaning of
    a clear and unambiguous statute. Where the statute's language is plain and
    unambiguous, and conveys a clear and definite meaning, the rules of statutory
    interpretation are not needed and the court has no right to impose another
    meaning." (citations omitted)). Therefore, because the ninety-day requirement
    under the plain language of the statute is not satisfied, we reverse the court of
    appeals' decision upholding the family court's termination of McKinney's alimony
    We agree with the concurrence that the plain language of the statute makes it
    almost impossible for a family court to find continued cohabitation for purposes of
    section 20-3-130(B) and therefore terminate a supported spouse's alimony award.
    Regardless, the language of the statute is a choice made by the Legislature and
    creates a result to which we are confined, as the plain meaning of section 20-3-
    130(B) cannot accord with the so-called "common sense application" of the statute.
    ii.    Exception to Section 20-3-130(B)
    The family court may also find "that a continued cohabitation exists if there
    is evidence that the supported spouse resides with another person in a romantic
    relationship for periods of less than ninety days and the two periodically separate
    in order to circumvent the ninety-day requirement." 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3
    The family court found that Hamby's absences from Pedery's house were
    "being used deliberately and intentionally because there was never any removal of
    her property to the other location and she returned on a regular basis . . . ."
    Similarly, the family court stated that "any absence[] from [Pedery's house] is in
    the line of her job and do[es] not constitute a stop in her residence and that the use
    of this at trial is clearly to circumvent the statute."
    In contrast, we find that McKinney presented no evidence that Pedery and
    Hamby periodically stayed apart from each other before the litigation began5 to
    circumvent the ninety-day requirement of section 20-3-130(B). According to
    Pedery's testimony, Hamby worked as a nanny for her grandchildren and lived with
    her son in Duncan prior to her relationship with Pedery,6 indicating that Hamby's
    travel to Duncan was unrelated to the ninety-day requirement of section 20-3-
    130(B). Therefore, we find that Pedery and Hamby's weekly separation as a result
    of her work in Duncan did not amount to a separation intended to circumvent the
    ninety-day requirement of section 20-3-130(B).
    Because the court of appeals found that McKinney established that Hamby and
    Pedery continuously cohabitated for longer than ninety days, it did not reach this
    issue. See McKinney, 406 S.C. at 9, 749 S.E.2d at 123.
    Pedery acknowledged that after the litigation began, Hamby began staying at his
    house only on weekend nights.
    While the family court found that Pedery's testimony was not wholly credible, the
    family court based that finding on the fact that "he did not bring [Hamby] to the
    hearing to substantiate any of the allegations"—reasoning which we find
    unpersuasive. Nevertheless, there was no testimony to refute Pedery's testimony
    on this point, and Greaves actually observed Hamby caring for children while she
    was in Duncan.
    b. Change in Circumstances - Two Issue Rule
    According to McKinney, the family court found that she suffered a
    substantial change in circumstances because of a decrease in her earnings and a
    decline in her health. Therefore, McKinney contends that because Pedery did not
    appeal the family court's finding on this issue, under the two issue rule, we should
    affirm the family court's termination of her alimony obligation because the change
    in circumstances is an additional sustaining ground for the family court's
    termination of alimony. See Jones v. Lott, 
    387 S.C. 339
    , 346, 
    692 S.E.2d 900
    , 903
    (2010) ("Under the two issue rule, where a decision is based on more than one
    ground, the appellate court will affirm unless the appellant appeals all grounds
    because the unappealed ground will become the law of the case."). We disagree.
    As the court of appeals recognized, the family court did not find that
    McKinney's changed circumstances supported its decision terminating alimony,
    and therefore, did not rule on this issue. Instead, the family court merely made
    factual findings summarizing the testimony presented at the hearing regarding the
    economic downturn that affected McKinney's change in income and McKinney's
    health problems.
    We find that the testimony in the record concerning McKinney's changed
    income and health issues could support, at least, a reduction in McKinney's
    alimony obligation. Therefore we remand the case for the family court to
    determine whether McKinney's alimony obligation should be reduced or
    terminated on the basis of a change in circumstances in her health and income.
    II.     Attorney's Fees
    Finally, Pedery argues that if we reverse the court of appeals' decision, we
    should hold that the family court erred in failing to award Pedery attorney's fees.
    In considering whether to award attorney's fees, a family court should
    consider the following factors: (1) the party's ability to pay his or her own
    attorney's fee; (2) the beneficial results obtained by the attorney; (3) the parties'
    respective financial conditions; and (4) the effect of the attorney's fee on each
    party's standard of living. E.D.M. v. T.A.M., 
    307 S.C. 471
    , 476–77, 
    415 S.E.2d 812
    , 816 (1992) (citation omitted). The family court's decision regarding
    attorney's fees and costs is a discretionary matter not to be overturned absent an
    abuse of discretion. Donahue v. Donahue, 
    299 S.C. 353
    , 365, 
    384 S.E.2d 741
    , 748
    (1989) (citations omitted).
    "Our case law and court rules make clear that when a contract or statute
    authorizes an award of attorney's fees, the trial court must make specific findings
    of fact on the record for each of the required factors to be considered." Griffith v.
    332 S.C. 630
    , 646–47, 
    506 S.E.2d 526
    , 534–35 (Ct. App. 1998) (citing
    Rule 26(a), SCRFC; Blumberg v. Nealco, Inc., 
    310 S.C. 492
    427 S.E.2d 659
    (1993); Atkinson v. Atkinson, 
    279 S.C. 454
    309 S.E.2d 14
     (Ct. App. 1983) (per
    curiam)). If, on appeal, there is inadequate evidentiary support for each of the
    factors supporting the family court's decision, the appellate court should reverse
    and remand so the trial court may make specific findings of fact. 
    Blumberg, 310 S.C. at 492, 
    427 S.E.2d at 659
    ). However, when a family court
    issues an order in violation of Rule 26(a), SCRFC, the appellate court "'may
    remand the matter to the trial court or, where the record is sufficient, make its own
    findings of fact in accordance with the preponderance of the evidence.'" 
    (quoting Holcombe v. Hardee, 
    304 S.C. 522
    , 524, 
    405 S.E.2d 821
    , 822 (1991)).
    Because we reverse and remand the court of appeals' decision on the first
    issue, we also remand the attorney's fees issue for the family court to make specific
    findings of fact upon its decision on McKinney's alimony obligation. See Griffith,
    332 S.C. at 646–47, 506 S.E.2d at 534–35 (citations omitted).
    Based on the foregoing, we reverse the court of appeals' decision and
    remand to the family court.
    PLEICONES and BEATTY, JJ., concur. HEARN, J., concurring in a
    separate opinion in which KITTREDGE, J., concurs.
    JUSTICE HEARN: I concur in the result reached by the majority and in the
    reasoning to support it. I write separately to express my disagreement with one
    statement in the majority opinion.
    I am cognizant of our rules of statutory construction and agree with the majority
    that we are confined to a plain-meaning of the statute. However, I part company
    with the majority in its conclusion that, "If we were to uphold the court of appeals'
    analysis, our decision would render section 20-3-130(B) a nullity." I find this
    criticism unwarranted, as I believe the opposite is true. In my opinion, the family
    court and court of appeals' interpretation attempts to reconcile the language of the
    statute with the realities of our mobile society. Few people live under the same
    roof for ninety consecutive days; indeed, I would venture to say that because of
    their work schedule, none of the members of this Court could be considered to
    have resided with his or her spouse for ninety consecutive days. While I cannot
    say that our construction is absurd so as to allow this Court to ignore the plain
    language, I nevertheless recognize that the practical application of the statute
    distorts the intent of the General Assembly. As the statute is written, it is virtually
    impossible to terminate any award of alimony as a result of the continued
    cohabitation of the supported spouse. Therefore, although I concur with the
    majority's analysis and ultimate conclusion, I disagree that the court of appeals'
    common-sense application of the statute would render it a nullity.
    KITTREDGE, J., concurs.