State v. Jenkins , 412 S.C. 643 ( 2015 )

    In The Supreme Court
    The State, Petitioner,
    Daniel J. Jenkins, Respondent.
    Appellate Case No. 2012-212544
    Appeal From Charleston County
    Deadra L. Jefferson, Circuit Court Judge
    Opinion No. 27537
    Heard March 3, 2015 – Filed July 1, 2015
    Attorney General Alan McCrory Wilson, Chief Deputy
    Attorney General John W. McIntosh, Senior Assistant
    Deputy Attorney General Salley W. Elliott, Assistant
    Attorney General Mark Reynolds Farthing, all of
    Columbia; and Solicitor Scarlett Anne Wilson, of
    Charleston, for Petitioner.
    Appellate Defender Kathrine Haggard Hudgins, of
    Columbia, for Respondent.
    CHIEF JUSTICE TOAL:                The State appeals the court of appeals' decision
    reversing the trial court's finding that a search warrant for samples of Daniel
    Jenkins's (Respondent) DNA was valid, and remanding for an evidentiary hearing
    regarding whether the State would have inevitably discovered Respondent's DNA
    during the course of its investigation.1 State v. Jenkins, 
    398 S.C. 215
    727 S.E.2d 761
    (Ct. App. 2012). We reverse, and reinstate Respondent's conviction for
    criminal sexual conduct in the first degree (CSC-First).
    In 2006, H.M. (the victim) lived by herself in downtown Charleston, South
    Carolina. At the time, she worked for a local bakery, to which she commuted by
    bicycle or bus. During her commute, the victim frequently passed Jabbers, a local
    grocery store, and casually greeted the people loitering outside, many of whom
    lived in the area and often gathered there. Although the victim did not know any
    of these people beyond exchanging a passing greeting, she came to learn that one
    of the people with whom she exchanged pleasantries was nicknamed "Black."
    The victim testified that on April 5, 2006, she arrived home from work,
    consumed several alcoholic beverages, and fell asleep around 8 p.m.
    Approximately two hours later, the victim awoke to a knock at her door. She
    opened the door and saw Black, who asked the victim if she either wanted to go
    out and share a drink, or if she would lend him money to buy beer that he could
    then bring back to her apartment. When the victim declined, Black continued to
    pester her, asking her those same two questions repeatedly.
    The victim stated she became uncomfortable, so she took a step back into
    her apartment to place some distance between herself and Black. However, Black
    stepped in "aggressively" behind her, and the two sat on the victim's sofa for a
    brief time while Black smoked a cigarette. Shortly thereafter, Black began making
    lewd sexual demands and threatening the victim, stating that if she did not comply
    with his demands, he would kill her.
    The victim firmly told Black to leave because her boyfriend was coming
    over. Thereafter, Black grasped a heavy glass candleholder and repeatedly struck
    See Nix v. Williams, 
    467 U.S. 431
    (1984) (establishing and explaining the
    inevitable discovery doctrine).
    The victim did not have a boyfriend at the time, and was merely trying to induce
    Black into leaving her apartment.
    the victim around the forehead, ears, and mouth.
    A struggle ensued, during which Black pushed the victim's cordless
    telephone out of her reach. Ultimately, Black wrestled the victim's pants off of her,
    tore off her underwear, and forcibly engaged in sexual intercourse with the victim.
    Black then threatened to kill the victim if she told anyone about the encounter, and
    left the victim's apartment.
    After the victim could not find her telephone, she ran outside for help. She
    unsuccessfully knocked on several neighbors' doors and attempted to stop three
    passing cars before encountering a woman on the street near Jabbers. The woman
    asked the victim what happened to her, but before the victim could speak, Black
    approached the women.
    The victim stated that she became overwhelmed by Black's presence and
    started crying and asking to use a telephone. Black grabbed the victim's arm and
    "half-carried, half-guided" the victim to an alley across the street. He told her that
    he had her telephone and would return it if she washed the blood off of her face.
    Black then forcibly held the victim's head under a nearby faucet.
    After Black returned the telephone, the victim ran back to her apartment and
    hid under a tarp on the side of the building while she called the police. She
    described her assault to the responding officers and told them that her attacker's
    nickname was Black.
    The officers were familiar with a man from the neighborhood whose
    nickname was Black, but whose true identity was Respondent. They searched for
    and located Respondent within a matter of minutes in an abandoned building
    across the street from Jabbers, where he was sleeping nude. Other officers
    escorted the victim to Jabbers's parking lot, where she positively identified
    Respondent as her attacker.
    After identifying Respondent, the victim underwent a rape examination.
    The nurse conducting the examination testified that the victim had a blackened eye,
    a bloody nose, a split lip, bleeding on the inside of her mouth, bruising on her arms
    and shoulders, abrasions and lacerations on her genitals, and defensive wounds on
    her hands. Further, the nurse found semen on vaginal and rectal swabs taken from
    the victim, as well as on various clothing and bodily swabs. The nurse stated that
    while the wounds and semen could be consistent with consensual sex, they were
    more likely the result of forcible sex.
    In processing the alleged crime scene at the victim's apartment, police
    officers found blood stains on the victim's sofa, and her ripped underwear and a
    heavy glass candleholder lying on the floor. A fingerprint examiner testified that
    two of the three fingerprints recovered from the candleholder were Respondent's.
    The following day, a police officer obtained a search warrant for
    Respondent's DNA to compare to the DNA recovered from the rape examination
    swabs. The affidavit necessary to establish probable cause for the warrant read:
    On 4/5/06 at approximately 22:30 hours while at [the victim's
    address], the subject, [Respondent] . . . , did enter the victim's
    residence and threatened to kill her if she did not comply with his
    demand to perform oral sex on her. The victim attempted to fight the
    subject, however he overpowered her by striking her in and about her
    face using a glass candle holder [sic].
    The subject then penetrated the victim's vagina with his tongue
    and penis. The DNA samples of blood, head hair and public hair will
    be retrieved from the suspect by [] trained medical personnel in a
    medical facility. The collection of these samples will be conducted in
    a noninvasive manner.[3]
    A forensic DNA analyst developed a DNA profile from the rape
    examination swabs, and compared that profile to Respondent's DNA profile. The
    DNA profiles matched, with a 1 in 8.6 quintillion chance that the semen on the
    rape examination swabs came from an unrelated person.
    Prior to the State introducing it at trial, Respondent moved to suppress the
    DNA evidence, arguing that the affidavit did not establish probable cause because
    it omitted: (1) the source of the officer's information regarding the assault, so that
    the Magistrate could judge the source's credibility; (2) how the officer came to
    suspect Respondent of the crime; (3) the victim's positive identification of
    Respondent as her attacker in Jabbers's parking lot; (4) photographs and physical
    evidence obtained of both the victim and the alleged scene of the crime; and (5) the
    results of the rape examination that the victim underwent, including the genital
    abrasions and lacerations, as well as the presence of semen. The trial court denied
    The officer did not supplement the affidavit with oral testimony in front of the
    Magistrate who granted the warrant.
    the motion to suppress.4
    Ultimately, the jury convicted Respondent of CSC-First. Because of
    Respondent's two prior convictions for CSC-First and carjacking, both of which
    are "most serious offenses" under section 17-25-45(C)(1) of the South Carolina
    Code, the trial court imposed a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the
    possibility of parole. See S.C. Code Ann. § 17-25-45 (2014).
    Respondent appealed, and the court of appeals remanded the case for an
    additional evidentiary hearing. 
    Jenkins, 398 S.C. at 215
    , 727 S.E.2d at 761.
    Specifically, the court of appeals found the search warrant to obtain Respondent's
    DNA was invalid for two reasons. 
    Id. at 221–25,
    727 S.E.2d at 764–66. First, the
    court of appeals held that the affidavit in support of the warrant did not establish
    probable cause because it contained only conclusory statements; failed to set forth
    the source of the facts contained therein; and lacked any information allowing the
    Magistrate to make a credibility determination regarding the source of the
    Id. at 222–24,
    727 S.E.2d at 764–66. Second, the court of appeals
    found that the affidavit was defective because it did not contain any indication that
    the police had obtained DNA evidence from the rape examination, and thus it did
    not establish that Respondent's DNA would have been relevant to the investigation.
    Id. at 224–25,
    727 S.E.2d at 766. Moreover, the court of appeals found that
    admitting the DNA evidence was not harmless error because it bolstered the
    victim's credibility regarding two critical facts: that Respondent was her attacker,
    and that the sexual intercourse was not consensual. 
    Id. at 225–27,
    727 S.E.2d at
    Despite reversing the trial court's admission of the DNA evidence, the court
    of appeals did not order a new trial, but instead remanded the case for an
    evidentiary hearing. See 
    id. at 227–30,
    727 S.E.2d at 767–69. The court of
    appeals did so in response to the State's argument that Respondent's DNA would
    have been inevitably discovered regardless of the defective search warrant. 
    Id. Specifically, the
    State asserted that Respondent's DNA was already on file in the
    State's DNA Identification Record Database due to his prior conviction for CSC-
    First. See 
    id. at 228,
    727 S.E.2d at 768; see also S.C. Code Ann. §§ 23-3-610,
    -620(A), -620(B), -640, -650(A) (2007 & Supp. 2014) (allowing the State to
    As a result, Respondent's counsel changed strategies mid-trial from attempting to
    blame the assault on the victim's abusive ex-boyfriend to attempting to characterize
    the encounter as consensual sexual intercourse between Respondent and the victim.
    obtain, store, and use a criminal defendant's DNA sample as a result of prior
    convictions). However, because the trial court found the search warrant was not
    defective, the State contended it never had the opportunity to present this evidence.
    Jenkins, 398 S.C. at 
    228, 727 S.E.2d at 768
    . The court of appeals therefore
    remanded Respondent's case to the trial court to determine whether the inevitable
    discovery doctrine applied in this particular situation. 
    Id. at 230,
    727 S.E.2d at
    We granted the State's petition for a writ of certiorari to review the court of
    appeals' decision.
    Whether admission of the DNA evidence obtained as a result of the
    defective search warrant constituted harmless error?
    In criminal cases, the appellate court sits to review errors of law only. State
    v. Black, 
    400 S.C. 10
    , 16, 
    732 S.E.2d 880
    , 884 (2012). The court is "bound by the
    trial court's factual findings unless they are clearly erroneous." 
    Id. ANALYSIS The
    State has not challenged the court of appeals' finding that the affidavit
    did not establish probable cause, and that the search warrant to obtain Respondent's
    DNA was thus invalid. As such, we need only determine whether the trial court's
    error in admitting the DNA evidence was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt, and
    whether remand for an evidentiary hearing was the appropriate remedy.
    The United States Supreme Court has distinguished between trial errors and
    structural defects in the trial mechanism itself. State v. Mouzon, 
    326 S.C. 199
    , 204,
    485 S.E.2d 918
    , 921 (1997) (discussing Arizona v. Fulminante, 
    499 U.S. 279
    (1991)). Structural defects "affect the entire conduct of the trial from beginning to
    end," whereas trial errors "occur during the presentation of the case to the jury, and
    may therefore be quantitatively assessed in the context of other evidence presented
    in order to determine whether its admission was harmless beyond a reasonable
    Id. (quoting Fulminante,
    499 U.S. at 307–08, 309) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Differentiating between structural and trial errors serves "to
    enforce procedural safeguards while ensuring that inconsequential, technical errors
    do not result in a new trial." State v. Chavis, 
    412 S.C. 101
    , 115, 
    771 S.E.2d 336
    343 (2015) (Hearn, J., dissenting). Most errors that occur during trial, including
    those that violate a defendant's constitutional rights, are trial errors that are subject
    to harmless error analysis. State v. Rivera, 
    402 S.C. 225
    , 246, 
    741 S.E.2d 694
    , 705
    Harmless error analyses are fact-intensive inquiries and are not governed by
    a definite set of rules. State v. Byers, 
    392 S.C. 438
    , 447–48, 
    710 S.E.2d 55
    , 60
    (2011); State v. Davis, 
    371 S.C. 170
    , 181, 
    638 S.E.2d 57
    , 63 (2006). Rather,
    appellate courts must determine the materiality and prejudicial character of the
    error in relation to the entire case. 
    Byers, 392 S.C. at 448
    , 710 S.E.2d at 60; see
    Black, 400 S.C. at 27
    –28, 732 S.E.2d at 890 (stating that with respect to
    wrongly-admitted evidence impacting a witness's credibility, the Court should
    consider "the importance of the witness's testimony to the prosecution's case,
    whether the witness's testimony was cumulative, whether other evidence
    corroborates or contradicts the witness's testimony, the extent of cross-examination
    otherwise permitted, and the overall strength of the State's case"). An error is
    harmless if it did not reasonably affect the result of the trial. State v. Bryant, 
    369 S.C. 511
    , 518, 
    633 S.E.2d 152
    , 156 (2006); see also State v. Tapp, 
    398 S.C. 376
    728 S.E.2d 468
    , 475 (2012) ("Engaging in this harmless error analysis, we
    note that our jurisprudence requires us not to question whether the State proved its
    case beyond a reasonable doubt, but whether beyond a reasonable doubt the trial
    error did not contribute to the guilty verdict.").
    Here, the court of appeals found that absent the DNA evidence, the case
    boiled down to a credibility contest between the victim—asserting that she was
    sexually assaulted by Respondent—and Respondent—alternatively asserting that
    the perpetrator of the assault was the victim's abusive ex-boyfriend, or that any
    sexual intercourse between the victim and Respondent was consensual. We find
    this conclusion to be incomplete based on our review of the totality of the evidence
    presented by the State.
    Notwithstanding the DNA evidence, there was abundant, independent
    evidence in the record from which the jury could have found Respondent guilty.
    For example, the victim testified at length, giving a detailed account of the assault
    and the events that followed. Moreover, the State presented physical evidence
    regarding the results of the rape examination conducted on the victim, including
    the extensive nature of the victim's injuries, the defensive wounds on the victim's
    body, and the presence of semen. The State likewise presented testimony from the
    nurse who performed the rape examination that the victim's wounds were
    consistent with sexual assault. Other testimony revealed that the responding
    officers described the victim as "roughed up pretty good," and the rape
    examination nurse described the victim's face as "quite bruised." Additionally, the
    investigation of the alleged crime scene at the victim's apartment uncovered the
    victim's ripped underwear and blood and fingerprint evidence corroborating the
    victim's version of events. Finally, the responding police officers independently
    connected Respondent to the crime by his nickname "Black" due to their previous
    dealings with him. Further, after the officers searched for Respondent and found
    him naked and asleep a short distance away from the scene of the crime, the victim
    positively identified Respondent as her attacker within thirty minutes of the
    Accordingly, contrary to the court of appeals' assertion, this case was not
    dependent on the credibility of the victim and Respondent, with the DNA evidence
    serving as the only physical evidence that Respondent committed the assault. Cf.
    State v. Jennings, 
    394 S.C. 473
    , 480, 
    716 S.E.2d 91
    , 94–95 (2011) ("We further
    find the trial court's admission of the reports did not amount to harmless error.
    There was no physical evidence presented in this case. The only evidence
    presented by the State was the children's accounts of what occurred and other
    hearsay evidence of the children's accounts. Because the children's credibility was
    the most critical determination of the case, we find the admission of the written
    reports was not harmless." (emphasis added) (citation omitted)). Rather, there was
    other physical evidence that the victim was sexually assaulted, and that
    Respondent was the perpetrator.5
    Further, while we agree that the DNA evidence was compelling, there is no
    jurisprudence in this State that DNA is either necessary or conclusive to
    establishing a defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Rather, there are
    countless cases in which the State has not presented DNA evidence—either
    because it could not or chose not to do so—and a jury nonetheless properly
    Moreover, the DNA evidence only established that the victim and Respondent
    engaged in sexual intercourse, which Respondent's counsel conceded to the jury.
    However, the DNA evidence did not establish whether the encounter was
    consensual or non-consensual, which the rape examination nurse stated under
    cross-examination by Respondent's counsel. Thus, the DNA evidence did not
    boost the victim's credibility that the intercourse was forced on her. Rather, the
    victim's claim that the intercourse was unwanted was supported by, inter alia,
    evidence of the injuries to her face and genitals, including the tears, abrasions, and
    defensive wounds.
    convicts the defendant. DNA evidence is merely one way to establish that the
    accused is the perpetrator. However, the presence or absence of DNA evidence
    does not taint the remainder of the evidence in the record, nor does it overwhelm
    the jury's ability to make credibility determinations and decide whether a defendant
    is guilty. Like with fingerprinting and blood typing, both of which are similarly
    compelling types of evidence, DNA evidence can be disputed.
    Accordingly, we find the admission of the DNA evidence in this case was
    harmless error, and we decline to adopt a per se rule that a new trial is mandatory
    any time DNA evidence is wrongly admitted.6
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the portion the court of appeals'
    decision remanding the case for an evidentiary hearing regarding the applicability
    of the inevitable discovery doctrine. Instead, we reinstate Respondent's conviction
    for CSC-First because any error made by the trial court was harmless.
    dissenting in a separate opinion.
    Because this issue is dispositive, we do not reach the State's second issue
    regarding whether it would have inevitably discovered Respondent's DNA during
    the course of its investigation. See Wilkinson ex rel. Wilkinson v. Palmetto State
    Transp. Co., 
    382 S.C. 295
    , 307, 
    676 S.E.2d 700
    , 706 (2009).
    JUSTICE PLEICONES: I respectfully dissent from the majority's decision to
    reverse the court of appeals as in my view, the erroneous admission of the DNA
    evidence—which the majority finds "compelling"—was not harmless. I would
    remand for a new trial.
    The majority holds that notwithstanding the DNA evidence, there was abundant,
    independent evidence in the record from which the jury could have found
    Respondent guilty. In addition to the victim's testimony—which in my view is the
    only evidence Respondent sexually assaulted the victim—the majority relies on the
    results of the rape examination on the victim,7 the testimony from the nurse who
    performed the rape examination that the victim's face was "quite bruised," the
    testimony from the responding officer that described the victim as "roughed up
    pretty good," and the presence of the victim's ripped underwear and "blood and
    fingerprint evidence"8 at the scene. In my opinion, this evidence merely shows that
    the victim was likely sexually assaulted and that Respondent has been in the
    victim's home, not that Respondent was the perpetrator of the sexual assault.
    Accordingly, this case is indeed a battle of credibility between the victim and
    Respondent regarding Respondent's involvement in the sexual assault. In my view,
    the majority fails to point to the existence of overwhelming evidence of guilt as the
    victim's testimony was the only evidence that identified Respondent as the
    perpetrator of the sexual assault. See State v. Chavis, 
    412 S.C. 101
    , 109-10 & n.7,
    771 S.E.2d 336
    , 340 (2015) (stating the materiality and prejudicial character of the
    error must be determined from its relationship to the entire case and the wrongful
    admission of evidence can be deemed harmless where there is other overwhelming
    evidence of guilt).9
    The results of the rape examination were not conclusive that a sexual assault
    occurred. In fact, the nurse who performed the rape examination agreed that
    everything discovered in the pelvic examination could be consistent with
    consensual intercourse.
    Blood was found on the victim's couch and Respondent's fingerprints were
    recovered from a glass candleholder.
    In my view, the majority's reliance in footnote 5 on the concession by
    Respondent's counsel during argument that Respondent and the victim had
    consensual sex is improper because the concession was a necessary by-product of
    the lower court's erroneous decision to admit the DNA evidence. Respondent
    should not be bound by this concession because his attorney unsuccessfully sought
    to ameliorate the prejudice from an erroneous evidentiary ruling.
    Since I find the admission of the DNA evidence not harmless, I address the
    propriety of the court of appeals' decision to remand for an evidentiary hearing. In
    my view, remand for an evidentiary hearing to determine whether the inevitable
    discovery doctrine applies is improper. Here, inevitable discovery is advanced as
    an additional sustaining ground and it is well settled that the evidence forming the
    basis for an additional sustaining ground must appear in the record on appeal.
    There is no evidence in the record on appeal that Respondent's DNA is in the State
    DNA database. See Rule 220(c), SCACR; I'On, L.L.C. v. Town of Mt. Pleasant,
    338 S.C. 406
    , 420, 
    526 S.E.2d 716
    , 723 (2000). I would reverse respondent's
    conviction and remand for a new trial.
    For the reasons given above, I would find the erroneous admission of DNA
    evidence not harmless, reverse respondent's conviction, and remand to the lower
    court for a new trial.