Nicholson v. SCDSS , 411 S.C. 381 ( 2015 )

    In The Supreme Court
    Carolyn M. Nicholson, Claimant, Petitioner,
    S.C. Department of Social Services, Employer, and State
    Accident Fund, Carrier, Defendants, Respondents.
    Appellate Case No. 2014-000329
    Appeal from The Workers' Compensation Commission
    Opinion No. 27478
    Heard September 24, 2014 – Filed January 14, 2015
    Kathryn Williams, of Kathryn Williams, PA, of
    Greenville, for Petitioner.
    L. Brenn Watson and Zachary M. Smith, of Willson
    Jones Carter & Baxley, P.A., of Greenville, for
    JUSTICE HEARN: The question in this case is whether a woman who
    sustains a non-idiopathic fall at her place of employment while performing her job
    is entitled to receive workers' compensation. Despite how straightforward this
    issue appears to be, both the single commissioner and the court of appeals found
    Carolyn Nicholson, who fell while walking down the hallway on her way to a
    meeting, was not entitled to recover because her fall could have occurred
    anywhere. We reverse.
    Nicholson, a supervisor in the investigations area of child protective services
    for the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS), was on her way to a
    meeting when her foot caught on the hall carpet and she fell. She received
    treatment for pain to her neck, left shoulder, and left side connected with her fall.
    Nicholson's claim for workers' compensation was denied by the single
    commissioner because she failed to prove a causal connection between her fall and
    employment. The commissioner held there was nothing specific to the floor at
    DSS which contributed to Nicholson's fall and that she could have fallen anywhere.
    A split panel of the commission reversed the single commissioner, with two
    members holding that Nicholson's fall was not unexplained or idiopathic,1 but
    rather was a result of the friction on the carpeted area where she was required to
    work. The panel also noted it was irrelevant that she could have fallen in a similar
    way in any number of places—she fell at DSS. Accordingly, it held Nicholson's
    fall arose out of her employment and was therefore compensable.
    The court of appeals reversed, holding that although the fall was not
    unexplained or idiopathic, the carpet was not a hazard or special condition peculiar
    to her employment that contributed to or caused Nicholson's injuries. Nicholson v.
    S.C. Dep't of Soc. Servs., 
    405 S.C. 537
    , 546–48 
    784 S.E.2d 256
    , 261–62 (Ct. App.
    2013). Therefore, it concluded her injuries did not arise out of her employment as
    a matter of law. 
    Id. at 551,
    784 S.E.2d at 264. We granted certiorari.
    An idiopathic fall is one that is "brought on by a purely personal condition
    unrelated to the employment, such as heart attack or seizure." 2 Modern Workers
    Compensation § 110:8.
    Does an injury arise out of a claimant's employment when she falls while
    carrying out a task for her employer, but there is no evidence that a specific danger
    or hazard of the work caused the fall?
    On appeal from an appellate panel of the Workers' Compensation
    Commission, this Court can reverse or modify the decision if it is affected by an
    error of law or is clearly erroneous in view of the reliable, probative, and
    substantial evidence in the whole record. Pierre v. Seaside Farms, Inc., 
    386 S.C. 534
    , 540, 
    689 S.E.2d 615
    , 618 (2010). "The claimant has the burden of proving
    facts that will bring the injury within the workers' compensation law, and such
    award must not be based on surmise, conjecture or speculation." Crisp v.
    401 S.C. 627
    , 641, 
    738 S.E.2d 835
    , 842 (2013). In a workers'
    compensation case, the appellate panel is the ultimate fact-finder. Pratt v. Morris
    Roofing, Inc., 
    357 S.C. 619
    , 622, 
    594 S.E.2d 272
    , 273 (2004). However, where
    there are no disputed facts, the question of whether an accident is compensable is a
    question of law. Grant v. Grant Textiles, 
    372 S.C. 196
    , 201, 
    641 S.E.2d 869
    , 872
    (2007). Workers' compensation law is to be liberally construed in favor of
    coverage in order to serve the beneficent purpose of the Workers' Compensation
    Act; only exceptions and restrictions on coverage are to be strictly construed.
    James v. Anne's Inc., 
    390 S.C. 188
    , 198, 
    701 S.E.2d 730
    , 735 (2010).
    Nicholson argues the court of appeals erred in finding her injury did not
    arise out of her employment. Specifically, she contends the court incorrectly
    focused on whether there was a specific hazard or danger unique to her
    employment that occasioned her fall. We agree and clarify the framework for this
    For an accidental injury to be compensable, it must "aris[e] out of and in the
    course of employment." S.C. Code Ann. § 42-1-160(A) (Supp. 2013). An injury
    arises out of employment if it is proximately caused by the employment. Douglas
    v. Spartan Mills, Startex Div., 
    245 S.C. 265
    , 269, 
    140 S.E.2d 173
    , 175 (1965).
    Therefore "[i]t must be apparent to the rational mind, considering all the
    circumstances, that a causal relationship exists between the conditions under which
    the work is performed and the resulting injury." Hall v. Desert Aire, Inc., 
    376 S.C. 338
    , 350, 
    656 S.E.2d 753
    , 759 (Ct. App. 2007).
    It is undisputed Nicholson's injuries occurred within the course of her
    employment. Thus, the only question is whether they arose out of her
    employment. In addressing this question, the court of appeals observed that "the
    causative danger must be peculiar to the work and not common to the
    neighborhood." The court reasoned that because carpet was a common danger not
    peculiar to Nicholson's employment, there was no causal connection between her
    injuries and her employment. 
    Nicholson, 405 S.C. at 550
    –51, 748 S.E.2d at 264.
    In reaching this conclusion, the court relied on a larger pronouncement of the rule
    found in 
    Douglas, 245 S.C. at 269
    , 140 S.E.2d at 175:
    It (the injury) arises 'out of' the employment, when there is apparent to
    the rational mind upon consideration of all the circumstances, a causal
    connection between the conditions under which the work is required
    to be performed and the resulting injury. Under this test, if the injury
    can be seen to have followed as a natural incident of the work and to
    have been contemplated by a reasonable person familiar with the
    whole situation as a result of the exposure occasioned by the nature of
    the employment, then it arises 'out of' the employment. But it
    excludes an injury which cannot fairly be traced to the employment as
    a contributing proximate cause and which comes from a hazard to
    which the workmen would have been equally exposed apart from the
    employment. The causative danger must be peculiar to the work and
    not common to the neighborhood. It must be incidental to the
    character of the business and not independent of the relation of master
    and servant. It need not have been foreseen or expected, but after the
    event it must appear to have had its origin in a risk connected with the
    employment, and to have flowed from that source as a rational
    Id. at 
    269, 140 S.E.2d at 175
    . We do not read this language to compel the result
    reached by the court of appeals. In our view, it simply establishes that an injury is
    not compensable absent some causal connection to the workplace. In other words,
    but for the claimant being at work, the injury would not have occurred. It does not
    require claimant to prove her injury is entirely unique to her employment, for any
    other interpretation would seriously undermine the law of workers' compensation.
    For example, a chef may cut himself with a knife, or a carpenter may fall off a
    ladder just as easily while at home rather than at work. However, this possibility
    alone does not remove such an accident from the scope of compensation if the
    accident occurred at work. Alleging an accident is not unique to employment,
    without more, is not a viable basis for denying compensation.2
    The court of appeals also concluded Nicholson failed to prove a causal
    connection between her employment and injury because she failed to establish her
    fall was the result of a hazard or special condition. Specifically, in reversing the
    appellate panel's award of coverage, the court of appeals held "the only fact
    connecting Nicholson's fall to her employment is that her injuries occurred while
    she was working in a carpeted area of DSS's building. The carpet on which
    Nicholson tripped and fell was not a hazard, a special condition, or peculiar to her
    Nicholson, 405 S.C. at 551
    , 748 S.E.2d at 264. In support of its
    analysis, the court relied on Bagwell v. Burwell, 
    227 S.C. 444
    88 S.E.2d 611
    (1955), and Pierre for the proposition that a claimant must demonstrate some
    danger or hazard caused the fall. Again, we believe the court of appeals erred in
    finding those cases controlled this factual scenario.
    In Bagwell, the claimant suffered an idiopathic fall and died as a result of a
    Furthermore, this constrained view of recovery is directly contrary to our
    workers' compensation jurisprudence, which has consistently allowed recovery for
    accidents that could occur under circumstances not related to employment. See,
    e.g., Beam v. State Workmen's Comp. Fund, 
    261 S.C. 327
    , 330, 
    200 S.E.2d 83
    , 85
    (1973) (affirming award of compensation for two teachers who died in an
    automobile accident on their way to a meeting); Allsep v. Daniel Const. Co., 
    216 S.C. 268
    , 270, 
    57 S.E.2d 427
    , 427 (1950) (finding injury arose out of employment
    where claimant was injured after another employee engaged him in horseplay);
    Schrader v. Monarch Mills, 
    215 S.C. 357
    , 359, 
    55 S.E.2d 285
    , 286 (1949)
    (affirming finding that claimant's injuries arose out of his employment where
    claimant was bitten by a black widow spider); Lanford v. Clinton Cotton Mills, 
    204 S.C. 423
    , 429–32, 
    30 S.E.2d 36
    , 40 (1944) (affirming award of compensation for
    injuries sustained when claimant was involved in a physical altercation over the
    repair of crankshaft); Ardis v. Combined Ins. Co., 
    380 S.C. 313
    , 323, 
    669 S.E.2d 628
    , 633 (Ct. App. 2008) (finding injury arose out of employment as a matter of
    law where claimant died of asphyxiation from smoke inhalation at the hotel he was
    staying for a work conference).
    subdural hemorrhage caused when his head struck the concrete floor. 
    Bagwell, 227 S.C. at 449
    , 88 S.E.2d at 613. The Court observed the well-settled notion that
    "[a] physical seizure unrelated to the employment is not such an accident as is
    Id. at 450–51,
    88 S.E.2d at 614. However, it noted that simply
    concluding the fall was idiopathic was not the end of the inquiry, and that "[i]f,
    except for the employment, the fall, though due to a cause not related to the
    employment, would not have carried the consequences it did, then causal
    connection is established between injury and employment, and the accidental
    injury arose out of the employment." 
    Id. at 453,
    88 S.E.2d at 615. Accordingly,
    the Court proceeded to consider whether a special danger or hazard of claimant's
    employment contributed to the resultant injury. 
    Id. The Court
    ultimately held the
    concrete floor was not a hazard of employment capable of bringing his idiopathic
    fall within the ambit of coverage. 
    Id. at 454,
    88 S.E.2d at 615.
    The Bagwell court inquired whether there was a work-related hazard only
    after concluding the injury was not otherwise compensable. It therefore did not
    examine whether some hazard caused the fall, but looked at the effect on the
    resultant injury and whether a hazard increased the severity of the injury. See 2
    Modern Workers Compensation § 110:8 ("In [one] type of idiopathic fall,
    employment does not cause the fall but it significantly contributes to the injury by
    placing the employee in a position which increases the dangerous effects of the
    fall. These injuries are compensable."). Here, Nicholson is not contending the
    carpet caused her to sustain a more serious injury; she simply argues she suffered a
    non-idiopathic fall that was proximately caused by the performance of her
    employment. Bagwell is thus not relevant to this case.
    The court of appeals' reliance on Pierre is also misplaced. In Pierre, the
    claimant, a migrant worker, was injured when he slipped and fell on a wet
    sidewalk at the employer-provided housing. 
    Pierre, 386 S.C. at 538
    , 689 S.E.2d at
    617. The primary issue involved in Pierre was the application of the bunkhouse
    rule to a claimant who lived at a labor camp but was not expressly required to do
    so by his employer. 
    Id. at 542–48,
    689 S.E.2d at 619–22. After concluding Pierre
    was obligated to live at the camp due to the nature of the employment, the Court
    proceeded to consider the employer's assertion that Pierre's fall was not
    compensable because the sidewalk he fell on was no different in character from
    other sidewalks. 
    Id. at 548–49,
    689 S.E.2d at 622. The Court rejected this
    argument and found Pierre was exposed to the wet sidewalk because of his
    employment and therefore the requisite connection between injury and
    employment was established. 
    Id. Based on
    Pierre, the court of appeals held Nicholson could not recover
    because no special condition or hazard existed on the carpet. This reasoning
    misses the import of our holding in that case. There, the reference to the hazard or
    risk of the sidewalk was in response to the argument that because it could have
    happened anywhere, the fall was noncompensable. The Court's analysis did not
    hinge on whether the cause of the fall was something that could be characterized as
    hazardous or dangerous. Instead, it noted Pierre's work brought about his exposure
    to the situation which led to his fall, and the fact that this circumstance was not
    unique to his employment did not preclude recovery. Thus, the court of appeals
    erred in misapplying this isolated language in Pierre, which was employed to
    respond to the employer's argument that his fall could have occurred anywhere.
    This Court has never stated an injury must stem from a particular hazard or risk of
    the employment.
    The court of appeals erred in requiring a claimant to prove the existence of a
    hazard or danger because it erroneously injected fault into workers' compensation
    law. The Workers' Compensation Act was designed to supplant tort law by
    providing a no-fault system focusing on quick recovery, relatively ascertainable
    awards, and limited litigation. Wigfall v. Tideland Utils., Inc., 
    354 S.C. 100
    , 115,
    580 S.E.2d 100
    , 107 (2003). Therefore, an employee need only prove a causal
    connection between the conditions under which the work is required to be
    performed and the resulting injury. Grant 
    Textiles, 372 S.C. at 201
    , 641 S.E.2d at
    871. As Professor Larson has aptly observed:
    The right to compensation benefits depends on one simple test: Was
    there a work-connected injury? Negligence, and, for the most part,
    fault, are not in issue and cannot affect the result. Let the employer's
    conduct be flawless in its perfection, and let the employee's be
    abysmal in its clumsiness, rashness and ineptitude; if the accident
    arises out of and in the course of employment, the employee receives
    an award. Reverse the positions, with a careless and stupid employer
    and a wholly innocent employee and the same award issues.
    Thus, the test is not the relation of an individual's personal
    quality (fault) to an event, but the relationship of an event to an
    employment. The essence of applying the test is not a matter of
    assessing blame, but of marking out boundaries.
    Arthur Larson & Lex K. Larson, Larson's Workers' Compensation Law § 1.03[1]
    (2014). Requiring an employee to prove a fall was the "fault" of the employer in
    creating a danger or hazard is unfaithful to the principles underlying the creation of
    workers' compensation and turns the entire system on its head. For an accidental
    injury to be compensable under the workers' compensation scheme there must be a
    causal connection between the employment and the injury; that is the test and the
    claimant need prove nothing more.
    Having established the proper framework for this analysis, we turn to the
    ultimate question of whether Nicholson's fall and subsequent injury were causally
    connected to her employment. Because the facts surrounding her fall are
    undisputed, we decide this issue as a matter of law. Grant 
    Textiles, 372 S.C. at 201
    , 641 S.E.2d at 872. Quite simply, Nicholson was at work on the way to a
    meeting when she tripped and fell. The circumstances of her employment required
    her to walk down the hallway to perform her responsibilities and in the course of
    those duties she sustained an injury. We hold these facts establish a causal
    connection between her employment and her injuries—the law requires nothing
    more. Because Nicholson's fall happened at work and was not caused by a
    condition peculiar to her, it was causally connected to her employment. Therefore,
    her injuries arose out of her employment as a matter of law and she is entitled to
    workers' compensation.
    Based on the foregoing, we reverse the opinion of the court of appeals and
    remand for reinstatement of Nicholson's award.
    J., concurring in a separate opinion.
    JUSTICE PLEICONES: I concur in the decision to reverse the Court of
    Appeals because, in my opinion, the Commission's finding that petitioner
    suffered a compensable injury when her foot caught on the carpet was
    supported by substantial evidence and therefore should have been upheld.
    Whigham v. Jackson Dawson Commc'ns, 
    410 S.C. 131
    763 S.E.2d 420
    (2014). I write separately because I disagree with much of the majority's
    exposition of law.
    The majority commits two errors, in my opinion. First, it misapplies the
    "arising out of" requirement for compensability by equating it to the "in the
    course of" requirement. See e.g. Owings v. Anderson County Sheriff's Dep't,
    315 S.C. 297
    433 S.E.2d 869
    (1993) ("in the course of" refers to the time,
    place, and circumstances under which the accident occurred, while "arising
    out of" requires a causative connection between employment and the cause of
    the accident). Second, the majority absolves petitioner of her obligation to
    present evidence that her unexplained fall on a level surface was the result of
    special conditions or circumstances. Bagwell v. Ernest Burnwell, Inc., 
    227 S.C. 444
    88 S.E.2d 611
    South Carolina is in the minority of jurisdictions that deny compensation for
    unexplained falls. Crosby v. Wal-Mart Store, Inc., 
    330 S.C. 489
    499 S.E.2d 253
    (1998), citing 1 Arthur Larson & Lex K. Larson, Workers Compensation
    Law § 10.31(a) (1977). Accordingly, it is not enough that a claimant show
    that she fell while at work but rather, when the fall occurs on a level surface,
    that she present evidence to explain her fall. Id.; 
    Bagwell, supra
    . In my
    opinion, there is evidence in this record to support the Commission's finding
    that petitioner met her burden of proving her fall was compensable.
    I concur in the decision to reverse the Court of Appeals' decision.