In the Matter of Jeffrey Allen Chapman , 419 S.C. 172 ( 2017 )

  •                      THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA
    In The Supreme Court
    In the Matter of the Care and Treatment of Jeffrey Allen
    Chapman, Appellant.
    Appellate Case No. 2014-001181
    Appeal From Greenville County
    The Honorable Robin B. Stilwell, Circuit Court Judge
    Opinion No. 27705
    Heard May 17, 2016 – Filed February 15, 2017
    Appellate Defender David Alexander, of Columbia, for
    Attorney General Alan M. Wilson and Senior Assistant
    Deputy Attorney General Deborah R.J. Shupe, both of
    Columbia, for Respondent.
    JUSTICE HEARN: A Greenville County jury found Jeffrey Chapman met
    the statutory definition of a sexually violent predator (SVP) as set forth in South
    Carolina's Sexually Violent Predator Act (the Act),1 and the trial court
    subsequently signed an order to civilly commit Chapman. In this direct appeal,
    Chapman presents a novel issue of law related to the right to counsel in SVP
    See generally 
    S.C. Code Ann. §§ 44-48-10
     to -170 (2002 & Supp. 2014); see also
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48-30
    (1) (defining an SVP as a person who "suffers from a
    mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes the person likely to engage
    in acts of sexual violence if not confined in a secure facility for long-term control,
    care, and treatment" and who has a qualifying sexually violent conviction).
    proceedings. We hold that persons committed as SVPs have a right to the effective
    assistance of counsel, and they may effectuate that right by seeking a writ of
    habeas corpus. Therefore, although we affirm Chapman's commitment on issue
    preservation grounds, he may reassert his ineffective assistance of counsel claims
    in a future habeas proceeding.
    In 2005, Chapman pled guilty to one count of lewd act on a minor, involving
    a ten-year-old female. He was sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment, suspended
    to time served and five years' probation. Approximately five years later,
    Chapman's probation was revoked due to "technical violations," including a failure
    to comply with his curfew and GPS monitoring requirements, and a circuit court
    judge ordered him imprisoned for five years of his original sentence.
    In 2013, prior to Chapman's release from prison, the State filed a petition
    under the Act seeking Chapman's commitment as an SVP. In support of its
    petition, the State cited Chapman's four prior convictions involving sexual assaults
    on women, as well as the conviction for lewd act on a minor.
    At Chapman's commitment trial,2 the State presented testimony from Dr.
    Marie Gehle, the chief psychologist at the South Carolina Department of Mental
    Health, who the court qualified as an expert in forensic and clinical psychology
    and SVP mental health evaluations. Dr. Gehle testified she reviewed Chapman's
    incarceration records, military records, and criminal history, including
    Before opening statements, the trial court instructed the jury about the Act and
    fully charged the jury on the law applicable to SVP cases. The trial court did not
    re-charge the jury at the conclusion of the trial. See Rule 51, SCRCP ("[T]he court
    shall instruct the jury after the arguments are completed."). We note trial courts
    must charge the jury on the legal issues that apply to the evidence adduced at trial.
    Clark v. Cantrell, 
    339 S.C. 369
    , 390, 
    529 S.E.2d 528
    , 539 (2000) ("When
    instructing the jury, the trial court is required to charge only principles of law that
    apply to the issues raised in the pleadings and developed by the evidence in support
    of those issues." (emphasis added)). While preliminary jury charges may aid the
    jury's understanding of the trial, it is impossible to be prescient with complete
    accuracy, and therefore jury charges given at the beginning of trial will almost
    never cover all of the relevant law that will be "developed by the evidence." For
    this reason, trial courts should reiterate and supplement those charges at the
    conclusion of a trial. See Rule 51, SCRCP.
    investigation summaries, witness statements, Chapman's statements, and
    sentencing sheets. Additionally, Dr. Gehle testified she interviewed Chapman and
    performed psychological testing, which included completing the Static-99R
    actuarial risk assessment tool.3
    In explaining her findings, Dr. Gehle detailed the facts surrounding
    Chapman's prior sex offenses, including two sexual assault convictions in Florida
    in 1986, an attempted second-degree rape conviction in North Carolina in 1991, a
    third-degree criminal sexual conduct conviction in South Carolina in 1992, an
    indecent exposure conviction in South Carolina in 1997, and a lewd act on a minor
    conviction in South Carolina in 2005. Dr. Gehle stated Chapman's behavior in
    each instance appeared to be impulsive and violent. Moreover, she testified
    Chapman took no responsibility for his actions, instead claiming the convictions
    were the result of consensual sex or fabrication by the victims.
    From her review of Chapman's records, psychological tests, and personal
    interview, Dr. Gehle concluded Chapman suffered from biastophilia,4 anti-social
    personality disorder, and substance abuse disorder. As a result of the interplay of
    the characteristics of those diagnoses, Dr. Gehle opined that Chapman posed a high
    risk of reoffending.
    In contrast, Chapman presented testimony from several personal
    acquaintances, each of whom testified to Chapman's good character. The
    witnesses stated that after Chapman's last conviction, his life and attitude had
    changed drastically as a result of him attending church. Chapman testified as well,
    stating drugs and alcohol had a significant effect on his life since his teenage years,
    and blaming substance abuse for most of his bad actions.
    Chapman's final witness was Dr. David Price, a psychologist, who the court
    qualified as an expert in clinical and forensic psychology. Dr. Price testified he
    disagreed with Dr. Gehle's diagnoses of biastophilia and anti-social personality
    disorder. In part, Dr. Price stated his disagreement stemmed from Dr. Gehle's
    application and interpretation of the psychological tests Chapman completed,
    Dr. Gehle explained the Static-99R is an actuarial tool consisting of ten questions
    that "have been proven significantly related to sexual offending."
    According to Dr. Gehle, biastophilia occurs "when a person experiences
    recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges or behaviors involving
    corrosive sexual acts with non-consenting persons over a period of at least six
    including the Static-99R test, because the test had been discredited to some degree
    in professional circles.
    Throughout the two-day trial, Chapman's counsel did not make any motions,
    including a motion for a directed verdict or JNOV. Further, Chapman's counsel
    objected only once, during Dr. Price's voir dire.
    Ultimately, the jury found Chapman met the statutory definition for an SVP,
    and the trial court ordered Chapman's commitment. Chapman appealed, and the
    Court certified the appeal pursuant to Rule 204(b), SCACR.
    I.     Does a person committed as an SVP have a due process right to effective
    assistance of counsel?
    II.    If a person committed as an SVP has a right to effective assistance of
    counsel, when during his appeal may he raise his trial counsel's perceived
    III.   If a person committed as an SVP has a right to effective assistance of
    counsel, what standard should a court use to evaluate counsel's
    IV.    Did trial counsel's failure to object to various alleged errors during trial
    violate Chapman's right to effective assistance of counsel?
    "Questions of statutory construction are a matter of law." Boiter v. S.C.
    Dep't of Transp., 
    393 S.C. 123
    , 132, 
    712 S.E.2d 401
    , 405 (2011). The Court
    reviews questions of law de novo. Milliken & Co. v. Morin, 
    399 S.C. 23
    , 30, 
    731 S.E.2d 288
    , 291 (2012).
    Moreover, on appeal from a case tried before a jury in an action at law,
    appellate courts may not disturb the jury's factual findings "unless a review of the
    record discloses that there is no evidence which reasonably supports the jury's
    findings." Townes Assocs., Ltd. v. City of Greenville, 
    266 S.C. 81
    , 85, 
    221 S.E.2d 773
    , 775 (1976). Thus, this Court's jurisdiction in those cases extends only to the
    correction of errors of law. In re Care & Treatment of Gonzalez, 
    409 S.C. 621
    763 S.E.2d 210
    , 213 (2014).
    Chapman argues because the Act provides him a right to assistance of
    counsel during all stages of SVP proceedings, he necessarily has a right to
    effective assistance of counsel during the proceedings. We agree.
    The United States Supreme Court "repeatedly has recognized that civil
    commitment for any purpose constitutes a significant deprivation of liberty that
    requires due process protection." Addington v. Texas, 
    441 U.S. 418
    , 425 (1979);
    accord Vitek v. Jones, 
    445 U.S. 480
    , 491–92 (1980) (plurality opinion). Moreover,
    the Supreme Court found that to satisfy due process, prisoners suffering from a
    mental disease or defect requiring involuntary commitment must be provided with
    independent assistance during the commitment proceeding. Vitek, 
    445 U.S. at
    id. at 500
     (Powell, J., concurring). In accordance with these directives,
    section 44-48-90 of the South Carolina Code provides, "At all stages of the
    proceedings under [the Act], a person subject to [the Act] is entitled to the
    assistance of counsel, and if the person is indigent, the court must appoint counsel
    to assist the person." 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48-90
    We have previously recognized section 44-48-90 provides a statutory right
    to counsel distinct from the Sixth Amendment right to counsel afforded in criminal
    proceedings. In re Care & Treatment of McCoy, 
    360 S.C. 425
    , 427, 
    602 S.E.2d 58
    , 59 (2004); In re Care & Treatment of McCracken, 
    346 S.C. 87
    , 96, 
    551 S.E.2d 235
    , 240 (2001). However, given the significant due process implications inherent
    in civil commitments, we find section 44-48-90's right to counsel is not merely a
    statutory right, but also a constitutional one arising under the Fourteenth
    Amendment and the South Carolina Constitution.5 Cf. Vitek, 
    445 U.S. at
    In re Care & Treatment of Ontiberos, 
    287 P.3d 855
    , 864–65 (Kan. 2012)
    (examining the three due process factors espoused in Matthews v. Eldridge, 
    424 U.S. 319
    , 335 (1976), and concluding there is a constitutional right to counsel
    arising under the Fourteenth Amendment and the state constitution with regards to
    SVP commitment proceedings); Jenkins v. Dir. of the Va. Ctr. for Behavioral
    624 S.E.2d 453
    , 460 (Va. 2006) (holding that because of the "substantial
    liberty interest at stake in an involuntary civil commitment based on Virginia's
    See U.S. Const. amend. XIV, § 1 (prohibiting states from "depriv[ing] any person
    of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"); S.C. Const. art. I, § 3
    [SVP] Act," persons subject to SVP proceedings have a constitutional right to
    counsel arising under the Fourteenth Amendment and the state constitution).6 Lest
    the right ring hollow, we further hold this right to counsel is necessarily a right to
    effective counsel. Accord Smith v. State, 
    203 P.3d 1221
    , 1232–33 (Idaho 2009).7
    Accordingly, because the Act provides Chapman with a right to counsel, he
    consequently has a right to effective assistance of that counsel during his SVP
    Chapman next asserts as the Act currently stands, there is no avenue in
    which persons committed as SVPs may raise ineffective assistance of counsel
    claims. Therefore, he argues, he should be able to raise his ineffective assistance
    claims on direct appeal. In response, the State contends Chapman may assert an
    ineffective assistance claim through a common law habeas proceeding. We agree
    with the State that, as with all unlawful confinement claims, Chapman may assert
    his claims that he is improperly in custody—whether due to his counsel's
    ineffectiveness or otherwise—via a future habeas proceeding. See Dallin H. Oaks,
    Habeas Corpus in the States: 1776–1865, 
    32 U. Chi. L. Rev. 243
    , 244 (1964–65)
    (explaining although habeas corpus has ceased to be a significant remedy in most
    civil litigation, it remains important in the civil commitment context).
    Dating from as early as the 14th century, the right to petition a court for
    relief from unlawful confinement has been heralded as the highest safeguard of an
    individual's liberty. Literally, the phrase habeas corpus means "you should have
    the body." Habeas corpus, The American Heritage Dictionary (2d ed. 1985).
    South Carolina has recognized the writ of habeas corpus since 1787, the same year
    To the extent McCoy and McCracken implied that the only right to counsel under
    the Act was a statutory one, they are hereby modified.
    In fact, courts considering this issue have unanimously determined that in civil
    commitment proceedings where there is a right to counsel, there is a consequent
    right to effective counsel. See, e.g., Wetherhorn v. Alaska Psychiatric Inst., 
    156 P.3d 371
    , 384 (Alaska 2007); Smith, 
    203 P.3d at
    1232–33; In re Detention of
    704 N.W.2d 437
    , 438 n.3 (Iowa 2005); Ontiberos, 287 P.3d at 863;
    Commonwealth v. Ferreira, 
    852 N.E.2d 1086
    , 1091 (Mass. App. Ct. 2006); In re
    Mental Health of K.G.F., 
    29 P.3d 485
    , 491 (Mont. 2001); State v. Campany, 
    905 N.Y.S.2d 419
    , 425–26 (App. Div. 2010); In re Commitment of Hutchinson, 
    421 A.2d 261
    , 264 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1980); Jenkins, 624 S.E.2d at 460.
    the writ was adopted into our federal constitution. See Oaks, supra, at 247–48;
    McMullen v. City Council of Charleston, 
    1 S.C.L. (1 Bay) 46
     (1787).8 This
    extraordinary writ, though seldom granted, is nonetheless available to all
    individuals who believe they are wrongly confined, following the exhaustion of
    their direct appeal and other collateral remedies. As the State has acknowledged,
    this Court could not deny an individual, such as Chapman, the right to file a writ of
    habeas corpus seeking relief from his detention. See S.C. Const. art. I, § 18 ("The
    privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when, in case
    of insurrection, rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.").
    Notably, in the criminal context, the General Assembly removed certain
    claims from the immediate province of habeas relief. In doing so, the legislature
    provided an alternative procedure by which criminal defendants must assert claims
    regarding ineffective assistance of counsel: post-conviction relief (PCR). See
    S.C. Code Ann. §§ 17-27-10
     to -160 (2014 & Supp. 2015) (the PCR
    Act); Blume, supra, at 238–44 (detailing the history of the post-conviction process,
    from its origins in habeas relief through the General Assembly's enactment of the
    PCR Act). Thus, on direct appeal, this Court will not consider claims involving
    ineffective assistance of counsel. See State v. Carpenter, 
    277 S.C. 309
    , 309–10,
    286 S.E.2d 384
    , 384 (1982) (per curiam). Rather, those claims are limited to
    review during PCR. Following such review, a criminal defendant may file a
    petition for habeas corpus as a means of seeking final relief. Simpson v. State, 
    329 S.C. 43
    , 46, 
    495 S.E.2d 429
    , 431 (1998) (per curiam). However, petitions for
    habeas relief serve only to ensure observance of fundamental constitutional rights
    that have been overlooked in prior proceedings. Williams v. Ozmint, 
    380 S.C. 473
    671 S.E.2d 600
    , 602 (2008); Aice v. State, 
    305 S.C. 448
    , 451, 
    409 S.E.2d 392
    394 (1991) (stating additional judicial review after PCR is appropriate only when
    the judicial system has failed a defendant in such a way that to continue his
    imprisonment without further review would amount to a gross miscarriage of
    Although South Carolina did not formally adopt a habeas provision in its state
    constitution until after the Civil War, it was the only colony to codify the writ by
    the time of the American Revolution. John H. Blume, An Introduction to Post-
    Conviction Remedies, Practice and Procedure in South Carolina, 
    45 S.C. L. Rev. 235
    , 238 (Winter 1994). In fact, many scholars contend most states omitted a
    habeas provision from their early state constitutions not because they considered it
    unimportant, but because they thought a formal assertion of the writ was
    unnecessary given how solidly established the right to habeas corpus was in the
    colonies. Oaks, supra, at 248, 249.
    justice). As a result, habeas relief is only available when other remedies, such as
    PCR, are inadequate or unavailable. Hamm v. State, 
    403 S.C. 461
    , 464, 
    744 S.E.2d 503
    , 504 (2013).
    With regards to a civil commitment under the Act, Chapman is correct in
    stating there is no statutory procedure, such as PCR, that would presently allow
    persons committed as SVPs to effectuate their right to the effective assistance of
    counsel. Regardless, we decline to address the merits of his claims on direct
    appeal for the same reasons we do not address these claims in a criminal direct
    appeal. See State v. Felder, 
    290 S.C. 521
    , 522–23, 
    351 S.E.2d 852
    , 852 (1986)
    (quoting State v. Williams, 
    266 S.C. 325
    , 337, 
    223 S.E.2d 38
    , 44 (1976)) (finding
    in direct appeals, the record rarely contains a factual basis for a claim that counsel's
    performance was deficient, because it does not reveal counsel's possible strategic
    explanation (or lack thereof) for taking or omitting the challenged action); cf.
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 689 (1984) (stating in the criminal context
    that courts must indulge a "strong presumption that counsel's conduct falls within
    the wide range of reasonable professional assistance"). Rather, an evidentiary
    hearing similar to a PCR hearing is necessary to explore the strategy underlying
    counsel's actions and omissions during an SVP trial.
    Because there is no existing statutory procedure providing for such a
    hearing, we find Chapman's claims regarding ineffective assistance of counsel akin
    to other habeas claims, in that the existing relief for the claims is either inadequate
    (due to the lack of a fully developed record) or unavailable (due to the absence of a
    specified procedure in which to assert the claims). Thus, we agree with the State
    that persons committed under the Act may pursue their unlawful custody claims,
    including ineffective assistance of counsel claims, in habeas proceedings.
    We emphasize that, in recognizing Chapman's right to file a habeas claim for
    ineffective assistance of counsel, we do not create a new framework out of whole
    cloth. Rather, as stated, supra, habeas relief is uniformly available to those
    imprisoned in violation of the law. See Harrington v. Richter, 
    562 U.S. 86
    , 91
    (2011). Thus, our holding today merely declines to divest Chapman of his
    fundamental right to seek relief from unlawful confinement.
    We note that in general, there is no right to counsel in habeas proceedings,
    whether criminal or civil. Thus, as a practical matter, a person committed as an
    SVP would ordinarily be required to assert an ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim in a habeas proceeding without the assistance of counsel. We find this result
    would be not only inequitable, but also the functional equivalent of denying SVPs
    the right to effective assistance of counsel.9 As discussed, supra, the General
    Assembly provides persons subject to commitment under the Act with a right to
    counsel at "all stages of the proceedings." 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48-90
    . Due to the
    unique unfairness of requiring SVPs to pursue ineffective assistance of counsel
    claims without the assistance of counsel, this language must be construed as
    providing persons committed under the Act with a right to counsel during their first
    habeas proceeding. Cf. Odom v. State, 
    337 S.C. 256
    , 261, 
    523 S.E.2d 753
    , 755
    (1999) (explaining successive PCR applications alleging ineffective assistance of
    counsel are disfavored because they allow an applicant "more than one bite at the
    apple," and giving examples of "rare procedural circumstances" in which a court
    may entertain a successive application, such as if the court dismissed the first PCR
    application without providing the applicant the assistance of legal counsel (citation
    omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    We recognize this portion of our holding is perhaps an unforeseen
    application of the statutory language. Nonetheless, the General Assembly
    provided SVPs with a right to counsel, which cannot be merely a superficial right.
    Hodges v. Rainey, 
    341 S.C. 79
    , 85, 
    533 S.E.2d 578
    , 581 (2000) ("The cardinal rule
    of statutory construction is to ascertain and effectuate the intent of the
    legislature."); see also Tempel v. S.C. State Election Comm'n, 
    400 S.C. 374
    , 378,
    735 S.E.2d 453
    , 455 (2012) ("This Court will not construe a statute in a way which
    leads to an absurd result or renders it meaningless."); CFRE, L.L.C. v. Greenville
    Cty. Assessor, 
    395 S.C. 67
    , 74, 
    716 S.E.2d 877
    , 881 (2011) (stating in reading a
    statute as a whole and in harmony with its purpose, the Court must read the statute
    in a manner such that "'no word, clause, sentence, provision or part shall be
    rendered surplusage, or superfluous, for the General Assembly obviously intended
    the statute to have some efficacy, or the legislature would not have enacted it into
    law'" (internal citations omitted) (internal marks omitted)). While the State
    conceded this during oral argument, unquestionably, the General Assembly may
    reevaluate an SVP's right to counsel and set forth a more comprehensive statutory
    scheme to address this issue.
    Chapman finally argues the ordinary standard for granting habeas relief
    S.C. Code Ann. § 17-27-60
     (providing indigent PCR applicants with a right to
    counsel to pursue their PCR claims); Rule 71.1(d), (g), SCRCP (providing indigent
    PCR applicants with counsel if their application presents a question of law or fact
    that will require a hearing, or if their application for relief is denied).
    should not apply to ineffective assistance of counsel claims arising from SVP
    proceedings.10 We agree, and hold the more appropriate standard in these
    instances is the two-prong Strickland standard used to vindicate a criminal
    defendant's Sixth Amendment right to counsel. See Cherry v. State, 
    300 S.C. 115
    386 S.E.2d 624
    , 625 (1989) (describing the Strickland standard as
    requiring a PCR applicant to prove counsel's deficient performance, and the
    resulting prejudice).
    An SVP's right to counsel arises from a constitutional right to due process
    similar to the rights attendant to a criminal trial.11 Ontiberos, 287 P.3d at 867, 868;
    see also Jones v. State, 
    477 N.E.2d 353
    , 357 (Ind. Ct. App. 1985) ("In considering
    what constitutes effective representation, it seems reasonable to look to criminal
    standards for guidance. Such an approach seems justified inasmuch as the
    allegedly mentally ill person's liberty is at stake."); Jenkins, 624 S.E.2d at 460. We
    further note a majority of jurisdictions use the Strickland standard in evaluating
    ineffective assistance claims in a civil commitment context, "regardless of whether
    that court held that the person's right to effective counsel arose from statute or the
    constitution." Ontiberos, 287 P.3d at 867 (collecting cases).
    Thus, in our state and others, Strickland is a well-known standard applied in
    an extensive body of case law in the criminal and civil contexts. See In re
    Detention of T.A.H.-L., 
    97 P.3d 767
    , 771 (Wash. Ct. App. 2004). Indeed, the
    Strickland standard is the one most familiar to judges and attorneys, and thus
    results in a more consistent application in our state courts. See Ontiberos, 287 P.3d
    at 867 (citing T.A.H.-L., 
    97 P.3d at 771
    ). Accordingly, we find using the
    See generally Butler v. State, 
    302 S.C. 466
    , 468, 
    397 S.E.2d 87
    , 88 (1990)
    (stating a court will normally only issue a habeas writ under limited circumstances,
    when there has been a violation that constitutes a denial of fundamental fairness
    shocking to the universal sense of justice).
    Justice Few would have us disregard both parties' recognition that habeas corpus
    is available to anyone, including Appellant, who wishes to challenge the legality of
    his or her confinement. The dissenting opinion mistakenly portrays the majority's
    actions as improperly invading the legislature's role. We would respectfully remind
    the dissent that this Court is tasked with interpreting and applying the law as
    adopted by the legislature. A necessary part of this duty is ensuring that the law
    comports with all constitutional requirements. Accordingly, we must avoid any
    application of law that does not pass constitutional muster. Were we to accept the
    dissent's contention that we are somehow encroaching on the legislature, we would
    be forced to adopt an interpretation of the law that does not satisfy due process.
    Strickland standard to evaluate ineffective assistance claims—regardless of the fact
    these claims must be asserted in habeas proceedings—will most consistently
    ensure an SVP's ability to exercise his right to the effective assistance of counsel.
    As Chapman conceded in his briefs and during oral argument, none of his
    ineffective assistance claims are preserved for appellate review because trial
    counsel failed to object to any of the alleged errors. See Buist v. Buist, 
    410 S.C. 569
    , 574, 
    766 S.E.2d 381
    , 383 (2014). Accordingly, we affirm his commitment as
    an SVP pursuant to Rule 220, SCACR. Our decision is without prejudice to his
    ineffective assistance claims, and Chapman may reassert these claims during a
    future habeas proceeding.
    We cannot construe the Act in a manner that does not recognize an SVP's
    constitutional right to the effective assistance of counsel. Necessarily, if it is to
    have any meaning, an SVP must have an avenue to effectuate that right. Under the
    current framework of the Act, we hold the appropriate forum to assert the right to
    effective assistance of counsel is the long-recognized safeguard of due process:
    habeas relief.
    Based on the foregoing, we affirm Chapman's commitment as an SVP.
    BEATTY, C.J., KITTREDGE, J., and Acting Justice Costa M. Pleicones,
    concur. FEW, J., dissenting in a separate opinion.
    JUSTICE FEW: This is a direct appeal from an action at law.12 The Constitution
    of South Carolina sets forth the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in such a case:
    "The Supreme Court shall constitute a court for the correction of errors at law
    under such regulations as the General Assembly may prescribe." S.C. CONST. art.
    V, § 5. See Townes Assocs., Ltd. v. City of Greenville, 
    266 S.C. 81
    , 85, 
    221 S.E.2d 773
    , 775 (1976) ("Article V, § 5 of our Constitution . . . sets forth the jurisdiction
    of this Court."). Under article V, section 5, the Supreme Court has no power in
    this case except to correct errors of law made by the trial court. See In re Care &
    Treatment of Gonzalez, 
    409 S.C. 621
    , 628, 
    763 S.E.2d 210
    , 213 (2014) (stating in
    an appeal from a jury verdict in an SVP trial, "the jurisdiction of the appellate court
    extends merely to the correction of errors of law"); Lozada v. S.C. Law Enf't Div.,
    395 S.C. 509
    , 512, 
    719 S.E.2d 258
    , 259 (2011) ("When reviewing an action at law,
    our scope of review is limited to the correction of errors of law."); Townes Assocs.,
    266 S.C. at 85, 
    221 S.E.2d at 775
     ("In an action at law, on appeal of a case tried by
    a jury, the jurisdiction of this Court extends merely to the correction of errors of
    law . . . .").
    The majority opinion recites this limitation on our power—citing
    Gonzalez—but then ignores its own words and projects this Court beyond our
    constitutional jurisdiction by writing procedural and substantive rules of law that
    have nothing to do with any error of law made by the trial court. These new rules
    do not concern the trial court's handling of this SVP trial, nor do they govern how a
    future trial court will conduct an SVP trial. Rather, these new rules establish a
    procedural and substantive scheme for resolving a completely different category of
    lawsuits that have never been filed. The majority's new rules to govern these
    future lawsuits violate the limits on our power set forth in article V, section 5 as
    interpreted by this Court in Gonzalez, Lozada, and Townes Associates, and because
    of that, the new rules also violate the separation of powers requirement set forth in
    article I, section 8 of the Constitution of South Carolina.
    It requires no justification for a court to honor the constitutional limitation
    on judicial power—it is the law. In this case, however, the justification is clear.
    First, the only procedural and substantive framework in South Carolina—until
    now—to protect a litigant's right to effective counsel is the South Carolina
    Uniform Post-Conviction Relief Act enacted by our Legislature. See 
    S.C. Code Ann. §§ 17-27-10
     to -160 (2014); see also 
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
     (2016) (Federal
    The majority states in its first paragraph this is a "direct appeal." We have
    previously held an SVP trial is an action at law. In re Treatment & Care of
    351 S.C. 122
    , 131, 
    568 S.E.2d 338
    , 342 (2002).
    custody; remedies on motion attacking sentence). Second, this Court has
    previously held, "The purpose of habeas corpus is to test the legality of the
    prisoner's present detention," and, "The only remedy that can be granted is release
    from custody." Gibson v. State, 
    329 S.C. 37
    , 40, 
    495 S.E.2d 426
    , 427 (1998)
    (citing McCall v. State, 
    247 S.C. 15
    , 18, 
    145 S.E.2d 419
    , 419 (1965)). Under
    Gibson and McCall, the only remedy available for a finding of ineffective counsel
    would be to release from custody a person found by a jury to be a sexually violent
    predator—because the courts do not have the power to grant a new trial.13 Third,
    the majority's provision that the court must appoint—and the State must pay—
    counsel to represent the SVP in the effective counsel proceeding violates section
    14-1-235 of the South Carolina Code (2017), which provides, "A judge, court, or
    court official shall not appoint an attorney to represent a party in a civil action
    unless the authority to make the appointment is provided specifically by statute."
    Finally, creating a procedural and substantive scheme for future litigation of
    effectiveness of counsel in an SVP trial is particularly inappropriate for judicial
    action. To illustrate this point, I pose a few questions. First, is there any
    difference between the majority's new scheme and the annual review proceedings
    provided in section 44-48-110 of the South Carolina Code (Supp. 2016)? If not—
    or if the difference is only slight—can the right of effective counsel in the initial
    commitment proceeding reach the constitutional dimension on which the majority
    relies? Second, does an SVP—by filing a petition for habeas corpus claiming
    ineffective counsel—waive his right to pursue annual review proceedings, or must
    In this event it is questionable that SVP proceedings may be reinstituted. The
    timetable for instituting such proceedings begins long before the person is released
    from confinement on the original sentence, which will necessarily have passed by
    the time a circuit court grants habeas corpus. See 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48
    40(A)(1) (Supp. 2016) (requiring the multidisciplinary team be given "written
    notice . . . at least two hundred seventy days before" release); 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44
    48-50 (Supp. 2016) (stating the timetable for "forward[ing] a report of the
    assessment to the prosecutor's review committee" is "within thirty days" of the
    notice in subsection 44-48-40(A)(1)); 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48-60
     (Supp. 2016)
    (requiring the review committee to determine probable cause "within thirty days of
    receiving the report"); 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 44-48-70
     (Supp. 2016) (requiring the
    Attorney General to file the petition for SVP confinement "within thirty days of the
    probable cause determination"). There is no provision in the SVP Act permitting
    retrial after release from confinement.
    the circuit court simultaneously conduct annual review proceedings and effective
    counsel proceedings?14 Third, if the circuit court in annual review proceedings
    finds no "probable cause exists to believe that the person's mental abnormality or
    personality disorder has [sufficiently] changed," would that finding moot any
    ongoing effective counsel proceedings by making a different outcome not
    reasonably likely under the second prong of Strickland?15 Fourth, if the circuit
    court must conduct simultaneous proceedings, is the counsel to be appointed
    pursuant to the majority opinion permitted to be—or required to be—the same
    counsel the SVP is entitled to in annual review proceedings pursuant to section 44-
    Section 44-48-110 requires,
    A person committed pursuant to this chapter must have
    an examination of his mental condition performed once
    every year. . . . The annual report must be provided to
    the court which committed the person . . . . The court
    must conduct an annual hearing to review the status of
    the committed person. . . . If the court determines that
    probable cause exists to believe that the person's mental
    abnormality or personality disorder has so changed that
    the person is safe to be at large and, if released, is not
    likely to commit acts of sexual violence, the court must
    schedule a trial on the issue.
     (emphasis added).
    How could a circuit court find prejudice under Strickland if the same or another
    circuit judge has already found in an annual review proceeding that no probable
    cause exists to believe the SVP is "safe to be at large?" Further, if the judge in the
    effective counsel proceeding is a different judge and the annual review judge found
    no probable cause, is the second judge bound by the rule that "one circuit court
    judge may not overrule another?" Salmonsen v. CGD, Inc., 
    377 S.C. 442
    , 454, 
    661 S.E.2d 81
    , 88 (2008). Conversely, if the effective counsel trial occurs first and the
    circuit court finds prejudice, which surely moots the probable cause hearing in the
    annual review proceedings, would the prospect of an annual review trial then moot
    any appeal from the effective counsel trial?
    48-110?16 Finally, there are other civil commitment proceedings as to which the
    committed person has a statutory right to counsel. See 
    S.C. Code Ann. §§ 44-17
    310 to -900 (2002 & Supp. 2016) (Care and Commitment of Mentally Ill Persons
    Act); § 44-17-530 (2002) (providing "the court shall appoint counsel to represent
    the person" subject to judicial commitment proceedings). Does the majority's new
    scheme apply to those committed persons as well?
    Some of these questions may be invalid, and never need to be answered, but
    some of them are valid, and demand an answer. Whether these questions deserve
    answers—and if so what are the answers—are inquiries that courts are uniquely
    unqualified to complete. The Legislature, on the other hand, has numerous tools at
    its disposal to adequately address these and other problems. All of this forces the
    question of why this Court should create this new effective counsel scheme,
    especially when the annual review procedure is already in place pursuant to statute.
    See § 44-48-110. Respectfully, the majority has not answered any of these
    The majority suggests in footnote eleven that I do not understand this Court's
    duty to "ensur[e] that the law comports with all constitutional requirements." I am
    satisfied that I do understand this duty, and further that I understand we must
    exercise that duty within the constitutional limitations on our power. To respond
    to the majority's suggestion, I will explain how—and when—I think this Court
    should fulfill its duty to protect the constitutional rights of Chapman and other SVP
    litigants who claim they have been denied due process because they received
    ineffective assistance of counsel.
    To begin, this Court has never heard an appeal from a circuit court's ruling
    as to whether an SVP defendant received effective assistance from his attorney.
    The trial court made no such ruling in this case. In fact, I am not aware that any
    SVP defendant has ever brought such a claim in any South Carolina circuit court.
    If an SVP brings such a claim, the first issue the circuit court will face is whether
    the SVP's right to annual review adequately protects the SVP's due process rights
    regarding the effectiveness of his counsel. No court—anywhere—not even the
    courts from other states cited by the majority—has ever answered that question.
    "The committed person has a right to have an attorney represent him at the
    [annual review probable cause] hearing . . . ," and, "At the trial, the committed
    person is . . . entitled to the benefit of all constitutional protections [i.e., counsel]."
    § 44-48-110.
    If the circuit court in which the claim is brought addresses the SVP's claim,
    and if the aggrieved party appeals, this Court will then be required to determine
    whether the circuit court committed any errors of law. Then—when the questions
    that the majority answers in the abstract are actually contested issues in an appeal
    before us—we will fulfill our duty to protect the due process rights of SVP
    litigants, and our responsibility under article V, section 5, by determining whether
    the trial court committed any errors of law. Until then, we act outside of our
    constitutional authority if we write rules not necessary to resolve the actual case
    before us, even though the rules may relate to the constitutional requirement of due
    My disagreement with the majority is not based on a misunderstanding of
    our duty to protect the due process rights of our citizens. Rather, my disagreement
    derives from my resolve to obey the constitutional limitations on our power. As
    the majority recognizes, "none of [Chapman's] ineffective assistance claims are
    preserved for review." Under this circumstance, we should affirm without any
    comment on rules to govern future disputes. Because I believe the law written by
    the majority in this case goes beyond the constitutional limits on this Court's power
    and falls within the exclusive province of the Legislature, I respectfully dissent.