State v. Bruce , 412 S.C. 504 ( 2015 )

    In The Supreme Court
    The State, Respondent/Petitioner,
    Roger Bruce, Petitioner/Respondent.
    Appellate Case No. 2013-001208
    Appeal from Florence County
    The Honorable Thomas A. Russo, Circuit Court Judge
    Opinion No. 27525
    Heard February 4, 2015 – Filed May 27, 2015
    Appellate Defender Robert M. Pachak, of Columbia, for
    Attorney General Alan M. Wilson, Chief Deputy
    Attorney General John W. McIntosh, Senior Assistant
    Deputy Attorney General Donald J. Zelenka, and
    Assistant Attorney General Brendan J. McDonald, all of
    Columbia and Solicitor Edgar Lewis Clements, III, of
    Florence, for Respondent/Petitioner.
    JUSTICE HEARN: Roger Bruce was convicted of murder for the death of his
    girlfriend, Laura Creel. On appeal, Bruce argued evidence offered at trial relating
    to the discovery of Creel's body was obtained in violation of his Fourth
    Amendment rights. The court of appeals found the record was incomplete for
    appellate review and remanded. State v. Bruce, 
    402 S.C. 621
    741 S.E.2d 590
    App. 2013). We granted both parties' petitions for certiorari. We now reverse the
    court of appeals' opinion and affirm his conviction.
    Bruce and Creel were in a romantic relationship and lived together. One
    evening, Bruce called Creel's son, Shane Ritch, to ask whether he had spoken with
    Creel. Bruce told Ritch he had not seen her in a couple of days and did not know
    where she was. Bruce also informed Ritch that Creel's car was still parked outside
    of their garage apartment. Ritch was concerned because Creel never went
    anywhere without her car, her phone, and her dog. He immediately called his
    brother who told him they needed to figure out what happened. Ritch then called
    the police.
    Ritch told the police that neither he nor Bruce had seen Creel in a few days
    and requested they check on her. He told the police what type of vehicle she drove
    and that she had left her car, phone, and dog at the house she shared with Bruce,
    which was uncharacteristic.
    Officer Beckett, Officer Starling, and Corporal Hobgood responded to the
    call. Upon arrival, the officers informed Bruce they were there on a welfare check
    for Creel and asked if she was inside. Bruce said she was not, and the officers
    requested permission to look around for her inside. Bruce allowed them inside,
    and the officers did a quick scan of the rooms. Not finding anything, the officers
    began to question Bruce, who told them Creel had left after the two argued.
    During the conversation, the officers noticed a cell phone and car keys on a
    table nearby. Bruce informed the officers they both belonged to Creel and
    Hobgood picked up the keys and went outside to the vehicle. Hobgood looked
    through the windows into the interior of the car and then attempted to open the
    trunk, but it would not open. He then asked Bruce which key opened the trunk and
    Bruce moved toward Hobgood as if to grab the keys. Hobgood pulled the keys
    back, and Starling pressed the trunk release button. Inside the trunk, the officers
    discovered Creel's body.
    Bruce was subsequently charged with murder and the case proceeded to
    trial. During the course of Beckett's testimony regarding how the police found
    Creel's body in the trunk, Bruce objected "to the discovery of the body in this
    fashion" on the basis that there was no consent and no search warrant was
    obtained. When the trial court asked what basis Bruce had to object, he responded
    that it was on his property and the keys were in his house. The solicitor argued it
    was Creel's car and Bruce therefore had no expectation of privacy. He further
    claimed Hobgood had testified the previous day that Bruce offered to open the
    trunk for them. Ultimately, the court denied the motion stating, "[i]t appears that
    this is inevitable discovery; but/for hitting the release button and opening the trunk
    according to the earlier testimony Mr. Bruce was gonna [sic] open the trunk for
    them, or at least was providing the keys to do so."
    Bruce was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. On appeal, Bruce
    argued the trial court erred in denying the motion to suppress because Bruce never
    consented to the officers taking the keys from his home. The court of appeals
    reversed, finding the record was insufficient for appellate review and remanding
    with instructions:
    If the court determines Bruce had a legitimate expectation of privacy
    in the trunk of Creel's car, the police violated Bruce's Fourth
    Amendment rights by exceeding the scope of his consent, and the
    evidence should have been suppressed pursuant to the exclusionary
    rule, the court shall consider whether the error in admitting the
    evidence was harmless. If the court determines it erred and the error
    was not harmless, it shall grant a new trial. If the court determines it
    did not err in admitting the evidence, or the error was harmless,
    Bruce's conviction must be affirmed.
    Bruce, 402 S.C. at 627
    , 741 S.E.2d at 593. Both the State and Bruce petitioned for
    certiorari and the Court granted both petitions.1
    We decide this case with regard to the issue raised in the State's petition and
    dismiss Bruce's petition for certiorari as improvidently granted.
    Did the court of appeals err in failing to affirm the trial court's denial of the
    motion to suppress?
    "A ruling on the admissibility of evidence is within the sound discretion of
    the trial court and will not be reversed absent an abuse of discretion." State v.
    381 S.C. 149
    , 160, 
    672 S.E.2d 556
    , 561 (2009). On review of a Fourth
    Amendment search and seizure case, an appellate court must affirm if there is any
    evidence to support the ruling and will reverse only when there is clear error. State
    v. Wright, 
    391 S.C. 436
    , 442, 
    706 S.E.2d 324
    , 326 (2011).
    Prior to addressing the legal issue before the Court, we correct the error of
    the court of appeals' mandate. The court of appeals held the trial court did not
    provide sufficient findings for appellate review and remanded for consideration of
    whether Bruce had an expectation of privacy in the trunk of Creel's car and the
    scope of his consent. The court of appeals further instructed the trial court that if it
    found the introduction of the evidence was in error, it "shall consider whether the
    error in admitting the evidence was harmless." 
    Bruce, 402 S.C. at 627
    , 741 S.E.2d
    at 593. As both parties agree, it is clearly improper for the trial court to perform a
    harmless error analysis on its own evidentiary ruling. Trial courts cannot sit in
    judgment of their own rulings and proceedings. See Floyd v. State, 
    303 S.C. 298
    400 S.E.2d 145
    , 146 (1991) (adopting, as a matter of policy, a per se rule of
    recusal that a judge who presided over a defendant's criminal trial cannot preside
    over a subsequent post-conviction relief proceeding). Furthermore, the harmless
    error analysis is an appellate doctrine arising from the principle that "appellate
    courts will not set aside judgments due to insubstantial errors not affecting the
    result." Way v. State, 
    410 S.C. 377
    , 384, 
    764 S.E.2d 701
    , 705 (2014). The court of
    appeals cannot relinquish its responsibility to make this fundamental determination
    in reviewing an appeal from a criminal conviction.
    Turning now to the merits, Bruce argues the police violated his Fourth
    Amendment rights by removing the car keys that were in his home without his
    consent.2 We disagree and find the officers' seizure of Creel's car keys from inside
    Bruce's home was reasonably encompassed within his consent to enter the home
    and search for Creel.3
    The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects a person's
    right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. U.S. Const. amend. IV.
    "A 'search' occurs when an expectation of privacy that society is prepared to
    consider reasonable is infringed[ and a] 'seizure' of property occurs when there is
    some meaningful interference with an individual's possessory interests in that
    property." United States v. Jacobsen, 
    466 U.S. 109
    , 113 (1984). Searches and
    seizures without a warrant are per se unreasonable absent a recognized exception.
    Wright, 391 S.C. at 442
    , 706 S.E.2d at 327. The State bears the burden to
    demonstrate that it was entitled to conduct the search or seizure under an exception
    to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement. State v. Gamble, 
    405 S.C. 409
    747 S.E.2d 784
    , 787 (2013). It is well-settled that one of the "established
    exceptions to the requirements of both a warrant and probable cause is a search
    that is conducted pursuant to consent." Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. 218
    219 (1973). "The standard for measuring the scope of a suspect's consent under
    the Fourth Amendment is that of 'objective' reasonableness—what would the
    typical reasonable person have understood by the exchange between the officer and
    the suspect?" Florida v. Jimeno, 
    500 U.S. 248
    , 251 (1991).
    The State contends the officers had consent to seize the keys because they
    were given permission by Bruce to perform a welfare check. We agree. Bruce
    was aware that the officers were seeking to determine Creel's whereabouts when
    they requested entry to his home. It is undisputed that Bruce then allowed them in
    his home. A reasonable person would have understood that this search may extend
    to looking in her car, which was parked just outside, for any additional insight into
    where she may have gone or what could have happened to her. Furthermore, our
    Bruce also alleges the search of the trunk of Creel's car was unreasonable and
    violated his Fourth Amendment rights. However, Bruce only argued to the court
    of appeals about the seizure of the car keys; we therefore find any challenge to the
    subsequent search of the trunk unpreserved. City of Columbia v. Ervin, 
    330 S.C. 516
    , 520, 
    500 S.E.2d 483
    , 485 (1998) (holding an issue not raised by exception to
    an intermediate appellate court cannot be raised in a subsequent appeal).
    Given our determination that the officers did not violate Bruce's Fourth
    Amendment rights, we find it unnecessary to address the State's contention that the
    evidence would have been inevitably discovered.
    conclusion that the officers acted within the scope of Bruce's consent is supported
    by Bruce's failure to stop this alleged violation of his constitutional rights. United
    States v. Jones, 
    356 F.3d 529
    , 534 (4th Cir. 2004) ("[A] suspect's failure to object
    (or withdraw his consent) when an officer exceeds limits allegedly set by the
    suspect is a strong indicator that the search was within the proper bounds of the
    consent search."). When Hobgood picked up the car keys and walked outside,
    Bruce did not object but simply accompanied the officers out to the car. We
    accordingly find no violation of Bruce's Fourth Amendment rights.
    Based on the foregoing, we find the trial court did not err in denying Bruce's
    motion to suppress. We therefore reverse the court of appeals and affirm Bruce's
    TOAL, C.J. and KITTREDGE, J., concur. BEATTY, J., concurring in result
    only. PLEICONES, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part in a separate
    JUSTICE PLEICONES: I concur in part and dissent in part. I agree with the
    majority that the Court of Appeals' mandate was improper. I dissent, however,
    from the majority's decision on the merits of the suppression ruling itself, and
    would reverse the trial court's denial of that motion. Accordingly, I would reverse
    petitioner-respondent's (Bruce) murder conviction and sentence and remand for a
    new trial. In order to explain my decision, I find it necessary to review, in detail,
    both the trial record, the issue on direct appeal, and the petitions for rehearing in
    the Court of Appeals.
    The critical issue, in my view, is the scope of Bruce's consent to search, and I begin
    with a review of the actual words spoken. An officer testified that "[w]e first asked
    [Bruce] if we could come inside and take a quick look and make sure that [the
    victim] wasn't inside, and he gave us permission to come in and take a look." The
    officer testified the searchers observed car keys "consistent to the [victim's] vehicle
    outside" and a cell phone on a table, and that another officer "picked up the car
    keys and went out to the vehicle" with Bruce and the testifying officer following
    him. The officer testified that the other officer "attempted to open [the car's]
    trunk," and at that juncture, was interrupted by Bruce's attorney's objection. At the
    suppression hearing that followed, Bruce's attorney argued "there was no search
    warrant and no consent to search the vehicle . . . they took the keys out of the
    house [without] permission . . . they were just picked up by the police, whisked
    outside, and the car attempted to be opened at that point." He sought to suppress
    the body found in the trunk, arguing that the seizure of the keys and the search of
    the car were beyond the scope of Bruce's consent. The State responded by
    referencing a different officer's testimony from "yesterday" to the effect that Bruce
    showed the officer which remote button to use on the key fob to open the trunk.
    From this representation, the judge ruled that the body would have been inevitably
    discovered and denied Bruce's motion to suppress.
    The record reveals that the only testimony the previous day was taken at the
    pretrial Jackson v. Denno4 hearing held following Bruce's motion to suppress his
    oral statements made to police officers. Prior to hearing that motion, the parties
    agreed that the Fourth Amendment suppression issue would be taken up at trial.
    Assuming it was proper for the State to reference testimony from the Jackson v.
    Denno hearing at the Fourth Amendment suppression hearing, the officer's
    testimony at the Jackson v. Denno hearing was:
    Q. And did you have opportunity to look in a car?
    378 U.S. 368
    A. Yes, I did.
    Q. And did you have the opportunity to open the trunk?
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. Once the remote was activated and the trunk popped open,
    we discovered that there was a body in the trunk of the car.
    In other words, there was no testimony of Bruce's consent to seize the car keys or
    to search the trunk the "day before" at the Jackson v. Denno hearing.
    On direct appeal, Bruce's single issue asked whether the trial court erred in denying
    Bruce's Fourth Amendment suppression motion "when the police took keys to the
    car from the residence without consent and without a search warrant." The Court
    of Appeals accurately repeated the scope of Bruce's consent, but then recited the
    trial testimony of three officers, all of whom testified after the suppression ruling.
    The Court of Appeals ultimately concluded that the circuit court's inevitable
    discovery ruling was unsupported by evidence and also suffered from "inadequate
    findings," and remanded the case to circuit court for "findings consistent with [its]
    On rehearing to the Court of Appeals, Bruce reminded the court that his argument
    went to the seizure of the keys without consent or a warrant, which he contended,
    rendered the search of the automobile trunk the fruit of the poisonous tree.5
    Further, he argued that the State should not be permitted to introduce new evidence
    on remand, and that on this record, the denial of his suppression motion was patent
    error. The State admitted that the solicitor was incorrect in representing that there
    was evidence of consent at the Jackson v. Denno hearing, but argued that the
    inevitable discovery ruling should have been affirmed because evidence introduced
    after the suppression hearing supported a finding that Bruce consented to opening
    the trunk.6 The Court of Appeals denied the requests for rehearing.
    The issue which Bruce has presented throughout these proceedings is whether his
    consent to a search request by law enforcement to "come inside and take a quick
    look and make sure that [the victim] wasn't inside" was sufficiently broad to permit
    the officers to seize the car keys. In my view, the majority elides this point by
    See Wong Sun v. United States, 
    371 U.S. 471
    See State's pet. for rehearing at App. p. 15, citing ROA pp. 126-127, 145, 156-
    158, 168-169.
    finding the scope of Bruce's consent "to come inside" the apartment included
    consent to search the vehicle's trunk. I cannot agree. See Walter v. United States,
    447 U.S. 649
    (1980) (consent limited to scope of terms, e.g., consent to search
    garage does not implicitly authorize search of adjoining house). Further, I cannot
    agree with the majority that the burden is on the citizen to object to law
    enforcement's violation of his Fourth Amendment rights rather than on law
    enforcement to respect them. In United States v. Jones, 
    356 F.3d 529
    (4th Cir.
    2004), the court held that when a defendant "gives his general and unqualified
    consent for an officer to search a particular area, the officer does not need to return
    to ask for fresh consent to search a closed container located within that area." 
    Id. at 534.
    Obviously the car trunk was not within the apartment. In my opinion, the
    majority's reliance on Jones is misplaced, especially in light of United States v.
    564 F.3d 346
    (4th Cir. 2009). The Neely court held that while silence is
    indicative that consent extends to item in the area expressly consented to, consent
    to the search of a car trunk does not include the interior of the car itself. In my
    opinion, these decisions provide support for Bruce, not the State.
    The seizure of the car keys exceeded the scope of Bruce's consent, and there was
    nothing in evidence to support the trial court's "inevitable discovery" ruling when
    made, much less to support the consent theory championed on appeal and on
    certiorari. In my opinion, the trial court erred in failing to grant Bruce's motion to
    suppress, and nothing in our jurisprudence authorizes a remand to the circuit court
    to allow the State a "do-over." Further, the State's suggestion that Bruce may lack
    standing to contest the search of the victim's automobile's trunk ignores his
    argument. Bruce's Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the unlawful seizure
    of the car keys from his home.
    I agree with the majority that the Court of Appeals erred in its mandate in this case.
    I respectfully dissent on the merits and would reverse the trial court's denial of
    Bruce's motion to suppress the body as the fruit of the poisonous tree. I would
    therefore reverse Bruce's murder conviction and sentence and remand for a new
    trial. Of course, any evidentiary issue must be decided on the record made at that
    new proceeding. See, e.g. State v. Steadman, 
    216 S.C. 579
    59 S.E.2d 168
    (at retrial "each party must offer his evidence anew, just as though there had been
    no previous trial; and when it is so offered it necessarily becomes subject to any
    legal objection which may be taken to it").