Swain v. Bollinger ( 2022 )

  •                      THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA
    In The Supreme Court
    Reginald V. Swain, Petitioner,
    Daniel Allen Bollinger and Jane Doe, a minor under the
    age of eighteen, Respondents.
    Appellate Case No. 2021-000372
    Appeal from Charleston County
    Matthew P. Turner, Family Court Judge
    Opinion No. 28078
    Heard December 9, 2021 – Filed January 5, 2022
    Jane Hawthorne Merrill, of Hawthorne Merrill Law, LLC,
    of Greenwood and Scarlet Bell Moore, of Greenville, both
    for Petitioner Reginald W. Swain.
    Heather Vry Scalzo, of Byford & Scalzo, LLC, of
    Greenville, for Respondent Daniel Allen Bollinger.
    JUSTICE HEARN: Petitioner Reginald Swain (Grandfather) appeals the denial
    of a request to terminate a father's parental rights and to adopt the child. The family
    court determined Grandfather proved a statutory ground for TPR, but concluded
    TPR and adoption would not be in the child's best interests because the child was
    already in a stable custody situation with her grandparents, Father had seemingly
    reformed his ways while in prison, and the child may benefit in the future from
    having a relationship with him. The court of appeals affirmed, and we granted
    certiorari. We now reverse.
    A few months following Child's birth in 2011, Sunny Swain (Mother)
    informed her mother that she was using drugs again with Respondent Daniel
    Bollinger (Father), her husband at the time. Once Grandfather learned of this
    conversation, he called DSS, which removed the child and ultimately placed her with
    Grandfather and his wife. Mother lived with Father for a while afterwards, but upon
    completing rehab, she moved in with her parents. During this time, Father was
    arrested for criminal solicitation of a minor and was granted bond. Mother and Father
    separated in January of 2015 and divorced a year later. While out on bond, Father
    committed several more crimes, to which he pled guilty in 2017 and was sentenced
    to seven years in prison.
    Father was ordered to pay fifty-seven dollars per week in child support in an
    action initiated by DSS, which he initially paid. However, his last payment occurred
    in 2014, approximately four years before Grandfather filed this matter. Over the
    course of Child's life, Father only saw her four times, two of which occurred when
    Child was an infant.
    In July of 2018, Grandfather filed a complaint requesting the court terminate
    Father's parental rights and grant an adoption. Approximately a year later, the court
    held a contested trial. Mother testified about her tumultuous relationship with Father,
    his drug use, and his abusive behavior, both to her and to a family pet. Following
    her testimony, the court, sua sponte, asked Mother whether she had any concerns
    about her father being listed as Child's father on the birth certificate with her as
    Child's mother. Mother responded, "no" and indicated she did not think that would
    lead to any "psychological issues," as the court framed it.
    During Father's testimony, he did not dispute any of Mother's testimony,
    contending that his behavior had been driven by his addiction to crack cocaine. He
    confirmed that he had never visited with the child unsupervised and admitted that
    she would not know who he was. 1 Once incarcerated, he began treatment and
    completed other programs primarily focused on character development.
    The guardian ad litem's report indicated that Father thought it would be
    "weird" having Grandfather listed on the birth certificate, but the guardian ad litem
    did not share that concern, and Father never addressed the birth certificate during his
    testimony. At the conclusion of trial, the court asked the guardian whether she had
    any concerns regarding the birth certificate, and she replied, "I do think it is unusual,
    but the dynamics of the family, from my observations, I think it's something that can
    be explained and something that will not be a hindrance to the child as she grows
    older." The court followed up by asking whether this concern could create "any kind
    of psychological issues or anything with the child," to which the guardian responded
    that she did not think that would be the case. The court also questioned the benefit
    to TPR and adoption since the grandparents already had custody of Child. The court
    noted there were sufficient grounds to grant the TPR, but that it was an unusual case
    because of how the birth certificate would read. Ultimately, the court issued an order
    finding, "even though Plaintiff established grounds for the termination of Father's
    parental rights, Plaintiff failed to establish that it was in Child's best interests to
    terminate Father's parental rights." The court based its conclusion on the fact that the
    birth certificate would include Child's grandfather and mother as parents and a denial
    of TPR and adoption would not affect Child's stability since grandparents had legal
    The court of appeals affirmed in an unpublished, per curiam opinion,
    acknowledging Father's conduct could be grounds for TPR if this were a DSS
    adoption, but because the grandparents already had legal custody of Child, TPR
    would not promote stability. This Court subsequently granted certiorari.
    Did the court of appeals err in affirming the family court's conclusion that
    TPR and adoption are not in Child's best interests?
    Appellate courts review the factual findings of the family court de novo.
    Stoney v. Stoney, 
    422 S.C. 593
    , 594, 
    813 S.E.2d 486
    , 486 (2018). The appellant has
    We view Father's four isolated, brief, and supervised interactions with Child as
    merely incidental visitation rather than typical visitation by a non-custodial parent.
    the burden to show that the preponderance of the evidence is against the finding of
    the family court. 
    Id. at 595,
     813 S.E.2d at 487.
    Grandfather contends the court of appeals erred in affirming the family court's
    decision to deny TPR and adoption. Specifically, Grandfather contends both courts
    ignored the recommendation of the guardian ad litem, conflated the status of custody
    of a child with the permanency of TPR and adoption, and erroneously focused on
    the appearance of the new birth certificate, ignoring Mother's consent to the
    adoption. Conversely, Father argues both courts correctly found Grandfather failed
    to meet his burden of demonstrating TPR and adoption were in Child's best interests.
    Exercising our de novo review, we believe TPR and adoption are in Child's best
    In order to terminate parental rights, the court must find by clear and
    convincing evidence that at least one of the twelve statutory grounds has been
    established and that TPR is in the best interest of the child. S.C. Code Ann. § 63-7-
    2570 (2010). "In a TPR case, the best interest of the child is the paramount
    consideration." Stasi v. Sweigart, 
    434 S.C. 239
    , 256, 
    863 S.E.2d 669
    , 678 (2021).
    Further, "The interests of the child shall prevail if the child's interest and the parental
    rights conflict." S.C. Code Ann. § 63-7-2620 (2010). The focus of this inquiry must
    be on "the child's perspective, and not the parent's, as the primary concern when
    determining whether TPR is appropriate." S.C. Dep't of Soc. Servs. v. Smith, 
    423 S.C. 60
    , 85, 
    814 S.E.2d 148
    , 161 (2018) (internal citation omitted).
    At the outset, the sole issue before the court concerns the best interests of the
    child, as neither party disputes the family court's finding that Grandfather established
    grounds for terminating Father's parental rights. In addressing this question, the
    family court appeared to give undue weight to the fact that—should the court grant
    the relief requested—Grandfather and Mother would be listed as "parents" on Child's
    birth certificate. We find this concern perplexing since neither Mother, Grandfather,
    nor the guardian ad litem expressed any reservations about listing Grandfather as
    Child's father. Further, the modern day family structure reflects itself in many
    forms—a historical change from the nuclear family that society traditionally viewed
    as the norm. See Troxel v. Granville, 
    530 U.S. 57
    , 63 (2000) ("The demographic
    changes of the past century make it difficult to speak of an average American family.
    The composition of families varies greatly from household to household."). Indeed,
    Grandfather and Mother, who consented to the adoption, simply want Child's birth
    certificate to reflect the only family she has ever known. Declining to grant TPR and
    adoption based in part on how the birth certificate would appear is not a proper
    consideration in ascertaining the best interests of the child.
    Further, we reject the notion that because Grandfather already has custody,
    TPR and adoption would not promote stability for the child. Custody and adoption
    are clearly two distinct statuses, with the latter providing a level of permanency that
    a custody determination cannot. Without the adoption, Father would be free to
    attempt to inject himself into the child's life at any time, either by demanding
    visitation or by bringing an action for custody. When everyone—including Father—
    agrees that Child does not even know who he is, it is difficult to fathom how this
    could possibly be in Child's best interest. Moreover, as Grandfather's legal child, she
    would also qualify for Grandfather's social security benefits, which would clearly be
    in her best interests. See 20 C.F.R. §§ 404.358-62 (2020). Finally, it is significant
    that the only home Child has known is her grandparents', and the grant of TPR and
    adoption would afford legality and permanency to what has been her living situation
    since shortly after her birth. Notwithstanding Father's improvement while
    incarcerated, his actions came far too late to justify disrupting the Child's life when
    all she has ever known is living in her grandparents' home with her mother. See
    generally Doe v. Roe, 
    386 S.C. 624
    , 633, 
    690 S.E.2d 573
    , 578 (2010) ("Although
    we recognize Father filed this action and sought visitation when Daughter was nine
    months old, we nonetheless hold that this action simply 'came too late' for it to have
    any significant import.") (emphasis added); S.C. Dep't of Soc. Servs. v. Robin
    354 S.C. 602
    , 611, 
    582 S.E.2d 419
    , 424 (2003) (noting a mother's conduct
    of returning to South Carolina after receiving notice of a request to terminate her
    parental rights "came too late" and recognizing that a court is not limited to
    considering only the months immediately before a TPR action is filed). We
    fundamentally disagree with the premise that a child's permanency should be held in
    abeyance for years until a parent is prepared to resume his or her parental
    responsibilities. See generally Smith, 423 S.C. at 86, 814 S.E.2d at 162 ("This Court
    cannot and will not prolong the uncertainty of Child's stability and permanency any
    longer.").2 Moreover, at the time of the family court hearing in this matter, Father
    remained incarcerated so it is impossible to determine whether the lifestyle changes
    he claims to have made will remain permanent. Indeed, in questioning during oral
    In its unpublished opinion, the court of appeals implied that a different result might
    attach had Child been placed in foster care through DSS. We reject any notion that
    there are two different legal standards for determining TPR and adoption. Whether
    the action is private or brought by an agency, the TPR statute and the best interests
    of the child control.
    argument, it became clear that Father has not sought to exercise any visitation with
    Child since the order was issued in this case.
    Because the focus is on the child's best interests rather than the parents' interest
    when determining whether TPR and adoption is appropriate, we reverse the court of
    appeals, terminate Father's parental rights, and grant the adoption.
    BEATTY, C.J., KITTREDGE, FEW and JAMES, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 28078

Filed Date: 1/5/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/5/2022