State v. Coaxum , 410 S.C. 320 ( 2014 )

    In The Supreme Court
    The State, Petitioner,
    William Coaxum, Sr., Respondent.
    Appellate Case No. 2012-206607
    Appeal From Charleston County
    R. Markley Dennis, Jr., Circuit Court Judge
    Opinion No. 27452
    Heard May 8, 2014 – Filed October 8, 2014
    Attorney General Alan McCrory Wilson, Chief Deputy
    Attorney General John W. McIntosh, Senior Assistant
    Deputy Attorney General Salley W. Elliott, and Assistant
    Attorney General Mark Reynolds Farthing, all of
    Columbia, for Petitioner.
    Appellate Defender David Alexander, of Columbia, for
    CHIEF JUSTICE TOAL:              The State appeals the court of appeals' decision to
    reverse the convictions of William Coaxum, Sr. (Respondent), who was found
    guilty of armed robbery and possession of a firearm during the commission of a
    violent crime. See State v. Coaxum, Op. No. 2011-UP-496 (S.C. Ct. App. filed
    Nov. 7, 2011). The court of appeals found reversible error in the trial court's
    decision to remedy a juror's unintentional nondisclosure during voir dire by
    replacing the juror in the middle of Respondent's trial. We reverse.
    On November 27, 2007, around 11:00 p.m., two armed men robbed a Pizza
    Hut located in North Charleston, South Carolina. The robbers escaped in an
    "orange hatchback-type car." Within minutes, the police saw a vehicle matching
    this description in the same general vicinity of the Pizza Hut and attempted to
    conduct an investigatory stop. The driver of the vehicle, Respondent, refused to
    pull over, and a high-speed pursuit ensued.
    Within two miles of the start of the chase, Respondent lost control of the
    vehicle and crashed into a fire hydrant, which caused a water line to rupture.
    Respondent and his passenger attempted to flee on foot. However, the police car
    hydroplaned in the water spilling from the broken fire hydrant and collided with
    Respondent. The police arrested Respondent at the scene of the crash, and their
    search of his car and person revealed a sawed-off shotgun and over $1,000 in
    Prior to Respondent's trial, the trial court conducted voir dire of the
    prospective jurors. Specifically, the court asked: "Are there any members of the
    jury panel related [by] blood or marriage, socially or casually connected with
    [Respondent], or that have any business dealings, any connection whatsoever?"
    None of the prospective jurors responded. After the judge asked the jury pool
    several other questions, the parties selected twelve jurors and one alternate juror to
    serve as jurors during Respondent's trial, including Juror #7.2
    Shortly after the passenger was arrested, he gave a written statement to police
    describing the Pizza Hut robbery in detail and naming Respondent as his co-
    The parties selected Juror #7 as the second person to be seated on the jury. Prior
    to Juror #7's selection, the State had exercised two of its five available peremptory
    strikes; however, after Juror #7's selection, the State did not exercise any further
    peremptory strikes. Neither party exercised a peremptory strike during the
    At trial, after the State presented the first four of its eight witnesses, the
    judge received a note from the jury foreperson indicating that Juror #7 recognized
    one of Respondent's family members sitting in the courtroom. The judge
    conducted an off-the-record discussion with Juror #7 to determine the nature of her
    relationship with the family member and whether she could remain impartial
    during the trial. He then summarized his discussion with Juror #7 on the record.
    The judge reported that Juror #7 and Respondent's family member were co-
    workers, and that the family member previously claimed that Juror #7 was a
    "distant cousin."3 Juror #7 indicated that, once she recognized Respondent's family
    member, she felt uncomfortable not disclosing the working and family relationship
    between the two. She told the judge that the working and family relationships
    would not affect her decision in the trial.
    The solicitor requested Juror #7 be removed from the jury, arguing that
    although Juror #7's initial nondisclosure during voir dire was unintentional,4 "these
    types of relationships . . . [,] ultimately she may not be able to put it out of her
    mind." The solicitor further indicated that, had he known of the relationship
    between Juror #7 and Respondent, no matter how tenuous, he would have
    exercised one of the State's three remaining peremptory challenges against her.5
    selection of the alternate juror.
    The Record is unclear whether Juror #7 truly was related to Respondent's family
    member, to both the family member and Respondent, or to neither. Juror #7 was
    "not sure" whether she was a blood relative to Respondent's family. Presumably,
    her uncertainty is the reason she failed to answer during voir dire when the trial
    court asked the prospective jurors whether they were "related [by] blood or
    marriage, socially or casually connected with [Respondent]."
    "Unintentional concealment . . . occurs where the question posed [during voir
    dire] is ambiguous or incomprehensible to the average juror, or where the subject
    of the inquiry is insignificant or so far removed in time that the juror's failure to
    respond is reasonable under the circumstances." State v. Woods, 
    345 S.C. 583
    550 S.E.2d 282
    , 284 (2001).
    The solicitor detailed his strategy for exercising peremptory strikes, stating that
    he specifically looked for ties to the community, longstanding employment history,
    and ties to the defendant or a key witness.
    In response, Respondent's counsel argued that alternate jurors do not pay as
    much attention to the evidence and testimony as the original twelve jurors, despite
    the court's warnings to the contrary. Therefore, Respondent's counsel argued for a
    public policy against replacing jurors in the middle of a trial.
    After conducting a lengthy inquiry, the trial court found that the alleged
    connection between Juror #7 and Respondent would have been a material factor in
    the State’s exercise of its peremptory challenges. The court did not view Juror
    #7’s connection with Respondent and his family as a basis for a challenge for
    cause. However, the court ruled that the connection would have been a legitimate
    basis for the State's exercise of its peremptory strikes, and that the State would
    have struck Juror #7 had she disclosed the connection. Therefore, the trial court
    excused Juror #7 from the jury and replaced her with the alternate juror. The State
    then called its remaining witnesses, and the jury ultimately convicted Respondent
    of armed robbery and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent
    The court of appeals reversed Respondent's convictions and remanded the
    case for retrial, concluding that a trial court may not "automatically" remove a
    juror for an unintentional failure to disclose requested personal information during
    voir dire. Further, the court of appeals held that it was an abuse of discretion for
    the trial court to have removed Juror #7 because, in essence, a trial court may
    remove a juror mid-trial only if the juror has intentionally failed to disclose. This
    appeal followed.
    Whether the trial court abused its discretion in removing Juror #7 for
    her unintentional failure to disclose her relationship with Respondent's
    family member during voir dire?
    "In criminal cases, the appellate court sits to review errors of law only" and
    is "bound by the trial court's factual findings unless they are clearly erroneous."
    State v. Wilson, 
    345 S.C. 1
    , 5–6, 
    545 S.E.2d 827
    , 829 (2001) (citation omitted).
    "In order to receive a mistrial, the defendant must show error and resulting
    prejudice." State v. Kelly, 
    331 S.C. 132
    , 142, 
    502 S.E.2d 99
    , 104 (1998); see also
    State v. Galbreath, 
    359 S.C. 398
    , 402, 
    597 S.E.2d 845
    , 847 (Ct. App. 2004)
    (requiring the defendant to show a prejudicial abuse of discretion (citing State v.
    343 S.C. 157
    , 163, 
    539 S.E.2d 67
    , 69–70 (Ct. App. 2000))).
    "All criminal defendants have the right to a trial by an impartial jury." State
    v. Woods, 
    345 S.C. 583
    , 587, 
    550 S.E.2d 282
    , 284 (2001) (citing U.S. Const.
    amends. VI and XIV). To that end, the jury must render its verdict free from
    outside influences of all kinds. Kelly, 
    331 S.C. at 141
    502 S.E.2d at 105
    State v. Cameron, 
    311 S.C. 204
    , 207, 
    428 S.E.2d 10
    , 12 (Ct. App. 1993)). To
    protect both parties' right to an impartial jury, the trial court must conduct voir dire
    of the prospective jurors to determinate whether the jurors are aware of any bias or
    prejudice against a party, as well as to "elicit such facts as will enable [the parties]
    intelligently to exercise their right of peremptory challenge." Woods, 
    345 S.C. at 587
    550 S.E.2d at 284
    "[T]rial judges and attorneys cannot fulfill their duty to screen out biased
    jurors without accurate information." Kelly, 
    331 S.C. at 145
    502 S.E.2d at 106
    Should jurors give false or misleading answers during voir dire, the parties may
    mistakenly seat a juror who could have been excused by the court, challenged for
    cause by counsel, or stricken through the exercise of a peremptory challenge. State
    v. Gulledge, 
    277 S.C. 368
    , 371, 
    287 S.E.2d 488
    , 490 (1982).
    In the event of such juror misconduct, the trial court must inquire into
    whether the withheld information affects the jury's impartiality. Kelly, 
    331 S.C. at 141
    , 402 S.E.2d at 104. However, the court should not grant a mistrial based on a
    juror's concealment of information "unless absolutely necessary." Id. at 142, 
    502 S.E.2d at 104
    . "Instead, the trial judge should exhaust other methods to cure
    possible prejudice before aborting a trial." 
     (citing State v. Wasson, 
    299 S.C. 508
    386 S.E.2d 255
     (1989)); see also State v. Williams, 
    321 S.C. 455
    , 459–60, 
    469 S.E.2d 49
    , 52 (1996) (affirming the trial court's decision to seat an alternate juror
    midtrial after another juror's impartiality came into question); State v. McDaniel,
    275 S.C. 222
    , 224, 
    268 S.E.2d 585
    , 586 (1980) (same).
    We have previously held that a new trial is required "only when the court
    finds the juror intentionally concealed the information, and that the information
    concealed would have supported a challenge for cause or would have been a
    material factor in the use of the party's peremptory challenges." Woods, 
    345 S.C. at 587
    550 S.E.2d at 284
     (emphasis added). In the face of a juror's intentional
    nondisclosure of pertinent information during voir dire, "it may be inferred,
    nothing to the contrary appearing, that the juror is not impartial." 
     at 587–88,
    550 S.E.2d at 284
    . Thus, should the trial court fail to replace such a juror or grant
    a mistrial, the party need only demonstrate the error of the trial court's decision by
    proving the concealment was, in fact, intentional; however, the party need not
    show prejudice, as the bias against the moving party is inferred, and prejudice from
    the moving party's inability to strike the juror is apparent. Id. at 589, 
    550 S.E.2d at 285
    In contrast, if a juror's nondisclosure is unintentional, the trial court may
    exercise its discretion in determining whether to proceed with the trial with the jury
    as is, replace the juror with an alternate, or declare a mistrial.6 Cf. 
    where a juror's intentional nondisclosure does not involve a material issue, or
    where the nondisclosure is unintentional, should the trial court inquire into
    prejudice.'" (quoting Doyle v. Kennedy Heating & Serv., Inc., 
    33 S.W.3d 199
    , 201
    (Mo. Ct. App. 2000))). Paralleling the inquiry in cases of intentional concealment,
    the trial court in the unintentional concealment situation must determine whether
    the information concealed would have supported a challenge for cause or would
    have been a material factor in a party's exercise of its peremptory challenges. State
    v. Stone, 
    350 S.C. 442
    , 448, 
    567 S.E.2d 244
    , 247–48 (2002) (citing Woods, 
    345 S.C. at
    550 S.E.2d at 284
    However, "where the failure to disclose is innocent, no inference of bias can
    be drawn." Woods, 
    345 S.C. at 589
    550 S.E.2d at 285
    . Accordingly, the moving
    party has a heightened burden to show that the concealed information indicates the
    juror is potentially biased, and that the concealed information would have been a
    material factor in the party's exercise of its peremptory challenges. In other words,
    the moving party must show that it was prejudiced by the concealment because it
    was unable to strike a potential—and material—source of bias.
    See, e.g., State v. Sparkman, 
    358 S.C. 491
    , 495–98, 
    596 S.E.2d 375
    , 377–78
    (2004) (affirming the trial court's refusal to replace a juror when, after the verdict
    but before the sentencing hearing, the defendant became aware of the juror's
    unintentional nondisclosure during voir dire); State v. Stone, 
    350 S.C. 442
    , 448–49,
    567 S.E.2d 244
    , 247–48 (2002) (finding the trial court abused its discretion in
    removing a juror during the punishment phase of a death penalty trial because of
    the juror's unintentional nondisclosure during voir dire); Kelly, 
    331 S.C. at
    (affirming the trial court's decision to remove a juror midtrial and replace the juror
    with an alternate because the juror appeared to be biased); Williams, 321 S.C. at
    469 S.E.2d at 52
     (same); McDaniel, 
    275 S.C. at 224
    268 S.E.2d at 586
    Our previous decisions have not focused on the need for this prejudice
    analysis,7 and the court of appeals has periodically omitted it when considering
    cases involving a juror's unintentional nondisclosure during voir dire. For
    example, the court of appeals has previously read Stone and its progeny to
    essentially eliminate the trial court's ability to remove a juror for an unintentional
    concealment, no matter how relevant the information disclosed would have been to
    exercising a peremptory strike:
    When a party contends a juror should be removed for failure to
    disclose information during voir dire, Stone requires the trial judge to
    consider two criteria from Woods. If the judge finds both of the
    Woods criteria exist, the judge must remove the juror. However, if
    either of the criteria is absent, the judge may not remove the juror
    on that basis. Here, we need only look to the absence of the first
    criterion to affirm. As in Stone, this juror's failure to disclose the
    information was innocent. Thus, the removal of the juror would have
    been error.
    State v. Burgess, 
    391 S.C. 15
    , 19–20, 
    703 S.E.2d 512
    , 514–15 (Ct. App. 2010)
    (bold emphasis added) (citations omitted).
    The analysis in Burgess is the same analysis used by the court of appeals in
    Respondent's case; however, we find this analysis to be an improper reading of our
    prior case law, as it does not consider how material the information would have
    been to the parties in exercising their peremptory challenges. While the
    information concealed in Burgess may not have been material—and thus the court
    Nonetheless, we have in fact conducted such an analysis. See, e.g., Sparkman,
    358 S.C. at 497
    596 S.E.2d at 378
     ("Because [the juror's] concealment was
    unintentional our inquiry is over, however, we fail to see how [the defendant] was
    prejudiced given that the trial judge questioned the jury after the verdict."); Stone,
    350 S.C. at 448
    567 S.E.2d at
    247–48 (finding that a juror's "scant acquaintance"
    with the defendant's family would not have prejudiced the State had the juror
    remained on the jury); Kelly, 
    331 S.C. at 142
    502 S.E.2d at 104
     ("While it was
    improper for Juror O to possess this pamphlet, in our opinion, appellant failed to
    show prejudice."); Williams, 321 S.C. at 460, 
    469 S.E.2d at 52
     ("[W]e discern no
    prejudice to [the defendant] from the seating of the alternate juror here.");
    275 S.C. at 224
    268 S.E.2d at 586
     ("Moreover, appellant has failed to
    establish in what manner this procedure prejudiced him.").
    of appeals may have reached the correct result in that case—it is too broad to say
    that, in all cases, when the concealment is unintentional, it is automatically
    Moreover, as we have previously stated, "'a new trial is required only when
    the court finds the juror intentionally concealed the information . . . .'" Stone, 
    350 S.C. at 448
    567 S.E.2d at 247
     (emphasis added) (quoting Woods, 
    345 S.C. at 587
    550 S.E.2d at 284
    ). Here, there is no allegation that Juror #7's failure to disclose
    was intentional. While the trial court likely would have been justified in refusing
    to excuse Juror #7 from the jury, its decision to remove her is not an abuse of
    discretion given the thorough inquiry it conducted into the solicitor's strategy in
    seating or striking prospective jurors. Cf. Kelly, 
    331 S.C. at 142
    502 S.E.2d at 104
    ("A mistrial should not be granted unless absolutely necessary."); McDaniel, 
    275 S.C. at 224
    268 S.E.2d at 586
     ("[T]he procedure employed by the trial court [in
    replacing a juror midtrial and impaneling an alternate], however irregular, was not
    sufficient to deprive appellant of his right to a jury trial. There is no right to be
    tried by a jury composed of particular individuals. The alternate juror had been
    approved by both sides at the inception of the trial, and there is no showing that
    appellant withdrew that approval at the time of substitution. Moreover, appellant
    has failed to establish in what manner this procedure prejudiced him." (citations
    As stated, supra, to receive a new trial, the defendant must show a
    prejudicial abuse of discretion. Galbreath, 359 S.C. at 402, 597 S.E.2d at 847
    (citing Covington, 343 S.C. at 163, 539 S.E.2d at 69–70). As there is no question
    the jury was impartial after Juror #7's removal, Respondent did not meet his
    burden, and therefore is not entitled to a new trial. Accordingly, we reverse the
    court of appeals decision reversing Respondent's convictions.
    For the foregoing reasons, the court of appeals decision is
    PLEICONES, KITTREDGE, HEARN, JJ., and Acting Justice James E.
    Moore, concur.