Frierson v. State , 815 S.E.2d 433 ( 2018 )

  •                      THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA
    In The Supreme Court
    Darryl Frierson, Petitioner,
    State of South Carolina, Respondent.
    Appellate Case No. 2016-001940
    Appeal from Richland County
    Clifton Newman, Circuit Court Judge
    Opinion No. 27801
    Heard March 29, 2018 – Filed May 23, 2018
    Appellate Defender Kathrine Haggard Hudgins, of
    Columbia, for Petitioner.
    Attorney General Alan McCrory Wilson and Assistant
    Attorney General James Clayton Mitchell, III, of
    Columbia, for Respondent.
    JUSTICE HEARN: Petitioner Darryl Frierson pled guilty to assault and battery of
    a high and aggravated nature, criminal conspiracy, kidnapping, and armed robbery
    for his role in masterminding a $9.8 million heist from an armored truck. He was
    sentenced to an aggregate term of thirty-five years in prison. Thereafter, he applied
    for post-conviction relief (PCR), asserting he would not have pled guilty but instead
    would have proceeded to trial had his plea counsel adequately informed him of the
    possibility to suppress evidence gathered from law enforcement's warrantless
    placement of a mobile tracking device on his vehicle. The PCR court denied relief,
    and the court of appeals affirmed. Frierson v. State, 
    417 S.C. 287
    789 S.E.2d 762
    (Ct. App. 2016). We affirm as modified and take this opportunity to clarify the
    correct standard to determine prejudice when a defendant seeks PCR after pleading
    Around midnight on May 10, 2007, Frierson and his co-worker, David Jones,
    were refueling their company's armored truck at a gas station outside of Columbia
    when several individuals overpowered them, forcing them back into the truck at gun
    point. The attackers drove the truck to a nearby strawberry field, tied Jones up with
    duct tape, transferred the money to a get-away car, and fled, leaving Frierson and
    Jones behind. Unlike Frierson, Jones was severely injured, but he was able to remove
    the duct tape and walk to a night club where he called police. Frierson remained
    behind in the truck, claiming he was too injured to find help. Eventually, Jones and
    Frierson were transported to the hospital, where law enforcement arrived to speak
    with them. Investigators immediately became suspicious of Frierson as they noticed
    he appeared to have suffered no visible injuries whereas Jones was severely beaten.
    Thereafter, Frierson vividly described the details of the crime scene, even though the
    events occurred in the dark around midnight. After Frierson was released from the
    hospital, he went to the police station, where police observed him through a two-
    way mirror naturally moving his arms despite wearing a sling and claiming his
    shoulder was injured. Frierson agreed to take a polygraph test, which he failed.
    Believing the crime was an "inside job," law enforcement continued its surveillance
    of Frierson by placing a tracking device on the outside of his vehicle, which revealed
    he was traveling extensively and shopping at a Florence mall.
    While police tracked Frierson's movements, more incriminating evidence was
    uncovered, including a blue latex glove found in Frierson's trash outside his home
    that matched a glove found inside the armored truck shortly after the robbery. Police
    talked to Paul Whitaker, another co-worker and close friend of Frierson, who
    subsequently confessed that he took part in the robbery and identified Frierson as
    the mastermind. Thereafter, police searched Whitaker's house and found a
    substantial amount of money and mall receipts belonging to Frierson.
    A few days later, pursuant to a valid arrest warrant, law enforcement officers
    used the tracking information to locate Frierson in Columbia, and they arrested him
    while he was driving with a friend, Domonique Blakney, who turned out to have
    been involved in the crime as well. Police searched the car and found several
    thousand dollars in cash. At the police station, investigators found pictures of bags
    of money on Blakney's cell phone, and he confessed that Frierson was the
    mastermind of the heist. Presented with Blakney's statements, Frierson subsequently
    confessed, as did the remaining co-conspirators.
    Thereafter, plea counsel advised Frierson the placement of the tracking device
    without a warrant was likely permissible;1 however, plea counsel was unaware of
    section 17-30-140 of the South Carolina Code (2014).2 Frierson pled guilty and later
    sought PCR, arguing plea counsel failed to adequately inform him that he could have
    moved to suppress the information garnered from the tracking device on
    constitutional grounds and based on section 17-30-140.3 Although Frierson testified
    he would not have pled and instead proceeded to trial, the PCR court found his
    testimony "wholly incredible." The court denied relief, finding counsel was not
    deficient because he sufficiently researched the legality of the warrantless placement
    of the device and concluding Frierson failed to establish prejudice, primarily based
    on the court's credibility finding. The court of appeals affirmed, concluding there
    was overwhelming evidence that "the outcome of [Frierson's] case would have been
    no different had he chosen to proceed to trial." 
    Frierson, 417 S.C. at 299
    789 S.E.2d 1
     Frierson pled guilty four years before the United States Supreme Court decided
    United States v. Jones, 
    565 U.S. 400
    (2012), holding the physical placement of a
    monitoring device on a suspect's vehicle constituted a trespass on private property
    and therefore a search under the Fourth Amendment. At the time, plea counsel relied
    on United States v. Knotts, 
    460 U.S. 276
    (1983), holding the use of a tracking device
    to monitor the location of a defendant traveling along public roadways did not invade
    any legitimate expectation of privacy and was not a "search" in violation of the
    Fourth Amendment, and United States v. Karo, 
    468 U.S. 705
    , 713 (1984), holding
    the placement of an electronic beeper in a container with the owner's consent did not
    constitute a search because the buyer's privacy interests were not infringed when he
    received possession of the container.
    Section 17-30-140(A) states, "The Attorney General or any solicitor may make
    application to a judge of competent jurisdiction for an order authorizing or approving
    the installation and use of a mobile tracking device by the South Carolina Law
    Enforcement Division or any law enforcement entity of a political subdivision of
    this State.”
    Frierson actually discovered the existence of section 17-30-140 himself while
    researching his case in prison.
    at 768. We granted Frierson's petition for a writ of certiorari to review the court of
    appeals' opinion.
    We defer to the PCR court's factual findings and will uphold them if supported
    by any evidence in the record. Smalls v. State, 
    422 S.C. 174
    , ___, 
    810 S.E.2d 836
    839 (2018). Furthermore, we afford great deference to a PCR court's credibility
    findings. Goins v. State, 
    397 S.C. 568
    , 573, 
    726 S.E.2d 1
    , 3 (2012). Questions of law
    are reviewed de novo, and we will reverse the PCR court if its decision is controlled
    by an error of law. Jamison v. State, 
    410 S.C. 456
    , 465, 
    765 S.E.2d 123
    , 127 (2014).
    To establish a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, the defendant has the
    burden of proving "(1) counsel failed to render reasonably effective assistance under
    prevailing professional norms; and (2) counsel's deficient performance prejudiced
    the applicant's case." McKnight v. State, 
    378 S.C. 33
    , 40, 
    661 S.E.2d 354
    , 357
    (2008). In order to establish prejudice when challenging a guilty plea, a defendant
    must prove "there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel's errors, the
    defendant would not have pled guilty, but would have gone to trial." Harden v. State,
    360 S.C. 405
    , 408, 
    602 S.E.2d 48
    , 49 (2004). The crux of the inquiry is whether
    counsel's ineffective performance affected the outcome of the plea process, not
    whether the defendant would have been successful had he gone to trial. Alexander
    v. State, 
    303 S.C. 539
    , 542, 
    402 S.E.2d 484
    , 485 (1991). As the United States
    Supreme Court stated in Hill v. Lockhart, 
    474 U.S. 52
    , 59 (1985), "[I]n order to
    satisfy the 'prejudice' requirement, the defendant must show there is a reasonable
    probability that, but for counsel's errors, he would not have pled guilty and would
    have insisted on going to trial."
    Because the prejudice inquiry in a case involving a guilty plea is so limited, it
    was error for the court of appeals to conduct an overwhelming evidence analysis in
    this case. See Smalls, 422 S.C. at ___, 810 S.E.2d at 843–47 (surveying cases that
    discuss overwhelming evidence—all of which involved a conviction obtained at
    trial). The court of appeals initially acknowledged the correct standard and affirmed
    the PCR court's determination that Frierson failed to prove prejudice––and we affirm
    this decision. However, thereafter, the court proceeded to discuss how the outcome
    at trial would have been the same as Frierson's guilty plea due to the overwhelming
    evidence of guilt against him. The court of appeals exceeded the proper scope of the
    prejudice inquiry, and accordingly, we modify the portion of the court's opinion
    which addresses overwhelming evidence. We reiterate the prejudice analysis is
    limited to the outcome of the plea process—whether but for counsel's deficiency, the
    defendant would have declined to plead and instead proceeded to trial.
    Despite the court of appeals' erroneous application of the standard of review,
    it correctly deferred to the PCR court's finding that Frierson was not prejudiced.
    Accordingly, we AFFIRM AS MODIFIED.
    BEATTY, C.J., KITTREDGE, FEW and JAMES, JJ., concur.