Garland v. Ming Dai ( 2021 )

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    (Slip Opinion)              OCTOBER TERM, 2020                                       1
    NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is
    being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.
    The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been
    prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader.
    See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 
    200 U. S. 321
    , 337.
    No. 19–1155. Argued February 23, 2021—Decided June 1, 2021*
    In each of these cases, a foreign national appeared before an immigration
    judge (IJ) and requested that he not be returned to his country of
    origin. For Cesar Alcaraz-Enriquez, the IJ first had to determine
    whether Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez had committed a disqualifying “partic-
    ularly serious crime” based on his prior California conviction for “in-
    flicting corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant.” See 
    8 U. S. C. §1231
    (b)(3)(B)(ii). The IJ considered both the probation report issued
    at the time of the conviction (which detailed a serious domestic vio-
    lence incident) and Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s own testimony at the re-
    moval proceeding (which included an admission that he hit his girl-
    friend but allegedly did so in defense of his daughter). Relying in part
    on the version of events in the probation report, the IJ held Mr. Al-
    caraz-Enriquez ineligible for relief. On appeal, the Board of Immi-
    gration Appeals (BIA) affirmed. In Ming Dai’s case, he testified that
    he and his family had suffered past persecution by Chinese officials
    and expected future persecution upon return. But Mr. Dai initially
    failed to disclose that his wife and daughter had both returned volun-
    tarily to China since accompanying him to the United States. When
    confronted, Mr. Dai told the “real story” of why he remained in the
    United States. The IJ found that Mr. Dai’s testimony undermined his
    claims and denied relief. On appeal, the BIA affirmed. Mr. Alcaraz-
    Enriquez and Mr. Dai each sought judicial review, and in each case,
    the Ninth Circuit noted that neither the IJ nor the BIA made an ex-
    plicit “adverse credibility determination” under the Immigration Na-
    tionality Act (INA). §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii), 1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(C).
    * Together with No. 19–1156, Garland v. Alcaraz-Enriquez, also on cer-
    tiorari to the same court.
    2                        GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Applying its own judge-made rule that a reviewing court must treat
    the noncitizen’s testimony as credible and true absent an explicit ad-
    verse credibility determination, the Ninth Circuit granted relief.
    Held: The Ninth Circuit’s deemed-true-or-credible rule cannot be recon-
    ciled with the INA’s terms. Pp. 6–15.
    (a) The Ninth Circuit’s rule has no proper place in a reviewing
    court’s analysis. The INA provides that a reviewing court must accept
    “administrative findings” as “conclusive unless any reasonable adjudi-
    cator would be compelled to conclude to the contrary.” §1252(b)(4)(B).
    And a reviewing court is “generally not free to impose” additional
    judge-made procedural requirements on agencies. Vermont Yankee
    Nuclear Power Corp. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    435 U. S. 519
    , 524.
    Judicial proceedings in cases like these do not constitute “appeals”
    in which the “rebuttable presumption of credibility on appeal” applies
    absent an explicit credibility determination. §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii),
    1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(C). Here, there is only one appeal—from the
    IJ to the BIA. See §§1158(d)(5)(iii)–(iv). Subsequent judicial review
    takes place not by appeal, but by means of a “petition for review,”
    which the INA describes as “the sole and exclusive means for judicial
    review of an order of removal.” §1252(a)(5). A presumption of credi-
    bility may arise in some appeals before the BIA, but no such presump-
    tion applies in antecedent proceedings before an IJ or in subsequent
    collateral review before a federal court. This makes sense because re-
    viewing courts do not make credibility determinations, but instead ask
    only whether any reasonable adjudicator could have found as the
    agency did. The Ninth Circuit’s rule gets the standard backwards by
    giving conclusive weight to any testimony that cuts against the
    agency’s finding. Pp. 6–9.
    (b) Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez and Mr. Dai offer an alternative theory for
    affirming the Ninth Circuit. Because, they say, they were entitled to
    a presumption of credibility in their BIA appeals, they are entitled to
    relief in court because no reasonable adjudicator obliged to presume
    their credibility could have found against them. Even assuming that
    there was no explicit adverse credibility determination here, the Ninth
    Circuit’s reasoning is flawed for at least two reasons. Pp. 10–15.
    (1) The presumption of credibility on appeal under the INA is “re-
    buttable.” And the INA contains no parallel requirement of explicit-
    ness when it comes to rebutting the presumption on appeal. Reviewing
    courts, bound by traditional administrative law principles, must “up-
    hold” even “a decision of less than ideal clarity if the agency’s path may
    reasonably be discerned.” Bowman Transp., Inc. v. Arkansas-Best
    Freight System, Inc., 
    419 U. S. 281
    , 286. In neither case did the Ninth
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)                      3
    Circuit consider the possibility that the BIA implicitly found the pre-
    sumption of credibility rebutted. The BIA expressly adopted the IJ’s
    decision in Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s case, which, in turn, noted that Mr.
    Alcaraz-Enriquez’s story changed from the time of the probation report
    to the time of the hearing—a factor the statute specifically identifies
    as relevant to credibility, see §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii), 1231(b)(3)(C),
    1229a(c)(4)(C). And in Mr. Dai’s case, the BIA also adopted the IJ’s
    decision, which discussed specific problems with Mr. Dai’s demeanor,
    candor, and internal inconsistency—an analysis that certainly goes to
    the presumption of credibility even if the agency didn’t use particular
    words. See ibid. In each case, the Ninth Circuit should consider
    whether the BIA in fact found the presumption of credibility overcome.
    If so, it seems unlikely that the conclusion in either case is one no rea-
    sonable adjudicator could have reached. Pp. 10–13.
    (2) The presumption of credibility applies with respect to credibil-
    ity but the INA expressly requires the noncitizen to satisfy the trier of
    fact on credibility, persuasiveness, and the burden of proof.
    §§1158(b)(1)(B)(ii), 1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(a)(4)(B). Even if the BIA
    treats a noncitizen’s testimony as credible, the agency need not find
    such evidence persuasive or sufficient to meet the burden of proof.
    Here, the Ninth Circuit erred by treating credibility as dispositive of
    both persuasiveness and legal sufficiency. Pp 13–15.
    884 F. 3d 858
    727 Fed. Appx. 260
    , vacated and remanded.
    GORSUCH, J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court.
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)                                 1
    Opinion of the Court
    NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the
    preliminary print of the United States Reports. Readers are requested to
    notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of the United States, Wash-
    ington, D. C. 20543, of any typographical or other formal errors, in order that
    corrections may be made before the preliminary print goes to press.
    Nos. 19–1155 and 19–1156
    19–1155               v.
    19–1156               v.
    [June 1, 2021]
    JUSTICE GORSUCH delivered the opinion of the Court.
    The Ninth Circuit has long applied a special rule in im-
    migration disputes. The rule provides that, in the absence
    of an explicit adverse credibility determination by an immi-
    gration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals, a re-
    viewing court must treat a petitioning alien’s testimony as
    credible and true. At least 12 members of the Ninth Circuit
    have objected to this judge-made rule, and we granted cer-
    tiorari to decide whether it can be squared with the terms
    of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 
    66 Stat. 163
    as amended, 
    8 U. S. C. §1101
     et seq.
    2                  GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    The question comes to us in cases involving Cesar
    Alcaraz-Enriquez and Ming Dai. Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez is a
    Mexican national. Authorities detained him when he at-
    tempted to enter this country illegally. In proceedings be-
    fore an immigration judge (IJ), Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez
    sought to avoid being returned to Mexico on the ground that
    his life or freedom would be threatened there. See 
    8 U. S. C. §1231
    (b)(3)(A). But Congress has said this form of relief
    from removal is unavailable if, among other things, “the At-
    torney General decides that . . . the alien, having been con-
    victed by a final judgment of a particularly serious crime[,]
    is a danger to the community of the United States.”
    §1231(b)(3)(B)(ii). This proviso posed a problem for Mr.
    Alcaraz-Enriquez because, during a previous illegal entry,
    he pleaded nolo contendere to “inflict[ing] corporal injury
    [on a] spouse [or] cohabitant” under California law and re-
    ceived a 2-year sentence. Cal. Penal Code Ann. §273.5(A)
    (West 2014).
    The key question thus became whether Mr. Alcaraz-
    Enriquez’s California conviction amounted to “a particu-
    larly serious crime.” The parties appear to agree that the
    answer to that question turns on which version of events
    one accepts: The version found in a probation report issued
    at the time of Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s conviction, or the ver-
    sion he testified to years later as part of his removal pro-
    ceeding. The IJ received and considered both.
    The probation report indicated that Mr. Alcaraz-
    Enriquez locked his 17-year-old girlfriend in his bedroom
    one evening, caught her trying to escape, dragged her back
    into the room, threatened to stab her and dump her body in
    a dumpster, and forced her to have sex with him. The next
    morning, he beat the young woman, leaving bruises on her
    back, neck, arms, and legs—stopping only when she begged
    for her life. Later that evening, when she asked to leave,
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)              3
    Opinion of the Court
    he dragged her out, threw her against the stairs, and kicked
    her as she rolled down. Her ordeal lasted nearly 24 hours.
    Police arrested Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez days later as he tried
    to flee his residence. At that time, Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez
    admitted to the officers that he chased, grabbed, and
    punched his girlfriend in the face. He also admitted that he
    prevented her from leaving the house. But he claimed that
    he didn’t hit her “that hard.” App. to Pet. for Cert. in No.
    19–1156, p. 14a.
    Against this evidence, the IJ considered Mr. Alcaraz-En-
    riquez’s testimony during his immigration proceeding.
    There, he “admitted hitting his girlfriend, but not in the
    manner as described in the report.” Ibid. Mr. Alcaraz-En-
    riquez testified that he was upset with his girlfriend be-
    cause “he believed that [she] was hitting his daughter.”
    Ibid. In Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s view, he was coming to his
    daughter’s defense. Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez denied dragging
    or kicking the young woman, or forcing her to have sex with
    him. He also submitted a letter from his mother, who
    stated that when she saw the girlfriend immediately after
    the altercation, “she looked completely fine.” App. 256.
    Ultimately, the IJ held Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez ineligible
    for relief, relying in part on the version of events in the pro-
    bation report. Among other things, the IJ found it signifi-
    cant that there was “no mention” in the contemporaneous
    probation report of the girlfriend hitting Mr. Alcaraz-
    Enriquez’s daughter. App. to Pet. for Cert. in No. 19–1156,
    at 14a. On appeal, the Board of Immigration Appeals
    (BIA) “adopt[ed] and affirm[ed]” the IJ’s decision. Id., at 7a.
    The BIA held that the IJ had “properly considered all evi-
    dence of record,” “weighing and comparing [Mr. Alcaraz-En-
    riquez’s] testimony at the hearing and the probation of-
    ficer’s report.” Id., at 8a. The BIA also stressed its view
    that the IJ was not required to credit Mr. Alcaraz-En-
    riquez’s “version of events over other plausible alterna-
    tives.” Ibid.
    4                       GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    The Ninth Circuit saw the matter differently. Applying
    circuit precedent, it held that “ ‘[w]here the BIA does not
    make an explicit adverse credibility finding, [the court]
    must assume that [the alien’s] factual contentions are
    true.’ ” Alcaraz-Enriquez v. Sessions, 
    727 Fed. Appx. 260
    261 (2018). And because this rule required taking Mr. Al-
    caraz-Enriquez’s testimony as true—even in the face of
    competing evidence—the Ninth Circuit held that the BIA
    erred in denying relief and granted the petition for review.1
    Ming Dai is a Chinese national who came to the United
    States on a tourist visa. Shortly after arriving, he sought
    asylum. To win relief, Mr. Dai bore the burden of proving
    that he was a “refugee”—someone “unable or unwilling” to
    return to China “because of persecution or a well-founded
    fear of persecution . . . for failure or refusal to undergo [in-
    voluntary sterilization] or for other resistance to a coercive
    population control program.” 
    8 U. S. C. §§1158
    1101(a)(42). As in Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s case, the parties
    have proceeded on the assumption that everything here
    turns on questions of fact—whether Mr. Dai was persecuted
    in the past or fears persecution in the future—and we do
    the same.2
    1 Separately, the Ninth Circuit held that the BIA erred by failing to
    give Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez the opportunity to cross-examine the wit-
    nesses whose testimony was embodied in the probation report. In their
    briefing before us, the parties largely proceed on the assumption that the
    report was properly received, and so do we. Remaining disputes over the
    merits and potential forfeiture of this issue can be addressed on remand.
    2 Mr. Dai also sought withholding of removal, for which he needed to
    show that his “life or freedom would be threatened” in China “because of
    [his] race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group,
    or political opinion.” 
    8 U. S. C. §1231
    (b)(3)(A). Both the BIA and the
    Ninth Circuit treated this standard as a more-demanding version of the
    showing needed for asylum. See App. to Pet. for Cert. in No. 19–1155, p.
    164a; Ming Dai v. Sessions, 
    884 F. 3d 858
    , 874 (2018). None of the par-
    ties disputes this framing, so we focus on the asylum claim alone.
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)            5
    Opinion of the Court
    Once more, the evidence before the IJ cut both ways. On
    the one hand, Mr. Dai claimed that, after his wife became
    pregnant with their second child in 2009, family-planning
    officials abducted her and forced her to have an abortion.
    Mr. Dai further testified that, when he tried to stop his
    wife’s abduction, police broke his ribs, dislocated his shoul-
    der, and jailed him for 10 days. According to Mr. Dai, he
    lost his job, his wife was demoted, and his daughter was
    denied admission to superior schools. In applying for asy-
    lum, Mr. Dai stated, “I eventually found a way to reach the
    USA,” and asked the government to “[p]lease grant me asy-
    lum so that I can bring my wife and daughter to safety in
    the USA.” App. 155.
    On the other hand, Mr. Dai failed to disclose the fact that
    his wife and daughter had already traveled to the United
    States—and voluntarily returned to China. The IJ ob-
    served that Mr. Dai “hesitated at some length” when con-
    fronted with these facts. App. to Pet. for Cert. in No. 19–
    1155, p. 170a. After being asked to tell the “real story,” Mr.
    Dai proceeded to admit that his daughter returned to China
    to go to school; that his wife chose to return to her job and
    her elderly father; that Mr. Dai did not have a job in China;
    and this was “why he stayed” in the United States. 
    171a. Asked directly why he did not return to China with
    his family, Mr. Dai responded, “[b]ecause at that time, I was
    in a bad mood and I couldn’t get a job, so I want to stay here
    for a bit longer and another friend of mine is also here.”
    App. 103.
    The IJ denied relief. In the IJ’s view, the “principal area
    of concern” arose when Mr. Dai was confronted with his
    wife and daughter’s trip to the United States and their vol-
    untary return to China. App. to Pet. for Cert. in No. 19–
    1155, at 169a. The record showed that Mr. Dai failed “to
    disclose” these facts in his own statements, and that he
    “paused at length” when confronted with them. 
    163a, 173a. The IJ concluded that “I do not find that [Mr.
    6                   GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    Dai’s] explanations for [his wife’s] return to China while he
    remained here are adequate.” 
     at 175a. In the IJ’s view,
    Mr. Dai’s eventual admissions regarding his wife and
    daughter’s return to China to pursue school and economic
    opportunities undermined his claims of past and future per-
    secution, particularly given that his wife was “the primary
    object of the persecution in China.” 
     On appeal, the
    BIA “adopt[ed] and affirm[ed]” the IJ’s decision. 
    Again, the Ninth Circuit saw things differently. Much as
    it had in Alcaraz-Enriquez, a divided panel held that “in the
    absence of an explicit adverse credibility finding by the IJ
    or the BIA,” Mr. Dai’s testimony had to be “deemed” credi-
    ble and true. Ming Dai v. Sessions, 
    884 F. 3d 858
    , 868
    (2018). On the strength of that testimony, the court then
    proceeded to find Mr. Dai eligible for asylum. Later, the
    court of appeals denied the government’s petition for re-
    hearing en banc over the objections of 12 judges.
    For many years, and over many dissents, the Ninth Cir-
    cuit has proceeded on the view that, “[i]n the absence of an
    explicit adverse credibility finding [by the agency], we must
    assume that [the alien’s] factual contentions are true” or at
    least credible. E.g., Kataria v. INS, 
    232 F. 3d 1107
    , 1114
    (2000); Zhiqiang Hu v. Holder, 
    652 F. 3d 1011
     (2011); 884
    F. 3d, at 868; 727 Fed. Appx., at 261. This view appears to
    be an outlier. The First Circuit, for example, has held that
    a reviewing court is not bound to accept a witness’s state-
    ments as fact whenever the agency is less than explicit
    about credibility. Wan Chien Kho v. Keisler, 
    505 F. 3d 50
    56 (2007).
    In both of the cases before us, the Ninth Circuit rested its
    decisions on its deemed-true-or-credible rule. In Alcaraz-
    Enriquez, the Ninth Circuit applied the rule to disregard
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)             7
    Opinion of the Court
    entirely the evidence contained in the probation report and
    credit only Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s version of events. 727
    Fed. Appx., at 261. In Dai, the court deemed Mr. Dai’s fa-
    vorable testimony credible and true and prohibited the un-
    favorable testimony about his “real” reasons for remaining
    in the country from being “smuggled” into the removal anal-
    ysis. 884 F. 3d, at 872. As one of the dissents in Dai put it,
    the Ninth Circuit’s rule leads to “the extraordinary posi-
    tion” that a court “must take as true an asylum applicant’s
    testimony that supports a claim for asylum, even in the face
    of other testimony from the applicant that would under-
    mine an asylum claim.” Ming Dai v. Barr, 
    940 F. 3d 1143
    1149 (2019) (opinion of Callahan, J.).
    The Ninth Circuit’s rule has no proper place in a review-
    ing court’s analysis. Congress has carefully circumscribed
    judicial review of BIA decisions. When it comes to ques-
    tions of fact—such as the circumstances surrounding Mr.
    Alcaraz-Enriquez’s prior conviction or Mr. Dai’s alleged
    persecution—the INA provides that a reviewing court must
    accept “administrative findings” as “conclusive unless any
    reasonable adjudicator would be compelled to conclude to
    the contrary.” 
    8 U. S. C. § 1252
    (b)(4)(B). This is a “highly
    deferential” standard. Nasrallah v. Barr, 590 U. S. ___, ___
    (2020) (slip op., at 9); cf. INS v. Elias-Zacarias, 
    502 U. S. 478
    , 483–484 (1992). Nothing in the INA contemplates any-
    thing like the embellishment the Ninth Circuit has
    adopted. And it is long since settled that a reviewing court
    is “generally not free to impose” additional judge-made pro-
    cedural requirements on agencies that Congress has not
    prescribed and the Constitution does not compel. Vermont
    Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. Natural Resources Defense
    Council, Inc., 
    435 U. S. 519
    , 524 (1978).
    This does not mean that the BIA may “ ‘arbitrarily’ ” reject
    an alien’s evidence. Director, Office of Workers’ Compensa-
    tion Programs v. Greenwich Collieries, 
    512 U. S. 267
    , 279
    (1994). But it does mean that, so long as the record contains
    8                    GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    “ ‘contrary evidence’ ” of a “ ‘kind and quality’ ” that a reason-
    able factfinder could find sufficient, a reviewing court may
    not overturn the agency’s factual determination. 
    this process, a reviewing court must be mindful too that the
    agency, like any reasonable factfinder, is free to “credit part
    of [a] witness’ testimony without” necessarily “accepting it
    all.” Banks v. Chicago Grain Trimmers Assn., Inc., 
    390 U. S. 459
    , 467 (1968). It does not matter whether the
    agency accepts all, none, or some of the alien’s testimony;
    its reasonable findings may not be disturbed.
    Admittedly, there is a wrinkle. Elsewhere, the INA does
    discuss a presumption of credibility. The statute provides
    that absent an “explici[t]” “adverse credibility determina-
    tion,” “the applicant or witness shall have a rebuttable pre-
    sumption of credibility on appeal.” §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii),
    1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(C). At the same time, the statute
    cautions that outside the “appeal” there is “no presumption
    of credibility.” Ibid. (emphasis added).
    It’s easy to see how one might assume judicial proceed-
    ings in cases like ours constitute “appeals” subject to this
    presumption of credibility. But such an assumption would
    be mistaken. As the Ninth Circuit itself has recognized, in
    immigration cases like those before us, there is only one
    “appeal”—from the IJ to the BIA. 884 F. 3d, at 869; see also
    505 F. 3d, at 56
    ; §§1158(d)(5)(A)(iii)–(iv); 
    8 CFR §1003.38
     (2020). Under the INA, subsequent judicial re-
    view takes place by means of a “petition for review.” 
    8 U. S. C. §§1252
    (a)(5), (b); cf. 
    5 U. S. C. §§702
    –703. It is true
    that, at one point, the INA refers to dismissing “the appeal”
    if an alien fails to file a timely brief in support of his petition
    for review, 
    8 U. S. C. §1252
    (b)(3)(C), but that stray refer-
    ence does not convert the statutorily described petition for
    review proceeding into an appeal for purposes of the pre-
    sumption of credibility.
    Historical understandings confirm the point. Article III
    courts do not traditionally hear direct appeals from Article
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)            9
    Opinion of the Court
    II executive agencies. See, e.g., Ex parte Yerger, 
    8 Wall. 85
    (1869); FCC v. Pottsville Broadcasting Co., 
    309 U. S. 134
    144 (1940). Instead, judicial intervention generally comes,
    if at all, thanks to some collateral review process Congress
    has prescribed, initiating a new action in the federal courts.
    See, e.g., 
    5 U. S. C. §§702
    –703 (authorizing parties to chal-
    lenge agency action not by an appeal, but by “[a]n action in
    a court of the United States” in which the “United States
    may be named as a defendant”). Of course, Congress may
    sometimes refer to collateral judicial review of executive ac-
    tion as “an appeal,” see, e.g., 
    35 U. S. C. §141
    ; Fed. Rule
    App. Proc. 15, but that does not make it an “appeal” akin to
    that taken from the district court to the court of appeals, or
    from the IJ to the BIA. In any event, this is an easy case
    because the INA provides that “a petition for review . . .
    shall be the sole and exclusive means for judicial review of
    an order of removal.” 
    8 U. S. C. §1252
    That the presumption of credibility applies only “on ap-
    peal” to the BIA makes sense as a matter of basic adminis-
    trative law principles too. Reviewing courts have no need
    for a presumption of credibility one way or the other be-
    cause they do not make credibility determinations. Instead,
    courts deferentially review the agency’s fact determina-
    tions. See §1252(b)(4)(B); see also 
    5 U. S. C. §706
    The IJ—who actually observes the witness—is best posi-
    tioned to assess the applicant’s credibility in the first in-
    stance. The credibility presumption encourages the IJ to
    make specific findings about credibility. And then the
    BIA—which has experience with the sort of facts that recur
    in immigration cases and the ability to directly override the
    IJ’s factfindings—is well positioned to apply the credibility
    presumption if the IJ has not made an explicit finding.
    All of which returns us to where we began. A presump-
    tion of credibility may arise in some appeals before the BIA.
    But no such presumption applies in antecedent proceedings
    10                  GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    before an IJ, or in subsequent collateral review before a fed-
    eral court. The only question for judges reviewing the BIA’s
    factual determinations is whether any reasonable adjudica-
    tor could have found as the agency did. The Ninth Circuit’s
    rule mistakenly flips this standard on its head. Rather
    than ask whether the agency’s finding qualifies as one of
    potentially many reasonable possibilities, it gives conclu-
    sive weight to any piece of testimony that cuts against the
    agency’s finding. That was error.
    Perhaps recognizing the problems with the Ninth Cir-
    cuit’s rule, Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez and Mr. Dai ask us to af-
    firm that court’s judgments primarily by means of a differ-
    ent, though closely related, chain of reasoning. The
    argument goes like this: Because neither the IJ nor the BIA
    made an explicit adverse credibility determination about
    their testimony, Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez and Mr. Dai say they
    were statutorily entitled to a presumption of credibility in
    their BIA appeals. And given that, they insist they are en-
    titled to relief in court because no reasonable adjudicator
    obliged to presume their credibility could have found
    against them. In this version of the argument, Mr. Alcaraz-
    Enriquez and Mr. Dai acknowledge the proper locus of the
    presumption of credibility in the agency and the deferential
    standard of review in collateral judicial proceedings. But,
    they insist, they are entitled to relief all the same. In
    places, they also suggest that the Ninth Circuit’s decisions
    below can be read as endorsing their alternative theory.
    Although we leave the full application of the
    §1252(b)(4)(B) standard to the Ninth Circuit in the first in-
    stance, we reject this alternative argument for affirmance
    too. In explaining why, we leave for another day the ques-
    tion what the factfinder must say or do to furnish an “ex-
    plici[t] adverse credibility determination.” Even assuming
    (without deciding) there was no such determination here,
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)           11
    Opinion of the Court
    the Ninth Circuit’s reasoning was flawed. One can think
    about the reason why in either of two ways.
    Start with the fact that the INA’s “presumption” of cred-
    ibility on appeal is “rebuttable.” Necessarily, that means
    the presumption is not conclusive. Notably, too, unlike the
    requirement that any initial adverse credibility determina-
    tion must be “explicitly made,” the INA contains no parallel
    requirement of explicitness when it comes to rebutting the
    presumption on appeal. 
    8 U. S. C. §§1158
    1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(C).
    Of course, reviewing courts remain bound by traditional
    administrative law principles, including the rule that
    judges generally must assess the lawfulness of an agency’s
    action in light of the explanations the agency offered for it
    rather than any ex post rationales a court can devise. See,
    e.g., SEC v. Chenery Corp., 
    318 U. S. 80
     (1943). But none
    of that means the BIA must follow a particular formula or
    incant “magic words” like “incredible” or “rebutted” to over-
    come the INA’s presumption of credibility on appeal. Cf.
    INS v. Aguirre-Aguirre, 
    526 U. S. 415
    , 431–432 (1999). To
    the contrary, a reviewing court must “uphold” even “a deci-
    sion of less than ideal clarity if the agency’s path may rea-
    sonably be discerned.” Bowman Transp., Inc. v. Arkansas-
    Best Freight System, Inc., 
    419 U. S. 281
    , 286 (1974); see also
    5 U. S. C. §701
     et seq. So long as the BIA’s reasons for re-
    jecting an alien’s credibility are reasonably discernible, the
    agency must be understood as having rebutted the pre-
    sumption of credibility. It need not use any particular
    words to do so. And, once more, a reviewing court must up-
    hold that decision unless a reasonable adjudicator would
    have been compelled to reach a different conclusion. 
    8 U. S. C. § 1252
    In the cases before us, the Ninth Circuit did not consider
    12                  GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    the possibility that the BIA implicitly found the presump-
    tion of credibility rebutted. In Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s case,
    the court ignored whether the agency’s statements could be
    fairly understood as rejecting his credibility. Concluding
    that the IJ properly “weigh[ed] and compar[ed]” the proba-
    tion report and Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s hearing testimony,
    the BIA cited precedent about how an IJ is “not required to
    adopt” an applicant’s denial of culpability. See App. to Pet.
    for Cert. in No. 19–1156, at 8a; Matter of D–R–, 
    25 I. & N. Dec. 445
    , 455 (BIA 2011) (“The [IJ] was not required to
    credit the respondent’s wholesale denial of any knowledge
    or culpability”). The BIA also expressly adopted the IJ’s de-
    cision. The IJ decision, in turn, noted that Mr. Alcaraz-En-
    riquez’s story changed from the time of the probation report
    to the time of the hearing, a factor the statute specifically
    identifies as relevant to credibility. See §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii),
    1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(C). The IJ further concluded that
    Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s testimony sought to minimize his
    actions and condone violence against his girlfriend, sug-
    gesting the IJ rejected his claim that he intervened only to
    defend his daughter. On remand, the Ninth Circuit should
    consider whether the BIA in fact found the presumption of
    credibility overcome in this case. If so, it seems unlikely
    that conclusion is one no reasonable adjudicator could have
    The same might be said of Mr. Dai’s case. The BIA spe-
    cifically highlighted Mr. Dai’s family “voluntarily returning
    and his not being truthful about it” as “detrimental to his
    claim.” App. to Pet. for Cert. in No. 19–1155, at 164a. And
    here again the BIA adopted the IJ’s decision, which dis-
    cussed specific problems with Mr. Dai’s assertions about his
    past persecution and fear of future persecution—including
    Mr. Dai’s intentional failure to disclose highly probative
    and damaging facts, his inadequate explanations for con-
    tradictions in his presentation, and his ultimate conces-
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)             13
    Opinion of the Court
    sions about the “real story.” Such a detailed analysis cer-
    tainly goes to the presumption of credibility, even if the
    agency did not utter the words “adverse credibility finding.”
    The INA provides instructions about the appropriate con-
    siderations for making a credibility determination, includ-
    ing the witness’s demeanor, candor, and internal incon-
    sistency in his testimony.           See §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii),
    1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(C). It is thus unsurprising—and
    in fact quite helpful for later review—that the IJ addressed
    many of those questions at length. By adopting that anal-
    ysis as its own, the BIA’s decisional path here, too, includes
    that analysis. Once more, the Ninth Circuit should con-
    sider whether the BIA found that Mr. Dai’s presumption of
    credibility had been overcome. And, once more, it is hard
    to say that decision is one no reasonable adjudicator could
    have reached.
    There is, however, another problem with the Ninth Cir-
    cuit’s reasoning in these cases. Not only is the presumption
    of credibility before the BIA rebuttable, it applies only with
    respect to credibility. §§1158(b)(1)(B)(iii), 1231(b)(3)(C),
    1229a(c)(4)(C). This matters because, when it comes to the
    forms of relief Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez and Mr. Dai sought,
    the INA expressly distinguishes between credibility, per-
    suasiveness, and the burden of proof.                        See
    §§1158(b)(1)(B)(ii), 1231(b)(3)(C), 1229a(c)(4)(B). In order
    for an alien’s testimony to carry the day on its own, the stat-
    ute requires the alien to satisfy the trier of fact on all three
    counts—showing his “testimony is credible, is persuasive,
    and refers to specific facts sufficient to demonstrate that the
    applicant is a refugee.” Ibid. When determining whether
    an alien has met his burden of proof, the INA further pro-
    vides that the agency may weigh “the credible testimony
    along with other evidence of record.” Ibid. Accordingly,
    even if the BIA treats an alien’s evidence as credible, the
    14                  GARLAND v. MING DAI
    Opinion of the Court
    agency need not find his evidence persuasive or sufficient
    to meet the burden of proof. See, e.g., Doe v. Holder, 
    651 F. 3d 824
    , 830 (CA8 2011); Gutierrez-Orcozo v. Lynch, 
    810 F. 3d 1243
    , 1246 (CA10 2016).
    Admittedly, credibility and persuasiveness are closely
    bound concepts, sometimes treated interchangeably, and
    the line between them doesn’t have to be drawn the same
    way in every legal context. But the distinctions the INA
    draws aren’t entirely unfamiliar either. Take an example.
    Suppose a plaintiff is doing her best to recount a car acci-
    dent to prove her case for damages. She testifies earnestly
    that she thought the traffic light was green when she en-
    tered an intersection. The plaintiff says she was then
    broadsided by the defendant who was traveling on a cross
    street and ran a red light. Later in the proceedings, how-
    ever, the defendant presents video footage and the testi-
    mony of other witnesses, all of which show that it was really
    the plaintiff who drove through a red light and the defend-
    ant who had the right of way. It’s easy enough to imagine
    that a factfinder might not describe the plaintiff as lacking
    credibility—in the sense that she was lying or not “worthy
    of belief,” Black’s Law Dictionary 448 (10th ed. 2014) (de-
    fining “credibility”)—yet find that her testimony on a key
    fact was outweighed by other evidence and thus unpersua-
    sive or insufficient to prove the defendant’s liability. It’s
    not always the case that credibility equals factual accuracy,
    nor does it guarantee a legal victory.
    The Ninth Circuit erred by treating credibility as dispos-
    itive of both persuasiveness and legal sufficiency in these
    cases. Even setting aside the credibility of Mr. Alcaraz-En-
    riquez or Mr. Dai, perhaps the BIA did not find their evi-
    dence persuasive or sufficient to meet their burden on es-
    sential questions. In Mr. Alcaraz-Enriquez’s case, the
    probation report may have outweighed his testimony. Sim-
    ilarly, in Mr. Dai’s case, his later admissions about his fam-
    Cite as: 593 U. S. ____ (2021)                 15
    Opinion of the Court
    ily’s voluntary return and his decision to stay in this coun-
    try for economic reasons may have outweighed his initial
    testimony about his past and feared future persecution.
    Faced with conflicting evidence, it seems likely that a rea-
    sonable adjudicator could find the unfavorable account
    more persuasive than the favorable version in both cases.
    The Ninth Circuit’s deemed-true-or-credible rule cannot
    be reconciled with the INA’s terms. Instead, immigration
    cases like these should proceed as follows. First, the fact-
    finder—here the IJ—makes findings of fact, including de-
    terminations as to the credibility of particular witness tes-
    timony. The BIA then reviews those findings, applying a
    presumption of credibility if the IJ did not make an explicit
    adverse credibility determination. Finally, the court of ap-
    peals must accept the agency’s findings of fact as “conclu-
    sive unless any reasonable adjudicator would be compelled
    to conclude to the contrary.”
    Nor can we affirm the Ninth Circuit’s judgments on al-
    ternative grounds. The Ninth Circuit failed to consider that
    the BIA may have implicitly rebutted the presumption of
    credibility. The Ninth Circuit also erroneously allowed
    credibility to operate as a trump card, foreclosing the possi-
    bility that even credible testimony may be outweighed by
    other more persuasive evidence or be insufficient to satisfy
    the burden of proof. Accordingly, the judgments of the
    Court of Appeals are vacated, and these cases are remanded
    for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    It is so ordered.