Virginia v. Harris ( 2009 )

  •                   Cite as: 558 U. S. ____ (2009)          1
    ROBERTS, C. J., dissenting
    No. 08–1385. Decided October 20, 2009
    The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.
    joins, dissenting from denial of certiorari.
    Every year, close to 13,000 people die in alcohol-related
    car crashes—roughly one death every 40 minutes. See
    Dept. of Transp., Nat. Hwy. Traffic Safety Admin., Traffic
    Safety Facts, 2007 Traffic Safety Annual Assessment—
    Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 1 (No. 81106, Aug.
    2008). Ordinary citizens are well aware of the dangers
    posed by drunk driving, and they frequently report such
    conduct to the police. A number of States have adopted
    programs specifically designed to encourage such tips—
    programs such as the “Drunkbusters Hotline” in New
    Mexico and the REDDI program (Report Every Drunk
    Driver Immediately) in force in several States. See Dept.
    of Transp., Nat. Hwy. Traffic Safety Admin., Programs
    Across the United States That Aid Motorists in the Re
    porting of Impaired Drivers to Law Enforcement (2007).
    By a 4-to-3 vote, the Virginia Supreme Court below
    adopted a rule that will undermine such efforts to get
    drunk drivers off the road. The decision below commands
    that police officers following a driver reported to be drunk
    do nothing until they see the driver actually do something
    unsafe on the road—by which time it may be too late.
    Here, a Richmond police officer pulled Joseph Harris
    over after receiving an anonymous tip that Harris was
    driving while intoxicated. The tip described Harris, his
    car, and the direction he was traveling in considerable
    detail. The officer did not personally witness Harris vio
    2                    VIRGINIA v. HARRIS
    ROBERTS, C. J., dissenting
    late any traffic laws. When Harris was pulled over, how
    ever, he reeked of alcohol, his speech was slurred, he
    almost fell over in attempting to exit his car, and he failed
    the sobriety tests the officer administered on the scene.
    Harris was convicted of driving while intoxicated, but the
    Virginia Supreme Court overturned the conviction. It
    concluded that because the officer had failed to independ
    ently verify that Harris was driving dangerously, the stop
    violated the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on unrea
    sonable searches and seizures. 
    276 Va. 689
    , 696–698, 
    668 S. E. 2d 141
    , 146–147 (2008); see Pet. for Cert. 4 (citing
    I am not sure that the Fourth Amendment requires such
    independent corroboration before the police can act, at
    least in the special context of anonymous tips reporting
    drunk driving. This is an important question that is not
    answered by our past decisions, and that has deeply di
    vided federal and state courts. The Court should grant the
    petition for certiorari to answer the question and resolve
    the conflict.
    On the one hand, our cases allow police to conduct in
    vestigative stops based on reasonable suspicion, viewed
    under the totality of the circumstances. Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U. S. 1
    , 22 (1968); Alabama v. White, 
    496 U. S. 325
    , 328–
    331 (1990). In Florida v. J. L., 
    529 U. S. 266
    , 270 (2000),
    however, we explained that anonymous tips, in the ab
    sence of additional corroboration, typically lack the “indi
    cia of reliability” needed to justify a stop under the rea
    sonable suspicion standard. In J. L., the Court suppressed
    evidence seized by police after receiving an anonymous tip
    alleging that a young man, wearing a plaid shirt and
    waiting at a particular bus stop, was carrying a gun. The
    majority below relied extensively on J. L. in reversing
    Harris’s conviction.
    But it is not clear that J. L. applies to anonymous tips
    reporting drunk or erratic driving. J. L. itself suggested
    Cite as: 558 U. S. ____ (2009)                     3
    ROBERTS, C. J., dissenting
    that the Fourth Amendment analysis might be different in
    other situations. The Court declined “to speculate about
    the circumstances under which the danger alleged in an
    anonymous tip might be so great as to justify a search
    even without a showing of reliability.” 
    Id., at 273
    . It also
    hinted that “in quarters where the reasonable expectation
    of Fourth Amendment privacy is diminished,” it might be
    constitutionally permissible to “conduct protective
    searches on the basis of information insufficient to justify
    searches elsewhere.” 
    Id., at 274
    There is no question that drunk driving is a serious and
    potentially deadly crime, as our cases have repeatedly
    emphasized. See, e.g., Michigan Dept. of State Police v.
    496 U. S. 444
    , 451 (1990) (“No one can seriously
    dispute the magnitude of the drunken driving problem or
    the States’ interest in eradicating it. Media reports of
    alcohol-related death and mutilation on the Nation’s roads
    are legion”). The imminence of the danger posed by drunk
    drivers exceeds that at issue in other types of cases. In a
    case like J. L., the police can often observe the subject of a
    tip and step in before actual harm occurs; with drunk
    driving, such a wait-and-see approach may prove fatal.
    Drunk driving is always dangerous, as it is occurring.
    This Court has in fact recognized that the dangers posed
    by drunk drivers are unique, frequently upholding anti
    drunk-driving policies that might be constitutionally
    problematic in other, less exigent circumstances.1
    1 See, e.g., Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz, 
    496 U. S. 444
    , 455
    (1990) (approving use of field-sobriety checkpoints of all approaching
    drivers, despite fact that over 98 percent of such drivers were innocent);
    South Dakota v. Neville, 
    459 U. S. 553
    , 554, 560 (1983) (upholding state
    law allowing a defendant’s refusal to take a blood-alcohol test to be
    introduced as evidence against him at trial); Mackey v. Montrym, 
    443 U. S. 1
    , 17–19 (1979) (upholding state law requiring mandatory sus
    pension of a driver’s license upon a drunk-driving suspect’s refusal to
    submit to a breath-analysis test); see also Indianapolis v. Edmond, 
    531 U. S. 32
    , 37–38 (2000) (noting that in the Fourth Amendment context
    4                        VIRGINIA v. HARRIS
    ROBERTS, C. J., dissenting
    In the absence of controlling precedent on point, a sharp
    disagreement has emerged among federal and state courts
    over how to apply the Fourth Amendment in this context.
    The majority of courts examining the question have up
    held investigative stops of allegedly drunk or erratic driv
    ers, even when the police did not personally witness any
    traffic violations before conducting the stops.2 These
    courts have typically distinguished J. L.’s general rule
    based on some combination of (1) the especially grave and
    imminent dangers posed by drunk driving; (2) the en
    hanced reliability of tips alleging illegal activity in public,
    to which the tipster was presumably an eyewitness; (3) the
    fact that traffic stops are typically less invasive than
    searches or seizures of individuals on foot; and (4) the
    diminished expectation of privacy enjoyed by individuals
    driving their cars on public roads. A minority of jurisdic
    tions, meanwhile, take the same position as the Virginia
    Supreme Court, requiring that officers first confirm an
    anonymous tip of drunk or erratic driving through their
    own independent observation.3 This conflict has been
    expressly noted by the lower courts.4
    the Court has upheld government measures “aimed at removing drunk
    drivers from the road,” distinguishing such measures from those with
    the primary purpose of “detect[ing] evidence of ordinary criminal
    2 See, e.g., United States v. Wheat, 
    278 F. 3d 722
     (CA8 2001); People v.
    38 Cal. 4th 1078
    136 P. 3d 810
     (2006); State v. Prendergast, 
    103 Haw. 451
    83 P. 3d 714
     (2004); State v. Walshire, 
    634 N. W. 2d 625
    (Iowa 2001); State v. Crawford, 
    275 Kan. 492
    67 P. 3d 115
    Bloomingdale v. State, 
    842 A. 2d 1212
     (Del. 2004); State v. Golotta, 178
    N. J. 205, 
    837 A. 2d 359
     (2003); State v. Scholl, 
    2004 SD 85
    684 N. W. 2d 83
    ; State v. Boyea, 
    171 Vt. 401
    765 A. 2d 862
     (2000); State v. Rutzin
    2001 WI 22
    241 Wis. 2d 729
    623 N. W. 2d 516
    3 See, e.g., McChesney v. State, 
    988 P. 2d 1071
     (Wyo. 1999); Common
    wealth v. Lubiejewski, 49 Mass. App. 212, 
    729 N. E. 2d 288
    State v. Sparen, No. CR00258199S, 
    2001 WL 206078
     (Conn. Super. Ct.,
    Feb. 9, 2001) (unpublished).
    4 See, e.g., Wheat, 
     at 729–730 (reviewing cases upholding stops,
    Cite as: 558 U. S. ____ (2009)                 5
    ROBERTS, C. J., dissenting
    The conflict is clear and the stakes are high. The effect
    of the rule below will be to grant drunk drivers “one free
    swerve” before they can legally be pulled over by police. It
    will be difficult for an officer to explain to the family of a
    motorist killed by that swerve that the police had a tip
    that the driver of the other car was drunk, but that they
    were powerless to pull him over, even for a quick check.
    Maybe the decision of the Virginia Supreme Court below
    was correct, and the Fourth Amendment bars police from
    acting on anonymous tips of drunk driving unless they can
    verify each tip. If so, then the dangerous consequences of
    this rule are unavoidable. But the police should have
    every legitimate tool at their disposal for getting drunk
    drivers off the road. I would grant certiorari to determine
    if this is one of them.
    then noting that some courts “have reached a different conclusion”);
    Wells, supra, at 1084, 
    136 P. 3d, at 814
     (“split of authority”).