Johnson v. Lee , 136 S. Ct. 1802 ( 2016 )

  •                  Cite as: 578 U. S. ____ (2016)            1
    Per Curiam
    No. 15–789.    Decided May 31, 2016
    Federal habeas courts generally refuse to hear claims
    “defaulted . . . in state court pursuant to an independent
    and adequate state procedural rule.” Coleman v. Thomp-
    501 U.S. 722
    , 750 (1991). State rules count as “ade-
    quate” if they are “firmly established and regularly fol-
    lowed.” Walker v. Martin, 
    562 U.S. 307
    , 316 (2011)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Like all States, Cali-
    fornia requires criminal defendants to raise available
    claims on direct appeal. Under the so-called “Dixon bar,” a
    defendant procedurally defaults a claim raised for the first
    time on state collateral review if he could have raised it
    earlier on direct appeal. See In re Dixon, 
    41 Cal. 2d 756
    264 P.2d 513
    , 514 (1953). Yet, in this case, the Ninth
    Circuit held that the Dixon bar is inadequate to bar fed-
    eral habeas review. Because California’s procedural bar is
    longstanding, oft-cited, and shared by habeas courts
    across the Nation, this Court now summarily reverses the
    Ninth Circuit’s judgment.
    Respondent Donna Kay Lee and her boyfriend Paul
    Carasi stabbed to death Carasi’s mother and his ex-
    girlfriend. A California jury convicted the pair of two
    counts each of first-degree murder. Carasi received a
    death sentence, and Lee received a sentence of life without
    the possibility of parole. In June 1999, Lee unsuccessfully
    raised four claims on direct appeal. After the California
    2                    JOHNSON v. LEE
    Per Curiam
    appellate courts affirmed, Lee skipped state postconviction
    review and filed the federal habeas petition at issue. See
    28 U.S. C
    . §2254(a). The petition raised mostly new
    claims that Lee failed to raise on direct appeal. Because
    Lee had not exhausted available state-court remedies,
    however, the District Court temporarily stayed federal
    proceedings to allow Lee to pursue her new claims in a
    state habeas petition. The California Supreme Court
    denied Lee’s petition in a summary order citing Dixon.
    Having exhausted state remedies, Lee returned to fed-
    eral court to litigate her federal habeas petition. The
    District Court dismissed her new claims as procedurally
    defaulted. Then, for the first time on appeal, Lee chal-
    lenged the Dixon bar’s adequacy. In her brief, Lee pre-
    sented a small sample of the California Supreme Court’s
    state habeas denials on a single day about six months
    after her default. Lee claimed that out of the 210 sum-
    mary denials on December 21, 1999, the court failed to cite
    Dixon in 9 cases where it should have been applied. The
    court instead denied the nine petitions without any cita-
    tion at all. In Lee’s view, these missing citations proved
    that the California courts inconsistently applied the Dixon
    bar. Without evaluating this evidence, the Ninth Circuit
    reversed and remanded “to permit the Warden to submit
    evidence to the contrary, and for consideration by the
    district court in the first instance.” Lee v. Jacquez, 406
    Fed. Appx. 148, 150 (2010).
    On remand, the warden submitted a study analyzing
    more than 4,700 summary habeas denials during a nearly
    2-year period around the time of Lee’s procedural default.
    From August 1998 to June 2000, the study showed, the
    California Supreme Court cited Dixon in approximately
    12% of all denials—more than 500 times. In light of this
    evidence, the District Court held that the Dixon bar is
    The Ninth Circuit again reversed. Lee v. Jacquez, 788
    Cite as: 578 U. S. ____ (2016)            3
    Per Curiam
    F. 3d 1124 (2015). Lee’s 1-day sample proved the Dixon
    bar’s inadequacy, the court held, because the “failure to
    cite Dixon where Dixon applies . . . reflects [its] irregular
    application.” 788 F.3d, at 1130
    . The general 12% citation
    rate proved nothing, the court reasoned, because the
    warden “d[id] not purport to show to how many cases the
    Dixon bar should have been applied.” 
    Id., at 1133.
    the Ninth Circuit’s view, without this “baseline number” the
    warden’s 2-year study was “entirely insufficient” to prove
    adequacy. 788 F.3d, at 1133
    The Ninth Circuit’s decision profoundly misapprehends
    what makes a state procedural bar “adequate.” That
    question is a matter of federal law. Lee v. Kemna, 
    534 U.S. 362
    , 375 (2002). “To qualify as an ‘adequate’ proce-
    dural ground,” capable of barring federal habeas review, “a
    state rule must be ‘firmly established and regularly fol-
    lowed.’ ” 
    Martin, supra, at 316
    (quoting Beard v. Kindler,
    558 U.S. 53
    , 60 (2009)).
    California’s Dixon bar satisfies both adequacy criteria.
    It is “firmly established” because, decades before Lee’s
    June 1999 procedural default, the California Supreme
    Court warned defendants in plain terms that, absent
    “special circumstances,” habeas “will not lie where the
    claimed errors could have been, but were not, raised upon
    a timely appeal from a judgment of conviction.” 
    Dixon, supra, at 759
    , 264 P. 2d, at 514. And the California Su-
    preme Court eliminated any arguable ambiguity surround-
    ing this bar by reaffirming Dixon in two cases decided
    before Lee’s default. See In re Harris, 
    5 Cal. 4th 813
    825, n. 3, 829–841, 
    855 P.2d 391
    , 395, n. 3, 398–407
    (1993); In re Robbins, 
    18 Cal. 4th 770
    , 814–815, and n. 34,
    959 P.2d 311
    , 340–341, and n. 34 (1998).
    The California Supreme Court’s repeated Dixon cita-
    tions also prove that the bar is “regularly followed.” Mar-
    4                     JOHNSON v. LEE
    Per Curiam
    tin recently held that another California procedural bar—
    a rule requiring prisoners to file state habeas petitions
    promptly—met that requirement because “[e]ach year, the
    California Supreme Court summarily denies hundreds of
    habeas petitions by citing” the timeliness 
    rule. 562 U.S., at 318
    . The same goes for Dixon. Nine purportedly miss-
    ing Dixon citations from Lee’s 1-day sample of summary
    orders hardly support an inference of inconsistency. See
    Dugger v. Adams, 
    489 U.S. 401
    , 410, n. 6 (1989) (holding
    that the Florida Supreme Court applied its similar proce-
    dural bar “consistently and regularly” despite “ad-
    dress[ing] the merits in several cases raising [new] claims
    on postconviction review”). Indeed, all nine orders in that
    sample were denials. None ignored the Dixon bar to grant
    relief, so there is no sign of inconsistency.
    Nor is California’s rule unique. Federal and state ha-
    beas courts across the country follow the same rule as Dixon.
    “The general rule in federal habeas cases is that a defend-
    ant who fails to raise a claim on direct appeal is barred
    from raising the claim on collateral review.” Sanchez-
    Llamas v. Oregon, 
    548 U.S. 331
    , 350–351 (2006). Like-
    wise, state postconviction remedies generally “may not be
    used to litigate claims which were or could have been
    raised at trial or on direct appeal.” 1 D. Wilkes, State
    Postconviction Remedies and Relief Handbook §1:2, p. 3
    (2015–2016 ed.). It appears that every State shares this
    procedural bar in some form. See Brief for State of Ala-
    bama et al. as Amici Curiae 1, n. 2 (collecting citations).
    For such well-established and ubiquitous rules, it takes
    more than a few outliers to show inadequacy. Federal
    habeas courts must not lightly “disregard state procedural
    rules that are substantially similar to those to which we
    give full force in our own courts.” 
    Kindler, 558 U.S., at 62
    . And it would be “[e]ven stranger to do so with respect
    to rules in place in nearly every State.” 
    Ibid. Nothing suggests, moreover,
    that California courts apply the Dixon
    Cite as: 578 U. S. ____ (2016)            5
    Per Curiam
    bar in a way that disfavors federal claims. The Court
    therefore holds that it qualifies as adequate to bar federal
    habeas review.
    The Ninth Circuit’s contrary reasoning is unpersuasive
    and inconsistent with this Court’s precedents. Applying
    the Dixon bar may be a “straightforward” or “mechani-
    ca[l]” task for state 
    courts. 788 F.3d, at 1130
    . But sim-
    plicity does not imply that missing citations reflect state-
    court inconsistency. To begin with, since the Dixon bar
    has several exceptions, see 
    Robbins, supra, at 814
    and n. 
    34, 959 P.2d, at 340
    –341, and n. 34, the California
    Supreme Court can hardly be faulted for failing to cite
    Dixon whenever a petitioner raises a claim that he could
    have raised on direct appeal.
    More importantly, California courts need not address
    procedural default before reaching the merits, so the
    purportedly missing citations show nothing. Cf. Bell v.
    543 U.S. 447
    , 451, n. 3 (2005) ( per curiam) (declin-
    ing to address the warden’s procedural-default argument);
    Lambrix v. Singletary, 
    520 U.S. 518
    , 525 (1997) (explain-
    ing that “[ j]udicial economy might counsel” bypassing a
    procedural-default question if the merits “were easily
    resolvable against the habeas petitioner”). Ordinarily,
    “procedural default . . . is not a jurisdictional matter.”
    Trest v. Cain, 
    522 U.S. 87
    , 89 (1997). As a result, the
    appropriate order of analysis for each case remains within
    the state courts’ discretion. Such discretion will often lead
    to “seeming inconsistencies.” 
    Martin, 562 U.S., at 320
    and n. 7. But that superficial tension does not make a
    procedural bar inadequate. “[A] state procedural bar may
    count as an adequate and independent ground for denying
    a federal habeas petition even if the state court had dis-
    cretion to reach the merits despite the default.” 
    Id., at 311;
    Kindler, supra, at 60
    6                     JOHNSON v. LEE
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    The Ninth Circuit’s attempt to get around Martin and
    Kindler fails. The Court of Appeals distinguished those
    cases on the ground that California’s Dixon bar is “man-
    datory” rather than discretionary because it involves a
    discretion-free general rule, notwithstanding exceptions that
    might involve 
    discretion. 788 F.3d, at 1130
    . The Court
    assumes, without deciding, that this description is accu-
    rate and the Dixon bar’s exceptions leave some room for
    discretion. Even so, there is little difference between
    discretion exercised through an otherwise adequate proce-
    dural bar’s exceptions and discretion that is a part of the
    bar itself. In any event, the Ninth Circuit’s reasoning
    ignores the state courts’ discretion to assume, without
    deciding, that a claim is not procedurally defaulted and
    instead hold that the claim lacks merit.
    The Ninth Circuit was accordingly wrong to dismiss the
    500-plus summary denials citing Dixon simply because
    they do not reveal which cases potentially implicate the
    bar. 788 F.3d, at 1133
    . Martin already rejected this
    precise reasoning. There, the habeas petitioner unsuccess-
    fully argued that “[u]se of summary denials makes it
    impossible to tell why the California Supreme Court de-
    cides some delayed petitions on the merits and rejects
    others as 
    untimely.” 562 U.S., at 319
    (internal quotation
    marks omitted). So too here, “[w]e see no reason to reject
    California’s [procedural] bar simply because a court may
    opt to bypass the [Dixon] assessment and summarily
    dismiss a petition on the merits, if that is the easier path.”
    Ibid. By treating every
    missing citation as a sign of incon-
    sistency, the Court of Appeals “pose[d] an unnecessary
    dilemma” for California. 
    Kindler, 558 U.S., at 61
    . The
    court forced the State to choose between the “finality of
    [its] judgments” and a burdensome opinion-writing re-
    quirement. Ibid.; see 
    Martin, supra, at 312
    –313 (noting
    that the California Supreme Court “rules on a staggering
    Cite as: 578 U. S. ____ (2016)                  7
    Per Curiam
    number of habeas petitions each year”); Harrington v.
    562 U.S. 86
    , 99 (2011) (discussing the advantages
    of summary dispositions). “[F]ederal courts have no au-
    thority,” however, “to impose mandatory opinion-writing
    standards on state courts” as the price of federal respect
    for their procedural rules. Johnson v. Williams, 568 U. S.
    ___, ___ (2013) (slip op., at 9). The Ninth Circuit’s decision
    is thus fundamentally at odds with the “federalism and
    comity concerns that motivate the adequate state ground
    doctrine in the habeas context.” 
    Kindler, supra, at 62
    *     *     *
    “A State’s procedural rules are of vital importance to the
    orderly administration of its criminal courts; when a
    federal court permits them to be readily evaded, it under-
    mines the criminal justice system.” 
    Lambrix, supra, at 525
    . Here, the Ninth Circuit permitted California prison-
    ers to evade a well-established procedural bar that is
    adequate to bar federal habeas review. The petition for a
    writ of certiorari and respondent’s motion to proceed in
    forma pauperis are granted. The judgment of the Court of
    Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is reversed, and the case is
    remanded for further proceedings consistent with this
    It is so ordered.