Merck & Co. v. Reynolds , 130 S. Ct. 1784 ( 2010 )

  • (Slip Opinion)              OCTOBER TERM, 2009                                       1
    NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is
    being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.
    The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been
    prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader.
    See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 
    200 U. S. 321
    , 337.
    No. 08–905.      Argued November 30, 2009—Decided April 27, 2010
    On November 6, 2003, respondent investors filed a securities fraud ac
    tion under §10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, alleging
    that petitioner Merck & Co. knowingly misrepresented the heart
    attack risks associated with its drug Vioxx. A securities fraud com
    plaint is timely if filed no more than “2 years after the discovery of
    the facts constituting the violation” or 5 years after the violation. 
    28 U. S. C. §1658
    (b). The District Court dismissed the complaint as un
    timely because the plaintiffs should have been alerted to the possibil
    ity of Merck’s misrepresentations prior to November 2001, more than
    2 years before the complaint was filed, and they had failed to under
    take a reasonably diligent investigation at that time. Among the
    relevant circumstances were (1) a March 2000 “VIGOR” study com
    paring Vioxx with the painkiller naproxen and showing adverse car
    diovascular results for Vioxx, which Merck suggested might be due to
    the absence of a benefit conferred by naproxen rather than a harm
    caused by Vioxx (the naproxen hypothesis); (2) an FDA warning let
    ter, released to the public on September 21, 2001, saying that Merck’s
    Vioxx marketing with regard to the cardiovascular results was “false,
    lacking in fair balance, or otherwise misleading”; and (3) pleadings
    filed in products-liability actions in September and October 2001 al
    leging that Merck had concealed information about Vioxx and inten
    tionally downplayed its risks. The Third Circuit reversed, holding
    that the pre-November 2001 events did not suggest that Merck acted
    with scienter, an element of a §10(b) violation, and consequently did
    not commence the running of the limitations period.
    1. The limitations period in §1658(b)(1) begins to run once the
    plaintiff actually discovered or a reasonably diligent plaintiff would
    2                      MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    have “discover[ed] the facts constituting the violation”—whichever
    comes first. In the statute of limitations context, “discovery” is often
    used as a term of art in connection with the “discovery rule,” a doc
    trine that delays accrual of a cause of action until the plaintiff has
    “discovered” it. The rule arose in fraud cases but has been applied by
    state and federal courts in other types of claims, and legislatures
    have sometimes codified this rule. When “discovery” is written di
    rectly into a statute, courts have typically interpreted the word to re
    fer not only to actual discovery, but also to the hypothetical discovery
    of facts a reasonably diligent plaintiff would know. Congress in
    tended courts to interpret the word “discovery” in §1658(b)(1) simi
    larly. That statute was enacted after this Court determined a gov
    erning limitations period for private §10(b) actions, Lampf, Pleva,
    Lipkind, Prupis & Petigrow v. Gilbertson, 
    501 U. S. 350
    , concluding
    that such actions “must be commenced within one year after the dis
    covery of the facts constituting the violation . . . ,” 
    id., at 364
    sis added). Since then, Courts of Appeals deciding the matter have
    held that “discovery” occurs both when a plaintiff actually discovers
    the facts and when a hypothetical reasonably diligent plaintiff would
    have discovered them. In 2002, Congress repeated Lampf’s critical
    language in enacting the present limitations statute. Normally,
    when Congress enacts statutes, it is aware of relevant judicial prece
    dent. See, e.g., Edelman v. Lynchburg College, 
    535 U. S. 106
    , 116–
    117, and n. 13. Given the history and precedent surrounding the use
    of “discovery” in the limitations context generally as well as in this
    provision, the reasons for making this assumption are particularly
    strong here. Merck’s claims are evaluated accordingly. Pp. 8–12.
    2. In determining the time at which “discovery” occurs, terms such
    as “inquiry notice” and “storm warnings” may be useful insofar as
    they identify a time when the facts would have prompted a reasona
    bly diligent plaintiff to begin investigating. But the limitations pe
    riod does not begin to run until the plaintiff thereafter discovers or a
    reasonably diligent plaintiff would have discovered “the facts consti
    tuting the violation,” including scienter—irrespective of whether the
    actual plaintiff undertook a reasonably diligent investigation.
    Pp. 12–17.
    (a) Contrary to Merck’s argument, facts showing scienter are
    among those that “constitut[e] the violation.” Scienter is assuredly a
    “fact.” In a §10(b) action, it refers to “a mental state embracing in
    tent to deceive, manipulate, or defraud,” Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder,
    425 U. S. 185
    , 194, n. 12, and “constitut[es]” an important and neces
    sary element of a §10(b) “violation.” See Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues
    & Rights, Ltd., 
    551 U. S. 308
    , 319. Because the scienter element of
    §10(b) fraud cases has special heightened pleading requirements, see
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)                         3
    15 U. S. C. §78u–4(b)(2), unless a §10(b) complaint sets forth facts show
    ing that it is “at least as likely as not” that the defendant acted with the
    relevant intent, the claim will fail. Tellabs, 
    supra, at 328
     (emphasis de
    leted). It would frustrate the very purpose of the discovery rule codified in
    §1658(b)(1) if the limitations period began to run regardless of whether a
    plaintiff had “discover[ed]” any facts suggesting scienter. Pp. 12–14.
    (b) The Court also rejects Merck’s argument that, even if “discov
    ery” requires facts related to scienter, facts that tend to show a mate
    rially false or misleading statement (or material omission) are ordi
    narily sufficient to show scienter. Where §10(b) is at issue, the
    relation of factual falsity and state of mind is more context specific.
    For instance, an incorrect prediction about a firm’s future earnings,
    by itself, does not automatically show whether the speaker deliber
    ately lied or made an innocent error. Hence, “discovery” of additional
    scienter-related facts may be required. The statute’s inclusion of an
    unqualified bar on actions instituted “5 years after such violation,”
    §1658(b)(2), should diminish Merck’s fear that this requirement will
    give life to stale claims or subject defendants to liability for acts
    taken long ago. P. 14.
    (c) And the Court cannot accept Merck’s argument that the limi
    tations period begins at “inquiry notice,” meaning the point where
    the facts would lead a reasonably diligent plaintiff to investigate fur
    ther, because that point is not necessarily the point at which the
    plaintiff would already have “discover[ed]” facts showing scienter or
    other “facts constituting the violation.” The statute says that the
    plaintiff’s claim accrues only after the “discovery” of those latter
    facts. It contains no indication that the limitations period can some
    times begin before “discovery” can take place. Merck also argues that
    determining when a hypothetical reasonably diligent plaintiff would
    have “discover[ed]” the necessary facts is too complicated for judges
    to undertake. But courts applying the traditional discovery rule have
    long had to ask what a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have
    known and done in myriad circumstances and already undertake this
    kind of inquiry in securities fraud cases. Pp. 14–17.
    3. Prior to November 6, 2001, the plaintiffs did not discover, and
    Merck has not shown that a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have
    discovered, “the facts constituting the violation.” The FDA’s Septem
    ber 2001 warning letter shows little or nothing about the here
    relevant scienter, i.e., whether Merck advanced the naproxen hy
    pothesis with fraudulent intent. The FDA itself described the hy
    pothesis as a “possible explanation” for the VIGOR results, faulting
    Merck only for failing sufficiently to publicize the less favorable al
    ternative, that Vioxx might be harmful. The products-liability com
    plaints’ general statements about Merck’s state of mind show little
    4                    MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    more. Thus, neither these circumstances nor any of the other pre-
    November 2001 circumstances reveal “facts” indicating the relevant
    scienter. Pp. 17–19.
    543 F. 3d 150
    , affirmed.
    BREYER, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which ROBERTS,
    C. J., and KENNEDY, GINSBURG, ALITO, and SOTOMAYOR, JJ., joined.
    STEVENS, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and concurring in the
    judgment. SCALIA, J., filed an opinion concurring in part and concur
    ring in the judgment, in which THOMAS, J., joined.
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)                              1
    Opinion of the Court
    NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the
    preliminary print of the United States Reports. Readers are requested to
    notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of the United States, Wash
    ington, D. C. 20543, of any typographical or other formal errors, in order
    that corrections may be made before the preliminary print goes to press.
    No. 08–905
    [April 27, 2010]
    JUSTICE BREYER delivered the opinion of the Court.
    This case concerns the timeliness of a complaint filed in
    a private securities fraud action. The complaint was
    timely if filed no more than two years after the plaintiffs
    “discover[ed] the facts constituting the violation.” 
    28 U. S. C. §1658
    (b)(1). Construing this limitations statute
    for the first time, we hold that a cause of action accrues (1)
    when the plaintiff did in fact discover, or (2) when a rea
    sonably diligent plaintiff would have discovered, “the facts
    constituting the violation”—whichever comes first. We
    also hold that the “facts constituting the violation” include
    the fact of scienter, “a mental state embracing intent to
    deceive, manipulate, or defraud,” Ernst & Ernst v.
    425 U. S. 185
    , 194, n. 12 (1976). Applying this
    standard, we affirm the Court of Appeals’ determination
    that the complaint filed here was timely.
    The action before us involves a claim by a group of inves
    tors (the plaintiffs, respondents here) that Merck & Co.
    and others (the petitioners here, hereinafter Merck) know
    ingly misrepresented the risks of heart attacks accompany
    2                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    ing the use of Merck’s pain-killing drug, Vioxx (leading to
    economic losses when the risks later became apparent).
    The plaintiffs brought an action for securities fraud under
    §10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. See 
    48 Stat. 891
    , as amended, 15 U. S. C. §78j(b); SEC Rule 10b–5, 
    17 CFR §240
    .10b–5(b) (2009); Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v.
    544 U. S. 336
    , 341–342 (2005).
    The applicable statute of limitations provides that a
    “private right of action” that, like the present action,
    “involves a claim of fraud, deceit, manipulation, or con
    trivance in contravention of a regulatory requirement
    concerning the securities laws . . . may be brought not
    later than the earlier of—
    “(1) 2 years after the discovery of the facts constituting
    the violation; or
    “(2) 5 years after such violation.” 
    28 U. S. C. §1658
    The complaint in this case was filed on November 6,
    2003, and no one doubts that it was filed within five years
    of the alleged violation. Therefore, the critical date for
    timeliness purposes is November 6, 2001—two years
    before this complaint was filed. Merck claims that before
    this date the plaintiffs had (or should have) discovered the
    “facts constituting the violation.” If so, by the time the
    plaintiffs filed their complaint, the 2-year statutory period
    in §1658(b)(1) had run. The plaintiffs reply that they had
    not, and could not have, discovered by the critical date
    those “facts,” particularly not the facts related to scienter,
    and that their complaint was therefore timely.
    We first set out the relevant pre-November 2001 facts,
    as we have gleaned them from the briefs, the record, and
    the opinions below.
    1. 1990’s. In the mid-1990’s Merck developed Vioxx. In
    1999 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it
    for prescription use. Vioxx suppresses pain by inhibiting
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)            3
    Opinion of the Court
    the body’s production of an enzyme called COX–2 (cyclooxy-
    genase-2). COX–2 is associated with pain and inflamma-
    tion. Unlike some other anti-inflammatory drugs in its
    class like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, Vioxx does not
    inhibit production of a second enzyme called COX–1
    (cyclooxygenase-1). COX–1 plays a part in the functioning
    of the gastrointestinal tract and also in platelet aggregation
    (associated with blood clots). App. 50–51.
    2. March 2000. Merck announced the results of a study,
    called the “VIGOR” study. Id., at 291–294. The study
    compared Vioxx with another painkiller, naproxen. The
    study showed that persons taking Vioxx suffered fewer
    gastrointestinal side effects (as Merck had hoped). But
    the study also revealed that approximately 4 out of every
    1,000 participants who took Vioxx suffered heart attacks,
    compared to only 1 per 1,000 participants who took
    naproxen. Id., at 296, 306; see Bombardier et al., Com-
    parison of Upper Gastrointestinal Toxicity of Rofecoxib
    and Naproxen in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, 343
    New England J. Medicine 1520, 1523, 1526–1527 (2000).
    Merck’s press release acknowledged VIGOR’s adverse
    cardiovascular data. But Merck said that these data were
    “consistent with naproxen’s ability to block platelet aggre-
    gation.” App. 291. Merck noted that, since “Vioxx, like all
    COX–2 selective medicines, does not block platelet aggre-
    gation[, it] would not be expected to have similar effects.”
    Ibid. And Merck added that “safety data from all other
    completed and ongoing clinical trials . . . showed no indica-
    tion of a difference in the incidence of thromboembolic
    events between Vioxx” and either a placebo or comparable
    drugs. Id., at 293 (emphasis deleted).
    This theory—that VIGOR’s troubling cardiovascular
    findings might be due to the absence of a benefit conferred
    by naproxen rather than due to a harm caused by Vioxx—
    later became known as the “naproxen hypothesis.” In
    advancing that hypothesis, Merck acknowledged that the
    4                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    naproxen benefit “had not been observed previously.” Id.,
    at 291. Journalists and stock market analysts reported all
    of the above—the positive gastrointestinal results, the
    troubling cardiovascular finding, the naproxen hypothesis,
    and the fact that the naproxen hypothesis was unproved.
    See id., at 355–391, 508–557.
    3. February 2001 to August 2001. Public debate about
    the naproxen hypothesis continued. In February 2001, the
    FDA’s Arthritis Advisory Committee convened to consider
    Merck’s request that the Vioxx label be changed to reflect
    VIGOR’s positive gastrointestinal findings. The VIGOR
    cardiovascular findings were also discussed. Id., at 392–
    395, 558–577. In May 2001, a group of plaintiffs filed a
    products-liability lawsuit against Merck, claiming that
    “Merck’s own research” had demonstrated that “users of
    Vioxx were four times as likely to suffer heart attacks as
    compared to other less expensive, medications.” Id., at
    869. In August 2001, the Journal of the American Medical
    Association wrote that the available data raised a “cau
    tionary flag” and strongly urged that “a trial specifically
    assessing cardiovascular risk” be done. Id., at 331–332;
    Mukherjee, Nissen, & Topol, Risk of Cardiovascular
    Events Associated with Selective Cox-2 Inhibitors, 
    286 JAMA 954
     (2001). At about the same time, Bloomberg
    News quoted a Merck scientist who claimed that Merck
    had “additional data” that were “very, very reassuring,”
    and Merck issued a press release stating that it stood
    “behind the overall and cardiovascular safety profile . . . of
    Vioxx.” App. 434, 120 (emphasis deleted; internal quota
    tion marks omitted).
    4. September and October 2001. The FDA sent Merck a
    warning letter released to the public on September 21,
    2001. It said that, in respect to cardiovascular risks,
    Merck’s Vioxx marketing was “false, lacking in fair bal
    ance, or otherwise misleading.” 
    Id., at 339
    . At the same
    time, the FDA acknowledged that the naproxen hypothesis
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)            5
    Opinion of the Court
    was a “possible explanation” of the VIGOR results. 
    Id., at 340
    . But it found that Merck’s “promotional campaign
    selectively present[ed]” that hypothesis without adequately
    acknowledging “another reasonable explanation,” namely,
    “that Vioxx may have pro-thrombotic [i.e., adverse cardio
    vascular] properties.” 
     The FDA ordered Merck to
    send healthcare providers a corrective letter. 
    Id., at 353
    After the FDA letter was released, more products
    liability lawsuits were filed. See 
     at 885–956. Merck’s
    share price fell by 6.6% over several days. See 
    id., at 832
    By October 1, the price rebounded. See 
     On October
    9, 2001, the New York Times said that Merck had reexam
    ined its own data and “found no evidence that Vioxx in
    creased the risk of heart attacks.” App. 504. It quoted the
    president of Merck Research Laboratories as positing
    “ ‘two possible interpretations’ ”: “ ‘Naproxen lowers the
    heart attack rate, or Vioxx raises it.’ ” 
     Stock ana
    lysts, while reporting the warning letter, also noted that
    the FDA had not denied that the naproxen hypothesis
    remained an unproven but possible explanation. See 
    id., at 614, 626, 628
    We next set forth three important events that occurred
    after the critical date.
    1. October 2003. The Wall Street Journal published the
    results of a Merck-funded Vioxx study conducted at Bos
    ton’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. After examining
    the medical records of more than 50,000 Medicare pa
    tients, researchers found that those given Vioxx for 30-to
    90 days were 37% more likely to have suffered a heart
    attack than those given either a different painkiller or no
    painkiller at all. 
     at 164–165. (That is to say, if pa
    tients given a different painkiller or given no painkiller at
    all suffered 10 heart attacks, then the same number of
    patients given Vioxx would suffer 13 or 14 heart attacks.)
    6                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    Merck defended Vioxx and pointed to the study’s limita
     at 165–167.
    2. September 30, 2004. Merck withdrew Vioxx from the
    market. It said that a new study had found “an increased
    risk of confirmed cardiovascular events beginning after 18
    months of continuous therapy.” 
    Id., at 182
     (internal quo
    tation marks omitted). A Merck representative publicly
    described the results as “totally unexpected.” 
    Id., at 186
    Merck’s shares fell by 27% the same day. 
    Id., at 185, 856
    3. November 1, 2004. The Wall Street Journal published
    an article stating that “internal Merck e-mails and mar
    keting materials as well as interviews with outside scien
    tists show that the company fought forcefully for years to
    keep safety concerns from destroying the drug’s commer
    cial prospects.” 
     at 189–190. The article said that an
    early e-mail from Merck’s head of research had said that
    the VIGOR “results showed that the cardiovascular events
    ‘are clearly there,’ ” that it was “ ‘a shame but . . . a low
    incidence,’ ” and that it “ ‘is mechanism based as we wor
    ried it was.’ ” 
    Id., at 192
    . It also said that Merck had
    given its salespeople instructions to “ ‘DODGE’ ” questions
    about Vioxx’s cardiovascular effects. 
    Id., at 193
    The plaintiffs filed their complaint on November 6,
    2003. As subsequently amended, the complaint alleged
    that Merck had defrauded investors by promoting the
    naproxen hypothesis, knowing the hypothesis was false.
    It said, for example, that Merck “knew, at least as early as
    1996, of the serious safety issues with Vioxx,” and that a
    “1998 internal Merck clinical trial . . . revealed that . . .
    serious cardiovascular events . . . occurred six times more
    frequently in patients given Vioxx than in patients given a
    different arthritis drug or placebo.” 
    Id., at 56
    , 58–59
    (emphasis and capitalization deleted).
    Merck, believing that the plaintiffs knew or should have
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)            7
    Opinion of the Court
    known the “facts constituting the violation” at least two
    years earlier, moved to dismiss the complaint, saying it
    was filed too late. The District Court granted the motion.
    The court held that the (March 2001) VIGOR study, the
    (September 2001) FDA warning letter, and Merck’s (Octo
    ber 2001) response should have alerted the plaintiffs to a
    “possibility that Merck had knowingly misrepresented
    material facts” no later than October 9, 2001, thus placing
    the plaintiffs on “inquiry notice” to look further. In re
    Merck & Co. Securities, Derivative & “ERISA” Litigation,
    483 F. Supp. 2d 407
    , 423 (NJ 2007) (emphasis added).
    Finding that the plaintiffs had failed to “show that they
    exercised reasonable due diligence but nevertheless were
    unable to discover their injuries,” the court took October 9,
    2001, as the date that the limitations period began to run
    and therefore found the complaint untimely. 
    Id., at 424
    The Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit reversed. A
    majority held that the pre-November 2001 events, while
    constituting “storm warnings,” did not suggest much by
    way of scienter, and consequently did not put the plaintiffs
    on “inquiry notice,” requiring them to investigate further.
    In re Merck & Co. Securities, Derivative & “ERISA” Litiga
    543 F. 3d 150
    , 172 (2008). A dissenting judge consid
    ered the pre-November 2001 events sufficient to start the
    2-year clock running. 
    Id., at 173
     (opinion of Roth, J.).
    Merck sought review in this Court, pointing to dis
    agreements among the Courts of Appeals. Compare Theo
    harous v. Fong, 
    256 F. 3d 1219
    , 1228 (CA11 2001) (limita
    tions period begins to run when information puts plaintiffs
    on “inquiry notice” of the need for investigation), with
    Shah v. Meeker, 
    435 F. 3d 244
    , 249 (CA2 2006) (same; but
    if plaintiff does investigate, period runs “from the date
    such inquiry should have revealed the fraud” (internal
    quotation marks omitted)), and New England Health Care
    Employees Pension Fund v. Ernst & Young, LLP, 
    336 F. 3d 495
    , 501 (CA6 2003) (limitations period always begins to
    8                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    run only when a reasonably diligent plaintiff, after being
    put on “inquiry notice,” should have discovered facts con
    stituting violation (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    We granted Merck’s petition.
    Before turning to Merck’s arguments, we consider a
    more basic matter. The parties and the Solicitor General
    agree that §1658(b)(1)’s word “discovery” refers not only to
    a plaintiff’s actual discovery of certain facts, but also to
    the facts that a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have
    discovered. We agree. But because the statute’s language
    does not make this interpretation obvious, and because we
    cannot answer the question presented without considering
    whether the parties are right about this matter, we set
    forth the reasons for our agreement in some detail.
    We recognize that one might read the statutory words
    “after the discovery of the facts constituting the violation”
    as referring to the time a plaintiff actually discovered the
    relevant facts. But in the statute of limitations context,
    the word “discovery” is often used as a term of art in con
    nection with the “discovery rule,” a doctrine that delays
    accrual of a cause of action until the plaintiff has “discov
    ered” it. The rule arose in fraud cases as an exception to
    the general limitations rule that a cause of action accrues
    once a plaintiff has a “complete and present cause of ac
    tion,” Bay Area Laundry and Dry Cleaning Pension Trust
    Fund v. Ferbar Corp. of Cal., 
    522 U. S. 192
    , 201 (1997)
    (citing Clark v. Iowa City, 
    20 Wall. 583
    , 589 (1875); inter
    nal quotation marks omitted). This Court long ago recog
    nized that something different was needed in the case of
    fraud, where a defendant’s deceptive conduct may prevent
    a plaintiff from even knowing that he or she has been
    defrauded. Otherwise, “the law which was designed to
    prevent fraud” could become “the means by which it is
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)             9
    Opinion of the Court
    made successful and secure.” Bailey v. Glover, 
    21 Wall. 342
    , 349 (1875). Accordingly, “where a plaintiff has been
    injured by fraud and remains in ignorance of it without
    any fault or want of diligence or care on his part, the bar
    of the statute does not begin to run until the fraud is
    discovered.” Holmberg v. Armbrecht, 
    327 U. S. 392
    , 397
    (1946) (internal quotation marks omitted; emphasis
    added). And for more than a century, courts have under
    stood that “[f]raud is deemed to be discovered . . . when, in
    the exercise of reasonable diligence, it could have been
    discovered.” 2 H. Wood, Limitation of Actions §276b(11),
    p. 1402 (4th ed. 1916); see id., at 1401–1403, and nn. 74–
    84 (collecting cases and statutes); see, e.g., Holmberg,
    supra, at 397
    ; Kirby v. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
    R. Co., 
    120 U. S. 130
    , 138 (1887) (The rule “regard[s] the
    cause of action as having accrued at the time the fraud
    was or should have been discovered”).
    More recently, both state and federal courts have ap
    plied forms of the “discovery rule” to claims other than
    fraud. See 2 C. Corman, Limitation of Actions §§,, pp. 136–142, and nn. 6–13, 18–23 (1991 and 1993
    Supp.) (hereinafter Corman) (collecting cases); see, e.g.,
    United States v. Kubrick, 
    444 U. S. 111
     (1979). Legisla
    tures have codified the discovery rule in various contexts.
    2 Corman §11.2, at 170–171, and nn. 1–9 (collecting stat
    utes); see, e.g., 28 U. S. C. §2409a(g) (actions to quiet title
    against the United States). In doing so, legislators have
    written the word “discovery” directly into the statute. And
    when they have done so, state and federal courts have
    typically interpreted the word to refer not only to actual
    discovery, but also to the hypothetical discovery of facts a
    reasonably diligent plaintiff would know. See, e.g., Pea
    cock v. Barnes, 142 N. C. 215, 217–220, 
    55 S. E. 99
    , 100
    (1906); Davis v. Hibernia Sav. & Loan Soc., 
    21 Cal. App. 444
    , 448, 
    132 P. 462
    , 464 (1913); Roether v. National
    Union Fire Ins. Co., 51 N. D. 634, 640–642, 
    200 N. W. 818
    10               MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    821 (1924); Goldenberg v. Bache & Co., 
    270 F. 2d 675
    , 681
    (CA5 1959); Mobley v. Hall, 
    202 Mont. 227
    , 232, 
    657 P. 2d 604
    , 606 (1983); Tregenza v. Great American Communica
    tions Co., 
    12 F. 3d 717
    , 721–722 (CA7 1993); J. Geils Band
    Employee Benefit Plan v. Smith Barney Shearson, Inc., 
    76 F. 3d 1245
    , 1254 (CA1 1996).
    Thus, treatise writers now describe “the discovery rule”
    as allowing a claim “to accrue when the litigant first
    knows or with due diligence should know facts that will
    form the basis for an action.” 2 Corman §11.1.1, at 134
    (emphasis added); see also ibid., n. 1 (collecting cases); 37
    Am. Jur. 2d, Fraud and Deceit §347, p. 354 (2001 and
    Supp. 2009) (noting that the various formulations of “dis
    covery” all provide that “in addition to actual knowledge of
    the fraud, once a reasonably diligent party is in a position
    that they should have sufficient knowledge or information
    to have actually discovered the fraud, they are charged
    with discovery”); id., at 354–355, and nn. 2–11 (collecting
    Like the parties, we believe that Congress intended
    courts to interpret the word “discovery” in §1658(b)(1)
    similarly. Before Congress enacted that statute, this
    Court, having found in the federal securities laws the
    existence of an implied private §10(b) action, determined
    its governing limitations period by looking to other limita
    tions periods in the federal securities laws. Lampf, Pleva,
    Lipkind, Prupis & Petigrow v. Gilbertson, 
    501 U. S. 350
    (1991). Noting the existence of various formulations
    “differ[ing] slightly in terminology,” the Court chose the
    language in 15 U. S. C. §78i(e), the statutory provision
    that governs securities price manipulation claims. 
    501 U. S., at 364, n. 9
    . And in doing so, the Court said that
    private §10(b) actions “must be commenced within one
    year after the discovery of the facts constituting the viola
    tion and within three years after such violation.” Id., at
    364 (emphasis added). (The Court listed among the vari
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)           11
    Opinion of the Court
    ous formulations the one in 15 U. S. C. §77m, on which the
    concurrence relies. See post, at 2–4 (SCALIA, J., concurring
    in part and concurring in judgment); Lampf, 
    supra, at 360
    and n. 7 (quoting §77m).)
    Subsequently, every Court of Appeals to decide the
    matter held that “discovery of the facts constituting the
    violation” occurs not only once a plaintiff actually discov
    ers the facts, but also when a hypothetical reasonably
    diligent plaintiff would have discovered them. See, e.g.,
    Law v. Medco Research, Inc., 
    113 F. 3d 781
    , 785–786 (CA7
    1997); Dodds v. Cigna Securities, Inc., 
    12 F. 3d 346
    , 350,
    353 (CA2 1993); see In re NAHC, Inc. Securities Litigation,
    306 F. 3d 1314
    , 1325, n. 4 (CA3 2002) (collecting cases).
    Some of those courts noted that other limitations provi
    sions in the federal securities laws explicitly provide that
    the period begins to run “ ‘after the discovery of the untrue
    statement . . . or after such discovery should have been
    made by [the] exercise of reasonable diligence,’ ” whereas
    the formulation adopted by the Court in Lampf from 15
    U. S. C. §78i(e) does not. Tregenza, 
    supra, at 721
    §77m; emphasis added in Tregenza); see Lampf, 
    supra, at 364, n. 9
    . But, courts reasoned, because the term “discov
    ery” in respect to statutes of limitations for fraud has long
    been understood to include discoveries a reasonably dili
    gent plaintiff would make, the omission of an explicit
    provision to that effect did not matter. Tregenza, 
    supra, at 721
    ; accord, New England Health Care, 
    336 F. 3d, at
    In 2002, when Congress enacted the present limitations
    statute, it repeated Lampf’s critical language. The statute
    says that an action based on fraud “may be brought not
    later than the earlier of . . . 2 years after the discovery of
    the facts constituting the violation” (or “5 years after such
    violation”). §804 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 
    116 Stat. 801
    codified at 
    28 U. S. C. §1658
    (b) (emphasis added). (This
    statutory provision does not make the linguistic distinc
    12               MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    tion that the concurrence finds in a different statute,
    §77m, and upon which its argument rests. Cf. 
    29 U. S. C. §1113
    (2) (statute in which Congress provided that an
    action be brought “three years after the earliest date on
    which the plaintiff had actual knowledge of the breach or
    violation” (emphasis added)).)      Not surprisingly, the
    Courts of Appeals unanimously have continued to inter
    pret the word “discovery” in this statute as including not
    only facts a particular plaintiff knows, but also the facts
    any reasonably diligent plaintiff would know. See, e.g.,
    Staehr v. Hartford Financial Servs. Group, Inc., 
    547 F. 3d 406
    , 411 (CA2 2008); Sudo Properties, Inc. v. Terrebonne
    Parish Consolidated Govt., 
    503 F. 3d 371
    , 376 (CA5 2007).
    We normally assume that, when Congress enacts stat
    utes, it is aware of relevant judicial precedent. See, e.g.,
    Edelman v. Lynchburg College, 
    535 U. S. 106
    , 116–117,
    and n. 13 (2002); Commissioner v. Keystone Consol. Indus
    tries, Inc., 
    508 U. S. 152
    , 159 (1993). Given the history
    and precedent surrounding the use of the word “discovery”
    in the limitations context generally as well as in this
    provision in particular, the reasons for making this as
    sumption are particularly strong here. We consequently
    hold that “discovery” as used in this statute encompasses
    not only those facts the plaintiff actually knew, but also
    those facts a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have
    known. And we evaluate Merck’s claims accordingly.
    We turn now to Merck’s arguments in favor of holding
    that petitioners’ claims accrued before November 6, 2001.
    First, Merck argues that the statute does not require
    “discovery” of scienter-related “facts.” See Brief for Peti
    tioners 19–28. We cannot agree, however, that facts about
    scienter are unnecessary.
    The statute says that the limitations period does not
    begin to run until “discovery of the facts constituting the
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)             13
    Opinion of the Court
    28 U. S. C. §1658
    (b)(1) (emphasis added).
    Scienter is assuredly a “fact.” In a §10(b) action, scienter
    refers to “a mental state embracing intent to deceive,
    manipulate, or defraud.” Ernst & Ernst, 
    425 U. S., at 194, n. 12
    . And the “ ‘state of a man’s mind is as much a fact as
    the state of his digestion.’ ” Postal Service Bd. of Gover
    nors v. Aikens, 
    460 U. S. 711
    , 716 (1983) (quoting Edging
    ton v. Fitzmaurice, [1885] 29 Ch. Div. 459, 483).
    And this “fact” of scienter “constitut[es]” an important
    and necessary element of a §10(b) “violation.” A plaintiff
    cannot recover without proving that a defendant made a
    material misstatement with an intent to deceive—not
    merely innocently or negligently. See Tellabs, Inc. v.
    Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 
    551 U. S. 308
    , 319 (2007);
    Ernst & Ernst, supra. Indeed, Congress has enacted
    special heightened pleading requirements for the scienter
    element of §10(b) fraud cases. See 15 U. S. C. §78u–4(b)(2)
    (requiring plaintiffs to “state with particularity facts
    giving rise to a strong inference that the defendant acted
    with the required state of mind” (emphasis added)). As a
    result, unless a §10(b) plaintiff can set forth facts in the
    complaint showing that it is “at least as likely as” not that the
    defendant acted with the relevant knowledge or intent, the
    claim will fail. Tellabs, 
    supra, at 328
     (emphasis deleted). It
    would therefore frustrate the very purpose of the discovery
    rule in this provision—which, after all, specifically applies
    only in cases “involv[ing] a claim of fraud, deceit, manipu
    lation, or contrivance,” §1658(b)—if the limitations period
    began to run regardless of whether a plaintiff had discov
    ered any facts suggesting scienter. So long as a defendant
    concealed for two years that he made a misstatement with
    an intent to deceive, the limitations period would expire
    before the plaintiff had actually “discover[ed]” the fraud.
    We consequently hold that facts showing scienter are
    among those that “constitut[e] the violation.” In so hold
    ing, we say nothing about other facts necessary to support
    14               MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    a private §10(b) action. Cf. Brief for United States as
    Amicus Curiae 12, n. 1 (suggesting that facts concerning a
    plaintiff’s reliance, loss, and loss causation are not among
    those that constitute “the violation” and therefore need not
    be “discover[ed]” for a claim to accrue).
    Second, Merck argues that, even if “discovery” requires
    facts related to scienter, facts that tend to show a materi
    ally false or misleading statement (or material omission)
    are ordinarily sufficient to show scienter as well. See
    Brief for Petitioners 22, 28–29. But we do not see how
    that is so. We recognize that certain statements are such
    that, to show them false is normally to show scienter as
    well. It is unlikely, for example, that someone would
    falsely say “I am not married” without being aware of the
    fact that his statement is false. Where §10(b) is at issue,
    however, the relation of factual falsity and state of mind is
    more context specific. An incorrect prediction about a
    firm’s future earnings, by itself, does not automatically tell
    us whether the speaker deliberately lied or just made an
    innocent (and therefore nonactionable) error. Hence, the
    statute may require “discovery” of scienter-related facts
    beyond the facts that show a statement (or omission) to be
    materially false or misleading. Merck fears that this
    requirement will give life to stale claims or subject defen
    dants to liability for acts taken long ago. But Congress’
    inclusion in the statute of an unqualified bar on actions
    instituted “5 years after such violation,” §1658(b)(2), giv
    ing defendants total repose after five years, should dimin
    ish that fear. Cf. Lampf, 
    501 U. S., at 363
     (holding compa
    rable bar not subject to equitable tolling).
    Third, Merck says that the limitations period began to
    run prior to November 2001 because by that point the
    plaintiffs were on “inquiry notice.” Merck uses the term
    “inquiry notice” to refer to the point “at which a plaintiff
    possesses a quantum of information sufficiently suggestive
    of wrongdoing that he should conduct a further inquiry.”
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)           15
    Opinion of the Court
    Brief for Petitioners 20. And some, but not all, Courts of
    Appeals have used the term in roughly similar ways. See,
    e.g., Franze v. Equitable Assurance, 
    296 F. 3d 1250
    , 1254
    (CA11 2002) (“[I]nquiry notice [is] “ ‘the term used for
    knowledge of facts that would lead a reasonable person to
    begin investigating the possibility that his legal rights had
    been infringed’ ”). Cf. Dodds, 
    12 F. 3d, at 350
     (“duty of
    inquiry” arises once “circumstances would suggest to an
    investor of ordinary intelligence the probability that she
    had been defrauded”); Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. v.
    115 F. 3d 1332
    , 1335–1336 (CA7 1997) (“The facts
    constituting [inquiry] notice must be sufficien[t] . . . to
    incite the victim to investigate” and “to enable him to tie
    up any loose ends and complete the investigation in time
    to file a timely suit”); Great Rivers Cooperative of South
    eastern Iowa v. Farmland Industries, Inc., 
    120 F. 3d 893
    896 (CA8 1997) (“Inquiry notice exists when the victim is
    aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to
    investigate and consequently acquire actual knowledge of
    the defendant’s misrepresentations” (emphasis added)).
    If the term “inquiry notice” refers to the point where the
    facts would lead a reasonably diligent plaintiff to investi
    gate further, that point is not necessarily the point at which
    the plaintiff would already have discovered facts showing
    scienter or other “facts constituting the violation.” But the
    statute says that the plaintiff’s claim accrues only after the
    “discovery” of those latter facts. Nothing in the text sug
    gests that the limitations period can sometimes begin before
    “discovery” can take place. Merck points out that, as we
    have discussed, see supra, at 8–9, the court-created “discov
    ery rule” exception to ordinary statutes of limitations is not
    generally available to plaintiffs who fail to pursue their
    claims with reasonable diligence. But we are dealing here
    with a statute, not a court-created exception to a statute.
    Because the statute contains no indication that the limita
    tions period should occur at some earlier moment before
    16                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    “discovery,” when a plaintiff would have begun investigat
    ing, we cannot accept Merck’s argument.
    As a fallback, Merck argues that even if the limitations
    period does generally begin at “discovery,” it should none
    theless run from the point of “inquiry notice” in one par
    ticular situation, namely, where the actual plaintiff fails to
    undertake an investigation once placed on “inquiry no
    tice.” In such circumstances, Merck contends, the actual
    plaintiff is not diligent, and the law should not “effectively
    excuse a plaintiff’s failure to conduct a further investiga
    tion” by placing that nondiligent plaintiff and a reasonably
    diligent plaintiff “in the same position.” Brief for Petition
    ers 48.
    We cannot accept this argument for essentially the same
    reason we reject “inquiry notice” as the standard gener
    ally: We cannot reconcile it with the statute, which simply
    provides that “discovery” is the event that triggers the 2
    year limitations period—for all plaintiffs. Cf. United
    States v. Mack, 
    295 U. S. 480
    , 489 (1935) (“Laches within
    the term of the statute of limitations is no defense at
    law”). Furthermore, the statute does not place all plain
    tiffs “in the same position” no matter whether they inves
    tigate when investigation is warranted. The limitations
    period puts plaintiffs who fail to investigate once on “in
    quiry notice” at a disadvantage because it lapses two years
    after a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have discovered
    the necessary facts. A plaintiff who fails entirely to inves
    tigate or delays investigating may well not have discov
    ered those facts by that time or, at least, may not have
    found sufficient facts by that time to be able to file a §10(b)
    complaint that satisfies the applicable heightened plead
    ing standards. Cf. Young v. Lepone, 
    305 F. 3d 1
    , 9 (CA1
    2002) (“[A] reasonably diligent investigation . . . may
    consume as little as a few days or as much as a few years
    to get to the bottom of the matter”).
    Merck further contends that its proposed “inquiry no
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)          17
    Opinion of the Court
    tice” standard is superior, because determining when a
    hypothetical reasonably diligent plaintiff would have
    “discover[ed]” the necessary facts is too complicated for
    judges to undertake. But courts applying the traditional
    discovery rule have long had to ask what a reasonably
    diligent plaintiff would have known and done in myriad
    circumstances. And courts in at least five Circuits already
    ask this kind of question in securities fraud cases. See,
    e.g., Rothman v. Gregor, 
    220 F. 3d 81
    , 97 (CA2 2000); New
    England Health Care, 
    336 F. 3d, at 501
    ; Young, 
    supra, at 1
    , 9–10; Sterlin v. Biomune Systems, 
    154 F. 3d 1191
    , 1201
    (CA10 1998); Marks v. CDW Computer Centers, Inc., 
    122 F. 3d 363
    , 367–368 (CA7 1997). Merck has not shown this
    precedent to be unworkable. We consequently find that
    the “discovery” of facts that put a plaintiff on “inquiry
    notice” does not automatically begin the running of the
    limitations period.
    We conclude that the limitations period in §1658(b)(1)
    begins to run once the plaintiff did discover or a reasona
    bly diligent plaintiff would have “discover[ed] the facts
    constituting the violation”—whichever comes first. In
    determining the time at which “discovery” of those “facts”
    occurred, terms such as “inquiry notice” and “storm warn
    ings” may be useful to the extent that they identify a time
    when the facts would have prompted a reasonably diligent
    plaintiff to begin investigating. But the limitations period
    does not begin to run until the plaintiff thereafter discov
    ers or a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have discov
    ered “the facts constituting the violation,” including sci
    enter—irrespective of whether the actual plaintiff
    undertook a reasonably diligent investigation.
    Finally, Merck argues that, even if all its other legal
    arguments fail, the record still shows that, before Novem
    18               MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of the Court
    ber 6, 2001, the plaintiffs had discovered or should have
    discovered “the facts constituting the violation.” In re
    spect to scienter Merck primarily relies upon (1) the FDA’s
    September 2001 warning letter, which said that Merck
    had “ ‘minimized’ ” the VIGOR study’s “ ‘potentially serious
    cardiovascular findings’ ” and (2) pleadings filed in prod
    ucts-liability actions in September and October 2001
    alleging that Merck had “ ‘omitted, suppressed, or con
    cealed material facts concerning the dangers and risks
    associated with Vioxx’ ” and “purposefully downplayed
    and/or understated the serious nature of the risks associ
    ated with Vioxx.” Brief for Petitioners 36–37 (quoting
    App. 340, 893).
    The FDA’s warning letter, however, shows little or
    nothing about the here-relevant scienter, i.e., whether
    Merck advanced the naproxen hypothesis with fraudulent
    intent. See Part I–A(4), supra. The FDA itself described
    the pro-Vioxx naproxen hypothesis as a “possible explana
    tion” for the VIGOR results, faulting Merck only for failing
    sufficiently to publicize the alternative less favorable to
    Merck, that Vioxx might be harmful. App. 340.
    The products-liability complaints’ statements about
    Merck’s knowledge show little more. See Part I–A(3),
    supra. Merck does not claim that these complaints con
    tained any specific information suggesting the fraud al
    leged here, i.e., that Merck knew the naproxen hypothesis
    was false even as it promoted it. And, without providing
    any reason to believe that the plaintiffs had special access
    to information about Merck’s state of mind, the complaints
    alleged only in general terms that Merck had concealed
    information about Vioxx and “purposefully downplayed
    and/or understated” the risks associated with Vioxx—the
    same charge made in the FDA warning letter. App. 893.
    In our view, neither these two circumstances nor any of
    the other pre-November 2001 circumstances that we have
    set forth in Part I–A, supra, whether viewed separately or
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)          19
    Opinion of the Court
    together, reveal “facts” indicating scienter. Regardless of
    which, if any, of the events following November 6, 2001,
    constituted “discovery,” we need only conclude that prior
    to November 6, 2001, the plaintiffs did not discover, and
    Merck has not shown that a reasonably diligent plaintiff
    would have discovered, “the facts constituting the viola
    tion.” In light of our interpretation of the statute, our
    holdings in respect to scienter, and our application of
    those holdings to the circumstances of this case, we must,
    and we do, reach that conclusion. Thus, the plaintiffs’ suit
    is timely. We need not—and do not—pass upon the Court
    of Appeals’ suggestion that the November 2003 Brigham
    and Women’s study might have triggered the statute of
    limitations. The judgment of the Court of Appeals is
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)           1
    Opinion of STEVENS, J.
    No. 08–905
    [April 27, 2010]
    JUSTICE STEVENS, concurring in part and concurring in
    the judgment.
    In my opinion the Court’s explanation of why the com
    plaint was timely filed is convincing and correct. Ante, at
    12–19. In this case there is no difference between the time
    when the plaintiffs actually discovered the factual basis
    for their claim and the time when reasonably diligent
    plaintiffs should have discovered those facts. For that
    reason, much of the discussion in Part II of the Court’s
    opinion, see ante, at 8–12, is not necessary to support the
    Court’s judgment. Until a case arises in which the differ
    ence between an actual discovery rule and a constructive
    discovery rule would affect the outcome, I would reserve
    decision on the merits of JUSTICE SCALIA’s argument, post,
    at 1–7 (opinion concurring in part and concurring in
    judgment). With this reservation, I join the Court’s excel
    lent opinion.
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)            1
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    No. 08–905
    [April 27, 2010]
    concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.
    Private suits under §10(b) of the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934, 15 U. S. C. §78j(b), must be brought within
    “(1) 2 years after the discovery of the facts constituting the
    violation” or “(2) 5 years after such violation,” whichever
    comes first. 
    28 U. S. C. §1658
    (b)(1). I agree with the
    Court that scienter is among the “facts constituting the
    violation” that a plaintiff must “discove[r]” for the limita
    tions period to begin. Ante, at 12–14 (internal quotation
    marks omitted). I also agree that respondents’ suit is
    timely, but for a reason different from the Court’s: Merck
    has not shown that respondents actually “discover[ed]”
    scienter more than two years before bringing suit.
    In ordinary usage, “discovery” occurs when one actually
    learns something new. See Webster’s New International
    Dictionary of the English Language 745 (2d ed. 1957)
    (defining “discovery” as “[f]inding out or ascertaining
    something previously unknown or unrecognized”). As the
    Court notes, however, ante, at 8–10, in the context of
    statutes of limitations “discovery” has long carried an
    additional meaning: It also occurs when a plaintiff, exer
    cising reasonable diligence, should have discovered the
    facts giving rise to his claim. See, e.g., Wood v. Carpenter,
    101 U. S. 135
    , 140–142 (1879); 2 H. Wood, Limitations of
    2                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    Actions §276b(11)–(13), pp. 1401–1408 (4th ed. 1916);
    Dawson, Undiscovered Fraud and Statutes of Limitation,
    31 Mich. L. Rev. 591
    , 619, and n. 77 (1933). Read in isola
    tion, “discovery” in §1658(b)(1) might mean constructive
    In context, however, I do not believe it can. Section 13
    of the Securities Act of 1933, 
    48 Stat. 84
    , explicitly estab
    lished a constructive-discovery rule for claims under §§11
    and 12 of that Act:
    “No action shall be maintained to enforce any liability
    created under section 77k or 77l(a)(2) of this title
    unless brought within one year after the discovery of
    the untrue statement or the omission, or after such
    discovery should have been made by the exercise of
    reasonable diligence . . . .” 15 U. S. C. §77m.
    “[D]iscovery” in §77m obviously cannot mean constructive
    discovery, since that would render superfluous the phrase
    “or after such discovery should have been made by the
    exercise of reasonable diligence.” Ibid. With §77m al
    ready on the books, Congress added limitations periods in
    the 1934 Act, 15 U. S. C. §§78i(e), 78r(c), that did not
    contain similar qualifying language; instead, each estab
    lished a time bar that runs from “discovery” simpliciter.
    When Congress enacted §1658(b)(1) in 2002, establishing
    a limitations period for private actions for “fraud, deceit,
    manipulation, or contrivance in contravention of a regula
    tory requirement concerning the securities laws,” specifi
    cally including the 1933 and 1934 Acts, see 15 U. S. C.
    §78c(a)(47), it likewise included no constructive-discovery
    caveat. To interpret §1658(b)(1) as imposing a construc
    tive-discovery standard, one must therefore assume, con
    trary to common sense, that the same word means two
    very different things in the same statutory context of
    limitations periods for securities-fraud actions under the
    1933 and 1934 Acts.
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)            3
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    True, the sensible presumption that a word means the
    same thing when it appears more than once in the same
    statutory context—or even in the very same statute—is
    rebuttable. See General Dynamics Land Systems, Inc. v.
    540 U. S. 581
    , 595–596 (2004). Context may make
    clear that in one instance the word carries one meaning,
    and in a second instance another. See, e.g., 
     at 596–
    597. But nothing in the context of §77m or §1658(b)(1)
    suggests that is the case. Both provisions impose limita
    tions periods for federal-law claims based on various false
    statements or omissions involving securities. The former
    applies to false statements or omissions in registration
    statements, §77k, and offers to sell securities, §77l(a)(2);
    the broad language of the latter (“claim[s] of fraud, deceit,
    manipulation, or contrivance in contravention of a regula
    tory requirement concerning the securities laws”) covers
    other “manipulative or deceptive device[s] or contriv
    ance[s]” made “in connection with the purchase or sale” of
    a security in violation of Securities and Exchange Com
    mission regulations, §78j(b), including SEC Rule 10b–5, 
    17 CFR §240
    .10b–5(b) (2009). There is good reason, more
    over, for providing an actual-discovery rule for private
    §10(b) claims but providing (explicitly) a constructive
    discovery rule for claims governed by §77m: The elements
    of §10(b) claims, which include scienter, are likely more
    difficult to discover than the elements of claims under
    §77k or §77l(a)(2), which do not, see Herman & MacLean
    v. Huddleston, 
    459 U. S. 375
    , 382 (1983); Ernst & Ernst v.
    425 U. S. 185
    , 208–209 (1976); In re Morgan
    Stanley Information Fund Securities Litigation, 
    592 F. 3d 347
    , 359 (CA2 2010). And a constructive-discovery stan
    dard may be easier to apply to the claims covered by §77m.
    Determining when the plaintiff should have uncovered an
    untrue assertion in a registration statement or prospectus
    is much simpler than assessing when a plaintiff should
    have learned that the defendant deliberately misled him
    4                    MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    using a deceptive device covered by §10(b).1
    Unable to identify anything in the statutory context that
    warrants giving “discovery” two meanings, the Court
    relies on the historical treatment of “discovery” in limita
    tions periods (particularly for fraud claims) as incorporat
    ing a constructive-discovery rule. Ante, at 8–10, 12. But
    that history proves only that “discovery” can carry that
    technical meaning, and that without §77m it would be
    reasonable (other things equal) to read it that way here.
    It does not show what “discovery” means in §1658(b)(1) in
    light of §77m’s codification of a constructive-discovery
    rule. In my view, the meaning of “discovery” in the
    broader context of limitations provisions is overcome by its
    meaning in the more specific context of the federal securi
    ties laws.
    The Court’s other reason for rejecting the more natural
    reading of §1658(b)(1) rests on a consensus among the
    Courts of Appeals before the provision’s enactment. Ante,
    at 11–12. In Lampf, Pleva, Lipkind, Prupis & Petigrow v.
    501 U. S. 350
     (1991), the Court notes, we
    explicitly adopted the terms of §78i(e)—which like
    §1658(b)(1) refers only to discovery with no mention of
    reasonable diligence—as the limitations period for the
    private §10(b) cause of action we created. Id., at 364, and
    1 The Court appears to believe that §77m’s distinction between actual
    and constructive discovery has no bearing on §1658(b)(1)’s meaning
    because the latter does not itself draw the same distinction. Ante, at
    11–12. The point, however, is that both provisions use the same word
    (“discovery”) with no contextual clue that it carries different meanings;
    and its use in §77m makes clear that the meaning is actual discovery.
    The Court suggests that usages of the same word in other statutes
    are irrelevant, ante, at 11–12, but of course it does not believe that. Its
    entire argument rests on the meaning courts have ascribed to “discov
    ery” in other limitations provisions (some enacted decades ago by state
    legislatures), ante, at 8–10. Yet while the Court considers that broader
    context, it provides no explanation for ignoring the more specific
    context of securities-fraud claims under the 1933 and 1934 Acts.
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)                     5
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    n. 9.2 Since every Circuit to address the issue between
    Lampf and §1658(b)(1)’s enactment 11 years later had held
    constructive discovery applicable to §10(b) claims—and
    since Congress copied §78i(e)’s key text into §1658(b)(1)
    with no indication it intended to adopt a contrary rule—the
    Court assumes Congress meant to codify (or at least not to
    disturb) that consensus. Ante, at 11–12.
    Even assuming that Congress intended to incorporate
    the Circuits’ views—which requires the further unrealistic
    assumption that a majority of each House knew of and
    agreed with the Courts of Appeals’ opinions—that would
    be entirely irrelevant. Congress’s collective intent (if such
    a thing even exists) cannot trump the text it enacts, and in
    any event we have no reliable way to ascertain that intent
    apart from reading the text. See Graham County Soil and
    Water Conservation Dist. v. United States ex rel. Wilson,
    559 U. S. ___, ___ (2010) (SCALIA, J., concurring in part
    and concurring in judgment) (slip op., at 1).
    The only way in which the Circuits’ pre-2002 decisions
    might bear on §1658(b)(1)’s meaning is if all (or nearly all)
    of the Circuits had interpreted “discovery” in §78i(e) to
    mean constructive discovery. If that were true, one could
    say that those decisions had established the public mean
    ing of the term in this context—whether Congress knew of
    (or agreed with) that meaning or not. Jerman v. Carlisle,
    McNellie, Rini, Kramer & Ulrich LPA, 559 U. S. ___, ___,
    n. 1 (2010) (SCALIA, J., concurring in part and concurring
    2 The Court notes that Lampf chose §78i(e)’s limitations period as the
    time bar for §10(b) claims, even though it was aware of §77m, 
    501 U. S., at 360
    , and n. 7, 364, and n. 9; see ante, at 10–11. But I fail to see how
    that provides any support for the Court’s interpretation. To the con
    trary, the fact that in enacting §1658(b)(1) Congress did not copy
    §77m’s constructive-discovery proviso—but decreed instead that “dis
    covery” alone starts the clock (as it had done in §78i(e), which we
    borrowed in Lampf)—is what makes equating §77m and §1658(b)(1) so
    6                MERCK & CO. v. REYNOLDS
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    in judgment) (slip op., at 2, n. 1).
    But as amici note, that is not so. See Brief for Faculty
    at Law and Business Schools as Amici Curiae 23–29 (here
    inafter Faculty Brief). Some circuit cases cited by the
    Court and amici can conceivably be read as interpreting
    the language Lampf adopted from §78i(e) as imposing
    some form of constructive discovery. See Theoharous v.
    256 F. 3d 1219
    , 1228 (CA11 2001); Menowitz v.
    991 F. 2d 36
    , 41 (CA2 1993) (per curiam); Howard
    v. Haddad, 
    962 F. 2d 328
    , 329–330 (CA4 1992); Anixter v.
    Home-Stake Production Co., 
    947 F. 2d 897
    , 898–899 (CA10
    1991), vacated on other grounds, 
    503 U. S. 978
    Others, however, cannot be so construed. Two were not
    interpreting §78i(e) at all, but looked directly to §77m,
    despite Lampf’s explicit selection of §78i(e)’s terms. Great
    Rivers Cooperative of Southeastern Iowa v. Farmland
    Industries, Inc., 
    120 F. 3d 893
    , 896 (CA8 1997); Topalian
    v. Ehrman, 
    954 F. 2d 1125
    , 1135 (CA5 1992). Another
    court candidly acknowledged that §78i(e)’s text—unlike
    §77m’s—forecloses constructive discovery, but it nonethe
    less held that courts remain “free to apply to [§78i(e)] the
    judge-made doctrine of inquiry notice” as a “modest and
    traditional . . . exercise of judicial creativity,” since “Con
    gress could not have known when it enacted [§78i(e)] that
    this section would someday provide the statute of limita
    tions for a wide range of securities frauds.” Tregenza v.
    Great American Communications Co., 
    12 F. 3d 717
    , 721–
    722 (CA7 1993) (Posner, J.).
    The rest of the Circuits apparently had not decided the
    issue before §1658(b)(1)’s enactment. See Betz v. Trainer
    Wortham & Co., 
    519 F. 3d 863
    , 874 (CA9 2008); New
    England Health Care Employees Pension Fund v. Ernst &
    Young, LLP, 
    336 F. 3d 495
    , 500–501, and n. 3 (CA6 2003);
    In re NAHC, Inc. Securities Litigation, 
    306 F. 3d 1314
    1325 (CA3 2002); see also Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito
    Aguada v. Kidder, Peabody & Co., 
    129 F. 3d 222
    , 224 (CA1
    Cite as: 559 U. S. ____ (2010)            7
    Opinion of SCALIA, J.
    1997) (applying pre-Lampf rule under 15 U. S. C. §78aa–
    1). And of those that were undecided, two had cast doubt
    on a constructive-discovery view in dicta—of which the
    omniscient Congress of the Court’s imagining should also
    have been aware. See Berry v. Valence Technology, Inc.,
    175 F. 3d 699
    , 703–705 (CA9 1999); Gruber v. Price Water
    911 F. 2d 960
    , 964, n. 4 (CA3 1990).
    This motley assortment of approaches comes nowhere
    near establishing that the word “discovery” in §78i(e)
    meant constructive rather than actual discovery despite
    §77m. Absent any textual or contextual reason to read
    “discovery” differently in §1658(b)(1) and §77m, I would
    hold that only actual discovery suffices to start the limita
    tions period for §10(b) claims. Since Merck points to no
    evidence showing respondents actually discovered scienter
    more than two years before bringing this suit, I agree with
    the Court that the suit was not time barred.
    Respondents suggested at oral argument, Tr. of Oral
    Arg. 29, and their amici imply, see Faculty Brief 33–34,
    that in fraud-on-the-market cases there is little if any
    difference between actual and constructive discovery
    because of the presumption of reliance applicable in such
    cases, see Basic Inc. v. Levinson, 
    485 U. S. 224
    , 247 (1988).
    It seems to me Basic has no bearing on the question dis
    cussed here. A presumption of reliance upon market-price
    signals is not a presumption of knowledge of all public
    information, much less knowledge of nonpublic informa
    tion that a reasonably diligent investor would have inde
    pendently uncovered. In any event, whether or not a
    constructive-discovery standard will in many cases yield
    the same result, actual discovery is what §1658(b)(1)
    requires to start the limitations period.

Document Info

Docket Number: 08-905

Citation Numbers: 559 U.S. 633, 130 S. Ct. 1784, 176 L. Ed. 2d 582, 2010 U.S. LEXIS 3671

Filed Date: 4/27/2010

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2020

Authorities (51)

Cooperativa De Ahorro Y Credito Aguada v. Kidder, Peabody & ... , 129 F.3d 222 ( 1997 )

Cape Ann Investors v. Lepone , 305 F.3d 1 ( 2002 )

Frank Franze v. Equitable Assurance , 296 F.3d 1250 ( 2002 )

Ivan A. Anixter v. Home-Stake Production Company, and ... , 947 F.2d 897 ( 1991 )

Sterlin v. Biomune Systems , 154 F.3d 1191 ( 1998 )

J. Geils Band Employee Benefit Plan v. Smith Barney ... , 76 F.3d 1245 ( 1996 )

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In Re Merck & Co., Inc. , 543 F.3d 150 ( 2008 )

Sandip Shah v. Mary Meeker, Morgan Stanley & Co., Philip J. ... , 435 F.3d 244 ( 2006 )

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joel-rothman-individually-and-on-behalf-of-all-others-similarly-situated , 220 F.3d 81 ( 2000 )

fed-sec-l-rep-p-97393-harold-menowitz-stanton-spritzler-and-harry , 991 F.2d 36 ( 1993 )

New England Health Care Employees Pension Fund, on Behalf ... , 336 F.3d 495 ( 2003 )

Sudo Properties, Inc. v. Terrebonne Parish Consolidated ... , 503 F.3d 371 ( 2007 )

Clara Goldenberg, Formerly Clara Littman v. Bache and ... , 270 F.2d 675 ( 1959 )

michael-k-topalian-don-w-boyett-bobby-mcdonald-mjm-ventures-richard-h , 954 F.2d 1125 ( 1992 )

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in-re-nahc-inc-securities-litigation-jack-brady-roger-w-svec-jacob-a , 306 F.3d 1314 ( 2002 )

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