Jefferson v. Upton , 130 S. Ct. 2217 ( 2010 )

  •                  Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)            1
    Per Curiam
    No. 09–8852. Decided May 24, 2010
    Petitioner Lawrence Jefferson, who has been sentenced
    to death, claimed in both state and federal courts that his
    lawyers were constitutionally inadequate because they
    failed to investigate a traumatic head injury that he suf
    fered as a child. The state court rejected that claim after
    making a finding that the attorneys were advised by an
    expert that such investigation was unnecessary. Under
    the governing federal statute, that factual finding is pre
    sumed correct unless any one of eight exceptions applies.
    28 U. S. C. §§2254
    (d)(1)–(8) (1994 ed.). But the Court
    of Appeals considered only one of those exceptions (specifi
    cally §2254(d)(8)). And on that basis, it considered itself
    “duty-bound” to accept the state court’s finding, and re
    jected Jefferson’s claim. Because the Court of Appeals did
    not fully consider several remaining potentially applicable
    exceptions, we vacate its judgment and remand.
    When Jefferson was a child, he “suffered a serious in
    jury to his head.” Jefferson v. Terry, 
    490 F. Supp. 2d 1261
    1326 (ND Ga. 2007); see 
    id., at 1320
     (quoting Jefferson’s
    mother’s testimony that “a car ran over the top of his
    head” when he was two years old). The accident left his
    skull swollen and misshapen and his forehead visibly
    scarred. Jefferson v. Hall, 
    570 F. 3d 1283
    , 1311, 1315, n. 4
    (CA11 2009) (Carnes, J., dissenting). During the District
    Court proceedings below, uncontroverted experts testified
    2                    JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    Per Curiam
    that, as a result of his head injury, Jefferson has “perma
    nent brain damage” that “causes abnormal behavior” over
    which he “has no or substantially limited control.” 
    490 F. Supp. 2d, at
    1321–1322. According to these experts,
    Jefferson’s condition causes “ ‘emotional dullness,’ ” “ ‘rest
    less or aggressive characteristics,’ ” “ ‘impulsiveness,’ ”
    “ ‘temper outbursts,’ ” “ ‘markedly diminished impulse
    control,’ ” “ ‘impaired social judgment,’ ” and “ ‘transient
    outbursts of rage which are totally inconsistent with his
    normal behavioral pattern.’ ” 
    Id., at 1322, 1327
    The experts further testified that Jefferson’s “ ‘severe
    cognitive disabilities’ ” “ ‘profoundly alter’ ” his “ ‘ability to
    plan and coordinate his actions, to be aware of the conse
    quences of his behavior, and to engage in premeditated or
    intentional acts.’ ” 
    Id., at 1327
    . But they testified he is
    neither psychotic nor retarded. 
    Id., at 1319
    . Thus, they
    said, to a lay observer or even to a professional psycholo
    gist, Jefferson does not outwardly appear mentally im
    paired. Indeed, according to the experts, “ ‘the behavior
    that may result from’ ” his condition “ ‘could, without the
    administration of proper testing, be mistaken for voli
    tional.’ ” 
    Id., at 1322
    Jefferson faced a death sentence for killing his co
    worker while the two men were fishing. 
     at 1271–1272.
    Prior to trial, he was examined by a psychologist named
    Dr. Gary Dudley, who prepared a formal report in which
    he concluded that Jefferson’s mental deficiencies do not
    impair “ ‘his judgment or decision-making capacity.’ ” 
    570 F. 3d, at 1294
     (quoting report). But Dr. Dudley’s report
    included a caveat: “ ‘One possibility that could not be
    explored because of [Jefferson’s] incarceration has to do
    with the sequelae,’ ” i.e., pathologies, related to a “ ‘head
    injury experienced during childhood.’ ” 
     “ ‘In my
    opinion,’ ” he wrote, “ ‘it would be worthwhile to conduct
    neuropsychological evaluation of this individual to rule out
    an organic etiology,’ ” i.e., to rule out brain damage. 
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)           3
    Per Curiam
    Although “it is undisputed that the testing” Dr. Dudley
    recommended “could have easily been performed,” 
    490 F. Supp. 2d, at 1322
    , and that Jefferson’s attorneys pos
    sessed police reports and hospital records recounting his
    head injury, 
    id., at 1323
    , the attorneys did not have Jef
    ferson tested. At sentencing, they presented only testi
    mony from two prison guards, who stated that Jefferson
    was an unproblematic inmate, and from three members of
    Jefferson’s family, who testified that he is a “responsible,
    generous, gentle, and kind” person and “a good father.”
    570 F. 3d, at
    1290–1291. And while Jefferson’s mother
    briefly mentioned the car accident, “she was not ques
    tioned and did not offer any testimony regarding the
    impact, if any, that the accident had on him.” 
    Id., at 1291
    Thus, “[a]s far as the jury knew, Jefferson did not suffer
    from brain damage or neurological impairment; he had no
    organic disorders”; and “his emotional stability, impulse
    control, and judgment were perfectly normal.” 
    Id., at 1311
    (Carnes, J., dissenting).
    Jefferson sought habeas relief in state court, arguing
    that his two trial attorneys unreasonably failed to pursue
    brain-damage testing. In response, the trial attorneys
    testified that they did not pursue such testing because,
    after delivering his formal written report, Dr. Dudley later
    told them that further investigation “ ‘may be a waste of
    time because the rest of [his] report’ ” had “ ‘said that
    [Jefferson] was non psychotic.’ ” 
    570 F. 3d, at 1295
    ing testimony). Dr. Dudley did not testify in person at the
    hearing, but he submitted a sworn affidavit denying that
    he had ever made such statements. He said “it had al
    ways been his expert opinion ‘that neuropsychological
    testing was necessary’ ” and that when he wrote as much
    in his formal report “he ‘meant it.’ ” 
    Id., at 1312
    J., dissenting) (quoting affidavit). He added, “ ‘I never,
    before or after that report, suggested to [Jefferson’s attor
    neys] that such an evaluation was not necessary or that it
    4                   JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    Per Curiam
    would not be worthwhile.’ ” Ibid.; cf. Pet. for Cert. 17,
    n. 12.
    Jefferson contends, and the State has not disputed, that
    after the hearing concluded the state-court judge con
    tacted the attorneys for the State ex parte. And in a pri
    vate conversation that included neither Jefferson nor his
    attorneys, the judge asked the State’s attorneys to draft
    the opinion of the court. See id., at 3, 12. According to
    Jefferson, no such request was made of him, nor was he
    informed of the request made to opposing counsel. Id., at
    12, n. 8, 13; see also Jefferson v. Zant, 
    263 Ga. 316
    431 S. E. 2d 110
    , 111 (1993) (“Jefferson contends [the order]
    amounts to no more and no less than a reply brief to which
    [he] has not had a chance to respond”).
    The attorneys for the State prepared an opinion finding
    that “Dr. Dudley led [Jefferson’s trial attorneys] to believe
    that further investigation would simply be a waste of time
    because Petitioner [i]s not psychotic.” Jefferson v. Zant,
    Civ. Action No. 87–V–1241 (Super. Ct. Butts Cty., Ga.,
    Oct. 7, 1992), p. 16, App. 4 to Pet. for Cert. 16 (hereinafter
    State Order); see also id., at 37. The opinion “specifically
    credits the testimony of [the trial attorneys] with regard to
    their efforts to investigate Petitioner’s mental condition.”
    Id., at 18; see also id., at 36. And relying on these find
    ings, it concludes that Jefferson’s attorneys “made a rea
    sonable investigation into [his] mental health” and were
    thus not ineffective. Id., at 37.
    Notably, as the Georgia Supreme Court acknowledged,
    the State’s opinion discusses statements purportedly made
    on Jefferson’s behalf by a witness “who did not testify” or
    participate in the proceedings. 
    263 Ga., at 318
    431 S. E. 2d, at 112
    ; see State Order 24–25. Nonetheless, the opin
    ion “was adopted verbatim by the [state] court.” 
    263 Ga., at 316
    431 S. E. 2d, at 111
    . And while the State Supreme
    Court recognized that we have “ ‘criticized’ ” such a prac
    tice, it affirmed the judgment. 
    Id., at 317, 320
    , 431 S. E.
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)              5
    Per Curiam
    2d, at 112, 114 (quoting Anderson v. Bessemer City, 
    470 U. S. 564
    , 572 (1985)).
    Jefferson next sought federal habeas relief in the Dis
    trict Court. In his opening brief, he argued that “there is
    no reason under principles of comity or otherwise to give
    any deference to the findings of the State Habeas Corpus
    Court.” Brief for Petitioner in No. 1:96–CV–989–CC (ND
    Ga.), Doc. 105, p. 4, and n. 1 (hereinafter District Court
    Brief). In support of that argument, he claimed that the
    state court “merely signed an order drafted by the State
    without revision of a single word,” even though the order
    “described witnesses who never testified.” 
     And he
    said that such a process “rais[es] serious doubts as to
    whether [the judge] even read, much less carefully consid
    ered, the proposed order submitted by the State.” 
    The District Court ruled in Jefferson’s favor. It noted
    that under the relevant statute “factual findings of state
    courts are presumed to be correct unless one of . . . eight
    enumerated exceptions . . . applies.” 
    490 F. Supp. 2d, at 1280
    ; see also 
    id., at 1280, n. 5
     (listing the exceptions).
    And it acknowledged “the state habeas corpus court’s
    failure to explain the basis” for its credibility findings. 
    Id., at 1324, n. 17
    . But it accepted Jefferson’s claim of ineffec
    tive assistance of counsel without disturbing the state
    court’s factual findings because it believed he should
    prevail even accepting those findings as true. 
    On appeal, Jefferson defended the District Court’s judg
    ment primarily on its own terms. But he also argued that
    the state court’s factfinding was “dubious at best” in light
    of the process that court employed, and that the Court of
    Appeals therefore “should harbor serious doubts about the
    findings of fact and credibility determinations in the state
    court record.” Brief for Petitioner/Appellee in No. 07–
    6                   JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    Per Curiam
    12502 (CA11), pp. 31–32, n. 10 (hereinafter Appeals Brief).
    A divided Court of Appeals panel reversed, and Jeffer
    son filed this petition for certiorari asking us to review his
    claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. And, in so doing,
    he challenges—as he did in the State Supreme Court, the
    District Court, and the Court of Appeals—“the fact find
    ings of the state court,” given what he describes as the
    deficient procedure employed by that court while reviewing
    his claim. Pet. for Cert. 11–13, 17, n. 12, 18, n. 13 (re
    counting “ ‘reason[s] to doubt’ ” the state court’s findings).
    Cf. Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation,
    513 U. S. 374
    , 379 (1995) (stating standard for preserving
    an issue for review in this Court).
    This habeas application was filed prior to the enactment
    of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of
    1996 and is therefore governed by federal habeas law as it
    existed prior to that point. Lindh v. Murphy, 
    521 U. S. 320
    , 326–336 (1997). In 1963, we set forth the “appropri
    ate standard” to be applied by a “federal court in habeas
    corpus” when “the facts” pertinent to a habeas application
    “are in dispute.” Townsend v. Sain, 
    372 U. S. 293
    , 312.
    We held that when “the habeas applicant was afforded a
    full and fair hearing by the state court resulting in reliable
    findings” the district court “ordinarily should . . . accept
    the facts as found” by the state-court judge. 
    Id., at 318
    However, “if the habeas applicant did not receive a full
    and fair evidentiary hearing in a state court, either at the
    time of the trial or in a collateral proceeding,” we held that
    the federal court “must hold an evidentiary hearing” to
    resolve any facts that “are in dispute.” 
    Id., at 312
    . We
    further “explain[ed] the controlling criteria” by enumerat
    ing six circumstances in which such an evidentiary hear
    ing would be required:
    “(1) the merits of the factual dispute were not resolved
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)             7
    Per Curiam
    in the state hearing; (2) the state factual determina
    tion is not fairly supported by the record as a whole;
    (3) the fact-finding procedure employed by the state
    court was not adequate to afford a full and fair hear
    ing; (4) there is a substantial allegation of newly dis
    covered evidence; (5) the material facts were not ade
    quately developed at the state-court hearing; or (6) for
    any reason it appears that the state trier of fact did not
    afford the habeas applicant a full and fair fact hear
    Id., at 313
     (emphasis added).
    Three years later, in 1966, Congress enacted an
    amendment to the federal habeas statute that “was an
    almost verbatim codification of the standards delineated
    in Townsend v. Sain.” Miller v. Fenton, 
    474 U. S. 104
    , 111
    (1985). That codification read in relevant part as follows:
    “In any proceeding instituted in a Federal court by
    an application for a writ of habeas corpus by a person
    in custody pursuant to the judgment of a State court,
    a determination . . . of a factual issue, made by a State
    court of competent jurisdiction . . . , shall be presumed
    to be correct, unless the applicant shall establish or
    it shall otherwise appear, or the respondent shall
    “(1) that the merits of the factual dispute were not
    resolved in the State court hearing;
    “(2) that the factfinding procedure employed by the
    State court was not adequate to afford a full and fair
    “(3) that the material facts were not adequately de
    veloped at the State court hearing;
    “(4) that the State court lacked jurisdiction of the
    subject matter or over the person of the applicant in
    the State court proceeding;
    “(5) that the applicant was an indigent and the
    State court, in deprivation of his constitutional right,
    8                   JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    Per Curiam
    failed to appoint counsel to represent him in the State
    court proceeding;
    “(6) that the applicant did not receive a full, fair,
    and adequate hearing in the State court proceeding; or
    “(7) that the applicant was otherwise denied due
    process of law in the State court proceeding;
    “(8) or unless . . . the Federal court on a considera
    tion of [the relevant] part of the record as a whole con
    cludes that such factual determination is not fairly
    supported by the record.” §2254(d) (emphasis added).
    As is clear from the statutory text quoted above, and as
    the District Court correctly stated, if any “one of the eight
    enumerated exceptions . . . applies” then “the state court’s
    factfinding is not presumed correct.” 
    490 F. Supp. 2d, at 1280
    ; accord, Miller, 
    supra, at 105
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    (d), state-court findings of fact ‘shall be presumed to
    be correct’ in a federal habeas corpus proceeding unless
    one of eight enumerated exceptions applies”); see also 1 R.
    Hertz & J. Liebman, Federal Habeas Corpus Practice and
    Procedure §20.2c, pp. 915–918 (5th ed. 2005).
    Jefferson has consistently argued that the federal courts
    “should harbor serious doubts about” and should not “give
    any deference to” the “findings of fact and credibility
    determinations” made by the state habeas court because
    those findings were drafted exclusively by the attorneys
    for the State pursuant to an ex parte request from the
    state-court judge, who made no such request of Jefferson,
    failed to notify Jefferson of the request made to opposing
    counsel, and adopted the State’s proposed opinion verba
    tim even though it recounted evidence from a nonexistent
    witness. See, e.g., Appeals Brief 32, n. 10; District Court
    Brief 4, n. 1; Pet. for Cert. 12. These are arguments that
    the state court’s process was deficient. In other words,
    they are arguments that Jefferson “did not receive a full
    and fair evidentiary hearing in . . . state court.” Town
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)             9
    Per Curiam
    supra, at 312
    . Or, to use the statutory language,
    they are arguments that the state court’s “factfinding
    procedure,” “hearing,” and “proceeding” were not “full,
    fair, and adequate.” §§2254(d)(2), (6), (7).
    But the Court of Appeals did not consider the state
    court’s process when it applied the statutory presumption
    of correctness. Instead, it invoked Circuit precedent that
    applied only paragraph (8) of §2254(d), which, codifying
    the second Townsend exception, 
    372 U. S., at 313
    , lifts the
    presumption of correctness for findings that are “not fairly
    supported by the record.” See 
    570 F. 3d, at 1300
    Jackson v. Herring, 
    42 F. 3d 1350
    , 1366 (CA11 1995), in
    turn quoting 
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    (d)(8)). And even though
    the Court of Appeals “recognize[d]” that Jefferson had
    argued that the state court’s process had produced factual
    findings that were “ ‘dubious at best,’ ” and that federal
    courts should therefore “ ‘harbor serious doubts about’ ” the
    state court’s “ ‘findings of fact and credibility,’ ” the Court
    of Appeals nonetheless held that the state court’s findings
    are “ ‘entitled to a presumption of correctness’ ” that it was
    “duty-bound” to apply. 
    570 F. 3d, at 1304, n. 8
    Appeals Brief 32, n. 10). The Court of Appeals explicitly
    stated that it considered itself “duty-bound” to defer to the
    state court’s findings because “Jefferson has not argued
    that any of the state courts’ factual findings were ‘not
    fairly supported by the record,’ ” a direct reference to
    §2254(d)(8) and to the second Townsend exception. 
    570 F. 3d, at 1304, n. 8
     (emphasis added). And it then con
    cluded: “Based on these factual findings of the state ha
    beas courts—all of which are fairly supported by the re
    cord—we believe that Jefferson’s counsel were reasonable
    in deciding not to pursue neuropsychological testing.” 
    Id., at 1304
     (emphasis added).
    In our view, the Court of Appeals did not properly con
    sider the legal status of the state court’s factual findings.
    Under Townsend, as codified by the governing statute, a
    10                 JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    Per Curiam
    federal court is not “duty-bound” to accept any and all
    state-court findings that are “fairly supported by the
    record.” Those words come from §2254(d)(8), which is only
    one of eight enumerated exceptions to the presumption of
    correctness. But there are seven others, see §§2254(d)(1)–
    (7), none of which the Court of Appeals considered when
    addressing Jefferson’s claim. To be sure, we have previ
    ously stated in cases applying §2254(d)(8) that “a federal
    court” may not overturn a state court’s factual conclusion
    “unless the conclusion is not ‘fairly supported by the re
    cord.’ ” Parker v. Dugger, 
    498 U. S. 308
    , 320 (1991) (grant
    ing federal habeas relief after rejecting state court’s find
    ing under §2254(d)(8)); see also Demosthenes v. Baal, 
    495 U. S. 731
     (1990) (per curiam) (applying §2254(d)(8)); cf.
    post, at 10 (SCALIA, J., dissenting). But in those cases
    there was no suggestion that any other provisions enu
    merated in §2254(d) were at issue. That is not the case
    here. In treating §2254(d)(8) as the exclusive statutory
    exception, and by failing to address Jefferson’s argument
    that the state court’s procedures deprived its findings of
    deference, the Court of Appeals applied the statute and
    our precedents incorrectly.
    Although we have stated that a court’s “verbatim adop
    tion of findings of fact prepared by prevailing parties”
    should be treated as findings of the court, we have also
    criticized that practice. Anderson, 
    470 U. S., at 572
    . And
    we have not considered the lawfulness of, nor the applica
    tion of the habeas statute to, the use of such a practice
    where (1) a judge solicits the proposed findings ex parte,
    (2) does not provide the opposing party an opportunity to
    criticize the findings or to submit his own, or (3) adopts
    findings that contain internal evidence suggesting that
    the judge may not have read them. Cf. 
    id., at 568
    ; Ga.
    Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(A)(4) (1993) (prohibit
    ing ex parte judicial communications).
    We decline to determine in the first instance whether
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)                 11
    Per Curiam
    any of the exceptions enumerated in §§2254(d)(1)–(8)
    apply in this case, see, e.g., Cutter v. Wilkinson, 
    544 U. S. 709
    , 718, n. 7 (2005), especially given that the facts sur
    rounding the state habeas court’s process are undeveloped.
    Respondent has conceded that it drafted the state court’s
    final order at that court’s request and that the order was
    adopted verbatim, 
    263 Ga., at 317
    431 S. E. 2d, at 111
    and has not disputed in this Court that the state court
    solicited the order “ex parte and without prior notice” and
    “did not seek a proposed order from Petitioner,” Pet. for
    Cert. 12, and n. 8. But the precise nature of what tran
    spired during the state-court proceedings is not fully
    known. See 
    263 Ga. at
    431 S. E. 2d, at 111
    (noting dispute as to whether Jefferson “had a chance to
    respond” to the final order); see also Pet. for Cert. 13.
    Accordingly, we believe it necessary for the lower courts
    to determine on remand whether the state court’s factual
    findings warrant a presumption of correctness, and to
    conduct any further proceedings as may be appropriate in
    light of their resolution of that issue. See Townsend,
     at 313–319; Keeney v. Tamayo-Reyes, 
    504 U. S. 1
    (1992). In so holding, we express no opinion as to whether
    Jefferson’s Sixth Amendment rights were violated assum
    ing the state court’s factual findings to be true.
    *     *     *
    The petition for a writ of certiorari and motion to pro
    ceed in forma pauperis are granted. The judgment of the
    Court of Appeals is vacated, and the case is remanded for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    It is so ordered.
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)            1
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    No. 09–8852. Decided May 24, 2010
    The question presented by Jefferson’s petition for writ of
    certiorari is whether his trial attorneys rendered ineffec
    tive assistance of counsel when they declined to pursue
    further investigation of Jefferson’s childhood head injury.
    In my view the Court should either answer that question
    or (as I would prefer) deny the petition. Instead, it sum
    marily vacates the judgment of the Court of Appeals on an
    altogether different ground that was neither raised nor
    passed upon below and that is not fairly included within
    the sole question presented. To make matters worse, the
    Court conjures up an “error” with respect to that ground
    by misquoting and mischaracterizing the Court of Appeals’
    opinion, ante, at 9–10, and by overlooking relevant author
    ity from this Court. I respectfully dissent.
    The prior version of 
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    (d) (1994 ed.)
    applicable in this case provided that in federal habeas
    proceedings the factual determinations of a state court
    “shall be presumed to be correct,” unless the applicant
    proves, the respondent admits, or a federal court deter
    mines that one of eight exceptions set forth in §2254(d)(1)–
    (8) applies. The Court concludes that the Eleventh Circuit
    2                      JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    misapplied that provision and our precedents by treating
    one of those exceptions, §2254(d)(8), “as the exclusive
    statutory exception” to the presumption of correctness,
    and by failing to address whether §2254(d)(2), (6), or (7)
    might also bar application of that presumption.1 Ante, at
    The Court’s opinion, however, is the first anyone (in
    cluding Jefferson) has heard of this argument. Jefferson’s
    briefs below contain no discussion or even citation of sub
    section (d)—let alone of paragraphs (2), (6), or (7)—and the
    courts below understandably never passed upon the appli
    cation of those provisions. Under our longstanding prac
    tice, that should be the end of the matter. See, e.g., Penn
    sylvania Dept. of Corrections v. Yeskey, 
    524 U. S. 206
    , 212–
    213 (1998).
    But the Court insists, ante, at 5–6, 8–9, that if we squint
    at them long enough we can see in Jefferson’s briefs below
    a challenge to the state court’s fact-finding process cogni
    zable under §2254(d)(2), (6), and (7). But the handful of
    isolated, vague statements it musters (buried in hundreds
    of pages of briefs) show no such thing. The Court’s only
    evidence that Jefferson presented the point to the District
    Court, ante, at 5, 8, consists of a single sentence of text
    (and an accompanying two-sentence footnote) in the “Prior
    Proceedings” section of his 180-page brief. Final Eviden
    tiary Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions
    1 These
    four exceptions in 
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    (d) (1994 ed.) were:
    “(2) that the factfinding procedure employed by the State court was
    not adequate to afford a full and fair hearing;
    .           .           .          .           .
    “(6) that the applicant did not receive a full, fair, and adequate
    hearing in the State court proceeding; or
    “(7) that the applicant was otherwise denied due process of law in the
    State court proceeding;
    “(8) or unless . . . the Federal court on a consideration of [the rele
    vant] part of the record as a whole concludes that such factual determi
    nation is not fairly supported by the record . . . .”
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)            3
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    of Law, Record in No. 1:96–CV–989–CC (ND Ga.), Doc.
    105 (hereinafter District Court Brief). The sentence is: “In
    entering the State Habeas Corpus Order Judge Newton
    merely signed an order drafted by the State without revi
    sion of a single word.” 
    Id., at 4
    . The footnote adds:
    “[T]he order signed by Judge Newton described wit
    nesses who never testified, raising serious doubt as to
    whether he even read, much less carefully considered,
    the proposed order submitted by the State. In this
    circumstance, there is no reason under principles of
    comity or otherwise to give any deference to the find
    ings of the State Habeas Court, because there was ap
    parently no serious consideration or deliberation of
    the factual and legal issues raised.” Ibid., n. 1.
    This passing suggestion that deference would be unwar
    ranted is, to put it mildly, an elliptical way to argue that
    the state fact-finding procedure was inadequate,
    §2254(d)(2), that Jefferson was denied a full, fair, and
    adequate hearing, §2254(d)(6), or that Jefferson was de
    nied due process of law, §2254(d)(7). And it only appeared,
    I emphasize again, in the “Prior Proceedings” section of
    the brief. The argument section of Jefferson’s District
    Court Brief, consisting of 164 pages and containing sepa
    rate assignments of error from III to XLIV (44), makes no
    mention of the ground upon which the Court today relies.
    And the assignment of error that is the basis for the ques
    tion presented in Jefferson’s petition, VI, id., at 47–80, did
    not dispute the state courts’ factual findings under
    §2254(d), but only challenged the state courts’ legal con
    clusion that his attorneys’ failure to conduct a fuller inves
    tigation into the head injury he suffered as a child was not
    deficient performance under Strickland v. Washington,
    466 U. S. 668
    Jefferson also did not raise the point in the Eleventh
    Circuit. His brief to that court acknowledged that the
    4                   JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    state courts’ “[f]indings of fact and credibility determina
    tions are reviewed for clear error.” Brief for Peti
    tioner/Appellee, No. 07–12502, pp. 16–17 (hereinafter
    Appeals Brief). It declared that “The District Court Cor
    rectly Deferred to the Fact Findings of the State Court” in
    adjudicating his ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim.
    Id., at 21 (capitalization and boldface type deleted); see
    also id., at 29, and n. 7, 31. And it conceded that with
    respect to the ineffective-assistance claim, “[t]he relevant
    facts are not in dispute.” Id., at 24. Jefferson did charac
    terize the state habeas court’s factual findings as gener
    ally “dubious” and suggested there were “serious doubts”
    about them, id., at 32, n. 10. But not once did he argue
    that the dubiousness of the findings was the consequence
    of a failure to meet the requirements of §2254(d)(2), (6), or
    (7)—or even more generally that the findings should not
    be presumed correct under §2254(d). Instead, he pressed
    the same argument he made in the District Court: Even if
    the state courts’ factual findings were correct, his trial
    attorneys rendered ineffective assistance in deciding to
    forgo further investigation of his childhood head injury.
    Id., at 31–33, 50–51.
    Nor did the courts below pass upon the argument the
    Court now addresses. The District Court did not dispute
    the state courts’ factual findings. Jefferson v. Terry, 
    490 F. Supp. 2d 1261
    , 1319–1320 (ND Ga. 2007). It accepted
    those findings as true, including the state habeas court’s
    credibility findings, 
     at 1323–1324, and n. 17, but held
    “as a matter of law” that it was objectively unreasonable
    for Jefferson’s attorneys “not to investigate” further into
    the effect, if any, of the accident on Jefferson’s mental
    capacity and health, 
    id., at 1324
    . Concluding that Jeffer
    son was thereby prejudiced, the court ordered a new sen
    tencing hearing. 
    Id., at 1328
    The Court of Appeals disagreed with that determination
    and reversed, holding that his trial attorneys’ performance
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)            5
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    was not objectively unreasonable under Strickland. Jef
    ferson v. Hall, 
    570 F. 3d 1283
    , 1301–1309 (CA11 2009).
    That court correctly stated the applicable framework
    under §2254(d):
    “Pre-AEDPA, questions of law and mixed questions
    of law and fact resolved by state habeas courts are re
    viewed de novo, while the state courts’ factual findings
    are ‘subject to the presumption of correctness.’
    Freund v. Butterworth, 
    165 F. 3d 839
    , 861 (11th Cir.
    1999). Although these findings may be disregarded if,
    for example, they are not ‘fairly supported by the re
    cord,’ Jackson v. Herring, 
    42 F. 3d 1350
    , 1366 (11th
    Cir. 1995) (quoting 
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    (d)(8)), this Court
    has construed the ‘presumption of correctness’ stan
    dard to be the same as the ‘clear error’ standard of
    Id., at 1300
     (emphasis added; footnote
    Confronted with no argument that §2254(d)(1)–(7) applied
    or that it must disregard the state courts’ factual findings,
    the Court of Appeals understandably did not pass upon
    those questions.
    The Court of Appeals did consider the record on its own,
    as required by §2254(d)(8), to determine whether the state
    courts’ factual determinations were fairly supported by the
    record. Id., at 1303–1304, and n. 8. In doing so, the court
    “specifically note[d] that neither Jefferson nor the district
    court questioned the state court’s factual finding that [the
    defense’s psychiatric expert] led [one of Jefferson’s attor
    ney’s] to believe that further investigation would simply
    be a waste of time, . . . despite [his attorney’s] testimony
    that [the expert] told him it ‘may’ be a waste of time.” Id.,
    at 1303, n. 8. It added that Jefferson did not “point to any
    particular finding that was clearly erroneous,” id., at 1304,
    n. 8—applying the same standard Jefferson had proposed
    in his brief, see supra, at 3. Even the dissent agreed that
    6                  JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    the court was “obliged to accept” the state courts’ credibil
    ity determination, despite the “reasons to doubt it.” 
    570 F. 3d, at 1312
     (opinion of Carnes, J.). The dissent did not
    cite §2254(d)(2), (6), or (7), but instead focused on the
    same question of constitutional law that occupied Jeffer
    son’s briefs, the District Court’s opinion, and the major
    ity’s opinion: whether, accepting the factual findings and
    credibility determination of the state courts as true, Jef
    ferson’s attorneys rendered ineffective assistance of coun
    sel. That is only the question that occupied the courts and
    the parties below.
    It is bad enough that the Court decides an issue not
    raised or resolved in the lower courts. It is much worse
    that it decides an issue Jefferson has not even asked us to
    address. Under this Court’s Rule 14.1(a), “[o]nly the
    questions set forth in the petition, or fairly included
    therein, will be considered by the Court.” We apply that
    rule in all but “the most exceptional cases, where reasons
    of urgency or of economy suggest the need to address the
    unpresented question under consideration.” Yee v. Escon
    503 U. S. 519
    , 535 (1992) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Jefferson’s petition for writ of certiorari presents a
    single question:
    “[W]hether the majority opinion, in affording trial
    counsel’s decision to limit the scope of investigation in
    a death penalty case ‘higher-than-strong presumption
    of reasonableness’ [sic] conflicts with this Court’s
    precedent as announced in Williams v. Taylor, 
    529 U. S. 362
     (2000), Wiggins v. Smith, 
    539 U. S. 510
    (2003), Rompilla v. Beard, 
    545 U. S. 374
     (2005), and
    Porter v. McCollum, 
    130 S. Ct. 447
     (2009).” Pet. for
    Cert. i.
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)            7
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    This is a straightforward request for error correction on a
    constitutional claim in light of those four decisions, and
    neither the request nor those cases have anything to do
    with the pre-AEDPA version of §2254(d). Nor does that
    question necessarily encompass whether the Court of
    Appeals misapplied that version of §2254(d) in determin
    ing the deference due to the state courts’ factual findings.
    The statutory question may be “related to,” and “perhaps
    complementary to the one petitioner presented,” but it is
    not “fairly included therein.” Yee, 
    supra, at 537
    quotation marks omitted).
    As for the body of Jefferson’s petition: Far from invoking
    §2254(d)’s exceptions to the presumption of correctness to
    support the Sixth Amendment claim, the petition does not
    even mention subsection (d), let alone paragraphs (2), (6),
    or (7). There is no argument, anywhere in the section
    entitled “Reasons for Granting the Writ,” that the state
    courts’ factual findings are not entitled to a presumption
    of correctness.
    The Court claims, ante, at 6, that Jefferson sufficiently
    presented the statutory issue by his characterizations of
    the state courts’ factual findings in the “Statement of the
    Case” section of his petition, see Pet. for Cert. 11–13, 17,
    n. 12, 18, n. 13. Even if that were so, “ ‘the fact that [peti
    tioner] discussed this issue in the text of [his] petition for
    certiorari does not bring it before us. Rule 14.1(a) requires
    that a subsidiary question be fairly included in the ques
    tion presented for our review.’ ” Wood v. Allen, 558 U. S.
    ___, ___ (2010) (slip op., at 13) (quoting Izumi Seimitsu
    Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha v. U. S. Philips Corp., 
    510 U. S. 27
    , 31, n. 5 (1993) (per curiam)). But in any event, the
    cited passages do not remotely present the statutory issue.
    They contain no argument that §2254(d)’s presumption is
    inapplicable because of §2254(d)(2), (6), or (7), but merely
    describe the proceedings below, see Pet. for Cert. 11–13,
    and assert that there might be reasons to doubt the state
    8                  JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    court findings (but for the §2254(d) presumption), see id.,
    at 17, n. 12, 18, n. 13.
    “The premise of our adversarial system is that appellate
    courts do not sit as self-directed boards of legal inquiry
    and research, but essentially as arbiters of legal questions
    presented and argued by the parties before them.” Car
    ducci v. Regan, 
    714 F. 2d 171
    , 177 (CADC 1983) (opinion
    of Scalia, J.). Our refusal to abide by standard rules of
    appellate practice is unfair to the Eleventh Circuit, whose
    judgment the Court vacates, and especially to the respon
    dent here, who suffers a loss in this Court without ever
    having an opportunity to address the merits of the statu
    tory question the Court decides.
    The Court’s approach would be objectionable even if it
    were correct that the Court of Appeals went astray. But
    it is not. The Court of Appeals did not treat §2254(d)(8)
    as “the exclusive statutory exception” to the presumption
    of correctness. Ante, at 10. It is true that the major
    ity’s opinion—as well as the dissent’s—discussed only
    §2254(d)(8). But that is because only §2254(d)(8), and
    not §2254(d)(2), (6), or (7), was ever brought to the
    court’s attention. On the fair reading we owe the Elev
    enth Circuit’s opinion, there simply was no error in its
    application of §2254(d).
    The Court asserts, however, that the Eleventh Circuit
    ignored the other seven paragraphs in §2254(d) when it
    “invoked Circuit precedent that applied only paragraph (8)
    of §2254(d).” Ante, at 9. It did nothing of the sort. The
    Court of Appeals said that a state court’s factual findings
    “may be disregarded if, for example, they are not ‘fairly
    supported by the record,’ Jackson v. Herring, 
    42 F. 3d 1350
    , 1366 (11th Cir. 1995) (quoting 
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    570 F. 3d, at 1300
     (emphasis added). The
    Court of Appeals thus expressly acknowledged that
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)             9
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    §2254(d)(8) was but one example of the grounds for disre
    garding a state court’s factual findings. And the Circuit
    precedent it cited, Jackson v. Herring, similarly did not
    imply, much less hold, that §2254(d)(8) provided the only
    grounds for setting aside a state court’s factual findings
    under §2254(d). See 
    42 F. 3d, at 1366
    Next, the Court states:
    “And even though the Court of Appeals ‘recognize[d]’
    that Jefferson had argued that the state court’s proc
    ess had produced factual findings that were ‘ “dubious
    at best,” ’ and that federal courts should therefore
    ‘ “harbor serious doubts about” ’ the state court’s
    ‘ “findings of fact and credibility,” ’ the Court of Ap
    peals nonetheless held that the state court’s findings
    are ‘ “entitled to a presumption of correctness” ’ that it
    was ‘ “duty-bound” ’ to apply. 
    570 F. 3d, at 1304, n. 8
    (quoting Appeals Brief 32, n. 10).” Ante, at 9.
    Again, the Court has plucked isolated language from here
    and there in the Court of Appeals’ opinion, to produce a
    reading which suggests that the Court of Appeals agreed
    with, or at least did not contest, Jefferson’s claim of “seri
    ous doubts.” That is not so. In the first paragraph of
    footnote eight of its opinion, the panel reasoned that it was
    “duty-bound to accept” the state courts’ factual findings
    because it concluded they “are clear, unambiguous, and
    fairly supported by the record.” 
    570 F. 3d, at
    n. 8. That language precedes the panel’s analysis—in the
    second paragraph of footnote eight—regarding Jefferson’s
    statements that the findings were “dubious” and raised
    “serious doubts.” The Court omits the panel’s actual
    explanation for declining to credit Jefferson’s general
    characterization of the quality of the record, which is:
    “Jefferson does not point to any particular factual finding
    that was clearly erroneous, and Jefferson even says in the
    argument section of his brief that, ‘[t]he relevant facts are
    10                       JEFFERSON v. UPTON
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    not in dispute.’ ” 
    Id., at 1304, n. 8
    By the way, even if the Court of Appeals had carelessly
    described application of the pre-AEDPA version of
    §2254(d) in the manner which the Court suggests, that
    would have been no worse than what we have done. For
    example, in Demosthenes v. Baal, 
    495 U. S. 731
    , 735
    (1990) (per curiam), we stated that a federal court may not
    overturn a state habeas court’s factual determinations
    “unless it concludes that they are not ‘fairly supported by
    the record.’ See 
    28 U. S. C. §2254
    (d)(8).” And in Parker v.
    498 U. S. 308
    , 320 (1991), we explained that a
    federal habeas court “is not to overturn a factual conclu
    sion of a state court, including a state appellate court,
    unless the conclusion is not ‘fairly supported by the
    record.’ ”2
    *   *    *
    Generally speaking, we have no power to set aside the
    duly entered judgment of a lower federal court unless we
    find it to have been in error. More specifically, except
    where there has been an intervening legal development
    (such as a subsequently announced opinion of ours) that
    2 The  Court attempts to distinguish these two cases on the ground
    that they contained “no suggestion that any other provisions enumer
    ated in §2254(d) were at issue,” whereas “[t]hat is not the case here.”
    Ante, at 10. That is simply not so. As already noted, there was no
    “suggestion” here (let alone an actual argument) that paragraphs (2),
    (6), or (7) were in issue. And if the Court means no more than that
    petitioner here made some process-type noises, the same was true—and
    indeed more true—of Parker and Demosthenes. In Parker, we stated
    the “crux of [petitioner’s] contentions” was that the state courts “fail[ed]
    to treat adequately” the evidence he presented. 
    498 U. S., at 313
    . In
    Demosthenes, the Ninth Circuit had said that the state court’s process
    for determining whether the capital inmate was competent was defi
    cient because “ ‘a full evidentiary hearing on competence should have
    been held.’ ” 
    495 U. S., at 736
     (quoting Order in Baal v. Godinez, No.
    90–15716 (CA9, June 2, 1990), p. 5).
    Cite as: 560 U. S. ____ (2010)           11
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    might alter the judgment below, we cannot grant a peti
    tion for certiorari, vacate the judgment below, and remand
    the case (GVR) simply to obtain a re-do. Webster v.
    Cooper, 558 U. S. ___, ___ (2009) (SCALIA, J., dissenting)
    (slip op., at 3). Yet today the Court vacates the judgment
    of the Eleventh Circuit on the basis of an error that court
    did not commit, with respect to a statutory issue that had
    never previously been raised, and remands for more ex
    tensive consideration of a new argument that might affect
    the judgment. Under the taxonomy of our increasingly
    unprincipled GVR practice, this creature is of the same
    genus as the “Summary Remand for a More Extensive
    Opinion than Petitioner Requested” (SRMEOPR). 
    ___ (slip op., at 4). But it is a distinctly odious species,
    deserving of its own name: Summary Remand to Ponder a
    Point Raised Neither Here nor Below (SRPPRNHB).

Document Info

Docket Number: 09-8852

Citation Numbers: 176 L. Ed. 2d 1032, 130 S. Ct. 2217, 560 U.S. 284, 2010 U.S. LEXIS 4168

Judges: Per Curiam, Scalia

Filed Date: 5/24/2010

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/3/2023

Authorities (23)

Jefferson v. Hall , 570 F.3d 1283 ( 2009 )

Patricia Ann Thomas Jackson v. Tommy Herring, Cross-Appellee , 42 F.3d 1350 ( 1995 )

Louis A. Carducci v. Donald T. Regan, Secretary, U.S. ... , 714 F.2d 171 ( 1983 )

Jefferson v. Zant , 263 Ga. 316 ( 1993 )

John S. Freund v. Robert A. Butterworth, Attorney General , 165 F.3d 839 ( 1999 )

Jefferson v. Terry , 490 F. Supp. 2d 1261 ( 2007 )

Demosthenes v. Baal , 110 S. Ct. 2223 ( 1990 )

Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation , 115 S. Ct. 961 ( 1995 )

Miller v. Fenton , 106 S. Ct. 445 ( 1985 )

Townsend v. Sain , 83 S. Ct. 745 ( 1963 )

Anderson v. City of Bessemer City , 105 S. Ct. 1504 ( 1985 )

Parker v. Dugger , 111 S. Ct. 731 ( 1991 )

Wiggins v. Smith, Warden , 123 S. Ct. 2527 ( 2003 )

Cutter v. Wilkinson , 125 S. Ct. 2113 ( 2005 )

Yee v. City of Escondido , 112 S. Ct. 1522 ( 1992 )

Keeney v. Tamayo-Reyes , 112 S. Ct. 1715 ( 1992 )

Izumi Seimitsu Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha v. U. S. Philips Corp. , 114 S. Ct. 425 ( 1993 )

Rompilla v. Beard , 125 S. Ct. 2456 ( 2005 )

Porter v. McCollum , 130 S. Ct. 447 ( 2009 )

Strickland v. Washington , 104 S. Ct. 2052 ( 1984 )

View All Authorities »

Cited By (39)

Littlejohn v. Trammell , 704 F.3d 817 ( 2013 )

Brandon Jones v. GDCP Warden , 815 F.3d 689 ( 2016 )

Brandon Astor Jones v. GDCP Warden ( 2014 )

Puiatti v. McNeil , 626 F.3d 1283 ( 2010 )

Evans v. Secretary, Department of Corrections , 681 F.3d 1241 ( 2012 )

Wydell Evans v. Secretary, DOC ( 2012 )

John Burr v. Denise Jackson ( 2021 )

Suzanne Basso v. William Stephens, Director , 555 F. App'x 335 ( 2014 )

Jonathan Green v. Rick Thaler, Director ( 2012 )

Allen v. Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections , 611 F.3d 740 ( 2010 )

Brandon Astor Jones v. GDCP Warden ( 2014 )

Wydell Evans v. Secretary, DOC ( 2012 )

Carl Puiatti v. Walter A. McNeil ( 2010 )

Lloyd Chase Allen v. Sec., FL DOC ( 2010 )

Simon Pirela v. Comm of PA Dept of Corr , 710 F. App'x 66 ( 2017 )

Simon Pirela v. Comm of PA Dept of Corr ( 2017 )

Lawrence Jefferson v. GDCP Warden ( 2019 )

Lyndon Fitzgerald Pace v. Warden, Georgia Diagnostic and ... ( 2023 )

Jonathan Green v. Rick Thaler, Director ( 2012 )

Jonathan Green v. Rick Thaler, Director , 699 F.3d 404 ( 2012 )

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