State v. Strozier , 834 N.W.2d 857 ( 2013 )

  • #26400-a-SLZ
    2013 S.D. 53
    OF THE
    STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA,                       Plaintiff and Appellee,
    VIND MICHAEL STROZIER,                       Defendant and Appellant.
    Attorney General
    Assistant Attorney General
    Pierre, South Dakota                         Attorneys for plaintiff
    and appellee.
    Minnehaha County Public
    Defender’s Office
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota                    Attorneys for defendant
    and appellant.
    ON MAY 20, 2013
    OPINION FILED 07/10/13
    ZINTER, Justice
    [¶1.]        Vind Strozier was convicted of murder in the second degree and
    aggravated assault after stabbing two men during an altercation. Prior to trial, he
    moved to suppress his statements made during a custodial interrogation. The
    circuit court denied the motion. Strozier appeals the denial of the motion and his
    convictions. We affirm.
    Facts and Procedural History
    [¶2.]        On August 13, 2011, Strozier was living in a motel in Sioux Falls. At
    approximately 7:30 p.m., he returned to the motel after work. After consuming
    alcoholic beverages, he joined two friends at a different motel. Later, while the
    three men were walking back to Strozier’s motel, Strozier stopped at a gas station
    and then proceeded to rejoin his friends at his motel.
    [¶3.]        As Strozier approached his motel, he noticed that his friends were
    arguing with a group of seven people who he did not know. An altercation ensued
    between Strozier and two men in the group, later identified as Rodney Iron Hawk
    and Cory Thornton. Strozier was knocked to the ground, he got up, and he went to
    his motel room.
    [¶4.]        Strozier then returned to the scene of the altercation, where his two
    friends were still arguing with the group. Strozier had an opened knife and
    “swiped” at the men, fatally stabbing Iron Hawk. Thornton was cut on his arm.
    [¶5.]        Police officers arrived at the scene. Strozier was arrested, read his
    Miranda rights, placed in the back of a patrol car, and taken to the law enforcement
    center. Upon arriving at the center, two of the officers noted that Strozier was
    emotional, upset, stressed, and he had urinated on himself. The officers further
    observed two bumps on his forehead and abrasions on his face, back, and shoulder.
    Strozier requested medical attention and was transported to a hospital.
    [¶6.]         Shortly after midnight, a blood test at the hospital indicated that his
    blood-alcohol level was 0.214 percent. A physician diagnosed a non-serious closed-
    head injury, 1 facial contusions, and abrasions. Strozier was given one dose of pain
    medication and was taken back to the law enforcement center.
    [¶7.]         At 1:30 a.m., Strozier was placed in an interrogation room. While
    waiting to be interviewed, he made several comments about pain from his head
    injury. At approximately 2:50 a.m., Detective Carda entered the room to begin the
    interrogation. Carda re-advised Strozier of his Miranda rights. 2 Strozier replied
    that he understood his rights and waived them. 3
    1.      The treating physician described a closed-head injury as “a head injury where
    you bump your head and your CAT scan of your brain is normal. You don’t
    have any bleeding or anything very serious.”
    2.      Approximately thirty minutes into the interrogation, Strozier and Detective
    Carda left the room to use the restroom. When the interrogation resumed,
    Carda read Strozier his Miranda rights again. Strozier waived his rights at
    that time as well.
    3.      After Carda read Strozier his Miranda rights, the following conversation took
    Detective Carda: . . . Do you understand these rights?
    Strozier: More than you think I know. I told you I’ve got a
    cousin who been police for thirty years.
    Detective Carda: How about a yes or a no?
    Strozier: Yes sir. Yes sir.
    Detective Carda: . . . Do you wish to waive these rights and
    talk to me at this time?
    Strozier: Yes I do.
    [¶8.]         During a two-hour interrogation, Strozier maintained a fairly
    consistent account of the incident, claiming that he acted in self-defense. He
    claimed that he had been beaten during the initial altercation. 4 He stated that he
    then went to his motel room and returned to the scene with an opened knife “in
    order to protect himself.” 5 He acknowledged that he should not have returned.
    After Carda informed Strozier that Iron Hawk had died from his injuries, Strozier
    insisted that he had never meant to kill him. In the final minutes of the
    interrogation, Strozier asserted that he was not trying to hurt anyone, but rather,
    he was trying to make the men “respect him” and he returned to the altercation “to
    prove a point.”
    [¶9.]         Strozier was indicted for murder in the second degree for the death of
    Iron Hawk and aggravated assault for the injury to Thornton. He moved to
    suppress his statements made during the interrogation. He argued that he had not
    validly waived his Miranda rights. He also argued that his statements were not
    voluntary. Both arguments were premised on his contention that his head injuries,
    intoxication, pain medication, sleep deprivation, and law enforcement coercion
    prevented a valid Miranda waiver and a voluntary statement.
    4.      At one point in the interrogation, however, Strozier acknowledged that he
    may have been beaten after he swiped at the men with the knife.
    5.      At one point, Strozier indicated that he obtained the knife when he returned
    to his room after the initial altercation. He later claimed that he did not
    return to his room for the knife because the knife was already in his pocket.
    [¶10.]       After a hearing and a review of the video recording of the
    interrogation, the circuit court ruled that under the totality of the circumstances,
    Strozier waived his Miranda rights and his statements were voluntary. The court
    found that Strozier was at least of average intelligence, he had extensive prior
    experience with law enforcement over a thirty-five year period, and the
    interrogation was not extremely lengthy or repetitive. The court acknowledged that
    Strozier had been awake for approximately twenty-three hours at the time of the
    interrogation. But the court found that he “did not appear sleepy, he did not yawn[
    ] frequently, . . . he did not lay his head down to nap [while] he waited for Detective
    Carda[, and] [h]e did not tell Detective Carda that he was too tired to continue.”
    The court found that “[t]here was no evidence that this lack of sleep affected the
    voluntariness of [the] waiver.” With respect to intoxication, the court noted that the
    video recording did not reveal “any slurred speech, any difficulty walking, [Strozier]
    did not appear incoherent at any time . . . and he was anxious and eager to get his
    points and opinions across[.]” With respect to medication, the court found that
    Strozier was given a small dose of pain medication, the only effect of which would
    have made him slightly drowsy. With respect to law enforcement coercion and
    tactics, the court acknowledged that Carda did not inform Strozier of Iron Hawk’s
    death until halfway through the interrogation. But the court concluded that Carda
    was not required to inform Strozier of Iron Hawk’s death in order to obtain a
    voluntary statement. Therefore, the court denied the motion to suppress.
    [¶11.]         At trial, the State’s witnesses 6 testified that during the first
    altercation, Strozier was pushed to the ground and went back to his motel room.
    The witnesses testified that he then returned to the scene with a knife, started
    arguing with the group again, and swiped at Iron Hawk and Thornton, causing
    their injuries. The witnesses indicated that it was only after these injuries were
    inflicted that Strozier was beaten by members of the group.
    [¶12.]         Strozier testified to a different chain of events and claimed that he had
    swiped at Iron Hawk and Thornton in self-defense. He testified that after work, he
    went to his motel room, showered, put his work knife in his pants, and left to meet
    his friends. He stated that when he and his friends returned to his motel, Thornton
    and Iron Hawk pushed him down, punched him, and kicked him. Strozier claimed
    that he feared for his life, and therefore, he ran to his motel room. He stated that
    he then left his room to use a pay phone across the street to call 911, but stopped at
    the group’s location on his way. He claimed that Iron Hawk seemed “really frisky”
    and “really aggressive.” He testified that one of the men tried to grab him, so he
    grabbed his knife and swiped at Iron Hawk and Thornton. He stated that he
    swiped at the men because he thought they were going to beat him again.
    [¶13.]         The jury convicted Strozier of murder in the second degree and
    aggravated assault. He appeals, raising the following issues:
    1.     Whether his statements were obtained pursuant to a
    valid Miranda waiver and whether the statements were
    6.       The eye witnesses included a cab driver who had observed the altercation,
    Strozier’s girlfriend, Thornton, and three other members of the group that
    Iron Hawk and Thornton were standing with outside the motel.
    2.     Whether there was sufficient evidence to support the
    jury’s rejection of his claim of self-defense.
    Strozier’s Statements
    [¶14.]       Strozier argues that his statements were not obtained pursuant to a
    valid Miranda waiver and his statements were not voluntary. We give deference to
    the circuit court’s factual findings, but we review de novo the question whether a
    defendant validly waived his or her Miranda rights. State v. Tuttle, 
    2002 S.D. 94
    , ¶
    650 N.W.2d 20
    , 25. The voluntariness of incriminating statements is also a legal
    question that we review de novo. See 
    id. ¶ 20.
    [¶15.]       To establish a valid Miranda waiver, the State must show by a
    preponderance of the evidence that “the defendant voluntarily, knowingly, and
    intelligently waived Miranda rights.” 
    Id. ¶¶ 7-8.
    This requires a showing that: “(1)
    the relinquishment of the defendant’s rights was voluntary and (2) the defendant
    was fully aware that those rights were being waived and of the consequences of
    waiving them.” 
    Id. ¶ 9.
    The totality of the circumstances of the interrogation is
    considered. State v. Ralios, 
    2010 S.D. 43
    , ¶ 24, 
    783 N.W.2d 647
    , 655. This involves
    a consideration of the “defendant’s age, experience, intelligence, and background,
    including familiarity with the criminal justice system, as well as physical and
    mental condition.” 
    Id. ¶ 25.
    [¶16.]       In this case, the totality of the circumstances establishes that Strozier
    voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently waived his Miranda rights. The record
    reflects that he was of at least average intelligence, he maintained full-time
    employment, and he had extensive prior experience with the criminal justice
    system. 7
    [¶17.]         Nevertheless, Strozier argues that “even if [his] age, experience,
    intelligence, and background . . . ma[d]e him capable of . . . waiving his rights under
    normal conditions, his physical and mental condition rendered him unable to do
    so[.]” He specifically contends that he was incapable of waiving his rights because
    of pain from his injuries, intoxication, and sleep deprivation.
    [¶18.]         Although Strozier points out that he complained about pain from his
    head injury, he never exhibited any sign that the pain impaired his ability to
    voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently converse and respond to Carda. Further,
    his medical treatment shortly before the interrogation reflected that he was alert
    and oriented to person, place, and time. The treating physician specifically noted
    that Strozier was not in any acute distress. Also, he never requested additional
    medical treatment or asked Carda to stop the questioning. Strozier only
    complained of pain while waiting for the interrogation to start. Once the
    interrogation began, Strozier only referred to his injuries to justify his claim of self-
    defense. 8
    7.       Strozier had six criminal convictions and two criminal dismissals in South
    Dakota since 2003. One of the South Dakota convictions was a felony. The
    record also reflects that he was convicted of at least three felonies in other
    8.       After receiving medical treatment, Strozier was given one dose of pain
    medication. At the hearing on the motion to suppress, the treating physician
    testified that the only side effect of the pain medication was slight
    drowsiness. There is no evidence that the pain medication impaired
    (continued . . .)
    [¶19.]       There is also no evidence that Strozier’s level of intoxication impaired
    his ability to waive his rights. “The test of voluntariness of one who claims
    intoxication at the time of waiving his rights . . . is whether the individual was of
    sufficient mental capacity to know what he was saying—capable of realizing the
    meaning of his statement—and that he was not suffering from any hallucinations or
    delusions.” Coon v. Weber, 
    2002 S.D. 48
    , ¶ 18, 
    644 N.W.2d 638
    , 645. Here, Strozier
    does not contend that he did not know what he was saying or that he was having
    hallucinations or delusions. On the contrary, a review of the video recording
    indicates that he understood what he was saying, and he was not suffering from
    hallucinations or delusions. This record reflects that even though Strozier had
    consumed alcoholic beverages, he was not so intoxicated as to be incapable of
    waiving his rights. See State v. Tapio, 
    459 N.W.2d 406
    , 411-12 (S.D. 1990)
    (concluding that even though the defendant’s blood alcohol content was 0.164, his
    statements were voluntary because the officer did not sense that the defendant was
    intoxicated and the defendant appeared to understand the questions).
    [¶20.]       Although Strozier also claims that he was deprived of sleep, he never
    indicated during the interrogation that he was tired. On the contrary, the video
    recording shows that he was alert and animated. We find that “there is no evidence
    that [Strozier] was so overcome by fatigue or stress as to prevent” a valid waiver of
    his rights. See State v. Aesoph, 
    2002 S.D. 71
    , ¶ 28, 
    647 N.W.2d 743
    , 754. Further,
    our review of the interrogation’s video recording reflects that Strozier understood
    (. . . continued)
    Strozier’s ability to voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently respond to
    Detective Carda.
    Detective Carda’s advisement of rights and the consequences of waiving them. We
    conclude that under the totality of the circumstances, Strozier voluntarily,
    knowingly, and intelligently waived his Miranda rights. 9
    [¶21.]         Strozier also argues that his statements were involuntary. “[T]he
    validity of a Miranda waiver of rights and the voluntariness of an admission are
    separate but parallel inquiries.” Tuttle, 
    2002 S.D. 94
    , ¶ 
    20, 650 N.W.2d at 30
    “Once suspects in custody are properly advised of, and agree to waive, their
    Miranda rights, they may be freely questioned as long as interrogators do not
    obtain a confession through coercion.” 
    Id. ¶ 22.
    “The voluntariness of a confession
    depends on the absence of police overreaching. Confessions are not deemed
    voluntary if, in light of the totality of the circumstances, law enforcement officers
    have overborne the defendant’s will.” 
    Id. ¶ 20
    (internal citation omitted). Two
    factual inquiries are relevant.
    The factual inquiry centers on (1) the conduct of law
    enforcement officials in creating pressure and (2) the suspect’s
    capacity to resist that pressure. On the latter factor, we
    examine such concerns as the defendant’s age; level of education
    and intelligence; the presence or absence of any advice to the
    defendant on constitutional rights; the length of detention; the
    9.       Strozier contends that several of the State’s cases are inapposite because they
    discuss the circumstances of the interrogation in the context of the
    voluntariness of statements, rather than in the context of a valid Miranda
    waiver. However, analyzing the voluntariness of statements encompasses
    the totality of the circumstances, which is also relevant in the context of a
    Miranda waiver. See State v. Tuttle, 
    2002 S.D. 94
    , ¶¶ 18, 20, 
    650 N.W.2d 20
    29-30. The two legal issues are not mutually exclusive. See 
    id. ¶ 20
    n.4, 650
    N.W.2d at 30 
    n.4 (quoting the Supreme Court’s holding in Colorado v.
    479 U.S. 157
    , 169-70, 
    107 S. Ct. 515
    , 523, 
    93 L. Ed. 2d 473
    that “there is obviously no reason to require more in the way of a
    ‘voluntariness’ inquiry in the Miranda waiver context than in the Fourteenth
    Amendment confession context.”)
    repeated and prolonged nature of the questioning; the use of
    psychological pressure or physical punishment, such as
    deprivation of food or sleep; and the defendant’s prior experience
    with law enforcement officers and the courts. Finally, deception
    or misrepresentation by the officer receiving the statement may
    also be factors for the trial court to consider; however, the police
    may use some psychological tactics in interrogating a suspect.
    Id. ¶ 22
    (internal citations and quotation marks omitted).
    [¶22.]       With respect to the first factual inquiry, Strozier contends that law
    enforcement pressured him to make incriminating statements by: detaining him for
    six hours, depriving him of medical treatment and access to a restroom without a
    police escort, making him wait over an hour before the interrogation began,
    informing him that he was not the villain in the altercation, informing him of other
    witnesses’ accounts of the incident, and not informing him of Iron Hawk’s death.
    With respect to the second inquiry, Strozier contends that he lacked the capacity to
    resist pressure by law enforcement because of his head injury, sleep deprivation,
    intoxication, and the lack of cigarettes.
    [¶23.]       The evidence does not, however, indicate that Strozier’s will was
    overborne because of pressure by law enforcement or any lack of capacity to resist
    pressure. First, as we previously indicated, Strozier’s education, intelligence,
    physical condition, and mental condition did not suggest an inability to resist
    pressure. Also, he was not refused medical treatment or access to a restroom.
    Further, although he was detained for six hours, that time period included his
    arrest, treatment at the hospital, and the interrogation. And even though he had to
    wait over an hour before the interrogation began (because Detective Carda was
    interviewing other witnesses in the case), the actual questioning only lasted two
    hours. Cf. State v. Fisher, 
    2011 S.D. 74
    , ¶ 22, 
    805 N.W.2d 571
    , 576-77 (ruling that,
    among other things, a six-hour interview did not impair a defendant’s ability to
    make voluntary statements). Additionally, Detective Carda’s statement that
    Strozier was not a villain, Carda’s repetition of other witnesses’ accounts, and
    Carda’s failure to inform Strozier of Iron Hawk’s death were not coercive
    psychological tactics. We conclude that, considering the totality of the
    circumstances, Strozier’s statements were voluntary.
    Sufficiency of the Evidence
    [¶24.]       Strozier argues there was insufficient evidence to support the
    convictions because the evidence reflected that he acted in self-defense. “Our
    review of the sufficiency of the evidence is de novo.” State v. Plenty Horse, 
    2007 S.D. 114
    , ¶ 5, 
    741 N.W.2d 763
    , 764. We do not “resolve conflicting evidence, assess
    the credibility of witnesses, or reevaluate the weight of the evidence.” State v.
    2012 S.D. 66
    , ¶ 18, 
    821 N.W.2d 629
    , 633. The question is not whether we
    believe “the evidence at the trial established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”
    Plenty Horse, 
    2007 S.D. 114
    , ¶ 
    5, 741 N.W.2d at 765
    . “It is the jury’s responsibility,
    not ours, ‘to decide what conclusions should be drawn from evidence admitted at
    trial.’” State v. Toohey, 
    2012 S.D. 51
    , ¶ 27, 
    816 N.W.2d 120
    , 131 (quoting Coleman
    v. Johnson, ___ U.S. ___, ___, 
    132 S. Ct. 2060
    , 2062, 
    182 L. Ed. 2d 978
    Thus, the question is “whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential
    elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.” 
    Id. [¶25.] Strozier
    argues that “the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    verdict shows that [he] acted in self-defense.” He highlights his statements to the
    police in which he indicated that he had been attacked and was protecting himself
    when he swiped at Iron Hawk and Thornton. He also points to his trial testimony
    where he claimed that Iron Hawk and Thornton attacked him. He contends that he
    feared for his safety and “used a reasonable amount of force to protect himself.”
    [¶26.]       SDCL 22-5-9(1) permits self-defense:
    Any person, upon reasonable apprehension of threat of bodily
    injury, may make sufficient resistance to prevent an offense
    against his or her person or the person of any family or
    household member, or to prevent an illegal attempt by force to
    take or injure property in his or her lawful possession[.]
    In this case, the jury was properly instructed on this defense. The instructions
    informed the jury to determine whether Strozier had a reasonable apprehension of
    threat of injury, and if so, whether he used reasonable force in defending himself.
    [¶27.]       The jury heard evidence that Strozier was merely pushed to the
    ground during the initial altercation. The jury also heard evidence that he then
    went back to his motel room and obtained the knife before returning to the scene
    and stabbing Thornton and Iron Hawk. Further, several eye witnesses testified
    that he was not beaten until after the stabbings. Finally, the jury heard his
    admission that he returned to the scene “to make the men respect him” and “to
    prove a point.” The jury had sufficient evidence to reject Strozier’s claim of self-
    [¶28.]       Affirmed.
    [¶29.]       GILBERTSON, Chief Justice, and KONENKAMP, SEVERSON and
    WILBUR, Justices, concur.