Mathew Daniel Craddock & Chasta Crenshaw Craddock ( 2023 )

  •                      United States Tax Court
    T.C. Summary Opinion 2023-4
    Docket No. 22581-21S.                                      Filed January 30, 2023.
    Mathew Daniel Craddock and Chasta Crenshaw Craddock, pro sese.
    Ashley M. Bender, Corey R. Clapper, Matthew T. James, and Victoria E.
    Pugh, for respondent.
    LANDY, Special Trial Judge: This case was heard pursuant to
    the provisions of section 7463 of the Internal Revenue Code in effect
    when the petition was filed. 1 Pursuant to section 7463(b), the decision
    to be entered is not reviewable by any other court, and this opinion shall
    not be treated as precedent for any other case.
    In a notice of deficiency dated May 4, 2021, the Internal Revenue
    Service (IRS or respondent) determined a deficiency in petitioners’
    federal income tax of $4,454 for taxable year 2018 (year in issue). After
    1 Unless otherwise indicated, all statutory references are to the Internal
    Revenue Code, Title 26 U.S.C., in effect at all relevant times, all regulation references
    are to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 26 (Treas. Reg.), in effect at all relevant
    times, and all Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure.
    Served 01/30/23
    respondent’s concession, 2 the issues remaining for decision are whether
    petitioners are entitled to deduct (1) car and truck expenses of $14,710
    and (2) other expenses of $17,644 for the year in issue. We resolve these
    questions in respondent’s favor.
    Some of the facts have been stipulated and are so found. The
    stipulation of facts and the attached exhibits are incorporated herein by
    this reference. Petitioners resided in South Carolina when their Petition
    was timely filed.
    I.      Petitioners’ Business Activities
    During the year in issue, Mr. Craddock was employed as a “W-2
    wage earner” at Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. (CAS), and
    Greenville Technical College (GTC). He held a full-time maintenance
    manager position at CAS and a part-time teaching position at GTC. Mrs.
    Craddock was not employed during the year in issue.
    In addition to being a wage earner whose earnings were reported
    on Form W‒2, Wage and Tax Statement, Mr. Craddock owned and
    operated an unincorporated business called Industrial Technologies
    Consulting (ITC). During the year in issue Mr. Craddock traveled
    throughout South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and
    West Virginia performing “sales calls” with the purpose of meeting with
    the maintenance and engineering departments for industrial technology
    companies to sell his consulting and industrial maintenance education
    and training services. Mr. Craddock sold two training courses during the
    year in issue.
    In tax year 2018, Mr. Craddock owned a Ford F–150 truck that
    he used in his consulting business but also in commuting to and from
    his employment at CAS and for personal errands. Routinely, Mr.
    2 In his Pretrial Memorandum, filed August 15, 2022, respondent asserted that
    petitioners were not engaged in a trade or business with the intent to generate a profit
    during the year in issue, and therefore the deductions claimed relating to Mr.
    Craddock’s consulting activities should be limited to the amount of gross receipts
    reported on the return under section 183. Although this issue was raised during the
    examination, it was not incorporated into the notice of deficiency mailed to petitioners,
    and respondent failed to raise this issue in his Answer. On August 26, 2022,
    respondent filed a Status Report apprising the Court that he is unable to determine
    why the issue was not included in the notice of deficiency, and he, therefore, conceded
    the issue. At trial, respondent confirmed his concession.
    Craddock drove his truck to work at CAS and left CAS to conduct a sales
    call or other consulting activities.
    II.     Petitioners’ Tax Return for the Year in Issue
    Petitioners timely filed (with the assistance of a paid preparer)
    Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, for the year in issue.
    They reported wages paid by CAS and GTC to Mr. Craddock totaling
    $79,956; taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income
    taxes of $2,850; and a business loss of $33,104 from ITC, which they
    detailed on a Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business, attached to the
    On Schedule C petitioners reported gross receipts or sales of
    $1,000 for the two training courses Mr. Craddock sold and total expenses
    of $34,104. The expenses consisted of $14,710 in car and truck expenses,
    $209 in depreciation and section 179 expenses, $180 in legal and
    professional services, $361 in taxes and licenses, and $18,644 in other
    expenses. The other expenses consisted of the following:
    Description        Amount         Description          Amount
    Cell Phone         $1,440         Printer Ink          $210
    Medical            $2,268         Charitable           $3,420
    Uniforms           $380           Postage              $961
    Event Catering     $279           Goodwill             $1,750
    Fuel               $6,325         Medical Supplies     $524
    and Medical
    Tolls/Parking      $727           Internet             $360
    Ultimately, petitioners claimed a refund of $8,829 on their 2018
    Form 1040.
    III.    IRS Examination and Determination
    The IRS selected petitioners’ 2018 Form 1040 for examination
    and issued a notice of deficiency disallowing their claimed deduction of
    $14,710 for car and truck expenses and $17,644 of the $18,644 claimed
    deduction for other expenses.
    IV.     Tax Court Proceedings
    On June 21, 2021, petitioners petitioned this Court for
    redetermination of the deficiency. A trial was held on September 6, 2022,
    in Columbia, South Carolina.
    At trial Mr. Craddock testified that he incurred car and truck
    expenses for business miles driven using his Ford F–150 truck. To
    substantiate the expenses, petitioners provided a mileage log that Mr.
    Craddock testified was made contemporaneously with his business
    travel. The mileage log lists the start and end dates, description,
    purpose, start and end locations, and start and end mileage for trips
    made in the truck. The mileage log accounts for every mile driven in the
    truck for the year in issue, including the miles driven for personal use,
    but does not specifically break down the mileage as business or personal.
    To substantiate the other expenses, petitioners provided
    statements from a Wells Fargo joint personal checking account (bank
    statements) with specific charges highlighted and labeled “tolls,” “car
    parts,” “fuel,” or “insurance” as business expenses. From the bank
    statements, these labeled charges reflect $643.50 for tolls, $1,864.22 for
    car parts, $5,190.40 for fuel, and $917 for insurance. Petitioners did not
    submit any receipts or other documentation and did not provide any
    testimony to substantiate the cell phone, medical, uniform, event
    catering, printer ink, charitable contributions, postage, Goodwill
    charitable contributions, medical supplies and prescriptions, or internet
    I.      Burden of Proof
    In general, respondent’s determinations set forth in a notice                  of
    deficiency are presumed correct, and the taxpayers bear the burden                    of
    proving that the determinations are in error. Rule 142(a); Welch                      v.
    290 U.S. 111
    , 115 (1933). 3 Deductions are a matter                        of
    3 Pursuant to section 7491(a), the burden of proof may shift to respondent if
    petitioners introduce credible evidence with respect to any factual issues relevant to
    ascertaining petitioners’ tax liability. Petitioners do not assert, and the evidence does
    legislative grace, and the taxpayers bear the burden of proving that they
    are entitled to any deduction claimed. See Deputy v. du Pont, 
    308 U.S. 488
    , 493 (1940); New Colonial Ice Co. v. Helvering, 
    292 U.S. 435
    , 440
    II.    Governing Legal Principles
    Section 162(a) permits taxpayers to deduct all ordinary and
    necessary expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying
    on a trade or business. Taxpayers are required to maintain books and
    records sufficient to establish income and deductions. § 6001; 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.6001-1
    (a), (e). If taxpayers establish that an expense is
    deductible but are unable to substantiate the precise amount, the Court
    may estimate the allowable amount (Cohan rule). See Cohan v.
    39 F.2d 540
    , 543–44 (2d Cir. 1930). In estimating, we
    bear heavily against taxpayers “whose inexactitude is of [their] own
    Id. at 544
    . Taxpayers must present sufficient evidence to
    permit the Court to make an estimate. Williams v. United States, 
    245 F.2d 559
    , 560–61 (5th Cir. 1957); Vanicek v. Commissioner, 
    85 T.C. 731
    742–43 (1985).
    Section 274(d) overrides the Cohan rule for certain expenses. See
    Sanford v. Commissioner, 
    50 T.C. 823
    , 827–28 (1968), aff’d per curiam,
    412 F.2d 201
     (2d Cir. 1969); 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274-5
    (c)(2)(iii); Temp. 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274
    -5T(a). Under section 274(d), taxpayers must meet stricter
    substantiation requirements to deduct certain expenses under section
    162, including expenses for the use of listed property as defined in
    section 280F(d)(4), such as passenger automobiles.
    To meet the heightened substantiation requirements, taxpayers
    must substantiate by adequate records or by sufficient evidence
    corroborating their own statements (1) the amount of the expense,
    (2) the time and place of the expense or use of listed property, (3) the
    business purpose of the expense or use, and (4) the business
    relationship. § 274(d). Even if the expense would otherwise be deductible
    before the enactment of section 274(d), section 274(d) may still preclude
    a deduction if the taxpayers do not present sufficient substantiation.
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274
    To substantiate car and truck expenses through adequate
    records, taxpayers must maintain a contemporaneous log, trip sheet, or
    not establish, that the burden of proof should be shifted to respondent pursuant to
    section 7491(a).
    similar record, as well as corroborating documentary evidence, that
    together establish each required element of the expense. See Temp.
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274
    -5TI(2)(i) and (ii). In the absence of adequate records,
    taxpayers must establish each required element by “[their] own
    statement, whether written or oral, containing specific information in
    detail as to such element” and by “other corroborative evidence sufficient
    to establish such element.” See 
     subpara. (3)(i).
    III.   Car and Truck Expenses
    Petitioners deducted car and truck expenses in connection with
    Mr. Craddock’s business and submitted a mileage log to substantiate
    these expenses. Car and truck expenses are subject to the strict
    substantiation requirements of section 274(d), and petitioners’ mileage
    log is inadequate to meet the strict substantiation requirements,
    particularly when compared to petitioners’ bank statements and
    testimony at trial.
    For several reasons, we do not find the mileage log credible:
    •   The mileage log accounts for every mile driven using the truck
    for the year in issue, but Mr. Craddock testified at trial that
    the truck was driven for both personal and business use,
    including trips from petitioners’ home to Mr. Craddock’s
    employment at CAS and for personal errands.
    •   The mileage log reflects that Mr. Craddock was in two states
    simultaneously. For instance, the mileage log shows a trip
    from “home” in South Carolina to Columbus, Georgia, on
    November 11–14, 2018, but also shows a trip from “home” to
    Fletcher, North Carolina, on November 13, 2018. When asked
    about this discrepancy at trial, Mr. Craddock testified that he
    “may have wrote [sic] the wrong date down.”
    •   Moreover, the mileage log shows that Mr. Craddock was on a
    trip in one state while the bank statements show a fuel
    purchase, for which he seeks a deduction, in another state. Mr.
    Craddock failed to articulate a reason for the discrepancies.
    These discrepancies include but are not limited to:
    Date on        Location on     Date on        Location of
    Mileage Log    Mileage Log     Bank           Fuel Charge
    4/22/2018 –    Henderson,      4/23/2018      Piedmont
    4/24/2018      North                          and
    Carolina                       Greenville,
    5/14/2018 –    Morgantown, 5/15/2018          Greenville,
    5/17/2018      West Virginia                  South
    8/1/2018 –     Beaufort,     8/2/2018         Simpsonville,
    8/3/2018       South                          South
    Carolina                       Carolina
    8/24/2018 –    Murfreesboro, 8/27/2018        Macon and
    8/27/2018      Tennessee                      Dacula,
    11/11/2018 –   Columbus,       11/13/2018     Greenville,
    11/14/2018     Georgia                        South
    12/17/2018 –   Morgantown, 12/18/2018         Greenville,
    12/19/2018     West Virginia                  South
    •   Despite a considerable number of mileage log entries showing
    Mr. Craddock was in another state for multiple days, Mr.
    Craddock did not provide any additional testimony or other
    evidence to corroborate his presence in another state on the
    dates listed. Mr. Craddock testified he would use cash to make
    fuel purchases when out of state but could not remember
    where he would have stayed when on overnight trips, other
    than staying at a hotel or camping.
    •   Further, though the mileage log reflects numerous trips from
    South Carolina to other states, there were only three fuel
    charges on the bank statements that were made outside of
    South Carolina. Two of these charges, both dated August 27,
    2018, show that gas was purchased in Macon, Georgia, and
    Dacula, Georgia; however petitioners’ mileage log shows that
    Mr. Craddock was at a “training” session in Murfreesboro,
    Tennessee, on August 27, 2018. The third charge was made on
    December 3, 2018, in Piedmont, Georgia, 4 and there is no
    corresponding entry on the mileage log for that day.
    Even if the Court determined that the mileage log was credible,
    it alone would not be sufficient to meet the strict substantiation
    requirements in section 274(d). To substantiate the expenses,
    petitioners would additionally need to provide corroborating
    documentary evidence to establish the required elements of the expense.
    See Temp. 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274
    -5T(c)(2)(i) and (ii). In addition to the
    mileage log, petitioners submitted their bank statements and testimony
    at trial. As outlined above, the bank statements contradict more of the
    trips on the milage log than they corroborate. Therefore, the bank
    statements are not sufficient to corroborate the amount or time and
    place of the car and truck expenses listed in the mileage log.
    This Court is not bound to accept petitioners’ self-serving,
    unverified, and undocumented testimony. See Shea v. Commissioner,
    112 T.C. 183
    , 188–89 (1999) (citing Tokarski v. Commissioner, 
    87 T.C. 74
    , 77 (1986)). The Court does not find petitioners’ testimony,
    specifically that of Mr. Craddock, to be credible or provide sufficient
    details to corroborate the mileage log. Therefore, petitioners’ testimony
    is not sufficient to corroborate the amount, time and place, or business
    purpose of the trips listed in the mileage log.
    Additionally, Mr. Craddock testified at trial that he would drive
    his truck from his home to work at CAS, and that he would make stops
    for personal errands while making the trips that are also documented
    on the mileage log. In general, the cost of daily commuting to and from
    work is a nondeductible personal expense. See Commissioner v. Flowers,
    326 U.S. 465
    , 473–74 (1946); 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.162-2
    (e). However,
    “[u]nreimbursable transportation expenses incurred between two places
    of business are deductible.” Gilliam v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1986-
    51 T.C.M. (CCH) 567
    , 572 (citing Steinhort v. Commissioner, 
    335 F.2d 496
    , 503–05 (5th Cir. 1964), aff’g and remanding T.C. Memo. 1962-
    233). To prevail, petitioners must first prove that their vehicle mileage
    arises from deductible business-related travel rather than
    nondeductible commuting. Patitz v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 2022-99
    Petitioners have failed to do so.
    4 The bank statements petitioners provided specifically state a fuel charge of
    $20 was incurred at Ingles Gas Express in Piedmont, Georgia, not Piedmont, South
    Carolina. Mr. Craddock provided no testimony to refute this stated charge.
    Mr. Craddock’s travel from his home to CAS and for his personal
    errands is not deductible business-related travel but part of his
    nondeductible commuting. At trial, Mr. Craddock was unable to state
    which days he went to CAS or simply completed personal errands during
    these trips to permit the Court to distinguish his nondeductible
    commuting from his business trips. Therefore, the Court is unable to
    determine what portion of the mileage petitioners claimed would be
    attributable to personal or nonreimbursable transportation expenses
    and what portion, if any, would be for deductible business-related travel.
    In sum, petitioners have not met the strict substantiation
    requirements under section 274(d). They failed to provide adequate
    records or sufficient evidence to establish the amount of expenses
    incurred, the time and place of the truck’s use, the business purpose of
    its use, or the business relationship. See § 274(d); Temp. 
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274
    -5T(a). Therefore, respondent’s disallowance of the deduction for
    car and truck expenses is sustained.
    IV.   Other Expenses
    Petitioners deducted other expenses for a cell phone, medical,
    uniforms, event catering, fuel, tolls and parking, printer ink, charitable
    contributions, postage, Goodwill charitable contributions, medical
    supplies and prescriptions, and internet in connection with Mr.
    Craddock’s business. To substantiate their other expenses, petitioners
    provided bank statements for certain charges that were highlighted and
    had descriptions noted next to them.
    A.     Fuel, Tolls, and Parking Expenses
    Petitioners deducted $6,325 in fuel and $727 in tolls and parking.
    These other expenses for fuel and tolls appear to duplicate the car and
    truck expenses discussed above. Furthermore, whether they are
    categorized as car and truck expenses or other expenses, petitioners
    must meet the strict substantiation requirements under section 274(d)
    for these expenses. The bank statements petitioners submitted show
    total charges of $5,190.40 in fuel, $643.50 in tolls, and zero for parking.
    These bank statements are insufficient to substantiate the fuel and toll
    expenses for several reasons.
    Many of the charges for fuel occurred on a day that does not have
    a corresponding trip in the mileage log. 5 Petitioners’ testimony provided
    no basis for the Court to determine whether the fuel expenses incurred
    were business-related or personal expenses related to transportation to
    Mr. Craddock’s employment at CAS. Similarly, Mr. Craddock testified
    at trial that he took a toll road between his home and work at CAS but
    provided no evidence to substantiate that the charges for tolls on the
    bank statement were made for business purposes and not nondeductible
    commuting. Petitioners have not established that these expenses were
    ordinary and necessary business expenses or provided the Court with
    corroborative evidence showing sufficient detail to meet the heightened
    substantiation requirements entitling them to a deduction. See Temp.
    Treas. Reg. § 1.274
    -5T(c)(2)(i) and (ii); see also Commissioner v. Flowers,
    326 U.S. at
    473–74. Therefore, respondent’s disallowance of these
    deductions is sustained.
    B.      Remaining Other Expenses
    Regarding the remaining other expenses for a cell phone, medical,
    uniforms, event catering, printer ink, charitable contributions, postage,
    Goodwill charitable contributions, medical supplies and prescriptions,
    and internet, petitioners did not offer documentary evidence or
    testimony to substantiate the business usage or purpose for these
    expenses. Petitioners also were unable to explain how they arrived at
    the amounts of these expenses. Without such evidence the Court does
    not have a reasonable basis to estimate the amounts of the expenses
    related to business use. See Cohan v. Commissioner, 
    39 F.2d at
    Arnold v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 2007-168
    2007 WL 1837120
    , at *4.
    Accordingly, respondent’s disallowance of a deduction for each of the
    above-mentioned remaining other expenses is sustained.
    To reflect the foregoing,
    Decision will be entered for respondent.
    5 For the year in issue, these charges occurred on: January 18 and 30; February
    12, 13, 15, 26; March 2 (three charges), 6, 8, 12 (two charges), 14, 23, 28, 30; April 6
    (two charges), 19; May 8, 10, 18; June 18, 21; July 5 (two charges), 17, 19, 30, 31;
    August 14, 28, 29, 31; September 4, 7, 20, 24, 26, 28; October 2, 15, 18, 22 (two charges),
    26; November 20, 26 (three charges); December 3 (two charges), 4, 26, 31.