Estate of Milada S. Neumann, Eric W. Shaw, Ancillary Administrator, C.T.A. v. Commissioner , 106 T.C. No. 10 ( 1996 )

    106 T.C. No. 10
    Docket No. 11060-94.                      Filed April 9, 1996.
    Decedent, a nonresident alien, died in 1990. She
    bequeathed U.S. situs property outright to her
    grandchildren. In 1986, bequests of this type, i.e.,
    "direct skips", were first subjected to the generation-
    skipping transfer (GST) tax provisions of secs. 2601
    through 2663, I.R.C. At the time of decedent's death,
    regulations dealing with "direct skips" had not been
    issued. Held, the bequests are subject to the GST tax.
    The issuance of regulations in respect of "direct
    skips" by nonresident aliens provided for in sec.
    2663(2), I.R.C., is not a condition precedent to the
    imposition of the GST tax on such "direct skips" but
    merely authorizes the Secretary to prescribe the
    allocations and calculations involved in determining
    how such tax should be imposed.
    Edward L. Peck and Thomas V. Glynn, for petitioner.
    Moira L. Sullivan, for respondent.
    TANNENWALD, Judge:   Respondent determined a deficiency in
    petitioner's Federal estate tax and generation-skipping transfer
    (GST) tax in the amount of $2,002,102.05.   After concessions, the
    sole issue remaining for decision is whether the GST tax, under
    sections 2601 through 2663,1 applies to the transfer of U.S.
    situs property to decedent's grandchildren, where, at the time of
    death, decedent was a nonresident alien and regulations had not
    yet been promulgated under section 2663(2).
    All the facts have been stipulated and are so found.    The
    stipulation of facts and the exhibits attached thereto are
    incorporated herein by this reference.
    Petitioner is the estate of Milada S. Neumann (decedent) who
    died testate on July 14, 1990.   Decedent was a resident and
    citizen of the Republic of Venezuela at the time of her death.
    Eric W. Shaw is the ancillary administrator and resided in
    Larchmont, New York, at the time the petition was filed.
    Decedent's will was admitted to ancillary probate by the
    Surrogate's Court of New York County, New York.   As translated
    into English, the will provides in part as follows:
    All statutory references are to the Internal Revenue Code in
    effect as of the date of decedent's death, and all Rule
    references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure.
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    Second: I resolve that all that is legitimate (that is
    fifty percent) corresponds to my only legitimate heir,
    my son Michal * * *
    Third: I instruct that after the legitimate is
    subtracted, all the available portion of my estate
    (that is fifty percent) is distributed as follows: half
    of the available (that is twenty-five percent) to my
    legitimate granddaughter Vanesa * * * and the other
    half of the available (that is twenty-five percent) to
    my legitimate grandson, Ricardo.
    Vanesa and Ricardo are the children of decedent's son,
    Michal.   At the time of decedent's death, Michal and Ricardo were
    citizens and residents of Venezuela, and Vanesa was a citizen and
    resident of the United States.
    Decedent's estate included U.S. situs property consisting of
    works of art and other tangible personal property, and a
    cooperative apartment, all located in New York, New York.   The
    estate also included foreign situs property including cash and
    securities located in Venezuela and in a Cayman Islands Trust.
    At the time of death, the U.S. situs property had a value of
    approximately $20 million, and the foreign situs property had a
    value of approximately $15 million.
    In the notice of deficiency, respondent determined that the
    testamentary transfers of property to Vanesa and Ricardo,
    decedent's grandchildren, were subject to the GST tax.
    The generation-skipping transfer tax was first imposed by
    the Tax Reform Act of 1976, Pub. L. 94-455, sec. 2006, 90 Stat.
    1520, 1879, but applied only to transfers in trust and not to
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    "direct skip" transfers such as are involved herein, e.g.,
    outright bequests by a decedent to a grandchild.        See Staff of
    Joint Comm. on Taxation, General Explanation of the Tax Reform
    Act of 1976, at 565 (J. Comm. Print 1976), 1976-3 C.B. (Vol. 2)
    577.    Section 2614(b), enacted in 1976, made clear that the GST
    tax was to apply only to nonresident aliens in respect of
    property that would otherwise be taken into account for purposes
    of the estate tax to which nonresident aliens were already
    subject by virtue of section 2101(a).         See General Explanation of
    the Tax Reform Act of 1976, supra at 580, 1976-3 C.B. (Vol. 2) at
    In 1986, dissatisfied with the GST tax, Congress
    retroactively repealed the 1976 provisions and enacted new
    provisions extending the GST tax to "direct skip" transfers such
    as are involved herein.    See Tax Reform Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-
    514, sec. 1431, 100 Stat. 2085, 2717.2         Section 2663, enacted in
    1986, provided:
    The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as
    may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the
    purposes of this chapter, including--
    *   *   *    *      *    *   *
    (2) regulations (consistent with the
    principles of chapters 11 and 12) providing for
    Sec. 2614(b) disappeared in the 1986 amendments presumably
    because Congress intended the limitation to be reflected in the
    definitions in sec. 2612.
    - 5 -
    the application of this chapter in the case of
    transferors who are nonresidents not citizens of
    the United States, * * *
    No regulation in respect of generation-skipping transfers by
    nonresident aliens had been issued at the time of decedent's
    death.   Notice of proposed regulations dealing with the GST tax
    as applied to nonresident aliens was first published in the
    Federal Register on December 24, 1992.    See PS-73-88, 1993-1 C.B.
    867, 883.    Final regulations were published on December 27, 1995.
    T.D. 8644, 1996-7 I.R.B. 16, 44 (Feb. 12, 1996).    Both the
    proposed and final regulations had effective dates subsequent to
    the date of decedent's death.
    Petitioner argues the GST tax should not apply to "direct
    skips" by nonresident aliens which occurred prior to the adoption
    of implementing regulations on the ground that section 2663(2)
    manifests the intent of Congress to require such regulations as a
    condition to the imposition of such tax.    Respondent counters
    that the statute itself imposes the tax and that section 2663(2)
    represents simply a recognition by Congress that regulations
    might be needed to fill in some of the details affecting the
    application of the GST tax to transfers by nonresident aliens.
    In this connection, we note that respondent apparently determined
    the manner in which the GST tax should be applied herein
    consistently with the methodology set forth in the proposed
    regulations and that petitioner does not question that
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    methodology except in the context of the contention that such
    regulations were necessary to the imposition of the GST tax and
    that therefore the use of that methodology constituted an
    unjustified retroactive application of the regulations.
    Thus, we are called upon to resolve the following question:
    Are the regulations a necessary condition to determining
    "whether" the GST tax applies, as petitioner contends, or do they
    constitute only a means of arriving at "how" that tax, otherwise
    imposed by the statute, should be determined, as respondent
    In support of its position, petitioner relies heavily on
    Alexander v. Commissioner, 
    95 T.C. 467
    (1990), affd. without
    published opinion sub nom. Stell v. Commissioner, 
    999 F.2d 544
    (9th Cir. 1993).     In that case, section 465(c)(1), as then in
    effect, set forth specific types of transactions to which the at-
    risk provisions applied (see 
    95 T.C. 469
    n.4) and then
    provided in section 465(c)(3):
    (3)   Extension to other activities.--
    (A) In general.--In the case of taxable
    years beginning after December 31, 1978, this
    section also applies to each activity--
    (i) engaged in by the taxpayer in
    carrying on a trade or business or for the
    production of income, and
    (ii) which is not described in
    paragraph (1),
    - 7 -
    *   *     *    *      *   *   *
    (D) Application of subsection (b)(3).--In
    the case of an activity described in subparagraph
    (A), subsection (b)(3) shall apply only to the
    extent provided in regulations prescribed by the
    Secretary. [Emphasis added.]
    The activity of the taxpayer was not one of the specified
    types of transactions that fell within the scope of an activity
    described in section 465(c)(1).     No regulations had been issued
    under section 465(c)(3)(D).   We held that the issuance of the
    regulations was a precondition to a determination whether the at-
    risk rules applied to the taxpayer's activity.        In so doing, we
    specifically characterized the "only to the extent" language of
    the statute as unambiguous and therefore controlling.        Alexander
    Commissioner, supra
    at 473; see H. Enters. Intl., Inc. v.
    105 T.C. 71
    , 82 (1995).
    Respondent contends that this foundation of our opinion
    distinguishes Alexander from the instant case and relies on
    Occidental Petroleum Corp. v. Commissioner, 
    82 T.C. 819
    which dealt with the effect on the alternative minimum tax of the
    absence of regulations under section 58(h) which provided:
    SEC. 58(h) Regulations To Include Tax Benefit
    Rule.--The Secretary shall prescribe regulations under
    which items of tax preference shall be properly
    adjusted where the tax treatment giving rise to such
    items will not result in the reduction of the
    taxpayer's tax under this subtitle for any taxable
    - 8 -
    We held that the absence of regulations did not preclude proper
    adjustments in respect of the tax benefit rule and went on to
    determine those adjustments in that case.   The rationale of our
    opinion was that section 58(h) was intended by Congress to
    provide a basis for "how" the alternative minimum tax should be
    applied in order to take into account the tax benefit rule.
    We reaffirmed our position as to the effect of the absence
    of regulations under section 58(h) in Breakell v. Commissioner,
    97 T.C. 282
    , 285 (1991), affd. in part, revd. in part without
    published opinion 
    996 F.2d 1231
    (11th Cir. 1993); see also First
    Chicago Corp. v. Commissioner, 
    88 T.C. 663
    , 669 (1987), affd. 
    842 F.2d 180
    (7th Cir. 1988); cf. Estate of Hoover v. Commissioner,
    102 T.C. 777
    , 782 (1994), revd. on another issue 
    69 F.3d 1044
    (10th Cir. 1995), where we adopted a similar view in respect of
    the absence of regulations directed to be prescribed by the
    Secretary under section 2032A(g).
    More recently, in H. Enters. Intl., Inc. v 
    Commissioner, supra
    , we dealt with a situation comparable to that herein,
    involving the impact of the failure of the Secretary to issue
    regulations to prevent tax avoidance under section 7701(f) on the
    application of the limitations of sections 246A and 265(a)(2) to
    the interest on funds borrowed by one corporation and used by an
    affiliated corporation to purchase portfolio stock and tax-exempt
    - 9 -
    Section 7701(f) provides:
    SEC. 7701(f) Use of Related Persons or Pass-Thru
    Entities.--The Secretary shall prescribe such
    regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to
    prevent the avoidance of those provisions of this title
    which deal with--
    (1) the linking of borrowing to investment, or
    (2) diminishing risks,
    through the use of related persons, pass-thru entities,
    or other intermediaries. [Emphasis added.]
    Reviewing the analyses and conclusions of Occidental
    Petroleum Corp. v. 
    Commissioner, supra
    , First Chicago Corp. v.
    Commissioner, supra
    , and Alexander v. 
    Commissioner, supra
    , we
    held that the issuance of regulations under section 7701(f) was
    not a precondition to applying sections 246A and 265(a)(2) to
    transactions involving a parent corporation and its subsidiary.
    In so holding, we followed Occidental Petroleum and First Chicago
    and distinguished Alexander on the ground that the "only to the
    extent" language of section 465(c)(3)(D) was absent from section
    7701(f).    See H. Enters. Intl., Inc. v. 
    Commissioner, supra
    81-84.     In short, the teaching of the decided cases is that
    issuance of regulations is to be considered a precondition to the
    imposition of a tax where the applicable provision directing the
    issuance of such regulations reflects a "whether"
    characterization, such as existed in Alexander, and not where the
    - 10 -
    provision simply reflects a "how" characterization.    We follow
    that path herein.
    Under these circumstances and applying the teaching of the
    decided cases, we hold that the regulations contemplated under
    section 2663(2) reflect a "how" characterization and their
    issuance is not a necessary precondition to the imposition of the
    GST tax on the transfers involved herein.    In enacting section
    2663(2), Congress simply recognized that there would be problems
    of allocation and calculations of tax in respect of nonresident
    aliens because, unlike citizens and residents, not all the
    property of nonresident aliens is subject to U.S. estate tax.
    We are unimpressed with petitioner's attempt to create a
    "whether" patina to section 2663(2) by pointing to alleged gaps
    and possible invalid provisions of the proposed regulations
    dealing with the definition of "direct skip" transfers and the
    calculation of the taxable amount of a "direct skip" and
    applicable rate of tax.    Such gaps and provisions clearly go to
    the "how" and not to the "whether" in respect of the application
    of the GST tax.3    In this connection, we note that petitioner
    For a critical analysis of the proposed regulations, see
    Schlesinger, "The Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax--A
    Reexamination on Its Ninth Anniversary", 74 Taxes 49 (Jan. 1996);
    Heller & Sasaki, "Proposed Regulation Section 26.2663-2 and the
    Application of the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax to Transfer
    by Nonresident Aliens", 12 Intl. Tax & Bus. Law. 291 (1994); see
    also Helt, "Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Regulations," 74
    - 11 -
    concedes that the transfers involved herein were "direct skips"
    and, as we have previously pointed out, does not question
    respondent's calculation of the GST tax on those transfers.
    In light of our holding, we have no need to explore
    petitioner's arguments regarding retroactivity or the alleged
    failure of the Secretary to comply with the Administrative
    Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. secs. 551-559 (1988), in issuing the
    proposed regulations.
    To reflect the foregoing, and in order to take into account
    the settlement of certain unrelated issues,
    Decision will be entered
    under Rule 155.
    Taxes 67 (1996), analyzing the extent to which the final
    regulations removed some of the gaps, etc. in the proposed

Document Info

Docket Number: 11060-94

Citation Numbers: 106 T.C. No. 10

Filed Date: 4/9/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 11/13/2018