Brennan v. Comm'r , 102 T.C.M. 534 ( 2011 )

  •                          T.C. Memo. 2011-276
    JOHN J. AND TERESA M. BRENNAN, Petitioners v.
    Docket No. 8981-10.                Filed November 21, 2011.
    Eugene A. Steger, Jr., for petitioners.
    James H. Harris, Jr., for respondent.
    MORRISON, Judge:    The IRS issued to petitioners, John J. and
    Teresa M. Brennan, a notice of deficiency for tax year 2004 which
    determined that the Brennans are liable for a $14,368.62 penalty
    under section 6662A.    Unless otherwise indicated, all references
    to sections are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect for the
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    year at issue.    The Brennans petitioned the Court under section
    6214 for redetermination of the deficiency.
    The parties stipulated some of the facts; and those facts
    are so found.
    The Brennans resided in Pennsylvania when they filed their
    petition.   During 2004, John Brennan was the sole shareholder of
    J.J. Brennan, Inc., an S corporation.
    On November 17, 2004, J.J. Brennan, Inc., adopted the J.J.
    Brennan, Inc. 412(i) Defined Benefit Plan (the “plan”).    The plan
    was effective as of January 1, 2004.    It provided coverage to
    John and Teresa Brennan, who were the only employees of J.J.
    Brennan, Inc.    The plan provided death benefits of $927,022 to
    Teresa Brennan and $844,664 to John Brennan.    J.J. Brennan, Inc.,
    paid $223,802 in life-insurance premiums related to the plan.      As
    the parties have stipulated, in 2004 the Brennans engaged in a
    listed transaction of the type described in Rev. Rul. 2004-20,
    2004-1 C.B. 546 (defining as a listed transaction the
    participation by employers in certain employee-benefit plans
    providing death benefits and holding life insurance contracts).
    On March 20, 2005, J.J. Brennan, Inc., filed its federal
    income-tax return for 2004.    On this return, it deducted $223,802
    for life-insurance premium payments.
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    On their federal income-tax return for 2004, the Brennans
    reported flowthrough income from J.J. Brennan, Inc., to John
    Brennan of $14,200, net of deductions.1   The return reported an
    income-tax liability of $28,748, an amount that they paid as of
    the due date of the return.   The Brennans did not attach a Form
    8886, Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement, to their
    return.   Nor did they otherwise disclose the listed transaction
    on their return.
    The Brennans filed an amended return which showed an
    increase in their taxable income of $155,209.2   A Form 8886 was
    attached to the amended return.
    On February 4, 2009, the IRS mailed a notice of deficiency
    to the Brennans reflecting the IRS’s determination that they are
    liable for a section 6662A penalty of $14,368.62.   In computing
    this amount, the IRS assumed that the increase in taxable income
    resulting from the Brennans’ improper tax treatment of a section
    6662A transaction was $136,8443 and that the highest marginal tax
    Neither party asserts that this amount is inconsistent with
    the J.J. Brennan, Inc. return.
    The record is not clear, but the increase in taxable income
    may have been the result of the Brennans’ calculation of their
    taxable income without the $223,802 deduction that had been
    claimed on the return of J.J. Brennan, Inc.
    The IRS now asserts that the use of $136,844 in this
    calculation was an error--and that $155,209 should have been used
    instead. However, the IRS does not assert an increased penalty
    to correct for this supposed error.
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    rate was 35 percent.     Thus, the reportable transaction
    understatement was calculated to be $47,895.40, which is 35
    percent of $136,844.     The section 6662A penalty was calculated to
    be 30 percent of the $47,895.40 reportable transaction
    understatement, which is $14,368.62.      The deficiency notice did
    not reflect that the IRS determined a deficiency in income tax
    separate from the penalty.4
    On May 4, 2009, the IRS assessed $47,166 of additional
    income tax.   The Brennans paid the $47,166--and interest on the
    $47,166--by an offset of their 2008 refund and by a $51,724.72
    payment made on July 28, 2009.     The record does not disclose how
    the $47,166 was calculated.     One could surmise that $47,166 was
    the additional tax liability, beyond the $28,748 reported on the
    2004 return, that the Brennans would owe if the $223,802
    deduction that had been claimed on the return of J.J. Brennan,
    Inc., were disallowed.
    Section 6011(a) provides that taxpayers must file the forms
    and statements required by the regulations promulgated by the
    Treasury Department.   One such regulation is section 1.6011-4,
    Income Tax Regs., which requires every taxpayer who has
    participated in a “reportable transaction”, including a “listed
    The parties have not explained why the deficiency notice
    did not determine a deficiency in income tax other than the
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    transaction”, to attach to its annual tax return a Form 8886.
    Sec. 1.6011-4(a), (d), Income Tax Regs.    This disclosure
    statement must be attached to the tax return for each taxable
    year in which the taxpayer participated in the reportable
    transaction.    Sec. 1.6011-4(e)(1), Income Tax Regs.   The
    disclosure statement must also be attached to any amended return
    that reflects the taxpayer’s participation in a reportable
    Id. Section 6662A(a) provides
    that “If a taxpayer has a
    reportable transaction understatement for any taxable year, there
    shall be added to the tax an amount equal to 20 percent of the
    amount of such understatement.”    As is relevant to the Brennans’
    2004 tax return, the term “reportable transaction understatement”
    is defined as
    the product of--
    (i) the amount of the increase (if any) in
    taxable income which results from a difference
    between the proper tax treatment of an item to
    which this section applies and the taxpayer’s
    treatment of such item (as shown on the taxpayer’s
    return of tax), and
    (ii) the highest rate of tax imposed by
    section 1 * * *
    Sec. 6662A(b)(1)(A).    Giving content to the words “an item to
    which this section applies”, section 6662A(b)(2) provides that
    “This section shall apply to any item which is attributable to” a
    “listed transaction” or certain other types of transactions.      A
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    listed transaction for the purposes of section 6662A(b)(2) is the
    same as a listed transaction for the purposes of section 1.6011-
    4, Income Tax Regs.   Secs. 6662A(d), 6707A(c)(2).
    Section 6664(d)(1) provides that “No penalty shall be
    imposed under section 6662A with respect to any portion of a
    reportable transaction understatement if it is shown that there
    was a reasonable cause for such portion and that the taxpayer
    acted in good faith with respect to such portion.”   However,
    section 6664(d)(2) provides:
    Paragraph (1) [i.e., section 6664(d)(1)] shall not
    apply to any reportable transaction understatement
    (A) the relevant facts affecting the tax
    treatment of the item are adequately disclosed in
    accordance with the regulations prescribed under
    section 6011,
    (B) there is or was substantial authority for
    such treatment, and
    (C) the taxpayer reasonably believed that
    such treatment was more likely than not the proper
    Section 6662A(c) provides that a 30-percent penalty rather
    than a 20-percent penalty is imposed “with respect to the portion
    of any reportable transaction understatement with respect to
    which the requirement of section 6664(d)(2)(A) is not met.”
    Section 6664(d)(2)(A) requires the taxpayer to disclose the
    transaction in order to qualify for the reasonable cause
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    Under section 7491(c), the IRS bears the burden of
    production with regard to a penalty.   This means that it must
    come forward with sufficient evidence indicating that a penalty
    is appropriate.   Higbee v. Commissioner, 
    116 T.C. 438
    , 446-447
    (2001).   The parties stipulated that the Brennans engaged in a
    listed transaction described in Rev. Rul. 
    2004-20, supra
    , and
    that they did not disclose the transaction on their 2004 return.
    The Brennans do not dispute that $136,844 was the amount by which
    their 2004 taxable income should be increased as a result of
    their improper tax reporting of the listed transaction.5   The
    parties do not dispute the marginal tax rate to be used in
    computing the reportable transaction understatement.   Therefore,
    the IRS has met the burden of showing that there was a reportable
    transaction understatement for 2004 and that therefore it is
    appropriate to impose a penalty on the Brennans under section
    If the IRS meets the burden of production regarding a
    penalty, the taxpayer bears the burden of proving the penalty is
    inappropriate because the taxpayer acted with reasonable cause
    and good faith.   See Williams v. Commissioner, 
    123 T.C. 144
    , 153
    (2004); Higbee v. Commissioner, supra at 446-447.   The evidence
    As already explained, the notice of deficiency determined
    the amount was $136,844. The IRS asserts that this was an error
    and the correct amount was $155,209. However, the IRS does not
    seek the increased penalty that would result if this error were
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    adduced by the Brennans in support of the reasonable cause
    exception is insufficient.   It showed only that they were unaware
    that they had to attach a disclosure statement to their 2004
    return.   This lack of awareness does not satisfy any of the three
    conditions imposed by section 6664(d)(2) for the reasonable cause
    exception.   First, section 6664(d)(2)(A) requires the Brennans to
    have attached a disclosure statement to their 2004 return.        They
    did not attach a disclosure statement.       Second, section
    6664(d)(2)(B) requires the Brennans to show that there was
    substantial authority for the tax treatment of the listed
    transaction on their 2004 tax return.       They did not do so.
    Third, section 6664(d)(2)(C) requires the Brennans to show that
    they reasonably believed that their 2004 tax return more likely
    than not reflected the correct tax treatment of the listed
    transaction.   They did not make such a showing.
    We hold that the Brennans do not qualify for the section
    6664(d) reasonable cause exception to the section 6662A penalty
    that was determined by the IRS.    They are therefore liable for
    the penalty.   In reaching our decision, we have considered all
    arguments made by the parties.    To the extent not mentioned or
    addressed, they are irrelevant or without merit.
    To reflect the foregoing,
    Decision will be entered
    for respondent.

Document Info

Docket Number: Docket No. 8981-10

Citation Numbers: 2011 T.C. Memo. 276, 102 T.C.M. 534, 2011 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 268


Filed Date: 11/21/2011

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 11/20/2020