Jonathan E. Stromme and Marylou Stromme v. Commissioner , 138 T.C. 213 ( 2012 )

  •                                                  JONATHAN E. STROMME AND MARYLOU STROMME,
    Docket No. 14706–09.                     Filed March 13, 2012.
    Ps owned two houses during the years at issue. They lived
    in one of those houses (on LaCasse Drive) and worked (but
    did not live) in the other house (on Emil Avenue). In the
    house on Emil Avenue they provided lodging for individuals
    with developmental disabilities. The county paid sums for the
    care of these individuals. Ps reported the amounts on their
    tax returns but then excluded them from income. Held: Ps
    cannot exclude the payments received to provide foster care
    under I.R.C. sec. 131 because they did not live in the house
    in which they provided lodging for the developmentally dis-
    abled adults.
    Jay B. Kelly, for petitioners.
    Christina L. Cook, for respondent.
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    COLVIN, Chief Judge: In 2005 and 2006 three (and then
    four) developmentally disabled adults lived in a house on
    Emil Avenue in Shoreview, Minnesota. The Emil Avenue
    house was owned by Marylou and Jonathan Stromme, who
    cared for their clients and managed the property. The local
    government paid them more than $250,000 in 2005 and more
    than $300,000 in 2006 for providing this foster care service.
    The Code makes these payments tax free if the clients were
    cared for in the Strommes’ ‘‘home’’. But as discussed below
    the Strommes owned and resided in another home, and
    worked in, but did not live in, the house on Emil Avenue in
    Shoreview. Thus we hold that they may not exclude the
    foster care payments from income for the years at issue. 1
    Judge Holmes, who was the trial Judge in this case, fully
    agrees with the findings of fact herein. The Strommes were
    Minnesota residents when they filed their petitions.
    Marylou Stromme grew up as one of 10 siblings in a small
    home, and it was her relationship with one of her brothers,
    Danny, that inspired her vocation. Danny was develop-
    mentally disabled and, following the custom of the time,
    had been sent to live in an institution called the Lake
    Owasso Children’s Home (which was later renamed the
    Lake Owasso Residence). Ms. Stromme stayed close to her
    brother, and from about the age of 12 began making regular
    weekend visits to the institution. Danny eventually was able
    to move in with the Strommes, and Ms. Stromme cared for
    him until his death in 2001.
    The course of her brother’s life left Ms. Stromme with a
    strong desire to help those with developmental disabilities.
    Before Danny died, she had become a board member of the
    Lake Owasso Residence. She had long been acquainted with
    the case managers there, and after Danny’s death one of
    them suggested that she think about operating a group
    home—a smaller residence usually in a family-friendly
    community that contemporary thinking has concluded pro-
    vides a better life for developmentally disabled adults than
    1 Unless otherwise noted, all section references are to the Internal Revenue Code (Code) in
    effect for the years at issue; all Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Pro-
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    large congregate care. But where? At the time, Ms. Stromme
    and her husband Jonathan Stromme owned two houses in
    Shoreview: one on Mound Avenue and another on Emil
    Avenue. They lived at the Mound Avenue house with their
    children and had purchased the Emil Avenue house as an
    investment in April 2001. 2
    Petitioners chose to develop the Emil Avenue house as a
    group home. Mr. Stromme oversaw the extensive renovation
    of the Emil Avenue house. He added a fourth bedroom, a
    bathroom, and a living area in the basement and added a
    deck with a wheelchair ramp on the outside. He also sought
    the advice of a certified public accountant (C.P.A.), and then
    he and his wife started doing business as SISTER Group
    Home. 3 After the Strommes finished these preparations, the
    Ramsey County Human Services Department licensed them
    in 2003 as foster care service providers. The Emil Avenue
    house, with four bedrooms and an office area where the
    Strommes kept detailed records of client activities, was ready
    for business.
    Ms. Stromme took charge of caring for the clients. Doctor’s
    appointments were a constant, but the clients also went
    around town to ‘‘do everything like you would do as a normal
    person’’. She organized events for them such as making
    Easter baskets, painting, and mowing lawns—including the
    lawn at the Strommes’ other house. 4 According to Ms.
    Stromme, she always had a client with her and the constant
    interaction was a ‘‘24/7 job’’.
    To handle these client demands, the Strommes also had
    help. They hired six employees—most, including Jon and
    Molly, were family members, but at least one was not. These
    employees helped out both day and night. The sleeping
    arrangements, however, were tight; for part of 2005 there
    was an open bedroom, but for the rest of that year and 2006
    the employees and the Strommes had to sleep on either the
    futon or the convertible sofa while they were on duty.
    2 For the years in issue, the Strommes had claimed the Emil Avenue house as their ‘‘home-
    stead’’, affording them some real property tax relief. See, e.g., Minn. Stat. Ann. sec. 273.1384,
    subdiv. 1 (West 2007).
    3 SISTER stands for Success in Special Needs Together Encouraging Residents.
    4 The reason for the last activity, according to the Strommes, was that a client ‘‘was ‘compul-
    sive’ about mowing grass’’, and in fact had to be monitored or else would mow all the time.
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    Several neighbors saw the Strommes or their cars during
    the day. They saw them collecting mail there. And for all
    these neighbors knew, the Strommes lived there.
    What the Emil Avenue neighbors did not seem to know
    was that the Strommes owned another house. The Strommes
    sold their Mound Avenue house in April 2003 and moved into
    the one they bought on LaCasse Drive in nearby Anoka
    County. It was at the LaCasse Drive house that the
    Strommes held family get-togethers and celebrated the safe
    return of another son from service in Iraq. The LaCasse
    Drive house was also where they celebrated Thanksgiving
    and Christmas. Ms. Stromme found it a more restful place to
    recover from foot surgery. This was in part because the
    LaCasse Drive house was much larger than the one on Emil
    Avenue. Excluding the basement, the LaCasse Drive house
    had 2,808 square feet, in contrast to the 1,168 square feet of
    the Emil Avenue house—and it was large enough to
    accommodate the Strommes’ extended family and everyday
    life. Its six bedrooms often housed not only the Strommes
    and their two children, but also two other children from Ms.
    Stromme’s first marriage, plus Ms. Stromme’s brother, a
    niece, and two grandchildren. It also was large enough for
    the Strommes to bring their clients over for outings.
    Four of respondent’s witnesses—the Strommes’ neighbors
    on LaCasse Drive—had a good grasp of where the Strommes
    spent their time during 2005 and 2006, better than the Emil
    Avenue neighbors. The LaCasse Drive neighbors also knew
    the Strommes owned two houses, and those neighbors under-
    stood that the Strommes worked at the Emil Avenue house.
    They frequently saw Ms. Stromme leave in the morning to go
    to work at the Emil Avenue house and then return in the
    evening. They often saw Mr. Stromme working in the yard
    or on his cars; they saw both Strommes bringing in groceries
    and noted Ms. Stromme’s car was reliably in the driveway
    around dinnertime. They also credibly recounted scenes of
    the Strommes having ordinary suburban American fun, like
    returning from a Minnesota Wild hockey game or throwing
    a lively pool party—the Strommes had installed a pool in
    2005. The pool was one of the LaCasse Drive house’s great
    features, giving the Strommes, and sometimes their visiting
    clients, a place to relax.
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    The Strommes and their neighbors had some disagree-
    ments. We will not memorialize these in any great detail but
    only note that the resulting police reports show that the
    Strommes were present at the LaCasse Drive house and
    reported it as their residence.
    In 2006 the Strommes separated. By November of that
    year they had sold the LaCasse Drive house—Mr. Stromme
    moved to a home in Forest Lake, Minnesota, and Ms.
    Stromme found her own place. The Strommes considered
    making the LaCasse Drive house a group home in lieu of
    selling it, though they were not licensed by Anoka County.
    The State of Minnesota paid SISTER about $256,662 in 2005
    and $305,561 in 2006. This enabled the Strommes, even after
    they took care of the Emil Avenue house and its clients, to
    pay the mortgage, the utilities, and the cost of improvements
    at the LaCasse Drive house. 5
    Respondent determined that the payments from the State
    of Minnesota were taxable. 6 After allowing the Strommes
    some business expense deductions, i.e., depreciation, employ-
    ment and real estate taxes, interest, and wages, respondent
    determined deficiencies and penalties that totaled more than
    I. Section 131
    The Strommes claim eligibility under the section 131 exclu-
    sion from income of qualified foster care payments. Under
    that section, petitioners may exclude the 2005 and 2006 pay-
    ments if they were:
    • made pursuant to a foster care program of a State;
    • paid by a State or political subdivision thereof, or a
    qualified agency; and
    5 The record is, for the most part, ambiguous about the exact cost of running SISTER Group
    Home. The Strommes drew less than bright lines between their personal expenses and the ex-
    penses of their clients. It is difficult for us to understand how certain expenses relating to trips
    to Mazatlan, Mexico, and to Treasure Island Resort and Casino in Welch, Minnesota, paid with
    SISTER’s American Express card, aided the four developmentally disabled adults living at the
    Emil Avenue house.
    6 The Strommes did report some taxable business income on their 2005–06 returns: $10,632
    from Ms. Stromme’s windshield repair business and a separate payment to Ms. Stromme of
    $2,400 for adult foster care, which she did not explain at trial.
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    • paid to a foster care provider for the care of ‘‘a qualified
    foster individual in the foster care provider’s home.’’ 7
    See sec. 131(b)(1). The parties disagree about the third
    requirement. Does the phrase ‘‘foster care provider’s home’’
    merely require ownership, as petitioners contend; or does it
    mean the foster care must be provided in a taxpayer’s resi-
    dence, as respondent contends? We conclude that it means
    the foster care must be provided in a taxpayer’s residence. 8
    A. Ownership
    There are no regulations under section 131, and there is
    not much caselaw on the issue before us. 9 We explicate the
    meaning of ‘‘home’’ in section 131 by looking first to the text
    of the Code. If the meaning is plain, we generally enforce it
    according to its terms. See, e.g., United States v. Ron Pair
    Enters., Inc., 
    489 U.S. 235
    , 241–243 (1989). If the language
    is ambiguous, we can consider the legislative history. See,
    e.g., Cato v. Commissioner, 
    99 T.C. 633
    , 640–641 (1992).
    The only case on the meaning of ‘‘home’’ in section 131 is
    Dobra v. Commissioner, 
    111 T.C. 339
     (1998). In Dobra, the
    taxpayers owned four houses where they cared for develop-
    mentally disabled people, but conceded that only one house
    was their ‘‘ ‘personal family residence.’ ’’ 
    Id. at 340
    . The
    Dobras nevertheless argued that because they owned each
    house, they could exclude payments tied to the individuals in
    all four. 
    Id. at 342
    . We held, however, that under section 131
    a person’s ‘‘home’’ is where he resides. 10 ‘‘Put more plainly,
    in order for a ‘house’ to constitute * * * [a home], petitioners
    must live in that house.’’ 
    Id. at 345
    . Precedent fences us in:
    7 The sec. 131 requirements we list are those relevant to the Strommes’ situation for the years
    at issue.
    8 We need not consider whether the foster care may be provided in a taxpayer’s second home
    because in this case the care was not provided in petitioners’ second home; the place the care
    was provided was not petitioners’ primary or second home. For now, the better course is ‘‘to ob-
    serve the wise limitations on our function and to confine ourselves to deciding only what is nec-
    essary to the disposition of the immediate case.’’ Whitehouse v. Ill. Cent. R.R., 
    349 U.S. 366
    372–373 (1955); Ashwander v. TVA, 
    297 U.S. 288
    , 345–346 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring); ac-
    cord Liverpool, N.Y. & Phila. S.S. Co. v. Emigration Comm’rs, 
    113 U.S. 33
    , 39 (1885). Our si-
    lence on the issue should not be construed as our agreement with either party’s argument.
    9 There is caselaw construing the phrases ‘‘paid by a State or political subdivision thereof or
    by a placement agency’’, see Cato v. Commissioner, 
    99 T.C. 633
    , 640–646 (1992), and ‘‘qualified
    foster individual’’, see Micorescu v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1998–398.
    10 We also found that the legislative history of sec. 131 ‘‘provides little if any guidance to the
    meaning of ‘home’, for purposes of adult foster care, that cannot also be gleaned from the plain
    language of the statute.’’ Dobra v. Commissioner, 
    111 T.C. 339
    , 344 (1998).
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    The Strommes’ mere ownership of the Emil Avenue house is
    insufficient to make it their home.
    B. Did the Strommes Live at the Emil Avenue House?
    It was easy enough to decide that the Dobras did not live
    in more than one of their houses—hired help provided the
    care—but the Strommes spent a lot of time at the Emil
    Avenue house in 2005 and 2006. Ms. Stromme had an office
    there, and that is where she kept records of the clients’ daily
    activities. Their neighbors regularly saw the Strommes at the
    house and saw the Strommes’ cars in the driveway. And
    respondent stipulated that the Strommes worked shifts at
    the Emil Avenue house.
    These facts show the Strommes were frequently present at
    and worked at the Emil Avenue house, but is that enough?
    We conclude that using a house for business 11 does not make
    it a residence. We interpret the Code’s use of the word
    ‘‘home’’ to mean the house where a person regularly performs
    the routines of his private life—for example, shared meals
    and holidays with his family, or family time with children or
    The Strommes did argue that the Emil Avenue house was
    a home in this sense. They pointed to the bedroom available
    to them there early in 2005, and then to the living room
    couch and basement sofa once the fourth client moved in. But
    they did not dispute that the other six employees also slept
    in the same locations when their turns for night shifts came.
    The Strommes focused as well on the location of their
    clothes, claiming that they had two dressers in the basement,
    with additional clothes stored in the laundry room. 12 Mr.
    Stromme also said that when he needed to stay at the
    LaCasse Drive house to make improvements, he would carry
    over personal items in a duffel bag. 13
    11 We
    do not read sec. 131 as prohibiting a profit motive.
    12 They
    also claimed that they received both personal mail (such as Christmas cards) and busi-
    ness mail at the Emil Avenue house; but the record contained specific examples of only the lat-
    ter, some using the Emil Avenue address and others (e.g., tax documents and bank statements)
    the LaCasse Drive address.
    13 The fact that the Strommes homesteaded the Emil Avenue house, but not the LaCasse
    Drive house, also fails to convince us. The Strommes claimed that they could not homestead
    the LaCasse Drive house because it was not their home. We disagree. The Strommes listed the
    LaCasse Drive house as their principal residence on their 2003 Certificate of Real Estate Value
    filed with the State—rebutting their assertion. In fact, declaring the LaCasse Drive house their
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    The Emil Avenue neighbors either do not recall or never
    actually saw the living arrangements inside the Strommes’
    Emil Avenue house. And one of the Strommes’ employees,
    Daniel Hess, testified that Ms. Stromme did not always sleep
    at the Emil Avenue house during the shifts he worked.
    We have only the Strommes’ word, but their unwillingness
    to admit that the LaCasse Drive house was even one of their
    ‘‘homes’’ casts serious doubt on their claim about living at the
    Emil Avenue house. The Strommes said they had a plan to
    make the LaCasse Drive house a group home, which limited
    their use of that house during the years at issue to visits
    with their children, repair work, and outings with their cli-
    ents. They want us to believe that they did not eat lunch or
    dinner at the LaCasse Drive house and that Mr. Stromme
    slept there only when he needed to do repairs.
    Their actions do not match their words. The Strommes
    received a license from Ramsey County for the Emil Avenue
    house in a mere six months, even though they had to
    remodel the entire basement. In contrast, they never applied
    for a similar license from Anoka County during their more
    than three years at the LaCasse Drive house. And while
    their neighbors did see the Strommes working at the
    LaCasse Drive house, they also saw them doing everyday
    chores, from bringing in groceries and eating meals with the
    family to hosting late-night pool parties. Their neighbors on
    LaCasse Drive credibly testified that the Strommes said that
    they ‘‘worked’’ at Emil Avenue. We believe that admission
    and find that the Strommes lived at the LaCasse Drive
    house. It was a big house, with plenty of amenities. It was
    where they spent time with their children and grandchildren.
    It was the house where they lived their private life, while
    they worked at the Emil Avenue house. We therefore find
    that the LaCasse Drive house was their only home. 14 The
    homestead was not in their financial interest. The Emil Avenue house was eligible for the home-
    stead tax credit, but the LaCasse Drive house was not. The Strommes bought the LaCasse Drive
    house for $415,000 and the Emil Avenue house for $123,000. The homestead tax credit is phased
    out completely for property valued over $413,000. See Minn. Stat. Ann. sec. 273.1384, subdiv.
    1 (homestead credit equal to 0.4% of the first $76,000 of the property value minus 0.09% of the
    excess of $76,000).
    14 Although the Strommes sold the LaCasse Drive house in November 2006, it is unclear ex-
    actly when, and for where, Marylou Stromme left. Mr. Stromme claimed she went to the Emil
    Avenue house. A LaCasse Drive neighbor remembered Ms. Stromme’s moving to the Floral Bay
    Drive house. We do not know where the Strommes’ children moved. Without support for the
    position that Ms. Stromme in fact moved to the Emil Avenue house in 2006, see Rule 142(a),
    we cannot allow her an exclusion for even part of the year.
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    payments that they received from the State of Minnesota in
    2005 and 2006 are therefore taxable income.
    II. Accuracy-Related Penalty
    Respondent also determined that the Strommes are liable
    for the penalty under section 6662(a) for each year in issue,
    claiming that the Strommes’ exclusions of the foster care
    payments were negligent or in disregard of rules or regula-
    tions or led to substantial understatements of income tax.
    See sec. 6662(b)(1) and (2). Negligence, as the regulations
    define it, is the failure to make a reasonable attempt to pre-
    pare one’s tax returns, keep adequate books and records,
    substantiate items properly, or otherwise comply with the
    Code. Sec. 1.6662–3(b)(1), Income Tax Regs. Disregard of
    rules includes careless, reckless, or intentional disregard of
    Code provisions or regulations. Sec. 1.6662–3(b)(2), Income
    Tax Regs. And an understatement of income tax is substan-
    tial if it is more than $5,000 or 10% of the tax required to
    be shown on the return, whichever is greater. Sec.
    Respondent has met his burden of production for at least
    the substantial understatement ground by producing the
    income tax returns reflecting the error. See sec. 7491(c);
    Campbell v. Commissioner, 
    134 T.C. 20
    , 29 (2010), aff’d, 
    658 F.3d 1255
     (11th Cir. 2011). The amounts excluded resulted
    in substantial understatements of income tax—since the
    Strommes did not report any taxable income for 2005 and
    But there is a reasonable cause and good faith defense to
    the penalty irrespective of whether it is based on negligence,
    intentional disregard, or a substantial understatement of
    income tax. See sec. 6664(c)(1). We find, taking into account
    all the relevant facts and circumstances, that the Strommes
    had reasonable cause for the positions taken on their returns
    and acted in good faith. See id.; sec. 1.6664–4(b)(1), Income
    Tax Regs. The Strommes reported the amounts of the
    receipts on their returns, albeit not as taxable income. They
    met all the other requirements of section 131. And while
    Dobra defines ‘‘home’’ as a ‘‘residence’’, the Strommes’ situa-
    tion was arguably different—the Dobras never litigated the
    question of whether they lived in more than one home. IRS
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    publications do not even try to define what a ‘‘home’’ is in
    describing the foster care exclusion. Given the ambiguity in
    this area of the law, we find the Strommes’ confusion reason-
    able and honest. See Higbee v. Commissioner, 
    116 T.C. 438
    449 (2001) (noting that an honest and reasonable misunder-
    standing of fact or law weighs against imposing an accuracy-
    related penalty) (citing section 1.6664–1(b)(1), Income Tax
    Regs.). On the basis of these facts, particularly the
    Strommes’ honest attempts to calculate their tax liabilities,
    we therefore find that the Strommes had reasonable cause to
    take the reporting position that they did.
    Respondent counters that there are clear indicators the
    Strommes did not act in good faith. Respondent notes they
    failed to produce records to substantiate their foster care
    expenses and failed to substantiate when the fourth client
    came to the Emil Avenue house. Respondent also suggests
    that the Strommes relied on their C.P.A. to create a section
    131 ‘‘facade’’. The Strommes, however, did keep records. And
    the date that the fourth client entered the group home would
    not have changed the character of payments.
    We therefore reject respondent’s determination that the
    Strommes owe accuracy-related penalties.
    To reflect the foregoing,
    Decision will be entered under Rule 155.
    Reviewed by the Court.
    PARIS, and MORRISON, JJ., agree with this opinion of the
    HOLMES, J., concurring: I agree with nearly everything in
    the opinion of the Court, except where it states that the
    Commissioner argues that the phrase ‘‘foster care provider’s
    home’’ means that ‘‘foster care must be provided in a tax-
    payer’s residence’’. See op. Ct. p. 218. That’s not exactly what
    the Commissioner was arguing—in his brief and at trial, he
    argued that the phrase ‘‘foster care provider’s home’’ means
    that foster care must be provided in a taxpayer’s principal
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    residence. See, e.g., Answering Br. for Respondent 24; Pre-
    trial Memorandum for Respondent 8.
    It is our failure to engage that argument that compels me
    to write separately.
    The Commissioner argued throughout this case that the
    Emil Avenue house needs to be the Strommes’ principal resi-
    dence for section 131 to apply. He points to section 121’s
    home-sale exclusion, 1 and reads Dobra as excluding foster
    care payments from income only if the taxpayers provide care
    in their principal home. 2 The Strommes even went along
    with this and argued that the Emil Avenue house was their
    primary residence.
    I do not think that the Strommes had to argue quite so
    vociferously (and unconvincingly) because I disagree with the
    argument that ‘‘home’’ under section 131 means only a tax-
    payer’s principal residence. We held in Dobra that ‘‘in ordi-
    nary, everyday speech, the phrase * * * [foster care pro-
    vider’s home] means the place (or places) where petitioners
    reside.’’ Dobra v. Commissioner, 
    111 T.C. 339
    , 345 (1998)
    (emphasis added). As support for our reading, we looked else-
    where in the Code. See 
    id. at 348
    . Section 2(b)(1), for
    example, says that a head of household has to ‘‘maintain[ ] as
    his home a household which constitutes for more than one-
    half of such taxable year the principal place of abode * * *
    of * * * a qualifying child * * * [or] a dependent.’’ The
    Ninth Circuit has held that this language does not limit a
    taxpayer to having only one home. See Dobra, 
    111 T.C. at 347
     (discussing Smith v. Commissioner, 
    332 F.2d 671
    Cir. 1964), rev’g 
    40 T.C. 591
     (1963)); see also Muse v. United
    434 F.2d 349
    , 353 (4th Cir. 1970). Acknowledging the
    Ninth Circuit’s decision, we clarified in Dobra that the rel-
    1 Section 121 excludes gain from the sale of a principal residence. If a taxpayer owns two resi-
    dences, he can apply section 121 to only one—the one, in light of the time he spends there dur-
    ing the year and other relevant factors, that is his principal residence. See sec. 1.121–1(b)(2),
    Income Tax Regs.
    2 The Commissioner took the one-home approach in a 1994 Technical Advice Memorandum.
    See Tech. Adv. Mem. 9429004 (July 22, 1994). We don’t give Technical Advice Memoranda any
    more deference than we would a litigating position taken by the Commissioner. See sec.
    6110(b)(1)(A), (k)(3); CSI Hydrostatic Testers, Inc. v. Commissioner, 
    103 T.C. 398
    , 409 n.10
    (1994), aff’d, 
    62 F.3d 136
     (5th Cir. 1995).
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    evant inquiry for a ‘‘home’’ is whether the taxpayer resided
    in the house at issue. See Dobra, 
    111 T.C. at 348
    We recently had another chance to construe a Code section
    where Congress used the word ‘‘home’’ without nailing ‘‘prin-
    cipal’’ to it. See Driscoll v. Commissioner, 
    135 T.C. 557
    (2010), rev’d and remanded, 
    669 F.3d 1309
     (11th Cir. 2012).
    According to the Code, a minister of the Gospel doesn’t
    include in income the ‘‘rental value of a home furnished to
    him as part of his compensation.’’ Sec. 107(1). Driscoll’s con-
    gregation provided him with two houses. Driscoll excluded
    payments associated with both from his income, but the
    Commissioner allowed the exclusion only for his principal
    residence. See Driscoll, 
    135 T.C. at 558
    –559. We disagreed:
    We read section 107 as applying to compensation in the form
    of a dwelling house; and since the parties had stipulated that
    the Driscolls’ second house was also Driscoll’s ‘‘residence’’, we
    found that it too was covered by the plain meaning of the
    statute. See 
    id. at 566
    In my view, Driscoll supports Dobra: A home is where one
    resides. And because a taxpayer may reside in more than one
    house, section 131 does not limit him to only one ‘‘home’’. But
    Driscoll was also controversial: It carried only by a seven-to-
    six vote. See 
    id. at 567, 573
    . It was reversed by the Court of
    Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, which is not where this
    case would be headed.
    Therein is the explanation for why this case, like McLaine
    v. Commissioner, 
    138 T.C. 228
     (2012), also filed today, ended
    up in conference: a reluctance to include in the opinion sup-
    porting our decision a fuller explanation of why we’re doing
    what we do.
    The audience for our opinions should note a decided lack
    of majority support, especially after Driscoll, in actually
    defending the Commissioner’s position that a taxpayer who
    provides foster care in his home may exclude payments only
    if (or maybe to the extent that) he provides that care in his
    principal home. Not only did we implicitly reject that point
    in Dobra, but as mentioned above, Dobra itself built on cases
    like Smith v. Commissioner, 
    332 F.2d at 673
    , holding that
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    ‘‘[a] person can have but one domicile, but we see no reason
    why a person cannot have two homes.’’
    Once we decided Driscoll, which would seem to have been
    a harder case—the Code section there does use the singular
    ‘‘a home’’—it seems odd not to mention it in Stromme. And
    if a minister can own more than one ‘‘a home,’’ surely a
    foster-care provider can provide care in more than one ‘‘tax-
    payer’s home.’’ Unless, of course, we want to go back on
    Dobra’s holding that ‘‘home’’ means ‘‘residence’’ and challenge
    the Ninth Circuit’s similar construction of section 2(b) by
    adopting a different rule of construction to require us to
    insert ‘‘principal’’ or ‘‘at most one’’ before ‘‘home’’ where the
    Code uses that word, or maybe to interpret ‘‘home’’ to mean
    In one way, of course, Driscoll is directly on point: The
    opinion of the Court there held that the rule of construction
    in current section 7701(p)(1) (cross-referencing title 1 of the
    U.S. Code) applies, and tells us to treat singular nouns as
    including plural. See Driscoll, 
    135 T.C. at 565
     (citing prior
    version at section 7701(m)(1)). Judge Gustafson nevertheless
    argues, as he did in his Driscoll dissent, that ‘‘home’’ has a
    connotation of singularity, that one can only use one house
    at a time. See Gustafson op. pp. 227–228.
    In Driscoll he had further argued that allowing the parson-
    age allowance for more than one home served no legislative
    purpose. See Driscoll, 
    135 T.C. at 569
    –571. Noting the phrase
    ‘‘to the extent used by him to * * * provide a home,’’ in sec-
    tion 107(2), he suggested a reading that would require a min-
    ister to allocate his rental allowance among his homes with
    only a part excluded. See 
    id. at 571
    One can be sure that this part of Judge Gustafson’s dissent
    in Driscoll does not apply to section 131. Not only does the
    phrase ‘‘to the extent’’ not occur in section 131, but the legis-
    lative history runs directly opposite:
    The recordkeeping necessitated by present law requires prorating such
    expenses as housing and utility costs as well as expenditures for food. The
    committee believes that the requirement of such detailed and complex
    recordkeeping may deter families from accepting foster children or from
    claiming the full exclusion from income to which they are entitled. [H.R.
    Rept. No. 99–426, at 863 (1985), 1986–3 C.B. (Vol. 2) 1, 863.]
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    226                 138 UNITED STATES TAX COURT REPORTS                                     (213)
    The aim of the amendment was to help taxpayers afford
    the advantages of a home life to children or the disabled in
    need. And it seems obvious that a family can have more than
    one home. If not, how would we possibly analyze in any
    reasonable way, situations like:
    • a down-on-its-luck family that moves with its foster chil-
    dren among several homes during the course of the year; or
    • a family where one spouse moves with a small child to
    the family’s summer home, while the other stays with the
    school-age children at their principal residence; or
    • a minister’s family that shuttles between the various
    homes whose expenses we’ve already decided are all subject
    to exclusion in Driscoll?
    As it turns out, there is no majority to take this reasoning
    on, only a simple reluctance to rule against the Commis-
    sioner on one point when he wins on another. A similar
    reluctance is at work in McLaine, but it’s not one I think it
    wise for us to indulge in as a general matter. Judge Halpern,
    in his concurrence in McLaine, lists the advantages of alter-
    native holdings where there’s a reason for reaching alter-
    native arguments. As trial Judge here, I faced the related
    problem of a bad argument in support of the winning side.
    The Commissioner raised the argument, and the presence of
    the still-outstanding Technical Advice Memorandum 9429004
    (July 22, 1994), see supra note 2, suggests that the Commis-
    sioner will continue to do so until there’s authority to the
    contrary. Proposing to address it was not gratuitous, but a
    reasonable progression from Dobra (home means residence,
    not ownership) to Driscoll (home includes two houses that
    the parties stipulated were residences) to Stromme—where
    one party relied on the legal argument that only principal
    residences are homes, but presented lots of evidence on the
    factual issue that the house in question wasn’t a residence at
    The answer to the legal question seemed pretty obvious,
    and would clear up this tiny, murky corner of the Code a bit.
    See, e.g., Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 563 U.S. ll, ll, 
    131 S. Ct. 2074
    , 2080 (2011) (court has discretion to correct errors at
    each step of two-step analysis). We did the same thing in
    Dobra itself, where we held for the Commissioner, but also
    rejected his definition of ‘‘foster care provider’s home’’ as
    meaning ‘‘the family residence of a licensed foster care pro-
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    vider in which the licensee is the primary provider of foster
    care.’’ Dobra, 
    111 T.C. at 342
    It seems odd to have the Court sit in conference on cases
    where there’s no disagreement on the result, and the only
    articulated dispute on the underlying legal questions reiter-
    ates a dissent from an earlier case decided differently. It is
    clearly prudent and justified for any Judge not to reach out
    and analyze tangential issues, or even especially controver-
    sial issues, but as in Mitchell v. Commissioner, 
    131 T.C. 215
    (2008), discussed in Koprowski v. Commissioner, 
    138 T.C. 54
    66 (2012) (Holmes, J., concurring), so today in McLaine and
    Stromme, we take this counsel of prudence imprudently far:
    A home-plate umpire shouldn’t be opining on the theoretical
    applicability of the infield-fly rule, but surely he can tell the
    catcher that, though the pitch was outside, at least it was
    above the knees.
    GUSTAFSON, J., concurring: I agree with the opinion of the
    Court. I write separately here to address the concurring
    opinion of Judge Holmes, who proposes we should hold that
    a foster parent may have two ‘‘homes’’ under section 131. I
    disagree for two reasons:
    First, we manifestly did not need to reach this issue in
    order to decide this case. Section 131 excludes from income
    payments made ‘‘to the foster care provider for caring for a
    qualified foster individual in the foster care provider’s home.’’
    A trial was conducted, and the evidence yielded a finding of
    fact (with which Judge Holmes fully agrees) that the Emil
    Avenue house was not the petitioners’ ‘‘home’’. The opinion
    of the Court reaches this conclusion without having to con-
    sider whether section 131 contemplates that a foster parent
    may have two ‘‘homes’’ or instead permits only one. Judge
    Holmes suggests that one should note ‘‘a decided lack of
    majority support’’ for a one-‘‘home’’-only interpretation of sec-
    tion 131, see Holmes op. pp. 224–225; but in fact one should
    note instead simply that the majority found it unnecessary
    even to reach this interpretive question, which is not really
    implicated here.
    Second, if we were required to reach that question, I would
    conclude that the statutory phrase ‘‘in the foster care pro-
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    vider’s home’’ does not mean ‘‘in one of the foster care pro-
    vider’s homes’’. Rather, as I observed before in another con-
    In common usage, a person has one ‘‘home’’,2 and the word therefore has
    a connotation of singularity.
    2 The
    leading (non-obsolete) definition of ‘‘home’’ in the Oxford English
    Dictionary (1933) is ‘‘A dwelling-place, house, abode; the fixed residence of
    a family or household; the seat of domestic life and interests; one’s own
    house; the dwelling in which one habitually lives, or which one regards as
    one’s proper abode’’; and the first definition for ‘‘home’’ in Webster’s Third
    New International Dictionary (1966) is ‘‘the house and grounds with their
    appurtenances habitually occupied by a family : one’s principal place of
    residence : DOMICILE’’.
    [Driscoll v. Commissioner, 
    135 T.C. 557
    , 569–570 (2010) (Gustafson, J.,
    dissenting), rev’d and remanded, 
    669 F.3d 1309
     (11th Cir. 2012).]
    The most that can be said for the multiple-‘‘homes’’ position
    is that the statute might be ambiguous—i.e., that the appar-
    ently singular ‘‘home’’ might actually mean the plural
    ‘‘homes’’. But if the statute is ambiguous, then we must
    interpret it in light of the elementary principle ‘‘ ‘that exclu-
    sions from income must be narrowly construed.’ ’’ Commis-
    sioner v. Schleier, 
    515 U.S. 323
    , 328 (1995) (quoting United
    States v. Burke, 
    504 U.S. 229
    , 248 (1992) (Souter, J., concur-
    ring)). The narrower construction here—and the one I would
    adopt—is that ‘‘home’’ means one home.
    COLVIN, GOEKE, and KROUPA, JJ., agree with this concur-
    ring opinion.
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