Estate of Paul C. Gribauskas v. Commissioner , 116 T.C. No. 12 ( 2001 )

    116 T.C. No. 12
    CO-EXECUTORS, Petitioner v.
    Docket No. 3107-98.                       Filed March 8, 2001.
    In late 1992, D and his former spouse won a
    Connecticut LOTTO prize payable in 20 annual
    installments. At the time of his death in 1994, D was
    entitled to receive 18 further annual payments of
    $395,182.67 each.
    Held: The lottery payments must be included in
    D’s gross estate and valued for estate tax purposes
    through application of the actuarial tables prescribed
    under sec. 7520, I.R.C.
    Michael J. Kopsick and William J. Dakin, for petitioner.
    Carmino J. Santaniello, for respondent.
    - 2 -
    NIMS, Judge:   Respondent determined a Federal estate tax
    deficiency in the amount of $403,167 for the estate of Paul C.
    Gribauskas (the estate).   The sole issue for decision is whether
    an interest held at his death by Paul C. Gribauskas (decedent),
    in 18 annual installments of a lottery prize, must be valued for
    estate tax purposes through application of the actuarial tables
    prescribed under section 7520.
    Unless otherwise indicated, all section references are to
    sections of the Internal Revenue Code in effect as of the date of
    decedent’s death, and all Rule references are to the Tax Court
    Rules of Practice and Procedure.
    This case was submitted fully stipulated pursuant to Rule
    122, and the facts are so found.    The stipulations of the
    parties, with accompanying exhibits, are incorporated herein by
    this reference.   Decedent was a resident of West Simsbury,
    Connecticut, when he died intestate in that State on June 4,
    1994.   His estate has since been administered by the probate
    court for the District of Simsbury.      Roy L. Gribauskas and Carol
    Beauparlant, decedent’s siblings, are named co-executors of his
    estate.   At the time the petition in this case was filed, Roy
    Gribauskas resided in Southington, Connecticut, and Carol
    Beauparlant resided in Berlin, Connecticut.
    - 3 -
    The Connecticut LOTTO
    In September of 1983, the State of Connecticut (the State)
    commenced running a biweekly “LOTTO” drawing.   During all
    relevant periods, this lottery was administered by the State of
    Connecticut Revenue Services, Division of Special Revenue (the
    Division), in accordance with regulations promulgated to govern
    the game’s operation.   Individuals participate in the lottery by
    purchasing for $1.00 a ticket on which they select six numbers.
    If the six numbers so chosen match those randomly selected at the
    next LOTTO drawing, the ticketholder becomes entitled to a prize
    of $1,000,000 minimum, with a potentially greater award available
    if ticket purchases have increased the size of the jackpot.
    LOTTO prizes in excess of $1,000,000 are paid in 20 equal annual
    installments, each made by means of a check from the State
    payable to the prizewinner and drawn on funds in the custody of
    the State Treasurer.    Winners are not entitled to elect payment
    in the form of a lump sum.   As in effect during the year of
    decedent’s death, the following administrative regulations
    prohibited a LOTTO prizewinner from assigning or accelerating
    payment of the installments:
    (d) Prizes non-assignable. A prize to which a
    purchaser may become entitled shall not be assignable.
    (e) Payments not accelerated. Under no circumstances,
    including the death of a prize winner, shall installment
    payments of prize money be accelerated. In all cases such
    payments shall continue as specified in the official
    procedures. The division shall make such payments payable
    - 4 -
    to the fiduciary of the decedent prize winners’[sic] estate
    upon receipt of an appropriate probate court order
    appointing such fiduciary. The division shall be relieved
    of any further responsibility or liability upon payment of
    such installment prize payments to the fiduciary of the
    estate of a deceased installment prize winner or the heirs
    or beneficiaries thereof named in an appropriate probate
    court order. [Conn. Agencies Regs. sec. 12-568-5(d) and (e)
    The Division was authorized to, and did, fund its LOTTO
    obligations through the periodic purchase of commercial
    annuities.   The Division was named as owner of these contracts,
    and all payments made thereunder were remitted to the State.    No
    specific prizewinner was either a party to or a named beneficiary
    of the annuity contracts.   The record does not reflect the cost
    of these contracts, presumably because the State typically
    acquired a combined annuity to provide for payment of all LOTTO
    prizes won during a specified period of time.   Additionally,
    payment of awards to lottery winners was not guaranteed by any
    State agency.   However, at no time through the submission of this
    case had the State ever defaulted on amounts due to the
    approximately 2,000 persons who had won LOTTO jackpots since the
    game’s inception in 1983.
    Decedent’s LOTTO Prize
    In late 1992, decedent and his wife won a Connecticut LOTTO
    prize in the amount of $15,807,306.60.   The award was payable in
    20 annual installments of $790,365.34 each, commencing on
    December 3, 1992.   After receipt of the first such installment,
    - 5 -
    decedent and his wife were divorced.    In conjunction with the
    ensuing settlement and division of the property rights of the
    couple, each spouse was to receive one-half of the remaining
    lottery installment payments.   Accordingly, $395,182.67, less
    applicable Federal and State withholding taxes, was remitted to
    each on December 3, 1993.   Thereafter, on June 4, 1994, decedent
    died unexpectedly while still entitled to 18 further annual
    payments of $395,182.67 each.   Since obtaining an appropriate
    court order as required by the Connecticut LOTTO regulations,
    these installments have been remitted yearly to the estate.
    The Estate Tax Return
    A United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer)
    Tax Return, Form 706, was timely filed with respect to decedent’s
    estate on September 11, 1995.   Therein, the estate elected to
    report the value of assets as of the December 3, 1994, alternate
    valuation date.   Decedent’s interest in the lottery installments
    was characterized on the return as an “Unsecured debt obligation
    due from the State of Connecticut arising from winning the
    Connecticut Lottery” and was included in the gross estate at the
    alleged present value of $2,603,661.02.    Respondent subsequently
    determined that the present value of the payments should have
    been reported as $3,528,058.22 in accordance with the annuity
    tables prescribed under section 7520, resulting in the $403,167
    deficiency in estate tax that is the subject of this proceeding.
    - 6 -
    I.   General Rules
    As a general rule, the Internal Revenue Code imposes a
    Federal tax on “the transfer of the taxable estate of every
    decedent who is a citizen or resident of the United States.”
    Sec. 2001(a).     Such taxable estate, in turn, is defined as the
    “value of the gross estate”, less applicable deductions.     Sec.
    2051.   Section 2031(a) then specifies that the gross estate
    comprises “all property, real or personal, tangible or
    intangible, wherever situated”, to the extent provided in
    sections 2033 through 2045.
    Section 2033 broadly states that “The value of the gross
    estate shall include the value of all property to the extent of
    the interest therein of the decedent at the time of his death.”
    Sections 2034 through 2045 then explicitly mandate inclusion of
    several more narrowly defined classes of assets.     Among these
    specific sections is section 2039, which reads as follows:
    SEC. 2039.    ANNUITIES.
    (a) General.--The gross estate shall include the
    value of an annuity or other payment receivable by any
    beneficiary by reason of surviving the decedent under
    any form of contract or agreement entered into after
    March 3, 1931 (other than as insurance under policies
    on the life of the decedent), if, under such contract
    or agreement, an annuity or other payment was payable
    to the decedent, or the decedent possessed the right to
    receive such annuity or payment, either alone or in
    conjunction with another for his life or for any period
    not ascertainable without reference to his death or for
    any period which does not in fact end before his death.
    - 7 -
    (b) Amount Includible.--Subsection (a) shall apply
    to only such part of the value of the annuity or other
    payment receivable under such contract or agreement as
    is proportionate to that part of the purchase price
    therefor contributed by the decedent. For purposes of
    this section, any contribution by the decedent’s
    employer or former employer to the purchase price of
    such contract or agreement * * * shall be considered to
    be contributed by the decedent if made by reason of his
    An interest included in the gross estate pursuant to one of
    the above-referenced provisions must then be valued.   As to this
    endeavor, the general rule is set forth in section 20.2031-1(b),
    Estate Tax Regs.:
    The value of every item of property includible in a
    decedent’s gross estate under sections 2031 through
    2044 [now 2045 due to addition and renumbering] is its
    fair market value at the time of the decedents’s death,
    except that if the executor elects the alternate
    valuation method under section 2032, it is the fair
    market value thereof at the date, and with the
    adjustments, prescribed in that section. The fair
    market value is the price at which the property would
    change hands between a willing buyer and a willing
    seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to
    sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant
    facts. * * *
    However, section 7520, enacted as part of the Technical and
    Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, Pub. L. 100-647, sec. 5031(a),
    102 Stat. 3342
    , 3668, provides a specific rule for valuing
    enumerated forms of property interests, as follows:
    (a) General Rule.--For purposes of this title, the
    value of any annuity, any interest for life or a term
    of years, or any remainder or reversionary interest
    shall be determined--
    - 8 -
    (1) under tables prescribed by the Secretary,
    (2) by using an interest rate (rounded to the
    nearest 2/10ths of 1 percent) equal to 120 percent
    of the Federal midterm rate in effect under
    section 1274(d)(1) for the month in which the
    valuation date falls. * * *
    (b) Section Not To Apply for Certain Purposes.--
    This section shall not apply for purposes of part I of
    subchapter D of chapter 1 [relating to qualified plans
    for deferred compensation] or any other provision
    specified in regulations.
    For transfer tax purposes, regulations promulgated under
    section 7520 provide that the relevant actuarial tables for
    valuing interests covered by the statute are contained in section
    20.2031-7, Estate Tax Regs.   See sec. 20.7520-1(a)(1), Estate Tax
    Regs.; sec. 25.7520-1(a)(1), Gift Tax Regs.; see also sec.
    20.2031-7T(d)(5), Example (4), Temporary Estate Tax Regs., 
    64 Fed. Reg. 23187
    , 23214 (Apr. 30, 1999) (with effective date May
    1, 1999, but illustrating the calculation for valuing an annuity
    of $10,000 per year payable to a decedent or the decedent’s
    The regulations also delineate exceptions to the mandatory
    use of the tables.   In the estate tax context, paragraph (a) of
    section 20.7520-3, Estate Tax Regs., lists exceptions effective
    as of May 1, 1989, while paragraph (b) gives additional
    limitations effective with respect to estates of decedents dying
    - 9 -
    after December 13, 1995.   See sec. 20.7520-3(c), Estate Tax Regs.
    These exceptions, where pertinent, will be discussed in greater
    detail below.
    II.   Contentions of the Parties
    The fundamental disagreement between the parties concerns
    whether the stream of lottery payments constitutes an annuity
    which must be valued pursuant to the actuarial tables prescribed
    under section 7520.
    The estate concedes that the prize’s value is properly
    included in calculating decedent’s gross estate under the general
    rule of section 2033, as “an unsecured debt obligation” in which
    decedent had an interest at death.     However, the estate denies
    that the payments are similarly includible as an annuity under
    section 2039.   According to the estate, the lottery prize fails
    to meet the specific requirements set forth in section 2039(a)
    for classification as an annuity under that section.     Moreover,
    even if such criteria were deemed satisfied, the estate maintains
    that operation of section 2039(b) would result in including only
    that portion of the asset equal to the $1.00 purchase price, a de
    minimis amount.
    From these propositions, and to a significant degree
    apparently equating the term “annuity” in section 2039 with use
    of the word in section 7520, the estate argues that the LOTTO
    payments need not be valued under the prescribed actuarial
    - 10 -
    tables.   Rather, it is the estate’s position that the broader
    willing-buyer, willing-seller standard should control, with
    factors such as lack of marketability taken into account in
    discounting the prize to present value.
    In the alternative, the estate contends that even if the
    lottery award is held includible in decedent’s gross estate as an
    annuity under section 2039, deviation from the prescribed tables
    is warranted in this case.    The estate claims that the tables may
    be disregarded when their use would produce an unreasonable
    result and that, due to restrictions on the asset in question,
    such a situation is present here.
    Conversely, respondent asserts that decedent’s right to 18
    fixed annual payments constitutes an annuity which must be valued
    pursuant to section 7520.    With respect to section 2039,
    respondent maintains that the lottery installments satisfy all
    elements for inclusion in the gross estate under subsection (a)
    and that no grounds are provided in subsection (b) for limiting
    such inclusion.   However, regardless of the specific
    applicability of section 2039, it is respondent’s position that
    the LOTTO prize is an interest to which section 7520 applies.
    Respondent avers that the statute cited for inclusion in the
    gross estate is not dispositive of whether tabular valuation is
    mandated.   Rather, it is the nature of the payment stream at
    issue that controls, and respondent contends that the periodic
    - 11 -
    installments here exhibit characteristics consistent with rights
    properly valued under the section 7520 tables.   Moreover,
    respondent alleges that neither any general regulatory exceptions
    nor particular features such as lack of marketability permit
    departure from the tables in the circumstances of this case.
    Hence, in essence the parties agree that the value of the
    lottery installments is to be included in decedent’s gross estate
    and that the appropriate methodology for ascertaining such value
    is to discount the stream of payments to present value.    They
    advance opposing theories, however, for arriving at the relevant
    discount rate.   Section 7520 mandates use of a 9.4-percent
    discount rate for annuities valued as of December 3, 1994, and
    respondent contends that this statute is applicable to the facts
    before us.   In contrast, the estate argues that the discount rate
    should be determined by consideration of what a willing buyer
    would pay a willing seller for the asset at issue and, further,
    apparently finds that a discount rate of approximately 15
    percent, adjusting for risk, inalienability, illiquidity, and
    lack of marketability, is proper here.   Lastly, we note that for
    purposes of disposing of the legal issues raised by this
    proceeding, the parties have stipulated that if the Court
    determines departure from the annuity tables is warranted, the
    - 12 -
    value of the lottery installment payments as of the alternate
    valuation date will be deemed to be the $2,603,661.02 claimed in
    the estate tax return.
    III.    Analysis
    A.     Relevance of Section 2039
    As a threshold matter, this case presents a preliminary
    question regarding the relationship among sections 2033, 2039,
    and 7520.       Specifically, is finding that an interest fails to
    meet the criteria for inclusion in the gross estate as an annuity
    under section 2039, and is so included only under section 2033,
    determinative of whether the interest is an annuity within the
    meaning of section 7520?       We answer this inquiry in the negative
    for the reasons detailed below.
    The purpose of section 2039, by its terms, is to effect
    inclusion in the gross estate of annuity or payment rights
    meeting certain enumerated criteria.       At the same time,
    regulations promulgated under the statute indicate that section
    2039 does not provide the exclusive definition of interests which
    may be considered an annuity for purposes of the Internal Revenue
    Code.       Section 20.2039-1(a), Estate Tax Regs., recites the
    following:       “The fact that an annuity or other payment is not
    includible in a decedent’s gross estate under section 2039(a) and
    (b) does not mean that it is not includible under some other
    section of part III of subchapter A of chapter 11 [comprising
    - 13 -
    sections 2031 through 2046].”    The inference to be drawn from
    this statement is that certain interests properly characterized
    as an “annuity” within the meaning of the estate tax laws may not
    fall within the purview of section 2039.
    This inference is further supported by consideration of the
    rationale underlying enactment of section 2039.    It has been
    recognized that “Congress intended to include in the gross estate
    of a decedent for estate tax purposes the value of interests
    which under traditional common law concepts were never part of
    the ‘estate.’”   Gray v. United States, 
    410 F.2d 1094
    , 1097 (3d
    Cir. 1969).   Yet an annuity payable to a decedent’s estate would
    have been considered an estate asset and subject to probate.
    Additionally, examples contained in both the legislative history
    and the current regulations reveal a focus on nonprobate assets
    such as annuities payable to a designated surviving beneficiary,
    joint and survivor annuities, and employer-provided retirement
    annuities payable to a named beneficiary.    See S. Rept. 1622, 83d
    Cong., 2d Sess. (1954); H. Rept. 1337, 83d Cong., 2d Sess.
    (1954); sec. 20.2039-1, Estate Tax Regs.    It therefore would seem
    reasonable to conclude that section 2039 did not and does not
    purport to cover the universe of potential annuities that may be
    subject to inclusion and valuation for estate tax purposes.
    Case law also comports with this interpretation.    For
    instance, in Arrington v. United States, 
    34 Fed. Cl. 144
    , 145-146
    - 14 -
    (1995), affd. without published opinion 
    108 F.3d 1393
     (Fed. Cir.
    1997), the court described the interest at issue in that case, a
    stream of payments to be received by the decedent’s estate under
    a lawsuit settlement agreement, as follows:
    This settlement agreement also provided for the
    funding of an annuity “for the sole use and benefit of
    WILLIAM ARRINGTON.” Specifically, the annuity would be
    the sum of Two Thousand Twenty Seven and 86/100
    ($2,027.86) Dollars per month beginning on January
    7, 1990 for the remainder of WILLIAM ARRINGTON’s
    life, guaranteed for a minimum of three hundred
    and sixty (360) months. In the event of WILLIAM
    ARRINGTON’s death prior to the expiration of three
    hundred and sixty (360) months, the remaining
    monthly payments in the guaranteed period shall
    continue to be paid as they fall due on a monthly
    basis to the estate of WILLIAM ARRINGTON and not
    in a lump sum.
    The court then went on to hold the installments includible in the
    decedent’s gross estate under section 2033 on the grounds that
    the decedent was “the beneficial owner of the annuity”.   
    Id. at 147-148, 150
    .   Arrington v. United States, 
    illustrates that an annuity classification and a section 2033
    inclusion are not mutually exclusive concepts.
    Consequently, based on the foregoing authorities, we are
    satisfied that the particular section under which an interest
    might be included in the gross estate is not dispositive of the
    interest’s status as an annuity which potentially must be valued
    under section 7520.   Since the estate has conceded, and we
    concur, that the subject lottery payments are includible under
    - 15 -
    section 2033, we find it unnecessary to probe whether the
    installments would also satisfy all of the specific criteria for
    inclusion under section 2039.    Because an interest need not meet
    each of the particular requirements of that section to be
    considered an annuity, the only arguments made in connection with
    section 2039 that are directly relevant to the dispositive
    section 7520 issue are those concerning the meaning of “annuity”
    as a stand-alone term.    Accordingly, we proceed to analysis of
    these contentions, and we do so in the context of section 7520’s
    use of the word.
    B.   Meaning of Annuity as Used in Section 7520
    We are now faced squarely with the question of what is meant
    by the term “annuity” in section 7520.     The statute itself
    contains no definition beyond the phrase “any annuity, any
    interest for life or a term of years, or any remainder or
    reversionary interest”.    Sec. 7520(a).   The regulations under
    section 7520, as in effect on December 3, 1994, are equally
    devoid of explicit guidance.    Furthermore, we are aware of no
    cases offering a definition of the word in the context of section
    7520’s use thereof.   In such circumstances, the general rule is
    - 16 -
    that “a statutory term should be given its normal and customary
    meaning.”   Ashland Oil, Inc. v. Commissioner, 
    95 T.C. 348
    , 356
    Black’s Law Dictionary 88 (7th ed. 1999) defines annuity as
    “An obligation to pay a stated sum, usu. monthly or annually, to
    a stated recipient” and as “A fixed sum of money payable
    periodically”.   Webster’s Third New International Dictionary 88
    (1976) provides that an annuity is “an amount payable yearly or
    at other regular intervals (as quarterly) for a certain or
    uncertain period”.   We likewise pointed out in Estate of Shapiro
    v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 1993-483
    , that “An ‘annuity’ is
    commonly defined as a fixed, periodic payment, either for life or
    a term of years.”    Additionally, although not directly applicable
    here due to the December 14, 1995, effective date, we note that
    section 20.7520-3(b)(1)(i)(A), Estate Tax Regs., now contains the
    analogous statement that “An ordinary annuity interest is the
    right to receive a fixed dollar amount at the end of each year
    during one or more measuring lives or for some other defined
    In the instant case, the estate acknowledges that the LOTTO
    installments are consistent with these definitions.   However, the
    estate further maintains that such definitions, standing alone,
    are overinclusive, in that they focus solely on the payment
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    stream without taking into account the nature of the underlying
    corpus or asset giving rise to the right to payments.   According
    to the estate:
    An annuity is generally defined as a right to receive
    fixed, periodic payments, either for life or a term of
    years, but an annuity exists only by virtue of a corpus
    invested to produce an income stream for a specified
    term pursuant to a contract or other agreement.
    Contrary to the suggestion made by the Commissioner
    that the Stipulation of Facts regarding the source and
    reason for the payments is immaterial, any
    determination of the nature of this asset requires an
    analysis of the underlying characteristics and factors
    that create the right to those payments. * * *
    The estate proceeds to offer a litany of features which
    would characterize what, in the estate’s estimation, would
    customarily be understood as an annuity.   As described by the
    estate, an annuity is purchased for a premium substantially
    greater than $1.   The annual installments are then derived from
    this corpus invested by or for the recipient, such that an
    annuity contract provides for the liquidation of an asset.     The
    amount of the installments, in turn, is a function not only of
    the invested contribution but also typically of the annuitant’s
    age, gender, health, and the type of annuity contract purchased.
    With respect to contract type, options available to the
    purchaser, each with a consequent impact on benefit level,
    include an immediate or a deferred benefit, a single or an annual
    premium, a fixed or a variable payment, and a termination of
    benefits on death or a guaranteed minimum number of installments.
    - 18 -
    In addition, an annuity contract will usually provide the owner
    with specific rights during the period the agreement remains in
    force.   The contract can generally be alienated and assigned, and
    the owner can elect to name a beneficiary of the contract.
    In contrast, the estate emphasizes that a LOTTO prize is the
    result of a $1 wager, not a substantial invested premium.    The
    annual installments are derived from the income and investments
    of the State, not from the corpus supplied by the purchaser.     The
    winner’s age, gender, or health play no role in determining the
    benefit level.   Additionally, the winner lacks any ability to
    make choices regarding payment commencement, amount, duration, or
    termination, and cannot assign the installments or elect a
    beneficiary to receive installments upon the winner’s death.
    Having thus attempted to demonstrate that the lottery prize
    does not resemble a typical annuity valued under actuarial
    tables, the estate then goes on to cite a variety of assets
    yielding payment streams which, according to the estate, are
    valued not under section 7520 but rather by taking into account
    the unique characteristics of and restrictions on the asset.     The
    implicit invitation is that we determine that the installments
    here are more analogous to these alternatives and that similar,
    item-specific fair market principles should be used in the
    prize’s valuation.
    - 19 -
    The estate discusses notes receivable, leasehold payments,
    patents, and royalties.   We recount features of these assets and
    their valuation as stipulated by the parties, without opining as
    to the validity thereof, for purposes of framing the parties’
    respective positions.   A note receivable represents the promise
    of the maker to pay the holder a definite sum of money.    Notes
    receivable, although exhibiting a wide array of discrete terms
    and conditions, generally are the product of an agreement that
    provides for a series of payments over a period not necessarily
    determined by reference to the holder’s life.   Pursuant to
    section 20.2031-4, Estate Tax Regs., the fair market value of a
    note is presumed to be its unpaid principal amount plus accrued
    interest.   However, this presumption can be refuted by evidence
    that the interest rate, maturity date, collection risk, maker
    solvency, collateral sufficiency, or other causes warrant a
    lesser value.
    A leasehold interest is the product of an agreement
    providing for a lessor to receive payment for a lessee’s use of
    property.   Valuation of the resultant payment stream typically
    relies upon an income capitalization approach to discount the
    rental installments to present value.   Factors considered in
    calculating an appropriate capitalization rate include the nature
    of the property, the positive and negative physical attributes of
    - 20 -
    the property, the term of the lease, the market rate of rent for
    similar properties, and any risk factors that could affect
    receipt of payments.
    A patent is an exclusive right to make, use, and sell a
    patented item.   As in the case of a leasehold, the payment stream
    available to the holder of a patent is valued by quantifying a
    variety of factors to reach an appropriate discount or
    capitalization rate.   Such elements include the age of the
    patent, its economic and legal life, the income it generates, the
    products with which the underlying item competes, the risks of
    the relevant industry, and the status of the economy.
    A royalty is the income received from another for the
    other’s use of property, and the term is usually employed in
    reference to mineral rights, copyrighted works, trademarks, and
    franchise interests.   The value of a right to royalty payments is
    again based upon the particular characteristics and risks
    associated with the payment stream, taking into account the
    annual income produced, the length of the agreement’s term, the
    payment history, the possibility of sales or volume reduction
    with respect to the underlying asset, any pertinent governmental
    and industrial restrictions, and the nature of the underlying
    asset (including the quantity and quality of reserves for mineral
    and oil interests).
    - 21 -
    Thus, we have been presented, on one hand, with elements the
    estate believes characterize the type of asset that should be
    considered an annuity subject to valuation under prescribed
    tables and, on the other hand, with features exhibited by other
    assets yielding payment streams and used to derive an appropriate
    fair market value apart from mere reference to actuarial tables.
    The estate’s position is that the LOTTO prize involves a unique
    bundle of rights and restrictions which, like those inherent in
    notes, leaseholds, patents, and royalties, warrants an
    individualized approach to valuation.   Respondent, in contrast,
    maintains that there exist no pertinent differences between the
    lottery payments and other payment streams valued using the
    standardized tabular approach.
    Taking into account the above body of information and the
    parties’ contentions with respect thereto, we conclude that
    decedent’s lottery winnings constitute an annuity within the
    meaning of section 7520.   In reaching this decision, we first
    consider the characteristics of an annuity, both as portrayed by
    the estate and as reflected in case law.   Second, we focus on
    comparing these annuity features with those of assets which the
    parties agree are valued other than as annuities.   Third, we
    examine how the lottery payments fit within the framework so
    - 22 -
    1.    Analysis of Annuity Characteristics
    We begin with a few comments on the relevance of the
    estate’s submissions regarding the characteristics of a typical
    annuity.    While we do not dispute that the features cited may be
    widely present in commercially purchased annuity contracts, we
    point out that to the extent these elements are not also
    representative of so-called private annuities, they offer little
    insight into the nature of interests intended to be treated under
    the section 7520 tables.
    Section 7520(b) states that the section shall not apply for
    purposes “specified in regulations.”    Section 20.7520-1, Estate
    Tax Regs., directs generally that annuities be valued in
    accordance with section 20.2031-7, Estate Tax Regs., and the
    tables therein.    However, section 20.2031-7(b), Estate Tax Regs.,
    expressly excepts commercial annuities from its operation, as
    follows:    “The value of annuities issued by companies regularly
    engaged in their sale * * * is determined under § 20.2031-8.”
    Section 20.2031-8(a)(1), Estate Tax Regs., in turn provides that
    the value of such contracts “is established through the sale by
    that company of comparable contracts.”    Since the State of
    Connecticut is not in the business of selling annuity contracts,
    we clarify that the attributes of a commercial annuity are
    relevant here only in so far as they parallel what would be found
    with respect to a private annuity.
    - 23 -
    Although there are few cases applying section 7520 to such
    private annuities, this Court in Estate of Cullison v.
    T.C. Memo. 1998-216
    , affd. without published
    221 F.3d 1347
     (9th Cir. 2000), characterized an
    arrangement as a private annuity and required its valuation under
    section 7520.   The agreement at issue there provided that the
    decedent would convey all of her interest in certain farmland to
    her grandchildren by warranty deed and that the grandchildren
    would pay to her $311,165 annually for the remainder of her life.
       The agreement further specified that the decedent would
    have no further interest in the land after the date the agreement
    was signed and that the land would not be security for the
    annuity payments.   See 
    In addressing whether any portion of the land transfer
    constituted a gift, the estate argued that the annuity was
    properly valued apart from the section 7520 tables, on the basis
    of an interest rate supposedly reflecting that available on land
    sale contracts in the area.   See 
       We, however, pointed out
    that “Unlike a seller under a land sale contract, decedent under
    the private annuity would have only an unsecured right to receive
    a specified annual payment during her life.”    
     (fn. ref.
    omitted).   We then held that such an interest was within the
    scope of section 7520.   See 
    - 24 -
    In addition, cases decided under law preceding section
    7520’s effective date offer a degree of guidance on the concept
    of a private annuity for transfer tax purposes.    Even prior to
    the enactment of section 7520, estate and gift tax regulations
    had long contained actuarial tables for use in valuing private
    annuities, life estates, and terms of years.    See Simpson v.
    United States, 
    252 U.S. 547
    , 549 (1920); Dix v. Commissioner, 
    46 T.C. 796
    , 800 (1966), affd. 
    392 F.2d 313
     (4th Cir. 1968); Estate
    of Cullison v. Commissioner, supra; Estate of Shapiro v.
    T.C. Memo. 1993-483
    .     While no statute mandated
    their application, courts generally approved of and often
    required their use.   See Dix v. Commissioner, supra at 801;
    Estate of Shapiro v. Commissioner, supra.
    For instance, in Dix v. Commissioner, supra at 798-801, we
    concluded that the regulatory tables were to be used in valuing a
    lifetime “private annuity” paid pursuant to an agreement stating
    as follows:
    WHEREAS, THE transferor is willing to bargain,
    sell, and transfer to the transferees all the
    securities so listed in Schedule ‘A’, provided however
    that transferees, and each of them, will agree to pay
    the transferor a sum certain annually, as hereinafter
    set forth, regardless of the value of the securities so
    transferred and regardless of the income therefrom
    received by transferees * * *
    Similarly, in Estate of Shapiro v. Commissioner, supra, the
    will of the decedent’s predeceased wife had established a trust
    and instructed the trustee “pay to my husband or apply for his
    - 25 -
    benefit an annuity of Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00)
    Dollars per year from my date of death during his life”.      We held
    that the bequest was “properly characterized as a lifetime
    annuity under section 20.2031-7(a)(2), Estate Tax Regs.”, and
    properly valued by the tables prescribed thereunder.    Id.
    Given such cases, we are satisfied that the definition of
    annuity for purposes of section 7520 is broader than the estate
    suggests.    Estate of Cullison v. Commissioner, supra, involved
    neither a payment stream derived from an invested corpus nor the
    liquidation of an asset.   The payments in Dix v. Commissioner,
    supra, were equally independent of any underlying corpus.     The
    bequest in Estate of Shapiro v. Commissioner, supra, bears little
    resemblance to the contractual relationship described by the
    estate--purchase premiums, benefit options, beneficiary
    elections, etc., played no role in the annuity’s genesis or
    Moreover, the authorities discussed above also make clear
    that a private annuity may be nothing more or less than an
    unsecured debt obligation.   Consequently, the estate’s repeated
    labeling of the LOTTO prize as such in no way disqualifies it
    from annuity status.   That said, we turn to those assets that the
    parties have agreed are in fact not considered annuities for
    valuation purposes.
    - 26 -
    2.   Comparison of Nonannuity and Annuity Characteristics
    In seeking to ascertain what might distinguish notes
    receivable, leasehold payments, patent rights, and royalties from
    the annuities previously examined, we look first at notes
    receivable.   Furthermore, our review thereof convinces us that
    these assets differ from annuities in a fundamental respect.     It
    is the concept of interest which renders valuation of a note a
    very different enterprise from valuation of an annuity.     Because
    an annuity involves a series of fixed payments which bear no
    interest, it is actuarially valued by discounting the stream to
    present value.   The purpose of doing so is to account for the
    time value of money.   In contrast, because the vast majority of
    notes are interest-bearing, no such calculation is required.     The
    issue of time value is addressed by charging interest on the face
    amount, such that the outstanding principal typically corresponds
    to the present value without need for further manipulation.      This
    idea, in turn, provides the rationale which supports the rule set
    forth in section 20.2031-4, Estate Tax Regs., presuming a value
    equal to the unpaid principal amount and listing the interest
    rate (or, implicitly, lack of a market rate of interest) as a
    potential basis for deviation.   A similar approach presuming a
    value equal to the “face” dollar amount of annuity installments
    could not reasonably be suggested.
    - 27 -
    As regards leasehold, patent, and royalty payments, each of
    these assets, unlike an annuity, derives from the use of an
    underlying item of tangible or intangible property that exists
    separate and apart from the agreement to make a series of
    remittances.   Consequently, the anticipated payment stream can be
    affected by a wide variety of external market forces that operate
    on and impact the worth of the underlying asset.      This injects
    into the valuation of these payment streams risks and
    considerations beyond simply the time value of money.
    Hence, our review of a sample of nonannuity assets leads us
    to conclude that the common definition of an annuity is sound.       A
    promise to make a series of fixed payments, without more, may
    generally be classified as an annuity.      Conversely, if the
    agreement is tied to something further, such as an independent
    underlying asset or an interest rate, a different
    characterization may well be more appropriate.      With this
    framework in mind, we next focus specifically on decedent’s
    lottery prize.
    3.   Examination of Lottery Payments
    Based on the principles formulated above, we conclude that
    decedent’s LOTTO winnings are properly characterized for tax
    purposes as an annuity.   As the estate acknowledges, the asset at
    issue here derives solely from the State’s promise to make a
    series of fixed payments.   The right to installments is not
    - 28 -
    dependent on any particular underlying asset, is not subject to
    alteration as a result of external market forces, and does not
    bear interest.   Accordingly, while we see features which
    distinguish the payment streams generated by each of the
    nonannuity assets brought to our attention from the private
    annuities reflected in case law, we find no such characteristics
    weighing upon decedent’s right to the lottery installments.
    Moreover, in probing what attributes might differentiate
    some other form of payment from an annuity, we note a conspicuous
    absence.   The cases discussed above which declare certain payment
    arrangements to be a private annuity never address the
    contractual options available to the payee for taking advantage
    of his or her right to the installments.   Whether this right may
    be transferred or assigned are elements which fail to enter into
    the courts’ calculus.   Likewise, of the stipulated factors that
    apparently render note, leasehold, patent, and royalty payments
    unique and individually valued, none reflects any concern with
    the payee’s ability to manipulate the right to receive
    installments.    Additionally, because the estate so emphasizes the
    concept of marketability, we observe as a parallel that the
    parties provided by stipulation that notes come in a wide variety
    of types including, among other things, nonassignable.   Yet no
    one could contend that lack of assignability converts a note into
    some other form of asset.   Hence, we are satisfied that such
    - 29 -
    issues are largely subsidiary to determining the basic
    characterization, in the first instance, of a payment right.
    Whether these features affect the value in a particular case of
    an asset so classified is a question which we shall take up
    below.    At this juncture, we first hold that decedent’s lottery
    winnings constitute an annuity for tax purposes and within the
    meaning of section 7520.
    C.    Valuation of Lottery Installments Under Section 7520
    Interests within the purview of section 7520 must be valued
    in accordance with the prescribed actuarial tables unless they
    can satisfy the requisites for an exception to the statute’s use.
    As previously indicated, section 20.7520-3(a), Estate Tax Regs.,
    provides a list of exceptions effective May 1, 1989, none of
    which has been cited as on point here, and section 20.7520-3(b),
    Estate Tax Regs., enumerates additional exceptions effective
    after December 13, 1995.    See sec. 20.7520-3(c), Estate Tax Regs.
    While these latter limitations are not directly applicable to
    1994, the preamble to T.D. 8630, 1996-
    1 C.B. 339
    , which adopted
    paragraph (b) as an amendment to the final regulations under
    section 7520, addressed the relationship of the new provisions to
    prior law as follows:
    One commentator suggested that the tables
    prescribed by the regulations must be used for valuing
    all interests transferred between April 30, 1989 (the
    effective date of section 7520) and December 13, 1995
    (the effective date of the regulations). However,
    these regulations generally adopt principles
    - 30 -
    established in case law and published IRS positions.
    * * * There is no indication that Congress intended to
    supersede this well-established case law and
    administrative ruling position when it enacted section
    7520. Consequently, in the case of transfers prior to
    the effective date of these regulations, the question
    of whether a particular interest must be valued based
    on the tables will be resolved based on applicable case
    law and revenue rulings.
    Accordingly, the estate references both case law and section
    20.7520-3(b)(1)(ii), Estate Tax Regs., to establish that
    decedent’s lottery winnings, even if considered an annuity under
    section 7520, need not be valued by means of the prescribed
    At the time section 7520 was enacted, this and other courts
    had long accepted as a general rule that interests covered by
    then-existing regulatory tables were to be valued thereunder
    “‘unless it is shown that the result is so unrealistic and
    unreasonable that either some modification in the prescribed
    method should be made * * * or complete departure from the method
    should be taken, and a more reasonable and realistic means of
    determining value is available.’”   Vernon v. Commissioner, 
    66 T.C. 484
    , 489 (1976) (quoting Weller v. Commissioner, 
    38 T.C. 790
    , 803 (1962)); see also Berzon v. Commissioner, 
    534 F.2d 528
    531-532 (2d Cir. 1976), affg. 
    63 T.C. 601
     (1975); Continental
    Ill. Natl. Bank & Trust Co. v. United States, 
    504 F.2d 586
    , 594
    (7th Cir. 1974); Froh v. Commissioner, 
    100 T.C. 1
    , 3-4 (1993),
    affd. without published opinion 
    46 F.3d 1141
     (9th Cir. 1995);
    - 31 -
    Estate of Christ v. Commissioner, 
    54 T.C. 493
    , 535-537 (1970),
    480 F.2d 171
     (9th Cir. 1973).    It was equally well
    recognized that the burden of proving that this standard was met
    rested on the party seeking to deviate from the tables.      See Bank
    of Calif. v. United States, 
    672 F.2d 758
    , 759 (9th Cir. 1982);
    Vernon v. Commissioner, supra at 489; Estate of Christ v.
    Commissioner, supra at 535.
    In the instant case, the estate maintains that the annuity
    tables yield an unrealistic and unreasonable result for the
    decedent’s winnings on the grounds that “tabular valuation fails
    to consider (1) the unsecured nature of the LOTTO prize
    obligation, (2) the lack of a corpus from which to draw upon, and
    (3) the inability to assign, sell or transfer the interest.”     The
    estate asserts that the nearly $925,000 difference between an
    appraised value which purportedly takes these features into
    account and the section 7520 value shows failure by the tables to
    produce a realistic result.   Respondent’s position, on the other
    hand, is that case law authorizes departure from the tables only
    where one or more of the “assumptions on which the tables are
    based, namely probability of survival of the measuring life,
    assumed rate of return, or assumed continuous availability of the
    source of funds for payment of the interest” differ significantly
    - 32 -
    from the actual facts presented.   Respondent further emphasizes
    that a quantitative comparison of values obtained under different
    approaches is no basis for deviation.
    As a preliminary matter in our assessment of the parties’
    contentions, we reiterate a point made earlier.   Precedent and
    logic clearly establish that a private annuity, for purposes of
    the tables, may be both unsecured and independent of any
    particular corpus.   See Dix v. Commissioner, 
    46 T.C. 796
    , 798,
    800-801 (1966); Estate of Cullison v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 1998-216
    .   Hence, our analysis here will focus on whether the
    third of the estate’s alleged reasons for departure from the
    tables, the lack of marketability, supports such a deviation.
    A review of the cases addressing attempts to avoid use of
    the tables reveals that those permitting departure have almost
    invariably, with an exception to be discussed below, required a
    factual showing that renders unrealistic and unreasonable the
    return or mortality assumptions underlying the tables.   In
    general, it has been recognized that expert actuarial testimony
    establishing the Commissioner’s tables to be old or outmoded may
    be cause for deviation.   See Estate of Christ v. Commissioner,
    480 F.2d 171
    , 174 (9th Cir. 1973), affg. 
    54 T.C. 493
    Dunigan v. United States, 
    434 F.2d 892
    , 895-896 (5th Cir. 1970);
    Estate of Cullison v. Commissioner, supra.   As specifically
    regards return, rights to income from assets shown to be
    - 33 -
    nonincome producing, see Maryland Natl. Bank v. United States,
    609 F.2d 1078
    , 1081 (4th Cir. 1979); Berzon v. Commissioner,
    supra at 531-532; Stark v. United States, 
    477 F.2d 131
    , 132-133
    (8th Cir. 1973), or to be subject to depletion prior to
    expiration of the term interest, see Froh v. Commissioner, supra
    at 5, have been held properly valued apart from the tables.      In
    contrast, where known facts failed to establish a basis for
    concluding that a previous average rate of return would remain
    constant into the future, even a marked difference between past
    experience and the prescribed rate has not justified an alternate
    methodology.   See Vernon v. Commissioner, supra at 490; Estate of
    Christ v. Commissioner, 
    54 T.C. at 537-542
    .    With respect to
    mortality, a known fatal condition leading to imminent death has
    been ruled to make use of actuarial tables unreasonable.   See
    Estate of Butler v. Commissioner, 
    18 T.C. 914
    , 919-920 (1952);
    Estate of Jennings v. Commissioner, 
    10 T.C. 323
    , 327-328 (1948);
    cf. Bank of Calif. v. United States, supra at 760; Continental
    Ill. Natl. Bank & Trust Co. v. United States, supra at 593-594.
    At the same time, the courts repeatedly have emphasized the
    limited nature of these exceptions and the important role played
    by the actuarial tables.    See Bank of Calif. v. United States,
    supra at 760; Continental Ill. Natl. Bank & Trust Co. v. United
    States, supra at 593-594.    In the words of the Court of Appeals
    for the Ninth Circuit: “actuarial tables provide a needed degree
    - 34 -
    of certainty and administrative convenience in ascertaining
    property values and prove accurate when applied in large numbers
    of cases, although discrepancies inevitably arise in individual
    cases.”   Bank of Calif. v. United States, supra at 760.   There is
    also, in these cases specifically dealing with the standard for
    departure, once again a salient absence of any consideration
    regarding what rights the payee may have had to liquidate or
    dispose of his or her interest.   In fact, the income right at
    issue in Estate of Christ v. Commissioner, 
    54 T.C. at 499, 542
    which was held subject to valuation under the tables of section
    20.2031-7, Estate Tax Regs., was expressly made nonassignable.
    The trust instrument provided:
    The beneficiaries of this trust are hereby
    restrained from selling, transferring, anticipating,
    assigning, hypothecating or otherwise disposing of
    their respective interests in the corpus of the said
    trust, or any part thereof, and of their respective
    interests in the income to be derived and to accrue
    therefrom, or any part thereof, at any time before the
    said corpus or the said income shall come into their
    possession under the terms of said trust * * * [Id. at
    Yet no deviation was permitted.   See 
    id. at 537, 542
    Moreover, it is noteworthy that other forms of annuity which
    lack liquidity are expressly required by statutes and regulations
    to be valued under the Commissioner’s prescribed tables.   For
    instance, in the context of a grantor-retained annuity trust,
    section 2702(a)(2)(B) mandates valuation of a qualified retained
    annuity interest under section 7520.   Nonetheless, in order to
    - 35 -
    create such a qualified interest, the trust instrument must
    prohibit both (1) distributions from the trust to or for the
    benefit of any person other than the annuitant during the term of
    the interest and (2) commutation (prepayment) of the annuity
    interest.   See sec. 25.2702-3(d)(2), (4), Gift Tax Regs.
    Similarly, the present value of the annuity portion of a
    charitable remainder annuity trust is computed under section
    20.2031-7(d), Estate Tax Regs., notwithstanding that the trust
    may not be altered to provide for payment to or for the benefit
    of any noncharitable beneficiary other than the person or persons
    named in the governing instrument.       See sec. 1.664-2(a)(1)(i),
    (a)(4), (c), Income Tax Regs.    Hence, we find statutory and
    regulatory support for the premise that lack of liquidity or
    marketability is not taken into account in determining whether
    tabular valuation is appropriate.
    Given the foregoing precedent, we are convinced that there
    exists no authority for the anomalous position taken by the U.S.
    District Court for the Eastern District of California in Estate
    of Shackleford v. United States, 84 AFTR 2d 99-5902, 99-2 USTC
    par. 60,356 (E.D. Cal. 1999).    Estate of Shackleford v. United
    States, supra, involved facts nearly identical to those now
    before this Court.   Mr. Shackleford won a California lottery
    prize to be paid in 20 nonassignable annual installments and then
    died after receiving only three payments.       See id. at 99-5902 to
    - 36 -
    99-5903.   On the issue of valuing these payments for estate tax
    purposes, the District Court accepted with little explanation
    that the prize was an annuity within the purview of section 7520.
    See id. at 99-5905 to 99-5906.   However, the court concluded that
    departure from the actuarial tables was warranted because failure
    “to take into account the absolute lack of liquidity of the
    prize” rendered tabular valuation unreasonable.   Id. at 99-5906.
    We cannot agree with the District Court for several reasons.
    First, as indicated above, case law offers no support for
    considering marketability in valuing annuities.   (The only other
    case cited by the estate for this proposition, Bamberg, Executor
    under the Will of McGrath v. Commissioner of Revenue, No. 132709,
    1985 WL 15773
     (Mass. App. Tax. Bd. Sept. 20, 1985), is a State
    tax case that affords no cogent analysis of the issue for Federal
    tax purposes.)
    Second, the enactment of a statutory mandate in section 7520
    reflects a strong policy in favor of standardized actuarial
    valuation of these interests which would be largely vitiated by
    the estate’s advocated approach.   A necessity to probe in each
    instance the nuances of a payee’s contractual rights, when those
    rights neither alter or jeopardize the essential entitlement to a
    stream of fixed payments, would unjustifiably weaken the law.
    - 37 -
    Third, as a practical matter, we observe that an annuity,
    the value of which consists solely in a promised stream of fixed
    payments, is distinct in nature from those interests to which a
    marketability discount is typically applied.    As the estate
    acknowledges, discounts for lack of marketability are most
    prevalent in valuation of closely held stock or fractional
    interests in property.   Such is appropriate in that capital
    appreciation, which can usually be accessed only through
    disposition, is a significant component of value.    The value of
    an annuity, in contrast, exists solely in the anticipated
    payments, and inability to prematurely liquidate those
    installments does not lessen the value of an enforceable right to
    $X annually for X number of years.
    In connection with the foregoing, we further note that any
    attempted comparison to the “small market of those willing to
    purchase unassignable lottery winnings”, which the parties
    stipulated to exist, would be inapposite.   Decedent died owning
    an enforceable right to a series of payments.    Yet any purchaser
    buys only an unenforceable right and so is necessarily valuing a
    different species of interest.   What a LOTTO prize might be worth
    to such a speculator hardly reflects its value in the hands of a
    legitimate owner.   Hence, because there is no market for the
    precise interest held by decedent, the need for a standardized
    approach becomes even more apparent.
    - 38 -
    Lastly, we comment that section 20.7520-3(b)(1)(ii), Estate
    Tax Regs., cited by the estate, does not cause us to reach a
    different conclusion.   Section 20.7520-3(b)(1)(ii), Estate Tax
    Regs., deals with an exception to section 7520 for certain
    restricted beneficial interests and states:
    A restricted beneficial interest is an annuity, income,
    remainder, or reversionary interest that is subject to
    any contingency, power, or other restriction, whether
    the restriction is provided for by the terms of the
    trust, will, or other governing instrument or is caused
    by other circumstances. In general, a standard section
    7520 annuity, income, or remainder factor may not be
    used to value a restricted beneficial interest. * * *
    The regulation then goes on to cite two examples where its
    provisions would be applicable, one of which involves a power to
    invade corpus that could diminish the income interest to be
    valued and the other of which addresses an annuity payment
    measured by the life of one with a terminal illness.   See id.;
    sec. 20.7520-3(b)(2)(v), Example (4), Estate Tax Regs.; sec.
    20.7520-3(b)(4), Example (1), Estate Tax Regs.
    In light of the examples given and the previously quoted
    preamble of T.D. 8630, 1996-
    1 C.B. 339
    , we are satisfied that the
    intent of this provision was to formalize the existing case law
    regarding the validity of the tabular assumptions in situations
    where facts show a clear risk that the payee will not receive the
    anticipated return.   Thus, a restriction within the meaning of
    the regulation is one which jeopardizes receipt of the payment
    stream, not one which merely impacts on the ability of the payee
    - 39 -
    to dispose of his or her right thereto.   We cannot realistically
    accede to the view that an agreement for fixed payments backed by
    the full faith and credit of a State government raises any such
    concerns.   Accordingly, even if applicable, this regulation would
    not aid the estate.
    We therefore hold that lottery payment installments at issue
    here must be valued through application of the actuarial tables
    prescribed under section 7520.   Additional arguments by the
    parties, to the extent not specifically addressed herein, have
    been carefully considered but found unconvincing, irrelevant, or
    To reflect the foregoing, and to take into account any
    further allowable deduction under section 2053,
    Decision will be entered
    under Rule 155.