Kathy A. King v. Commissioner , 116 T.C. 198 ( 2001 )

    116 T.C. No. 16
    KATHY A. KING, Petitioner AND
    CURTIS T. FREEMAN, Intervenor v.
    Docket No. 5989-97.                     Filed April 10, 2001.
    P claimed relief from joint liability under sec.
    6013(e), I.R.C., which was repealed and replaced by
    sec. 6015, I.R.C. Intervenor (I) is P’s former spouse,
    who intervened pursuant to sec. 6015(e)(4), I.R.C., in
    opposition to P’s claim for relief. See King v.
    115 T.C. 118
     (2000). P and I filed a
    joint income tax return for 1993, on which they claimed
    a loss from a cattle-raising activity conducted by I.
    The loss was disallowed by R on the ground that the
    activity was not engaged in for profit under sec.
    183(a), I.R.C.
    1. Held: P meets all the requirements for relief
    under sec. 6015(c), I.R.C., unless R demonstrates that
    P had actual knowledge of the item giving rise to the
    deficiency at the time she signed the return. See sec.
    6015(c)(3)(C), I.R.C. When the item giving rise to the
    deficiency is a disallowed deduction, such knowledge
    must include knowledge of the factual circumstances
    - 2 -
    giving rise to the disallowance of the deduction. In
    this case, the fact giving rise to the disallowance was
    I’s lack of a profit objective. R did not establish
    that, at the time P signed the return, P had actual
    knowledge that I, her spouse, did not have a primary
    purpose or objective of making a profit under sec.
    183(a), I.R.C., with respect to the activity that
    generated the disallowed loss. Accordingly, P is
    entitled to relief from joint liability.
    2. Held, further, since the activity in question
    was attributable solely to I, and there were no other
    adjustments in the notice of deficiency, the relief to
    P extends to the full amount of the deficiency.
    Kathy A. King, pro se.
    Curtis T. Freeman, pro se.
    James R. Rich, for respondent.
    RUWE, Judge:    This case was assigned to Special Trial Judge
    D. Irvin Couvillion pursuant to section 7443A(b)(3)1 and Rules
    180, 181, and 182.   The Court agrees with and adopts the opinion
    of the Special Trial Judge, which is set forth below.
    COUVILLION, Special Trial Judge:    Respondent determined a
    deficiency of $7,781 in petitioner’s Federal income tax for 1993.
    Unless otherwise indicated, all section references are to
    the Internal Revenue Code in effect for the year at issue. All
    Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and
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    The sole issue for decision is whether petitioner is
    entitled to relief from joint liability under section 6015.    The
    underlying deficiency determined by respondent in the notice of
    deficiency is not at issue.   Curtis T. Freeman (intervenor) is
    the former spouse of petitioner and filed an intervention in this
    proceeding pursuant to section 6015(e)(4) objecting to the
    granting of relief to petitioner under section 6015.   See Interim
    Rule 325; King v. Commissioner, 
    115 T.C. 118
    At the time the petition was filed, and at the time the
    notice of intervention was filed, the legal residence of
    petitioner and intervenor was Hartsville, South Carolina.
    Petitioner and intervenor were married during 1982.    During
    1981, intervenor had purchased approximately 100 acres of land at
    Hartsville, South Carolina, and had begun a cattle-raising
    activity that continued for several years, including the 1993 tax
    year at issue.   This activity commenced with one or two cows,
    then grew to a herd of 25-30 cows with intermittent sales and
    purchases of cows and calves along the way.   It was by no means a
    profitable activity, although intervenor had the expectation
    that, over time, the activity would become profitable.
    Intervenor allowed some of his neighbors to pasture their
    livestock on the property, and the neighbors, in turn, assisted
    to some degree in caring for intervenor’s livestock when
    intervenor was frequently away from home in connection with his
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    sole income activity, a used car business.    Petitioner frequently
    visited the farm, with the children, and assisted minimally in
    its operation.   However, petitioner maintained or kept records of
    sales, purchases, and expenses.    She did not maintain a formal
    set of books but made sure that all records were kept together
    and submitted to their tax return preparer each year for
    inclusion on the joint Federal income tax returns she and
    intervenor filed.    Petitioner knew that the cattle-raising
    activity was not profitable, but she had expectations that, at
    some point, the activity would become profitable.    Petitioner and
    intervenor separated in May 1993, and, thereafter, petitioner no
    longer maintained records of the cattle-raising activity as she
    had done in the past; however, she knew that intervenor continued
    with the activity.    The record does not show in what year
    petitioner and intervenor commenced reporting the income and
    expenses from the cattle-raising activity on their Federal income
    tax returns, although the testimony at trial indicates that the
    activity was reported on their joint income tax returns for the
    years 1989 and thereafter.    For the year 1993, petitioner and
    intervenor reported gross income of $802, expenses of $28,199,
    and a net loss of $27,397 from the cattle-raising activity on
    Schedule C of their return, Profit or Loss From Business.
    Petitioner and intervenor were divorced in May 1995.      On
    December 23, 1996, respondent issued separate notices of
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    deficiency to petitioner and intervenor for the year 1993 and
    determined in each notice a tax deficiency of $7,781.    In these
    notices of deficiency, respondent disallowed the $27,397 cattle
    activity loss claimed on Schedule C of the 1993 joint Federal
    income tax return.    The basis for the disallowance was that the
    cattle activity was not an activity engaged in for profit under
    section 183.   Respondent made no adjustments to the income or
    expense amounts reported and claimed in connection with the
    activity.   The only other adjustments in the notices of
    deficiency flowed from the disallowed cattle activity loss.
    Petitioner filed a timely petition with this Court.
    Intervenor did not petition this Court.    Respondent, in due
    course, assessed the deficiency against intervenor, but no
    portion of that assessment has been paid, nor has intervenor
    challenged the assessment in any other court.
    In this case, petitioner does not challenge the disallowed
    Schedule C cattle-raising activity loss.    Her sole contention is
    that she is entitled to relief from joint liability under section
    6013(e).    After the case was tried and taken under advisement,
    section 6013(e) was repealed and was replaced with section 6015,
    which retroactively applies to this case.    Moreover, the
    intervention emanates from section 6015(e)(4).2   The case was
    See King v. Commissioner, 
    115 T.C. 118
     (2000), for the
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    again calendared for trial and heard pursuant to the provisions
    of section 6015.   Intervenor participated in the trial and
    objected to petitioner’s being relieved of liability under
    section 6015.   In a supplemental trial memorandum, respondent
    asserted that petitioner was not entitled to relief under section
    6015(b) or (c).3
    In Cheshire v. Commissioner, 
    115 T.C. 183
    , 189 (2000), the
    Court succinctly set forth the legislative history of section
    6015 as follows:
    For many taxpayers, relief under section 6013(e) was
    difficult to obtain. In order to make innocent spouse
    relief more accessible, Congress repealed section 6013(e)
    and enacted a new innocent spouse provision (section 6015)
    in 1998 as part of the Internal Revenue Service
    Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 1998), Pub. L.
    105-206, sec. 3201(a), 
    112 Stat. 734
    . See H. Conf. Rept.
    105-599, at 249 (1998). The newly enacted statute provided
    three avenues of relief from joint and several liability:
    (1) Section 6015(b)(1) (which is similar to former section
    6013(e)) allows a spouse to escape completely joint and
    several liability; (2) section 6015(b)(2) and (c) allow a
    spouse to elect limited liability through relief from a
    portion of the understatement or deficiency; and (3) section
    6015(f) confers upon the Secretary discretion to grant
    equitable relief in situations where relief is unavailable
    under section 6015(b) or (c). Section 6015 generally
    procedural history of this case.
    Pursuant to the Court’s holding in King v. Commissioner,
    supra, the Court’s order calendaring this case for further trial
    stated that the only issue to be considered by the Court would be
    petitioner’s claim for relief under sec. 6015, and the Court
    would not consider any challenges to the underlying deficiency by
    either petitioner or intervenor.
    - 7 -
    applies to any liability for tax arising after July 22,
    1998, and any liability for tax arising on or before July
    22, 1998, that remains unpaid as of such date. See H. Conf.
    Rept. 105-599, supra at 251.
    We consider the merits of this case under section 6015(c),
    which, in pertinent part, provides:
    SEC. 6015(c). Procedures To Limit Liability for
    Taxpayers No Longer Married or Taxpayers Legally Separated
    or Not Living Together.--
    (1) In general.--Except as provided in this
    subsection, if an individual who has made a joint
    return for any taxable year elects the application of
    this subsection, the individual’s liability for any
    deficiency which is assessed with respect to the return
    shall not exceed the portion of such deficiency
    properly allocable to the individual under subsection
    (2) Burden of proof.--Except as provided in
    subparagraph (A)(ii) or (C) of paragraph (3), each
    individual who elects the application of this
    subsection shall have the burden of proof with respect
    to establishing the portion of any deficiency allocable
    to such individual.
    (3) Election.--
    *       *       *         *     *       *      *
    (C) Election not valid with respect to
    certain deficiencies.--If the Secretary
    demonstrates that an individual making an election
    under this subsection had actual knowledge, at the
    time such individual signed the return, of any
    item giving rise to a deficiency (or portion
    thereof) which is not allocable to such individual
    under subsection (d), such election shall not
    apply to such deficiency (or portion). * * *
    - 8 -
    In Martin v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 2000-346
    , the Court
    section 6015(c) relieves certain joint-filing taxpayers by
    making them liable only for those items of which they had
    actual knowledge, rather than being liable for all items
    reportable on the joint return. In effect, this approach is
    intended, to the extent permitted, to treat certain spouses
    as though they had filed a separate return. This is a
    departure from predecessor section 6013(e) and companion
    section 6015(b) where the intended goal was to permit relief
    only if the relief-seeking spouse did not know or had no
    reason to know of an item.
    Accordingly, taxpayers who are either no longer
    married, separated (for 12 months or more), or not living
    together * * * may elect treatment as though they had
    separately filed. Section 6015(c)(3)(C), however, does not
    permit the election of separate treatment for any item where
    “the Secretary demonstrates that an individual * * * had
    actual knowledge, [of the item] at the time such individual
    signed the return”. * * *
    In this case, the activity giving rise to the deficiency,
    i.e., the cattle-raising activity, was attributable solely to
    intervenor.   As noted above, relief under section 6015(c)(3)(C)
    is not available to petitioner if respondent demonstrates that
    petitioner had actual knowledge of the item giving rise to the
    In Cheshire v. Commissioner, supra, this Court held that,
    where the spouse claiming relief under section 6015(b) or (c) had
    actual knowledge of items of omitted income but did not have
    knowledge “whether the entry on the return is or is not correct",
    relief was not available.   Id. at 195.   In furtherance of the
    - 9 -
    point, the Court stated:
    In our opinion, the knowledge requirement of section
    6015(c)(3)(C) does not require the electing spouse to
    possess knowledge of the tax consequences arising from the
    item giving rise to the deficiency or that the item reported
    on the return is incorrect. Rather, the statute mandates
    only a showing that the electing spouse actually knew of the
    item on the return that gave rise to the deficiency (or
    portion thereof). * * * [Id. at 194.]
    See also Martin v. Commissioner, supra, where this Court stated:
    “Thus, in Cheshire v. Commissioner, supra, we concluded that
    ignorance of the applicable tax law is no excuse and that
    respondent had met his burden of proving knowledge of the omitted
    The Cheshire case involved taxable retirement income
    distributions received by the taxpayer’s spouse that were not
    reported on the taxpayers’ joint income tax return.   The Court
    held that the “knowledge standard” for purposes of section
    6015(c)(3)(C) “is an actual and clear awareness (as opposed to
    reason to know) of the existence of an item which gives rise to
    the deficiency (or portion thereof).”   Cheshire v. Commissioner,
    supra at 195.   The Court further stated:   “In the case of omitted
    income (such as the situation involved herein), the electing
    spouse must have an actual and clear awareness of the omitted
    The quoted statement relates to sec. 6015(c)(3)(C), where
    the Commissioner has the burden of proof with respect to
    knowledge of the item giving rise to the deficiency.
    - 10 -
    income.”   Id.   The Court appended to that statement a footnote
    stating:   “We leave to another day the manner in which the actual
    knowledge standard will be applied in erroneous deduction cases.”
    Id. n.6.   Since the taxpayer’s claim for relief in Cheshire was
    based solely on lack of knowledge of the tax consequences of the
    unreported income, relief was denied under section 6015(c).   This
    case involves an erroneous deduction.
    Respondent disallowed the deduction involved in this case
    because petitioner’s former spouse lacked the necessary profit
    objective.   Even under prior section 6013(e), where the spouse
    claiming relief was required to prove lack of knowledge of the
    item, we said that “the taxpayer claiming innocent spouse * * *
    [relief] must establish that he or she is unaware of the
    circumstances that give rise to error on the tax return, and not
    merely be unaware of the tax consequences.”    Bokum v.
    94 T.C. 126
    , 145-146 (1990) (emphasis added), affd.
    992 F.2d 1132
     (11th Cir. 1993).    As previously indicated,
    Congress was attempting to expand relief from joint liability
    when it enacted section 6015.    When a spouse elects relief under
    section 6015(c), the burden of proving the spouse’s actual
    knowledge of the item in order to deny relief is on the
    Commissioner.5   We therefore hold that the proper application of
    See Culver v. Commissioner, 116 T.C.     (2001) (the
    - 11 -
    the actual knowledge standard in section 6015(c)(3)(C), in the
    context of a disallowed deduction, requires respondent to prove
    that petitioner had actual knowledge of the factual circumstances
    which made the item unallowable as a deduction.   Consistent with
    Cheshire, such actual knowledge does not include knowledge of the
    tax laws or knowledge of the legal consequences of the operative
    The factual basis for respondent’s determination in this
    case was the lack of required profit objective on the part of
    petitioner’s former spouse.   Section 183(a) disallows any
    deductions attributable to activities not engaged in for profit
    except as provided under section 183(b).   Section 183(c) defines
    an activity not engaged in for profit as “any activity other than
    one with respect to which deductions are allowable for the
    taxable year under section 162 or under paragraph (1) or (2) of
    section 212.”   This case is appealable to the Court of Appeals
    for the Fourth Circuit.   The standard for determining whether
    expenses of an activity are deductible under either section 162
    Commissioner’s burden of proof under sec. 6015(c)(3)(C) is met by
    a preponderance of the evidence).
    We note that in Cheshire v. Commissioner, 
    115 T.C. 183
    (2000), the spouse claiming relief was found to have actual
    knowledge of factual circumstances that caused the items of
    omitted income to be taxable and that her omission was based on
    her misunderstanding of the law.
    - 12 -
    or section 212(1) or (2) in the Court of Appeals for the Fourth
    Circuit is whether the taxpayer engaged in the activity primarily
    for the purpose of making a profit.    See Hendricks v.
    32 F.3d 94
    , 97 n.6 (4th Cir. 1994), affg. 
    T.C. Memo. 1993-396
    .   While a reasonable expectation of profit is not
    required, a taxpayer’s profit objective must be bona fide.    See
    Hulter v. Commissioner, 
    91 T.C. 371
     (1988).    Whether a taxpayer
    is primarily engaged in the activity for profit is a question of
    fact to be resolved from all relevant facts and circumstances.
    id. at 393
    ; Golanty v. Commissioner, 
    72 T.C. 411
    , 426 (1979),
    affd. without published opinion 
    647 F.2d 170
     (9th Cir. 1981).       In
    resolving this factual question, greater weight is given to
    objective facts than to the taxpayer’s after-the-fact statements
    of intent.   See Siegel v. Commissioner, 
    78 T.C. 659
    , 699 (1982);
    sec. 1.183-2(a), Income Tax Regs.
    Thus, several factors are taken into consideration in
    determining whether an activity is engaged in primarily for
    profit under section 183.   Generally, these factors, set out in
    section 1.183-2(b), Income Tax Regs., include:   (1) The manner in
    which the activity is conducted, (2) the taxpayer’s expertise,
    (3) the time and effort expended in the activity, (4) an
    expectation that the assets used in the activity may appreciate
    in value, (5) the success of the taxpayer in other similar or
    dissimilar activities, (6) the history of income or losses of the
    - 13 -
    activity, (7) the taxpayer’s financial status, and (8) elements
    indicating personal pleasure or recreation associated with the
    activity.    These factors are relevant in the context of this case
    to the extent they may indicate whether petitioner knew or
    believed that her former spouse was or was not engaged in the
    cattle-raising activity primarily for profit.
    The question in this case, therefore, is not whether
    petitioner knew the tax consequences of a not-for-profit activity
    but whether she knew or believed that her former spouse was not
    engaged in the activity for the primary purpose of making a
    profit.    Thus, in determining whether petitioner had actual
    knowledge of an improperly deducted item on the return, more is
    required than petitioner’s knowledge that the deduction appears
    on the return or that her former spouse operated an activity at a
    loss.    Whether petitioner had the requisite knowledge is an
    essential fact respondent was required to establish under section
    6015(c)(3)(C).    Respondent failed in this regard.   The Court is
    satisfied that petitioner’s knowledge of the activity in question
    was that it was an activity that she knew was not profitable but
    that she hoped and expected would become profitable at some
    point.    Respondent presented insufficient evidence to show that
    petitioner knew that her former spouse did not have a primary
    objective of making a profit with his cattle-raising activity.
    Petitioner, therefore, is entitled to relief from the tax
    - 14 -
    liability arising out of this activity under section 6015(c).
    Since the activity was an activity attributable solely to her
    former spouse, the relief to petitioner extends to the full
    amount of the deficiency.
    Decision will be entered
    for petitioner.